25 Jul A Burning Desire 🔥 | Galena The Mystic | August 2024 Love Tarot Reading
Are you ready to ignite your heart’s true desire?
Galena The Mystic is here with your August Love Predictions, and she says your passion may guide you in a new direction.
Simply click the video below to listen to her message now.
P.S. Have you been using your passion in the right areas? Comment down below to let Galena know!
Hello. Hello, beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. It’s your intuitive tarot reader, Galena The Mystic. And I’m so honored, so humbled, so overjoyed at your messages and your comments from last week. I just feel incredibly grateful to be in this position where I can be here to serve you in such a fun and creative way. I really feel like serving you guys is the best job in the entire world. So thank you. Thank you so much. And yeah, we’re gonna get into our August love predictions today with the Dreams of Gaia Tarot, as well as our Romance Angel oracles. Clearly I need to shuffle, so let’s go ahead and do that.
I have three groups for us today, and before I get into it, though, I do just want to say if you would like a personal, private reading, you know, these are collective messages, so feel free to take what resonates and leave what else doesn’t resonate for someone else. And if you would like personal, private guidance so we can really get into messages that are more applicable to you can do that via the link below. And it would be. It would be my honor. So thank you all so much for being here. Let’s get into our groups. For group number one, we have Merlinite. Hopefully this can focus on the crystal and not my face. For group number Two, we have Clear Quartz. And for group number three, we have Ocean Jasper. Okay, so go ahead and take your time.
Let me put them all on the screen so you can see them all at once as well as I can. And yeah, pick whichever one resonates. It’s totally fine to watch more than one, but we are going to go ahead and start with our Merlinite group. So thank you so much, Merlinite group, for being here. Let’s go ahead and shuffle the Dreams of Gaia Oracle. Oh, okay. So we have the Eight of Pentacles coming out. It did want to come out reversed. The reversals are random, of course. Let’s go ahead and keep shuffling and keep speaking on it. With this Eight of Pentacles reverse, you could be. I don’t know why I’m not getting, like, something that’s counterproductive. I’m getting, like, reworking something that would make sense with mercury retrograde. We are in mercury retrograde shadow, I think, approaching the actual mercury retrograde.
And so I think you’re going to be reworking, going back over something, being able to fix something. What is this spirit? Let’s keep talking about this. What does my Merlinite group need to know about love in August, we have the Nine of Pentacles. So something you could be reworking is the amount of space you take for yourself. And there could be a theme of sovereignty and independence. Even if you are coupled in the month of August, even if you’re still dating or trying to pursue someone with this Nine of Pentacles, there’s still very much this message of doing your own thing and feeling good about it and really genuinely enjoying it. Interesting. Also knowing. Oh, knowing what you have to value. Okay, we have the King of Wands reversed. Four of Cups, upright. And I literally heard narcissist recovery. So that’s quite specific.
Sorry I’m so off center, but narcissist recovery. So it looks like you’re healing yourself and kind of starting to see yourself clearly again after someone who maybe impacted your self esteem, maybe belittled you or put you down or made you doubt your worth or doubt your beauty. And with this Eight of Pentacles reverse, you’re realizing, like, oh, I don’t actually need to always be fixing myself. Let’s actually go back and kind of challenge the narratives that this person fed us. Okay. That’s what your August is looking like. Let’s see. What else do we need to know about love in August? For my Merlin I group, we have the Eight of Swords. So, yeah, someone has lied to you and tried to stop you from seeing your value because they were jealous. They wanted to keep you bored. They wanted to keep you trapped.
They wanted to prevent you from seeing your own unique beauty because they were insecure, and they didn’t want to see you thrive and shine and be productive and work towards building the life you actually want. But with the Nine of Pentacles in the month of August, you’re realizing, like, I was always deserving of that. I shouldn’t have let this person. Well, you know, it’s not. You don’t really like, sometimes we allow ourselves to be manipulated, but also, sometimes people just suck. And I feel like this is one of those cases where it’s like you’re trying to overcome self criticism, overcome self doubt, because someone’s voice is really. It’s been damaging. We have the hero in reverse. This is someone who offered almost to save you from a situation.
