Wild & Free | Sirena Moon | Full Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading | 8/19

Are you in need of an exciting shake up?

Sirena Moon has a special message for the Full Moon in Aquarius, and she says this week could bring some unexpected plot twists.

Simply click the video below to hear her message now.

P.S. What are you hoping to break free from? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!


Hello, Cosmic Updates family. Sirena Moon here. And this week I am talking about the Full Moon that is happening in the sign of Aquarius on August 19. What this can mean for you. And I’m also going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this Full Moon time. 

So on August 19, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius. And Aquarius is all about being eccentric, breaking free, expansion, innovation, technology, the future. Aquarius is all about being wild and free. And this Full Moon is going to probably be kind of wild because it’s making quite a few aspects to a few major planets. And it’s happening during Mercury retrograde, so there could be a lot of shakeups during this time. Things might not go as planned. So just roll with whatever happens around this Full Moon time and embrace the aquarian energy of it all. Let yourself be free and explore new possibilities. Okay? And with that being said, I’m going to do a group tarot reading with any messages from spirit around this Full Moon in Aquarius. 

So, spirit, what is happening for the collective, for us, whoever’s watching around this Full Moon in Aquarius that you would have us know for our highest good. I’m feeling this card. Okay. The Moon. Okay. So right now, with the Full Moon, with the Moon, there is something that definitely is on pause. There’s, like, an issue many of us are dealing with where we feel like we just don’t have all the information yet. We don’t have the answer. It could be feeling really confusing, possibly foggy, a bit like, oh, we just cannot get clarity on this issue. And it’s really okay. Right now, I’m getting to just sort of take a break, take a break from it, not try and push forward, not try and figure this out, but rather let ourselves just be in a little bit of a dreamy state, a little bit of not trying to tackle this problem or this issue that many of us are dealing with and sort of let things be in the background as we tend to our emotions and we tend to our own spirit and maybe take a time out. 

Okay. Around this Full Moon time, especially if you’re feeling exhausted and it’s really important to take a time out from this issue. Yeah. Okay. And then the Nine of Swords. So you’re. For many of us, it’s like, with this issue, you might have been feeling like. But the more you’re thinking about it, it’s almost like you feel like all of your worries are somehow protecting you, somehow surrounding you with this protection, but it’s actually keeping you very isolated and keeping you in a state of fear where you’re immobile, almost. And so the message of this card is that you’re not stuck, and you absolutely can walk right through this circle. You’re not encircled by Swords. You can walk forward. Okay. But it’s also really about your thinking. So trying, again, this feeling to just try and take a mental break from this issue, not figure it out, but rather just try and tend to your spirit and tend to really relax around this time as much as you can, because there could be something you’ve been really overthinking or just trying to figure out or a lot of fear that you have about something, that you think that the fear is somehow protecting you, you know? But it. But it’s not. It’s more keeping you from seeing the solution. 

Okay. And then what to let go of? What to let go of the Ace of Cups in reverse. Okay. So if there’s something that he has been disappointing emotionally, maybe like something that’s feeling a little bit off, like you thought there was a fresh new start of some kind or possible, like, opportunity that you were getting excited about, or this could be a. Even a romantic opportunity we were getting excited about, but it’s kinda of been on ice. It’s kind of been on hold. It’s like, it’s okay. I’m just going to try my best to release that disappointment. And because I’m feeling like it’s not. I’m feeling like for so many of us, it’s not. It’s not a. It’s not going to go away. It’s not over. It’s just kind of on hold, some kind of… Some kind of opportunity or thing that you were really feeling. Kind of. Kind of anticipating or feeling excited about. 

Okay. And then what to embrace? The Seven of Cups. Okay, so, yeah, embrace. Yeah, I felt this at the first card. Embrace daydreaming right now. Embrace all the many possibilities. Embrace your creativity. Embrace all the possible visions in your mind. Inspired ideas, creative ideas. I’m feeling like this Full Moon is gonna bring some of you some serious creative ideas. Okay. That can be very profitable in the future. Can lead to really amazing pathways opening up for you. So this is a time I’m feeling with this moon card and these Seven of Cups to really connect your intuition. The Moon, the dream like energies. Write down your dreams. Just allow yourself to be in that space of daydreaming, dreaminess, visualization. There’s something really powerful I’m getting for so many of you that you’re gonna get some kind of possible inspired idea at this time or some kind of divine inspired download that really helps you with some issue where you’ve been feeling a bit emotionally impatient or disappointed by something. It’s almost like for some of you, your vision is hooked on one possibility and you’re feeling disappointed that that possibility isn’t happening. But there’s so many more possibilities that are even bigger and better, bigger and better Cups, so to speak, that are out there. 

