Your Lover Awaits | Jonathan Lionheart | Timeless Tarot Reading

Have you been dreaming of a love that will last?

Jonathan Lionheart says someone new might be entering your love life, and their qualities could bring a change of pace for you.

Just click on the video to receive your reading. Enjoy!


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P.S. Are you ready to meet someone new?  Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!


Hey there, friends, we’ve got a Tarot Card Reading for you today, and we are looking into who your next relationship is going to be with, what that’s going to look like, and from the looks of things, this is going to be a very important relationship. It’s going to change a lot for you, so I hope you enjoy it. If you’d like a deeper reading with me, you can do so down below, and otherwise, enjoy the reading. Take care.

Welcome to your Tarot Card Reading. We’re going to be looking into who your next lover is going to be. So, I’m just going to shuffle the deck a little bit here and tune in with those of you that are going to watch this particular video, and we will pull a couple of cards to get some clarity about who this next person is. Are you ready for them, and all that good kind of stuff? So, give me just a moment to tune in with y’all. All right, so our first card is going to be about if you are ready and what’s circling around if you’re ready at this time. Second card is going to be about their characteristics, who this person is, what they’re like. Third card is how it is that you’re going to meet them. And, the fourth card is going to be what the characteristics are of this relationship, what this relationship is like, what you can expect in it. And, our final card is the potential for the relationship. Is this a relationship that’s going to be fast and over quickly, or is this something that’s got more legs, and is it going to last for a longer period of time? 

So, let’s jump right in with our first card, which has to do with if you are ready at this time. Wow, so that is a strong yes, you are ready for love. This is our lovely Sun card, and this is just a high level of optimism, joy, feeling ready and available. There’s even an undercurrent of sensuality, you’re ready to feel touched and loved. And, you can be close and joyful with somebody. You can see our representation of the inner child, that innocence. There’s a part of you that just wants to be with somebody that you can play with and feel comfortable with. So, all around, are you ready? Absolutely. You are very ready for another relationship and to meet somebody that really sees you. 

Let’s take a look at who this next person is, what they’re like, what their characteristics are like. Ah yes, so the Page of Pentacles, the Page of Pentacles is one of the most reliable Pages and characters in the deck in general. So, this person is very reliable. They are somebody that you can count on. This person might be a bit studious. They’re very careful about the details. This might also be somebody that likes to spend time outside either going on hikes or taking walks. They might be a foodie, somebody that really loves good food. But, this is somebody that what you see is what you get. They might have a depth to them, but they’re just going to be straightforward, honest. This is the type of person that’s quite committed, committed both to their work, but also committed in their relationships. This is a good person. This is somebody that you can rely on and count on. 

So, let’s take a look at how it is that you meet this person. Oh, whoa, so the Nine of Swords tends to be associated with a certain kind of anxiety, fear, even like, hopelessness. The sense that I’m getting with this is that this person that you’re going to meet might make you feel kind of nervous. They might make you feel kind of nervous because of just who they are, or at least the aura that they put off. Maybe they’re attractive or maybe they’ve got sort of a high position in life, or you’re just feeling sort of nervous when you first meet them or when you’re getting ready to spend time with them. That being said, it definitely seems like that’s not going to continue to be the case. It’s just an initial piece. There’s also a possibility that this person reminds you of something from your past that was challenging before, and it’s bringing up some uncomfortability at first. Now, I always say, “Truth comes from contact.” So, it doesn’t look so far like this person is a repetition from the past, but they might have some of those elements to begin with. So, it’s worth being willing to explore it, step through some of that nervousness and see who this person really is. 

All right, let’s take a look at the characteristics of the relationship, how the relationship presents itself once you’re actually connected with this person. Ooh, this is great news. So, already you have a couple of Major Arcana cards showing up. So, whatever this relationship is, it’s going to be a powerful one. And, in particular with the Wheel of Fortune showing up, this is a relationship that’s going to change things in your life as a result of connecting with this person, something is moving forward, probably in the world of your relationships, maybe in other areas. This relationship sparks something new. It starts a new chapter in your life. It opens fresh doorways. This is somebody that is going to be a big change in your life. It’s somebody that’s bringing big blessings to you, bringing big blessings into the relationship itself. So, it looks like both of you are going to give each other really powerful and radical changes as a result of coming together. 

So, let’s take a look at our final card, the potential for the relationship itself. So, is the relationship going to last long? Is it going to be a shorter relationship? Let’s take a look here. So, we’ve got our Seven of Cups. Now, this means that there’s a lot of possibilities on the table here, and they haven’t fully been flushed out yet. In other words, you have some choice in this. When you meet this person and when you start spending time with them, you’re going to have the option, do I want to be with this person long-term? Is this not fully for me? There’s going to be a lot of possibility. It’s also a reminder not to get too lost in the fantasy realm or idealizing this particular person. Rather, it’s really important to stay grounded. Look at the options before you. How does this person make you feel? Ultimately, you’ve got a lot of power in this situation, and you’re going to be able to say, “Okay, I’m receiving these great blessings from this person. They’re really reliable. I’m ready for a relationship, but is this really my person?” You’re going to have a lot of flexibility that’s going to let you make some powerful choices for yourself stepping forward. 