They promised you that life would be different, life would better with them, that they would make sure you never hurt anymore. And I think you allowed yourself to believe this dream, but with the Eight of Swords, you’re realizing that was always going to be limiting. You know, as much as we can love our partners. We don’t need anybody to save us, and we don’t want to. It’s just. It’s a red flag. If someone’s promising you to give you a different life, it’s just often a red flag. Why? Because you don’t need saving. They’re trying to offer you something you don’t need, and that’s because they don’t have anything you actually do need. That’s what this is giving. Six of sword or Six of Wands, Six of fire in the reverse here.
So, this person tried to ride in like a knight in shining armor, and you’re realizing that there’s no reconciling this. There’s no victory to be had here with this person. But there is a lot of victory for you to be having on your own. And people wouldn’t be manipulating you, trying to get things from you, trying to take up your time, your energy, unless you had something amazing, like they need you. This is you flipping the script. Someone tried to convince you needed them, and now they are seeing that they needed you. So that is what August looks like. Sorry this isn’t the most cheery message, but if you’re resonating with this, then you already know what it is. Okay, let’s get a couple more messages. What else do you need to know? For the month of August? We have intuition.
You’re starting to remove negative judgments and false narratives from your mind, and it’s making more space for you to hear spirits. You can be guided towards your purpose, so you can feel connected to your spirit guides. You’re starting to hear the affirmation spirit has for you, that you are so worthy, that you are so valuable, that you have so much to offer the world, that you are unique, that you are rare, that the cracks, the flaws. There’s a dog barking outside. Okay, I’m. Spirit’s trying to yap at you, okay. With this intuition card. And like, with this Four of Cups. The cracks, the flaws, the stretch marks, the wrinkles, the checkered past, it all just adds to your value, because you’re a very wise person, and you’re really able to spin. You’re able to spin things into gold. You’re very resourceful.
That’s how this is coming through. And I think your resourcefulness is why sometimes people try to cling to you, because it’s like, oh, if they can do this and that, I know we’ll be taken care of. And it’s. It’s time for you to be using those gifts and that resourcefulness towards your purpose. For some reason I’m hearing, like, working with kids, I’m also getting, let’s actually get some life purpose oracles. I’m actually getting, like, speaking, public speaking as well, teaching. Some of you could be teachers, and some of you are just very good friends. Also, this black cat, like, we have an owl. We have a black cat. We have a spider. So take those as extra confirmations. But, yeah, it’s like, you’re very wise. You’re gonna be independent also. People find you mysterious.
People are gonna find you mysterious in this new season of your life. You’re very. Yeah, with that spider. Very resourceful. Like, you can weave magic out of things. Very, very helpful. Like, you’re a very helpful friend. Okay, let’s see. What do we need to know? Okay, we have the great gathering. It’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe. This is what I mean. Your soul tribe is waiting for you. Like, these people don’t need you. Well, they. They need to help themselves. They think they need you. They were. They were gonna swallow that, though. They weren’t gonna ever tell you that they needed you or that they felt insecure and threatened by your lightning. But it’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. You’re going to whatever divine inspiration you have, run with it. Whatever. If this is your message, like, run with it. Okay.
We have. Oneness is my true nature. You have everything you need. You absolutely have everything you need. And it drives people who are insecure crazy. But you’re gonna, all this purple, you’re gonna feel very connected to spirit, connected to source, connected to your higher self, and you’re gonna get some great idea. Okay, we have. I’m just gonna take this one. We have energy healing. Your natural energy healing abilities are an important part of your life purpose. So some of you are spiritual teachers as well. You could be a tarot reader, Oracle reader. You could be a Reiki master, you could be a yoga teacher, but also even just as a friend, as a counselor, as a. As a kind ear, you really transmute people’s energies. And that’s why you sometimes attract the flies, you know, because all that, honey, you’re a very sweet person.
And so, you know, don’t blame yourself, but definitely put those protections up. Okay, let’s end with one Romance Angel Oracle card. I know this reading is getting kind of long, but let’s just get one Romance Angel Oracle card. New love. A new person has shared your romantic feelings, okay? So if you want to get into this new love book, a reading with the link down below, we can maybe see, because I know it’s going to be different for all of you. We can see who could be entering. But yeah, for August, I do feel like going on this journey is going to magnetize a new love to you. Thank you so much for being here. Comment down below and let me know what resonated, what you’re anticipating, and actually comment down below. An August intention.
