A Welcomed Change | Weekend Love Reading | 2/18 – 2/20

Hi Friends,

Have you been feeling like something unspoken is getting in between you and a loved one?

Or maybe you’ve hit a wall recently and are tempted to give into the idea that no matter what you do, love and relationships just never work out for you…

Well, this weekend offers a powerful opportunity for you to bring any hidden fears or unspoken tension to light so you can receive the kind of love your heart truly longs for. 

You’re being called to dive into your inner world and discover the glimmering pearls of truth and wisdom in your depths.

And while it might be uncomfortable to jump into deeper waters at first, chances are once you do, you’ll be delighted by what happens next. 

So grab a cup of your favorite tea and let’s take a closer look at your weekend love reading.

Card #1: The High Priestess | Love Conquers Fear

Has something stopped you from loving fully because you’re afraid of what might go wrong?

The High Priestess is a powerful Major Arcana card and can help guide your heart’s path with wisdom. 

Your intuition will be dialed in over the next few days, so if you’re in a relationship, you’ll likely be more tuned into your partner’s mood and feelings, as well as your own.

Asking the right questions or voicing what you’re sensing could open up an intimate and honest dialogue that could bring your relationship closer together.

You might also find this weekend is a perfect time to express any fears you have about your relationship.

While opening up can feel vulnerable, chances are that if you do, you’ll be rewarded with greater closeness and intimacy.

If you’re single, this weekend is a great time to meditate on love, or simply put down any distractions and notice what kind of feelings are alive and moving in you.

This is especially true if you’ve been feeling afraid of staying single or discouraged about attracting the same kind of mismatched partners over and over again.

There may be a hidden truth you’ve been avoiding looking at directly. 

But if you take some time to connect with yourself, perhaps through journaling or talking to a good listener, you might just get an insight that allows you to honor your inner truth and your heart more fully.

The energy of The High Priestess is full of profound wisdom, but it can only manifest when you give it room to. 

Seek out a few moments to immerse yourself in silence, stillness, and peace this weekend. 

Whether by taking a morning walk in your favorite park, or putting on headphones and listening to relaxing, meditative music.

Once you emerge from your quiet time, let the clarity you received guide your interactions with loved ones, or inspire deeper reflection in the form of writing or a good conversation.

Your perceptions are honed and you are able to see beyond the veil this weekend.

As a result, deep secrets may come to light. 

They could be your own fears and desires, or you might find out something new about your partner that brings you closer together.

Whatever the case is for you, your next card implies that your newfound understanding will bring long awaited rewards and reveal some practical next steps. 

Card #2: The Knight of Pentacles | Your Hard Work Is Paying Off

Have you recently gone through some trials and tribulations in your relationship?

Or perhaps you’ve been working on yourself so you can be ready when the right person finally comes along…

Your second card is The Knight of Pentacles, and this reliable, determined knight has shown up as a sign that your past investments are paying off.

Some areas of life can take longer to blossom than others, and the Knight of Pentacles indicates the arrival of positive results that you’ve been yearning for.

Have you had to be extra patient with yourself or with a lover while navigating certain challenges or difficulties?

Things may have moved rather slowly until now, but this weekend you’ll likely find that it was worth the wait.

Your patience is paying off.

And you can expect to be rewarded in tangible ways that you can savor.

This card can also foretell of an encounter with someone who is a bit stubborn, but loyal, and builds a strong foundation in everything they take on.

If this is the case for you, the Knight of Pentacles person can help you fortify your own commitment to the people and things that matter most to you. 

The Pentacles represent the earth element, making this weekend a perfect time to focus on practical matters that support your relationship, or your own sense of wholeness. 

Also, if you feel like you’ve been neglecting your rest and well-being lately, this is a great time to dedicate extra time to recharging and replenishing yourself.

What are some of your favorite ways to unwind and destress? 

Above all, the Knight of Pentacles is a reminder that love which endures the test of time develops slowly, growing a little more each day.

And when you commit to letting things happen gradually, rather than cutting corners or skipping ahead to the “fun” part of being in love, you are rewarded with stability.

However, if you’re not sure that you’re on the right path just yet, or if you feel left out, your next cards indicate that change is on your horizon.

Card #3: The Five of Pentacles / The Wheel of Fortune | The Tides Are Turning

Normally the Weekend Love reading is only three cards, but another card popped out when I drew your last one, and I think it is important to include in your reading, so let’s proceed!

