20 Nov Step Into Your Purpose | Mercury Retrograde Tarot Reading | 11/25
The shadow period of Mercury Retrograde has already begun… but Sirena Moon says you have nothing to fear.
The unexpected hiccups may seem intimidating, but this powerful transit can help you answer your heart’s true calling.
Just click the video below to receive her message now.
P.S. Do you have a hunch about your soul’s true purpose? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful, wonderful people with Cosmic Updates and beyond. Serena Moon here. And this week, I am talking about Mercury Retrograde. That is happening November 25th through December 15th, what that might mean for you. And I’m gonna get any messages from Spirit about this Mercury retrograde time for all of us. And as always, this is a group general reading, but if you would like a personal reading with me, click the link below. Okay, so on November 25, Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde. And this can bring travel difficulties, this could bring hiccups in communication, this can bring slowdowns, but there’s nothing to fear. I think Mercury retrograde sometimes gets a bad rep, but all you have to do is make sure you just leave some wiggle room and any plans that you have and just try and go with the flow.
There’s really nothing to fear with Mercury retrograde, but technology can sometimes kind of be a little bit iffy. So that’s something I have noticed with Mercury Retrograde. So just kind of make sure that you’re sending the correct email to the correct person, the correct text to the correct person, because communication can be a little funny during Mercury Retrograde. Okay? So just dot your I’s, cross your T’s, and just tread carefully in terms of technology and communication during Mercury retrograde, and you’ll be just fine. Okay? So with that being said, now I am tapping into Spirit, and I’m asking Spirit to please guide this reading to give us all any messages that we might know about this upcoming Mercury retrograde period from November 25 through December 15. What is the message for our highest good?
Spirit, what would you have us know about this Mercury retrograde time? From November 25 through December 15, what would you have us know for our highest good? For our highest good? Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, interesting. So we could be starting this Mercury retrograde time feeling like we are so ready to just step into our passions, into something that really brings our heart joy. But there’s this feeling that there’s some kind of waiting period. This could because of Mercury retrograde, sort of making you feel like, okay, this is not quite the right time to launch this thing. I’m passionate about, or, you know, part of me isn’t quite ready to step into my spotlight yet. For others of you, this is a real call to step further into your spotlight, into your passions, and into your heart’s calling.
The Queen of Wands is all about really getting in touch with what inspires you and getting motivated and expressing yourself and following your highest creativity and your highest joy and with it upside down, it might be that you need to allow yourselves some spaciousness, some time to connect within, to really connect with your joy and to connect with your creativity and to give yourself that time and to give yourself that permission to really step into your own joy, your own power, and your own magnetism.
So you might be just feeling a little bit shut off or shut down or dimmed down, as this starts in some way for many of you, or you might be for others of you, feeling as if someone isn’t quite seeing your full self, seeing just how incredibly charismatic, magnetic you are, but rather somebody is just seeing, making you feel a bit dimmed down. Okay. But there’s this feeling that the light kind of needs to turn on in your consciousness, in your mind, so that you can really step into the flow and get if so that things feel really creative. But there could be kind of a pause happening for some reason. Okay. But you are ready to move forward, that’s for sure. Okay.
So even if there’s some kind of frustrating or annoying kind of pause in terms of something that you really want to get going, you really want to launch, or you really want to just start expressing or experiencing, that brings you a lot of joy. There is such passion in your heart. You are ready to go. And for others of you’re definitely going to be traveling during this time. This chariot card often means travel. So again, give yourself plenty of wiggle room for delayed flights or change in flight schedule. You know, just be willing to go with the flow of that if you are traveling during this time. But for others of you, this is just a sign that you really are rearing and ready to go.
You’ve got something in your heart that is, you’re very passionate about and you do not want to wait anymore. So with this Mercury retrograde experience, you could be feeling almost frustrated, like you’re kind of run out of patience and you’re too excited to wait. You just want things to move forward in a positive direction in your life. There’s such a feeling of forward moving energy here. Okay. Which is a very positive thing to focus on, actually. It really is. There’s this feeling to turn your inner light on and go for it. Whoever’s watching this, even if it’s Mercury retrograde and things are slowing down, just ignore that and really go for it. Put the pedal to the metal and just do it. Okay?