I would love to hear your intentions that you’re setting for August. What are you hoping to manifest? What are you hoping to focus on? I’m sending you a big energy hug like this video. If you liked it, subscribe to our channel if you want to subscribe.
And let’s move on to group number Two. Okay, so recapturing these cards, and you are my Clear Quartz group. So, group number Two, thank you for being here and choosing this Clear Quartz. I absolutely love this crystal. It’s like old reliable, you know, like she can never do me wrong. But let’s go ahead and shuffle. Okay. We have the Three of Cups wants to come out and be seen by you. Let’s see what this is. This is emotion. Intellect in the reverse spirit. Speak to me about this. It’s interesting.
The Three of Cups can be about celebrations, but I’m also, at the same time, seeing some things imbalanced here. So you could be partying a little bit too much or entertaining casual situations. We have abundance. Six of Earth reversed. And bottom of the deck is the crone. Reverse. I’m getting a message of someone who’s like, you want to mature and develop into, like, a new season of your life, but with this Three of Cups, it’s almost like I’m not. I can’t logicize how I would get to where I really want to be. So I’m going to entertain what’s casual, what’s fun in the meantime. And I actually feel like for some of you, could be throwing you off because you’re receiving what you don’t actually want with the Six of Pentacles reverse. I need to pull more on this.
What is it that with this abundance card, don’t settle. You know, whenever I see abundance in a love reading, don’t settle. There’s an abundance of options out there. There’s an abundance of timelines you can jump on. And so with this Three of Cups, you just might be. Let’s clarify this Three of Cups specifically. You just might be. It’s not that you can’t have fun. You just might not be in a timeline that’s suitable for how much wisdom you have. You might be entertaining a lot of superficial connections or entertaining a relationship particularly, okay, we have self where in this relationship or in this friend group, you don’t feel like people can really see the true you.
For all your wisdom, all your experience, maybe you are like the emotional support friend, or you’re the one who gives really good advice, or you might be the oldest in a group. So it’s like we’re the most mature. So it’s like you don’t feel like you’re very seen. I feel like you’d be having a better time on your own, especially if this is a relationship with one particular person where you don’t feel like you can have the deepest talks with them, but you’re trying, because, again, you don’t know. You don’t always see how many options you have, and you’re thinking, it’s not that serious. You’re thinking, oh, like, it’s just fun for the meantime, but like, you’re. You could be settling big time. We have the child here. So this could be the father of your child.
A child could be involved in some way, but also, like, what advice would you give your inner child or your child self in this situation? Let’s see. Six of Cups reversed. So maybe a loss of the past could be influencing your pessimism about the future. I also think with this child, you know, and the Six of Cups, you might think something’s really innocent, something that you’re doing. You could think it’s not a big deal. I’m just partying. I’m just, you know, trying this substance. I’m just hanging out with this person. But I think on a deeper level, your inner child is watching you. And I think you know that this is nothing serving the sweetness of your heart combined with the wisdom of all your experience. You’re selling yourself short. Someone here selling themselves short. We have love on top of the deck. Okay.
What’s on the bottom? King of Wands. So have confidence and love yourself. I do think that there could be a special someone around the corner. Let’s actually get some oracles to see what is up here is a really interesting energy. Okay, what do you need to know about August? This says, I always trust the direction of the universe and know I’m being guided. So dragonflies would be really significant signs. Your spirit in the month of August is trying to push you in a different direction. But with this Three of Cups, they will allow you to keep doing what you want to do regardless. Like, you have free will and you can continue. But with this King of Wands and love, I actually feel like. Like some experiences are going to push you to be more confident in yourself and to kind of.
You might be wasting your energy and putting your energy in the wrong direction, but in the month of August, you’re going to be redirecting that energy in this King of Wands fashion. You know, the King of Wands is very creative, very productive, very ambitious, very driven. And love. I’m hearing the word labor of love. So it could be that in the month of August, there might be a little bit of an upset or a little bit of a hiccup. You might just, like, lose a lot of taste for the people you’ve been hanging around lately. You might run into hicCups at work or something like that. That cause you to redirect to a labor of love. That’s gonna be a big theme here. So it’s almost like spirit is redirecting you towards something you can truly be passionate about.
