15 Nov The Mask Is Dropping 🎠| Galena The Mystic | Timeless Tarot Reading
When you’re sensing that someone has been holding back their truth, it can drive you absolutely crazy.
Someone is finally letting their mask drop, so you can see what’s real in your connection. And Galena The Mystic is here to expose the facade and reveal what’s really been lurking behind the surface.
Just click the video to receive your message.
P.S. What do you think they’re really hiding? Let Galena know with a comment below!
Hello. Hello, beautiful souls. This is Galena the Mystic, your Intuitive Tarot reader. If you missed my video last week, feel free to check it out over at The Cosmic Updates TV YouTube channel. However, there was just a little glitch in our email system, but we’re getting back on track now. And I have this video for you today. At the time of me uploading it is the full moon in Taurus. So I’m wondering how that full moon is making you guys feel. You know, Taurus can be about pleasure and sensuality and comfort. It can also be about staying within the comfort zone and being unwilling to compromise. So I am wondering if those themes are coming up within your relationships. There’s a lot of potential here to expose codependent tendencies.
There is a potential for stubborn tempers to flare, but there is also a potential for us to realize what it is. We need to feel comfortable what it is. We need to feel safe and to actually experience that. Okay. Especially as Venus in Capricorn. This week brings things to reality. It’s a lot of Earth. Okay, so we are materializing this week. We are stabilizing this week. And I guess this is going to have to be a timed message, but let’s go ahead and see. You can definitely claim the energy if you’re watching this in the future, though. Something about the things we desire really being made a reality being made possible. They might be different than what we are visualizing. But yeah, let’s go ahead and shuffle and see what the collective needs to hear right now.
I also just want to let you guys know that I have my Lucky Stars mailing list via my website, which is linked in the description@galinathemystic.com you can sign up for my Lucky Stars mailing list. And when you do so, you will get an intuitive Pick a card reading from my personal channel straight to your inbox. And you can also visit that website to purchase private readings. Okay. But when we see this bridge, you know, this is about bridging the gap between two opposing viewpoints or bridging the gap between us and what we desire. Us and what we want. Okay. There could be a potential for reconciliation in this message. I was seeing that over in the other reading I uploaded today on my other channel. So it could be a bigger theme in the collective. We have the offering.
So, yeah, someone’s making a peace offering here. I don’t know why this feels more correct. So I’m going to honor that peace offering. The offering. Okay. Interesting Gnosis. Okay, put this way. Top of the deck is the mask. Bottom of the deck is the medallion. Okay, so with the mask here, someone could have been keeping up a front or hiding something under the surface here, projecting themselves. Maybe someone feels like they didn’t put their best foot forward and they want to now apologize. With the medallion. The medallion is about physical things. So I am seeing for sure that some. Someone is hiding a surprise from you. This could be something quite positive, like maybe something sweet with the medallion, because this is about the physical items we have and the value we attribute to them.
And it can talk about heirlooms and things like that. So someone could be gifting you some jewelry, making some sort offer of like, hey, I’m really sorry. I’m gonna give you this, and I hope you know that it really means something. With gnosis, there’s gonna be a strong push for you to trust your gut about this situation. With the medallion, I heard push present. So some of you could be getting a push present if you are giving birth. That definitely can’t be for all of you, though. For some of you, this is a promise present, like a promise ring or something like that, so. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay. But with gnosis, you are being told to trust your inner knowing about this situation. Because with the mask, I think you know something is being hidden. But you might be projecting fears onto that fact.
Because with gnosis, you’re very spiritually in tune, very tapped in. And so you might be seeing a peace offering and expecting it to be a threat. A threat to your peace. Okay. Yeah. Okay, let’s get into this more with the tarot spirit. What does my collective of beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates need to know about these cards? Let’s get a clarifier for each of them. Actually, let’s clarify the mask. Spirit. Who’s wearing the mask and why? Who’s wearing the mask and why? Who’s wearing the mask and why? Masks off. Okay. The counselor. This is going to be. All these cards are going to be upright, by the way, is what spirit has informed me to do. Sorry, I don’t know where to put this exactly. Does that work? Okay, hopefully that’s good enough for you guys. Thanks for bearing with me.
