What They Wish They Could Say | Galena The Mystic | Timeless Tarot Reading

Someone could be holding onto a powerful message for you…

Galena The Mystic is here with an intuitive reading to reveal the words they’ve been keeping close to their chest.

Just pick the cards that speak to you to receive your message now.

P.S. Did you expect to receive this message? Let Galena know with a comment down below!


What’s up, beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. It’s Galena the Mystic, and I’m coming to you raw and real. No makeup today because I’m an Aries sun. I gotta keep it real. Pisces rising. I need to do things when I feel the vibes and I am totally feeling the vibes to channel for you guys today. Thank you so, so much for your beautiful comments on last week’s video. Go check it out if you haven’t yet. I was absolutely brought to tears reading your comments. It just filled me with so much joy and I love the love and support that you’re sharing, not just for me but for each other in the comments too. So thank you, thank you, thank you for doing that. This week’s topic is going to be a timeless pick a card reading based on what they wish they could say to you.

When I say what they wish they could say to you, I mean anybody, this could be a lover. We’re going to leave it open for potentially like ancestors, lost loved ones to come through or just what anybody wishes they could say to you. Okay, it could be coworkers, it could be friends. We’re just going to see what comes through. But we’re going to do this with three cards, which I’ve already shuffled for us. Before I talk about these three groups, I’m going to share a collective message for all of us based on what is on top of the deck. And this time we have “share your voice.” This says come out of the cave persecution expression. So some of you’re becoming very emboldened in your words or you’re being encouraged to be more bold with your words at this time, especially as Leo sees and rolls around.

I know that this is a timeless message. So if it’s not Leo’s season where you are at the time that you’re seeing this tap into it anyways. It’s a good time to get out of hiding and to kind of come out of a tunnel, especially if you’ve been in kind of a darker period of your life. I really see us as a collective making efforts to just crawl out of it and to express our truths anyways and to be more authentic and expressive when it comes to who we are, what we’re passionate about, and what we believe. So if you needed to hear that, let me know in the comments, but this is your sign to speak your truth.

So let’s go ahead and get into our three groups for today, starting with group number one, we have Deep Replenishment. Let’s see if I can get this to focus. There we go. “Retreat, rest, be held.” And then for group number two, we have Warrior Woman. You do not have to be a woman to identify or resonate with this card. Okay? It’s having a hard time focusing, but you guys get the idea. And then group number three, Imrama, “Where are you being called to journey to?”
There we go. So this camera has a harder time sometimes focusing, but it is higher quality with the sound and the picture. So let me know what you prefer. Last week I used my webcam camera because my camera was still packed from me moving. So let me know what you would prefer!

But let’s see here are all three cards. Hold on. There we go. Here are all three cards for those of you who like to see all three at the same time. Okay, so hopefully that’s good and let’s go ahead and start with group number one. Deep Replenishment. So what do they wish they could say to you? What do they wish they could say to you? Let’s see. Who wants to say something to group number one… I feel called to shuffle again. Who wants to say something to group number one, we have The Wanderer or The Fool? So this is a new person for some of you, this is a person you haven’t met yet, so very interesting. This is a positive connection. Whatever it is, it’s a positive connection. Someone who thinks fondly of you. This could be the higher self of a future friend, a future soulmate, or someone you just met recently. Okay, we have the Queen of Coins in the reverse.

We also have the Page of Wands Reverse. So yeah, I think that this person, wow, okay, Priestess reversed. This definitely seems like someone you haven’t met yet or a spirit guide you haven’t met yet. The Empress reversed! For some reason I just really get the message. You are not on earth with this person at this time. So this is someone who has a very nurturing energy. It could definitely be a passed on mother figure, but for a lot of you I’m getting this is not someone you met on Earth or knew on earth. It’s more so like a spirit guide here with a maternal energy. So this could be a great, great grandmother or some sort of grandmother where you just have never met them, but whatever it is, they have this maternal loving energy and what they wish they could say to you is, “Be free spirited.”