And there could be for many of you, this kind of feeling of possibly like, you know, not enough money coming through at the moment, or feelings of some kind of frustration in terms of security or a person that you thought was going to be secure, a plan that you thought was going to be secure. It could be a little bit slow moving. It’s not, it’s still good, though. There are things here that are really good. It’s just that I’m feeling like for many of you, this is not going to fall into place until next year. Okay. So there’s some sort of foundational issue you’re dealing with in terms of. I mean, this could be for those of you like wanting to launch a new business or start a new job. It could be that this just doesn’t start until next year.
And even though you’re like really ready to leave the current job or you’re really ready to launch, there’s this feeling of there’s more things you need to do to create the foundation, you know, in the next, the last couple weeks of this year. And it’s going to set you up in a really good way for next year. Okay. And then for some, for those of you that are, you know, in relationship or looking for relationship, this is some feeling that you’re tired of waiting. But there’s something that’s really. Security will come next year, so it could be, you know, a feeling of a bit of, you know, frustration the last couple weeks of the year, but that’s okay. Just know that it’s on its way and it’s coming and you can move forward in other ways.
You know, you can date people or you can continue to date this person. It’s all about taking action and not being, you know, totally reliant your happiness, not being reliant on controlling the result that you get, but rather just going with the flow right now. Okay. And there’s something really good here to focus on about moving forward and cutting ties to the past. Okay? This is there. There’s some really good. You’re going to get some of you, some really inspired ideas, inspired words. Your communication, actually, for many of you watching during Mercury retrograde is going to better than ever. You’re going to have some kind of really good clarity come through or a brilliant new idea of some kind, or some kind of exciting clarity about a person, a communication from a person that makes you feel really excited.
And there’s also this feeling that with this new communication, you’re able to easily let go of the past, something that you’ve been hanging on to that’s just been weighing you Down. So there’s this kind of interesting feeling I’m getting for so many of you. Like maybe it’s because we’re coming to the end of the year and you’re just like, you’re just letting go of what you don’t want to take into this next year. You know, you’re letting go of what no longer serves you. There’s this feeling of such joy like dead weight being cut from you and feeling like, oh, I don’t have to carry that baggage anymore or deal with that person anymore or wait around anymore. Some kind of good communication.
Actually, it’s going to come for, like, so many of you in this Mercury retrograde period that’s going to put your mind at ease and free you from some kind of thing that was just draining your energy that has to do with old patterns, old people or something you were hanging on to in the past that now you let, you’ve let it go or something’s been healed, someone reached out to you or something from the past and it’s healed. So that’s really fantastic. And then from, for many of you, it could be that you thought you were gonna have to say goodbye to some person or some opportunity, but you don’t have to. Something is not leaving.
Okay, maybe something you thought was leaving that you thought was opportunity lost comes back or you find out, oh, okay, this isn’t, you know, I thought I was going to lose that job, I didn’t. Or I thought this person, you know, no longer thought about me and they got in touch with me. You know, it could be something like that. It’s just this feeling that something that you thought you had said goodbye to or walked away from, you know, in a way that you least expect, is going to pop its head back in. Often Mercury Retro can do that. We can hear from people from the past or things from the past can come back. People from the past can come back into our lives. That’s really interesting.
And for others of you, it could be that a trip you thought you were going to take, maybe plans get changed, the dates get changed, but there’s this feeling of kind of not having to leave a situation or walk away from a situation or say goodbye to something, you actually don’t have to say goodbye to it. It feels like a big relief for many of you, it feels really exciting. And then the outcome here is that you’re feeling like you can finally let go of this gigantic burden. Okay, there’s been a burden on many of you that you’ve been carrying all alone that’s been really weighing your heart down. All right, so there’s this feeling of. There’s this feeling of being able to let go of some kind of emotional burden or physical burden.
Perhaps this is just taking some kind of vacation and not feeling exhausted anymore. But there’s this feeling to really pay attention to your happiness, your energy. With the King of Cups in reverse, it’s really about making sure you’re not overextending yourself. You’re not letting your energy be drained during this Mercury retrograde by taking on too much, especially taking on too many emotional burdens, carrying some emotional weight for other people, but rather really paying attention to your own sel there. I think many of you are going to do a good job of that. Okay. Or there’s some kind of burden you’ve had to carry that gets released from you at this time. Okay. And you can kind of, you know, come into a little more self care with that. But let me pull another card about that spirit.
