18 Jul This Will Melt Your Heart | Galena The Mystic | Timeless Tarot Reading
An unexpected miracle could stir your heart this week…
Galena The Mystic is here with an intuitive message, and she says this blessing could change your worldview.
Just click the video below to receive your message now.
P.S. Do you trust in divine timing? Let Galena know with a comment down below!
Hi guys. It’s Galena The Mystic, your intuitive tarot reader, and I’m here with a collective message, and this message feels really specific. I’m actually channeling intuitively before I even shuffle my cards, but I do have cards for us, Oracle Tarot and channeled messages as well. But I feel really called to speak about the movie, The Last Unicorn, actually. I think it’s on Netflix, but it’s an animated film from 1982, and it’s one of my favorite films. I watched it so much on the plane to Hawaii last month, but essentially, this is a minor plot point, so no spoilers, but basically in the movie, there’s this unicorn who finds out that she might be the last one. And so unicorns, of course, they’re very rare just as we know them to be very rare. But this woman is living in the forest. She’s an older woman, kind of like living in survival mode, taking care of her family.
She is feeding people soup, literally watering down the soup to make sure that everyone can eat. And in the movie she comes upon Amal- What’s her name? Amalthea, that’s the unicorn’s name. And in seeing Amalthea, her first response is, how dare you? How dare you? How could you have let me live this life? Which has been so hard just to appear at this time. It’s almost like a shock to her system. You think you’d be excited to see something so magical, so beautiful, so ethereal. But her response was rage because it was such a shock to her system that magic was real the whole time, especially when she has had such a hardened life and is kind of at a point of being at her wit’s end. Or if you watch the whole movie and think about it, she’s really on her last leg, doesn’t know how she’s going to keep surviving. And so that’s the message that I’m getting. For some of you this week, it is like, well, I guess this is a timeless message, so whenever you come upon it, you can claim this, but it’s like some sort of blessing, even if it’s a blessing in the form of a lesson. Some of you feel like you’re being liberated for the first time maybe in your entire life, liberated from just really extraneous circumstances, like I said, survival mode.
And it’s almost like spirit wants to hand you something, something really beautiful, something really helpful, something really healing, something really magical. But it’s almost like you’re having a hard time accepting it. So some of you, this could be a new relationship, like the love of your life. This could be you getting the dream job you’ve been praying for. This could be you meeting that best friend that just gets you, that just really, really gets you someone you’re creative with. I guess I’m channeling that too. So we’re already tapping into the blessings that are about to enter your life. I’m seeing the star card big time, so let’s go ahead and shuffle. Yeah, it’s like something really beautiful and I want to say romantic, not even in the sense of romantic loving relationships, but it feels almost cinematic. It feels ethereal to step into. It feels like a dream come true. And I know that sounds so cliche, but I feel it in my body, I really feel it in my spirit too, to tell you guys, this is an opportunity to work through and actually purge some of the rage that has been the result of being betrayed, being hardened to being worn down.
And it’s almost like your brain does not comprehend. Wow, we have the Hierophant, The Wise One. Yeah, it’s almost like this is a gift from the Divine and with this Hierophant card, this card’s all about wisdom, of course, but the divine order of things, divine timing as well. There’s always some sort of authority over our lives that knows a little bit better than us. This is about God’s plan for you if you resonate with that language. And it’s like why now? Simply because it’s the time, because the divine ordained that this is the time for you, and it’s because you’re also, you’ve had a certain set of experiences that now allow you to tap into your higher wisdom. Some of you, this is third eye activation 100% with that bindi, and yeah, it’s literally the universe is giving you the key to something, to some kind of kingdom that has always been there. But it’s like Atlantis, very ethereal, very romantic fantasy vibes this week, but it’s like the universe has given you the key to unveil whatever that hidden world is.
I’m getting the Lemuria vibes too, so you might resonate with that. But this is a paradise, a beautiful paradise that you’re going to step into creating heaven on earth. It’s your vision of what you always hoped for as a kid, what you always dreamed of, what your heart has always longed from since the time you were a child. I really get that big with this Hierophant, like family vibes and it’s written in… you were always meant to crave this thing or to visualize this thing. You’ve had some sort of vision since you were younger, but it’s like your circumstances have really tested you, tried you, tried to get you to doubt yourself, but it’s like, no, you are in alignment with divine authority when you are visualizing this and dreaming of this, it’s a dream you’ve had in your heart. Okay, so let’s go ahead and see what else.
