17 Jul A Big Relief | Weekly Tarot Reading | 7/17 – 7/23
Hello Tarot Family,
Your reading this week is filled with bumps and bruises.
But within the rubble, there is a new beginning sprouting up.
You could experience the end of something important this week. And while it may be for the best in the long run, the road to redemption could test your will and your grit.
Transitions are never easy. Luckily there are very promising signs you’ll be blessed with new energy and new opportunities which could make your whole process a lot easier.
You’re going to want to take your time with this reading and prepare yourself for the week ahead.
Let’s explore how you can best flow with the changes in the coming days and come out the other side victorious.
Card #1: Ten Of Swords | The Final Blow

Does it feel like something important is coming to an end in your life?
The Ten of Swords represents collapse, breakdown, and reaching a dead end. In your weekly reading it implies that you’ve progressed a situation as far as it can go, and there are no more possibilities left.
You might be at the end of a bitter battle. Whether this is a court case, a relationship, or a toxic work situation, you may have tried everything and still failed to find the resolution you wanted.
The swords sticking out of the man’s back can indicate deception or back stabbing. So you could feel like you’ve been treated poorly or have been betrayed.
Although this card seems dark, in the background of the card image the sun is rising, clearing out the thick black clouds above.
This is a reminder that there is light beyond the tragedy at hand. You might even experience relief when the ending finally arrives, liberating you from a negative situation.
It’s also important to remember the suit of swords represents the mind. Very few sword cards are considered positive because the mind is often seen as the origin of suffering.
It’s easy to get lost in negative thinking, or become obsessed with solving an unsolvable conflict when you’re in a toxic situation.
The end to a confusing or vicious fight, whether with someone else or with yourself, is indicated by the Ten of Swords.
All this to say there is always a dawn after the darkness, and a new sense of freedom is on the horizon for you.
However, ten swords stabbed in the back can inflict a lot of damage. So the best move now is to accept the reality of your situation and to keep your eyes on what’s positive and possible for your future.
If your next card is any indication, a fresh start after this feeling of defeat might not be as far off as you’d think.
Card #2: Ace Of Pentacles | A New Door Opens

The Ace of Pentacles symbolizes new opportunities, prosperity, and stability. When the Ace of Pentacles arrives in a reading it’s a sign of renewed potential for great abundance.
The Ace of Pentacles is all about success and starting fresh. New career opportunities, new projects, even new love affairs are indicated here.
You could feel refreshed, grounded, and excited in the days to come.
All Aces in the Tarot are like seeds being planted for the future. And with them comes exciting energy. How the seed will grow, and where this next chapter will go is up to you.
Don’t be surprised if you are offered a new position at work, or if an exciting investment opportunity is dropped in your lap.
The promise of the Ace of Pentacles is abundance. However, like all Aces\, the electrifying potential energy must be channeled and guided to its ultimate harvest.
So enjoy this initial boost of energy, but be prepared to start laying the groundwork for success in the long term.
If we consider your first card, the Ten of Swords, the ending you might experience could also be what’s needed to open up a new and powerful opportunity.
Often something must be let go of completely in order for the next door to open.
That being said, your next card is a sign you’ll have to be willing to truly move on first in order to take advantage of this new opportunity.
Card #3: Five Of Cups | Letting Go And Moving On

The Five of Cups is a sign of grief, loss, and trouble letting go of the past. When the Five of Cups arrives in a card reading it’s a sign you are holding onto something from the past.
You may have lost someone important to you, or you might feel like an injustice has happened that you can’t seem to let go of.
Whatever the case may be, the Five of Cups is arriving to let you know it may be time to cut your losses and move on.
However, letting go and moving on can be easier said than done.
If you look at the card image, a man stands in a dark cloak mourning three spilled cups. He is reluctant to pick up the remaining two and move on, choosing to stay with his sadness.
There is a bridge along the river which leads the way to fertile land and a large house. The symbolism here is clear. It’s time to move on to bigger and better things, but you might feel stuck in grief from the past.
