01 Nov You’ve Got The Power | November Love Predictions | Galena The Mystic | Pick A Card Tarot Reading
There’s a powerful chance for you to transform your love life this month…
With Galena’s intuitive tarot reading, you can take back control in romance and create the love story you’ve been craving.
Just choose the crystal you connect most with to receive your November predictions.
P.S. How are you feeling under the Scorpio New Moon? Let Galena know with a comment below!
Hello, hello beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. It’s your intuitive tarot reader, Galena the Mystic. And I am here with your November love predictions. It is also a new moon in Scorpio. So happy New moon. New moon in Scorpio is a great time for enacting our personal power, making big decisions that feel empowering to us. Reclaiming our control or releasing our control. It might be time to start a new cycle. Cycle in which our dynamics and our relationships are very different. Because we have realized where maybe we’ve been trying too hard to control things or trying too hard to acquiesce and give up our control. And also I’m really getting an intuitive message about people pleasing as a form of manipulation and maybe growing in self awareness around that sort of behavior.
So this is definitely a big chance for us to initiate new patterns in our relationships from a place of self awareness, from a place of awareness of others as well. Using information about the way people behave to our advantage. Not in us, not in the sense of being manipulative, but in the sense of just being aware, being mindful, being discerning. Okay, Ms. Scorpio, she’s very mindful, very demure. So we’re going to be getting into that energy as a collective. But let’s go ahead and get into our groups for today. Before I do that, I do just want to say thank you so much to everyone who has been purchasing private readings. You can do that via my website. But also thank you extra to those of you who have signed up for my Lucky Stars mailing list.
So sorry for the beeping in the background. Hopefully that’s not too distracting. But my Lucky Stars mailing list, I have been sending out more intuitive messages, love messages. We recently did a money reading so that was super fun. But I definitely want to get into more content for you guys and just really my intention over there with that collective is to just pour into you as much as possible. So go ahead and sign up for that. It’s completely free and you will get those messages straight to your inbox. So with that being said, let’s get in to our groups for today. For group number one we have our Mahogany Obsidian. For group number two, we have our Ocean Jasper. And for group number three we have Merlinite. So take your time and just choose whichever stone is resonating with you the most.
It’s absolutely fine for you to watch more than one group. Totally fine for you to take what is resonating and leave the rest for someone else. Remember, a lot of people Watch these videos, and if you need personal private guidance, you know where to find that at my website, galenathemystic.com so we’re gonna actually start with group number one, and we’re gonna get into these musician oracles. This is a brand new deck I have for you guys, and I’m really excited. We are going to take these not as indicators of, like, race or gender or anything like that. This is just about the energy. And I’m doing this very intuitively. Okay, but we’re gonna see, what energy are you being invited to embody in November? Like, how are you showing up as November? Or how are you showing up in November?
Okay, we have David Bowie, absolute icon. And if there is a significant person, you know, we could talk about, like, the many different people, many different energies, but let’s see, if there’s one specific person on Collective’s mind, on Collective’s heart, or if there will be one specific significant person or energy in the month of November, what would that energy be? Like, what would that energy appear as? How would my collective know? Okay, we have Kendrick Lamar. Okay, wow. David Bowie. Kendrick Lamar. So when it comes to your energy in the month of November, this says, never lower your mask until you have another ready beneath. Cultivate strangeness and beauty will follow. Seek the truth floating far above the moon. I love this card in this context because in the month of November, this shows me that you’re really embracing your uniqueness.
You are really finding your authentic self. And I think you could be experimenting a little bit in a way that makes you highly attractive to others, but more importantly, just makes you feel more connected with these moons. I’m seeing you being very in tune. I’m actually hearing that Nicki Minaj song, I’m higher than the moon, but I’m in tune. So don’t run up, because if you run up, I guarantee you ain’t gonna leave looking done up. Okay. Hopefully you’re not. Hopefully you’re not getting into fights or anything like that. That was just a fun little moment. Okay. But, you know, you’re very tapped in, and you’re also stepping into your personal power in a way where, like, okay, don’t f with me.
So with Kendrick Lamar here being a significant energy in your love life external to you, okay, this has become the cure, not the symptom. Don’t demand respect, command it. You can be broke without being broken. And so Kendrick Lamar is like, kind of my king of wands in this deck. So someone could really be catching your eye. This is also someone who again commands respect. They are likely a genius in their own right. This is someone who is very focused and ambitious and determined when it comes to their own goals. And this is, you can be broke without being broken. So they are really resourceful.
