06 Aug Time For A Change | Sirena Moon | Personal Numerology Reading
Are you ready for change in your life?
Sirena Moon is here with a personal numerology reading, so you can prepare for the changes the universe has in store for you.
Just select the reading that aligns with your timing to receive her message now.
P.S. What changes are you welcoming into your life? Let Sirena know with a comment below!
Hello, everyone. Quick look at the time. It is right now, and I want you to write it down or make a mental note of it, and add all of the numbers up so that they get to a number between the number one and Nine. So, for instance, for me it is 159. So I’d add one plus Five, which equals Six, Six plus Nine, which equals 15, and then one plus Five. So it gets down to the number Six. And so Six would be my number, for instance. So add all the numbers up. And when you get your number between the number one and Nine, come back for a special message from the tarot for you. Okay, great. You got your number. Okay, great. Now I want you to think of a question on your heart or on your mind, okay? Something you’re dealing with. All right, you got it? Okay. So now you can forward through to your special number to get a message about the question on your heart. All right.
All right, start with number ones. Number ones. I’m feeling this card. Wow. Ace of Pentacles. Okay. Number one, with the question you asked, it’s a definite yes. It’s a forward moving energy. The Ace of Pentacles. The Ace always represents a new beginning of some kind. And the Pentacles means this is going to be a success. Okay? There’s a fresh energy to this, a fresh start or a feeling that something here can really build in a positive way. Okay? So keep your hopes up about this. And if you’re asking about something that has to do with any kind of career related subject or prosperity, this is a definite positive sign about that. That this is going to be a successful avenue to go towards. And if you’re asking about relationships, this has a possibility of growing into something that’s very stable and becoming very real.
Okay? It’s just at the beginning phases. So there’s some potential here in the question that you’re asking for something to really take form and to be a success. So that’s a good sign about the question that you’re asking, okay? That things are going to work out in your favor here. So keep going and keep planting those seeds and keep working hard toward it. Okay? It’s going to be successful, especially if it’s something that is fresh and new, or you can insert fresh, new energy into it. Okay?
And number Two? Number Two, what is your card? Number Two? I’m feeling this. Wow. Knight of Cups. Number Two. This is a card. Very good sign about romance. This is a sign of getting, potentially an offer of something, of some kind of healing, something happening where your heart feels really good. And you feel like you are getting the answer that you need. Okay. So there’s some kind of very fortuitous outcome here for you. So keep your hopes up for this. Keep your head high. And if you’re asking about romance, this is a very good sign to either make, you know, make a move or make your feelings known towards somebody or that someone that you’re thinking about does have feelings for you as well. This is a good sign, too, about if you’re hoping to get some kind of offer or something that comes through in your favor about this question that you’re asking. So this is a very good sign. And to really pay attention to your feelings and your emotions and to really honor them around this question. Okay. That you’re asking. Okay.
And now, number Threes. Number Threes. Number Threes. Okay. The Five of Cups in its in reverse. Okay, so number Three is with this issue you’re dealing with. It might have felt extremely upsetting, you might have had your heart broken, or it might have felt like things just weren’t flowing in the way you wanted to or weren’t working out in the way that you had really hoped that they would. But it is in reverse. So it’s time. Number Three is with this question you’re asking to really just let go of the prior expectations you had, the things that let you down, to try and let go and see this situation from a new perspective, to see it in a different light, and to try and see, potentially some of the positive things with these Two Cups that are upright. This person in the picture is looking at the Three Cups that have spilled, but behind this person are Two Cups that are still upright.
So there’s a lot of hope here. So with this card, it’s really important, and especially in reverse, to really try and take your mind off of the things that did not work out in this situation and to look at the possible good things. The silver lining, you could say, that is, in this situation, that there’s something very good that can potentially come of this, perhaps a healing or some kind of thing that might actually work in your favor, although it doesn’t appear to be in your favor right now. So letting go is important here. Let go, let go, let go. And there’s actually going to be something good that comes of it. And I’ll pull a clarifier card about that for you. Oh, wow. The Three of Wands. So, yeah, it’s time to, with the situation, it’s time to move on. It’s time to let it go and to broaden your vision for something even better that’s before you. Okay? Like a new adventure is before you. If you. If you can release this, this thing, perhaps that just didn’t work out in the way that you had expected it might. It’s definitely disappointed you, but there’s something really exciting ahead, something even better ahead for you. Okay, darlings.
Okay, now, number Four. Number Four. The Two of Cups. Beautiful. It’s number Four. If you were asking about a relationship question, this is an amazing sign that things are going to get worked out or that you’re going to grow closer to this person. The Two of Cups is Two people coming together, their hearts opening, and a beautiful connection. So it’s a great sign of connections with others in all ways. And if you’re asking about some sort of question about another person, this is a great time to reach out, to open the lines of communication. And this is a sign that things will be healed between you and this other person. Are you in this situation? And if you’re asking about prosperity, this is a sign that you’re going to get something in return. For what? The energy that you gave out. And you’re going to feel like you’re coming together with the right people in terms of this opportunity. This is a coming together with good partnerships, good people, other people that really see you, really know you. So this is a very, very good sign. And always about the question that you’re asking. Okay. All right.
