05 Mar Unexpected Love | New Moon in Pisces Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 3/6
There could be a fresh chance for love just around the corner for you!
Sirena Moon says that the upcoming New Moon in Pisces on March 6th could bring developments between you and the one you desire…
She’s here today to help you release your worries, so you can manifest a deeper and more fulfilling romance.
P.S. What worries are you releasing to manifest more love this New Moon? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here, and in today’s video I’m talking about the beautiful New Moon in the sign of Pisces that’s happening on March 10th and what this energy could mean for you. And, I’m also going to do a Group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit around this New Moon time. So, the New Moon happens in the sign of Pisces on March 10th. So, around this time, give it about a couple days before, a couple days after, there’ll be a real energy of romance. Pisces is all about dreaming and romance and poetry and sensuality and tapping into your heart and connection with other people. So, this is a very potentially romantic New Moon, and I especially say that because this New Moon will be conjunct to the planet Neptune, which is all about romance, dreaminess, poetry, sensuality. Neptune rules Pisces, so they have the same energy. So, it’s going to be double that romantic energy. But, one thing to watch out for is that Neptune can sometimes make you a little bit delusional. So, as long as you sort of remain a little bit balanced at this New Moon, it’s the perfect time to make a wish for romance, set an intention or do something romantic or self-loving for yourself. It’s a really lovely New Moon time.
So, with that being said, then I’m going to do a Group Tarot Reading with any messages from Spirit about this New Moon time. So, Spirit, what would you have us know for our highest good about this time? What would you have us know for our highest good? I’m feeling this card. Oh, the Ten of Swords and it is in reverse. Okay, so you might have, many of us might have recently given up on something, just really felt exhausted by the pursuit of something, exhausted by a cycle that we’ve been really caught in. This is like mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion. That person’s just like, ah, on the ground. I know it looks like a really scary card, but I always love getting this card because it means you’re just done being involved in that scenario and draining your energy, and especially because it’s in reverse. I’m feeling like many of you just need to hear that it’s okay to give up on this situation. It’s okay to let it go. It’s okay to think about something else, to just move on. What do they say, when you let go of something, you let go of someone and they come back and the opportunity comes back or the person comes back, it’s truly meant for you. So, there’s such power in surrendering, taking a break, walking away for now, taking even a mental break. So really, I think there’s emphasis, I’m feeling this for so many of you, it’s okay to kind of put this to the side, put your worries to the side about it, to let yourself take a break mentally and physically from this situation that you’ve been involved in with this beautiful energy of this New Moon. It is very healing, very restorative with that Neptune and Piscean energy.
So, Spirit, what would you have us let go of around this time? What would you have us release? Oh my goodness, so many Swords. Oh, so this is the Nine of Swords. So, this is anxiety. This is just waking up in the middle of the night with thoughts that you just can’t stop thinking. Your mind is just, your subconscious is trying to process something and it has you filled with worry and anxiety. So, again, this is letting go, for so many of you around this New Moon time, as much as you can, of thoughts that are worrying you, thoughts that are on repeat, okay? It’s really trying to just allow that healing, tap into that healing energy of Neptune and Pisces. Allow yourself, you know what Spirit is saying is to be delusional. Allow yourself to see things through rose colored glasses. Allow yourself just a little bit of looking at life in a way that sees things through a more positive lens as much as you can. Being really tender with yourself, being very loving with yourself, knowing this too shall pass. This too shall pass. Spirit is saying, for so many of you, think of all the times you thought you were stuck in a pattern and it did change. It did shift, okay? So, it’s just trying to really let go of anxiety and worry because it’s not, Spirit is saying that it’s not, you know, it’s that so much of what you fear never comes to pass. So, it’s like wasting energy on something that might not even happen.
And then, that card flew out. Oh my gosh, the Page of Cups. So, Page of Cups is all about romance, new love, connectivity. So yes, if some of you have a lot of worry about romance, this is a good sign that if you let something go, something new will come in. There’s a restorative regenerative energy about this that I’m feeling. There’s this feeling of either someone you’ve let go a long time ago will possibly come back in for some of you, or there’s a new person just on the horizon. If you can let go of the person you’re really focused on, this is a very romantic card. And, for those of you not thinking about romance, I’m feeling like there is just this maybe, possibly, a person around this New Moon that you’ll meet that makes you feel really young, excited and alive again. And, this could be a wonderful friendship or associate at work, but there’s something here about this other person. There’s something very special about this connection around this New Moon time or just after it. So, pay attention to a message you get, a person that comes in, for many of you, or some kind of potential romantic connection, okay? There’s something very exciting about getting out of your head and into your heart and into these feelings of regenerative renewal. Okay, that’s beautiful.
