Should You Forgive Them? | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 3/24 – 3/26

Sometimes the path forward in love isn’t always clear. Mixed feelings and misunderstandings can have you doubting the direction of your inner growth and relationships.

Galena the Mystic is here today with a pick your own card love reading to illuminate the hidden forces at play in your love life, so you can gain confidence in your direction, and find true happiness in love. Enjoy!

Early Bird Sign Up For Private Readings With Galena

Exciting news! In just one week, Galena the Mystic will be offering Private Tarot Readings to a select few of Cosmic Updates subscribers. Due to popular demand, her schedule will fill up fast.

If you’d like a Private Tarot Reading from Galena, and want to cut ahead of the line, then enter your Name and Email in the form below to secure your early bird spot…

P.S. Which card did you choose and what did it have to say about your love life? Leave a comment below and let Galena know!


Hi, beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. It’s your intuitive tarot reader Galena the Mystic here. And I’m back again with another weekend love reading for the weekend of March 24 through the 26th.

I also just wanted to pop in and say Happy Astrological New Year to any of you who are celebrating that, honoring the new moon that recently happened in the sign of Aries. And I hope that you are intention setting, spring cleaning, and whatever else you need to do to make the most of this transit. This can be a really powerful time for a refresh and a revamp, not just in your home for spring cleaning, but in your creative endeavors, business endeavors and your personal life. Of course, that includes love.

Thanks so much for all your beautiful energy. And thank you for showing up to do something to take care of yourself today. So without further ado, let’s get right into your love.

Pick a card reading for the weekend of March 24 through the 26th. All right beautiful souls, I have three crystal groups for you to choose from. You’re going to choose which crystals resonating with you using your intuition. Feel free to check out more than one group if you’re unsure and take the messages that are resonating with you the most. But when you choose a crystal, you’re just going to fast forward to that section of the video corresponding with your group.

So for pile number one, we have fluorite. For pile number two, we have lepidolite. And for pile number three, we have fuchsite. Go ahead and take a moment pause if you need a little bit more time to consider your group. And I’ll see you in your readings.

First Group – Fluorite

Hey there pile one. Thank you so much for being here. You chose this beautiful fluorite, which has the energy of tranquility, heart soothing, and overall things becoming more peaceful and easier to understand and more clear. So this is a great crystal if you need some gentle abundance, maybe not too many big fast changes, but I’m getting this message of you, like, almost crawling out of a darker season.

So let’s go ahead and see what your overarching energy is. We have the Three of Cups, interesting. Three of Cups, this is the energy of celebration, happiness. So you could be celebrating something this weekend.

Let’s go ahead and get clarification on what this is. Friendships could be really important this weekend, as well as feeling connected to your friends. Let’s see what does this Three of Cups have to say about power wands and love life?

Okay, we have the Six of Swords reversed. Get a couple more okay. We have the Three of Swords reversed. Yet two more, please. World reversed. One more, please, Spirit. Okay, we got two. Let’s go ahead and see… We have the Queen of Swords reversed, and the Queen of Cups up right.

So while I do see you celebrating in some way, for some reason, it seems that there is something that you are missing or something that has not been brought fully to completion yet.

We have the Queen of Swords reversed, which can talk about us being really hard on ourselves, feeling incomplete without another, or just feeling incomplete, feeling like something’s missing. So either you are missing something in your perception. Or you feel that something is missing from your heart, from your environment, from your circumstances that would help you to move forward with clarity in some way.

So while you are celebrating this weekend, it seems like there’s a reason to celebrate or to gather. For some reason, it seems that – Oh! I just got a really specific message that might not apply to all of you – But if you were going to a wedding this weekend, this could kind of get you in your feelings a little bit. You could be feeling really sensitive.

And I just saw three through three at the time of seeing this. So if that is your case, I really feel for you. It sucks when you’re recovering from heartbreak yourself, and then you have to go see other people be happy, right, and see other couples celebrating their love. It’s kind of tough. So if that’s what you were going through, I totally understand. It could be a baby shower as well, something like that, where you’re seeing another person have something that you really wish that you had. And while you have good intentions – there’s no malice here – you have really good intentions that you can’t help but feel like there’s something missing from your life. And so I want to give you a heads up that, if this is you, be prepared for this. I think that if you can go into the weekend knowing beforehand, it could help you just strengthen yourself a little bit and affirm yourself a little bit and show up with an open heart with this Queen of Cups, okay.

I’m also getting another message of advice for some of you that if your heart is feeling sensitive, make sure you’re not over indulging in certain, you know, maybe this could be drinks or what have you, just make sure you’re not over indulging as a way to kind of avoid some of the healing that you’re doing. Because I think that your heart’s extremely raw right now. We do see you recovering from these things. So I’m not sure if this wounding is fresh, but I do see that the situation is still heavy on your mind and heavy on your heart.

And it is impacting the way that you speak about yourself. And I think that you’re having a hard time moving forward and feeling whole and complete in doing so. It’s almost like you, you know, you have to move forward, but you’re still in the dumps about it. You’re still very much in your feelings about it. And that is totally understandable. You can really take your time with your healing. For some of you that… you really need to know that it’s extra imperative that you’re kind to yourself, and that you’re gentle with yourself, and that it is okay. It is okay if this event is triggering to you, or if it brings up past wounding for you. And you’re not a bad person. And don’t feel guilty for having those thoughts about, you know, well, “Wow, I wish that was me.” It’s not anything malicious, is what I’m getting. And it’s only natural, okay.

I also really want to say that physical pleasures will never fill the void. If you’re hurting and you need to heal, the only thing that’s going to help you is going through it, going through the emotions, allowing yourself to feel every emotion and really letting it out with this Queen of Cups.

You could be using physical pleasures of any kind. It could be drinks. Like I said, this could be casual connections. It could be food. It could be a lot of different things. And, you know, it’s totally normal to, after a breakup or after a heartbreak of some sort, it’s totally normal to, like, you know, lay in bed and eat ice cream and cry. We’ve all been there and I think that’s really healthy actually. But that is not avoidant, right. That activity is actually letting yourself feel all of your emotion…so you overindulge in wallowing, right.

But you’re being warned against overindulging in distractions, distractions that are perceived as pleasurable in the moment, okay. It’s actually preventing you from really understanding everything that you need to see and realize about yourself in this moment. And it’s actually just delaying the negative thoughts that you’re having about yourself and the negative feelings as well. It’s preventing you from moving forward.

Okay, so let’s go ahead and get a couple Oracle cards for you. Because I wanted to mix it up a little bit today. Well, we have Create Sacred Space Number 32. So, yes, I absolutely think that you need that time to, like, wallow.

If you’re a little too sensitive to go to a party, or you’re a little too sensitive to go to a baby shower, you’re a little too sensitive to go to some sort of event where people are celebrating their love, then it’s totally okay to prioritize your healing.

And the sacred space is a safe container for you to just let it all out. And like I said, wallow, indulge in wallowing. I think that’s what you really need. You could be the type of person who doesn’t like to cry. Okay, air signs, I’m talking to you. It’s really, really encouraged that you do so at this time. And while we have a look in the mirror… What did I say? All I said that it’s time to fully understand something about yourself, right? And so you’re being encouraged to really actually confront what it is that you’re going through. You’re being encouraged to see yourself fully.

If you made mistakes in this past relationship, you could be experiencing a lot of shame. And you could be experiencing a lot of guilt. For example, if you were abandoned, you could be feeling like it’s your fault. And you could be feeling like you did something to deserve this or you’re so unworthy of love because you weren’t able to keep this person in your life or you weren’t able to prevent this heartbreak.