Because partying, it’s, you know, it’s easy to substitute partying and physical intimacy with creative passion. But really, your souls, your soul is actually craving something else. Your soul’s craving to be creative. Your soul’s craving true love. So don’t settle. Don’t sell yourself short, okay? There’s an abundance of opportunities. And in the month of August, spirit’s gonna highlight that for you. Okay, let’s see what else comes through. We have. Through prayer and meditation, I create a ripple effect of peace in the world. So you can be neglecting your meditation practice. You could be neglecting your spiritual practice of any kind. I advise you to pray and to meditate, even if you think it’s boring at first. We have career change. You’re embarking upon a career that brings you the joy and abundance you desire and deserve.
So some of you, there’s less of a focus on romance, but you are changing careers. And again, I said there could be hicCups in work. Don’t panic if something falls through or something gets reassessed, especially because of mercury retrograde energy we’re approaching right now. I feel like it’s going to be for the best because spirit really wants you to redirect your energy and redirect your efforts into something that feels more fulfilling for you. Let’s get one more. We have energy flows where my intention goes. Okay, so comment down below and let me know. How are you going to redirect your energy? What have you been focusing on too much or giving too much? I almost feel like it’s a lack of intention with this Three of Cups. It’s like a very free flowing, like, I’m gonna do whatever I want.
But you’re too wise to be doing that. And you love yourself. You deserve so much self love and your inner child is full of gifts too. Like you have the wisdom of your inner child and the wisdom of many years of experience. And so why have you kind of shut down in this way where you are kind of not? You’re not really setting intentions is what it looks like. So spirit saying, if you want to change something, let’s change it. If you want something, we still care about your dreams. We still care. So comment down below, let me know where are you setting your intentions? Let’s get one Romance Angel Oracle card. As this is a love reading, we have soulmate, so we have a soul mate entering the chat. Let’s get one more. We have attraction.
You attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully. But are you really enjoying yourself? Because some of you are in a situation where you’re telling yourself you enjoy it, but you’re not really having the best time because you’re so much wiser and I than what is coming through. And we have playfulness and deception. This is exactly what I mean. You might be deceiving yourself by being in this playful energy and not taking yourself too seriously. I’m not that. Not that everything needs to be serious. It’s just that there’s just a depth to you. Bottom of the deck, release your ex. The time has come to clear energy. This is giving someone who you’re a very wise, sensitive, deep, loving person, but you might have gone through a breakup and then you’ve been rebounding or gone on some sort of bender in order to recover.
And spirits trying to call you back in now, like you, like spirits almost saying, like, it’s been enough with this deception card here. And we might disrupt the flow of like your income or we might disrupt the flow of your relationships in order to kind of get you to take a look, reassess and recenter. Okay? Because you deserve that. You’re worthy of that. So those are my messages for you. Group number Two, I’m sending you so much love. Thank you so much for being here, sending you an energy hug. I know these times are tough to go through, but you got this. And if you need a personal reading, you can book that at the link below. I would love to serve you and help you through this season, whether it’s about this or any other topic.
I also invite you to subscribe to our channel if you want to see me again, give this video a like. If you liked it would really help me out. And with that being said, we’re going to move on to our group number Three.
Group number three, you chose this Ocean Jasper. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. And let’s go ahead and get into your cards with the Dreams of Gaia tarot comment down below. Let me know if you guys are liking this deck, because I know I’m really liking it. Oh, I just saw 22 on the camera timer. And that means that this video is getting too long. Just kidding. That means that there’s a sense of balance, duality, and potentially partnership. Okay, let’s see. What does my Ocean Jasper group need to know? 2:22 on the camera timer.
Spif you’ve been seeing- oh, my gosh, my other clock is wrong. I have, like, a little Alexa over there, and I. It said 1010 on it. So repeating ones, repeating tens, repeating Twos, could be really significant. I’m getting, like, a ramping up of energies here. Okay. This is actually. I really feel like I need to shuffle again. Spirit has a surprise for you. So there’s that. There’s a ramping up of energy. There’s a surprise. Spirits, being very sneaky about it, does not want to reveal it right away and is making me shuffle a bunch. Also, don’t think I’m hiding anything from you. It’s just when I pull, if a card comes out and it doesn’t feel right, I trust my intuition. That’s why I’m an intuitive tarot reader. Okay, let’s see. We have self.