They are the type of person to not focus on any of the chaos or the noise around them, but they are like almost single mindedly focused on some sort of higher vision or some sort of higher purpose, especially when it comes to activating and awakening others. This could be a highly spiritual person as well. You know, the King of Wands is very spiritual. And so I’m seeing that the energy external to you, whether it’s in the form of a person or even in the form of the universe kind of supporting you and ushering these sorts of energies and inspirations in it. It’s a very supportive energy when it comes to, I think inspiring to you as well when it comes to some sort of mission. This for sure could be a high level soulmate connection.
And I’m not saying that David Bowie and Kendrick Lamar would be like a power couple. I’m saying that energetically. These two frequencies, I can definitely feel them building on each other. I think that you, in the month of November, you’re going to be seeing people external to you who are very passionate and it’s something that inspires you to experiment even more fearlessly. It’s something that inspires you to speak to your goals, especially on a collective level, like what is your vision for humanity? Right. And so that’s what’s making me think that this is a high level soulmate union. Because the whole purpose of soul mates is to push us further on our mission. Whatever our soul signed up to do here, you know, it’s not really a romantic ideal.
So I do see in the month of November that if you’re going to be dating or if you are in a partnership, the energy might not be as like romantic or like dreamy. I mean, Kendrick does say dreamer here on his sweater, but it’s not about, it’s not so much about like indulging in the romantic and having these dreamy dates and these movie moments and those types of things. Not that can’t happen in your month of November. I’m just seeing that if you have already established a romantic connection with someone or you are dating, the highlight, the focus in the month of November is going to be how does this person inspire you? How does this person motivate you? How does this person, how does their ambition rub off on you.
And so you’re going to be very cognizant of how other people’s energy is impacting yours. And that’s going to be highly important in your love life. In November, if you are partnered already and this is someone you are with, I see you accomplishing great things, not just in the month of November, but greater goals. Like you could start organizations together to feed the less fortunate. You could be raising a great amount of money for a certain cause. You could be creating beautiful art and something really spectacular, something striking, something that really changes the game for others. So if you are in this power couple, congratulations. That’s, that’s huge. But let’s go ahead and get into your tarot. We have the uncommon tarot here. What does my group number one need to know?
Definitely some of you could be doing your makeup different in an eye catching way, wearing different colors for sure. I love how these two are very different genres of music too. I feel like you and anyone significant you’re connecting with in the month of November, you could have very different tastes. But it’s like you just bring something different. Like this is fire energy and then this is moon energy. So like one of you is definitely more reflective, receptive, more on that divine feminine kind of energy and then there’s more divine masculine energy here. So you guys are definitely, you bring a different balance and a perspective.
Like I think that this person or these people or this energy from spirit motivates you to kind of ground your dreams and visions in reality and apply them in a practical way where you can actually create something. And then for you, the influence you’re having on others is that you bring this dreamy sense, you bring this sort of visionary kind of attitude and it’s a softer, more, definitely a more romantic energy. But I almost feel like some of the people you’re meeting and connecting with in the month of November are going to bring like kind of snap you out of your head. Especially if you’ve been dealing with romantic obsession. Okay, wow. We have judgment or awakening with the number 20 here. So yes, this is heavy hitting energy big time. I think you’re going to be snapped. Snap back to reality.
Yep, there goes gravity. That’s exactly what this feels like. Because I feel like your head has been a little bit in the clouds. You could be practicing limerence on accident or just like dealing with romantic obsession where you’re not super productive. Right. And that’s okay. We all have our phases, just like the moon, right? We have phases where we’re more lit up and phases where we have less energy. But with awakening, I think that someone you’re meeting or someone you’re connecting with on a deeper level in the month of November brings wild awakenings to you, and I think you do the same for them. Okay. Wow. Queen of Coins. Yeah. Okay, so your energy is going to be stabilizing. It’s going to be grounding. You’re going to be seeing your worth in love a lot more. Someone could be your domestic partner as well.
But let’s see what else. See what else you’re definitely recognizing in the month of November. Like, oh, this is what I’ve been needing when it comes to my own. Sorry. There’s actually a tata here, so we’re gonna go ahead. Okay. We’re gonna use the Virgin Mary to cover her up. Shout outs to. To Mary. This says blessed, so you’re definitely blessed. Okay. Highly favored. But, yeah, in the month of November, you’re. You’re recognizing, like, oh, this is what I’ve really been needing in order to make my dreams come true. I think that some of you are very romantic, and you’re gonna end up being with someone who’s more of a realist. Okay, then we have the Knight of Swords. So action. Decisions, Clarity. Like, you’re getting clarity. Especially with all these moons.