I want to say that it’s time that you look in the mirror and deal with those feelings. They’re not true 100%. They’re not true. And I can see that because we have the Queen of Swords reversed and also because no one’s deserving of heartbreak just as as a general rule, nobody is deserving of heartbreak.

Sorry, I’m, like, moving the cards all around, but I just want to make sure that you can see everything and that doesn’t look too crazy. Like I said, nobody deserves heartbreak. I feel like you are being extremely hard on yourself. But you’re not even realizing how hard you are being on yourself because you’re just pushing forward and, like I said, maybe distracting yourself. You can be distracting yourself with anything.

Let’s go ahead and get one more Oracle Card for you. Yeah, Create Sacred Space You can look in the mirror and confront yourself after what you’ve been through. And trust that it’s okay. Wow. Right as I say that, Surrender and Trust comes out! And look at how open she looks. Look at how free she looks in this card. She’s really opening her heart to spirit. She’s really letting that love and light… and you cannot let more light in and let more love into your heart until you release the baggage, release the burden, release the pain of the situation. And you’re going to do that by confronting it. You’re going to do that by crying, you’re going to do that by letting yourself feel all of your feelings and talking to spirit about it.

So this is a really big weekend for you when it comes to unburdening yourself. And if you’re able to do this one, I commend you. It’s really hard to do this. And you’re finally going to move forward. You’re finally going to be able to put one foot in front of the other and say, “I’m moving on from this.”

I think with this Queen of Swords, you could be telling yourself stories right now. You can be telling yourself the story of: “Forget love, I don’t need that. I’m never going to be loved. Who needs love anyways?”

Like, I’m getting this really determined energy, like an energy of: “I’m determined to just forget about it and just push forward and move on and what was me.” And this weekend, you’re not going to see yourself as a victim of circumstance anymore. You’re actually going to look in the mirror and see the situation for what it really is. Come to terms with yourself. And it’s gonna lead you to love yourself more.

You could really, actually, with this Queen of Swords reversed, you could actually have feelings of contempt for yourself. You could really despise yourself right now. Like, “Why am I not good enough?” And the truth is, you aren’t good enough. But you have to look in the mirror and see it. You have to see your wounds. You have to see why this happened from an intuitive space. And not such a logical space. Because I think your mind is a little warped right now. Your perspective is a little warped right now.

And you can’t feel that love from the divine right now. You’re not feeling the love from the universe. You’re not tapped into the universal care that the universe has for you.

When you’re able to overcome this cycle of distraction, and tap back in and release your burdens that are warping your perspective, you’re going to remember that the universe is conspiring in your favor. And that there’s more fish in the sea, and that love is possible for you, and better love is possible for you.

And there had to have been a reason, not just because you’re messed up, not just because of mistakes you made. But there had to have been a larger reason as well, as to why this breakup happened. Why the separation is occurring. There’s a bigger reason, and it’s a reason specifically for your benefit, is something I’m hearing.

So you’re going to be able to access gratitude again, which I think is something you’ve been distracting yourself from. I think it’s really hard to feel gratitude when you’re heartbroken or when you’re numbing yourself from heartbreak. If you numb yourself from pain, you’re also numbing yourself to the good, the very best that spirit has to offer you.

And so with this Look in the Mirror card, you’re gonna start liking what you see in the mirror again, and it’s also this sobering energy of I see myself clearly for the first time in a while. I haven’t really looked at myself, I haven’t really noticed how I’ve been treating my body or how I’ve been talking to myself. And now, looking in the mirror, I’m able to forgive myself. And forgive this situation.

I think forgiveness is a big theme self-compassion… is a, well, is something you’re going to prioritize this week, creating sacred space.

If you’ve been on the go a little bit more, like say you’ve been distracting yourself by keeping busy with work or keeping busy socially. And you’ve been neglecting your home this weekend, it’s time for some spring cleaning, okay, which is the perfect time to do this.

We just had the new moon in Aries. So, a wonderful time to do some spring cleaning, clean that mirror off, clean the dishes from your room, right, and become cozy, become grounded. And you’re going to feel so much relief. You’re going to feel so much lighter. And you’re going to realize that there’s nothing so horrible about you, or so horrible about this person, or this situation that you cannot overcome.

You’re also going to forgive yourself for your mistakes, okay. Because the universe doesn’t hold judgment for you over those things. They just want you to feel good. And right now I think some of the decisions you’re making to distract yourself from heartbreak, they’re not making you feel good.

But spirit and the universe really just wants you to feel good and, I mean, I want you to feel good, right. So you’re just realizing how you’ve been preventing your yourself from feeling good and maybe preventing yourself from moving forward, okay.

So this weekend is really big for you. Be very, very gentle with yourself, okay.

If you’re resonating with this message, I would love for you to go in the comments below and comment three things that you love and appreciate about yourself. I think that’s really what’s necessary, is you take a good honest look for yourself. And even in your journal, you could write down some mistakes you’ve made recently, maybe some of the things you’ve been doing to distract yourself from healing. Or you can write down maybe some of the mistakes you made in this past connection. And then you’re going to write a letter to yourself forgiving yourself. That’s really what I see some of you doing with this Create Sacred Space card, okay.

So pile one, I’m really rooting for you. I can’t wait to read your beautiful comments about the things that you love about yourselves. You all have such an amazing energy. So thank you so, so much for bringing that to the table. And bringing that to the comment section. I would love for you to show support to each other specifically. That makes me really happy to see so much love to each and every one of you. And I’ll see you in the next one. Bye.

Second Group – Lepidolite

Hello, hello, pile number two, my lovely lepidolite group. This stone is amazing. Oh, I love the reflection in this. So you could be reflecting on your life and your circumstances recently. But in general, this stone is amazing for bringing balance to your body, mind, heart and spirit. It’s amazing for reducing anxiety as well, just easing tension in situations, bringing things back down to earth as well. This shiny surface, though, is really standing out to me. So some of you could be looking at yourselves more closely in the mirror, looking at your lives a little bit more closely, realizing patterns as well, recognizing patterns that you’ve played a part in, and just reflecting it’s like a introspective energy, but it doesn’t feel too, too heavy. To me, it feels like more of a positive thing. He feels like you’re enjoying this reflection period.

So we have the Three of Wands, yeah, you could be looking to the past or just looking at how far you’ve come before you set sail in a new direction, is what I’m hearing. Three of Wands is about travel. It’s about taking off.

So, this weekend, you could be contemplating before going on a trip, or getting ready for some kind of trip-like preparation, or more. So it seems more metaphorical, like, more so, like, a journey that you’re going to go on, a healing journey you’re gonna go on. And it’s, like, making sure you have everything you need before you take off in this reversal. So, very interesting.

I’m wondering what it is you need to feel supported or to feel prepared for this journey. And it does seem like a healing journey. This could also be a journey for some of you where you’re improving your psychic abilities, or your intuition, or improving manifestation skills. So there’s some kind of journey that you’re anticipating going on. This could even be your spiritual journey, in general, like if you’ve just recently gotten into spirituality, or maybe you’ve been watching Tarot readings for a long time, but you’re kind of realizing: “Oh, I want to develop my own spiritual path or my own spiritual gifts and really understand, like, what it is I’m meant to be doing? I want to get in alignment with my purpose.”

So a lot of you with this recent new moon in Aries, maybe you’ve set intentions to become more aligned with your purpose. And in order to do that, you’re kind of making a plan. I’m seeing a lot of planning here.

