26 Oct You Are Leveling Up! | Jonathan Lionheart | Monthly Forecast Tarot Reading
Are you ready to level up in November?
Jonathan Lionheart’s monthly forecast could lead you to your next upgrade.
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With Love,
Angel Adams
P.S. Are you ready for the changes November has to offer? Let Jonathan know by commenting below!
Hey there friends. Welcome to your monthly forecast reading for the month of November. This is going to be a very powerful month. Some of you will be going through a powerful upgrade that’s going to a allow for more of your power to be embodied, really going to be claiming your space, claiming yourself, but it’s going to create a good deal of disruption that you’re growing. And so the relationships, the jobs, the ways that you’ve been walking through life are going to need to begin to reorient, to meet you at this higher level. For others, you’re going to be in the process of sort of laying the foundations and the nest, sort of getting yourself prepared for more growth as we enter into the months that follow this one. So one way or another, it’s going to be a very powerful month.
I’m excited for you to take a look at the reading itself and you can grab a reading with me down below and also see what else I’m up to. So, looking forward to connecting again soon. Enjoy the reading. Take care. Wherever you happen to be right now, give yourself a moment to take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness come into this moment. Sensing your body, sensing your feeling state. At this precise time, you might bring some of your attention into your heart space, letting your awareness rest on some things that make you smile, that bring you joy. All right, call out to Mother, Father, God, the denizens of light, the deep ones, the rooted ones. Please be with us now.
We call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, grandmothers and the grandfathers of the south, the east and the West. Please be with us now. Bring forward a clear message and the energy needed at this time for each and every individual participating. Thank you. Okay, so as we’ve done in the past, you’ll use your intuition to tune in with each of these card options that you see before you noticing if one of them is calling to you or your attention is lingering on it. And then if you like, you can fast forward to the portion that is specific to you in the month ahead. I recommend tuning in with that one first, whichever one it is that’s calling you.
And then if you feel too, you can watch the other ones as well as there may be information for you there as well. But I leave this to your discretion. So we will begin with our first one. We are looking at the monthly forecast for the month of November. I’m going to tune in with those of you that have selected the first card underneath the triangle. So just give me a moment as I tune in with you. All right, first card is the overall situation card, giving us a sense of what it is that you’re stepping into this month with maybe what themes are going to be, what learning in the month ahead. Second card will be the obstacle card, giving us a sense of the obstacles and the pressures that are pushing against that learning process.
And third card will be our outcome card, giving us a sense of what it is that you’re going to come away with the culmination of the month and maybe a sense of some of the energies as you step into the next month. Up above is some advice underneath the triangle there. So let’s begin with your situation card for the month of November. Situation card is showing up as the six of Wands, which is a fantastic card to be stepping into. This could be a powerful month of growth, of expansion, of feeling confident in yourself, feeling like you’ve got a can do attitude. Other people could begin to see some of the value that you’re bringing to the table. So a sense of being seen.
This can even show up when we’re sort of growing in popularity, we’re sort of becoming viral, whether that’s in the social media realm or that your essence, who you are, is starting to ping off of or connect with the people around you. People are noticing you. What you’re bringing to the table is lighting other people up as well. So the shadow side of this particular card tends to be a sort of overconfidence or an inflation of the ego, thinking that you deserve more than others, feeling like you’re sort of God’s gift to the planet. You are a gift, but you are not the only gift. And your power comes from being in relationship to your ecosystem, to the people, the social gatherings and circles. You fitting into those and generating value through being in relationship versus, you know, this sort of me, me.
I’m the best. I’m the best. So paying attention to the places where there can be a little bit of vacillation between healthy confidence, overconfidence, and maybe feeling not confident, feeling self conscious. This card sort of has all of those qualities available to it. But in all, it looks like you’re growing in a very healthy way. Let’s look at what might be getting in the way while you’re moving forward. This is completely apropos and makes all the sense in the world because when you start to expand, when you start to grow into more of your power, claiming more of who you are, claiming more of your power, it’s going to actually uproot old Ways of doing things. We can’t actually grow into ourselves without disrupting old stagnant patterns. So that’s what’s being represented here by the Tower card.
The Tower card represents old static patterns of being, old ways of thinking about things. This can be sort of the ego structure that we’ve relied on. This is who I am, this is how I do things. This is how I relate to others. I’m identified with my career, or I’m identified being a mother or a father. Who we think we are is being represented by the Tower card. And when we’re going to grow into who we really are, that aspect of ourselves starts to get dismantled and can be quite disruptive. So on a psychological level, this could be a bit of a identity crisis. This could be a bit of a feeling unstable in who you are because you’re becoming more than that. On an external level, this can look like changing in relationships, changes in jobs.