Honoring your grief is important. But it’s also possible to grieve while still moving forward. So take some steps, and see what a new view can offer your current state.
The Five of Cups can be a sign of important sacrifices. You may need to leave something important behind to take the next step in your journey.
Right now, you can be sure that remaining with one foot in the past will keep you from moving forward.
Take the time you need, but don’t forget there are brighter horizons ahead.
Considering your first two cards, it’s no wonder there might be feelings of loss getting in the way.
You may have experienced a big, sudden ending. Even with the promise of a new start, it might take time to let go of the feelings around this loss.
Taking The Next Step
Your reading this week started with a hard truth. Your first card, the Ten of Swords, is letting you know a phase of your life could be coming to an end.
While this might be for the best in the long run, the pain associated with it may linger for a while.
Luckily, with added space in your life, there is room for fertile new beginnings. Your second card, the Ace of Pentacles is a clear indication you’ll be blessed with new possibilities and opportunities in the near future.
However, you might need to continue your process of letting go in order to fully step into this new potential.
Your final card, the Five of Cups, is a sign your grieving process may linger for a while. This is natural, just don’t let it keep you from taking positive steps towards a brighter future.
You might experience a tough loss this week. But ultimately, if it was not meant to be in your life, it’s best to move on so you can embrace a better future.
You’re going to get through this, and the new opportunities promised by the Ace of Pentacles could be exactly what’s needed to brighten your outlook.
Take good care of yourself this week.
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. What is ending for good in your life? What are you feeling stuck on that’s keeping you from moving forward? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you’d like help navigating a complicated situation, or answers to your burning questions, you can schedule a private reading with me here.
Marion J Major
Posted at 17:46h, 22 JulyI’m in a lot of physical pain that I’ve been told is going to get worse over tim3.
K.M. Hoogvliet
Posted at 00:38h, 19 JulyWell, I am for a year now in a really awful divorce with a narcissist and I am getto g a lot of signs to let go my hate and other feelings and move on.
So the cards are right.
Thank you very much,.
Rosie Thibbs
Posted at 20:04h, 18 JulyI feel a great lost my brother and I was close, His girlfriend broke up our closeness with her jealousy. Now we don’t speak much. There seven sibling. I must move on., I have a sister you a couple months older she always disliked a d tried to set me up. Blamed me for things I did not do. I need to .move on from these people. This has been holding me back from appreciate and living an abundant Iife. I must move on.
Thank you. Jonathan
ingrid seals
Posted at 11:03h, 18 JulyIt`ll all work out Jonathan.
I will thread lightly, I promise!
Lea Centauri
Posted at 10:17h, 18 Julylionheart…..Thanks so much for your read…your heart on the pulse…..some situations are not in one’s control….I think we question the spiritual meanings of self when it’s so difficult..resolution of the complete self is our light…and maybe we are being asked to look deeper to see the dancing light of love…..eyes refocused…acceptance. Thanks..big hug.
Leonida Gamboa
Posted at 08:26h, 18 JulyI am confused. I don’t know what I am giving up. – .Relationship? We did not have a fight. We are still good. We may not be compatible at all, but I am losing him yet. What I am bothered right now is my job. I don’t really like what I am doing but it pays my bill. I want to give it up if the project I am working on will prosper and generate an income that would cover my bills and make me do what I love doing.
Posted at 08:19h, 18 JulyI am the eight child if 12 siblings, seven girls and five boys. My sisters always treated me like an outcast, always criticizing, putting me down, treat me like a reject all my life. Its like they just don’t wanna see me progress nor be happy. I’ve been there for them in every way i can but, they still going on trying to make me feel worthless, rejected.
But I don’t take them on and the last few years, been avoiding them like a plague.
I did therapy for 12 years and moved on.. I stopped keeping in touch with them a long time now. I don’t need that negativity in my life any more. I’ve had enough and I’m at a poit where I can’t stand my family anymore at all. And I’m quite fine with that.. Their cruel intentions and nasty attitude towards me and their total distance all the years have made me grown accustom with being alone and not having family around.