And you stuck to it. You believed in this dream, in this vision, even when no one else did. And it’s almost like you didn’t stop believing in it. You just forgot, but you’re about to remember. It’s like you’re being confronted with something that you always believed in, but you kind of lost a connection with. And now that it’s in your face, it’s like you don’t recognize it. This could definitely be someone’s soulmate. I’m just saying. Okay. Whoa. All right. We have the Ace of Cups in reverse. So yeah, because you’ve poured from an empty cup. That’s what I mean about watering down the soup. It’s like you’ve poured from an empty cup. You have literally been in an energy of despair, okay, Five of Swords reversed. There’s been hidden enemies. There’s been just a lot of trials where you had to walk away from things that you had a lot of hope for.
It’s not even that you closed off your heart. It’s like you forgot a part of it, or you just expected- you got into this energy of just expecting to feel empty this whole time, and it’s like that’s not what the divine had in mind for you. And so with the Five of Swords reversed, we had to adjust some of our behavior and some of our expectations to adapt and to keep surviving. And now it’s time. Now it’s time for order to be restored. Okay, let’s see. What does this look like, feel like, sound like? How is the collective- Queen of Swords reversed, your mind is preventing you from feeling it, seeing it, experiencing it for what it is. The cards, they’re speaking today. Okay, what does collective need to know about how this looks, feels, sounds like? You’re in such a protective energy. You want to protect yourself at all costs. It’s like a hypervigilance with this reversal. This is hypervigilance and we have the Eight of Cups. You’re so certain that you’re going to have to walk away from something. You don’t want to get your hopes up.
You’re really afraid to get your hopes up, but it’s like the Hierophant- it doesn’t matter because this is fixed. This is fixed energy. So Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius could be significant, but it’s like regardless of how you’re thinking about it, if you want to walk away from this or you want to miss this opportunity, but it’s going to keep showing itself to you. Why? Because you’re ready. You’re just ready. There’s nothing more to work on. There’s nothing more to think about. You’ve thought about it. You’ve seen all of what has gone on. You developed a lot of discernment through these experiences, a lot of discernment, but there’s not much more to do. And as I stand out, the 10 of Coins comes out upright. It is fixed. This is also giving Capricorn energy, so that could be significant, but it’s like it’s part of your legacy. It was always meant to be. It was always meant to be just like unicorns always existed. It was just covered to you. Some of it is because Spirit didn’t want you to have to share your kingdom. Kingdom. That’s a big word. They didn’t want you to have to share your kingdom with these people who were never ever going to give one F about refilling your cup that they were drinking out of.
Excuse my language. I’m censoring myself, but that’s really how it feels. Okay, any last messages? The collective needs to hear here it is The Star and the Queen of Wands. They did come out reverse together and yeah, judgment, also judgment. And this came out in the reverse. The 10 of fricking Cups is peeking out from behind it. I just know. I just know this is your confidence and your faith really are on. They have to be on the same page. When your self-confidence is low, it’s like a lack of faith. And when you get this turned back upright, you’re going to receive so much healing with a star. But it’s like, but this Queen of Wands Reversed, you have to have some confidence in yourself. Do whatever you can to revitalize yourself. Do whatever you can to get excited again. Yeah, I just see that some of these situations have really impacted your self-esteem.
That could be creating a big blockage in you really receiving this gift for what it is. But yeah, Judgment and the Ten of Cups, it’s time to evolve. It’s time to evolve. You’re going to be thinking differently. You’re going to start speaking about yourself differently. You are going to see a different reality like your discernment. It’s your discernment that has allowed you to see this Ten of Cups. It’s like being able to see a waterfall that was always in your neighborhood, always in your neighborhood, cleaning beautiful birds that are bathing in it, and it’s creating rainbows all the time, and you just have not been able to see it because you were putting out fires left and right over here in the desert, but then it’s like, [angelic choir singing], the gates of heaven open up and you can finally see the light, the “why.”