It can look like new orientations in life needing to move, needing to switch locations, needing to switch your sort of general direction in life. So there are going to be likely some big changes in your life. Whether those are specifically internal or specifically external. It’s almost always a little bit of both. Then we will get a chance to see. So let’s look at it at an outcome for the month of November. Outcome card is our world card. What a incredibly positive sort of archetypal movement we have here. You’re growing more into yourself. You’re taking. You’re learning to sort of own your power, claim your space. It’s disrupting things.
You know, if you grow, one of my teachers always says, it’s like you, if there’s like a silverware container and drawer, if you’re the spoon and you get bigger, then the silverware thing needs to get bigger. But then if the silverware thing gets bigger, then the drawer needs to get bigger, which means then the whole kitchen needs to get bigger and then the whole apartment needs to get bigger. So you growing shifts your contracts shifts things, but you are coming to a powerful completion. Your sense of contentment, your sense of relationship to life, your sense of wholeness in yourself is really coming forward in November. This is going to be a very powerful month for you. I’m extremely excited. You are finishing a potent cycle. So let’s take a look at your advice card for this month.
This is a good time to do some self reflection. It’s a good time to notice where it is that you’re still holding on to the past, still sort of looking backwards and Saying, I wish it was like this, or I wish I had done that, or it should have been this, it should have been that. And looking to what’s being offered here and now in this moment. What is alive in this moment and where are the places where you’re still sort of diluting and leaking your energy into the past. It’s now you want to be present in this moment. This moment is the doorway to your liberation and is also the doorway towards abundance and success. So for those of you that chose the first card, thanks for tuning in with me. Always a pleasure to connect.
Let’s reset the things here for just a moment. So now we are going to move forward into tuning in with those of you that chose the second option, which is underneath the cube here. Got a little point there on the table. So for those of you that chose the cube, this is going to be your reading for the month of November. And I’m just going to tune in with those of you that will choose this option. All right, first card is your Situation Card, giving you sort of a general sense of what it is that you’re stepping into in the month of November, partially what it is that you’re growing into. It can also give us some insight into what you might be facing.
Obstacle card is the obstacles and some of the pressures or challenges that are pressing against your growth process, generally sort of symbolizing the lessons that we’re learning. And our final card will be the outcome, which gives us sort of an overall sense of what it is that you’re coming away with in this month and maybe some information about what it is you’ll be experiencing in the months to follow. So perfect and up above are some of your some advice. So let’s take a look at your first card, which is the Situation card for the month of November. It’s totally possible that you have been feeling some uncertainty or there have been some choices that need to be made that feel really complicated.
You can’t quite put your finger on what it is that’s needing to be solved or figured out or you’re simply not able to discern which option is right for you. The Two of Swords tends to represent an unconscious part of ourselves that is sort of living in uncertainty. It’s sort of an unconscious place that feels uncertain generally and that seeps into big life decisions. It seeps into our day to day. It’s sort of like the root of anxiety. It’s this place that sort of goes, I don’t know if things are okay, I don’t know if I’m okay. I don’t know if what I’m doing okay. Is this relationship right? Is this pathway right? It’s this unconscious sort of tension that sort of vibrates generally down in like the root chakra, second chakra area of the body.
So you could be experiencing this place where there’s just some uncertainty. You’re having trouble seeing where it is you’re going, seeing what it is that you’re really wanting, or even just having an un, like a sense that something’s off, something’s not quite right. So this could get a bit louder in the month of November and hopefully as a way of bringing it to deeper resolution. Let’s take a look at your obstacle card here. So the obstacle card, the nine of Pentacles, is letting us know that there’s a bit of uncertainty and it’s coming from a place of like, do I have enough? Do I really know myself? Do I really know who it is that I am, where it is that I’m going? Regardless of what’s happening outside of myself, I know who I am. There’s a bit of uncertainty around this.
This is also. The nine of Pentacles is letting us know that this uncertainty is also having to do with abundance. Do I have enough? So rather than also just, am I enough? Do I have enough? Do I have enough resources? Do I have the things that I need? Am I going to be able to enjoy my life, enjoy what I’m doing? Did I make the right choices in the past? So there’s definitely a bit of like a reflective period that’s going on here now. Some of that uncertainty could because you’re coming into contact with somebody who has a certain degree of self assurance or at the very least, they’re showing it off. These days in the social media realm, it sort of seems like everybody on with their profiles and on social media, everybody seems to be living such a vibrant, healthy, abundant life.