Hmm, interesting. This seems really exciting. Like I said, it doesn’t feel heavy. Let’s go ahead and see what else we have in store for your weekend. I want to shuffle one more time. We have… this seems really hopeful. I feel like some of you have done a lot of shadow work and a lot of release. And now you’re coming to a point in your journey where you finally feel hopeful. And you finally feel optimistic about what the possibilities are.

Okay, wow, we have Ace of Pentacles reversed, and the Knight of Wands reversed. Let’s get a couple clarifiers. There could definitely be traveling, maybe moving to a new place. Or maybe you want to move to a new place or visit a new city or new country. And that’s why there’s some planning involved because, you know, you’re going to have to do some work or move some things in order to get there.

We have Knight of Wands reversed too. So I think that there is a little bit of a question when it comes to your purpose. Like, you’re not entirely sure what exactly you’re supposed to be doing. Or you’re not exactly sure the direction you’re gonna be going in. But you do intuitively have a sense that there’s something big here that you’re meant to work towards.

Like, I think some of you could be anticipating going on this spiritual journey and receiving some of the blessings Spirit has for you. It’s like, you know, they’re there, but you don’t know what they look like or what they might feel like. You’re not sure exactly what it is that you want. But, you know, you’re meant to work on these things, and heal and maybe manifest a little bit more.

Let’s go ahead and see what else we have here. Whoa, this is really exciting. Okay, we have Strength reversed. That just shot out for you. Oh, and we have the Four of Swords reversed.

So I’m hearing that you can no longer accept your current situation. And I’m hearing that you… I’m hearing that you’ve tried to make your current circumstances work for you. But you’re realizing on a spiritual level… I’m really feeling it in my heart. So you could be focusing more on your heart’s desires and moving more in the direction of your heart’s desires. It feels like you’re not settling anymore.

Let’s go ahead and get one more. We have the Six of Pentacles. Yeah, so you’re not settling for what has been given to you. Six of Pentacles can sometimes be about handouts, what we’re afforded. And it can sometimes talk about this… coming from a disempowered place, like we don’t have the skills or the resources we need to get where we want to go. So we’re kind of accepting what the universe gives to us.

So I’m getting a double message for this. In addition to that, and you feeling like, “Okay, I’m not going to just accept what I’m given anymore. I’m not going to settle. I’m actually going to go off and maybe branch out a little bit.” You’re receptive to your world getting bigger. Your arms are open to receive. And it seems like a really exciting new beginning.

Let’s see your top of the deck energy, Seven of Cups. See, there is a lot of question and a lot of uncertainty about what it is you’re meant to manifest, or what it is you’re meant to do in this lifetime, what you’re meant to receive. And that’s okay, because it seems like for the first time in a long time, you’re open to what is next.

This weekend could be a really powerful weekend for you to just journal about your heart’s desires and to get in touch with your desires. Again, especially with all of the Aries energy in the air right now, it’s really imperative that we get in touch with our desires and go after them unapologetically.

With this Strength reversed, and we have Wands reversed. So we have two fire cards reversed, you could just be feeling like a little lack of creativity. You don’t know which creative direction to move in as it pertains to your love life.

Specifically, I think you want to manifest a new partner, maybe a lot of you have gone through a lot of healing with this Four of Swords here. But now you’re kind of entering a new phase where you’re ready to receive love with the Seven of Cups here. It seems like you’re not sure exactly what those options are going to look like for your partner.

And I’m also getting a specific message that the next partner you manifest, they’re going to have a lot of qualities and a lot of traits that you are unsure of, or things you didn’t specifically write down. And so Spirit really wants you to see everyone you’re dating, especially if you’re casual dating and kind of keeping your options open and going on lots of dates. Spirit wants you to look at each option and really take into consideration all of their qualities and how those qualities affect you.

So, like I said, journaling can be really significant. Maybe after a date, or after you hang out with someone, it’s important to write down how they affected your energy and how that made you feel. Write that down and write down things that you noticed about them that you really appreciated, or that maybe you hadn’t considered before. And then take time to ask yourself, “Okay, is that something that I want to manifest more of in my life? Is that something I want to receive more of? Is that something that I can balance in my life?”

So there is this element of kind of dating and figuring out love all over again, and understanding what it is that you truly need from people. For some of you, you could have been with the same person for a really long time. I know this probably won’t apply to everyone. But you could have been with the same person for a really long time. And now it’s your first time back in the dating game. And so you’re just relearning, like, how to flirt with people and how to assess certain red flags. And you’re also realizing how big the ocean is, you know. They say there’s many fish in the sea or, like, realizing just how many fish in the sea there are. And it’s kind of a lot. It’s kind of like, wow, each of these people, they’re so, so so, so different. And so: “Who am I going to take on this journey with me, this journey towards my spiritual health and wellness, this journey towards the blessings that spirit has for me?”

So you’re kind of reassessing your needs and love and reassessing what you like about people and what you don’t like. So you’re doing a lot of, like, I’m seeing some of you could be going to, like, a speed dating event this weekend. Or some of you are just putting yourselves out there a little bit more in order to understand what it is that you want to manifest and getting a little bit more clear on it.

With this Knight of Wands and the Strength card reversed, I’m also seeing that for a lot of you if this is your group, you’re probably not in a commitment, love wise and you’re not rushing for commitment. That’s something that I want to say. You’re definitely taking a pause here. Because you’re starting to see that outside of love so much as possible for you. So you don’t want to just commit to one person right now. You kind of want to understand more about yourself and understand what you like and don’t like about people and what is beneficial to the cause of your life’s journey.

Okay, so let’s go ahead and see. I think this weekend, you could potentially have a lot of fun, be safe out there. Let’s go ahead and get some Oracle cards for you, so we can see… Okay, we have two that fell out, so we can see what else you need to know about this weekend. We have Give Birth. Wow. And that was unexpected. Let’s see what else they have Clear the Vessel. And on top of the deck, we have Make Mistakes. Very, very interesting.

So yeah, I feel like it’s safe for you to be dating right now. I feel like it’s safe for you to be getting out of your comfort zone. With this Give Birth, I feel like you’re giving birth to yourself, a new version of yourself. So this weekend, you could really do it up and give yourself a new look. And just go socialize, clear the vessel.

I’m hearing a specific message. This is something that I heard a while ago. And I don’t remember where but it was about love, how when we want to manifest love, we need to clean our room as if we’re going to invite a lover in. So you could be doing that and, like, actually preparing for, like, a date to come over.

And with this Give Birth, there could be some kind of creative project that you have in mind for the long term future. This Give Birth card is definitely giving me a long term future. And so right now, because that is your primary priority… your primary priority is your purpose and getting in alignment with that… you’re kind of just dating from a fun place and seeing what sticks and what doesn’t.

And another message I’m getting is that you’re keeping your energy field clear, you’re keeping your energy field clean. So you’re not staying in other people’s energy for too long.

You’re coming back to yourself with Make Mistakes. Like I said, it’s safe for you to go out and maybe have some bad dates, okay. We learn so much about ourselves from bad dates. And you’re going to come home from those kinds of situations and journal about it and ask yourself like, “Okay, what went wrong? Why didn’t I like this person?” And it’s gonna make your intuition a little bit more sharp.

And it’s actually going to help you get clear on the direction your life is going. The more you figure out the direction your life is going, the more that you’ll figure out what kind of partner or partners you want. And vice versa, the more you figure out what kind of people you like in your space and in your energy field, and the more you figure out what kind of people rejuvenate you and inspire you, the more you’re going to recognize your purpose as well. So both things are becoming clearer to you starting this weekend.