So you kind of have to take your mind off of it and imagine the other possibilities that could come in that could make your heart sing. Okay, so if this one, like, job didn’t come through, a person didn’t come through. It’s important to start daydreaming about these other ones that are possibilities that are going to come through around this Full Moon time. Okay, what is a surprise twist? Some kind of surprise twist in all of this? Oh, the Ten of Swords. Okay, so it could feel like you get some kind of message or you get some kind of feeling where you finally surrender and let go, and it’s like, such a relief. Okay. It feels like, okay, good, that’s done. Or I can finally take my mind off of all this. Okay. All these worries in my mind, all this fear. I can finally just say, you know what? I’m officially, like, taking a break from this. I’m done from this. I got the message, and I’m no longer fighting for this, but rather, I’m letting it go. And so, even though this card looks quite scary, it’s always such a good sign that you’re about to start a new chapter. 

Okay, so it’s kind of like letting go. It’s like letting go of all of that effort and all of that stress or strain that you put into this, taking a beat, taking a time out, tending to your spirit, and then a new chapter begins. Okay, so. So that could happen in a surprising way. And what else about that spirit? What else about that? Wow. The Ace of Swords. So, yeah, Ten of Swords. Oh, my gosh. That’s amazing. So Ace. So Ten of Swords. Yes. This feeling of, oh, my gosh, I’m letting this go. Like, I reach the end of my ability to figure this out, deal with this. Like, I need to just go on vacation or take a break. Take a absolute mental break from this. I surrender. I let it go. End of a chapter here. And then the Ace of swords, the one, the Ten to the one. The Ace of swords, new beginning. So, like I said, it’s a closure of a chapter. And then this making way for this new beginning. Okay. This Ace of Swords and new beginning. Okay. So closing some kind of door here and then another one opening pretty immediately after it. And I feel like it has to do with this, all these other possibilities of something that didn’t come through that you were kind of hopeful about. There’s just more better possibilities. 

Okay. And then there’s this, like, new door opening, new beginning happening very quickly after this closure. Wow. Amazing. Okay, and then the final card here, the final message. The magician. Beautiful. Beautiful. So, yes, the magician is all about forward movement, intention, magic, moving things magically forward, manifesting. Okay, so this is indeed a very powerful Full Moon. Very powerful Full Moon. This is the message of your own power, your own focus, and really, like, there’s this message here about your own mind kind of imagining a possibility for yourself and then setting that intention in motion at this Full Moon time so that things can powerfully move forward. Wow. As you kind of close a chapter on something, and then a new chapter opens with this other possibility. Okay. That makes your heart sing. Okay, so this is just about making a decision, a very big decision, possibly during this week of this Full Moon for many of you, okay? A very big decision that you’re going to draw on something that is fulfilling for you, and you’re going to do it. You’re going to do it. And just getting clear on that. Just saying, no more. No, I see it. That sword. I’m just cutting through all of the fog. I see now where I want to go. I have that clarity now. Okay. After some initial fogginess, feelings of overwhelm, and then feeling that you just have to possibly let this go or surrender this, there’s this feeling that, like, the fog kind of clears, there’s a clear decision to be made, and then a feeling that, mmm. You know, you know where to go. 

Now, this card really represents alchemy. Turning. Turning water into wine, turning lead into gold. Okay, so making lemonade out of lemons. Right. So it’s kind of saying, wow, okay, this situation I’m dealing with was disappointing, but, man, there’s, like, gold in here somewhere. I learned a lot from this, and I’m not. I’m not gonna stop. I’m not gonna quit. I have. I have a new sense of possibility here. Okay, so that’s really nice. 

So this is a powerful. I’m feeling like a powerful shifting Full Moon. And again, if there’s quite a few days around it, that you kind of just feel a bit, like, exhausted or a bit daydreamy. It’s okay. You don’t need to take this action yet. This is like later. I’m feeling it’s okay to pull back. Just tend to your spirit, tend to yourself and let those worries in your mind kind of calm down as the dust sort of settles. And then there’s this feeling of coming into your power again. Okay? So yeah, just take it easy, rest and relax and allow yourself to really tend to your spirit around this time. Tend to your energy and take a break. 