Let’s go ahead and clarify this Gnosis card. Spirit. The Five of Cups. Let’s clarify the bridge. Some of you are trying to go to couples therapy. King of Fire. King of Wands. And let’s clarify the offering. The Queen of Wands. Reverse. We have a couple. Okay, I said I wasn’t gonna take reversal so, yeah, King and Queen of Fire coming out back to back. This could be two air signs. Okay. Period. I’m biased because I’m in a relationship. I’m an air sign with it. With an air sign. So let’s go ahead and get one for the medallion. We have emotion, slash intellect. Top of the deck, we have the two of Cups. Bottom of the deck, the Maiden. So this is a fresh beginning coming in for you.
And with this 5 of cups, pessimism could definitely get in the way of your knowing at this time. With the counselor and the mask, this shows me that whatever’s being hidden here. Sorry, that there’s so many cards, but I needed the information to channel correctly, y’all. So with the counselor and the mask, whatever is being hidden here, it’s not like it’s not coming through as manipulation or malicious secrets or betrayal. And that’s been kind of a theme in my collective lately. So if you have been betrayed, I’m really sorry if I haven’t been channeling your messages, but it seems like if you were betrayed, it’s something you already know about or already knew about. And I think that’s why spirit’s not making me say it with this. The thing that’s being hidden that I’m channeling is like deep seated pain. Okay.
Trauma, depression as well. It could just be like depression or pessimism, pessimistic thinking. And there could be someone you’re involved with where I think both of you might be mirroring each other. King and Queen of Fire shows me there’s a match. You’re definitely matching energy. The bridge would show that as well. And I think there’s. Oh, yeah, and the two of Cups, obviously you’re matching energy. Seven of swords coming through. So, yeah, someone is hiding their deeper feelings. Someone is also hiding their insecurities, things that they feel like they would almost rather talk to a therapist about it than talk to you. Maybe this person does have some kind of counselor. But I see here that you guys are mirroring each other very heavily.
So it could be that both of you actually struggle with pessimism and worries in this connection, both of you are maybe longing for each other, really trying to hide how deep your feelings run. And it could be that you guys have issues, okay? And with emotion and intellect, here you are battling your negative thinking and negative thoughts in order to really bring through a fresh beginning here. You know, there is the maiden in this card, and the maiden is all about kind of surrendering to experiences because they’re. They’re New, you know, the maiden, she’s someone who’s experiencing life for the first time. She doesn’t have a lot of responsibilities, she doesn’t have a lot of worries. So she’s really free to just explore and experiment.
And so maybe it’s been hard for you to get into this energy because with the five of Cups, you guys are so worried. With the mask, I definitely could see someone hiding the fact that this means so much to them. And so they’d rather show you through gift giving or some sort of olive branch here instead of saying the words outright. Because with this emotion and intellect card, there’s some sort of disconnect between feelings and what is being communicated. And so with gnosis, you’re really being encouraged to honor your understanding of this person because there’s something you understand, even if it’s not what they are verbally saying with the mask here, they just. You don’t want to push them. Okay, So I hope that makes sense. Let’s go ahead.
And since this did end up being a love reading with the two of Cups and the king and queen coming out together, I mean, there’s some real admiration for each other here. Definitely. We have pay attention to the red flags. The signs are cautioning you. Okay, so that would make sense. Let’s see, we have you deserve love. You are lovable. And then we have calling in your soul mate. Your prayers, affirmations and visualize visualizations help bring you together. Top of the deck, it is safe for you to love, open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all. Bottom of the deck, heart to heart conversations. Honestly discuss your feelings with each other.
So the red flags pay more attention to them, not because they are telling you that this person is evil or a demon sent from hell to teach you a lesson. Okay, that’s definitely not what I’m getting here. I’m getting that you’re very well matched, but the red flags are indicating that they’re covering up some kind of pain. And not that they are. You know, maybe you’re worried about them cheating on you or you’re worried about them abandoning you. I’m not really seeing that. I’m seeing very mutual feelings here. But with this, you could just be misreading the situation because of your last situation. And with this, you deserve love. Honor that this can be real for you and you deserve love even. I think both of you have been equally problematic in this situation, if I’m gonna be honest.