So this is pretty exciting pile two. I would love for you to go down in the comments section and let us know how this message resonates and share with us what some of your plans are. If you’re speed dating, or just dating in general, for the first time in a long time. That’s so exciting. Take care of yourselves. Like I said, be safe. And I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.

Third Group – Fuchsite

Hi, pile three. Thanks so much for joining me, you chose this beautiful fuchsite. And I love this glitter on it. I feel like this weekend has the potential to be fun for you for some reason.

So let’s go ahead and see what your overarching energy is. Ooh, we have the Sun reversed. Something is getting illuminated for you this weekend. Something is becoming clear to you, something that has not – Ooh, you could be getting a return of energy. That’s something that I’m receiving right now. So you could be feeling a revitalized feeling, like you have found your inner light is something I’m hearing too. I know that sounds so dramatic. But that’s what came out to me. You’re reconnecting to your childlike wonder is something I’m getting.

Oh, wow, we have Six of Swords. Let’s get a couple more. Okay, we have two that wanted to come out. Well, we have the Eight of Wands. Yeah, things are speeding up for you Seven of Pentacles. I love that these two cards came out together because the Seven of Pentacles and the Eight of Wands are almost like opposite energies. Quite a clear progression of events that has happened here.

We have Six of Swords. So this is the card of, like, the blues moving forward from a situation, moving from a situation that was maybe a little bit more tumultuous, to a season with calmer waters and stability, a little bit more clarity mentally. And it’s a bittersweet energy.

And then we have the Seven of Pentacles, which is about waiting and being very patient and kind of hoping that the tide turns and not being sure of what the harvest is going to look like.

And then we have the Eight of Wands where all of a sudden – boom – things move super fast. You could be reconnecting with someone and having communication with someone again.

Let’s go ahead and get clarification on some of these cards. Okay, we have the Eight of Cups. So yeah, I’m seeing here that you were walking away from something, something that you thought was really good and really favorable, or walking away from something that you thought you needed. And you were unsure if there was something better out there at the time that you had to walk away. And so you made this decision to walk away and you weren’t sure if it was going to pay off. You weren’t sure if it was the right decision. But you had hope in your heart that there was something better out there.

The Seven of Pentacles… you waited and waited, and you’re like, “Okay, I followed my instinct. I’m trusting in it. I hope that something turns around. I hope that I was right.” So there could have even been moments of self-doubt. And then – boom – this weekend, Eight of Wands… something comes in, a blessing comes into your life that helps you find your joy again, and you’re not just stuck in this waiting period.

Let’s go ahead and see what else we have here. Blue, this is exciting. It feels like, “Yes, finally.” You’re confirmed that walking away in the past was the right decision. It’s like, you know, it’s the right decision intuitively, but you haven’t seen anything in the 3D manifest to confirm it. And now you finally are this weekend, okay.

We have the Nine of Cups reversed. Interesting. Let’s get another one. Okay, and Justice reversed. Ten of Swords on top of the deck.

Okay, so some of you could be exhausted, just totally exhausted. Especially if things are speeding up in your career, or things are speeding up in your social life, you could just be really tired with this Ten of swords, because this card always makes me think of burnout.

Nine of Cups reversed and Justice reversed… You could feel like if your manifestation hasn’t arrived yet, you could feel like it’s just not fair. But I think this weekend, even if your specific manifestation that you’ve been asking for doesn’t manifest, it does seem like things are speeding up in a way where you can tell that the tide is finally turning and that there’s opportunities and there’s a possibility for things to improve. I do feel like there are just some loose ends to tie up in order for you to receive this.

And as I’m saying that I’m seeing 4:44 on my camera timer. So I’m taking as extra confirmation that you are on the right path forward. Four is also an angel number that can talk about discipline, and making sure that things are stable, and that we have all our ducks in a row and making sure that we’re really sure and really clear on things. And it’s also a confirmation that you are on the right track.

But there’s just some work that needs to be done here. And for you, I’m seeing that some of that work, that last… the last few ends that you need to tie up… It’s getting in alignment with your manifestation energetically, and feeling the hope and the joy that you wish to manifest through a connection or through a partnership. Feeling that on your own first, you could feel like your vibration has been a little bit off, especially if you’ve been busy. And especially with work matters, you could be feeling like a little bit more irritable or just a little bit off-center in some way. And so this weekend, you have a chance to get centered again, and to remember what it is that you wanted to manifest.

This is making me think of someone who’s gotten really comfortable with where they’re at, like maybe you walked away from a situation in the past and chose calmer waters. And then you just kind of started waiting and you became a little jaded and waiting. And that became, like, your new normal.

And now Spirit’s coming to shake it up. And with the Ten of Swords, things are gonna move so fast that there’s a possibility for you to get burnout. So I just want to give you a little bit of a warning.

With Nine of Cups and Justice reversed, I can see that you feeling like your manifestation is not coming. That is part of the lie you’re telling yourself or the untruth of your situation. And so with the Sun here, the fact that the Sun is even here… the Sun illuminates everything and it gives us our energy, and it gives us our nourishment and our vitality. So with this, I think you’re just lacking that zest for life. And it’s normal for you to lack a zest for life when you’re kind of waiting, right, but I think that this is really like a message. This is really a message that the wait is over, with this Eight of Wands. Don’t get too ahead of yourself or you might end up regretting it a little bit, okay. So take care of yourself this weekend.

And Justice reversed, you know, don’t give into the lie that your manifestation is not coming. Don’t get comfortable with it not coming. There’s a difference here. Spirit wants me to talk about the difference between detachment and stagnancy. I’m hearing the… I’m hearing the yoga sutra, which talks about having full investment and giving something or all, but still being very detached and still being detached to the outcome. Not that we’re detached from the experience, but we are emotionally and energetically detached from the outcome.

Some of you have maybe given up a little bit on manifesting something. You’ve kind of decided that it’s not happening anymore. And then maybe you’re telling yourself that that’s healthy detachment. And that’s not detachment, giving up on your dreams or losing faith is not the same thing as detachment. Detachment is actually you finding ways to be happy and energized without that one particular outcome happening.

This weekend, you’re rediscovering something that can bring you that vitality and just addressing this sense of resolve or this jaded nature that you’ve had. Also, the crystal you chose, fuchsite, it can help you overcome codependency, and it can help you recover from trauma. So you could be a little bit more jaded than you realize.

And this will help kind of reactivate your heart chakra and release the blockages there. Because I think some of you have a blockage in your heart chakra. And it’s because you’re afraid to get your hopes up. And you’re going to start seeing signs, small signs, that your manifestation actually is on the way and that your wishes can come true.

And I love that the Eight of Cups and Nine of Cups came out one after the other, because it’s actually consecutive. So we even have 678. So that really tells me that you’re on the right track. But with this, Eight of Cups and this Nine of Cups, one right after the other, I can see that this is your next phase… is wish fulfillment.

But with Justice reversed, you might not be able to see that yet. Or you might not even be receptive to it. You could be telling yourself that life isn’t fair, because you’ve gotten to a point where you made the sacrifices you knew you were called to make. And then something didn’t manifest right after.

And so Spirit’s saying, “Hey, be patient, things are about to speed up so much more than you could ever imagine.” And with his Ten of Swords, I’m almost getting, like, this feeling of being humbled, being really shocked and kind of blown away by your next manifestation. Same goes with if you’re thinking that you need to manifest one specific person that you maybe walked away from another situation for. I just want to say that that’s not the truth of the situation. It’s not true that you can only be with this one person. It’s also not true that you should go back to another person that you loved unless, like, your heart is jumping for joy at the idea of that.