So you’ve done some sort of self work here. There’s been a lot of self reflection. What’s happening in August? We have the crown. Okay. What else is going to do? We have the Two of the Cups. Let’s get one more. One more, please, spirit. And we’ll take the top and bottom as well. We have this. The sage. The sage in reverse. The Eight of Wands in reverse. And the bottom of the deck is the scribe. Don’t overthink it is what I’m getting. You’ve done a lot of work on yourself. I actually see the crone and the sage as a really. A really beautiful couple. And I’m actually not bothered at all by the fact that the sage came out reversed, because with this, like, if you haven’t been in communication with some. Wow, desire, you know who this is.
I almost feel like you can feel the energy of it. But with the scribe, this is something spirit wants to be really clear, because I am not here to feed anybody any delusions, I promise. With the scribe, this is words. This is writing things down. This is a unique card to this deck, and it’s about writing lists and being clear about what it is and communicating what you need and going over the facts. And I think the facts of this situation are that you and someone else are in love, desiring each other mutually. And the only thing that is a little bit off here, I think, is sometimes your self love, both of you. In this situation, and with the Eight of Wands reverse, you might not be, like, talking as much. Let’s. Let’s. Let’s clarify. We’re going to actually clarify. What is this?
Eight of Wands reverse spirit union. Oh, my gosh. Like, this is big. Okay, wait. I really want this card to focus for you guys, but this is the union card. And the fact that it’s, like, not really focusing, I almost feel like this is, like, a surprise spirit’s trying to keep mysterious. You can enjoy. So you can enjoy the process and enjoy your progress, because Eight of Wands reverse, you just might not be, like, maybe you guys are busy or not texting as much or you’re not talking as much, or you don’t know, like, what this cell. Like, this is not a situation where someone. Like, you ended on horrible terms with someone in. And you recently were like, I hate you. Like, let’s not talk anymore. Like, that is not the situation. Okay, I’m not trying to feed any delusions here.
But this is like a slingshot. There’s been a momentum building of energy, and it’s like a bow and arrow. Like, you’re pulling spirits, pulling this back, because you’re literally on your way to union. Okay, I’m not making this up, guys. True love is real, and union is real, and you really can be in union with someone. Sometimes you’re most in union with someone by not being in a relationship with them. For example, if someone has treated me poorly and I set boundaries with them and we don’t talk anymore, that is union, because I’m more in union with myself, and they are more in union with themselves so that they can do their healing and work on whatever it is that they need to work on, and I can work on what I need to work on.
But this is the kind of union where, like, you two desire each other, and you both come to the conclusion that being together is the best thing for the both of you say thumbnail. This would be a cute thumbnail picture, but, yes, this is, like. This is beautiful. This is beautiful energy with the crone, you could be thinking, like, I am too old for games. Like, I’ve been through some life. This person says, same, I’m too old to play games with this reversal. They are on their way. They might not be in your face right now, but they are on their way because union is what they want. How are you gonna know? How can this group know that this is for them? Because I just already know. We need extra. How are they gonna know? Okay.
The Queen of Earth, because you’ve been focusing on grounding yourself. You’ve been building your abundance. Also, because this person. This. This. This message is for a group of people who you’ve been with. This person in the physical. This is not someone you’ve just been dreaming about and projecting hopes and fantasies on to. I don’t think that this is the longest distance. If it is long distance. You guys have already seen each other in person or made plans to or something like that. And. Yeah, Nine of Cups. This is a wish fulfilled and letting the walk the past be the past, letting it wash behind you. There’s so much happiness here. This is. You are in a happy connection. You have positive feelings. There’s not a bunch of, like, mess between you and this person. If there has been. It’s a thing of the past.
Okay, we have the Queen of Water coming out more reversed. So this is not just a wish, a hope, a dream. Like, this is something, you know, King of. King of Earth. Okay? This is someone. This is a pair. Like, some of you guys are gonna get married. It’s not. This is someone you know of. You know of them. You’ve been. You’re on the same page. Like, Queen of Cups, reverse. There’s no third parties in this situation. You’re not overly emotional, and it’s clouding your judgment, and you’re projecting your fears and your worries on the situation. Or they’re promising you a bunch of things that are happening in the future. Like, no. The Queen and King of Pentacles, they make moves on Earth because why do the crown and the sage.
