11 Jul Will You Open Your Heart? | New Moon In Cancer Tarot Reading | 7/17
Have you been feeling disappointed by someone lately?
Sirena says the coming week could cause you to feel tender and emotionally vulnerable with the New Moon in Cancer. However, if you can open your heart and act on your inner truth, you can find relief and new fortune.
She’s here to help you align with your New Moon blessings and move beyond what’s been holding you back.
P.S. Is there something you need to take action on right now? How can you open your heart and turn the wheels of fortune? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello beautiful, wonderful people with Cosmic Updates and beyond. Sirena Moon here, and it is my absolute pleasure to be back with you this week. This week I’m talking about the beautiful New Moon that’s happening in the sign of cancer on July 17. And I’m also going to do a group Tarot reading with any messages from Spirit about this New Moon time.
So the New Moon is happening on July 17, in the sign of Cancer, and Cancer is symbolized by a crab. So Cancer is all about those places where we have a hard shell on the outside, because we’re really vulnerable inside. So this New Moon might inspire you to maybe drop your guard a little bit and get in touch with your tender vulnerable emotions and maybe share them or maybe attend to them and to really just think about your inner emotional world.
The moon loves being in Cancer. It’s its favorite sign to be in because the moon is all about our inner emotions, this tender soft part of ourselves. So this moon, this New Moon might really inspire you to get in touch with a tender, a soft part of yourself and to notice where you have maybe a guard up or hard outer shell because you’re simply trying to protect the vulnerable part of you.
Cancer is all about the home as well. It’s all about making your home a sanctuary and how your home feels to you. So this New Moon might be a really good time to declutter, to clean your home, and to make it a really beautiful space that makes you feel really safe and really cozy and really connected, so that you can get in touch with that soft inner gentle part of yourself and getting really in touch with your heart and what your heart wants, and what seeds of intention you want to plant on this New Moon. Because all New Moons are a really wonderful time to think about what you want to bring in, something you want to create, and something that your heart really wants. So think about all of those things at this beautiful New Moon time.
And with that being said, now I’m gonna do a group Tarot reading based around any messages that Spirit has for us around this New Moon time, this beautiful New Moon. Spirit, what messages would you have for us about this beautiful New Moon, July 17th, in the sign of Cancer?
Wow, that was wanting to fly out. Okay, all right, so the first card that flew out. This is the card of the Five of Cups. So this is about feeling disappointed in some way. So maybe many of you might feel emotionally overwhelmed, a little bit like something could have really disappointed you recently. And in this card, he’s focused on three, three of the cups that have fallen over. So it might look like maybe all hope is lost in this situation. But with this card, it’s really important to remember, there are two cups standing upright just behind this person. He just can’t see them. So there is possibility and there’s hope waiting in the wings. Not all hope is lost in this situation.
But it’s okay with this New Moon. Like I said, it’s about, it’s Cancer, it’s about tending to your emotions, it’s okay to just be really tender, really easy with yourself round this time right now. If something did not go as planned to go the way you wanted it, okay.
And the Page of Swords is about trying to focus your mind, you know, to not focus on the things that didn’t work out, but to really try and train your your thinking into saying, okay, maybe that didn’t work out. But you know, maybe it wasn’t for my highest good to really trust that, if something didn’t work out the way you would really hope that would to really trust it, it really wasn’t for your highest good and that’s something that is potentially just around the corner. And to really get clear on your thinking, okay, and to try and really get in touch with the thoughts that you’re telling yourself about this situation because maybe, you know, it’s not personal.
I’m getting for many of you, it’s just not personal that this didn’t work out, it actually just is not for your highest good, so don’t take it personally, don’t get self-critical, but rather turn that critical thinking with this Page of Swords, which is all about the mind and thoughts and a way to think about the situation in a more positive light, because that’ll speed up the healing process and speed up the the manifestation of something new to come into your life faster.
And also for many of you, you could be hearing a communication about the situation that helps it resolve in a really positive way around this New Moon. So pay attention to any emails you get sent. Communication – somebody’s telling you something around this New Moon that helps lighten the situation, helps you feel better about it. I came in…
Let’s see what else is going on with this. So what to let go. Okay, so let go. Okay, so this is the Hanged Man in reverse. And the question I asked was what to let go of, okay. So for many of you, I feel like it’s okay to let go of holding back and waiting, okay. There’s something that you can really move forward with right now. So, so yeah, just don’t feel the need to wait too long in this situation if you’re feeling a bit disappointed, okay. You don’t need to wait here too long, okay, you can move forward. It didn’t work out? Okay, just cut your losses and move forward, okay. Something way better is on the horizon.
And it’s really important right now to not just be passive, there’s this feeling of time to, you know, time to switch things up, not hang around, not just be the observer, but be the participant in your life, okay.