Have you been feeling excluded by someone important to you?

Or maybe you’ve been so disappointed by a past experience that you’ve closed yourself off to new, more promising opportunities?

The Five of Pentacles shows that you may feel like you’re on the outside looking in.

Perhaps you’ve secretly longed for more love and acceptance from someone, or learned to repress your desire because you haven’t believed you can have what you truly want. 

If your dreams around love have seemed out of reach, it’s all about to change!

The Wheel of Fortune popped out right after The Five of Pentacles, bringing you an important message that you’re about to enter a brand new paradigm! 

This weekend is a time to trust the hand of fate and not interfere with how things unfold.

Why is this?

No matter how things seem on the surface, the tides are turning in your favor!

If you feel tempted to act out of a feeling of scarcity, insecurity, or simply feel too jaded to believe in anything good happening to you…

Hit the pause button on that story and open your mind to the possibilities.

The Wheel of Fortune has arrived to remind you that nothing lasts forever… including hardship.

And somehow or another, things are about to get better for you in love.

You can help this process along by actively releasing the past, practicing forgiveness, letting go of expecting disappointment, and reconnecting with the higher power living within you.

The Wheel of Fortune is a beautiful reminder that as some things fall, other ones rise. 

What falls and what rises now for you? 

And what is at the center? 

Who or what helps you stay centered?

Those are important aspects to consider right now.

Because these two cards came together, their meaning might also be that someone who tried to dismiss you or reject you in the past will experience their karma soon.

In the midst of the twists and turns life surprises you with, remember to stay centered in your heart.

Trust The Process

With two Major Arcana cards showing up in your reading, it’s likely that this weekend will be an eventful one.

The High Priestess is a reminder to follow your intuition and explore feelings in your relationship that you may have been hesitant to open up.

The deeper you dive, the more you will be rewarded with intimacy and truth.

The Knight of Pentacles is a sign that your patience is paying off, and something you’ve been waiting for in love is finally arriving.

And the combination of the Five of Pentacles with the Wheel of Fortune brings a powerful message that letting go of feelings of lack or scarcity will change your fate while opening your eyes to all the possibilities available to you.

It’s easy to feel disappointed when something doesn’t go the way we wanted, but it’s important to consider the possibility that what is happening is EXACTLY what you need to fulfill your heart and bring you lasting happiness in love.

So see if you can begin to gently dissolve any barriers you’ve put up against love.

And remember to trust to process.

With love,

And appreciation,

Luna Dragonwell 

P.S. What could you let go of this weekend that would open your heart more deeply to love? Leave me a comment below, I would love to know!

Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonwell has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

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    Daisy Leonard
    Posted at 19:58h, 22 February Reply

    I am not sure of who i am, or where I really should be. Iam very sad and feel alone alot. Iam married, but, its complicated. I miss my family that lives a hour away and dont have time or energy to be with them. Constantley out of money, even though, I work 32 hours plus. I have chronic pain and dont feel balanced. alot of blockage in my life, iinconsistant ,

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    Chakaza Mabasa
    Posted at 10:35h, 21 February Reply

    I want the love of my life to return back as I miss him and lonely

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    Posted at 22:22h, 20 February Reply

    So I’ve always ignored most if not all my emails 😜 but The Word COSMIC keep popping up in my reality and after watching a tarot and she referenced cosmic and then after i get your email I finally clicked on it and I’m glad i did as it aligns with my storyline rn. I’m just so amazed by your blog 💚🙌🏽✨🧿🌈🦄🌹😇🪄💖🔮

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:32h, 22 February Reply

      Thank you kindly Regina! We appreciate you being here!

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    Matthew Galen
    Posted at 15:30h, 20 February Reply


    Love your name as a loony person myself 🙂

    Thanks $o much for your accurate, encouraging and informative reading!
    I feel better after reading it. I will take time alone with God and work out my insecurities and poor expectations in love and life. He is stirring up my faith so as you blessed me may I bless you and pray God stir up your faith and spirit like a bright star fire in the sky. Yah bless you beloved sister ❤

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:35h, 22 February Reply

      Thanks for the blessings and positive intent Matthew. I’m happy to hear that the reading has stirred up your faith. Wishing you great happiness!