So, thank you so much for tuning in with me. What a lovely reading. I’m excited for this next person that you’re going to connect with. If you want a deeper reading, you can grab one with me down below and see what else I’m up to. As always, it’s lovely to connect with you. Take good care.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • Yetunde Alaafin
    Posted at 13:52h, 17 May Reply

    Thanks so much Jonathan for this reading this really means a lot to me, first i’ve been hearing about this special person that’s coming to my life for a while now, but first , i can’t really figure out who this person is! Though, the way i sense how things is moving fast, i can really guess someone, through my intuition and my feelings for this man but i really don’t know yet, but still i can’t just wait for these eternal love to manifest soon coz i’ve really suffered so much in the hands of men, now seeing a man that is ready to love me for who i am and not what i am, believe me, i’m ready for this special love than you might have think and i can’t wait to have these great man in my life, coz i know one thing about me which is i am 100%loyal as a taurus and i’m fully ready to commit all my life in these relationship so far he treats me good according to your tarot thanks once again.

  • Arndria Seymour
    Posted at 20:22h, 15 May Reply

    Thank you Jonathan, I am so ready for love and the next chapter of my life. God Bless!

  • Elizabeth Cuden
    Posted at 01:19h, 15 May Reply

    Thanks for the reading I hope I can find a true love even it’s late for me to find my lover.

  • Michelle Bautista
    Posted at 03:02h, 14 May Reply

    Whoa, amazingly spot on with what other readers have told me. Thank-you Jonathan!!❤️

  • Lucia Parkes
    Posted at 18:09h, 13 May Reply

    For quite some time now, I been seeing on a regular basis , angel numbers everywhere I go . These numbers, I believe, are messages from the Divine realm letting me know that when the time I am going to cross paths with the fellow who is JUST right for me.
    I want to thank you Jonathan for seeing me through a very difficult period in my life.
    Your readings are a pillar of strength and a guiding light.

  • Patricia
    Posted at 12:47h, 13 May Reply

    I really appreciate your effort in reading our future, I want you to look into my case and talk to me in the manner I can understand. Forecast my future if possible, thank you🙏💕

  • Gwen Shepherd
    Posted at 10:56h, 13 May Reply

    Well that was a most interesting reading Jonathan and I thank you very much. It was a great relief to me to hear that the next man in my life was at least dependable. I was expecting a loser and not by choice I hasten to add. I will certainly keep an eye out for this person coming in to my life and see how things go.

  • Lynnette Gater
    Posted at 04:53h, 13 May Reply


    What an amazing reading, I’ve felt something for someone for a while, due to negativity around me, I’ve kind of held back from this Man and he reached out again today.. My , son trying to take over my house, debt due to him not, paying towards energy bills and rent! I’m now supported by many agencies who working on my behalf!! I really feel something for this MAN

  • Kim Michelle Ross
    Posted at 03:21h, 13 May Reply

    Thank you, Jonathan. I really hope I can finally meet the right man after 3 extremely traumatic relationships that began from 1990. Two were short lived but caused me so much damage, and I was married for 28 years, 3 boys and my ex was an abusive liar and cheater.

    It would be truly wonderful to meet someone who turns out to be my person.

  • Gerlinde Lang
    Posted at 01:10h, 13 May Reply

    Jonathan, as you might realise, I am German and living in the grater Berlin area. However, I am from Stuttgart, the place were Porsche and Mercedes come from ;-)!

    Now, being a whole-hearted Sagittarius who lived and worked in Latin America, in South Africa, in Boston, in Hamburg to and now in Berlin and Brandenburg. However, I am not the youngest anymore, although I feel that I am fit like a pair of snickers, and am in touch with a Scottish laddy, nor for 2,5 years, simply exchanging mails. He does not move forward, is funny, interesting, and a Leo. Na ja. Sags and Leos. I could write a book on thaaat one!!! I mean I am 76 years old now, I can’t wait for ever!!! My kids are waiting for me in great Hamburg too….

    Ach, whatever, deep inside I feel that everything comes as it is meant to be. I am glad that I met you, and I envy you that you can live in beautiful Vancouver! I spend three weeks there long time ago, in my hey days, so to speak. Lucky you, meaning to be able in such a uniquie and wonderfully international place. Told you this already… Berlin is a bit rough. However, unique, one has to say.

    Thanks for everything you are doing for us. And look after yourself too!! And if I ow you for your pieces of advice, please send me the bill!

    Love, Gerlinde – and take care! The world needs people like you!

