09 Apr Your Purpose Revealed | Timeless Tarot Reading | Sirena Moon | 4/10
Have you been wondering how to align with your true purpose? The guidance you’ve been seeking could be revealed to you now!
Sirena Moon is here to nudge you in the right direction. Just click on the video below, and choose the stone you’re most drawn to for your personal message!
P.S. Are you ready to make a move toward your true purpose? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates Family, Sirena Moon here, and today I thought I’d try something a little different. Today I’m talking about finding your purpose. So, what I want you to do is look at these three crystals and trust your intuition. Which one are you most drawn to? Here’s a Rose Quartz, a Moonstone, or the Pyrite. You can pause this video. Take a moment and feel which one, which crystal you are most drawn to. Okay, now you can fast forward to the crystal that is correct for you and get your message about your life purpose.
First up, we have our beautiful Rose Quartz crystal, what is a theme for their life purpose? What should they embrace to be more in alignment with their soul’s purpose? And, what should they let go of? Ooh, that one wanted to fly up. What should they let go of to be in alignment with their soul’s purpose?
Okay, okay, so a theme of your life purpose, Rose Quartz, oh my goodness, Temperance. Wow, so you’re here, Rose Quartz people, to be possibly a healer of some kind. There’re big lessons related to your emotions, learning about your heart, learning about love, how to love, how to let love in, how to give love, how to heal. It’s funny because Rose Quartz is all about the heart. It’s all about love. And, I’m feeling such a strong feeling that you are here to, many of you, are like Earth Angels, you’re really helpful to other people, you really know how to uplift people and how to heal. But, you’re just really great at love. You’re here, I’m feeling like, there’s these two cups, this balance, I feel like you’re just here to learn about love, to be in love, to experience love in all its forms, romantic and otherwise. And, some of you can make incredible nurses, healers, you could be amazing working with plants, animals, children, nurturing things, growing things. Some of you would make amazing spiritual teachers, you could be really gifted with your intuition. You could be uplifters of all kinds. That’s what I’m feeling.
And then, what to embrace to be in alignment with your purpose, the Ace of Swords. So, this is embracing your intellect, embracing your communication skills, what you have to say, and getting really good at knowing what’s right and what’s wrong for you. Getting really good with your boundaries. For some of you, you might be very sensitive, the people that are drawn to this Rose Quartz in this life, your purpose might be learning how to tune into your sensitivities, your highly sensitive nature and the Ace of Swords, is to embrace that highly sensitive nature. You have to learn how to have really strong boundaries so that you’re not just people pleasing all the time, or you’re not just absorbing other people’s energy every time you walk into a room. So, to learn about your boundaries and learning how to trust what is right and what is wrong for you, and how to express that to the world.
And then, what to let go of, the Ten of Swords. So, letting go of too many thoughts. So, you might deal with a lot of anxiety in this lifetime because of your highly sensitive nature, you might overthink things. And, it’s about learning how to really, really let go of control and really let go of worry and anxiety and learning how to not burn out energetically. So, to not burn out energetically, to get stronger energetic boundaries, and that’ll align you with your ultimate, or at least one of the themes of your purpose, people that were drawn to the Rose Quartz, which is to be ultimately a healer of some kind, an uplifter, but you could possibly be an old soul, those of you that were drawn to the Rose Quartz crystal, okay, you have a lot of wisdom in you. So, I’m just sensing, for what it’s worth, for many of you to practice energetic boundaries to avoid burnout, and that will align you more with your unique purpose.
And then, one last card, I’m just going to draw an Oracle card, Spirit, what is one theme for the Rose Quartz people about their life purpose? Between Worlds, wow, so you’re very spiritual. So, you have this ability, this really cool ability to be grounded on the earth plane, but really tuned into the spiritual plane. And, that’s where a lot of your life lessons are going to come from, from really trusting your intuition and really tending to your ability to connect to the higher spiritual nature through your dreams, through meditation. And, I’m sensing, for so many of you, you’re amazing artists too.nYou can combine elements and create something really amazing, possibly to communicate your ideas, your passions to the world. There’s this ability to combine how a painter would combine colors or somebody that makes ceramics and combine water and clay. There’s this feeling of being able to combine elements and create something really profound for others, for many of you. So, that is beautiful. But, there’s this need to protect your energetic boundaries and to really express yourself. You have amazing ideas to share with the world, and they need to be expressed, whether in the written word or the spoken word, it’s your ideas and the things that you create that are very healing to other people in this lifetime, okay?