You guys have already been through enough life experiences where you kind of know when something’s real and when something’s not. And union, you’re coming deeper into connection, and this is just like, it’s not a dream that I’m telling you. Like, this is a real thing that happens, but sometimes we forget. And, like, look at how close these Two are with this Two of Cups. This is not giving, like, long distance or future faking at all. Like, this is someone real. Like, this is the real deal. Maybe you’re having a hard time believing it at times, but no, because you shouldn’t. Because you’ve gone through a huge transformation with death and rebirth on top of the deck and bottom of the deck, abundance. You went through a huge transformation to become ready to become prepared.
And so now it’s obvious that you’re in the right spot. Okay, let’s see. Let’s just get a couple because this reading is long. This reading, so long. Okay. Energy flows. Where my intention goes, you and your partner are very much going to get on the same page. You’re very much going to set intentions for this relationship. If you guys have intentions or have plans, go ahead and comment that below. We have. My vibes speak louder than my words. So you don’t need anyone to explain what this is because you’ve done the work, you feel different, you feel better, you actually have gone through it. And that’s the crone and the sage. They’ve actually lived the life. They don’t need to go back and forth. And it’s just like, we know what we want. We’re gonna do it. Let’s do this. Okay.
One more for the month of August. Please. Spirit, we have time to decide. Make a decision based on your true heart’s desires. You’re going to be making decisions in the month of August. We have freedom. You’re free to do what you choose. You finally made it out of, like, the tunnel we have. When I lean on the fate, on the faith of the universe, peace becomes real with those Two cuddling little owls I love. So, yeah, you’re gonna have a lot of peace and a lot of freedom in this connection. I feel like you and this person could be retiring together. Or if you’re not at retirement age or retirement bank account status, you could be just setting intentions to, like, travel together. I feel like you’re gonna just leave baggage behind with this Nine of Cups.
That’s what this freedom card is giving me. We have awakening, energetic upgrades, a new way of being. Absolutely. This is an upgrade, big time. This relationship’s gone through an upgrade. True love. This is the romance of a lifetime. Okay. I don’t actually feel like, . I need to elaborate. This is true love. You know what it is? I think that if anything, you could run the risk of being, like, codependent, like, addicted to each other. Be careful of that. Okay. You’ve been warned, but I feel like this is good. Like this is all good energies. So if you want to get more into it and confirm any messages that are particular for you can do that at the link below. Thank you so much for being here.
I’m sending you a big energy hug and I hope to see you in a private session. It would mean so much to me and it would be an honor to connect with you. And if you like this video, like the video, if you want to subscribe to see us again in the future, you can do that. Also, I am sending you a big energy hug and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay? Bye.
Deborah Baxter
Posted at 19:02h, 01 AugustI related with all 3 if that is possible? I need to book a one on one ASAP
Debi Roach
Posted at 13:53h, 28 JulyOcean Jasper’s reading was spot on for me. It gives me hope. But I’m afraid to hope at this point in time. We parted two months ago without either of us wanting to end it. He had been recently widowed and felt like if we were meant to be together we would be. He was married for 50 years and his wife died very suddenly. He needed to be sure about me.. I want him to be sure. I have to keep moving forward but I miss him and think about him every day. I guess the month of August will give me peace of some sort.
Jackie P
Posted at 10:30h, 28 JulyOmg group 3 is extremely pertinent to what my life is right now. I do overthink things, so I feel SO much better after this reading. I am much more positive and eager to see what happens with myself and the guy I am in love with, as it has not been the easiest road so far. Thank you!!!
Jessica Bennett
Posted at 02:58h, 27 JulyI don’t even know where to start. Everything you spoke of in the 1st reading was my life the whole think. And I would love to have a reading with you. You just gave me hope. I’ve been with. a narsassest for 10 yrs. I’ve been told I’m fat and not pretty anymore that I can’t ever do anything right but I’ve been fighting back. I found this year that I’m very intuitive and I’m trying to change some ways in my life. I went back to school and I’m gonna change things around.. lord willing please pray for strength and longevity. I think the first 2 readings are me. I am so thankful for you. I’m gonna do this.. wow please contact me. I feel like I’m supposed to talk to you
Willem Pretorius
Posted at 10:29h, 30 JulyHi if this is true I will be a very happy soul because I went through a very unhappy situation and is still in it!!!