What do you mean by letting go of this burden? What’s another card about that? Oh, the Nine of Pentacles. That’s great. So Nine of Pentacles is all about personal success. It’s all about feeling really worthy, really loved, really satisfied, really powerful. Okay. So that’s amazing. So there’s some potential here. During the couple weeks of Mercury Retrograde 2, either kind of step into your joy and happiness in a passionate way, turn that light on inside of your heart and just really begin to take action. Despite all the elements not being completely, you know, in place yet. But begin expressing yourself. This could be writing things down, talking to people, putting yourself out there. There’s going to be some kind of opening here for your own success. All right. That leads into the next year being pretty powerful.
And for others of you, this is like really letting go of some person that really drained your energy. Okay. Not, you know, not like having to take care of this person emotionally anymore. And then you start to feel like you’re coming back into your energy, your magnetism, your power. And then for others of you, this is just a feeling of, wow, I, I’m no longer saying yes to everything. I’m sort of letting that burden go. I’m, I’m not carrying all of that emotional burden from the past. And it just gives you a feeling of just, you know, happiness, joy and security and most of all, self love. Okay. This is a card all about feeling worthy and just feeling like you’re glowing and that you love yourself, and you can stand powerfully on your own two feet.
And then because of that, you’re very magnetic, and it’s like the sign of Venus is all over her robe. You become very attractive to other people. So this is a card about magnetism, attractiveness, and really stepping into yourself, your own heart and your own power and your own path, your own purposeful path. So it’s really beautiful. Okay, everyone, so I hope that you guys have a beautiful Mercury retrograde period, and I’m sending you lots of love for this Mercury retrograde time. There’s nothing to fear. Like I said, all is well. Lots of love for this time and beyond. Until we meet again, all of my love.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 15:45h, 21 NovemberThanks sirena,
Have a nice wensday
Berthold Thomas Hantke
Posted at 13:13h, 21 NovemberHallo Serena Moon, sehr schöne und angenehme Lesung. Ich hatte ein Gefühl der Befreiung das für mich kommen wird aber das ich mir auch selbst geben darf. Danke für deine Liebe und Zeit.
Berthold Thomas
Terri Jones
Posted at 09:31h, 21 NovemberThank you for somehow accidentally falling into my email inbox a few months ago. These group readings have truly helped me to do some inner self reflection and have been very eye opening and weirdly spot on…. Thank you for taking your time to help others ❤️ I hope to do possibly do a personal session soon!
Posted at 00:32h, 21 NovemberHi Serena
I enjoyed your reading, it hit right on.
Love to have a personal reading soon .
Daniel w Wade jr
Posted at 21:59h, 20 NovemberAmazing wow overwhelmed thank you
Posted at 20:28h, 20 NovemberAs always the message I need to hear; a few different cards today, and nice to switch up the format (although I enjoy the sequence of questions you usually ask every week!). Miss your beautiful angelic face though!
Posted at 19:11h, 20 NovemberThank you, but I dread this period now, as I have already been feeling stuck and dimmed for such a long time, and am at my wit’s end. It really is too much and I can’t take it any more. I honestly don’t think the universe wants me to be happy and I have lost hope. Nothing is going well and I can’t move forward because all the circumstances are working against me. I feel trapped and I can’t stop crying.
Terri Jones
Posted at 09:28h, 21 NovemberI was feeling the same way about a month ago or so I really couldn’t function and could only cry. I have really been working on some major inner self reflection and changes to the way I look at the entire world and these readings have truly been helpful. I read a quote yesterday I think applies here “You cannot heal, what you cannot feel” so step into those feelings and find the underlying reason mine was very hidden and something I never expected, however I have been able to heal some gaping wounds throughout this last month but I had to feel so miserable through it to actually open my heart and eyes and see the path I need to begin following for everyone the path is different but I hope you’re able to heal… and find some peace and happiness
Donna Joy Bizony
Posted at 18:45h, 20 NovemberLike to have a personal reading from Serena.
patricia graham
Posted at 08:23h, 20 NovemberGood info you have been right on in many readings
Posted at 08:12h, 20 NovemberOMG! Magic. I have been a fan of your readings since you started and now you are right into your stride. It’s a fantastic reading and right where I am at right now.
Christopher Hukahu
Posted at 08:01h, 20 NovemberThank you.
I need help
Posted at 08:20h, 20 NovemberI should not interfere but if you are asking for a reading from Serena you should say that you’d like a personal reading and claim it.
Posted at 07:31h, 20 NovemberThank you!