And, Spirit, what is an unexpected twist in this New Moon? An unexpected possible surprise in this New Moon. Oh, beautiful, Three of Cups. So, Three of Cups, it’s all about coming together with other people, celebrating. You might get an unexpected invitation around this New Moon or something might happen where you just feel like, “Oh my gosh, this has really connected me with friends or community that is bringing a lot of joy and making me really release those isolated, fearful thoughts.” It’s coming together in community. So, if you get a surprise invitation or you connect with a surprise group of people, somehow this could be really simple. This could even be online. There’s this feeling to really focus on that around this time and to come together with other people. And, for some of you, there could be something that happens where it is a reason to celebrate. So, allow yourself to celebrate with this beautiful New Moon. Your cup is overflowing. There’s this feeling of regenerative energy with this New Moon to tap into, for many of you, that allows the joy to float in your heart again, and something could happen unexpectedly or when you weren’t expecting it or by surprise. And, something could happen when you weren’t expecting it. Something could happen by surprise or take you by surprise that it ends up really opening your heart and making you feel connected to other people and you just want to party or celebrate around this New Moon. And, if you get the opportunity, definitely take it because you could meet someone romantic, I’m feeling like for some of you, through some kind of group connection that you have, some kind of friends group or an event that you’re invited to that you weren’t planning on going to around this New Moon time.
Okay, Spirit, so if we’re doing our best to eliminate anxious thoughts, to surrender, to allow something to be released, and if we let go of our head energy, tap into our heart energy around this New Moon time, what is the outcome of that that wants to fly out? And, it’s the Ace of Wands, which is, again, I’m feeling such regenerative energy. I feel like this New Moon is going to just kickstart something for so many of you. So, Ace of Wands, this is all about moving forward positively. A new adventure, something that energizes you, that makes you feel excited, and it’s something you haven’t started yet, but it could be an idea that you take action on. It could be an invitation, some kind of invitation, and it just gets you excited. For some of you, it’s some kind of new love opportunity or new work opportunity. Just a new path that opens up that you feel like a kid again. There’s something exciting and it takes you out of this feeling of isolation, drain and just giving up, and it’s like renewal energy. So this is the potential of this New Moon. It’s a time to feel like, ah, you’re coming out of this overthinking sort of isolated, stuck place into your heart, and then it brings you into your body with this final card. It brings you into your body. And, for some reason, I’m feeling like I need to pull another one.
So Spirit, what else would you have us know, oh, that just flew out, about this New Moon time? Queen of Pentacles, okay, so that just really flew out. So, Queen of Pentacles, this is really all about feeling again, sensual, romantic. The Queen of Pentacles is really related to the Venusian qualities of feeling your worth, feeling that you’re prosperous, feeling abundant. Look at that card, she’s just in all of this absolute blossoming of nature, absolute abundance. There’s flowers everywhere. She’s holding a giant coin, and she’s really connected to her ability to magnetize things to her, this Queen of Pentacles.
Okay so, this is all about something just making you feel kind of alive and energized. Again, you want to move your body, you want to move in a direction. It’s exciting. It’s like, yeah, I want to create that. I want to do that. I feel passionate around this New Moon time, and then this feeling of “Wow, and I have the ability to receive the dreams in my heart. I can set that intention. I can make that wish on this bountiful New Moon, and I can have a bountiful consciousness about receiving that. And, I don’t have to fight for it. I don’t have to fend for it. I can be guided toward it. I can be pregnant with possibility for it. I can allow this to unfold for me in the coming months.” So, I’m feeling like this is a very potent, powerful New Moon to kind of allow yourself to really ruminate in dreams of your heart and really set that intention and then take some kind of inspired action on it in the days that follow.
All right, darlings, so I’m wishing you such a beautiful New Moon time and beyond. I’m sending you all my love. You’re such beautiful, beautiful, wonderful people, and I just love you. So, I’m sending you so much love and bountiful blessings on this New Moon time and beyond. Bye.
Posted at 20:02h, 24 MarchHI Sirena .T hank you for the reading that reflected to me. As a light bearer of Light i have tried to be good to a some one special even though they have ghosted me on few occasions and i have been forgiving and i know that the universe has shown me that she is my true flame. I realized that all the negativity within her life will take sometime for her to realised as she is surrounded by toxic relation and people.I know that my limit and strength are thinning off as she is hard to open up…
Thambelina Takhellambam
Posted at 14:38h, 07 MarchThank you so much for the beautiful reading..♥️♥️♥️
Roxana Reeves
Posted at 10:50h, 07 MarchSirena,
You are amazing! Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us. What you shared today resonated tremendously with me. Spot on. I am sad for the pain and hurt that others feel of not having faith in anything. I am praying for those who are feel cursed and reaching out to all of us for their lives to be better as I pray for myself each day to let love into my heart. I appreciate your reading and accept this new beginning.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:13h, 07 MarchWhat a beautiful message, thank you Roxana! Love to you!! <3 Sirena
Roxana Reeves
Posted at 10:49h, 07 MarchSirena,
You are amazing! Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us. What you shared today resonated tremendously with me. Spot on. I am said for the pain and hurt that others feel of not having faith in anything. I am praying for those who are feel cursed and reaching out to all of us for their lives to be better as I pray for myself each day to let love into my heart. I appreciate your reading and accept this new beginning.