Okay, and beautiful Moonstone people. Okay, Spirit, what is a clue for those who were drawn to Moonstone about their purpose in this lifetime? What is something they should embrace to be more in alignment with their purpose? And, what should they let go of, Spirit, to be more in alignment with their life’s purpose? So, we have the King of Swords, okay? So, you could be an amazing writer, you could be an amazing creator, a very creative person, and a very intelligent person. I’m feeling many of you can make amazing teachers, people that are able to really communicate effectively and to really have a profound impact on others by your point of view. There’s some purpose here on this planet that you have to communicate, and I’m feeling like some of you might be amazing performers of some kind. You might be amazing musicians, or you might be amazing authors or lawyers even. I’m feeling like you’re standing in front of people and making your opinion and voice and perspective known, your heart and your mind known to the world, whatever it is that you happen to be doing. But, it’s a huge lesson in this lifetime.
And then, what to embrace the Knight of Cups, alright, so embracing romance, embracing love. So, love is very important as well in your life purpose, okay? There’s lessons of love here, especially romantic love. There’s this feeling of learning how to receive love and how to give love and going through many, many tests and trials of love. And, I’m sensing some of you could go through a lot with love and then it makes you this incredible creative person because of everything you learn about love through these experiences. But, ultimately, it’s embracing that romance is really important to your life. Having partnership, having your needs fulfilled, feeling like you’re connected to others and you’re really in your heart. And, that that side, that romantic side of your life, it’s very important. It’s important to honor that about yourself and to know that that’s a huge part of your journey. And, if you’re going through many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, know that it’s all meant to be. It’s part of your experience of learning about romantic love in this lifetime.
Then what to let go of, The World. So, I’m feeling like you might have a lot of beginnings and endings in your life. There might be lessons of having to go through with this Knight of Cups card and these lessons in romance, it might be that you have to learn how to really let go of relationships that have ended and to let go and let chapters close so that new ones can begin, okay? So, there’s this feeling of a lot of cycles in your path and your soul’s purpose. Maybe you start something and then it finishes and maybe you had to move a lot as a child, there’s this feeling of like, wow, you might have to go through lessons of really embracing change, starting over, whether it’s with relationships, jobs, or other things, and learning to go with the flow of that and say, “You know what? I don’t have to control things. I don’t need to control people. Things don’t have to be the same so that I feel safe. I go with the flow of change. I embrace change in this lifetime, and I know that I am safe and all is well, and that love is eternal. And, if a relationship ends that love lasts forever on a spiritual level, and I wish that person well, and I have an abundance mindset and I’m welcoming the new relationship where I’m even more in my experience of romantic love.” Because, this is huge for you. You’re here to be in romantic love and you will achieve it.
Spirit, what is another theme for those who are drawn to Moonstone? What is another theme of their purpose in this lifetime? Oh, To The Sea, I think I kind of spoke on this with The World card, it’s learning how to not be attached to circumstances, but rather how to trust the flow of the Universe, how to trust the flow of your life, how to trust that you are safe, no matter where life is taking you and guiding you, that you can just go with the flow, that you can just relax and float in your boat and feeling like it’s important, an important part of your life’s purposes, just to be able to just be as joyous and relaxed as possible. Romance, relaxation, joy, happiness, and just being stress-free are really huge for you. So, yeah, I hope that that helps.
And, beautiful Pyrite people. Okay, Spirit, what is a clue for the people that chose Pyrite about their life purpose? And, what should they embrace to be more in alignment with their life purpose? What should they let go of to be more in alignment with their life purpose? Okay, oh, the Knight of Pentacles, so that’s amazing. So, those of you that chose this glitter and gold, a big thing for you is building things to plant a seed of a dream and watch it grow to make money, to learn how to have stability in this lifetime, to learn how to ground your dreams and desires and to really build something. How to have a dream that’s small and see it grow.