And Number Five. Number Five. Oh, Death. Okay, so this is the card of transformation. This is a very deep card about letting go of the old in order to make way for the new. And this is all about really, really letting go of what needs to just leave your life. The thoughts that you need to let go of the parts of you you need to let go of other people. You need to let go of this question you’re asking. It’s in a state of transition, so allow things to change. Change in transformation is the way to go here in terms of this question that you’re asking. So embrace transformation. Okay?
Let yourself transform in this question. Let other people be transformed by this issue. Allow a great change to happen. All right? So if you’re asking about job or work or something, this is a sign that change is a foot for you. Okay? It’s a good time to look at how. How you’ve grown, maybe possibly outgrown the situation you’re in and how you’re ready for so much more for yourself. And if you’re asking about relationships, it’s a sign that this relationship you’re in is in a transformation of some kind for the better. So just allow all the old energy to leave any kind of situation you’re in so that things can transform for the highest good and to a place that’s even better. You’re in a cocoon right now, but you’re going to be like the butterfly coming out of a cocoon. Okay. In terms of whatever question you’re asking, all right. Okay.
Now we have our beautiful number Six. Number Six. All the Ten of Swords. Number Six. Okay. This is all about just letting everything go. Just stop fighting. Stop trying to figure this situation out. Stop trying to make it work. Stop running things over in your mind so many times. It is time to just take a break, surrender. Let things be as they’re gonna be. I know it looks like such a scary card, but it’s not. It’s a wonderful turning point in this situation. You are done. You are done, done, done with doing things the same way on repeat all the time with this question. You are ready for a positive change. You are done trying to figure this out, work it out. You’re exhausted and it’s time to take a break. It’s time to let it go. It’s time to allow the situation to really, really shift, to shift in your favorite. So the best thing you can do right now with this question is to just stop. Just lay down. Let it be positive. Change is on the horizon in terms of this question you’re asking. But it just means that for right now, you’ve got to really surrender to the way things are. Just let some time pass, okay? Things will work themselves out in this question. Okay? It will work itself out. And what’s a clarifier card? Because I know that’s a little scary. Okay. Yeah. The High Priestess. So it’s in a pause right now.
It’s time to tap into your own intuition, your own gut guidance, and mostly to really just allow everything to be as it is. It’s not going to shift too fast right now. This question you’re asking, there’s a reason that everything needs to just be as it is right now without you forcing change or controlling it or manipulating things in any way, but to rather allow things to be. Because you’re going to get this aha moment about it. You’re going to, if you take your own overthinking out of the situation, you’re going to get clarity within about the situation. You’re going to know what the answer is. You’re going to know how to move forward with this question, and it’s going to come from a higher minded place instead of your worried over anxious thoughts. Okay? So take a beat, take a breath. Things will work themselves out in this issue, okay? Especially the more you kind of remove yourself from it and allow time. Okay? Allow plenty of time and be very patient. I know that’s hard, but just have patience and stop fighting the current. Just allow things to be okay, and everything will work out rather magically in this situation for you. Okay? All right?
And now, beautiful Number Seven. Number Sevens. Oh, wow. Ace of Wands. Number Seven. This is an absolute yes. This is an energy, a forward movement. Something here is about to change in a very positive way. This is powerful new beginnings, and this is passion. Okay? So whatever question you’re asking, dealing with, put your enthusiasm into this, put your joy into this, put yourself out there, be expressive, and really, really take a. The lead on the situation and just say yes. Just say yes here, okay? As much as you can, say yes.
Take initiative, take action. Tap into your joy, your passion, and your lightheartedness, and things are going to move forward here very quickly. Okay? So this is a positive sign that things are going to work out in a very joyous way for you here, okay? With this issue that you’re asking about, especially when you put your effort into it and your creativity into it and your passion into this, okay? So express yourself here and really allow things to move forward. Change. Change with the Ace of Wands. New beginnings. New beginnings. Okay, new beginnings are happening with this question that you’re asking. All right, it’s time for a new energy here. New energy is on the way, okay?
And number Eight. Number Eight. Number Eight. Number Eight. Ooh, the Queen of Swords. So, number Eight, this is time for you to have very solid boundaries, to trust your instincts, to trust what you know to be true, to speak your truth, or to write your truth. It’s all about self expression here, number Eight. And to really be sure that in terms of this question you’re asking, that you’re not allowing your boundaries and self worth to go down because you’re people pleasing. Okay? Or because you feel like, you know, you don’t have the right to say what your needs really are, what your heart’s desire really is.
