Your Divine Purpose Blueprint | Jonathan Lionheart | Timeless Tarot Reading

Wouldn’t life be so much easier with a roadmap to our purpose?

Jonathan Lionheart is here to reveal your Divine plan and help you align with more meaning.

All you have to do is watch his video to receive your reading now.

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With Love,

Angel Adams

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Hey there, friends. Thanks for tuning in with me. Good to see you. We are going to be doing a divine purpose blueprint reading today, which is very exciting. There’s no way that we can cover this as deeply and as fully as is necessary to really hit precisely what it is that your purpose is. But this is a powerful reading. I could feel it as I was doing the reading, that there are some energy elements and some encoded pieces that if you’re tuning in and you’re listening too closely, you should be able to feel some of that activation. So I’m excited for you to check this out. You can grab a reading with me down below. And as always, it’s good to see you and tune in with you. Enjoy the reading. So we’re looking into your divine purpose blueprint today. 

So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that are going to watch this video. All right, so this is going to be a four card reading. I might pull another card just to see. Our first card is going to be really looking at your spiritual blueprint, what it is that you are here for, what that looks like, the energies that sort of surround your life and your purpose here. Second card is going to be the impact you’re meant to have on the world, on your community, on your lineage in this lifetime, in accordance with this blueprint. Third card will be how you will align, or how to align with your blueprint more thoroughly, the actions you can take, the way that you can sort of orient yourself so that you’re more aligned with your purpose and your blueprint.

And finally, what it looks like, what your life will look like as you more fully embody your purpose and more fully align with your blueprint in this lifetime, what things will look like. So let’s begin with our first card here, your spiritual blueprint. So the card that’s coming out that represents your blueprint in this particular lifetime is the Chariot card. And this is a very powerful major arcana card that has a lot to do with your own willpower, your own movement and momentum forward, being willing to be the motivating factor both in your life and in other people’s lives. There’s an element of leadership, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be loud leadership. This can be leadership by example, you being attuned with your true self and your true path and making the movements that take you forward. 

The charioteer is also a representation of taking the divine inspiration and bringing it into the world, bringing it into life itself. So that means being willing to both be attuned enough to listen to the higher realms, but also practical and capable enough to enact these inspirations and these insights into life. So there’s a lot to do with a balance here. Not being too lost in the etheric realms, but also not being too stuck in the material mundane, but being able to transmit between the two of them. There’s also a lot here that has to do with trusting your gut, trusting your capacity to move by your instincts. This means that part of your purpose is being very embodied very much in the worldly realm, while still inspired and informed by the spiritual realm. Now, this can look like business leadership. 

Entrepreneurial movements, particularly the Chariot, has a lot to do with people that are forging new pathways, new ways of being in the world, new ways of seeing the world, new ways of running business, or being in community, or being parents. So there’s a bit of like a maverick entrepreneurial spirit that comes along with this particular card. So, let’s take a look at the impact that you’re meant to have in the world with this particular blueprint at this time. So what’s showing up is our page of cups. And the Page of Cups is a very creative, sensitive, emotionally available card. It represents individuals who have sort of creative spirit sparks and are sensitive in their emotional realm. 

So one side of the coin, part of your impact is bringing this kind of energy into spaces, showing that you can still be powerful, you can still be influential, while being more sensitive, while being more emotionally intelligent and aware, while being more of a sensitive, empathic type of person. The other side of the coin is beginning to create more spaces that helps nurture individuals that have this kind of creative spirit, this kind of sensitive spirit. As you may have noticed, we have more and more souls that are coming into the world that are very refined spirits, that are hypersensitive, that are more attuned to the planet, more attuned to the emotional realms than in previous generations, and building businesses, building community, creating technology, creating opportunities for people that help create that kind of safety, for individuals that have this kind of refined sensitivity. 

Because the more these individuals are nourished, the more opportunity for new inspiration, new ingenuity can come into the planet. So you are impactful and that you are both bringing an appreciation for this kind of empathic, sensitive soul. But you are also creating spaces for, and creating room for individuals like this, whether as a parent, as a business leader, as a community leader, as just a spiritual creator yourself. Let’s take a look at the next card, which is how to align more thoroughly with your blueprint. And what’s showing up here is our Justice card. And this is a very powerful Major Arcana card as well. 

And in this particular context, in terms of how you can align more thoroughly with your blueprint, on the one hand, it’s saying being balanced in yourself, creating more balance in yourself, also a kind of rigor or commitment to the truth. This means being a truth speaker, speaking your truth, aligning your life in such a way that really is uncompromising in the way that you’re moving through life, not being willing to lie, not being willing to sort of placate others in order to stay in favor with them, but truly being who you are. This is also a bit of an impersonal kind of card that says, are you willing to align with the way and the direction life is moving? The World is moving. 

You may be a maverick in the way that you’re transforming culture and community and the world, but you’re only able to do that if you’re aligned with the higher order of things and listening to the weather patterns of where the earth and the cosmos are taking us. In other words, aligning with something bigger than yourself is what helps you find your blueprint. In the Tao Te Ching, it says that man or woman follows Earth. Earth follows the cosmos. The cosmos follow the Tao. The Tao only follows itself. And what that means is that if you, as a person, align yourself with the earth, with the rhythms of the planet, with the natural rhythms, that’s going to put you in accordance and alignment all the way up to the highest order, which would be the Tao or the divine. 

Let’s take a look at the fourth card, which is what your life looks like. The more you align with this purpose and this blueprint. This is pretty perfect. So the more you align with your purpose, the more you get into alignment with your blueprint, the more you will be experiencing abundance, the more you will be seeing fresh, new possibilities. The more you’re going to feel like you are taking care of and like the synchronicities are happening in powerful ways, you are going to feel like you are taken care of. So the more you are aligning with your purpose, the more you will feel life showing up for you and giving you what it is that you need, moment by moment, powerful reading. This is only just the very edge of the iceberg with a question like this. 

This is a deep question that is both archetypal for different characters, but also very personal. Each person is going to have their own sort of artistic, creative way of manifesting their particular purpose in life. So if you want to get a deeper reading, you can do so with me in the section down below. Otherwise, it’s so good to tune in with you. Take good care. See ya. 

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

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  • Linda Maree bray
    Posted at 09:25h, 15 February Reply

    I’d like to subscribe to cosmic updates please yours kindly Linda

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