Time To Break Free | Full Moon in Libra Horoscope

Dear Friends,

Get ready for a major shift in your personal life.

Pluto, planet of transformation and rebirth, is showing up this Full Moon in a big way.

And could be stirring deep feelings and realizations within you that lead to dramatic events over the next two weeks.

It’s possible that today’s Full Moon in Libra might be bringing an unresolved situation in your life to the boiling point.

And as a result, it could change a relationship in your life completely.

Don’t worry though. You have plenty of support from other planets to help make this Full Moon transformational in the best way possible.

There’s a lot at stake over the coming days, so let’s explore how you can best navigate this potent and intense Full Moon.

How Do You Really Feel?

Have you recently become aware of something unfair or unbalanced in a close relationship?

If you’ve made a habit of always keeping the peace, being the bigger person, or taking on more responsibility than is fair in your relationships, you’re going to feel the emotional consequences during the Full Moon.

The Full Moon is taking place in diplomatic air sign, Libra. This peace-loving sign adores harmony and avoids conflict like the plague.

So much so, that Libra may resort to pretending or dishonesty in order to keep those around them happy.

And while knowing how to socialize and harmonize with others is a valuable, necessary skill, it’s possible to do it so much that you forget who you are and what you believe in.

However, this Full Moon isn’t so much about maintaining harmony, but coming to terms with the dynamics that have been preventing it.

A romantic relationship could be in the spotlight, but it could also be a working relationship, family dynamic, or friendship, as Libra rules over all personal relationships. 

Have you been doing something to fit in and get along that is no longer sustainable for you?

If so, the Full Moon may compel you to take off your mask and express your authentic self, regardless of how it’s received by others.

It’s not that you don’t want to get along, it’s simply that you can no longer cooperate with those around you in unhealthy ways that suppress your needs or hurt your spirit.

One way or another, something needs to change.

Perhaps someone’s attitude or expectations of you have been stifling your freedom or preventing you from feeling respected and dignified.

Or someone close to you might reveal their true colors. They could express a need they never told you about… or that you haven’t been willing to accept.

More fairness and cooperation could be the ultimate outcome of this Full Moon, but in order to get there you might have to work overtime for it.

A Fight For Control

If you’re worried about things getting out of hand, it could be best to lay low, focus on self care, and avoid a direct confrontation over the next few days.

However, if you can, it may be better to deal with your situation head on and get it over with.

If you do, be clear about the outcome you want before opening the channels of communication.

With Pluto in a challenging aspect to the Full Moon, a power struggle is likely. But if you’re clear about what you want the outcome to be, you’ll be able to hold your ground regardless.

An important consideration with this aspect is to focus on controlling your own destiny, and allow others to be free to do the same.

If you overstep and try to coerce someone into acting in a way that will make you happy, you will rightly experience a lot of pushback.

Pluto helps you realize your deepest, most primal needs.

And whenever these needs involve other people, things can get complicated quickly.

So be gentle with yourself and others, and channel the passion you feel into constructive change.

Following Your Dreams

Have you been hearing the whisper of a higher calling lately?

The Full Moon in Libra will be supported by Mars in Pisces, which could help you reconnect with your spiritual quest in life.

Normally, Libra and Pisces are not very compatible energies, but with the Full Moon happening near the end of Libra (about to enter Scorpio), and Mars only in the first degree of Pisces, these two planets are in a uniquely harmonious position to each other.

This means that the Full Moon could help you redirect your energy toward relationships, experiences, or a lifestyle that supports your spiritual growth and helps you tap into your higher potential.

Pisces is a dreamy placement for action-oriented Mars. Its relationship to the Full Moon suggests that now is the time to use your imagination, envision the life you want, and to start setting your energy in that direction.

However there is a warning to stay realistic with anything you take on now. Jupiter and Neptune have joined forces and are sending an awkward, somewhat jarring beam of energy to the Full Moon.

This means that you might be all too willing to buy into a fantasy that has no real substance to it. Beware of sweet-talking, escapism and empty promises.

Neptune in particular can make it difficult to separate fact from fiction right now, so if you’re not feeling crystal clear about your situation, take your time… and maybe take some space too to let things unfold.

It’s possible that this influence will make you aware of a betrayal or lack of trust. It could be that you’ve felt a lack of trust subconsciously for a while, but now the Full Moon is helping you see your true feelings for what they are.

The key to navigating this influence is to find a balance between being caring for yourself and caring for others, being careful not to take either to the extreme.

Instead of giving too much of yourself away or shutting people out completely, lean into the positive energy of Mars in Pisces to dream a better dream.

With Mars supporting the Full Moon, it’s absolutely possible for your dreams to come true. But first, you may need to leave behind what’s not working and set out for greener pastures.