  • Linda Williams
    Posted at 20:47h, 12 May Reply

    I’m so ready for a connection with a soulmate. I’m on Facebook dating . Com

  • Linda Williams
    Posted at 20:39h, 12 May Reply

    Im so ready for my soulmate

  • Anna
    Posted at 20:22h, 12 May Reply

    Thank You very much . I needed this today . It lifted me up.

    I will request a reading from you soon Ann

  • Asma
    Posted at 19:24h, 12 May Reply

    Johnath your hardwork is truly appreciated.

    Also we appreciate your positive atitude attitude.

    Your excellent reading skills help us to find right direction .

    Your guidance can help improve the mental piece.

    Thanks alot for the excellent reading for the current situation.

  • winsome
    Posted at 19:01h, 12 May Reply

    Hi Jonathan , your reading resonate with me. Thank you!

  • Christine
    Posted at 18:43h, 12 May Reply

    Wow that was so spot on I am so ready for next relationship as much as what the cards read an yes I just met someone an yes he is of higher stature an yes there is a nervousness but also a calm completeness feeling he gives me

  • Ioa Tiai
    Posted at 18:37h, 12 May Reply

    Thank you for the reading for current situation I am faced with.

  • Brandy Easley
    Posted at 18:26h, 12 May Reply

    Yes I’ll have to get a personal reading from u yes nice

  • Priyank Desai
    Posted at 18:17h, 12 May Reply

    Thank you so much Jonathan !! Blessings to you and your family

  • Tammy
    Posted at 18:12h, 12 May Reply

    I really need a love reading about the relationship that I have between involved with and how he is feeling about me and what is going to happen with us.

  • Celeste
    Posted at 17:39h, 12 May Reply

    Thank you so much ,and I am ready for love 🙏

    • LindaGordon
      Posted at 18:00h, 12 May Reply

      Wow spot oni just start talking to a new gut today he seems way out of my league not quiet sure he’s real he seems yo good to be true

  • Cherry A Lee
    Posted at 17:38h, 12 May Reply

    Thank you for the reading…I’m ready to meet my soul mate

  • Veronica
    Posted at 17:34h, 12 May Reply

    Great Reading,I’m waiting to meet someone new for a new relationship.Is this person an older gentleman or younger gentleman.I’m 52.

  • Dani
    Posted at 15:32h, 12 May Reply

    thank you. you are always concise, clear and concrete, it is easy to follow you. you are the best tarot master!

  • Roseline Rekha Nair
    Posted at 14:33h, 12 May Reply

    I want to know if I will reconnect with my ex or I have someone new coming in my life

  • Ohams nuella
    Posted at 12:16h, 12 May Reply

    Same as written previously

  • Ohams nuella
    Posted at 12:08h, 12 May Reply

    The two are showing up already,Areis and pisces.The Aries guy is once married and so impulsive ,highly sensitive ,But the Aries talks immaturely and never honest.

  • Mok Mei Lien
    Posted at 11:33h, 12 May Reply

    I appreciated it so much for your Tarot card reading , your precious time and sharing such a lenthy explanation . Yes, what you describe abut this person character,, hobbies, foods and etc is approx 80% accurate. By yet , we never see meet up at all and I knew him through Facebook. On and off we do correspondence through Facebook about two years now. I glad and happy that you Master seem to describe that person looks like the one I knew from Facebook.
    But I am a widow for 8 years now with 3 grown up children and age 60., born in the year of 2/3/1964. Am I too old to fall in love again and have a honest relationship Thank you so much

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 10:46h, 12 May Reply

    Thanks Jonathan,

    Have a nice Sunday.

    Scott DeLisa

  • Holly Barthold
    Posted at 09:59h, 12 May Reply

    Thank you, for this reading it was wonderful. I pray for this man every day. I am so happy
    you did this reading for me.
    I hope you can give me another in depth reading soon. Thank you again. 😊

  • Alagie Fall
    Posted at 08:30h, 12 May Reply

    Yeah, I really enjoy the reading

  • Jessica Nordin
    Posted at 08:18h, 12 May Reply

    Hi! Thank you for the reading. And yes, i’m ready to meet my soulmate.


  • Latamra N Washington
    Posted at 06:46h, 12 May Reply

    Thank you so much I loved it I know my soulmate is coming everything make since I been ready for that lifetime commitment and who is ready for the love I have to give and thank you so much again ♥️🌈

  • Francis Gipson
    Posted at 06:41h, 12 May Reply

    I’m have some proberm with this man live with he jump on me on mother day no kid with this person I no it hem Name Terrance Padise 10_9-1960 He want hurt he don’t want to go away he me to thing he don’t to do can you help please tell about man think you🌹💕

    • Net-Hetep Ta'Nesert
      Posted at 18:13h, 12 May Reply

      Excellent reading for my current situation

    • Linda Williams
      Posted at 20:42h, 12 May Reply

      Im so ready for a soulmate connection. I’m on Facebook dating . Com

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