But I think that you’re just meant to sit and wait, almost. Like, this Ten of Swords is making me think of a butterfly. You know how people sometimes display butterflies and put pins in their wings? You could feel like your wings are pinned right now. Like you’re limited in some way. Very interesting.

Let’s go ahead and get your Oracle cards. We have Honestly Assess… See as: “Honestly ask yourself. “Am I in alignment with my manifestation that I’m trying to have? Is this situation that I’m in really reflective of the lifestyle I want to live or the partner I want to attract?”

So there’s more you could be doing to manifest your situation. And it starts with you. We have here Stretch and Expand. So yes, think bigger, think bigger, think beyond what it is that you are hoping for. Because maybe you’re waiting for something to fall into your lap. When in actuality there’s something more you can be doing. Maybe you need to expand your social circle, and meet more people that inspire you.

Let’s go ahead and get one more. We have Collaborate. So, yes, like I said, social circle. You could be expanding your social circle. And also another message I’m getting is that a sign that your manifestation is on the way is that people close to you who you really love, they start receiving their manifestations. But yes, with this Collaborate, I feel like you need to collaborate not just with people around you, but with your spiritual team. It’s like they’re working on bringing you this. But if you’re not feeling it in your heart, your spirit guides understand your desires through your energy, and they’re going to honor what your heart wants. So if your heart doesn’t even jump for joy at the idea of this relationship, entering your life, or whatever this manifestation is entering your life, they might think that you just don’t want it or you’re not interested in that.

And if you’re not also honestly assessing your situation and kind of putting yourself out there and taking practical steps in order to receive this manifestation and opening your channels and making sure that you’re in the right place at the right time to potentially receive it, then they’re going to maybe think you don’t want it and maybe just not bring it to you.

So I see that that’s something you’re working on this weekend. And it’s pretty awesome because you’re getting excited again. Some of you could just need, like, recovery time in order to re-access your energy, because it seems like you might just be depleted from other circumstances, or you might just be a little cold because you’re used to being in a situation where nothing’s really happening. And so you’re getting a little bit unstuck from that energetically this weekend.

So, pile three, I hope that this reading resonated. Let me know down in the comments section. And I would love if you commented a reason why you were excited for this manifestation. And it would be awesome if you typed it as if you already knew it was coming. So for example: “I am so excited to love my next partner and receive the love that they have for me.” Or, “I’m so excited to reconnect with my motivation.” “I’m so excited to receive new friendships and put myself out there.”

So talk about it as if it’s already happening. And I think you’ll find that joy returned to you. Okay, so with that being said, I’m sending you so much love and care. Thank you so much for being here and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.

Galena The Mystic
Galena The Mystic

Galena the Mystic is an intuitive tarot reader and spiritual educator. She specializes in helping her clients with love, manifestation, personal empowerment, and psychic development. As a lifelong student and teacher of the mystical arts, she believes that all things are possible through self-trust, compassion, and serenity!

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 21:00h, 30 March Reply

    Thank you for all 3. My life has been uprooted since last week with a move & plans for better housing. I’m in pause mode after severing a friendship & hope to reconnect with him. My Intuition is to be patient – Manifesting my heart’s desire.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:40h, 01 April Reply

      Yes, patience is key! Thank you, Suzanne. Never give up on your heart’s desire! <3

  • Rohit
    Posted at 02:29h, 26 March Reply

    Readings have become so confusing and irrelevant. It was better when we didn’t have to choose these stones/cards. Please change to old methods.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:47h, 01 April Reply

      Hey there Rohit, I understand that picking a stone can be a challenge for the intuition. I choose to split the reading into 3 piles so people can receive more specific messaging that is relevant to them. This ensures I can serve more people adequately. Best of luck if you decide to try again! <3

  • Maria del Carmen
    Posted at 00:13h, 26 March Reply

    Thank you, 2 of your readings seem to resinate with me the first one and the last one. Thank you,

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:47h, 01 April Reply

      Wonderful, Maria! Thanks for tuning in again! 🙂

  • Tracey Rodgers
    Posted at 16:48h, 25 March Reply

    Pile 3 resonated the most as I was drawn to the Fushite from the beginning. I am excited about my spirit guides hearing my desires and helping usher in my new true love and relationship with the person who deserves me the most!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:47h, 01 April Reply

      I’m excited for you, Tracey! Thank you so much for sharing! <3

  • Emm
    Posted at 11:40h, 25 March Reply

    I resonated with both the 1st card and the 3rd card even more so then the 1st. I did break up with someone about a month ago because the relationship was very toxic. And now after 20 years another ex of mine came back into my life. He contacted me through an email that I rarely look at and we have been speaking since. And just yesterday he professed his love for me he said he has been searching for me all this time and that he still loved me that he never stopped. And that he found me and he feels like this could be meant to be. My blockage is that I’m so happy and my heart is filled with so much joy that I’m afraid and overwhelmed by it. So I am trying to push through that fear. But yes thank you for the reading you gave me a lot of clarity. Many blessings to you always. 🙏 💖

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:48h, 01 April Reply

      Wow, a 20 year separation! Thank you so much for sharing and I’m wishing you all the best in this reconnection. <3

  • Elaine Bentley
    Posted at 11:09h, 25 March Reply

    I’m so excited for my new relationship with my love to come around again

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:48h, 01 April Reply

      I’m excited, too! It will be beautiful. <3

  • Danielle
    Posted at 11:03h, 25 March Reply

    I am so excited for all the blessings and abundance that is about to enter my life. I’m so excited to be deeply rooted in self love and become the person I’ve always imagined to be. I am going to be successful, consistent, and confident in every area of my life and most importantly, I will love myself like never before.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:49h, 01 April Reply

      How amazing! I am excited to continue witnessing your growth, Danielle! Thank you for tuning in! 🙂

  • Katie Rose
    Posted at 10:33h, 25 March Reply

    I’m pile 3, bang on. To the point where I saw 4:44 in so many places this week and this morning I even looked at my bookshelf and saw my Yoga Sutras of patanjali that I read with this person 3 years ago and left my previous relationship for. Those were confirmation that it was for me. Every explanation and circumstance was what has been going on.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:50h, 01 April Reply

      I’m so glad the messages, signs, and synchronicities I shared resonated with you, Katie Rose! Thank you for sharing and tapping in! 🙂

  • Ruby
    Posted at 05:56h, 25 March Reply

    I choose the 1st fluorite and ohhhh every line, ever verse and precepts gave me bouts of laughter….”no really”, I felt myself in a another ‘D’. All the piece of advice is truly what I needed the most. Ty Galena.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:50h, 01 April Reply

      Hahaha, I love this, Ruby! Thank you for keeping up with these Weekend Love readings, I truly appreciate you! 🙂 <3

  • Maria Martinez
    Posted at 05:44h, 25 March Reply

    I’m so happy to reconnect with my motivation.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:51h, 01 April Reply

      How exciting! <3

  • Boitumelo
    Posted at 03:18h, 25 March Reply

    Geez…you have said it loud nd tnx for giving inspirations through the circumstances.I have faith that mine she coming back to me soon though we had many conflicts but just that I am totally happy for your readings.May de Man upstairs nd His Angels protects you and your family.Lots of love of hope…

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:51h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you so much, Boitumelo! <3 🙂

  • Melinda Osborne
    Posted at 02:08h, 25 March Reply

    Hi, Galena! I couldn’t decide between pile 1 & 3. Both fit. I am excited & celebrated today my youngest daughter is home from hospital with her 3rd son! Yet sad that I had no husband with me with both my daughters births. Also turned down a church gathering tonight. Only couples & all half my age. Would feel out of place. My boyfriend broke up with me last June. Sorrow went into my physical. I’m 73. Shocked & hurt me deeply. I still have hope & feel encouraged he will return with your words. I’m too old to start over with a strange man. You are spot on with your readings! Look forward to next time!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:52h, 01 April Reply