The Calm After The Storm

While the Full Moon is certainly shaking things loose, if you stay true to yourself, you’ll emerge from this period feeling more peaceful, authentic, and aligned with healthy relationship dynamics.

Times of disruption can be stressful. However, it’s far worse to ignore a looming issue until it becomes too big to manage.

And it makes sense why we don’t always deal with things right away.

It can be scary to not know what’s on the other side of change.

But if you believe in yourself, you will find the resolve to be courageous and stand up for what you know is right.

And the Universe will reward you for it.

Reach for the stars and have a happy Full Moon!

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. Is there a power imbalance in one of your relationships that you need to address? Do you feel your spiritual calling growing stronger? Let me know in the comments below. I look forward to reading about your experience!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Evon stingley
    Posted at 08:24h, 20 April Reply

    I appreciate you reaching out to me and speaking the true and facts to me, ima make sure I watch out for these times of days your speaking about… Because so far wat I have been reading it’s been true… And I thank you for being my friend and watching my back, letting me know to be aware of the coming days that’s coming up…. Now I’m just waiting on my new arrival love one to pop up in my life. Curious about what day but ok lol.. I really need your help to make sure I get to my density so I can become an better person in my careers. And to be able to support my family…. I struggle on FANIANCE but I try my best to do wat I have to do. But I try not to stress about anything to much… But as long as I know your watching over me and letting me know wat to avoid… I’ll try to do my best to avoid these trails … Thank you for your time and stay bless.

  • Sarah J
    Posted at 02:58h, 18 April Reply

    Thanks Luna. Am currentsly waiting for a man to contact me and giving him lot of space and waiting still. also feel to see my other love again. The moon play big role. My other friend s is seeing two men at same time and they both ok about it.

  • someeka d dixon
    Posted at 15:09h, 17 April Reply

    Thank you so much for your insight, I always listen, trust , and believe in your guidance. I feel it’s always from the heart with accuracy. I feel I’m here to be a miracle worker a light path worker or here do missionary work of some sort. I know that’s my purpose in life to give back I just feel it. If I’m wrong please let me know if that’s not the path I’m supposed to be traveling. And if so where do I start.? How do I get in sync with the right people at the right time ? Where do I begin? I just don’t know.

  • Evelyn Malanda
    Posted at 03:52h, 17 April Reply

    Hello luna , you are right on point , Luna right now am not in any relationship for some years , but am feeling argue to open up to love , but am scared I don’t want to be hurt again in my life for love . I want if I find love to be true . Luna you are right for thing am feeling growing spiritual awakening myself I can feel it thanks my friend Luna and I prayed to universe to send my twin flame to me soon .

  • Kathleen Yvette
    Posted at 23:48h, 16 April Reply

    Well if you are already one leg out you can’t actually be working on your current. Take a hike be honest with her, say you have been spending time with someone else so that’s why you have probably not getting along with your current, she is probably jumping thru hoops wondering what she has done!! Jackass, try telling the truth and let her decide how she feels. She will be sad but if she knew you were already interested in someone else hopefully she is stronger and goes for better.

  • Cheryl Bell
    Posted at 23:44h, 16 April Reply

    Luna – spot on reading. My DM has taught me so much about my spirituality. He’s a very spiritual person himself. But he’s been hurt too many times and could never open up with his emotions. He goes hot and cold without a moment’s notice. I have tried to give him time and room to heal. I feel like he is my twin flame. I know he is. But this isn’t good for either one of us. I’m moving on. I have to. I will always love him, but I love myself too. I’m through with the emotional roller coaster ride. Haven’t told him yet – he’s not speaking to me at this time. I know he’ll come be bopping back expecting me to “understand” and “forgive” and we’ll try again. But no – the first time was his fault – the second is mine. I’m an Aries sun and Pisces moon Venus rising. I have high expectations for my future without them. I

  • Florence Nkechi Izuchukwu
    Posted at 23:32h, 16 April Reply

    Thank you Luna Dragonwell! There is an imbalance in my relationship as your reading stated..I have tried to save it by being the bigger person but I’m at the point of giving up and hope for a greener pasture ( healthier relationship ) with somebody else. You readings are accurate. I always look forward to them.. thank you again

  • Felividad
    Posted at 21:50h, 16 April Reply

    Thank you very much for your kindness advices , I hope I’m in a right path of life and ended to happy future with true love and happiness and please send to me if I’m in a wrong relationship coz you’re clairvoyant you. Can detect the future through my date of birth and my name, thank again, felividad

  • Gary Marquard
    Posted at 21:31h, 16 April Reply

    Luna A true Star child, thank you, you’re absolutely correct about my life, in a relationship now that does not make me complete and recently met another woman who seems more to be a better fit and is just more for what I’m looking for. The sad part the woman I’m with now is in love with me big time and we are going on four years so is my happiness important or do I hang around?

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