And speaking of taking a vacation or a break, I am going on vacation this week so I won’t be doing any personal readings this week, but I will be back next week to do personal readings with you, which I so love doing. So until we meet again, I am wishing you the biggest Full Moon blessings for this Full Moon time and beyond and I’m sending you all so much love. See you soon. Bye.

Sirena Moon
Sirena Moon

Sirena Moon is a speaker and spiritual educator. A lifelong mystic, she has performed thousands of tarot readings for individuals and groups. She specializes in teaching others how to access their own inner wisdom, aliveness and joy by using mystical systems, such as Numerology, Astrology and the Enneagram.

  • Yetunde Alaafin
    Posted at 04:05h, 21 August Reply

    I can’t just believe these , thanks so much SIRENA MOON! everything in these reading really resonates with me yea, beside i am fully ready to go with these very important connections coz i know what you’re talking about thanks once again and i wish you best of luck on your vacation .

  • Cathy bannon
    Posted at 10:48h, 16 August Reply

    I’m trying to figure out if I am supposed to stay here or move away to start a new life. I don’t know if he is the one for me.

  • Yolanda Ramirez
    Posted at 10:38h, 15 August Reply

    I’m going thru a separation I need to know if I am able to get away from my husband. He is very angry about it. He did get the papers he needs to sign . Am I going to be able to fly on my own

  • Fazeena Mohamed
    Posted at 07:44h, 15 August Reply

    Ma’am❣️Thanks so much for your helpful prediction,Its highly appreciated.💯I am expecting this breakthrough moment for a long time.✅

  • Lynnette
    Posted at 02:03h, 15 August Reply

    Your reading was for me. I know what I need to do but it is the fear that I need to conquer.

  • Kathleen Showalter
    Posted at 21:50h, 14 August Reply

    Hello my dear,

    Thank you for this amazing reading. I needed this! Have a wonderful & fun vacation. Love & Light to all 😊❤️

  • Nicole Clancy
    Posted at 19:45h, 14 August Reply

    Toxic relationships and anything else that doesn’t serve me any negative influzes or curse or fear thankyou please xx

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 13:22h, 14 August Reply

    Thanks sirena,

    Have a pleasant wensday


  • Karin Louise White
    Posted at 13:15h, 14 August Reply

    I’m going through a divorce, the final hearing is 8/20 at 1pm. I’m curious about the outcome. I’m also talking to a man and he seems very genuine. Wondering about what you see in our relationship!

  • Sanne van lishout
    Posted at 11:34h, 14 August Reply

    So glad I follow you and watched this because you couldn’t have laid better cards for my situation. This confirms a lot of what I’m doing and gives me a lot of hope and courage. Thank you very much and enjoy your well-deserved vacation! Love&Light ❤️🍀 Sanne

  • Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
    Posted at 08:54h, 14 August Reply

    Thank you so much Serina very fantastic and amazing !! Im waiting the blessing and have a lovely vacation

  • Jeanne Brereton
    Posted at 07:07h, 14 August Reply

    Yes I now know I have to close out this chapter I was so wanting so bad. But there were so many signs that I just wanted to ignore! And the signs were huge even tho I still wanted him so badly! But it just was never coming to fruition!!
    So I’ve got this bigger and better idea of a man interest in my mind now and I’m going to take this other brighter path of my true soulmate/twin flame/soul flame I’m not sure which he is but I’m growing to love him more and more as I get to know more of his essence! Which he is much better for my mind and soul with the peace that I need to go to the end of my life with him!! As he is a very calm and peaceful man like no other I’ve met!! I feel that he is so good for my soul to keep me grounded and the feeling of love I get from him is so much more fulfilling and loving and peaceful as he is so gentle a man! God’s great gift to me finally after all of these years my dream is coming true! I thank you God!

  • Rahela
    Posted at 06:53h, 14 August Reply

    Thank you for this reading siren. Have a lovely vacation🙂

  • Cheyenna M Bise
    Posted at 06:49h, 14 August Reply

    This reading is so true for me. Thank you so much! Its puts hope in my heart for my situation. 🙂 I love your readings! They’re such a huge help, and your connection with spirit is amazing. Thank you so much for doing this for us! You and spirit guide me, and I’m grateful for you!

  • Kayleigh Wilkinson
    Posted at 06:25h, 14 August Reply

    Wow this reading brings everything into perspective for me. My current situation is currently as Sirena has said in her reading.
    This is fantastic and will look forward to everything as it comes.
    Thank you Sirena!

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