      Hey Melinda, thank you so much! It is totally okay to claim messages from both piles. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for tuning in. I’m sending you lots of love! 🙂

  • Michael Anthony Charo
    Posted at 23:06h, 24 March Reply

    Hi I picked the third stone and you are on point ..I’m really glad you said what you said cause I was about to walk away from someone that means so much to me due to the lack of transparency and uncertainty and this person is one I truly do love but it is a long shot really long shot my feelings betray me sometimes but you just cleared it up for me and I am again very excited to be with my love I’ve been pursuing now for about three years and to hear that it actually will manifest makes me very happy she’s the only one that could understand me though there is a communication gap at times and I’ve been through hell to find her it’s hard for me but I’m very glad to hear my efforts are not in vain that we will be together cause I don’t trust any other man with her I know they would not love her like I would whoever they think they are and she deserves a man that would put her first..a man that is not intimidated by her talents and or success but one who is genuinely happy and appreciative of all of her good and bad alike where she is free to fail and is loved no matter what and when she succeeds she is loved equally the same as it is very beautiful to watch your beloved take in wisdom along with every bit of love she deserves refining the truly beautiful person that she is though I wonder if she knows just how beautiful she is as I am not talking about her looks I’m talking about who she is truly inside it just so happens that she is also physically beautiful to match but I’m not looking at that when I look at her cause it would pale in comparison to who she truly is thank you for helping me to not give up

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:54h, 01 April Reply

      Hey there Michael, it sounds like your attachment to her is quite complicated, but I am glad my reading gave you some clarity! I recommend signing up for a private reading above, if possible. <3 Thank you so much for tuning in! 🙂

  • Patricia Wilson
    Posted at 22:57h, 24 March Reply

    Enjoyed the reading

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:55h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you! <3

  • Cathy Lyn Hickman
    Posted at 22:56h, 24 March Reply

    I’m pile one, boy do I feel it. Thank you for giving me hope. It feels hopeless when your beloved develops ALZ over the last 20 years, it beats up everyone’s soul. He is ready to go into a care home. All the hopes and dreams dashed for both souls and our adult son who is disabled. So, thanks for the hope. Goodbyes are hard, but that has been done already. Now placement and rebuilding. Thank you for the hope given during this reading. XOXO

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:55h, 01 April Reply

      So glad it resonated with you! Thank you for sharing what you’re going through. My heart goes out to you and I am sending you lots of love as you rebuild your life. <3

    Posted at 22:25h, 24 March Reply

    Hi Galena, so much content in all three readings & I can identify with all three. I’ve cut ties with a guy on the new moon & experienced heartbreak & am now nurturing myself while recovering from Covid. So this is definitely a time for being kind to myself because I wonder where I’ve been over the last two years as I finally see reality in a situationship. I want to manifest a loving relationship with a kind caring man.& where the energy feels safe.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:56h, 01 April Reply

      Wow, thank you for sharing, Alison! I am praying for your health and recovery, both physically and emotionally. Lots of love and luck for your manifestation! <3

  • Melinda Nelson
    Posted at 22:13h, 24 March Reply

    Good afternoon Galena,
    Thank you very much for a good reading. I choose the 2nd card. And yes, you are right. I am preparing to go to the hospital for my checkup. I live in the remote area and I will travel by train for 7 to 8 hours.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:57h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you, Melinda! <3

  • Emma Hagerman
    Posted at 22:02h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you for your reading. This is a season to celebrate for me. 1, I am ready to spruce up my home 2, I am going to some self reflection and began to forgive myself for my mistakes when trying to find love and 3, I am going to find time to make time for myself to heal and end self defeating thinking.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:57h, 01 April Reply

      What an exciting season, Emma! You deserve all the forgiveness and compassion in the world. <3

  • Rene Rodriguez
    Posted at 21:48h, 24 March Reply

    Wow whose magical may be cry a lot of things you said man oh my God. I believe yes i’m sorry I do.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:58h, 01 April Reply

      Thanks for tapping in, Rene! Lots of love to you. <3

  • Ramona
    Posted at 21:31h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you Galena for your great reading. I picked pile 1. Looking forward for positive outcome. See you on your next reading. God bless.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:58h, 01 April Reply

      Thank you, Ramona! I appreciate you tuning in again! <3

  • Lora Slayton
    Posted at 21:20h, 24 March Reply

    I feel that all three decks pertain to me and my situation although I did pick the first deck and I am excited that I’m going to have New horizons and meet new people and have a larger circle of Friends and be happy for a change within myself thank you so much for your reading.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 23:59h, 01 April Reply

      I’m so excited for your new friends and new horizons, Lora! Thanks so much for watching and receiving my messages! 🙂

  • Nina M Russo
    Posted at 21:17h, 24 March Reply

    Yeah, you are good. 😊 Thank you! So, I picked pile 2. I liked the reflectiveness of it… I have recently moved back home with the parents bc of a breakup with someone I thought I was spending the rest of my life with. I pretty much lost track of who I am and what I’m doing and finally taking that leap has led me to some self discovery for sure. And don’t even get me started on the whole flirting situation… 🙄 So, alot of what you said truly hit home and I thoroughly enjoyed this reading!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:00h, 02 April Reply

      Wow, Nina! Thank you so much for sharing about your situation. Here’s to finding yourself again, and again, and again. I hope you are doing so with lots of compassion! Sending love. <3

  • Jacqueline Burns
    Posted at 21:11h, 24 March Reply

    I am so excited that the one I love reconnected with me last night after a two month separation, with him stating that he wants to be with me!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:00h, 02 April Reply

      Wonderful!!! Thanks so much, Jacqueline! <3

  • Reshunda "Reece" Body
    Posted at 21:06h, 24 March Reply

    I picked pile 2. Every was so on point and let me know I’m on the right path with what I’m doing. That pile resonated with me strongly. I really am on a spiritual journey right now and learning more about myself.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:01h, 02 April Reply

      I love this! Cheers to your self discovery, Reshunda! 🙂

  • Leanne Koppi
    Posted at 21:06h, 24 March Reply

    Everything is exactly what I am going through right now!!!
    She’s spot on ❤️

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:01h, 02 April Reply

      Thanks so much, Leanne! I’m so happy you received the messages. <3

  • Linda
    Posted at 21:02h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you I appreciate this reading
    It is spot on and within the truth of going through the pain hard to do hard to hear it stated hard to embrace it’s reality yet hopefully not wallow too long
    It’s the stun of the pain from betrayal of character & lies

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:02h, 02 April Reply

      I’m sending you lots of compassion and grace as you recover from this tough chapter. Thanks so much for tuning in, I hope my readings can offer you some clarity and strength as you move forward! <3

  • Christine Burds
    Posted at 20:36h, 24 March Reply

    I picked pile 3. It truly resonated with where I was and what I am now feeling and look forward to what can be changing. I have worked so hard to get here and things finally might be working on my favor and paying off. Thank you

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:03h, 02 April Reply

      Congratulations on the work you’ve put into healing. You’re amazing! I am sure this work will express itself in your external reality. Thank you for sharing and keep up the fantastic progress! <3

