Speak Your Truth | Deco | Seven of Wands Decan Tarot Reading | 8/13-8/23

Are you feeling challenged or overlooked by others?

Deco is here with an intuitive message to help you stand up for yourself and overcome conflict in your connections.

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Hello, my friends, at Cosmic Updates. It is Deco back again and again. We are going to read for the decan that we are in this week. So today is August 18th, and that means that the card that we’re going to be focusing on is the Seven of Wands, which looks like this, and the Seven of Wands. When I see this card, I think of having the upper ground. Yes, he has people below him kind of coming after him, trying to influence him in some way, but he has the upper hand, and he’s going to fight for what he believes in. So the Seven of Wands is really kind of an energy that’s about standing up for what you believe in and standing up for the things that you want to do for yourself and standing firm in those beliefs. 

Now, if it is on its head, remember, because we’re looking at both sides of these cards, the light and the dark side. So the Seven of Wands being in reverse would suggest that maybe these opinions are getting the better of you and are making you struggle to stand firm. The things that you believe, because there’s all of these people with all of these opinions that you’re thinking about and thinking, hmm, are those valid opinions that are going to change how I feel about the things that I’m so passionate about, which is a struggle, because, really, what the Seven of Wands wants us to do is to say, yes, I do believe in these things. I do want to find success in these areas that I am so passionate about. 

But sometimes we can get bogged down by other people’s opinions or other people’s thoughts or things like that. With that in mind, let’s pull some cards and see what the Seven of Wands is going to bring us this week, just in this time of the month, you know? So let’s find out what challenges we might face, what successes we might see. What do we have to expect with this Seven of Wands energy? And immediately, we had some cards pop out. So let’s see what those are. So we’ve got the Eight of Wands in reverse with that Wheel of Fortune. And then our last card for this part of the reading is the Seven of Pentacles. So when we’re looking at these cards, first of all, the Eight of Wands coming right after the Seven of Wands, I would say, is very significant in this. The Eight of Wands, generally, when it is upright, is suggesting that we have a goal in mind, and we know exactly what that is. Right. 

If we’re looking at the story of the Wands, that Seven of Wands is us believing in the things that we want, standing up for our beliefs, standing up for ourselves, standing up against opposition. And then the Eight of Wands is like being so sure of your goals that nothing’s going to get in your way. However, this Eight of Wands is in reverse, which is saying either we have kind of a foggy vision of what our goals are for ourselves, or it could also mean with this Eight of Wands, that we just are struggling to stay on track. Right. That other people’s opinions with this Seven of Wands energy maybe did get the better of us and have kind of shifted our goals or skewed the potential outcomes that we really wanted for ourselves. Right. However, there’s some good here. So, yes, maybe you don’t have that end goal specifically in mind, but I do see this positive energy, especially with the Seven of Pentacles. We’ve got two Sevens here, because the Seven of Pentacles is someone who puts their best effort towards something and starts to see the fruits of their labor. 

So, just because maybe you don’t have that end goal in mind doesn’t mean that you’re not still claiming that Seven of Wands energy, the Seven of Pentacles, is suggesting that we do have that opportunity to stand up for ourselves and to see positive outcomes of the things that we have been fighting for. Right. And with the Wheel of Fortune in there, too, that’s, like, an even more specific card to say, like, yes, not only are you going to have positive outcomes, but it’s going to be from a positive mindset, too. So, even with this card in reverse, it doesn’t mean that we’re gonna lose our momentum. It doesn’t mean that we aren’t going to have these good outcomes that we’re looking for. It just means that maybe we don’t know exactly what that end goal looks like or what is going to happen at the end of our journey. Right? It’s just, we know the journey we’re on. We know what we believe in, and the outcome is still out there for us. We don’t know exactly what it is yet, and we have an opportunity to find clarity in that, in fighting for the things that we believe in right now. 