And so with this, you know, a heart to heart conversation where you really open up and get vulnerable. Could be in the cards for you soon. Okay, let’s go ahead and end with some soulful woman oracle cards as well as some life purpose oracles and affirmations. What does my collective need to know? I definitely see a lot of people in our collective are letting their walls down, doing the healing work in order to finally manifest their soulmate and bring their soulmate in. I’m getting soulmate, soul mates in all of my readings lately. So if you’re part of this collective, you’re feeling tapped in and tuned into the energy, you are magnetizing them. Even if you have been signal single, you’re coming more into union with yourself in a way where you’re recognizing that you’re ready. You’re ready for love.
Even if you have been, oh, okay, this definitely wants to be seen by. By you listening to my body. Even if you’ve been in a solitary energy, you are really doing the work. And I love that for you. My health is my life, the temple of my experiences and the greatest of my blessings. So, yeah, maybe your body needs some care right now. But also you could be loving on your body more grounding as well, because I think when you’re in your feelings and in your thoughts, you’re not really allowing yourself to receive. I think your body could have a lot of important signs about this connection, especially if they’re coming back in. If there was a separation here, you could really be sensing that feeling that in the signs your body’s sending you. Okay, surrendering.
I honor the truth and surrender as it opens me to gifts of divine grace. So there is something about just surrendering to what is in this connection. And again, honoring your body’s wisdom. It could be that you just need to take care of yourself and allow time to make things a little more obvious here or allow this person to come through. Because I do see them bringing something to you, most likely. And then we have ageless beauty. With grace, dignity, and strength, I grow into the unique texture of my feminine soul. Like I said, you guys, you are so beautiful. I call you beautiful souls every time because you really are. Even if you don’t feel that way, like you deserve love. Maybe there’s something here about healing insecurities.
Because if you’re insecure about your looks or your age or your body, it could stop you from fully trusting this person because subconsciously you’re like, there’s no way they could really be mine. I could see that with the Five of Cups definitely being an issue and maybe you want to work with a counselor on that. Okay, let’s get one more. We have Law of Attraction. I love the creative adventure that is my life. I celebrate myself as a creator. And yeah, this is the feminine energy. So it’s less about doing, thinking, and it’s more about just manifesting through that sacral chakra, you know, what makes you feel desirable, tap into that. What makes you feel beautiful, what makes you feel sexy, you know, tapping more into that and honoring that for yourself is going to make you much more attractive. Okay. In the flow.
When I’m in the flow, magic happens, period. So when you surrender, that’s gonna be what really unlocks this relationship to flow. Because I feel like there’s been some resistance and some fear based thinking. Princess Charming, I take the horse by the reins and become my own Princess Charming or Prince Charming, taking care of my own needs. Okay, so yeah, you’re definitely gonna be meeting your own needs and recognizing that denying your needs and then hoping someone else meets them is like a really ineffective way to manifest them forward. And they might not feel very magnetized to that. Okay, let’s see what else comes through. Our final messages, please, Spirit for this beautiful collective. By the way, guys, I love you. If no one has told you that today, you heard it here. And I hope you’re taking care of yourselves.
Okay, let’s see what else comes through. We have pillar of light. Your vibration is rising. You are the oracle. So, yeah, it’s time to let more light in, be receptive to what spirit has to offer. I feel like some of you just really need to get still and stop trying to take actions or make decisions or like force anything. Then we have mirror. Who or what is triggering you? Yeah, some of you guys are having insecurities because of your physical appearance and spirit saying it’s time to have compassion for yourself and to accept yourself the way you are and meeting your physical needs, you know? You know, they say. They say if you hate everyone, you need to eat. If you hate yourself, you need to shower. And if you hate the world, you need to go to sleep.
Something like that, like, that advice could be really powerful for you in this moment. Or if you hate the world, you need to go outside. I think is what it was. Oh, and if you think, okay, that’s what it is. If you think everyone else hates you need to take a nap, you need to go to sleep. Okay, let’s see what else comes through. Okay, we have trust. Trust your feelings and dreams to guide your career path. Trust so, yeah, this has a lot to do with trust, allowing yourself to trust another person. It could be that you’re comparing yourself to someone else that you’re seeing, like on social media or someone else that this person knows. Just trust what is true for you. Trust your own reality. Trust the connection you know to be true with that gnosis card. Okay.
