14 Nov This Is All For You | Sirena Moon | Full Moon In Taurus Tarot Reading | 11/15
Feeling burnt out? Believe it or not, love and luxury could be yours sooner than you think.
Sirena Moon says this Full Moon in Taurus may hold the power to bring your wish to life.
Simply click the video below!
P.S. How is the Full Moon making you feel? Comment below to let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates family Serena moon here. And this week, I’m talking about the full moon that’s happening in the sign of Taurus on November 15th. Okay, so November 15th, we have a full moon in the sign of Taurus. Taurus is an Earth sign, the full moon. The moon loves being in Taurus. Taurus is all about slowing down, about pleasure, self care, about grounding. So that’s a nice energy for the moon to be in. But as with all full moons are a time of culmination, things coming to a head, and the energy can be a little bit intense. You might feel extra sensitive.
Okay, so with this being said, I want you now to pick one of these three objects, see which one you resonate with most to get a special message for you about what this full moon might be bringing up for you. Okay? Or how this full moon might be especially affecting you. All right, so here are the three objects. The first one is a crystal ball. Just allow your mind to see which one you resonate with the most. Use the crystal ball. Okay, now here’s the amethyst crystal. The amethyst crystal. Okay, now here’s the key. Here’s the key, okay? So trust whatever your intuition is saying, okay? Which one of these resonates with you the most to get your special message about this full moon in Taurus? November 15th. Okay, first up, we have our crystal ball viewers, our beautiful crystal ball viewers.
Okay, so if you resonated most with the crystal ball, felt called to the crystal ball spirit, what can you tell those who felt drawn to the crystal ball about this full moon and Taurus time for them? I’m feeling this card, okay, the six of pentacles in reverse. So this could be a time where you’re feeling a little bit potentially burnt out because you’re tired of supporting someone else, or you’re feeling like you’re not getting the support you really want. This could be financial. This could be energetic. Okay? And spirit, what should these crystal ball viewers let go of? What should they let go of? King of Pentacles in reverse.
Okay, so this is letting go of something that potentially is a job or something that, you know you’ve really outgrown, something that you’ve thought maybe was the strength structure in your life for a long time, but now it’s feeling like you need a new structure. It’s feeling like potentially you’re feeling like you want something that’s just more fulfilling, supports you more. Something is not working in terms of the structure of what you’re Dealing with. And this might be coming up for you around this full moon time. Okay. It could be that you’re just deciding to move on from. This could be a relationship that’s a structure in your life. This could be a job, a house. This is something that potentially you’re contemplating whether it’s best for you to let go of this. Okay.
For some of you, I’m sensing like a boss has been problematic or something like that. Okay. And it’s time for you to speak up or simply move on from this situation somehow. And spirit, what should our Crystal ball viewers welcome in? What should they welcome in? Wow. Nine of Pentacles. So this often can represent having your own business, doing your own thing, being independent somehow. And this nine of Pentacles is always about personal prosperity and success and feelings of accomplishment. It’s also a card that is really linked to the sign of Taurus and is about those things that Taurus is about, like pleasure, self care, feeling beautiful in beautiful surroundings, and just having all of your needs met and all of the security that really makes you feel good. So very interesting, crystal ball viewers. This is a lot of pentacles.
Pentacles, you know, typically have to do with finances, money, but it can also be about the things that make us feel secure and make us feel that we’re receiving what we need to receive in order to feel really supported. So this is interesting. So definitely for many of you, this is a sign to kind of do your own thing, be courageous, put yourself out there, or take a risk somehow and. Or just get started, take action somehow. I’m really kind of going your own way. Parting ways potentially with a situation that is no longer really giving you the. The support you need, whether that’s financial or energetic and kind of going your own way.
And that if you can do that, if you can have the courage, either speak up to get what you’re worth, to get your needs met either in relationship or in work, or have the courage to really start your own business or do something that really fulfills you as an individual. If you have the courage to do that, this is going to be very, absolutely, hugely successful and hugely fulfilling for you. Okay. And I’m just going to pull an affirmation card. Spirit, what is an affirmation for our Crystal Ball viewers? Oh, wow. One of wands. Motivation, determination. I perceive a new possibility and make it a reality. Wow. Okay. So this is taking action on something that, you know, is really going to fulfill you and get you out of a situation that just You’ve kind of outgrown. Okay. So motivation, determination.
I perceive a new possibility. Make it a reality. Beautiful. Okay. Beautiful. So take action on that inspired idea or feeling that you know is in your heart around this full moon time. Okay. All right. Okay. And now we have our beautiful Amethyst viewers. Those that were drawn to the amethyst crystal. Spirit, what message do you have for those that were drawn to Amethyst about this full moon time? What is the message for them? What is the message for them? Ooh. Queen of wands. Wow. Queen of Wands is all about stepping into your creativity, taking action on something that you feel passionate about. This is about shining, being charismatic, magnetic, letting your magnetism really shine into the world, letting yourself step into the spotlight of your own life, so to speak, and really expressing yourself. Okay.
