Things Are Looking Up | Weekly Tarot Reading | 5/15 – 5/21

Hello Tarot Family, 

Following the powerful Full Moon Eclipse, you have a fantastic week ahead of you. 

You could feel inspired, motivated, and lighthearted in the days to come. Which is well deserved! 

Of course you’ll want to use this enlivening energy to move towards the things you most want in life. 

All week long you could feel the call of your future success. So this is an important week to listen closely to your inner self, but also to have a blast while you’re doing so. 

Let’s take a look at what’s on the table for you.

Card #1: The Sun | Warmth And Clarity

The Sun card represents happiness, confidence, and a stabilizing clarity to help you see the truth of your current circumstances. 

Following the murky and confusing card, The Moon, in the Major Arcana, The Sun is filled with optimism, joy, and playfulness. So if you’ve been feeling hazy or uncertain recently, expect things to change in the coming days. 

You could start to feel radiant and youthful, exuberant and playful. Expect those around you to notice this burst of vibrancy in you as well. 

Because while the moon goes through phases, shifting how it looks in the sky, the sun remains consistent. Even when there are clouds or stormy days you still know the sun is shining behind the scenes. 

In this way, The Sun card represents the fundamental unconditional love at the heart of all things. Sometimes it feels more available than other times, but ultimately behind chaotic thoughts, or a challenging period in life, that fundamental love is there. 

If you pause for a moment right now you might be able to feel this love just behind the scenes, shining through your heart this very moment. 

When The Sun arrives in a reading it’s as if the veil between yourself and your innate joy is lifted. You might find yourself falling in love with the little things around you, or laughing for no reason at all. 

The Sun card is also a sign of vitality and growth. Just about everything living on our planet relies on the rays of the sun. 

So whatever projects you have on the table at the moment, they could benefit profoundly this week. 

You could feel lighter and more carefree, which may afford new insights, ideas, and motivation in all areas of your life. It’s as if whatever you’re working on is getting a boost as well as a  clarifying spotlight put on it. 

The Sun card is also about play. There is an enormous amount of research showing just how incredibly important play and being playful is for human health. Every area of your life improves when you take time to play. 

So give yourself over to the little opportunities to be silly and adventurous this week. Spend some time in nature, hang out with that person that makes you laugh so hard you fall over. Whatever you do, make some time to enjoy yourself. 

You might find that you have room to take a broader view of your life and your direction. Which is perfect, because your next card is indicating there could be some important decisions before you.

Card #2: Two Of Wands | The World At Your Fingertips

The Two of Wands symbolizes planning, aspirations, and could be a sign you need to make an important decision. 

In the card image you can see a man staring out at the ocean and mountains before him from atop a castle wall. This is a sign you may be looking out over your future to determine what you are wanting to create. 

He holds a small globe in one hand letting you know you have the world at your fingertips. 

However neither of the wands are standing on their own. One is being held by the man and the other is bolted to the wall. This is a fair warning that not everything has been determined yet, and there is still effort required to solidify the work you’ve already put in. 

You also might be faced with an important decision at this time. Following the raw energy of the Ace of Wands, the Two of Wands is starting to get a broader view of what is possible. But how you will go about it, and which direction you will head might not be totally clear. 

Often with the Two of Wands the different options you could take are beneficial either way. But making the choice could prove somewhat challenging. 

What’s important to keep in mind is your ultimate goal, and how it will affect your life, your family’s (or future family’s) life, as well as your community and the planet. 

The Two of Wands is related to The Emperor card, who is the master of the kingdom and all the structures that keep it running.

So in its more youthful form, the Two of Wands indicates now is a good time to consider what kind of kingdom you want to create. 

Ultimately, the Two of Wands is a very auspicious card to draw. And with the addition of your next card, it seems everything is falling into place nicely.

Card #3: Nine Of Pentacles | A Prosperous Future

The Nine Of Pentacles is a sign of prosperity, leisure, and self-sufficiency. Anytime the Nine of Pentacles arrives in a reading you can consider it a good omen. 

Everything about the woman in the card image screams ease, enjoyment, and success. 

The grapes are ripe and plump on the vine behind her which is a classic symbol of accumulated wealth. You could be well on your way to the success you have always dreamed of. 

Similar to the Nine of Cups, the Nine of Pentacles is all about personal success and self-sufficiency. The woman in the card image is alone, rather than enjoying the spoils of her hard work with family, friends, or a romantic partner. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t have deep and meaningful relationships, it’s just a reminder that your true success will come from bringing fulfillment to yourself. At least for the time being. 

Now is a good time to tend to yourself and your dreams. Let go of needing to please anyone for a while, and find your way back to what it is you truly desire. 

If you’re already in a place of leisure and prosperity, the Nine of Pentacles may be a sign to start to consider what you want your legacy to be. What will you pass on to generations to come? 