And now, Spirit, what to focus on? What to bring more of in? Okay, ooh, the Knight of Cups are right, the Knight of Cups, okay, so, yes, more. So for many of you, this is a romance, this is a card about romance, this is the Knight of Cups.
And for many of you, there will be some kind of romantic opening. Or for others, and you could be in a partnership, okay, so a new partnership coming in, okay. And for others of you, it could just be to focus on the kind of partner you want to draw in around this New Moon, okay, to not be passive and not be wallowing in what didn’t work out, but to really focus on the qualities, because there it really is, for many of you, the person that you’re dealing with, kind of becomes clear that this is a really good partnership, okay, this is a really good person, and getting a lot of very positive sensations.
For others of you, if you’re not dealing with issues of romance, this could just be some kind of partnership that you’re working with some kind of person that reveals themselves after this New Moon after this initial disappointment where something didn’t work out, or you thought it was going to work out in a certain way. And then some situation reveals itself where this opportunity comes to you or this person is actually a really solid person to have on your team, okay.
And for many of you, there’s some kind of offering… feeling like a new opening, a new opening that touches your heart that opens your heart that makes you feel excited and makes you feel safe and relieved. There’s a sense of relief for many of you, all right.
Expected insight that flew out. Unexpected insight, wow. Ten of Pentacles. Okay, so unexpectedly, for many of you, it could be an offer of some kind of, you know, jobs that are part of the job that makes you feel like, “Oh, I was unexpectedly more abundant than I thought it’s going to be as offer more money, or I could ask for more money and receive it, you know, so there’s sort of this lucky feeling I’m getting in terms of especially in terms of prosperity, or the foundations of your life, the actual structure of your life,” okay, or feeling like, “Okay, I’m just sensing, like, this wave of, like, relief for many of you and feeling, like, oh, things are more secure than I thought and with this was with a romantic partnership.” It could be feelings of “Oh, okay, this is more secure than I thought.”
For many of you, if there was some kind of disappointment, like I said, just by focusing your thinking, on all the possibilities that do exist, there is this unexpected security that comes in and this feeling of a prosperous situation, okay, that makes you feel like “Wow, I didn’t have to worry as much as I thought I would have to,” okay.
And then the outcome with the Wheel of Fortune, okay, awesome. So the outcome is a change for the better. So yeah, there’s some kind of fortunate change on the horizon, some… a feeling of more prosperity coming in for many of you, some kind of opportunity, some kind of offer or opportunity, or some kind of opening of the heart, somebody that reveals themselves to be more secure than you thought they were going to be.
And there’s this opening of the heart and a shift, a real shift, a feeling of “Okay, I’m in a better place now.” The wheel has turned, and the change is better, the change has brought something fortunate. A feeling of relief for many of you. Wow, that’s a great card.
So yes, so if you are, if you have been feeling quite, you know, disappointed recently or just a little bit emotional. With this New Moon in Cancer, well, we might be feeling a bit tender but tender hearted, okay, so that’s normal. So if you’re feeling just a bit vulnerable, a bit tender, and feeling like, you know, you’re a bit self-critical, you’re overthinking things too much. Just remember to think about the hope that is there, and to not wait too long to take action. Just move forward, just do anything that gets you moving forward, take action steps, plan something, just let the past go and just look forward, move forward.
And there’s this feeling of relief, emotional relief for many of you and some kind of offer that’s made or some kind of partnership that comes in that the foundation is really good and it feels like a shift has happened. You know, it could even just be an internal shift and it feels like, “Okay, I can breathe, I can let that past situation go because something – the winds have changed, something shifted and I’m feeling lighter, okay. I’m feeling lighter and that a new cycle is here in some way.”
And it does feel more fortunate for you so, so great reading. So with that I am wishing you the most lovely and beautiful New Moon blessings, and I’m sending you all of my love until we meet again.
Betsy Smith
Posted at 10:52h, 13 JulyThank you Sirena! This is in true resonation with my feelings and feel very hopeful and optimistic about what is coming! I have just returned from traveling andI feel much lighter and more comfortable. I am really looking forward to finding my place to call home, a partner and creative projects in work, art and love!
Brenda Lynn
Posted at 09:49h, 13 JulyThank you Sirena
That was a great reading. Pretty much Everything that you touched on in this reading, I’m going through. So this gave me some positive hope.