  • Lisa Johnson
    Posted at 18:46h, 24 March Reply

    Love & Light always Galena, I picked card 2 and wow ! Spot on everything you said related to me I been on my own for a few years and in the last year and a half I met two guys both of the same religion but with different characteristics one oozes confidence , the other Is definitely emotional stuck , I am also on a spiritual journey too as I can see things and learning. To reader Tarot cards , to clarify, my visions , loving this Version of me , a blessing. but I am learning, I need to make decisions based on me , but to r third card also resonates with what I did years ago leaving a long term relationship where I had 2 kids, I see a lot of me in both cars readings .watch this space , thank you loud and clear

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:04h, 02 April Reply

      Amazing insights, Lisa! I loved reading your goals and I’m excited to hear more about how you evolve on this spiritual path. Thank you so much for receiving my messages and sharing your story! <3 🙂

  • Nesem
    Posted at 18:43h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you Galena. I chose card no.1

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:04h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you, Nesem! <3

  • Niecy
    Posted at 18:38h, 24 March Reply

    Yes, yes I chose crystal three and the Reading nailed it for me. A sign of relief overcame me because I’m in a huge process of healing and being relieved from a toxic situation!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:05h, 02 April Reply

      Sending you lots of love and gratitude! Be patient with yourself. <3

  • Laura Yovan Tucker
    Posted at 18:34h, 24 March Reply

    I think it’s time for. me to reach out for more guidance. I listened to both pile 1 and 2 readings and parts of both resonated with me. It feels like a lot to sort through and I’m having trouble discerning. Thank you!

    • Martha Radebe
      Posted at 01:34h, 25 March Reply

      Hello I chose the third stone everything is happening to me right now is what comes from the 3rd stone but now I’m excited about the love that is taking place between us my new partner is now showing his interest in me because for past few months he is being egnoring me when I’m talking to him so I decided to give him some space so two days ago I text him message then he responded nicely but I had the feeling at first that maybe I’m dealing with some red flags here before his responded to after two days now I think clearly that we’re going somewhere between us one more thing is about my spiritual calling because I don’t understand what is my mentor doing about my dreams when i told him what I see and what is supposed to happen to someone which my ancestors has shown me to warn them about something that can happen to them I feel as if have been blocked by him bcs nowadays can’t dream clearly like the first I was starting this I’m a Christian believer I pray and use my spiritual calling but things are getting harder I don’t know what is happening pls help me with my situation of spiritual calling thank you I’m looking forward to you to help me.

      • Galena The Mystic
        Galena The Mystic
        Posted at 23:53h, 01 April Reply

        Thank you so much, Martha! I want to encourage you to keep praying. When things get difficult it’s often a sign that things are going to change, let’s pray for the better! Keep your faith up and thank you for tuning in! <3

    • Tracy
      Posted at 12:49h, 27 March Reply

      I pick 3 was to long didnt hear what ot said smh

      • Galena The Mystic
        Galena The Mystic
        Posted at 23:45h, 01 April Reply

        <3 May you receive the messages you're meant to hear, lovely!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:06h, 02 April Reply

      It’s totally okay for you to receive messages from both piles! Trust what you know to be true in your heart, and what inspires a feeling of hope and peace within you. If you need more personalized guidance, feel free to sign up for a private reading above! <3 Thanks for tuning in and giving it a shot.

  • LuAnn Born
    Posted at 17:56h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you Galena
    I chose the third pile with the Fuchsite. I have been waiting to meet someone from an online relationship I’m in and I’m excited that it will happen next week. It has been over a year due to distance so your reading was spot on in terms of the waiting and doubts that it would ever finally occur.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:07h, 02 April Reply

      How exciting! Thanks so much for sharing and for listening, LuAnn! I’m wishing you the best of luck. <3

  • Cascilla Green
    Posted at 17:43h, 24 March Reply

    I am so excited to love my next partner, and receive the love that he has for me.
    Thank You!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:07h, 02 April Reply

      May it be so, Cascilla! Sending you lots of love! <3

  • Regi
    Posted at 17:33h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you for the amazing reading, Galena. Today I chose the fluorite, and your reading is exactly what i needed to receive. Though I don’t connect to any type of celebration this weekend at the moment. I’m an air sign, I rarely cry. About two months ago, I freaked on the most special and amazing man. We had 18 months of friendship, joy, laughter, travel, romance, and just fun experiences together. In not wanting to risk him pulling away, I neglected to establish my needs fully and uncontrollably exploded on him. He’s gone completely cold on me. I miss my friend and have indulged in let’s say a few martinis. WOW…you so are good! The first few weeks I thought he just needed time to cool off. These last few weeks feel punitive, like torture. I’m more angry with myself than him. I’m drowning in sadness, crying every day and night for weeks. Beating myself for acting so poorly. I was over triggered and responded like a teen girl instead of gaining perspective and expressing my feelings like a woman. Regret is more painful than failure!

    What love about myself: #1- I’m open minded and non-judgmental, #2-I”m youthful and energetic, #3-I’m a lady, classy (usually).

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:09h, 02 April Reply

      Wow, Regi! I am sending you so much compassion, grace, and forgiveness. Even if he does not forgive you, trust that you have already been forgiven in the eyes of the universe and that you have the power to forgive yourself. I love hearing the things you love about yourself, also! <3 Thanks so much for tuning in! 🙂

  • Alicia
    Posted at 15:57h, 24 March Reply

    I was connecting with Group 1. I am grateful for my open-mindedness, patience, and tolerance for ambiguity. I am now learning about myself, after the break-up that I AM worthy of love. And this time is to learn more about me, and fall in love with myself. Thank you so much for the reading.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:10h, 02 April Reply

      Beautiful qualities you have, Alicia! Thanks so much for listening and for sharing these lovely traits you’re embodying. You are so worthy of the highest love! 🙂

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 15:36h, 24 March Reply

    The first group cards is my choice. I don’t how I’m feeling right now. But it’s too soon for me to explain/ express my feelings yet.


    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:10h, 02 April Reply

      Take all the time you need, Scott! Thanks for tuning in. <3

  • Carnell tydus Randolph
    Posted at 14:51h, 24 March Reply

    Love the reading in a funny way I kind of felt all 3 so I will go about this weekend in away of just getting ready for a new beginning in all areas of my life

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:11h, 02 April Reply

      I love that you listened and received all 3 messages! Thank you so much. <3

  • Luvky Libra
    Posted at 14:27h, 24 March Reply

    I’m so happy I’ve meet new people who is like minded. I’m so happy ALL my manifestations are coming into fruition. I’m soooo happy I just won the MEGA MILLIONS 😀

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:12h, 02 April Reply

      This is wonderful, Lucky Libra! I’m so excited for you, too! Thanks for sharing and being receptive to my messages! <3

  • Sharon McAbrew
    Posted at 14:17h, 24 March Reply

    I know that I’m a good person I feel good about myself and I still love the person that I am not with right now, but I’m not angry. I feel in my spirit that he will be back so I’m that’s what I’m waiting on if he doesn’t come back and I’m willing to accept that also I’m a strong woman. Thank you for all your information. God bless..