Be free spirited with this Page of Wands reversed, Queen of Coins reversed. You could be a really hardworking person or the type of person who you’ve just had to take on a lot of responsibility in your life. This person wants to encourage you to have fun, to go be seen. Six of Wands reversed. Oh yeah, Two of Cups under that. This energy really has a lot of unconditional love and support for you and this person particularly is trying to help some of you in relationships, with relationships, with manifesting healthy partnerships and maintaining healthy partnerships. With the six of Wands reversed I feel that this energy supporting you is kind of giving you the advice if you want to be in love, you’ve got to be seen. So some of you, you’re like focused so much on work or focus so much on home, you could be a homebody and this spirit guide, this energy is like how are you going to fall in love and meet the love of your life if you stay inside all the time?

Okay. Also, there’s something about beauty here. So some of you, you can be tapping into Aphrodite energy and that could definitely be coming through. I definitely get that the nuance is a little bit different, but the energy is universal. So it’s like this is a spirit guide that wants to help you embrace your feminine energy regardless of your gender so that you can beautify yourself and also so you can be more receptive. So if you’ve been feeling inspired to be more in that energy, this guide is definitely a big reason for that. They’re sending you signs and synchronicities, too, especially peonies and tiger lilies. Okay, we have peonies, tiger lilies… I’m also seeing seashells. So this person sending you a lot of signs or this person, this spirit is sending you a lot of signs to encourage you to be a little bit more enthusiastic, to be a little bit more spontaneous as well and to tap into your sensuality, your ability to seduce, to attract.

And there’s something here about going on adventures and going beyond your comfort zone. So this person or this spirit is saying it’s safe to do so we have Temperance reversed and the Nine of Pentacles here. So yeah, there’s a big emphasis on self-care. Peacocks could be significant, but here it’s like you might be really in your head about your purpose at times and if you’re doing things right and if you’re on the right track and if you’re on the right path and spirit is saying yes, you are on the right path, it is absolutely encouraged for you to take care of yourself. And that’s part of making sure you stay in alignment is by taking care of yourself. So that might be a little counterintuitive to you or you just might not be programmed with that sort of mindset, but it’s like you can manifest a lot right now through self-care and kind of following your whims.

So I hope that that makes sense, but that’s what that spirit guide wanted to say to you. And yeah, it’s interesting because we have- the card you chose is “Deep Replenishment- retreat, rest be held,” and so some of you, you really need a break and you need a spa day. Sorry, my nails are growing in. I always get comments about my nails. It is what it is. If you buy a reading, I’ll use that money to get my nails done (joking). But with this card, it’s like you will not be punished for taking a break [from survival mode]. You can surrender to what your body needs. This spirit guide is all about that and will bring you more opportunities to take care of your physical body and to chill, to relax. Just like I’m here in my comfy clothes, no makeup, you can kind of chill, take a backseat and kind of see how miracles can work for you. that’s the message that I got for group number one.

Let’s go ahead and move on to group number two. We have Warrior woman, okay? You do not have to be a woman at all to resonate with this card, but this says, I dunno why this card doesn’t want to focus. Maybe you have a hard time focusing. Shout out to my ADHD gang. What’s up? This says, have you answered your deepest calling? So definitely I’m seeing that this is your group if you’re just really in your discernment and you are the type of person where maybe you haven’t always been this way, but recently you’re like, I’m going to take control of my own life. I need to start calling shots. I need to start making better decisions for myself, and it’s paying off because you are becoming more in alignment and I think you can feel it.

It’s like a powerful shift. You feel more in tune. This is also my claircognizant group, so I don’t know why but likely, whatever this person wants to say to you or whatever this energy wants to say to you in this group, it’s likely something you already know about. I’m just going to be completely honest. So if anything, this reading should confirm your intuition and you should definitely know if this is your group, let’s go ahead and see who wants to say something to you, who wants to speak to you. Okay, we got two cards starting with the Knight of Pentacles. So this is someone in the flesh, Six of Cups, someone potentially from your past. Yep. This is someone you definitely know. You’re very, very familiar with them.