If you’re still on your way to great success, the Nine of Pentacles is a great sign you are headed in the right direction. 

And considering your first two cards, it’s a great time to use the inspiration and motivation of The Sun card to make the decisions implied by the Two of Wands, that will bring you to the Nine of Pentacles kind of success. 

Remember, success isn’t necessarily about financial abundance. Wealth comes in many forms. So let yourself reflect on what you value the most in life. Because having what you truly value is what truly makes you wealthy.

Becoming Your Future Self

You might feel your future calling to you this week in the form of excitement, inspiration, and the vision of what could be. 

Your first card, The Sun, is letting you know there will be a burst of energy, joy, and clarity that could flood your life. Let this wonderful blessing help orient you towards your goals and desires. 

Having big and bright clarity could help you immensely with the choices that might be on your table, as your second card indicates. The Two of Wands is an all around great card, and a reminder to use your energy wisely to move you in the direction you wish to go. 

All said and done, your final card, the Nine of Pentacles is a very auspicious card to arrive. It’s a sign of future wealth – of all kinds – and a sense of peace and ease in your life to come. Just remember to give yourself precedence so you don’t miss the call to follow your dreams. 

You’re doing great!

With love,

And in service, 

Jonathan Lionheart

P.S. What are you excited to explore with the positivity of The Sun card on your side? What decisions are you working out in your life right now? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!   

P.P.S. If you’d like some help deciphering the right moves to make in your life, or you’d like some help calibrating your energy for success, you can schedule a private reading or Embodied Alchemy session with me here

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Ruth Faisuly Gómez
    Posted at 12:13h, 19 May Reply

    I am glad to hear that this week will be excellent to me. I feel optimistic. Thanks a lot for the reading.

  • Charlene G Payne
    Posted at 23:27h, 17 May Reply

    My last reading gave me faith thar things are looking better. This made me more relaxed able move forward. Thank you.

  • Robert Lee kinuthia
    Posted at 12:21h, 17 May Reply

    Thank you

  • Tina Masters
    Posted at 14:34h, 16 May Reply

    Thank you.. you brought some clarity to my life.

    • Mashalane MAHANYELE
      Posted at 23:33h, 17 May Reply

      I keep believing and trying to follow but somehow I never get to my desires dreams and wishes

  • Felividad
    Posted at 10:09h, 16 May Reply

    Hello I hope this time it will help and make it true, I will do something to take a chance coz this is my prayer because they have a lots of people need my helping hands. God bless you Jonathan the best here on earth,thank you very much for your guidance advices today, Fcmb

  • Ingrid
    Posted at 09:06h, 16 May Reply

    Oh, I have been waiting and working towards this positive reading., and I shall put my best foot forward and follow your advise 💃
    Many thanks, love and blessings Jonathan!

  • Kate
    Posted at 07:23h, 16 May Reply

    I resonate with the reading

  • Marschelle Harvey
    Posted at 05:08h, 16 May Reply

    Love ❤️ this reading delivered with your usual eloquence. I’ll definitely take it 🙏

  • Tosin
    Posted at 04:12h, 16 May Reply

    I’m glad I can connect to this platform. There’s was to much question in my life that needed answers which I’m getting here I would really love too more

  • Taunya B Lucas
    Posted at 03:53h, 16 May Reply

    Certainly makes sense in what us happening in my life right now. A huge move , finding the perfect house after 36 years … Changing jobs…transitioning all over the place! This reading has given me more hope, more confidence, more excitement, more Peace!

    Thank you

  • Fatima
    Posted at 03:35h, 16 May Reply

    Thank you ❤️

  • Leslie Shuffleton
    Posted at 23:12h, 15 May Reply

    Have been working diligently for 9 months to retrain and rehome an Off Track Thoroughbred. I have wanted to be a race horse trainer since I was a young girl. Now in my early 50s I have been lead to this path. With all my heart I wish to find these gallant creatures new jobs in a loving forever home, and with some good fortune make some money at it too! We are getting close to being ready for a good home. Let’s pray the right buyer comes along and finds us.

  • Michelle Creece
    Posted at 22:37h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you
    I am struggling at the. Moment with a love relationship and find it very difficult to focus on anything else.
    I want a balanced relationship and hope this is what will be in the end.

  • Athena Le
    Posted at 22:29h, 15 May Reply


  • David Perreault
    Posted at 22:21h, 15 May Reply

    Glad to hear, could really use some UPs,
    I’m grateful for all and everything that has been done. Thank you for your time.

  • Jody Honeyman
    Posted at 21:30h, 15 May Reply

    Have a great week.
    With love,

    • Yolanda Green
      Posted at 22:29h, 15 May Reply

      Thank you for this reading

  • Lisa consolo
    Posted at 21:26h, 15 May Reply

    This made me feel 100%better about what is happening now,in the future. I’ve got some health issues that need to get resolution. Thank you

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