Because I think your insecurities could be creating a lot of illusions for you. Oracle cards, you’re able to discern answers for your and guidance for yourself and others. So you could be a powerful reader. But I just think some of you. I mean, this literally says you are the oracle in this other card. So some of you are very psychic. But your anxiety is making it really impossible for you to trust what you’re feeling right now. Okay. What else is coming through? And that’s been kind of a theme the last few weeks. So I hope you guys are resonating with this messages and that it’s not coming off repetitive. Definitely would love for you to sound off in the comments. Okay. Obstacles are detours in the right direction. Amen. Can I get an amen in the comments? Absolutely. Okay, last one, last one.
I just love you guys. Want to make sure you get all the information you need. Yeah, you could be at times feeling like there are obstacles, blockages in this connection. Trust that it’s very necessary because neither of you want to project your toxicity onto each other. I think a lot of the times you guys can’t help it because you were unaware of certain triggers, and that’s why counseling could be so beneficial. Okay, then we have the initiation rite of passage, crossing the threshold. So, yeah, there is going to be some kind of spark here, some sort of start, a new beginning. But with this crossing the threshold, you are crossing the threshold of fear and pessimism in this connection and kind of allowing yourself to experience utopia. The song Utopia by Wet could be significant. I really like that song.
But also with this rite of passage, there could be some sort of milestone you guys are crossing that is causing this. This offering of like, hey, I want to move in together, or, hey, I want to give you this piece of jewelry to really show you how committed I am to you. Take how it resonates. Okay, top of the deck. Yes. Just say yes. Okay. Some of you really want to say yes to someone. Bottom of the deck. Nutrition. You conduct healing work with your culinary skills. I’ve done like seven readings today, and this card came out every single time. And as you guys can see, there’s a lot of cards in here. So maybe this is a collective level like hey guys let’s try to eat healthy. Maybe we need to do some kind of like healthy eating challenge together.
I hope you’re getting enough veggies in and yeah I love you guys ground cook a nice meal for yourself. Take care of yourselves and I’ll see you in the next one. Feel free to visit galenathemystic.com to sign up for my Luckystores mailing list and to check out my YouTube channel at galenathemystic where I have just uploaded a timeless pick a card reading all about what you’re not seeing, your blind spots, what you’re not seeing in a situation based on this message. If this resonated I think that video would be really helpful for you but also check out this YouTube channel because I have another reading from last week that I uploaded and I love you guys and subscribe to our channel like this video. Love you. See you later. Bye.
Posted at 15:36h, 18 NovemberThank you for removing the mask. Revelation of mirroring made a lot of sense. Very grateful to you.
Dina Courtney
Posted at 22:15h, 17 NovemberWow! 100% resonated. It has been the theme of my life for a few weeks now. Every card was a message. Vibrational insights into my current love interest. Thank you Galena
Jackie Youngsteadt
Posted at 17:23h, 16 NovemberOmg! This is all about TF journey I am on! Where we are at! Great reading Galena! Your a beautiful soul, may my purple Angel wings grace you🫶🏻🕊🦋
Posted at 16:19h, 16 NovemberAmen.Spot on!
Judie Arellanes
Posted at 15:53h, 16 NovemberCan you please read for Seniors? While many things can relate to my life path, the majority is for younger adults.
Posted at 11:08h, 16 NovemberThis reading, and many of your readings, struck home to me but from my past. I was in a relationship and we broke up and 2-1/2 years later he shows up at my door and says he has always loved me and wanted to get back together again. He designed a beautiful promise ring for me and said he would never leave me that I would have to leave him etc. It lasted six months and away he goes again. We had all these plans for the summer both times and when all his groups start up , he’s gone and can’t leave fast enough. He says one thing and does another. He said he’s so happy to find someone who likes doing the same things he does but only when he wants me to. When he came back I told him I’m not the type of girl to put up on a shelf and take me down when he wants to. I didn’t know if your reading was from the past or will happen again in the future??
P.j. cusmano
Posted at 09:24h, 16 NovemberAmazing how accurate you are.
My phychic gifts, my intuition, everything is screaming how they feel about me, the confessed when highly inebriated, but deny it now.