Okay, and then what to embrace, oh my goodness, the Queen of Pentacles. So, yeah, just embracing learning just as you should about how to love yourself, develop self-worth so that you can earn what you’re worth and to learn that your ideas, the things that the dreams and visions you hold that you can manifest. Then they’ll start as little seeds that you plant in the ground, and then they’ll bloom. And, that’s kind of what you’re here to learn about.
And then, what to let go of, the Three of Pentacles, so many pentacles for the gold Pyrite, it’s really interesting. So, letting go of possibly feeling burdened by other people holding you back and to just not be swayed by other people’s opinions. I’m feeling like you’re a big dreamer. You’re here to make things happen. You’re here to definitely just accomplish what it is that you set your heart to and your mind to. And, other people just do not see what you’re capable of in this life. They might think you’re crazy. They might think it’s not possible. They might think that you should be doing something else. Your family might say, “Well, don’t you want to be a doctor?” And, you’re like, “No, I want to be an actor,” or something. It might just seem wild to people, but you can achieve things in this lifetime, and you’re meant to achieve things that the seed is in your heart and you’re meant to plant that seed and tend to it and work toward it, and even fight for it sometimes and watch it grow, and it’s going to feel really good. I’m feeling like part of your purpose here is to learn about your own power, that you are powerful within, you’re a powerful person, and it’s a good thing. And, I’m feeling like some of you are going to be very helpful to other people, that you can create things that will bring abundance, not only to yourself, but to other people, abundance and prosperity. And, it’s funny, we’re drawn to this golden nugget. I’m feeling like you were drawn to that for a reason. So, amazing wealth, prosperity, abundance in all forms, emotionally as well, is part of your life purpose.
Now I’m going to pull an Oracle card. Spirit, what is one more sign for the people that were drawn to Pyrite’s purpose, Higher Power. Ultimately, it’s about learning how to have that faith in yourself, in your vision, in your heart, and your own guidance from Spirit. And, to follow that even if it means that other people don’t quite understand you in this lifetime. But, ultimately, you’re here to learn lessons about that and to learn about your own power through your higher power, alright?
Okay, for everyone’s purpose in this lifetime, I do believe love is the ultimate purpose and we’re here to learn how to love each other, and that love is really all there is and love in all forms, okay? Alright darlings, so I hope that helps give you a little clue into your purpose, and I am sending you all of my love until we meet again. Bye.
Lorna Stoney
Posted at 22:49h, 11 AprilThank you Sirena. I resonate with the Rose quarts. ❤️🦂🇨🇦🙏🏼
Posted at 11:13h, 11 AprilHello Sirena,
I was drawn to the moon stone and the pyrite. Both readings hold truth to my current situation. I have been lost in my marriage for the last four years due to a lack of communication and my husbands break of trust. I’ve been trying to heal, and forgive, but the pain, and the anger, and the bitterness is as strong today as it was four years ago when he told me. Something died in me that day! And I’m afraid it’s the end of us. That’s not the life I wanted for our children and I’m torn between staying and separating because of that and I can’t make it on my own realistically. I have a strong desire some days to just say screw it and go for it because I don’t want his money and to prove to myself that I can do it if I try and not let fear of change rule.
Posted at 04:20h, 11 AprilLove Sirena. Insight is perspective so nice to reflect on a reading…but prefer deeper readings rather than a choice of options and more general reading.
Moneaca Harris
Posted at 20:05h, 10 AprilThank you for the reading it really helped me. I have been trying to focus on myself and growing spiritually,
Arndria Seymour
Posted at 19:17h, 10 AprilThank you Sirena for your insight. Your guidance is always appreciated. God bless!
Allison Culbertson
Posted at 18:55h, 10 AprilHi Sirena!!! . I picked moonstone. I am in a dead marriage and still yearn to be free and happy and full of love that is reciprocated. Fear of the unknown and of starting over on my own is paralyzing….