What is it that they want to express to you? The Moon reversed. Wow. Okay. And the Queen of Wands, you really inspire this person. I don’t know what happened in the past, but you really inspire this person to face their fears in some way and that’s what they wish they could say to you. They wish they could say it to you… With the Queen of Wands, you have this trailblazer energy, even if that’s not your personality or how you think of yourself, you came into this person’s life to shake things up and as I say that I’m clearing my throat. I feel like this person is holding back in some way. They wish that they could express this to you, but there’s definitely fears here with this Moon reversed. I don’t know.
Let’s see. I was going to say I’m not really getting an energy of regret, but let’s let the cards confirm.

Temperance. So yeah, this person, yeah, they don’t have regrets. This person actually would say to you if they felt that they could, they would say, I have no regrets about how things played out with you. Why? Because with this Five of Wands, every argument we had taught me something. They definitely think back on words you said, but even more so than words you have said. It’s like just the way you carry yourself, the way you move through life with the Queen of Wands, you had this sense of faith in a greater plan, a greater purpose. You had some sort of connection to spirit as well with this Temperance energy. It’s Archangel Michael. They really admire that about you and it was something that they were not able to embody at the time that you guys were involved. In the Five of Wands, they had a lot of resistance to your energy for some reason. But now in hindsight, hindsight’s 2020, right? That’s what this is giving me.

It seems like something about a chance you took on yourself or the way you move through life or just how confident you are or how tapped in you are in your spiritual journey. It’s like they can see now how valuable that is and how you were always, you were a teacher. You were a teacher in this life. This person is so impressed with you and I actually feel called to come back to the card. You chose Warrior Woman. It’s like you have a boldness to you, a bravery to you, especially when it comes to some of the challenges you’ve been through. I wouldn’t be surprised if you and this person went through similar challenges. It could be because you were family. If you literally grew up with each other and you were subjected to the same traumas. It’s like you handled it in a way that they didn’t think to handle it and that’s what this person wishes they could say to you. It’s like, again, no regrets. I feel like they have a strong level of acceptance of what’s happened here, but it’s like you, I’m going to face new challenges differently because I had your example.

For some of you, this is a younger sibling who you’re not in contact with. For some of you it’s an ex-partner and for some of you it’s like an old friend. Yeah. Okay. Very interesting. Let’s see, is there anything else this person wants to say? Is there anything else this person would say if they felt that they could Queen of Swords reversed. Yeah, they don’t feel they can communicate with you for some reason. I wouldn’t be surprised if in the 3D, this person was quite curt with you.
Even critical. This person was very critical. If they regret anything, it’s the way that they spoke with you Three of Pentacles, because now they realize that you could have worked together. Libra, Aquarius or Gemini could be significant with this person. Doesn’t have to be, but this person wishes that they had collaborated with you. They believe that if they had been more receptive to your energy and a little bit more cooperative that they would be in a different place in life. So wow, really powerful energy here. And yeah, the 10 of Pentacles, they hope in the long term that things work out for them. I almost feel like they hope for mercy from the divine when it comes to… They can just see their past mistakes very clearly. But again, yeah, Strength, they know they have acceptance, okay, because what this card is about acceptance, and they know that they couldn’t have done it differently because they didn’t know what they didn’t know at the time. So yeah, I think it’s interesting that the Queen of Swords reverse came out, whereas you were showing up as this Warrior Woman with the sword upright.

This person compares themselves to you a lot, even if they’re a past lover. Okay, I definitely get X friendship for some of you. Okay, so that was my group number two. Thanks so much for being here. Let’s go ahead. Oh, I forgot to plug my readings. If you would like to purchase a reading for private guidance for more deeper insights that apply to you and you specifically, you can purchase that at the link below. Okay, so sorry, group number one. I didn’t let you guys know, but I feel like you guys know the deal.

Okay, so let’s get into group number three. If I can just find your card- Imrama, where are you being called to journey to? So let’s get into it. Definitely someone could be traveling here. I mean that’s pretty straightforward, but let’s go ahead and see who wants to speak with you and shuffle the deck. Who would like to speak to my group number three, as I’m shuffling Five of Cups comes out. This is someone with a lot of regrets. Let’s see what’s up with this. Who is this that wants to speak to my group? Number three, who wishes they can speak to my group number three? Ace of Wands.
Three of Cups reversed. The Four of Cups, and Two of cups. So this seems like a lover, Four of Cups who is dissatisfied with where you guys are at right now in some way and with this ace of wants. This is someone who wants a clear beginning. They have a lot of desire for you. This is definitely giving a physical attraction.