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    Posted at 11:58h, 20 February Reply

    I am so thankful to hear and read this positive reading… I will be so glad that everything here will endly come into my life for this is what I have been waiting… worrying and hoping for!
    This is a fantastic reading that resonates to my hopes and wishes and I can’t wait to embrace this whole thing soon!
    Thank you so much❤️

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:42h, 22 February Reply

      You’re welcome MLL! Thanks for commenting.

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    Silvesan Maria Lacramioara
    Posted at 08:03h, 20 February Reply

    Multumesc cu recunoștința pentru lectură ❤

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    Posted at 01:55h, 20 February Reply

    Am so over happy with your reading. You just revealed my hindrance.

    Thank you so much 💖
    Fatima Usman

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:43h, 22 February Reply

      Thank you Fatima. I’m so happy to hear it has helped you.

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    suzanne mangus
    Posted at 01:04h, 20 February Reply

    I’ve been struggling with a lot my mother in law had to move in to our house 2 years ago and it’s caused quite a lot of stress and anxiety for me and my husband i’m trying to not let her get under my skin because i shouldn’t be making my self sick over it but sometimes it’s really hard thanks for listening

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    Sherry Glover
    Posted at 00:50h, 20 February Reply

    A very good reading, hit right where I’m at in life ,
    Love it

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 12:02h, 24 February Reply

      Glad to hear it Sherry. Blessings!

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    The One 🌹
    Posted at 22:31h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you so much for your beautiful message. Letting go of my past completely that’s taking A process/ time.. I can lie it’s hasn’t been easy,But I Am doing the work everyday to let go of decades of pain and being honest and patient with myself. I have taken time to Breathe to smile to smell the Roses to look up at the sky to be thankful for everyday That was given to me to make A change. The world around me is changing I’m aware and woke. I finally understand. The secret.. So love is very important but starting with me loving me first and loving me so much that I can love someone that same way , my match my energy my My Frequency .. that’s the true Blessing of opening my mind my heart and soul to the next soul to love them equally (Balanced) as well as us on Earth. I’ truly believe in The power of Love 🌹

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    Elizabeth Novakovic
    Posted at 21:44h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you.

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    Elizabeth Novakovic
    Posted at 21:22h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you, there is truth in your message. Thank you again.

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 12:02h, 24 February Reply

      It’s a pleasure Elizabeth. Glad you resonated with the message.

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    Evelyn Malanda
    Posted at 17:29h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you Luna long time , this reading is amazing because I have put barrier to my heart am I afraid of being hurt again in my life I want protect myself . Since Luna you have predict how Wait for my knight one thanks once again Luna .

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    Posted at 16:59h, 19 February Reply

    Hi Luna – I’ve missed you! Well! I don’t quite know what’s around the corner yet but I’m decluttering my apartment big time as I feel my future will change! In letting go of so much of my past I’m feeling so much lighter & excited too! I haven’t felt like this in a long time! I’m not sure where my path is going but that’s not important right now. Thank you so much!

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:47h, 22 February Reply

      Hi Alison, I’m glad to be back. Letting go of clutter is such an energizing process! Enjoy. I’m sure it will change your life for the better and make space for wonderful things to come to you.

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    Cora Rose Converse
    Posted at 15:00h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you so much for this advice!
    I really want to find my soulmate, or at least know whom I belong with, and who’s a good fit for me and whatnot.

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    Traci Eburg
    Posted at 13:37h, 19 February Reply

    This reading was eventually encouraging. My husband passed in 2018. I’ll be letting go of the hurt and anger, only remembering the love we had. Since it was his love that taught me to love… keep my heart open … thank you

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    Joshua David Johnson-Peraza
    Posted at 09:27h, 19 February Reply

    I’m a lunar Scorpio a heartfelt individual and a hopeless romantic.. my love is my life and losing my love a little over a decade ago I tried to take my life.. I’m back and better than ever.. as a spiritual being I would say I have let go of everything that is not pure of heart.. I’m a open book and I wear my heat on my sleeve.. I need love I want love.. I mean I am a Scorpio so… but I do remember that time I lost love and im a lil fearful of letting someone in for them only to leave and take my essence with them.. now on the other side I promised never to do that again and to this day I have not even entertained the thought I no longer drink or smoke in over a decade now I live a different life the only thing I haven’t experienced since coming back is that love so yeah I would probably try to let loose of some fear… in doing so I don’t know it can be risky I’m still on the edge about it..

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    Posted at 09:00h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you so much for beautiful reading

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    Th Jiten Singh
    Posted at 07:28h, 19 February Reply

    I want to re join my lost Government Job twice again with own land and House.