The World, the World. You’re closing out some sort of cycle. This is so exciting. Okay, I said we would get oracle, so let’s get a couple oracles. Let’s get a couple oracles and some channel messages as well before this message gets too long. “The key to prayer is to forget what I think I need.” Okay, so some of you, you are just praying recently to soothe yourself, but also to connect with spirit because you feel like prayer is the last thing you can do. You’ve exhausted all your other options, and now prayer is all you can do. And I’m here to tell you if that’s you, you’re in the right spot. And again, universal timing. Trusting in it, knowing that the universe has your back. See what this is. “Trust your path. If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?” What if you knew that spirit was co-signing your path? What if you didn’t have to ask every week if you’re on the right path? What if you just knew that you were and you just kept going and you trusted that spirit? Spirit would help you out, that they want you to have what you want? Also that they see it for you. This says, “The moment I embrace my peace within and surrender the outcome is the moment that the universe can truly get to work.” It’s finally, for some of you, this blessing is that you’re finally letting go of something that has just been plaguing you for so many years now you’re finally letting go of it and it’s like, boom, whatever you actually, wherever you’re actually to be, you can see it.
This is like a time in your life where you can really see it. And then on top of this deck, I can’t make this up the top of the deck. This says “Yes. Just say yes.” Say yes. Some of you, you’re so busy worrying about if saying yes to someone or saying yes to an idea or saying yes to yourself is the right idea. Just say yes and just see. Just find out. Just find out it’s going to be okay. I promise this says, “I recognize that I have chosen fear and I choose again. I choose love.” Isn’t that so beautiful? I don’t even feel the need to elaborate. This was beautiful. I really felt spirit like move through me, which is such a good feeling. I really hope for all of you to experience it. If you’re developing on your spiritual journey, you can get more personal guidance from me about that or any other topic at the link below. I would love to serve you in that way. It would be my humble honor. I love you all so, so much. Thank you all so much for being receptive to my messages lately and for all the beautiful comments. I love you all. Please take care and I’ll see you in the next one. Oh, like this video. Subscribe if you want. Okay, bye.
Jennifer G Boggs
Posted at 12:31h, 22 JulyI just wanted to say that is the best reading I’ve ever had. It’s like that message was for me. You spoke to me as a l read along. This was amazing and it did resonate with me. Thank you so much. Jennifer
Lisa Pettit
Posted at 09:13h, 22 JulyGalena, first of all I think you’re amazing!! This reading felt like you were speaking directly to me. I’m literally in tears. I listen to all of your readings and have for over a year. I’m saving up because I feel really drawn to you and want a private reading so bad. Thank you for sharing your gift! ❤️
David Benck
Posted at 22:20h, 20 JulyHi Galena, just letting you know, from where I stand, I was completely blown away by this reading. Your magic is strong, and your channels are crystalline. I am a changed man because of your confirmations from the source. I remember everything now.
And will be eternally greatful, as faith is restored.
Love and respect to you.
Regards David
Lisa My Mikkelsen
Posted at 17:03h, 20 JulyYou are wonderful miss Unicorn, thank you for being here…
Nomvuyo kubheka
Posted at 14:02h, 20 JulyThank you so much ❤
Posted at 13:04h, 20 JulyI think you are amazing
And am always grateful for your readings
It is funny how you said my name by accident
Although there certainly is not a magical unicorn in my life and I have given up
Been brought to my knees for years now and ask the heavens for help.
You are most likely right I just need to open my eyes to the magic again.
Warmest hugs to you
You are a wonderful ray of sunshine
Posted at 10:39h, 20 JulySuch a sweet caring young lady that cares for all.
Katherine n mcgee
Posted at 08:02h, 21 JulyI dont need a man im single for the rest of my life that is how it is i have accepted it
Posted at 01:07h, 20 JulyBRAVO!!!
Yetunde Alaafin
Posted at 01:06h, 20 JulyThanks GALENA, all your reading resonate with me ..
Karen Akhotnikoff
Posted at 22:52h, 19 JulyI listened a few times. It was like it was personal for me. So many areas that needed to be touched were touched. This was my first time hearing of you. I will be following you! Thanks So Much!
andrew McCartan
Posted at 20:59h, 19 Julydont know if it applies to me
Sharene Marie Smith
Posted at 20:10h, 19 JulyI’m just sitting here in awe, this resonated with me all to well, I don’t know what else to say but I have been patiently waiting for a breakthrough, and you are my conformation 🩷
Natalie Guisto
Posted at 08:46h, 20 JulyThis brought me to tears and resonated with me so much in my life and current situation. Thank you.
