Take A Deep Breath This Week | Weekly Tarot Reading | 6/26 – 7/2

Hello Tarot Friends, 

This is Jonathan with an important Weekly Tarot Reading. 

You have some major warning signs for the week ahead, so you’ll want to arm yourself with the information in this reading. 

Particularly in regards to business decisions and finances you’re going to want to stay grounded, do your research, and double check before making any big decisions. 

This is not a week for impulsive choices, or grabbing the bull by the horns. Do your due diligence! 

It’s not all bad, but walking through a number of landmines requires a sober state of mind, and a willingness to keep your eyes clear. So don’t drift off. 

This is a one step at a time kind of week, so let’s take a look at how you can navigate the road ahead in the days to come.

Card #1: Six Of Pentacles | The Right Investment

The Six of Pentacles represents generosity, financial support, and intelligent investments. 

When the Six of Pentacles arrives in a reading, you could receive some much needed support or you might be the one supporting others. 

But the Six of Pentacles also has a deeper meaning beyond the common interpretation of charity, giving and receiving. 

The two beggars at the foot of the wealthy man in the card image aren’t at the same level of poverty. The beggar on the left has a nice hat and less worn clothing, whereas the man on the right has disheveled hair and worn out clothing. 

This may seem minor, but the wealthy individual has chosen the man who is less poor to give money too. This inequity is mirrored by the coins above each beggar. There are three coins above the better off man, and only two above the other man. 

All that to say, the Six of Pentacles is not about indiscriminate giving. Rather, there is intelligence and discernment about where you invest your energy and resources.

So if you are investing in something, it’s important to make sure you are investing in what has a high potential to flourish. 

Alternatively, this could be a moment where you are in need of support. In which case it’s a great time to put your plans and intentions in order so investors feel confident you’ll use the added funds in the right way. 

The Six of Pentacles is also a cue to make sure you are spending your money in the right places. If you’ve been buying unnecessary items, or struggling to save, this is a good time to reevaluate how you are using your resources. 

Just like the wealthy man in the card, you can ask yourself if you are putting resources towards what will grow and prosper, or if you are spending without reason. 

On the flip side, you could be in a position to give money to others, or invest in projects you believe in. If you have enough wealth to help others this is a good time to consider how you would like to invest in your community. 

The wealthy man in the card image is clearly a savvy businessman, so this isn’t about giving money away. Rather, it’s about finding ways to help that will continue to grow and benefit others in the long run. 

You might also have a business or project you’d like to support in some way. If all things line up, the right project could also become a successful resource for you in the future. 

However it arrives for you, your next card is a firm reminder to keep your wits sharp and to move from your intellect rather than your emotions this week.

Card #2: Queen Of Swords | Intelligent And Detached

The Queen of Swords symbolizes perceptiveness, objective thinking, and clarity of communication. The Queen of Swords advises you to do independent research and to think for yourself. 

It’s important you stay cool, calm, and collected in the coming days. This is not a time to get wrapped up in distractions or thrown off balance by fiery emotions. 

As you can see in the card image, the Queen of Swords sits high above the cloud line, where she can see everything from a distance. It’s this height which allows her to stay detached and make logical and precise decisions. 

Unfortunately, the Queen of Swords doesn’t tend to come with good news. She is often a sign that things could get sticky. There could be some challenges on the horizon, or a mess that you’ll need to clean up. 

Considering your first card, the difficulties that may spring up could have to do with an investment of some kind, or maybe having to do with bills that have started to pile up. 

That being said, she’s more than capable of handling what arises. So if you stay crisp in your thinking and clear in your communication, you can make it through any tricky business that might show up. 

The Queen of Swords can sometimes represent a person in your life who can give you good advice. You’ll want to remember this person is not interested in the emotional aspects of whatever she is advising you on. So she might come off as cut throat or cold. 

If this person is showing up as an ally, you’re in luck. Their decisive thinking and wisdom will serve you well. 

On the other hand, if this person is someone who does not have your best interest in mind, you’re going to need to stay on your toes and be extremely clear in your communication. 

You won’t get any leeway by appealing to their empathy. So get your facts straight and be ready to explain yourself in clear and certain terms. 

Particularly with the implications of your next card, it’s going to be very important for you to stay practical and ready to slice through any confusion that might come your way.

Card #3: Eight Of Swords | Don’t Get Stuck

The Eight of Swords is a sign of paralysis, and feeling helpless or victimized. One look at the card image and you can tell the Eight of Swords is not a great sign. Luckily, there are ways to get through periods like this unscathed. 

The woman in the image is blindfolded and bound, surrounded by a prison of swords. By all accounts she is not in a good position. 

Often the Eight of Swords comes with feeling helpless, stuck, and like there is no way to get out of the situation you might be in. 

Because this card is in the Suit of Swords, you know it has to do with your thoughts and mind. So it’s possible you could be struck with worries and fearful thoughts. So much so you might feel totally paralyzed. 

If you find yourself in a situation this week where it feels like the walls are closing in on you, there are a few hints in the card image that might help you get through it. 

First of all, you can see a castle in the background high on a craggy ridge. This is the woman’s home which she has wandered off from in hopes of finding an answer to her uncertainties. 

Unfortunately her wanderings have only gotten her more stuck. So considering how you might “return home,” from whatever situation has pulled you off balance could be helpful. 

This might look like taking a few steps back from your current trials and tribulations so you can regroup and consider things from a more stable position. 

It could also look like talking to people you know and trust who can help remind you of the big picture, and help you remember who you are at your core. 

Another important hint is the water and mud you can see beneath the bound up woman. 

The mud represents the physical, and is a hint to get grounded. Take a walk in nature, breathe deeply, and maybe even get some vigorous exercise to get yourself back in your body and out of your head. 