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    Posted at 05:40h, 19 February Reply

    Cảm ơn Jonathan rất nhiều!
    Thật tuyệt vời khi tôi đang cảm nhận được điều gì đó đang diễn ra một cách âm thầm với chính mình.
    Tôi rất ngạc nhiên khi bài đọc này của bạn ứng vời những điều đang xảy ra vời tôi. Có rất nhiều thứ đang xáo trộn trong tôi. Và tôi nhận ra đó chính là những rào cản do chính tôi tạo nên khiến cho tôi xa dần với tình yêu của mình.
    Nhưng, sang tuần tới này. Mọi thứ sẽ khác..Bạn biếr gì không ? Tôi đã có một kế hoạch cho buổi hẹn họ của mình !

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    Nana Adu
    Posted at 04:43h, 19 February Reply

    Thanks you dear, for your educative and divine life coaching guide everyday, million blessings to you.

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 12:03h, 24 February Reply

      Thank you Nana! Sending blessings your way as well!

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    Mwaziona Banda
    Posted at 04:13h, 19 February Reply

    I really want to let go of hurtful feelings about my ex and what he did to me.

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    Posted at 03:56h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you for the beautiful and soulful message.

    I would like to let go of expecting disappointment this weekend from this guy I love but is not available.

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    Ugochukwu Maureen Obi
    Posted at 03:07h, 19 February Reply

    I want my soulmate to come back to me for us to live happily

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    Alina Navrea
    Posted at 02:31h, 19 February Reply

    Thank you, for your good news bought to ME.

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    Isaac Danso
    Posted at 01:59h, 19 February Reply

    I am here looking for changes in my life
    things a bad for me

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:48h, 22 February Reply

      Hi Isaac. I feel hopeful that things will get better for you soon. Take good care!

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    Jerry Boot
    Posted at 01:51h, 19 February Reply

    Could be applied two different ways. So still confused as to what I should do.

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    Charles Victor Barfield iv
    Posted at 01:39h, 19 February Reply

    That was right on. THANK YOU.

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    Posted at 01:24h, 19 February Reply

    Perfectly timing all my luck now coming all at once and it favors all to me. I feel it. Thanks for the nice message.

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    Viviane Banoun
    Posted at 00:10h, 19 February Reply

    You are right, I have the fear to be hurt badly like before.. I will push myself this w/e, taking courage to go ahead to find love.

    Thank you Luna

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    Posted at 23:51h, 18 February Reply

    What a beautiful message. I really appreciate. Thanks a million.

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      Laura Pereira
      Posted at 03:21h, 19 February Reply

      Thank you for this reading, I want to believe all this, but in my mind I feel its to good to be trur

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      Luna Dragonwell
      Posted at 09:49h, 22 February Reply

      My pleasure Julia. Thanks for commenting <3

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    Posted at 23:12h, 18 February Reply

    Letting go of my past relationship, the pain, the lose. It still hurts but I’m getting better. Thank for the inspiration.

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      Posted at 00:12h, 19 February Reply

      Thank u so much for tje insights and inspiration you gave us. Helps a lot.

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    Lynessa Wilson
    Posted at 22:59h, 18 February Reply

    I don’t know what to do, my Soul Mate is married. But not happy, from what I get. But he really cares about me and I feel the same about him!!! We grew up together. We started school together from Kindergarten to Graduation!!!!! We always liked each other but didn’t want to ruin the friendship so we didn’t tell each other!!! But we love each other to this day!!!!!!

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    Annika kendall
    Posted at 22:57h, 18 February Reply

    Thank u for this accurate redding, spot on! Yes im ready of letten go of the februari in me,

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    Jacqueline Pratt
    Posted at 22:51h, 18 February Reply

    I need to let go of the past . He virtually cheated a lot…..and it’s been hard to move past. Because I never got to confront him.

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      Antonis Kyriakou
      Posted at 12:23h, 19 February Reply

      Thanks for sharing, it gives me hope!!

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    Gavin Davidson
    Posted at 22:39h, 18 February Reply

    I feel like this is very on point for me and I’m totally in love with your name! Thanks so much, lots of love and wishes for a good weekend.

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      Posted at 00:15h, 19 February Reply

      Thhank you for your message, i really loved this guy but now to let go the past and open up new page. The only thing i need now is happiness

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