James Walker
Posted at 18:20h, 10 AprilThank you Sirena, I chose the moon stone and you were superb, I am writing my first book, am currently looking for love, and want to see the world teaching my medical knowledge, you have reinforced my desire to succeed.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:27h, 10 AprilIncredible!! Blessings to you on your journey James!!!xoxo
Joanne Bishop
Posted at 18:05h, 10 AprilHi. My choice Moonstone. I am an Aries Dragon. I am a trailblazer, and a hero archetype. I am here to, communicate with others, through teaching from knowledge, story telling, touch, music. With intuition, mystical awareness, I share my strength, my resilience to adapt to where I need to be. I am here to heal,to help others. To change lives and bring laughter. To make a difference.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:24h, 10 AprilYes!! Beautiful, Joanne!!xoSirena
Denise Gray
Posted at 17:55h, 10 AprilHi Serena I picked the rose quartz and found the reading amazing and very aligned to my emotional side – Thankyou so much
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:24h, 10 AprilMy pleasure! Thank you Denise!!xoSirena
Shalee Golmon
Posted at 17:49h, 10 AprilThis was such a good reading it made my day better thank you so much
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:27h, 10 AprilThank you Shalee!! Blessings and love!!xoxo
Posted at 17:45h, 10 AprilThank you very much for this enlightenment. This message was just what I needed at this point in my life. Thank you
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:26h, 10 AprilWonderful Thankdeka!! Love to you!!
Loretta Washburn
Posted at 17:38h, 10 AprilThank you so much for the reading. It just happens that I am an artist and an author of five books. You hit the nail on the head with your information. For many years I worked as a psychic and healer. Today I’m a Realtor and still interested in the other things. I’m also all about love, I chose the rose quartz.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:24h, 10 AprilAmazing Loretta!!! Love to you!! Sirena
Dorothy Thornbury
Posted at 17:21h, 10 AprilWant love care understanding honesty love me for whom IAM
Posted at 15:42h, 10 AprilHappiness!!! Sirena!
Thank you for the reading. My eyes saw the wonderous glow of the moonstone and the glittering of the pyrite…I could see a shadow over the rose quartz, I could not see what stone it was. I love gathering stones of every color, shape and size. I am always drawn to picking up rose quartz, of course, in their course looks out in the wild. Knowing I need to discover so much about me and everything else, I have been going towards things I can’t see or that which I am not drawn to. So I chose the shadowed stone. I am searching to perhaps be a healer. I feel it and know it? Your reading rings true for me. I am searching and learning and any reinforcement in my quest is truly magnificent, helpful and taken as another positive step towards me. Those around us are not quite ‘with it’ and at times can be quite ridiculing. At 60 years in this round of life, well, this time I am keeping this hush-hush since the handful of times I have ventured into anything cosmic, yeah.
Happiness to all,
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:25h, 10 AprilBeautiful, Gala!!xoSirena
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 11:36h, 10 AprilThanks sirena,
Have a nice day.
Penelope Yoshiko Higashi Chen
Posted at 08:33h, 10 AprilHello Sirena:
We meet again. This is Penelope Chen. Loved your reading today – I picked the Moonstone and I can relate to all that you interpreted with the Tarot cards you drew.
I did get some clarity on my purpose for being here but I feel that I need more information to further clarify what is my mission here.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:30h, 10 AprilOh my goodness, hi dearest Penelope!!!! Wonderful to hear from you, lovely!!! Yay, how perfect that you picked the Moonstone, the teacher that you are!! I do readings here at Cosmic Updates, if you ever felt you wanted more of a personal reading about your purpose. You are amazing and I am sending you so much love and so many blessings lovely Penelope!!xoSirena
Posted at 08:11h, 10 AprilHo Serena, I pick tthe moonstone;great reading. Thank you!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 22:25h, 10 AprilThank you Winsome!!xoxo
Tony Siren
Posted at 07:05h, 10 AprilOh I picked the moonstone…
Im lost in my marrige but hope we find THAT soon…
Marina tuisko
Posted at 06:56h, 10 AprilThanks serena.im a wayseer with many gifts psycic gifts and im on my way to get masterwarrior healer my mission is divane i shall help human to be better and find peace and feel better
Posted at 06:36h, 10 AprilThank you Sirena for Excellent response 👏🏼 👍 🙌 👌 good opportunity thanks again Sirena 👍