Okay, Three of Cups reversed. This person didn’t take you seriously. This is someone from your past who did not take you seriously and now they’re dissatisfied because with the Two of Cups they have deeper feelings for you. So that’s what this looks like to me. Five of Cups in the reverse. There’s a lot of regrets here when it comes to they’re feeling challenged because they have desires for casual connections with history of cups. They have desires for deeper connection and commitment and they vibe with you. This is someone who you could be literally involved with this person in a sensual way.
I’m being careful with my words because YouTube, but this is someone you’re likely physically involved with who has a lot of regrets because they’re kind of seeing right now how their priorities, prioritizing their lust is not paying off the way that they want it to. But at the same time with this two cups, four of cups, they don’t feel ready necessarily for a deeper commitment. Four of Cups. They really worry that they would be bored.

Spirit is bringing this up. So I guess you do need to hear it. I would love for you to comment down below a note and let me know if, do you care about this person? Do you wish that this person would, I mean it must be coming up for a reason. Do you wish that this person would communicate with you? We have the Page of swords. They do want to communicate something to you, but Six of Wands reversed. They don’t know if they would be successful. This is someone who wants to say to you, “I would commit, but I don’t want to make a promise I can’t keep. It would be worse if I were to promise something that I’m not sure I’m capable of.” They’re not sure if they can handle an exclusive relationship to be honest. They’re not sure if it’s really what they want. They feel it. They can feel how good it feels to be in your energy. They can feel how happy they are to be around you, to be in your presence.

They feel very lucky to be in your presence, but they just don’t feel ready to let go of these casual connections and that’s their right. You can’t control this person at all and you shouldn’t want to. Unconditional love is not control, but this person, they just don’t feel like they would handle or they don’t feel like they did handle, if this is someone who fumbled already, a deeper connection with you. Okay, I don’t know why I’m shuffling again. So let’s just go with it. We’re flowing very intuitively today. Let’s see, what else would they say? Two of Pentacles. So they want to keep things the way that they are. This person is saying, can we maintain it? I’m still going back and forth. King of Swords reversed. “I’m all up in my head,” okay, this person really, I would say they intellectualize and detach from their emotions quite easily. So you should know if that’s the energy you’re dealing with. It’s like let’s just keep things how they are because mentally I can’t even handle the prospect of switching anything up.

Death. So there’s a big transformation energy they’re going through here, but I want to be honest, it doesn’t seem like they’re ready to tackle what’s in their heart space. This person would also tell you if they could, “I’m not ready to face the pain of what I’ve been through.” I don’t know if this person has opened up to you yet, but this is coming up in what they wish they could say to you message. So I feel like this person, it’s not that they don’t trust you with this information, it’s just that they have closed up their heart space. They’ve been through a lot with Death. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been through maybe physical death in their family or close loved ones if they were broken up with at an early age or something like that and it was a formative experience that they were having a hard time letting go of. But with Lovers reversed, it’s like they have some sort of belief that love is not for them and that’s not something you can change.

If anything, I feel this person sees you as a perfect option if that’s what they were in the market for. They just aren’t in the market for it. So I just have to be honest. That is what this person wishes they could say is, “I’m in so much emotional pain that I am always stifling. So I’m sorry that I can’t do more for you. It’s not that you don’t deserve more. If you want true love, you should go after it.” That’s what this person wishes they could say to you, but they are in an energy of stagnation and they have a lot of lust for you. So they’re not saying that. So I just have to be honest and keep it real with you guys. But if you want unconditional love, let’s manifest it bestie. Let’s get into a private reading where we can get more into your love connections, what’s possible for you and what else is out there because you’re not stuck with anybody. But I can tell you have a lot of love and compassion for this person. So with that being said, I’m sending you all my love. Thank you so much for watching this video. Click the link below if you want to get into private reading, like this video if you want to like it. Subscribe if you want to see me in the future. I love you all so much and I’ll see you the next one. Okay, bye.