Well, that’s just a mask that people are showing. So many of those people are also living with a deep uncertainty about who they are and what they are. So I’m seeing this month as a powerful month of self inquiry. Am I really aligned with who I am? Am I taking the actions to unlock the secrets about myself so that I can better align with myself? All right, let’s take a look at our outcome card for the month of November. Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. You, as a result of some of this uncertainty, you are going to start to get curious about making some changes, about questioning some ideas that you’ve had about who you are, about what life is about, you’re going to start maybe getting interested in life, learning more.
The Page of Swords is a card that is sort of very curious and intrigued and wants to learn more, wants to know more, wants to decipher the mysteries of the universe, wants to get clear about who she is versus what other people have told her she is. She is doing the powerful dissection process with her sword about what’s true for her and what is just stuff she picked up along the way. This could be a really powerful month for you in terms of getting clear about where to put your attention, where to put your energy, and what you’re ready to get rid of. Let’s take a look at your advice card for the month of November.
The advice card is saying, take action, start moving, start getting things going, which means in this context, start doing some research, pick up some books, start asking questions and journaling about what it is that actually brings value to your life. Start doing some shadow work. Start being willing to maybe talk to a professional or to somebody that can help you unlock some of this uncertainty that’s resting inside of your existential being. The Chariot card is saying, take action, get out there, get things moving. Yeah. So for those of you that chose the second card, this is your reading for the month of November. Thanks so much for tuning in with me. As always, a pleasure to connect with you. We’re going to move forward to our next card now. It.
All right, so for our final card, we’ve got our Double Helix underneath the Double Helix. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that shows the third option. All right, first card will be our Situation Card, giving us just sort of the general context for the month of November, some of the things that you are likely to be learning or facing in the month ahead. Second card will be the Obstacle card, which are the pressures that are pushing against you, the obstacles, the challenges that are asking you to grow more thoroughly into yourself.
And then the final card will be the Outcome Card, which will give us a sense of sort of the culmination of the month, what you’ve learned or what you will be learning, what you’ll be taking away, and maybe a bit of what it is that you’ll be experiencing in the months to follow. So let’s start with our Situation card for the month of November. And your situation card is showing up as our Knight of Pentacles. And I’m a big fan of the Knight of Pentacles. I think maybe because I was such a fiery, wild individual when I was younger, I was kind of this way, that way, very impulsive and inspired, very creative.
But I lacked some of the qualities of the Knight of Pentacles, which is the groundedness, the willingness to be patient, to take your time, to look into the future of what it is that you’re cultivating, and then make a plan to take one step at a time in that direction. The Knight of Pentacles is methodical, grounded, earthy, embodied, forward thinking, trustworthy, disciplined. So this is showing a sort of quality, finding your healthy, natural rhythms in life. As you move into November, there’s a kind of patience, a willingness to take care of what needs to be taken care of versus sort of flitting about, doing all the different things that maybe you’re pulled to this and that and this and that. This is the slow beat of the drum, the following what needs to be taken care of.
And those of us in the Northern hemisphere, we’re entering the fall right now, which is a very strong relationship with the Knight of Pentacles, like, you know, taking care of business before winter comes, making sure that harvest is ready and that you’re harvesting things and that you’re battening down all the different things before it gets too cold. So you are heading into a time of taking things slow, of being intentional with your movements, making sure that you’re dotting all the I’s and crossing all the T’s, that you’re organized, that you’ve got kind of a rhythm, a daily rhythm of taking care of business and also taking care of yourself. Let’s take a look at what might be a challenge as you head into the month of. No. Or yeah, November. So this is really perfect. She’s the next card in the movement of things.
So our Knight of Pentacles is taking care of things, making sure that he’s doing his duty, this sort of thing. The Queen of Pentacles has found the beautiful balance between her work life correct, cultivating abundance as well as nurturing herself and taking care of her relationships. So she’s done a good job of. Now that you’ve built a sort of discipline, she’s reaping the benefits of that. There’s a certain degree of abundance and feeling sustained and comfortable in such a way that she can balance between taking care of herself and taking care of business and fun, finances and the rest.
So this being a challenge, it may feel like there’s still a little bit of lack or a little bit of, like, there’s not quite enough ness in your experience and therefore there can be some imbalance where you’re not getting a chance to really soften and enjoy the nutrient of feeling comfortable. And so this is a great time to be working on the places of yourself in yourself that don’t feel like they get to rest. The places that are holding some unnecessary anxiety. Because one of the tricks of greater abundance isn’t necessarily work harder, work harder.
It’s actually can I trust, can I unlock the places that are maybe cycling in fear of not enoughness and as they loosen up, as you start to ground yourself into trusting life, obviously still doing work, but also nourishing yourself, you actually open up more abundance in your life. It starts to come to you because you’re trusting that life is going to take care of you. You’re trusting that there’s enough, that there’s plenty here. So this is going to be a great month of you building and developing and finding these sort of patterns that support you and that are bringing you more abundance and more sense of embodiment and coming up against the places that don’t feel that and that you can start to unlock. Great month for doing self care. I self care all the time. Right.