Posted at 23:52h, 06 MarchTen of Swords for me I haven’t let go yet but I am definitely exhausted mentally and physically and I have had enough. Thank you for the reading it doesn’t all seem to be about my life situation but the Ten of Swords for sure.
Tara Stanhope
Posted at 21:07h, 06 MarchThank you so much for your message, i hope this is true fir me as well!!
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 20:30h, 06 MarchThanks and have a nice week
Lisa Johnson
Posted at 20:19h, 06 March🇬🇧🙏🏽💛💡always sierena moon , what beautiful reading , for me personal right now this is exactly what I am going through and it bought me to tears tonight , I feel your message as it appeared while I was in pray and asking the universe, a ? And then start crying is a confirmation as to why this earth Angel wants me As I was In a place of feeling disheartened, but the universe and god know their children and hear your cry all within timing their work shall be done. They will never fail us 💛😊 Truly Grateful Sierena moon 🌑
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:14h, 07 MarchSo much love to you Lisa!!! Sending you every blessing!!!!xoxoSirena
michael rennick
Posted at 19:51h, 06 MarchFindings from the Jack Web Telescope are generating questions about what we thought we knew and we may have to alter our theories about the Universe. Perhaps time and space or space-time is just a mental construct and what we think we know is all an illusion, but what’s reality anyway? We may as well construct a happy illusion no matter what.
james hanlon
Posted at 18:47h, 06 Marchwaiting on my twin flame reunion. Been getting signs its time for months now
Lorna Stoney
Posted at 11:57h, 06 MarchThank you Serina. I resonate on this.
There’s something exciting and it takes you out of this feeling of isolation, drain and just giving up, and it’s like renewal energy. So this is the potential of this New Moon. It’s a time to feel like, ah, you’re coming out of this overthinking sort of isolated, stuck place into your heart, and then it brings you into your body.
What you shared here. Thank you again. 🙏🏼🦂❤️
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:15h, 07 MarchThank you Lorna!!! love to you!!Sirena
Tanya Y Long
Posted at 11:00h, 06 MarchI feel like Shirley. I have been unlucky not in love and I have not met anyone new but 2 guys who I hear from on occasions nothing that I can hope on. I have prayed about it and God has ignored my prayer and overlooked my prayer. I feel left out and I feel cursed like I will never find the love I desire. This article sounds good telling me love is around the corner but, never close enough. I won’t believe it until his knocking at my door or standing in my face up close. The bible says he will withhold nothing from him that believe. It seems like he is wihholding happiness from me.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:17h, 07 MarchI understand Tanya, love can be so hard to find, and once found, to keep! It really can feel the Universe is against us. I love that bible quote. Yes, have faith lovely. So much love to you!!! Sirena
Posted at 09:36h, 06 MarchOh my. That really hit the nail on the head for me. Thank you for sharing all of that! I am so looking forward to this new moon and new possibilities that are lurking around the corner. Again, thank you for sharing! Be blessed 🙂
Lill Bulley
Posted at 09:32h, 06 MarchThank you sirena for your love and its given me hope. I truely am hoping. I manifest daily for the return of love into my life hopefully this new moon will help guide me to it.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:17h, 07 MarchLoads of love to you Lil!!xoxoSirena
Posted at 08:59h, 06 MarchHi Sirena, Thank you for a great reading today!
Posted at 08:47h, 06 MarchNo! I definitely didn’t like the reading.
am not ready to release the one I am interested in as I feel there is still hope!
I do not believe there is new love coming in. For weeks now I have been hearing this from tarot readers but nothing. It just never happens
no longer believe in love. Not for me anyway. I have been alone for many years now so I don’t see it happening
Source God whatever you choose to call it, they have never looked favourably on me throughout my entire life. I don’t see them saying that I have had a horrific life so let’s give her a break and grant her hearts desire anytime soon.
Life has never been kind to me I doubt it will ever change. Cursed from birth. That’s me. I no longer have faith in anything.
Gibson Nsimbi
Posted at 08:02h, 06 MarchWhen you do private reading do you charge a and how much?
Sirena Moon
Posted at 13:19h, 07 MarchHi Gibson! Here is a link to my private readings. Blessings to you, Sirena