There’s been some confusion, but you’re getting clarity in the month of November in your love life, and you’re making some sort of decision, and your love life is moving forward. So if you’ve been stagnant or if you’ve been isolated and just like in your own head, that’s coming to an end. Okay, we have the Queen of Cups reversed. The Wheel of Fortune. Yep. Change here. Strength. Ooh, love that. Ten of Pentacles on top of the deck. Nine of Cups on the bottom of the deck. Some of you are definitely getting a wish fulfilled. Some of you are definitely getting a wish fulfilled. You are experiencing a new level of happiness in November. Strength as well. With this 10 of coins, I’m seeing something really solid. You are going to be building with someone very realistically.
And again, like I said, this could be a domestic partnership. With this queen of pentacles. 10 of pentacles energy. I’m seeing a building of sorts where you share a common goal with someone. Queen of Cups reversed this. This is happening because you are able to kind of manage your emotions in a more realistic way, not be lost in the sauce of the past, not be lost in your fears and not being stagnant. As well with this wheel of Fortune, it’s embracing optimism, it’s embracing joy. This definitely makes me think of the fixed signs, but as. As well as Sagittarius, so it’s like, do what you have to do and be optimistic about it. With this strength card too, I think you’re gonna. You’re going to be finding a new sense of personal strength. Leo, Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio could be very significant.
But, yeah, you’re going to be finding a new sense of inner strength where you’re like, it’s making me think of girl, get up. Like, get up. Like, stand up. You do not need to be in your feelings over anybody. Especially if this person enters your life. I think they’re going to be kind of questioning, like the way that Kendrick’s eyebrows raised is raised in this picture. I feel like someone might. Someone’s gaze or the way someone gives you attention might kind of snap you out of some sort of wallowing or some sort of despair that you have been in. And you’re like, oh, right. Like, not that you need another person to recognize your worth, but I do think soul mates are really helpful for that kind of thing. Whoa. Okay, let’s go ahead and end just with some star codes.
Astro oracles, 12th house. Introspection. So, yeah, you’ve been in this very dreamy, introspective kind of energy. I think that there’s. If you’re not already connected with this person’s entering your life fast with this Knight of swords and with strength. They have a very dominant personality, a very interesting, captivating leader, kind of Leo energy, Jupiter abundance. So, yeah, be optimistic. This is the sign or the planet that rules Sagittarius. So if you’re gonna dream big, dream big. I think this wish fulfillment is bigger than what you are expecting. And we have second house resources. So, yeah, some of you are going to create a lot of wealth together. Some of you are definitely building. And this is rooted in the material. So something’s going from the 12th house, the. The dream world, the intangible world, to the very tangible, practical world.
So be optimistic about that. Top of the deck, we have Juno partnership. So you definitely could be coming into a 3D partnership where you are working really well with others. And Mercury messages, Knight of Swords. Like this. This person could be reaching out to you. I want to get into, like, how you would meet and things like that, but I do sense that it’s very different for a lot of you. For some of you, this is through work or while you are working because I think that’s something that you really bond over is your work, your ambition, your drive, your goals. And yeah, I think this is real. So yeah, I hope that this helps my loves. Thank you so much for being here.
I don’t want to spend a bunch of time editing and exporting a whole video so I am just going to do this on camera where I clean up and set up for the next group. But I do want to say thank you so much for being here and if you would like to purchase a private personal tarot reading, you can do that via gleanedhemistic.com or whatever link is below in the description. And I also just want to say thank you so much for being here. It’s been a beautiful Scorpio season and I’m super grateful for each and every one of you. And if you join my Lucky stars mailing list, it would be awesome to build community and to continue connecting with you over there. I also love when you guys comment your reading ideas for me. So thank you for that as well.
And yeah, with that we’re gonna go ahead and get into group number two. Subscribe to the channel if you would like to see me in your future, give this video a like if you in fact liked it and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, kisses. All right, so let’s go ahead and get into group number two, our Ocean Jasper group. So what we did is we got into the musician oracles and so we’re going to see what energy are you embodying in the month of November? What energy are you embodying? Okay, we have bar brush, dry sand, fake until you make it. It’s easy to fool yourself, but hard to fool an audience. If you can’t go right to the top, find somewhere else to go. Okay. Beautiful, iconic. Love that.
And then if there’s an energy external to you, be it a significant person or people, external energies that you’re being met with in the month of November that are significant, it could even be the energy of spirit supporting and guiding you. What are the energies external to you giving? And by the way, this is not literal when it comes to race and gender. If those things match, then you can take it as extra confirmation. But don’t think so literally about this. Okay, guys, it’s very intuitive. Janice Joplin, Evolve, but don’t compromise. You’re all you’ve got. The power of love must replace the love of power. You are far greater than the sum of your fears. Oh, okay. I love this. So the fact that you’re showing up in this energy, you know, Barbra Streisand, it’s giving.