But also a good month to focus on really tending to yourself. I see this as like a month of sort of going inward a little bit, taking care of business and taking care of yourself. Your outcome card is the seven of wands. And this is a sign that you might have a bit of a growth spurt in the month ahead. If you’re taking care, if you’re going inward, people don’t seem to notice the rhythms life which are there is a winter time where you go inward and as a result of going inward, then springtime comes and this flourish of growth happens. Here in the west, we tend to think that we need to work, work. Fire, fire, fire. Go, go, go. And that’s what’s going to create more growth and more abundance.
But the natural cycles, time of rest, there needs to be a time of going inward and planting the seeds. And you’re likely, if you follow that rhythm that’s happening, you’re going to see a big growth. That’s what the seven of wands is saying. Something’s going to start to bloom in a powerful way. So that can be surprising and you might experience a bit of in that growth feeling like others are a little bit jealous of you or they’re sort of attacking you or they’re wanting you to, you know, particularly if you go inwards, people are wanting you. Come out, come out. Do the things that you usually do. Act in the ways that we’re used to you acting. Come back down to our level, please. This is going to be a powerful month of challenging.
What is it that you really want as you’re growing? What is it that you’re really wanting? Are you wanting to sort of go back to the status quo in your life, or are you wanting to grow into this new level that’s clearly coming into your life? Let’s take a look at your advice card for the month of November. This is a time to be nurturing the dark sides of yourself. And when I say the dark sides, I don’t mean evil. What I mean are the places in you that are unconscious, the places in you that are your creative essence, the places in you that are unknowns. In the Dao de Jing, the final line of the first passage is darkness within darkness, the gateway to all understanding.
Because the yin side of things, the feminine side of things, the goddess side of things, is like a deep, rich emptiness, a deep, rich darkness. And if you bring your awareness, if you bring your attention into that place, that’s where big flowing growth and creative energy naturally comes from attending to these nutritive dark poets. Places like a seed under soil. Suddenly that seed will start to grow of its own accord. And then you’re not needing to force creativity or work really hard or strain on things. Instead, naturally, life starts to grow forward. All right, for those of you that chose the third card, this is your reading for the month of November. Thank you so much for tuning in with me as always and I forward to connecting again. And to everybody else, always a pleasure. You know how to reach out to me.
I love hearing from you all and I look forward to connecting again soon. Take good care.
Melissa Ann lemon
Posted at 10:23h, 28 OctoberAll of those reading resonate to me because I’m going through a really big growth cycle I’m manifesting that my inner child must heal and that I need a better understanding of what why and who I am I’m finally coming out of my cocoon and need to dry off now
Posted at 08:39h, 28 OctoberBeautiful readings as always Jonathan! Thank you!
Precious webster
Posted at 01:52h, 28 OctoberThank u so much for thr reading it means alot to me some of it making me smile because I think it pertains to my new life that about to open am about to grow bigger and much stronger I can feel it coming and luck us about to shower me with happiness thank u so much for the reading I enjoy every min of those kind words God bless u and I look forward to hearing from u soon.
Felicia Boone Stephens
Posted at 23:27h, 27 OctoberI found this in my email wasn’t sure if it was for me. I’m an Aquarius and life is shitty right now. The univhates me
Lynette Thom
Posted at 19:47h, 27 OctoberThankyou very valuable
Helen Ward
Posted at 19:12h, 27 OctoberO Jonathan. What u sed was sooo insightful for me. I am moving up nth to a beautiful island
But it has taken me a whole year to decide to go!! I will be leaving people behind that are close to me, but I know I’m going in to a better future. I hav been clouded by uncertainty for many years but I know I have to
Let things go for a happier life near two ov my beloved children who have stayed loyal to me all these years
Julie Swanson
Posted at 17:06h, 27 OctoberAwesome, all three of them, perhaps especially the third. November 8th is my birthday, and I always fear the coming of cold. This time, perhaps the grounding and darkening will grow the seed of change….. Thank you, as always. I save them all.
Michael morton
Posted at 11:14h, 27 OctoberThank you so much for your insightful intuitive reading that confirms so much , god bless you 😊
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 11:01h, 27 OctoberThanks Jonathan,
Have a great day…. Sunday
Posted at 06:55h, 27 OctoberTreca karta.. potpuno tacno… rada, rad i samo rad… zelja za rastom ali i promenom u emotivnom smislu, nada za cvetanjem i ispunjenjem i na kraju okrenuta instinktu trazim odgovore. Sve je bas tako vec od polovine oktobra meseca. Hvala Jonatane lavlje srce!