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:17h, 02 April Reply

      Wonderful, Sharon! Lots of love to you! <3

  • gillian choo
    Posted at 14:08h, 24 March Reply

    Hi Galena, You nailed it with card 2 Many blessings gillian

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:17h, 02 April Reply

      Much love, Gillian! <3 Xoxo

  • Rita Maskill
    Posted at 13:54h, 24 March Reply

    Hi galena thank you for an amazing reading I picked number one and you are spot on I met some beautiful souls this week while on holiday and we have had the most amazing connection between us one man in particular now he and the others went back home today and I feel something is missing from my heart n soul we hope to keep in touch who knows I may have that missing connection back soon but this weekend is reflection time for me and I feel I need to relax,chill think I did have a bad past and was married for 40 yrs but left him 2 yrs ago because I deserve better and in the last 2 yrs I have been hard on myself as well has hurt felt lonely watching others share thier life with someone they love and I have mixed feelings first I want someone the next I don’t and wonder if I’m worthy to find that love again so thank you for my reading love n light to you oh the three things I love about myself are 1 being ME 2, having so much love in my heart n soul and 3 seeing others happy makes me happy too ❤️

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:18h, 02 April Reply

      Here’s to alllll the wonderful possibilities the unknown contains for you, Rita! Thank you so much for sharing this, your wild heart is truly felt. <3

  • Claudia Barillas
    Posted at 12:41h, 24 March Reply

    Wow….I am feel afraid….this saturday, I Will go to a wedding. Your words are true. Thanks you

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:19h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you for receiving and confirming, Claudia! <3

  • jeanette cox
    Posted at 12:39h, 24 March Reply


    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:20h, 02 April Reply

      Such a sweet message, Jeanette! I’m glad you found this so helpful! <3 🙂

  • Antonia s
    Posted at 12:33h, 24 March Reply

    I’ve chosen the second option and your reading is spot on – very accurate- I learned a lot thank you so much it’s unbelievable can’t wait until next week!

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:20h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you so much, Antonia! I deeply appreciate your intentions to keep tuning in. <3 🙂

  • Tyneisha Nicole Goston
    Posted at 12:12h, 24 March Reply

    Yes I am excited that I finally got my nerves up to cut Ties with a Ex that I felt was hindering me from moving forward with my life …

    • Emily
      Posted at 22:52h, 26 March Reply

      2. Spot on. I’ve been speed dating one guy since December 2022. He is perfect for me. He realizes it now. Even though he gets scared. All I have is patience for him.

      • Galena The Mystic
        Galena The Mystic
        Posted at 23:45h, 01 April Reply

        So wonderful to hear this, Emily! Thank you so much. <3

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:22h, 02 April Reply

      May the cords be cut, Tyneisha! I’m glad to hear you’re growing in courage & faith. Thank you for listening! <3

  • Zainab Gaal
    Posted at 11:58h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you so much, the second reading truly resonated with. I am just now getting back to the dating world after so many years.

    I am finally doing what my heart desires for the first time and I am no longer going to settle.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:23h, 02 April Reply

      How beautiful, Zainab! I am so grateful for you listening and sharing. <3

  • Molly
    Posted at 10:15h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you so much for your reading. Your delivery is so gently and kind which helps me to receive it. I have been on the defensive lately and in a negative place for a couple years. It is weird to think I have been stuck for so long over this but it was a very traumatic event for me. I was very in love with someone who didn’t love me back in the same way and he would ghost me at times and start fights to do his own thing for a few weeks or more. After these fights, he would talk to my sister as if she was his comfidan and she would even go to his house. When I found that out I said that was inappropriate and not to do that. One evening, she was there and I snapped and yelled in front of everyone and made a big scene and he was very degrading to me so I was humiliated. I cried myself to sleep that night and didn’t see him again, not did I speak to my sister for over a year. No apology, nothing. It crushed me and I feel like I am getting past it but I am still doing things to distract like you said and have some bad habits and unhealthy coping mechanisms. So yes three things I love about myself are 1) I have a big heart and am empathetic, 2) I am determined and driven so I have overcome a lot and 3). Im a deep, philosophical person and I am educated. To go back to your reading, it was on point. I have tried to make sense of why this happened and why he not only didn’t love me but would humiliate me that way and why my sister would betray me. It definitely makes me feel like they didn’t respect me. She has lashed out at me in the past and said very hurtful things. And not to mention that a lot of people took her side on the matter or made excuses for her. I didn’t really have anyone to help me through it and when I did reach out and get together with friends, I felt like i drove them away bc I was so negative and insecure. It felt like others were thinking that I was making too big of a deal about it and I definitely wasn’t any fun to be around anymore. I want to heal and be myself again. I am going to take your advise and journal and spring clean. You are a beautiful and gifted soul! Thank you. P.s. my bday was 3/21 which may have been part of the celebrating card. I think you mentioned your bday is around the same time?

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:28h, 02 April Reply

      Hello lovely, the betrayal you’ve experienced was truly awful and you are sooo strong for cutting them out. Intuitively, it seems your sister has a jealousy issue. You seem like a loving soul who may not realize someone might pick on you or even steal your partner out of jealousy. But I am so glad you’re moving forward and learning your true worth. You sound like a wonderful person. Thank you so much for tuning in and remembering my birthday, which was on the 27th. Happy Belated Birthday to both of us! <3

  • Justine
    Posted at 10:08h, 24 March Reply

    This reading was awesome. I chose card number three. It resonated with me all the way. I am so excited to reconnect with my motivation and receive all the love I deserve. I have been in a place of waiting and have walked away from a situation that was draining and seemed like there was no ending. Now I feel more love for myself and have been focusing on making my self a priority while at the same time helping family and friends. I started working on my dreams and goals. The manifestation that I always wanted seems now to becoming a reality. Thank you so much for your help and time today. Blessings.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:29h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you soooo much, Justine! I’m so happy to hear you’re growing in your self-love and manifestation. Sending you so much love!

  • Caroline
    Posted at 09:54h, 24 March Reply

    I;m so excited to hear that my love is on his way. I completely rexonate with the third reading. We have been waiting and waiting for the right tiime for him to retire – from work in Spain. And come to the United States for us to finally be together after 2 .5 years of talking on phone and writing love letters. Then, yes, we both paused. There was a time of – stepping back and taking a breath. But, now we have rekindled and are waiting for the Amazing news that he is on his way. My heart leaps at the thought of finally manifesting our Dream. Thank you so much for this on point reading. it stirs the fire and I’m excited.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:31h, 02 April Reply

      May you and your lover connect, Caroline! This is so exciting! Thank you for tuning in. <3

  • Virginia "Jenna" Stein
    Posted at 09:45h, 24 March Reply

    I am soooo excited to re connect with my motivation.

  • Lucina Vieira
    Posted at 09:20h, 24 March Reply

    Thank you Galena for the reading it looks very interesting.

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:30h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you so much, Lucina! 🙂

  • Datanya
    Posted at 09:19h, 24 March Reply

    Yes I claim the third deck

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:30h, 02 April Reply

      Thank you! <3 🙂

  • Kimberly
    Posted at 09:11h, 24 March Reply

    Could I of got the give birth card because I am pregnant

    • Galena The Mystic
      Galena The Mystic
      Posted at 00:30h, 02 April Reply

      Absolutely! <3

  • Lisa
    Posted at 09:11h, 24 March Reply

    I was talking with my first soulmate but it just went soul on me he was very controlling and I knew in my heart he was my wrong soulmate to be with he was always turning everything on me saying it’s my fault so in the long run I just felt hurt my heart got broken again by him so I decided I am going to find my other soulmate and yes I find him yesterday so far I feeling the love from my new soulmate man so yes I am feeling awesome right this minute so I know in my heart” he is my true soulmate yes “

  • Cheryl murphy
    Posted at 09:05h, 24 March Reply

    I love my very first boy friend I really want to marry him. He just keep acting out and causing big problems in the relationship, will we ever come together and get married.

  • Jasmine Randhawa
    Posted at 08:51h, 24 March Reply

    I love my best friend Rahul Sethi. But due to some problem, he stopped talking me. I want that he should come to my life again. I also want to marry him. Please pray that he talks me again 🙏🙏🙏

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