But mostly this is about, you know, following your creative impulses, your ideas and your feelings of fun and things that just light you up, things that make you feel a lot of joy. Okay? So it’s a very joyous card. So something joyous could be coming to you around this full moon time and spirit. What should those that were drawn to Amethyst let go of? What should they let go of? Wheel of Fortune in reverse. Okay. So you have to let go of the. The timing of that. You thought something was gonna. You thought you were gonna get your lucky break, maybe, or that something was gonna shift in your favor, and perhaps it hasn’t shifted yet, or there’s some kind of news you’re waiting on. Could be that some of you have really been ready for some kind of change, but it’s not.
You can, you know, around this full moon time, oh, you have to wait a little bit more. Okay. Or simply that you just don’t know how this situation that you’re in really is going to resolve. You can sense a changes in the air, but it hasn’t come yet. The information hasn’t come yet. So there’s this need to kind of let go of the timing of this. But trust, absolutely trust this feeling that you feel that things are about to shift in a big way. Okay. It’s almost like I’m getting the sense for many of you, like, you sense, oh, geez, something is. Something is coming that’s gonna, like, I’m either going to be moving out of this position, this job, or there’s, like, some kind of change coming, or I’m gonna meet somebody. You can feel it in the air.
It hasn’t happened yet, but there’s some need to kind of really surrender the timing of that. Not. Not, like, keep looking for it, but rather just be. Really try and really focus on something that brings you joy right now and let this other thing, this change, kind of. Kind of let that go out of your mind as you just get very present in the moment and know that shift really is. That change is coming. Okay? And then what to embrace. Spirit, what to embrace. What to embrace. Page of Pentacles. Okay? So there is either somebody is gonna give you a message around this full moon time. I feel like for many of you, somebody’s gonna tell you something, okay. That is coming to your life soon after. That’s like a new potential. Potential energy of security. Possibility. Something exciting, okay?
So embracing this message or this person, okay, potentially, for some of you, it’s an opportunity that’s gonna come in a way that you really could never have expected. Okay. Or a person that you could have never expected. And it’s related highly to. To your joy, okay. And to what you’re passionate about. All right? So those of you that were drawn to Amethyst, put yourself out there around this full moon. Don’t hold back. Don’t be shy. Get out there. Put yourself out there. Kind of expect the unexpected, okay? And the timing could be something you could have never. The timing or the opportunity could be something that’s really out of left field for you, but it could be some kind of message of some kind of change that’s on the horizon.
Maybe not now, but maybe early next year, or some kind of new person coming in. Potential opportunity. Okay? And say yes to it. It’s a good thing to embrace. Okay. And I’m just gonna do an affirmation card. Spirit, what is an affirmation for our Amethyst viewers? What is an affirmation for them? Ooh. The seven of Pentacles. Patience. Investment. I trust my highest good is unfolding. Wow. Okay. Yes. Patience. That’s what I felt. Okay, so there’s some kind of need for being patient as something. It’s kind of working out behind the scenes for you, okay? And just trust. Trust. I trust my highest good is unfolding. There’s some opportunity that’s gonna come for you. So just don’t. Don’t worry around this full moon. Just. Just trust. Be patient. Not too much longer. Okay? That is your message, my darling Amethyst viewers.
Okay, now we have our beautiful key viewers. Those that were drawn to the key. What does spirit have to tell you? Those that were drawn to that key. Okay, so put that there. All right, so Spirit, those that were drawn to the key, what message do you have for them about this full moon time? Ooh, Knight of Cups. Wow. Okay, so Knight of Cups is a very good sign about romance, romantic connections, and also about receiving some kind offer or some news or some forward movement that really makes your heart sing. So it’s a really nice message. So. So yeah, something coming to fruition or to a head in terms of love, really be open to meeting people. Just after this full moon time, there’s something for many of you that’s going to be some kind of breakthrough in. In.
In love or getting some kind of opportunity. Okay, and then what should those that chose the key let go of? Spirit, what’s important to release the eight of pentacles. Okay, so this is like, interesting. This is releasing something that maybe you feel you’re an expert on, that you feel that you’ve worked really hard on, that you feel like you can’t stop obsessing about. It’s about releasing the need to keep tirelessly working on this thing. Okay, so there’s this feeling to kind of maybe relax. Maybe some of you have been in overworking yourselves up until this full moon time. And maybe it’s important to let go, to take a break, to. To stop obsessing about some kind of project you’re working on or some kind of thing that you’re fixated on. This could even be obsessing about a person in your life.