Let’s pull some more cards, see what else we need to know, because, again, this is positive. It does show that there’s good outcomes coming. I would say that this is definitely a positive Seven of Wands energy for you. But what else might we need to tackle here? Okay, so we’ve got the four of Wands, Five of Wands. And then that Emperor is in reverse. So there’s definitely some energy here that would suggest a little bit of the Seven of Wands being in reverse, and that would be this Emperor in reverse. Guys, this is a major Arcana, just like the wheel of Fortune was. But the Emperor in reverse is a really iffy energy. It could be coming from you, it could be coming from somewhere else. But regardless, it’s a weak leader. There’s some sort of weak leadership or weak motivation or something like that. And the Emperor, if it’s an external thing, this could be just like a really, like, disciplinarian, totalitarian kind of leader. Their way or the highway. And there’s that Seven of Wands in reverse where, like, there’s someone, maybe even yourself, that’s saying, no, it needs to be this way. Oh, no, it has to be this way, or, no, we need to do something in a certain way. And sometimes that doesn’t lend well to the Seven of Wands, because if we’re super staunch in the way that we get there, it doesn’t mean that we’re always going to get to the outcome that we want, because it requires a little bit of flexibility. Yes, you want to stand firm, but you want to be able to be flexible. 

Right on the flip, it could mean that there’s just not enough oomph behind those beliefs, and maybe that’s where that Eight of Wands in reverse comes in from earlier. It’s like we’re struggling to make those choices. We’re struggling to see the long term benefit of the things that we’re fighting for. And so we’re struggling maybe to really step up for those things, even though we’re seeing positive outcomes. Right. But now it’s time to really, like. Like, dig our heels in and figure out where we want to be so that you can have that positive Emperor energy, because it is a fiery, positive, very forceful energy. It’s tied to Aries, which would say, like, we’ve got a lot of positivity, a lot of, like, go getter kind of energy. But the thing about Aries is we struggle to finish things, right? Aries are really good at getting things started, struggling to wrap things up, which, again, that Eight of Wands energy in reverse is. Is kind of along those same. That same plane, you know? Now we’ve also got the four and the Five of Wands. So a lot of Wands in talks here, right. The four of Wands is about celebration, about good things, and the Five of Wands is about fighting against nature to get to those things. So the Five of Wands and the Seven of Wands, I would say, are very similar, because the Five of Wands is really about fighting, being motivated, going for your goals, making sure that those things happen, even if it doesn’t feel natural to you.

So, again, kind of fighting that Emperor in reverse energy, whatever is going on, where maybe you’re doubting yourself or you’re struggling to make that final decision to do something, the Five of Wands is in the back of your head saying, like, but you can do this. You can be successful in this area. You can make these choices and see these outcomes and have all this positivity. And the four of Wands is saying that it will happen. It’s kind of an interesting Seven of Wands energy here, because what we’re seeing is some things that are a challenge, mainly the end goals. But that doesn’t mean that the journey to get there isn’t going to be positive. It just means that there’s some hurdles that we have to overcome, either internally or externally. Right. We either need to say, hey, self, let’s start making some choices and knowing that whatever choice we make is a positive one for us. But, yeah, I really think that we have some positivity here. We need to be looking forward. We need to be fighting for those things and saying, you know what? We can make these decisions and know what these outcomes are going to be. As we’re still standing firm in the things that we believe in, we can know where we’re going to go from here, you know? 

Okay, now, I was shuffling these one already popped out, and it is Earth School. So if you know anything about tarot, this particular oracle card makes me think of the Three of Pentacles, because the Three of Pentacles is about learning, growth, working with people to make something better. Right? So Earth school is saying, maybe there’s something here that you could be studying or someone that you could be working with as a mentor or something along those lines that is going to help you in knowing what those outcomes, those end goals, those long term plans are going to be. And once you have more clarity there, I think that it’s going to be a lot easier for you to go toward those goals. Now, on the flip, this isn’t always necessarily about learning about something or working with someone. This can be learning from life experience, right? These are life lessons. Knowing that, hey, maybe if this Emperor in reverse is an external person, like, I’ve seen this energy before, I’ve interacted with these types of people before, and I can learn from those things and make sure that that is not the energy that I’m surrounded by. Right. Like, I can step up for myself and say, you know what? 

This is kind of an iffy energy, and I don’t want that for myself. I don’t want that to be something that. That follows me through life and becomes a cycle in my life. Like, I can say no to those weird iffy areas and be able to have more clear outcomes in mind. Right now, I really think that this is. It’s going to be kind of a challenging week because I see some things working against you in this area where there’s just opinions present or people that. That are manipulative, or maybe not manipulative as much as just saying, like, saying that their opinions are more important than yours. 