I know my worth, but also I have big dreams. You know, if you can’t go right to the top, find somewhere else to go. I, I think that you have been in an energy, or maybe you were raised in a culture that was very achievement oriented. You might be doing really big things in your career. And then the external energy to you is much more free spirited. It says, evolve, but don’t compromise. You’re all you’ve got, whatever energy, okay? Remember, this doesn’t have to be literal. Like, it doesn’t have to align with Barbra Streisand in Janis Joplin’s life. Okay? But what I am sensing intuitively from this, these cards, is that you have, up until meeting this person or entering this month of November, you have done things beautifully. Okay, great job.
But also you’ve done things the way that is kind of expected of you to a certain degree. You really take others into consideration. You take public appearance into consideration. Not in a negative way at all. Like, you have a lot of grace, you have a lot of class, you have a lot of tact. You’re also, you know, you’re still yourself. You are very expressive in your own right, but you are connecting with someone, either meeting them or connecting on a deeper level in the month of November. This person is free spirited. They are very expressive. They really don’t care about societal norms. They are pretty fearless in general. They see a lot of flaws within systems. So, you know, the fact that Barbra Streisand is so accomplished by like these traditional institutions that give validation, right?
You could be receiving some sort of award or something like that, or even just be a very accomplished person. And you could be meeting someone who like sees kind of through that whole. It’s interesting because I think that these two energies wouldn’t typically be drawn to each other. I think you’re definitely in the month of November recognizing a soulmate who they have to be your soul mate because it’s like we’re so magnetically drawn to each other, even though we have so little in common or our life paths don’t look like they’re going in the same direction. But you resonate in the here and now regardless. And this person external to you or this energy external to you, it could be spirit just sending you signs to show you, like, the things you’re striving for are not necessarily rooted in the Truth of your soul.
This could even be like the institution of marriage, for example. Maybe you’ve been very focused on wanting to manifest a marriage and wanting a family and a white picket fence and like all these things and your spirit team, as well as any soul mates who are entering or deepening their bond with you in the month of November, they’re kind of showing you like, you don’t need to go down a traditional path. You don’t need to be attached to any sort of outcome. Like you can just be free. You can love freely as well. I think you’re going to be leaving the past behind in a lot of beautiful ways. Okay, so my group number two, let’s go ahead and get into your tarot and see. Yeah, we have the lovers.
So I do think there’s love, like a lot of unconditional love you’re going to be sensing and you’re going to be realizing love is free. It does not need to be contained in a certain kind of box. You don’t have to have any certain kind of expectations. You could even just be. If you’re not dating or involved with anyone particular, you could just be seeing other people live maybe like polyamorously, if that’s your thing. And it doesn’t have to be your thing. But you could be seeing more like LGBTQ kind of like relationships or seeing like artistic people, just people who are not afraid to go against the grain.
And it’s not that you have to identify with any of those things or change all of your goals to be like them in any way, but you can just let their freedom inspire you in certain ways. Right? You don’t even have to, you don’t even have to change on the outside or change the way you dress or change where you go. You’re just like, oh, I didn’t realize there was a different way of being here. Page of Cups reverse. Okay, there is some tatas here, so let’s go ahead and cover them. Interesting. Page of Cups reverse. What else is going on in the month of November? 10 of cups Chariot reversed. So yeah, I think there’s intense emotions between you and a more free spirited person.
But the bigger lesson here, I do see some of you having soulmate connections that are not meant to last like in the long term necessarily. Or you might not stay together right now, you might reconnect in the future. And that is not spirit punishing you or anything like that. And it doesn’t mean like with this Page of cups reversed, I’m hearing no love lost, especially cuz the 10 of cups is here. It seems like with the Chariot reverse, there’s going to be some big decisions about your life path and whether or not your life path aligns with that of another in a way that has nothing to do with your feelings or admiration for one another. Okay, we have the Queen of Coins. Oh, she is reappearing. King of Swords on top of the deck. Temperance, what’s under that? Two of Cups. Okay.
Oh, okay. So some of you are making really big decisions, King of Swords, when it comes to how you can align your life with that of another. And with this Temperance, I do think that there is, or the Alchemist, there is some sort of alchemy going on here when it comes to changing on both sides. You know, people can say like, oh, I’m going to still be my full individual self in this relationship and I’m not going to compromise and I’m not going to settle. And all of that is great. You can totally be your own person. You don’t have to settle in any way. But the whole point of long term partnership is to become more of an effective unit.