Lisa Calliou
Posted at 02:00h, 27 JulyI didnt watch the video but i read the whole transcript and all 3 groups totally resonate. It is insane! Like i got a huge slap back to reality, which i need sometimes haha! Thank you so much!!
Yvonne Sorensen
Posted at 01:40h, 27 JulyHi Galena Thank you thank you thank you. I feel the collective should be thanking you. You are an inspiration I picked group no. 3 so August will be interesting. I’ll let you know at the end of the month if it happens. Your quite correct I have been on my own for some time now 4 years. I have been doing a lot of work on myself. I have been through a lot and couldn’t be bothered with games quite grounded and content now in a job I love that I started 7 months ago and living in a small 3 bedroom house that I’m slowly doing up and enjoying being me. I always look forward to your readings. Thank you. You always put a smile on the dial
Adeniyi Adeniran
Posted at 01:16h, 27 JulyNice contents
Janis Milford
Posted at 23:30h, 26 JulyOcean Jasper group – spot on reading! We are both older, he is my white knight. We are just having a few communication issues. It can be hard with him working away.
Sybil Bigsby
Posted at 21:31h, 26 JulyI’m just taking some time for me to learn myself I’ve been hurt so many times,I just trying to figure me out my ex is he my downfall
Nellz B
Posted at 21:26h, 26 JulyGalena darling, loved this reading as I do with all your readings. I picked Ocean Jasper because the name sounds pretty 😍, but I listened to all 3, which resonated 😄. My son’s father/ex would be Merlinite, my current & only guy that there’s physical intimacy with would be Quartz. Ended it with him 2dys ago, coincidentally using those same words “intend” and “settle”. Sooo waiting on August to see the surprise of Mr. Ocean Jasper… 🙏🏾 for channeling the encouragement to wait & be patient ❣️🤗
Helen ward
Posted at 21:11h, 26 JulyWowGalena!!! I hav been soo down lately bcos I
Realy miss my twin flame!!! We hav been apart for nearly five years. He has left his wife. And girlfriend and at last it’s my turn. Third time lucky I hope. It has been a long dark tunnel 4 both ov us, but now we can c th lite!!! I’d luv a reading with u but finances don’t allow at pres. Cheers H
Nadia Malik
Posted at 20:16h, 26 JulyDear Galena
I have picked up Group number 2 which resonates with me.Yes I m partying a lot and was in a happy go lucky mode.I am working on my Finances and trying to bring in more stability.Yes releasing my ex now 🙌
Posted at 19:51h, 26 JulyIt’s really interesting. I love your readings!!
Melissa Thomas
Posted at 19:17h, 26 JulyI booked and paid for a personal reading I never received.. I can send proof of my purchase.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:32h, 26 JulyHi lovely, I have no history of a purchase from your name or email address… please feel free to send us an email! <3 Lots of love!
Posted at 18:32h, 26 JulyThat was energizing and reaffirming for me !
Thank you for your clarity and beauty !
Christina C
Posted at 14:28h, 26 JulyHi Galena,
Great readings! Thank you for sharing your gift. Can you confirm that you have a blue (not purple or other coler) butterfly tattoo? I asked for a blue butterfly as a sign and well, I think I got it!
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:33h, 26 JulyYes my dear, it is a blue butterfly! Wishing you all the best <3 xoxo
Arlene Kline
Posted at 13:57h, 26 JulyThank you. I picked #3 and it read accurate. But we separated – waiting for return.
Bilkisu Muhammed
Posted at 12:51h, 26 JulyWeldon u have try
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 12:27h, 26 JulyThanks
All I can say is that this I’m getting a divorce!!
Have a nice weekend
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:34h, 26 JulySending you lots of peace & healing as you close this chapter… May it all pan out in favor of your highest & greatest good! 🙂
Posted at 11:40h, 26 JulyThank you Galena💕
I picked the ocean Jasper and honestly was surprised how much the past resonated with me and hopeful that the future predictions would become reality… as some time ago they were our dreams and intentions… before a sudden and long silence.
I pray that your words would become reality, 🙏
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:34h, 26 JulyLots of love & gratitude, Rita! 🙂 <3
Kat Rice
Posted at 10:20h, 26 JulyI love you! I love your readings.! I love your energy! Your readings are always so spot on for me! You inspire me greatly and I really feel your warmth and caring when you are reading and giving the message. Thank you for being you!