Sonya Knights
Posted at 19:50h, 19 JulyAmazing, beautiful,
Letanya Charity
Posted at 18:03h, 19 JulyThis reading is so right on. It couldn’t be any more correct. Have a great weekend.
Posted at 15:08h, 19 JulyI’m so thankful for two day reading 💞☺️ it’s so special how the universe talk to us
Eyerus Demelash
Posted at 14:43h, 19 JulyStop i M Lost Ex July 7 day 7/2024 What
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 13:30h, 19 JulyThanks Galena,
Have a nice weekend.
Latamra N Washington
Posted at 11:54h, 19 JulyThank you so much for the reading sweetheart its something I needed to hear 💕💖🌈
Soni Weiss
Posted at 11:53h, 19 JulyI was picking up this message in my meditation, and i check my messages and here is your reading. Big shifts coming for all of us.
Tara Doolittle
Posted at 11:34h, 19 JulyWoe. Definitely interesting and can see how some applies to me. I apperciate you doing this reading .
Linda Kooi
Posted at 10:59h, 19 JulyYes it resonated with me but I am still having a hard time believing what’s happening in my life right now it’s like a Cinderella story for sure .
Posted at 10:30h, 19 JulyThank you. This morning I had a dream,about waking up from a dream of guilt. Its like I woke up from the dream in the dream so to speak. And the words coming out of my mouth when I woke up was Im not gonna live under guilt anymore, no more of that. Sinfree. And strong, beautiful and allowed to experience miracles. Then your messages came and its time, to close a cycle of not seeing myself worthy, and now open up to truth of love and beauty. I know there is fear, but Im choosing love. And lust, And joy. And miracles. And trust. Thank you , thank you, thank you. <3
deborah ann sparacio
Posted at 10:22h, 19 JulyGalena, I have been receiving your readings for months now and I just can’t believe that every week is about the exact thing that I am going through. Today’s reading was especially needed for me because I was ready to give up and break up with the 1st man in my life at 64 years old that I finally believed truly loved me for who I am and not just needing me to support him while running around behind my back, BUT my fears from my past choices overtook my mind. I’m not going to chase him away anymore because everything you say today IS ABOUT ME TO A T. Thank you.
Jackie Foster
Posted at 10:03h, 19 JulyThankyou for this message it resonates with me your message relayed what I’d been waiting to hear thankyou
Posted at 09:15h, 19 JulyDear Galena,
Yes, I pray every week to God, just keep me on my true path. Thank you always.
Natasha Melton
Posted at 08:19h, 19 JulyHi Galena. Thank you for bringing this message. It is exactly what I needed to hear. I just recently broke up with my bf and have been talking to someone new. This particular person wants to share the world with me. I was still skeptical about the whole situation until I heard your message today. Now I know I’m ready, and this was meant for me. Thank you again.
Posted at 07:06h, 19 JulyThanks Galena! Time for clarity is here❤️🥰🌺
Cristy I A
Posted at 07:04h, 19 JulyThank you thank you thank you thank you
I was about to walk. You could not have came at a better time because I was picking up my phone to make my final decision and I couldn’t help but to see your message. Thank you.
Claudia Barillas
Posted at 06:59h, 19 Julythank you so much. your reading has resonated in my soul. ✨💖💐
Posted at 06:57h, 19 JulySpot on , i felt it. im here sitting in my office now and listening to you🥰
Keshia L Blake
Posted at 06:50h, 19 JulyIm ready for what ever
Daniel Jackson
Posted at 06:40h, 19 JulyAmazing how spot on you can be in ur readings.
Patti Jones
Posted at 08:02h, 19 JulyI always enjoy listening to your messages. They are always so inspiring just like yourself. Would love to get a private reading with you son.
Posted at 06:39h, 19 JulyThis is reading is so spot on right now ”i put it on and sat in the kitchen listening” but boy it is all so spot on thank you
Posted at 10:19h, 19 JulyThis reading resonated with me… releasing control of the what/how is so hard sometimes. Continually work on trusting and allowing God/The Universe to do bring “the magic” in perfect timing. ☺️ Thanks