And so I, I see you asking a lot of questions, King of Swords, maybe even setting boundaries when it comes to why you are coupling up, what your expectations are, what you are willing to do on your side too. Because with the King of Swords here, if both people saying King of Swords energy, you’re not going to merge. So I’m not telling you to acquiesce and give up all of your hopes and dreams for that of another. I’m saying go where your heart is. Because with the Page of Cups reverse, you could be in such an energy where you were like, I’m going to stick to my life path and I expect my partner to. You know, if they really loved me, they would choose me or they would go down this road too. And that’s just not realistic.
I see a lot of change on both ends for these people because I think this person also has been this energy external to you. It’s been very free flowing. It has maybe lacked structure. Like maybe this is a person here who has always given into their own desires and now they’re kind of recognizing through interacting with you that there could be a different way. With this 10 of cups, I think you’re both thinking long term, thinking of family. Queen of Pentacles too is like the domestic partner. She is the wife and she has a nip, so I’m gonna go ahead and cover her. But yeah, I do think there’s a lot of possibility here for you to. To both adapt and compromise in a way that actually serves both of you.
Because it’s not smart to avoid change or to keep a wall up for the sake of it. Especially if you open your heart and you recognize, oh, actually these changes would make me happier. You know, you could even be like, leaving a certain religion or something to make more space for this person in your life. And that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Like, maybe you recognize it’s time for a change in your life or this person recognizes. Right. But I think there’s gonna be a lot of conversation, King of Swords, and a lot of honesty about, like, I’m willing to change directions because it’s what makes my heart happy in this context. And. Whoa. The sun just went away. Okay. So, yeah. And I feel like there’s a focus as well.
Like, just an honesty about, like, this connection, even though it doesn’t seem to make sense on paper right now. This is what I really want, and this is what I’m willing to do to get it. And I see you meeting each other halfway with this Two of Cups. This seems like a beautiful partnership, but there are definitely some differences to confront. And definitely someone would need to redirect life direction wise. Okay. Libra balance, which is the sign of compromise, harmony. So make sure you’re not expecting someone to. To adapt to you just for the sake of it. And vice versa, make sure you’re not the one who’s always adapting. There needs to be balance here for this partnership to thrive. We have Uranus change. Yep. Aquarius Collaborate. Mercury messages and descendant invitations.
So, yeah, be aware of how you are inviting others to enter your life. Are you maybe being a sickler about things just for the principle of it? And is that serving your heart? And with this Aquarius Collaborate, like, there is a way. There is a way for you to both integrate your two very different energies. And with Uranus, I see these changes coming in a very positive way. I think both of you could use a change, because one thing these two have in common is that you’ve just been doing things the way that you think is right with the King of Swords. Right.
And you could both actually be a little bit stubborn when it comes to getting what you want, which I love that about both of you because that means that when you do come into more harmony together and have these communications with Mercury here, if you communicate well and are willing to both accommodate one another’s energy, you will be able to achieve great things with this Collaborative energy. So, my loves, I hope that this resonated with you for the month of November. Thank you so much. I’m going to go ahead and clean up on camera just so I don’t have to spend hours editing. But if you would like a personal, private tarot reading, you guys know where to get that via my website. Please sign up for my Lucky Stars mailing list.
I would love to see you guys there and make even more content for you because, you know, I love to do this, love to channel. And if you like this video, feel free to give it a. Like, it would really help me out. Subscribe if you see me in your future. And we’re going to get into group number three. Thank you guys so much. I love you all and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, so let’s get into group number three. You chose the Merlinite. We are gonna go ahead and start with the musician oracles. The traits and, you know, life experiences of these musicians do not have to resonate in a literal sense. These are helpful for energy. So what we’re gonna do is get one musician for you and your energy in the month of November.
And then we’re going to get one musician for the energy external to you. It could be another person. It could be people you’re dating or even the energy of the universe supporting you externally through experiences that you’re going to be confronting. So it’s going to be very intuitive, our interpretation. Don’t let the literal traits of these people trip you up. But if it resonates, you can take it as extra confirmation. Okay, so for your energy, we’re seeing you as Bjork. Devour life whole. Organize N O R G why the sky and the sea? Optimism is energy. So love that. Love that you are like, in an energy where you no longer gaf. You’re like, I recognize that I was not meant to be like everybody else.
Making peace with the fact that, like, maybe a lot of your relationships have fallen away because you were meant to be expressive in a way that not everyone in the mainstream can vibe with. You know? Okay, then, external tea. We have Joni Mitchell. Learn to write in your own blood. Some things need confessing. Others are better left unsaid. Never lose sight of the miraculous. Okay, I didn’t. Oh. Oh, my goodness. And yeah, I was just gonna say this is literally from a different deck. I was just gonna say I didn’t do this for the other groups, but I want to get one clarifier card because in this dynamic it seems like there’s history, and then the devil comes out.