So I’ve moved on and my three brithers ..handful of friends and my darling cousin are my family all the years.
Yes I still had a little hope but I realized that it is dead, hopeless and I am happy with the decision of letting them go for good @nd continue with my life as usual even thru’ my pian, Betrayal & dissapointments. Jealousy is a hect of a shallow thing.
I’ve blown that family bridge.. Three of my brothers are keeping in touch with me. I’m quite contented with that.
Posted at 07:18h, 18 JulyThank you for the powerful reading. A new beginning for me as I am scheduled to meet my academic supervisor today.
Carlos B.
Posted at 04:35h, 18 JulyIt’s been years since my divorce and I still have feeling for my ex wife, it’s hard for me to move on I’ve tried but always end up in this position.. why?
Posted at 04:13h, 18 JulyDear Jonathan,
In the 5 of cups this really caught my attention wherein you said: “Honouring your grief is important. But you can still greive while moving forward”. This melted away tonsssss of load wherein I could apply this to any given situation in the present or future.
Thank you.
Kyla Amy Rose Tralnberg
Posted at 03:18h, 18 JulyIm of a loss of my home ,my personal possessions, my ability to gain any possessions since no storage available,no place to go as of shelter, no money ,nothing to sell for money.Im not a escort,but I might have to change that situation soon.I have never been put in a lo w point in life this low.what else can I be put in that brings me lower than low?
Posted at 02:44h, 18 JulyMy marriage is coming to an end. We both tried everything we could.
Mark sappington
Posted at 02:02h, 18 JulyMan I feel what your saying and it is strong feeling I don’t know exactly what it is I have been in a real rocky relationship for lil over a year my question is is it the relationship I’m in now
Lly I'll son has been a big stress for me but finally have found a place for him to stay where nurses will take take care of him in case I pass away
Posted at 00:47h, 18 JulyThank you. Have been thru bad and sad times my menta
Pamela Margareth Elmendorf Johnson
Posted at 21:47h, 17 JulyLetting go Of My Sister…. She was almost like a second mom., lol even tho we Were Only 4Years apart.
I Do believe I know what I WILL be experiencing this week. You see I’m Born and raised in Washington State And In October I Moved down With my cousin and We Are came down to help with his mom She Has Alzheimer’s.. Anyway In Arizona and yes I think that’s it. Not A problem letting cousin go. Thank you So much !!Always Blessings. Pamela
Jody Honeyman
Posted at 21:42h, 17 JulyI will be prepared and ready to leave one thing that needs to go. I know there is something better coming into my life.
Thanks for the info. I believe my vibration and awareness are becoming more aligned each and every day. It was inevitable that I would soon outgrow some things in my life. It’s time for me to step up and accept the new life I have been cultivating by becoming the person I was meant to be.
With love,
Jody ❤️
Timothy South
Posted at 21:11h, 17 JulyA large court case may be settling out that I’m involved in. Maybe my dry spell in my romantic life is coming to an end. I’m not sure what my cards may be intelling.
Ralph Brown Jr
Posted at 21:08h, 17 JulyContracts with two females are ending! One I’ve known since 2003! She used a book I loan her which had my energy on it to keep hanging on to her while she was in three different relationships. She’s became addicted to foot massages I gave her. The second female I met in 2019.. My inner voice told me to part company with her she wasn’t upfront, used my Ayurvedic medical knowledge to her advantage. There memories are slowly fading out of my consciousness. A big relief ending these contracts!
Jennifer McNair
Posted at 20:17h, 17 JulyI’m at the end of a relationship I really thought was going to be lasting and forever. I thought he was my soul mate cause we keep finding our way back to echother. I love this person more then anyone I’ve ever known. It physically hurts me knowing it’s over and there’s nothing that can be done to fix the situation. Yet I haven’t figured out how to let go and say good bye to the love of my life. Just seems unfair to love someone so much and realize he doesn’t love u the same way back.