This is about communicating your truth and your power and really being. Knowing that whatever decision you make here in this question, it is the right decision because it comes from your heart and your knowingness that this is right for you. Okay? Allow yourself to step fully into your power, number Eight, with this question, and really allow yourself to have those strong boundaries to not be people pleasing in this situation, but rather to speak your truth and what your needs are in this situation and things will resolve for your highest good. Okay, so this is a very powerful card, number Eight. With whatever you’re dealing with, it’s a powerful sign to step into your power fully and to express yourself, especially through words or writing. Okay. All right.
And number Nine is our final card. Number Nines. Ooh, the Queen of Pentacles. Wow. Number Nine. So there could be a dream in your heart that you’ve held for a long time, seeds that you have planted. And these things, in terms of the question you’re asking, are really going to come into fruition. So this is a very positive sign that all of the seeds you’ve planted in the past, all the things you worked very hard on, all of the intentions you’ve held, the wishes in your heart, the energy that you’ve put into something, that it’s going to come into full bloom, all of that hard work is going to really pay off. This is a very good sign that something is coming to fruition for you, that will make you feel that that dream is starting to blossom and bloom and that now all of your. With all your hard work that you’ve done in the past, you can kind of sit back, relax in your chair and enjoy the blossoming of all of your hard work as it starts to manifest itself here for you. Okay, so it’s a very good sign about any question that you’re asking, that you’re on the right path, that you’ve done a very good job, and that you’re going to see a turning point soon in terms of this question, where you’re going to start to feel like things are manifesting in a way that makes you feel really joyous. Okay, so it’s a wonderful sign, number Nine.
Okay. Well, I hope that that helps with whatever question you’re asking. And as always, this is a group general reading. But if you want a personal reading with me, me, or we look deeper into this question that’s on your heart, or any question that you have, you can click this link to get a personal reading with me. And until we meet again, I am sending you all of my love and so many blessings. Bye.
Burhan darwish
Posted at 04:21h, 10 AugustI cannot believe how accurate you are I was a number nine and I asked about what my dream if my dream would actually come true which I have had for a long time now and lo and behold I cannot tell you how please I am with the information that you provided thinking so much God bless you thank you
Elizabeth Sheleski
Posted at 22:54h, 08 AugustWow this reading is amazing and thank u!! 😊 ❤️🥰
Debra Martinez
Posted at 00:48h, 08 AugustSirena,
I enjoyed your reading for me, a number 8 today. Very insightful and it resonated with my question. 💕
Posted at 23:37h, 07 AugustThank you ! Just what I needed to hear. Good timing!
Posted at 22:15h, 07 AugustDear Sirena,
I was number six, I believe you are so right. Always a big, thank you.
Janna OQuinn
Posted at 19:49h, 07 AugustI was 5 ..WOW SUCH A POSITIVE message !! Thank you so very much !! Just what I needed to hear !!
Adrian Walton
Posted at 19:13h, 07 AugustThank you for the information I hope that all should come to pass
Scott Baumann
Posted at 18:42h, 07 AugustWell I sold my condo in 10 days so 30 days to get out. Happened on Monday. So now where? I’m in a long distance relationship and we are moving into together eventually. We already made plans on buying this house we like with his inheritance from the UK. I have Skype with him so he’s real. His money isn’t here yet. Friends and family have concerns about him I don’t. He found me I wasn’t looking. With that said I have dealt with scammers. He has sent me food and paid some of my bills scammers don’t do that they ask for money and iTunes card. My number was 6 so I need to relax and still let the universe to lead. Like I have been.
Ingrid Seals
Posted at 14:20h, 07 AugustI’ve decided to get back to painting after a very long time of having no motivation.
This reading t egg pls me the time is now.
Thank you beautiful Serina.
Amy E Stubbs
Posted at 12:46h, 07 AugustThank you for confirming Sierra. I can’t wait to see what my future holds.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 08:21h, 07 AugustThanks sirena,
Have a pleasant day ( wensday )
Rolf Dieter Stucki
Posted at 08:10h, 07 AugustIst mir alles viel zu lang! So viel lese ich nie am Computer!
Beste Grüsse
Vanessa Baggage
Posted at 07:48h, 07 AugustThank you. I pick numbers 7 and you gave me my answer I’m going to get my Joy back and say yes yes yes.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:42h, 07 AugustYes yes yes Vanessa!!!Xo
Denis Vega Perez
Posted at 07:16h, 07 AugustMi numero es el 9,y mi pregunta es realmente sera realidad mis deseos de ser una persona con florecimiento economico,gracias
Asha Dhillon
Posted at 06:48h, 07 AugustI so look forward to your Readings with anticipation and excitement…… Thank you dear.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:41h, 07 AugustAww, thank you Asha!!! Love to you!!xo
Posted at 06:31h, 07 AugustThank you good though for me great opportunity positive response 👍 👌 👏🏼 🙂 🙏🏼 Thank you.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:41h, 07 AugustYes Stacey!!! Love to you!!