So some of you are in the month of November, confronting a connection or confronting a dynamic that has stopped you from expressing your highest vibe and stopped you from really embracing your uniqueness and stopped you from experimenting with life. I’m wondering why that is. Okay, no disrespect to Joni Mitchell whatsoever, because this has nothing to do with her. Again, but just the energy. The messages that I’m getting from this reading. You know, this card does say some things need confessing. Others are left. Are better left unsaid. You could be with someone who withholds validation from you in order to stop you from seeing your own light. You could also be with someone who is withholding their emotions from you because they are slightly jealous. And I’m not saying Joni Mitchell is a jealous person. Again, this has nothing to do with her.
But never lose sight of the miraculous. Learn to write in your own blood. This could be someone who stole your jokes. Like, if this is an ex or if this is someone you are confronting in the month of November or connecting with in the month of November, you might notice that they kind of. Yeah, they could be exhibiting jealousy, and you could be tempted to go back to this person or to continue interacting with this person. I don’t know why. My energy levels totally tanked when I entered this reading. And I do think that this person can be a little bit of an energy vampire on you. And I think, you know that. You know, the last reading, it was two very different energies that seemed like they loved each other enough to find compatibility and find points of ease. But this.
This reading, it’s like, it’s a lot harder to see that here. Okay, so with Devour Life Whole, you are going to be more in line with your energy to create and destroy. Like, you’re gonna be really willing to stop holding yourself back. You’re gonna feel really brave in the month of November. Some of you are definitely freeing yourself from any sort of shackles. And whether it’s the dynamic between you two that needs to change or the relationship structure as a whole needs to change. Like, maybe some of you are going through a breakup in November, but it feels like. It really feels like, you know, you would better off without this person in your life. Okay. And no shame to Joanie. Like, if this was in any other context of a different reading, you know, this energy could be different.
But let’s go ahead and just get into the tarot. I do have Shiva out today, so I wanted to point that out, like, Shiva is the destroyer. And, you know, life is a big dance of, like, realizing things are for us and. And then realizing they aren’t, and wanting to be close and connected to the divine and wanting to feel close and connected to others and then realizing we actually don’t want that or we don’t know how to embody that. And, like, that’s all okay. We have judgment reversed. So it could be that you get hard on yourself about the amount of time and energy you’ve invested in this relationship. And so in the month of November, you could be maybe challenged to ask yourself why that is. I see you asking yourself why a lot. Okay, we have the Page of Cups. Also.
Apologies could be significant here. You could definitely be receiving some sort of apology in the month of November. The Chariot. Okay. Oh, what is this? The King of Swords. I just heard it’ll take a miracle. So some of you feel like it would take a miracle for you to stop interacting with this person, because you could actually be a bit obsessed with them. Queen of Coins reversed. The devil. The devil came out for you twice. And she also has some bitties out. What’s on the bottom of the deck. 10 of wands reversed. Okay. So some of you are just very attached to a certain person.
And with judgment reversed, you could be asking yourself why that is, or you could be asking yourself why you’ve invested so much in this person if you know that they have some, like, toxic traits or you know that they maybe don’t have your higher life path in general. With the King of Swords and the Chariot, I am seeing, like, kind of a blockage when it comes to your greater life path, your mission. I definitely get Starseed vibes for. For some of you, especially with this star here. And I also think Bjork very much gives Starseed. Okay, but 10 of wands reversed. Queen of Pentacles reversed. Especially if you’ve been wanting a commitment, wanting to feel nurtured. You know, the Queen of Pentacles, she’s highly valuable. And as wife, as spouse, she is honored. She is cherished. Oh, I didn’t even cover the bitties.
Sorry, guys. She is cherished. She is nourished. She is empowered to do all the things that great mothers do because she is so valued in her family life and her home life and in her career as well. But I don’t think you’re receiving that from this person. I think actually with the Chariot, you have your side set on big goals and dreams, and this person actively tries to block Them out of again, jealousy. With the ten of wands reversed, queen of pentacles reversed, you have not been getting the nourishment you need in order to justify keeping this person with you or taking them along on the journey. I definitely think that there could be someone who wants to ride on your coattails or even extort you financially in order to benefit themselves. And with the Page of Cups, they could be very emotionally stunted.
They could maybe bring apologies. But with the devil, this dynamic is super. You guys are very enmeshed at the same time is what this feels like. Okay, let’s actually get some soul Journey lesson cards again. We didn’t do this for the other groups. But don’t tell them. Don’t tell them. Okay, let’s just get some advice affirmations for you and then we’ll go ahead and. Yeah, Envy. Then we’ll go ahead and get your star codes. Astro oracles. So envy. I am the same as everybody with different challenges. I think this person envies you on the low. It doesn’t matter if they’re a man and you’re a woman. It doesn’t matter if you’re like, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter your genders. This person could be jealous of you and you might have self esteem issues that are triggered by this person putting you down.