Funny you mentioned a mask. I literally said to then, I know your wearing a mask around me, I just dont know why. And shared some insights I caught when the mask slipped. When they realized I was seeing through them, the acted really weird, and cut all communication for a year and a day.. saying they meeded tome and space. I gave that to them back to being friends, but I still see, they think they are better at hiding, I just keep things to myself, and trust the universe, they say someday we meed to have a talk. I am just trusting the universe and waiting patiently.
Sadiq saidu Aliyu
Posted at 07:32h, 16 NovemberThank you Galena but one thing am curious about is my partner holding back so much from me and I love her so much I feel like letting her go sometimes
Fiona O’Boyle
Posted at 06:18h, 16 NovemberThank you 🙏🏻Galena that reading really resonated with me
I think we’re both wearing a mask of self protection of past hurts and not feeling ready to feel vulnerable . Takes time to trust & im doing self work -and getting on with life . I’m patient as I feel this is about timing for us both
Nadia Malik
Posted at 02:56h, 16 NovemberThankyou Galena 🙌
Posted at 23:49h, 15 NovemberOMG The timing of all of this is incredibly accurate, and ALL of the message is applicable. All of this is happening RIGHT NOW. Will update in next 24-48 hours because it is like you are right here in the front row seat observing my life as it unfolds with my major events happening NOW as the one I love is arriving and my life is going to drastically change.
Angela kingsby
Posted at 22:47h, 15 NovemberSHE WAS SPOT ON..THANKS
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 20:19h, 15 NovemberThank you Galena,
Enjoy your weekend
Jane wheeler
Posted at 20:16h, 15 NovemberU r a very clear vessel for communication from spirit, it resonated lots, thank u very much for ur exchange of energy via this reading xxx
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 20:07h, 15 NovemberThank you very much Galena,
Have a wonderful weekend
David Greenlaw
Posted at 19:47h, 15 NovemberEerie. I’ve been thinking of someone with whom I’ve had a blocked connection – I think she cut things off because of the fear of losing someone else. Could there be a change? We will see.
Posted at 17:42h, 15 NovemberHi Galena my dorta is arriving today. And who else??? She doesn’t like him so I hope there’s no fireworks. Pray for me plse!!!!! Helen
Sheila DuBey
Posted at 17:16h, 15 NovemberThank you for the in-site. I’m hoping this is what happens. I’m deeply in love and can’t seem to get his attention. You are amazing. Everything was dead on. Thank you again.
Susan Matthews
Posted at 17:00h, 15 NovemberLoved the reading
Kay Barrett
Posted at 16:52h, 15 NovemberGalena! Galena!! Galena!!!! On the actual full moon this reading is so spot on I mean like you wrote it especially for my situation, why am I still shocked and surprised by you Galena! I will let you know about the gift tomorrow, though seeing the significant other tomorrow is a surprise and a gift in itself given my current situation, they are driving almost 2 hours to come see me 🥰 thank you Galena you blown my mind again girl ❤️🤗 sending you much love and peace 🥰🤗
Mario Dookran
Posted at 15:57h, 15 NovemberClaiming my positive connections.
Posted at 15:28h, 15 NovemberHi Galena’s , I resonate with you reading . My soulmate moved to another city
Penny Beasley
Posted at 12:54h, 15 NovemberThank you! I needed to hear this today!
Posted at 12:50h, 15 NovemberInteresting reading Galena. Many thanks for sharing…..
Patrick K kelly
Posted at 12:45h, 15 NovemberEvery reading is so exact for my situation it’s amazing amen
Bea Farruggio
Posted at 12:22h, 15 NovemberI felt like you were talking directly to me today, thank you! Have a great day!
Yevhen Kleimenov
Posted at 11:37h, 15 NovemberThank you
Renee Bork
Posted at 11:22h, 15 NovemberI really liked your reading
Janet Linehan
Posted at 11:08h, 15 NovemberLove your reading, really resonated with me, hoping its true
Janet Linehan
Posted at 11:07h, 15 NovemberLove this reading. Not sure if its because of what I wanted to hear, or because its true. Some parts were dead on!
Gwendolyn Steele
Posted at 11:06h, 15 NovemberSo much of what you said was true in what I’m feeling and going through, it made me cry, I mean really cry