There is good news in the card image as well. If the woman could pull down the blindfold covering her eyes she would see the circle of swords are easily escapable. So rather than staying in your head, get a real look at what’s around you.

Open your eyes and look at the reality of the situation. If you take things one step at a time, you can definitely find your way out of this. 

In a moment like the one we are describing, the Queen of Swords type of person can be invaluable. 

The Queen of Swords has been through the trials and tribulations the Suit of Swords are well known for. As a result, this kind of person can help you navigate what you are facing. 

All said and done, you’re going to want to put your efforts towards tangible, positive action. 

Rather than getting stuck in the Eight of Swords type of uncertainty, get your feet on the ground, and start moving in a direction that helps you get unstuck.

Keep Your Head Up

When things get confusing and you can’t seem to find a way out, it can be helpful to remember the old saying, “this too shall pass.” 

No matter what, life will continue to change. And what looks like a giant obstacle one day, may look like an ant hill the next. 

Your first card, the Six of Pentacles, is a sign you may need some assistance. If you are looking for someone to help you out, remember to put your ducks in a row before asking. 

It’s also possible you are thinking about investing in something important. If this is the case, pay close attention to the advice from your second card. The Queen of Swords is a reminder to detach from whatever situation is in front of you so you can look at it with clear thinking. 

You might consider speaking to someone who is intelligent and will tell it like it is. Of course, regardless of how prepared and researched you might be, things can get confusing.

Which is what your final card is a warning of. The Eight of Swords is letting you know you might find yourself feeling trapped and uncertain. If it’s possible to avoid complex situations with the advice from your first two cards, then do so. 

But if you end up feeling bound and blindfolded, remember to take a step back, get grounded, and find a way to get a clear view of what’s really going on. 

Don’t get lost in your mind. Ask yourself what is really going on, and then take action. 

You’ve got plenty of wisdom to navigate through this tricky situation, so take your time, and remember not everything is as it seems.

Use your eyes and intellect, and you’ll surely find your way through. 

You’ve got this!

With love,

And in service, 

Jonathan Lionheart

P.S. What could you use some support with right now? In what ways do you feel trapped or stuck? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!  

P.P.S. If you’d like some help navigating a tricky situation, or need insight around an important decision, you can schedule a private reading with me here.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Karen Challice
    Posted at 15:24h, 27 June Reply

    Thank you Jonathan – Your readings are always so insightful. I love to study the cards and the deep interpretations of the images, from the same card set I have at home.

    We had a goblin.. literally, in our garden – for five years. I initally bought it as a Cornish Piskie… but it was a Goblin. I’m not supersticious but – within two days of his relocation, my fortunes began to improve. (Hmmm!) The way that you read and translate these cards allow us all to read them into our situations and you always hit the mark. This allows us to interpret your readings into our own train of thought. It’s masterful, and very much appreciated.

    Am very grateful to you.
    Best wishes~Kaz

  • Lea Centauri
    Posted at 12:41h, 27 June Reply

    lionheart…yeah….most def this is the vibe……thanks so much for the perspective….red thread…..much love….

  • Anthony Gause
    Posted at 06:07h, 27 June Reply

    I have just read your cards for me today on “how to make money without having any money?”. The cards identified many things about me that I can identify with. Helpful to see what and how and where to go (outside of my head) in regards to me. Thanks.

  • Timothy Carl South Jr.
    Posted at 02:36h, 27 June Reply

    I feel unsure if I’m making the correct choice financially by taking a job that has the potential of helping with my debt tremendously if I’m successful with it that is.
    It will also take up to 50 hours a week from my time.
    I’m sure I can perform the 50 hours of work but that’s not what worries or bothers me.
    I’ve been spending a lot of time mastering my dream career. Only it’s been to no avail. Because, I still haven’t gotten any clients which means no income has been coming in. And since bills are beginning to pile up, I’m beginning to worry.
    So, I’ve taken the position starting tomorrow. However, this new position will result in a huge pause in my invested time spent growing my dream career.

    Also, I think the mother of my child, Stephanie Rose Brown, has been keeping something dark and secretive from me. It has been driving me crazy and keeping me awake at night.

  • Felividad
    Posted at 00:12h, 27 June Reply

    Hello Jonathan, thank you very much for your kindness reading for me even do I can’t send anything in return, yes I’m getting nervous thinking what to come ion future not only personal problems but see the world’s war approaching to us , we never know what to come next. Can I ask you, did my distance relationship will show up soon or is he just scammer , need your precious advices as clairvoyant, thank you so much and God bless you this time also in future

  • C Levine
    Posted at 23:52h, 26 June Reply

    Thank you Jonathan is very interesting in the emotions. Remind me in thinking of perception of reality. Appreciate your assistance in navigating emotional and tangible things for this temporary trip or journey.

  • Sheyla Barnett
    Posted at 21:54h, 26 June Reply

    Good Night thanks for your reading I am identifying with it I am trying to put my self together this is incredible

  • Margaret Hudson
    Posted at 21:05h, 26 June Reply

    Thank you so much this is very eye opening for me but I am really in a financial situation and would love to get out of it but at the moment I can’t . I’m trying to find out if I’m going to get rewarded with financial money or am I going to stay this way. Also I’m in a situation of being in a marriage that won’t give me a divorce I haven’t been with him 27 yrs and not no intention of going back he was very abusive and almost cost me and my children’s lives he wants me back.

  • Candace Edwards
    Posted at 20:59h, 26 June Reply

    Thank you so much for your assistance I have more bills than money this month. Extra finance money is on its way but still a month before I get it. Blessed be Candy

  • Luis Santos
    Posted at 20:54h, 26 June Reply

    Thank u for this reading, it’s make aso much sense in my life atm… Also given me a good advises.
    Thank u so much

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