My husband and I have been married 11 years, but both of us came into the marriage broken. Just emotionally not available because of both of our pasts. Our relationship has been somewhat up and down over the years of our marriage. Our communication has been, what I would call, a business level and never went any deeper. I have been working on me for the past year with healing from my past, working on my spiritual self, raising my vibration and keeping my positive energy in check. He travels a lot so we have not seen each other much over the past year, which has allowed me time to work on me. What a blessing that has been! I am definitely feeling the light starting to shine more in our communication and feelings. We are currently entering our retirement years. I am so looking toward the future now with my husband and I am anxious to continue to our work on our healing process together to finally reach the love that we have both been seeking for so long. .
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:36h, 26 JulyI love you too!!!! Thank you for confirming the reading & sharing your story… Wishing you & your husband the very best as you enter your retirement! What a beautiful blessing! 🙂 <3
Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
Posted at 09:38h, 26 JulyMy true hearts desire I am waiting him to comeback me
Elizabeth Sheleski
Posted at 09:15h, 26 JulyWow!! U did it again!! Amazing reading!! I am in love with a man for two and half years now..
Karon Cummings
Posted at 09:11h, 26 JulyI really enjoyed your video and I would love to have a private reading, because I find myself a a crossroad and I am not sure which way to go to my true happiness and find my path to peace and joy. I know I have changes coming up in my life and I have concerns about my life disions.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:38h, 26 JulyHello Karon, I’d be honored to connect with you over a private reading! If you are curious about the services I offer, feel free to check out my website via the link above! 🙂 <3
Sonja Lucas
Posted at 08:42h, 26 JulyI was group 3. You were spot on. I am in love with someone that I got a phone from. We have been together for 1 year. He calls me his wife. He wants me with him. He is Arabic. He is wealthy. I have sometimes doubted who he says he is.
Your thoughts?
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:39h, 26 JulyHi there my love, what an interesting situation! If you would like personal guidance, feel free to check out my private services via the link above. I would be happy to tap in via a personal reading. Lots of energy hugs your way! <3 🙂
Posted at 08:21h, 26 JulyThank you ! so accurate….I love your energy!!!!
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:39h, 26 JulyLots of love to you, Suz! 🙂 <3
Patricia Haldi
Posted at 08:19h, 26 JulyWow. I feel like the 3rd reading could be me. I met a man from my neighborhood last year and this year we’ve gotten closer. I’m a snowbird and he’s been texting me almost every day and it has seemed to get quite romantic. He is coming back from vacation in Aug just the time I’m coming back from my trip. I’m anxious to see where this relationship will go!! 😊
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:40h, 26 JulyHow exciting! Thank you for sharing your experience, my love!!! 🙂 <3
Posted at 08:12h, 26 JulyThanks you I love to hear from you, I am really need to hear everything about my love ❤️
Posted at 08:09h, 26 JulyGrazie Galena, appartengono al gruppo 3 mi sono sentita perfettamente in sintonia con quanto hai scritto……..il Saggio e la Vecchia, siamo due donne infatti, io la più giovane e Saggia lei più grande e Vecchia e ci amiamo molto, ancora però non viviamo la nostra connessione……mi lascio stupire dallo Spirito per il mese di agosto.
Un abbraccio di Luce
Con affetto
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:41h, 26 JulyGrazie, wonderful! 🙂 Lots of love and support to you beautiful ladies! <3
Delinda j Torres
Posted at 07:52h, 26 JulyI would love to get a private reading with you please
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:42h, 26 JulyFeel free to check out my services via the link above! I look forward to connecting with you! 🙂 <3
Jen Burkholder
Posted at 07:45h, 26 JulyI must say how much this reading resonates with me. I picked the ocean jasper and it was perfect for me. Thank you soooo much!
Patricia E.Buchan
Posted at 07:16h, 26 JulyThat so very accurate enjoyed
Russell Torrey
Posted at 06:45h, 26 JulyI’d be honored to get a personal reading an it would be more then appreciated!
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 19:43h, 26 JulyI would love to connect with you, lovely! Feel free to visit my website, linked above! 🙂 Chat to you soon <3