Galena The Mystic
Galena The Mystic

Galena the Mystic is an intuitive tarot reader and spiritual educator. She specializes in helping her clients with love, manifestation, personal empowerment, and psychic development. As a lifelong student and teacher of the mystical arts, she believes that all things are possible through self-trust, compassion, and serenity!

  • Lorraine Ait-Meziane
    Posted at 19:43h, 23 July Reply

    Wow card 3 was for me , pain I can’t describe what I endured and all I asked for was honesty , I couldn’t even get that, yes I do love him alot and gave my heart for the first time in my life to be left with pain that I truly never deserved , I was pure and he wore the mask , I don’t think I will ever forget this pain , ever , its embedded in my heart and has marked me forever .

  • Berthold Thomas Hantke
    Posted at 03:25h, 17 July Reply

    hallo Galena, vielen Dank für deine wirklich tiefe Lesung. Ich war von Karte No.2 angezogen worden. Und ja, du hast mir gezeigt da ist etwas mit meinem kleinen, jüngeren Bruder was sich jetzt zu bewegen scheint. Einsichten sind gekommen und Gefühle des Bedauerns über die Art und Weise wie die Dinge in der Vergangenheit gelaufen sind. O.k. ich fand es toll und sehr wichtig, das ich diese Informationen jetzt erhalten habe. Auch bei mir kommen die Einsichten zur Zeit hoch wie ich die Situation in der Vergangenheit rückblickend verstehen kann. Vielen vielen Dank für deine Lesung nochmal.
    Berthold Thomas, ein Sternenkind

  • Rita
    Posted at 15:54h, 13 July Reply

    Thanks Gakena💕🦋

  • Annette "Greta" Gonzales
    Posted at 09:57h, 13 July Reply

    Wow Galena! Girl, you are so spot on about your reading, it’s almost acary. It was like I had shared info with you about him before this. I chose card #3 and that is exactly how he. Is. Thank you for that I feel much better knowing that’s what he would want to say and how he feels. The chemistry he and I had was amazing.. I care a lot about him but there is 21 year age gap between us. Him being younger and the reading makes sense. He lost his Nana in December, she was like his mom. Thank you again! Many blessings to you. Galena!🙏❤️

  • Clinton
    Posted at 07:51h, 13 July Reply

    Omg my ex friend just really spoke to me and respecting me even more than the way he normally does. This is so accurate number 2 is so accurate

  • Sharon
    Posted at 06:43h, 13 July Reply

    Hello Galena, I’ve never commented before but most weeks you are so spot on with your intuition of what’s going on in my life, it’s scary. Today I’ve been called to say to you that I chose card 1 but also 3. Card 1 energy is literally how I’ve been trying to embrace life over the just year and I have an Aunt that past many many years ago but I feel like it’s her spirit guiding me as she was incredibly feminine and warm and nurturing. But it’s card 3 I want to especially comment on. Over the last year, I have been connecting with an a man who is an air sign, Libra. We started our connection within so much intense sexual energy, the likes of which I have never experienced before. BUT! He’s been hurt twice very intensely by women in his life. First his mum and then a lover who he was deeply deeply hurt by. I have had to pull myself away from him as it was making me crazy and unwell because I know that he’s not ready yet to unguard his heart. Now that I’ve taken my power back, our energy is healing again and our connection feels light and good again. To hear the message about how he is feeling is exactly what I was thinking, so to her it as confirmation has told me to just be patient. If it’s meant to be, it will be with this man but I will still keep my heart space open for someone else in case he is not meant for me. But is really helped to heal my heart, hearing that message as he is not very good at expressing himself so I’ve had to use alit of intuition with this man 😊. You are amazing and your intuition is crazy strong. Keep filling the world with your light!!! Xxx

  • Barbie Adamson
    Posted at 06:26h, 13 July Reply

    Just yesterday I ran into an old friend who ended our friendship with some really harsh words. Your reading for #2 group was exactly what I needed to hear. It was so precise and gave clarity…Thank you for what you do.

  • Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
    Posted at 03:59h, 13 July Reply

    Thank you so much 🙏 all of the card number is accurate … In number three I love him so much my post lover my x boyfriend he is to regret? But he did no to respect me 😭 I want to be communicate to him 🙏 yhak you galena

  • Eve Smith
    Posted at 03:13h, 13 July Reply

    Yes. I want to hear from him.

  • abayomi monsuru isiba
    Posted at 03:11h, 13 July Reply

    nice ordeal

  • Yvonne Sorensen
    Posted at 02:59h, 13 July Reply

    HI Galena I listened to all 3 which I normally don’t do hoping I would hear something from my lat husband. I could relate to all 3. 1st 1 my grandmother who worked herself to death to provide for my father and 3 siblings. The 2nd 1 was my daughter who hasn’t spoke to me in 9 years which breaks my heart. The 3rd 1 was this beautiful man I met at a Christmas party 2 years ago and saw 1 another on and off for a little while we are still friends and his been through a lot just like me. I think you are a brilliant reader and I love hearing your updates every week. Thanks so much you are an inspiration ❤️

  • TY
    Posted at 01:21h, 13 July Reply

    Wow thank you all of these Reading resonated with me about my ex bf I really appreciate you for giving me the clarity I needed. I appreciate it so much😁

  • Tracy
    Posted at 00:01h, 13 July Reply

    Group 3 was so spot on I wish things were different I am having a hard time letting dealing with this it’s been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least

    • Eve Smith
      Posted at 03:18h, 13 July Reply

      I deeply care for this person.

  • Melissa Louise (Walters) Pietschman
    Posted at 23:31h, 12 July Reply

    I felt a connection to each card as you were connecting to them. But as you did the last card…it truly broke my heart because now I know that I will never be with the one that I love and want to grow old with, and that means that my dreams won’t come true and that I may never truly be happy again.
    You are excellent at what you do…you have a wonderful energy and light…thank you God bless

  • Brendalee Wood
    Posted at 21:18h, 12 July Reply

    Is it possible for you to tell me
    Ryan or Dennis.
    Please I need to know before make a very big mistake.
    Thank you

  • Lynn
    Posted at 21:01h, 12 July Reply

    Wow you really resonated with me.i thank you for your insight., you really are right in what you predicted. I accept your readings in good faith bless you hugs n love xxx

  • Marthijn Jansen
    Posted at 20:50h, 12 July Reply

    Im curious ive the father off my mother….ugh ive he was in hell or direct in heaven? I didnt talk to him before last year….i think he just sayed yes….would be long time ive he just is now in heaven so….ive that true im very sorry for him gladly i gave him info after he totall listened to me and did what i say about getting out off hell ive you innocent….dont know how it works but ive he is now in heaven why not from the start? After the info he lived not long more but was like me whole day funny crazy he hat the time off his life…..after all things i learned now and have to learn this year! Im really happy that i gave info to all people and it was always correct….i have a critical assignment so happy to hear im on track :p it involves everybody thank you people like you i would give billions (or more ive not enough) to do your job👍 thanks thanks thanks 🙂

  • Marthijn Jansen
    Posted at 20:37h, 12 July Reply

    The spirit is the father off my mother and the women my soulmate whos married few years back have childeren…..all because i was cursed. Im fine with that im happy that there are more where i can be happy with. Maybe i dont know english word for father off my mother whaha goooood maybe he was saying there is even a better one….and i must meet her today sayed some people like you…..i see you video from the Netherlands very different time and i know for sure now yes fully! Hehe that im on the right track because my day is after when you are sending it probaly like that so i have that with all these videos off people…from all like aiden and stuff like that are this videos true adam the best and also free! How i like it this info should be free sadly! And forced by some people :p

  • April
    Posted at 20:33h, 12 July Reply

    Galena, you are amazing!, like others all felt right, but Group 2 broke ;me. Nail on the Head. (btw, Aries Sun/Sag Rising here, so maybe that’s why it makes sense). Thank you so much for sharing your gift.

  • Sara C
    Posted at 20:08h, 12 July Reply

    I liked all three . I found resonance with all three but number three was SOOO SPOT ON it was baffling . I feel more grounded after hearing it too . His energy has been around alot this week . I can feel him almost reach several times but then doesn’t. And yes he has so much pain & he is suppressing it . And totally weith stagnate & lust .