Thank you soo much
Jaz S
Posted at 08:54h, 13 JulyThank you Sirena Moon for a wonderful reading! x
Laurie Kursik
Posted at 02:19h, 13 JulyThank you Serena for the beautiful reading a lot made sense after you got into the third card ,not been feeling good all day but somehow every time I hear the reading from you lovely ladies it always picks me up thanks again have a wonderful weekend specially with the new moon in cancer coming on Friday
Kathleen Daniele
Posted at 01:26h, 13 JulyThank you, Sirena, for a reading that is so connected to my situation! I was sharing with someone that my boyfriend of four years has disappeared after saying we are going to have a glorious summer together. I got angry and said a lot of things that probably made him angry. Anyway, my friend told me I had to LET GO!! But tonight I became rather tender and wrote an email bringing out all of his qualities.. I felt like I was standing up for myself but always cave in and start being my soft hearted self. However, I think he is trying to get rid of me. So, I have to learn how to LET GO! Thank you again, Sirena!
Jody DaVault
Posted at 00:40h, 13 JulyThank you for giving me light and energy!
Michael Radmore
Posted at 00:34h, 13 JulyThank you for the great reading that’s how i been feeling amd know it’s time to let go. Love Life
michael y. caballero
Posted at 22:57h, 12 Julyi appreciate your comfort and consolation with this reading for the new moon. i am for love life, money and successes in career in the legal world
Lisa B
Posted at 20:04h, 12 JulyThank you, sweet Sirena. Hope this reading nourishes you too. You seem weary, somehow. Bless you this week.
Shelly Black
Posted at 19:21h, 12 JulyThank you
Ray Vincent Penaflor
Posted at 19:17h, 12 JulyMany thanks for that beautiful reading, Serena….I’ll keep posted for your next reading…God bless…
Martha Radebe
Posted at 02:58h, 14 JulyThank you I really do appreciate everything you have said here I can’t wait to see your next reading about us you’re welcome.
Loretta l koonce
Posted at 18:37h, 12 JulyHi there I’ve been doing everything I can to clean my home and my spiritual and emotionally but I’ve bee In a major battle here so I’m very tired so I need help
Posted at 10:22h, 12 JulySirena, you have such sweet, sincere and beautiful energy. This has been beyond an emotionally devastating and heartbreaking year for me, filled with betrayal, people lying about me and trying to ruin my good reputation all because I have a sincere and genuine desire to do some amazing things with my life. I have always lived for serving others. My sun sign is Taurus, my rising is Leo and….my moon sign is CANCER….
Thanks so much for this very spot on reading and I’m ready to really move on and stop settling for less….bless your beautiful heart.
Lisa Diulio
Posted at 09:46h, 12 JulyThis reading is amazing……. I was just in a whirlwind of a relationship with an Aquarius, Not a great thing!! I just met someone new, its been great communication! However, I found out he is another Aquarius, but he is different, older than the first gentleman, more respectful and more expressive. Different. Can that be if they are the same sign? They seem soooo Different!! I really like the second man so differently. I can’t even believe I met 2 men so quickly! I have been single so long and all of a sudden now I am meeting 2! The first was a total physical attraction, I am realizing now, nothing more, he was unable to give anymore!! The second very giving, very caring BUT now I am cautious as they are both Aquarius born 1 day apart, different years! Can this be, they are so different! I am Cancer, I need the emotional, the feeling! The first one was not able to understand this however this new gentleman seems to be completely in tuned to all this??? Am I really seeing this correctly??? Very confused and not needing another Aquarian disaster!!! CONFUSED but not wanting to be!!!
Posted at 08:04h, 12 JulyLove the reading and feel real potential for everything to work out.
Great cards!. Am a believer.
Thank you Sirena and God bless you!
Opoku Richard AtuahThankene
Posted at 09:41h, 12 JulyThank you for your message and dedication. I really appreciate.
Posted at 07:53h, 12 JulyAccurate reading – thank you. 🙂
Karuna Ascending
Posted at 19:18h, 12 JulySuper ACCURATE for me… THANK YOU FOR THE VALIDATION!!
Caterina Scuderi
Posted at 07:51h, 12 JulyThankyou Sirena for the reading
Can relate to this & was pretty spot on …
God bles ..
Posted at 06:22h, 12 JulyThank you Sirena.
Linda Burke
Posted at 06:05h, 12 JulySirena, this reading for me was spot on! Thank you so much
Daniel Fortin
Posted at 05:21h, 12 JulyThis reading is really in tune with what is going on in my life presently. And funny enough just a fraction of a second before you bring me confirmation, I was thinking that I must be at the « end of a cycle »… then, you said those exact words in your message. Coincidence? I don’t think so. Thanks have a great week!
Posted at 05:00h, 12 JulyThank you so much for your sending I love it but I don’t know if this will work true , Thank you again and Godbless your sending to be true , thank you so much
Kim Michelle Ross
Posted at 04:37h, 12 JulyThank you, Sirena, lovely reading and I hope will reflect on my circumstances.
Love and best wishes to you.
J.L. Smith
Posted at 04:29h, 12 JulyOkey..hm.
Manisha kumari
Posted at 04:19h, 12 JulyI m confused