And I think that in, again, turning inward. I talk a lot about turning inward, but I think it’s so important for personal growth to be able to look hard at where you are and what you’ve been through and learning from those things instead of squashing them and not. And not having any growth or perspective gained from those experiences. You need to process them. You need to work through them and think, why am I feeling this way? How do I avoid those negative feelings in the future? And that is when you’re going to be able to claim the Seven of Wands energy, right? This. I believe in myself. I believe in the things that I believe in, and I’m going to stand up for them. But we’ve got to overcome these little things, these little doubts, these people around us that make us question things. And once we can squash those voices, that’s when we claim that energy and find those end goals. Okay, best of luck this week. I hope that you can claim that Seven of Wands energy not let other people’s opinions bog you down or make you doubt yourself. And, yeah, just be confident, my friends, you’ve got this. Best of luck.

Deco Lo
Deco Lo

Deco is an intuitive tarot reader whose mission is to give guidance to those who need it. She has a passion for making connections with those she reads for and loves to teach others about tarot. Deco loves learning and is always looking to deepen her understanding of the tarot and its spiritual connections.

  • Alicynn Gore
    Posted at 12:12h, 19 August Reply

    You hit this head on for me. I have been dealing with this a lot lately so thank you for more information and understanding. And also for the confidence boost. You rock!!!💐💐💐

  • Berthold Thomas Hantke
    Posted at 10:05h, 19 August Reply

    Hallo Deko, vielen herzlichen Dank für deine wirklich inspirierende Lesung. Ich stimme dir zu es geht um seinen Platz zu vertediigen. Nur so koennen wir auf dem richtigen Weg für uns selbst bleiben. Und ja unser Weg läuft nicht immer nur geradeaus. Wir müssen achtsam bleiben um zu sehen und zu fühlen wo wir eine andere Richtung einschlagen müssen.

  • Loretta Howard
    Posted at 02:29h, 19 August Reply

    Thank you Deco fabulous!

  • Holley Lawson
    Posted at 01:24h, 19 August Reply

    Thank you so much! You have a great way of explaining things so it’s easy to retain especially for those of us new to the game. I can’t wait to learn more from you! Hope you have a great week!

    With love & peace,

  • Alicia Pacheco
    Posted at 01:12h, 19 August Reply

    I’ve been through alot in my life my whole life I’m really still going through it lots of ups/downs mentally physically thank verbally I truly believe in my heart and my higher power I’ve always loved being spiritual yet I lost connections spiritually and I am proud to say I’m busy putting myself through the astrology process thanks again for guidance and support

  • Christina Nelson
    Posted at 00:18h, 19 August Reply

    Girl… Deco! You are right on the money this week. I was unemployed for 8 months and I started a job in the end of July… I only took the job because I desperately need income. I just finished training last Friday and I start taking calls tomorrow. Here’s the thing…. The supervisor sounds as sweet a honey but she throws me under the bus anytime I have a question or issue and she blames it on me in front of the group no matter what and doesn’t allow me to explain or speak up. Yet we have had two 30/45 minute conversations alone and she is as sweet as apple pie and says I’m going to do real well. I’m real uncomfortable with her because she’s two faced. Last week I had two interviews with other jobs and if I’m offered one of them, I’m just going to straight up quit with no notice. Seven of wands is me. You don’t know this but you’re my virtual friend you’ve never met since last year. Thank you… for your personable intuition. Xoxo

  • Denise Medina
    Posted at 20:47h, 18 August Reply

    Hello Deco,
    I appreciate your outreach support reading Seven Wands! Amazing findings, 👏🏻!
    Thank you💖

  • Numeriano P Reyes
    Posted at 18:26h, 18 August Reply

    Thanks for inspiring reading God Bless
    Very Trully Yours.Nhomer Jhaeson Reyes

  • Ruth Langevin
    Posted at 11:21h, 18 August Reply

    Thank You .. You were very presise in this reading.. I so appreciate it…
    Have a Beautiful & Blessed Day. 🥰🙏

    Namaste 💜💫💜

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 10:13h, 18 August Reply

    Thanks Deco,

    Have a nice day ( Sunday )


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