And then you might get insecure and get jealous as well. If it comes to them entertaining other options. If it comes to them being unfaithful, yeah. Okay, so that could be the cycle you’re repeating. We have balance. I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world and I do so without judgment. Without judgment. And we have the judgment card here. So you are being asked to prioritize your own sense of inner peace and to remove anything that takes away from your peace without judging yourself, without criticizing yourself and asking yourself why you ended up in this situation. It doesn’t matter because we can always make a difference choice now. And I think you’re being asked to bring balance to the situation, possibly by pulling back a lot and dropping burdens and not caring what this person thinks about you.
Especially if they’ve been putting you down. And just cuz they claim to love you with this Page of Cups. They claim to see the future with you with the Chariot. They say they like want the long term with you. Do you want that? Is that what’s best for you? Because I wouldn’t think so based on the things. And you don’t have to apologize about that. Especially not during Scorpio. Season. Okay. Failure. I understand that a mistake is only an opportunity to learn. 100% peace. I’m a being of love and I release all negative energy. Yet you were brought down here on Earth to bring more love into the world.
And you cannot let every energy vampire that sees your light attached to you and then internalize that and stay stuck in these dynamics with them and then blame yourself to the point where you don’t think you deserve better because you made this mistake of getting to enmesh with this person. A mistake is an opportunity to learn. Okay, let’s go ahead and end with your star codes. Astro Oracle. Just to see a little bit of like what’s next. But I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’ve been in a situation similar, so just know there’s no judgment on my end. Pisces sensitize. Mars Motion. So yeah, you could be very empathetic to the point where you’re like over empathizing and possibly disempowering yourself and people pleasing in order to, you know, keep this going. Mars motion.
You’re being asked to, you’re being asked to make the decisions that need to be made, especially with this dagger here. And if there’s conflicts. But sometimes we need conflict in order to really rise up and get in alignment with our purpose. Your rising sign could be really significant. I happen to be a Pisces rising and so that’s why my purpose is very spiritual. It, it relies on empathy and intuition and things like that. So look into your rising sign because I’m just using myself as an example. This person could actively be blocking your natural mode of operation when it comes to how you navigate the world. And they could be blocking your flow, especially your flow of peace here. Top of the deck. Capricorn Achieve.
You have big dreams and I think you’re meant to fall in love with your dreams and your ambitions and your goals more than you want to appease this person or integrate this person into your life. Okay. Bottom of the deck. 12th house. Introspection. So yeah, I do think there’s going to be some shadow work. I do think there’s going to be just some epiphanies internally as well as you. Yeah, you can pray for that miracle. You can pray for that empowerment and pray for your desires and for your larger ambitions beyond this relationship to become so appealing to you that you cannot sacrifice them for the sake of a crappy connection that takes up a lot of your energy. Okay, so pray or wish or hope.
Or or, you know, set intentions for your tastes to be drawn in a different direction, because I think that would really help more than you might be seeing at this time. So, my loves, these are my messages for your November. I hope that this is helpful. I’m sending you a big energy hug. If you like this video, feel free to like it. Subscribe. If you would like to see me in your future, go to my website. If you want a personal, private tarot reading, it would be an honor to help you over there. And I would love if you signed up for my Lucky Stars mailing list. I would love to send you more intuitive messages for the free. And yeah, I love you guys. I’ll see you in the next one. Have a beautiful November. Happy Scorpio, New Moon.
And I’ll see in the next one. Okay, bye.
Jon a Helch
Posted at 21:42h, 10 NovemberHi Galena!
How do i sign up for the lucky stars mailing list?
Kay Barrett
Posted at 19:17h, 08 NovemberGalena you out done yourself again girl!!
So I, as usual pick for me and sig. other which I did this time too but 1 and 3 as chosen I glazed over ‘ah well galena l can’t be spot on everytime right!’