You know, when are they gonna call? When are they gonna text? There’s this feeling of letting go of being. Of being obsessive about something and just taking your mind off of it. Taking a much needed break for your mind, body and soul. Spirit. Okay. And just, you know, watching Netflix or something, you know, around this full moon time, just like, you know what, I just gotta. I have got to chill right now. Maybe a day or two of just trying to let things off of your mind, off of your plate would be really advantageous for you. And then what to embrace. For those that were drawn to the key Spirit, what should they embrace? Wow. 10 of cups. Beautiful. So embracing. This is like one of the most joyous cards in the deck. That’s nice.
So embracing family, community, embracing things that make you feel good, embracing a dream in your heart, embracing that there’s something, I think something quite good might come after this full moon time. It’s kind of like after the rain comes the rainbow feeling I’m getting, you know, in this card with this beautiful rainbow. So I think there’s a silver lining here for you, those that were drawn to the key. And I think something after this full moon might. The clouds might part and something might be revealed. Okay. That makes you feel quite emotionally fulfilled. All right. It’s really nice. Really nice card. Okay, so what is an affirmation, spirit for those that were drawn to the key? What is an affirmation card for those who are drawn to the key? Wow. The. The full new beginnings adventure. I find joy in the journey.
I find joy in the journey. Okay, some kind of adventure, new beginnings, a fresh start of some kind. So some of you might be getting some kind of new offer for some kind of fresh start for the heart or some kind of new person that you meet, new love or something. There’s some feeling of something being fresh and new adventure, new beginnings. I find joy in the journey and the word potential. Okay, so that’s a beautiful little reading for you guys for the. That chose the key. Okay. And just a message for everyone about this full moon time where there one more card. Wow, that’s funny. I was done with all three, and Spirit said they need a. They need a general message. So this is a message for everyone. Jeez, that’s good. So this is the wish come true card. Oh, my gosh.
Wow, that’s really nice. Okay, so nine of cups. It’s the genie in the bottle card. So I’m feeling like we. This is a message for all of us. Let’s just. Let’s all make a wish on this full moon. Just. Let’s just make a wish on it. Okay. It could be an intense full moon, but even if it’s feeling intense and the world is on edge, this is our sign. Whoever’s watching this, let’s make a little wish on this full moon, because Spirit really wanted me to pull another card, and this is the one we got. So I’ll take it. I’ll take it as a good sign. Okay, darling. So with that being said, this was a group general reading, but if you want a personal reading with me, where are we? Look into any kind of situation that you are dealing with going through.
I would love to look specifically into your energy and work with you. So for a personal reading with me, click the link below this video to get that. And until we meet again, I’m sending you all of my love and so many full moon blessings. Okay, bye.
Posted at 07:57h, 17 NovemberI feel like you hit everything all at once. Thank you so much.
Cindy Jaramillo
Posted at 03:06h, 15 NovemberI felt something from all three thank u
Posted at 00:08h, 15 NovemberThanks, Sirena, for the great reading. Loved it. You are so spot on. I was drawn to the crystal. Thanks for sharing.
Sandra Wilson
Posted at 23:27h, 14 NovemberThank you so very much for your time and precious energy!!! The cards resonates precisely with what I need guidance on in my journey .
Janet Wallace
Posted at 22:57h, 14 NovemberAmazing reading thank you π
Joan Mason
Posted at 20:10h, 14 NovemberThank you for the insight of the crystal ball, amethyst and key. I felt they all had significance in my life in some capacity. Time will tell all things.
Audrey Myers
Posted at 20:00h, 14 NovemberI was drawn to the key.
Kathy Ray
Posted at 19:47h, 14 NovemberLove makes the world go round !
Love me some Luna time
Soak up some energy and let go of the unneeded
Time to enjoy the gifts of πΊπ³ Universe π₯π¦π«β―οΈπ
Mary Ann Haynes
Posted at 19:26h, 14 NovemberAll of the items was for me
My soulmate is coming to ask my hand in marriage
Posted at 17:00h, 14 NovemberThe amethyst left me in a state of anticipation, anxiety & worry. But the key card was a complete surprise as I didn’t know it was there before the start of the reading. Calmed my anxious heart and mind… Thank you!
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 15:42h, 14 NovemberThanks sirena,
Have a nice a day and weekend.
Madelein Botha
Posted at 14:42h, 14 NovemberThank you for this reading
I loved the ending
Kind Regards
Ecarah Thomas R Thomas
Posted at 13:46h, 14 NovemberLove t
Tina Jones
Posted at 13:27h, 14 NovemberIt opened for me and I was drawn to the π, the reading was amazing, thank you!
Tina Jones
Posted at 12:58h, 14 NovemberNot able to open
Elizabeth Sheleski
Posted at 11:16h, 14 NovemberOh wow thank u for the reading and I am draw to key π β€οΈ