  • Lacy .
    Posted at 19:34h, 12 July Reply

    I’ve been really struggling with this with someone and I think card three is what I’ve been thinking has been going on. We are in no contact right now. We have an amazing connection but I scared him in the beginning by pushing him away and now he doesn’t trust that I won’t do it again and hurt him like he’s been hurt in the past. He was broken by his dad his mom his ex-wife and many other people in his life and when we first started dating it was my first relationship in 20 years and I was scared so I pushed him away because I was scared of vulnerability but then I let him in. He thought it was something wrong with him. We have not been able to recover but my heart my heart is to with me even though we haven’t talked since May. I want to let go but I I am struggling to believe that I will ever find somebody that I feel disconnected to again. I would accept him where he is at and who he is he just won’t let me tell him. I don’t think he believes me and I think he thinks he’ll lose me.

  • Lorraine Ait-Meziane
    Posted at 19:02h, 12 July Reply

    Omg card 3 was so raw and real as I understood everything , shocked how accurate it was , past lover , you were so spot on wow, it was nice to hear that maybe somewhere inside of him , he regrets and admits he neglected me alot, And yes I held alot of love for him, still going through the pain but I loved him aot , but sadly he does not deserve me as playing the field is what he will always do , sad but reality
    Thank you so so much 💗

  • Natalie Pedisich
    Posted at 18:48h, 12 July Reply

    I am group 3. Yes, I do care about this person. He thinks I need to be free for a while to find myself on my own journey before we make a commitment. He has opened to me, and he has been through 2 relationships that did not work out and his lost his mom.

  • Lorraine Ait-Meziane
    Posted at 18:48h, 12 July Reply

    Omg card 3 was so on point and everything you said about past lover was to detail, wow in complete shock, thanks so.much , words can’t even describe what this meant to me

  • Constantina
    Posted at 18:37h, 12 July Reply

    I don’t know which group I fall into for today’s reading, July 12, 2024, but I felt that each group was for me and quite real. At this time,I cannot afford a private reading but will hopefully can in the future as I would like personalized guidance. Thank you for today!

  • Kim Marie Jones
    Posted at 18:36h, 12 July Reply

    I was not expecting. The three (1st is about me taking time before a possible gig as a grade school teacher sub).

    2nd my youger sister, we did not grow up in samr household, im older, she married, towards of a very long week for her, she jumped me about eating food. It really hurt! Anyway i reached out once a couple of year).

    3rd my last boyfriend. Sexually fire for both of us, he ended getting hurt and has been in a ‘care center’ . I think he realizing, im still here, and we may not talk or communicate via text phone. Im alwsys here for him, i think hes grsteful i was tgere when he go t hurt
    But i dont know ant of his famiy

  • Lova Wils
    Posted at 18:34h, 12 July Reply

    You did project the prospective flame’s duality traits … do real! Thank you for clarity in your meditations skills!

  • Pam
    Posted at 18:30h, 12 July Reply

    I love him unconditionally. This is my twin flame and we are in separation. Love our energy when we are together, I feel him in the 5 D even if we are not together. I hope he is going through his awakening. It was just lovers, he felt I wanted a commitment but it is the energy that wanted so much more. I just wanted time with him.

  • Melissa Craig
    Posted at 18:21h, 12 July Reply

    Yes, would like communication

  • Courtney Bozarth
    Posted at 18:11h, 12 July Reply

    Hi Galena,
    I am very surprised for this reading. It was very insightful. Thank you 😊

  • Maraya Wellington James
    Posted at 17:58h, 12 July Reply

    Resonated a lot with the whole reading ! Mainly number 3 . Very informative and intuitive.

    • Amelia
      Posted at 18:13h, 13 July Reply

      That makes two of us. I Resonated with all three.

  • Loveth ugiagbe
    Posted at 17:49h, 12 July Reply

    Ohh wowwww🥹
    This story is for me

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 17:20h, 12 July Reply

    Thanks Galena,

    Have a pleasant weekend.


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