Instead of discarding reading for some reason I kept this one, a week later I returned and listened to reading 2, that was the one… for both it was perfectly on the money I get it! Totally understood from both sides it was our reading – thanks 😊
Aileen Hartlen
Posted at 08:23h, 07 NovemberI am not sure if you can help me but I stopped receiving all the cosmic updates in my email, een all my old ones are gone I have no idea what happened. Canyou adiseme how I get back on mailing list. I miss these. T
Thank you Aileen
Aileen Hartlen
Posted at 08:23h, 07 NovemberI am not sure if you can help me but I stopped receiving all the cosmic updates in my email, een all my old ones are gone I have no idea what happened. Canyou adiseme how I get back on mailing list. I miss these. T
Thank you Aileen
Amelia M Hernandez
Posted at 15:07h, 04 NovemberI’m definitley #3!! Need %100 PEACE , !! Thanks, Galena
Posted at 15:49h, 03 NovemberHello Galena thank you so much for your readings I feel so lucky to be connected with you not everyone have this luck…I am a big follower you’ve changed my life in many ways you can’t understand….stay blessed.
Please put me/ subscribe me to Lucky Star group.
Thank you .
Posted at 13:59h, 03 NovemberCiao Galena è sempre meraviglioso ricevere le tue canalizzazioni, mi aiutano nel mio percorso di crescita interiore e a capire meglio le mie relazioni. Il gruppo due volte tre mi risuonano molto., per due dinamiche che sto vivendo. A presto per la prossima lettura.
Grazie un abbraccio di Luce
Posted at 12:11h, 03 NovemberThank you Galena, I listened to all 3 readings, the first reading it sounds exactly what I’m through right now! The third and last reading sounds like my ex, and what I’ve been dealing with for 2 yrs, I’m glad we are no longer together, it was toxic, he was a energy vampire! Thank you for your love and inlightment!❤️
Donna Harvey
Posted at 03:24h, 03 NovemberI would like to join your lucky stars email. Thanks. Love your work.
Posted at 09:52h, 02 November# 1: Funny, I am singing Bowie’s “Modern love” with my choir at the moment and (as a personal challenge) suggested an additional voice for this song! And I have also been limerent for quite some time, slowly opening up again for other options …. So this is definitely me! 😀
Jesnette Sandra Padilla
Posted at 02:52h, 02 NovemberLove your spiritual ability to express the messages spirit want to relay 🙏 extremely intuitively extraordinary Galina the Mystical Angel 😇 Thank you for your perspective on the message from the readings.
Kelley Harrell
Posted at 23:44h, 01 NovemberI’m desiring a true love relationship. Been alone many years. Widowed. I feel the need to protect me, my home, my son. I feel lost to some extent.
Melinda Osborne
Posted at 21:10h, 01 November#1 confirmed my mood uplift with the Dodgers winning WS, hopeful for a huge change with election results & my man showing more attention lately. Hearing your words literally takes the pain from my recent shoulder surgery in my mid 70’s! We can actually look forward to a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! PS; I loved Bowie. Thank you, Galena!
Sarah Wenham
Posted at 20:43h, 01 NovemberCard Three was definitely me
Helen Ward
Posted at 20:23h, 01 NovemberThanx sooooo much
I tealy resonated with 1 and 2i. I know what I hav to do now and take some action.
We all hav our flaws but I realy love this guy. And we have loved each other for nine years. As long as it’s me he realy wants that’s great Hiwever I don’t want to disappoint my dorta. Either so it’s v hard ( she wants me to move up nth to her support as well. Time will tell cheers Helen. I wd like to talk to u galena but havnt th money at pres.
Jaime m
Posted at 20:11h, 01 NovemberI loved your video, this really hit home with me. I am looking forward to this month.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 15:25h, 01 NovemberThank you Galena,
Have a pleasant weekend
Elizabeth Ratcliffe
Posted at 15:01h, 01 NovemberThat was truly amazing to hear.
That’s exactly what I thought was going on in my life. It’s great to have it confirmed.
Posted at 14:27h, 01 NovemberI am ready for Spirit to bring these people into my life you and Sirena seem to think will be coming into it. I’m being protected from bad people obviously but it’s funny to hear about being selective – basically if you’re legal age and female you’ve got a shot at this point. If I’m not ready I wish Spirit would make me ready! I feel so stuck and I know I am ready for something amazing for the final act of my life. My heart is stuck on the last woman I fell for and there isn’t even anyone else in my life to think about….
Posted at 09:11h, 01 NovemberGreat reading – 100% where I am on reading #3. A totally toxic man, going through his crisis, but 100% toxic to me and most people in his life, He’s full of rage, anger and a dichotomy of actions and words. I wish him well and am grateful for his charity but I can’t wait for things to move forward for me. It has been too long.
PS: Ditties are good why cover them?
Yvonne Hutchinson
Posted at 08:29h, 01 NovemberMiss your face:)
Posted at 07:24h, 01 NovemberI love that reading u keep it so real but yeah I’m still love Lacey my ex and I do hope he comes back this month cause I really miss him but if not it is what it is facts about this situation thanks again
Mercedes baughman
Posted at 06:56h, 01 NovemberExcellent, impressed