A Conflict Is Brewing | Weekly Tarot Reading | 3/6 - 3/12 - Cosmic Updates

A Conflict Is Brewing | Weekly Tarot Reading | 3/6 – 3/12

Hello Tarot Family, 

I am so excited for you this week. 

Your cards are indicating a major transition in your life. Something you’ve been working on, consciously or unconsciously, is coming to completion. 

You could feel a sense of wholeness, ease, and maybe a bit of bittersweetness as you begin to make your way into a new chapter. There might even be a fateful meeting helping to mark this powerful period. 

That being said, there is some trickery afoot! So even while you’re celebrating, or enjoying the newness that might begin to spring forward, you’ll want to stay sure footed. 

The biblical quote, “as wise as serpents, and as gentle as lambs,” comes to mind. Whoever is bringing about sabotage in your sphere, this is like an important test as you step beyond an important threshold. 

Let’s not waste time, and get right into it. 

Card #1: The World | Congratulations!

The World is a very auspicious Major Arcana card that represents fulfillment, completion, and wholeness. When it arrives in a reading you’re either about to complete something very important in your life, or you’re feeling particularly whole and at peace right now. 

Either way, the World card is a sign you are not only on the right track, but things could continue to fall perfectly into place for you. 

The World card is the final Major Arcana in the Tarot deck, symbolizing the end of a long journey of growth and development. You could be finishing up something tangible like a long academic program, or ending a particular phase in your career. 

It’s also possible that what you are completing is something less material, such as ending a karmic pattern, or learning to stand up for yourself. These are just two examples of infinite possibilities, so it could be helpful to reflect on what you might be completing or growing into at this time. 

In the card image you can see a naked woman encircled by a laurel wreath. The wreath represents victory, and the somewhat androgynous woman symbolizes the blending of the masculine and feminine energies.

At the top and bottom of the wreath there is a red ribbon in a figure eight shape. The figure eight represents the eternal and cyclic nature of reality. 

So while this might be the end of one chapter it is also, and always, connected to the start of another. That being said, rather than getting caught up in what’s coming into your life next, be sure to give yourself time to reflect and honor the completion of something in your life now. 

The World card can also be a sign you are feeling complete, whole, and content in your life at the moment. If this is what you are experiencing right now, let yourself revel in it. 

The four figures in each corner of the card image represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac, which in turn represent the four elements. Four represents stability, which in this image is an indication of the unification or harmony you can find in life if you balance the different aspects of yourself. 

While ultimately the World card represents enlightenment, for most of us, the World card is a sign you have brought something in yourself to an important completion. 

And with that completion something new will begin to arise for you to work on, and in time bring to completion once again. 

In the meantime, your next card is another sign you may experience a period of wisdom and peace, or perhaps meet someone who can help guide you towards these qualities.

Card #2: King Of Cups | Stability and Clarity

The King of Cups symbolizes wisdom, emotional balance, and could be a sign you will meet a stable, dependable person who can give you guidance. 

The great psychoanalyst Carl Jung said, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” What Jung meant by this was that the parts of yourself which have not been brought to the surface and integrated will feel like some awful fate you can not escape. 

Meeting the same kind of situations, people, or challenges again and again is a sign something in your unconscious is dictating your life. 

Luckily, the King of Cups arriving in this reading is a sign you are creating greater balance between your unconscious and your conscious life. 

What once controlled you, or was driving you this way and that, no longer has the same grip on your life and actions. 

Situations that once threw you completely off track now are like small speed bumps. So give yourself a pat on the back because you are growing in powerful and important ways. 

The King of Cups is also known for a profound balance between head and heart. This king neither suppresses his emotions, letting them pile up to the point of bursting, nor does he let his emotions run wild. 

This kind of equanimity allows for massive creativity that is both inspired and grounded. So don’t be surprised if the week ahead feels particularly balanced. 

Considering your first card, the World, whatever it is that’s coming to completion in your life or in your internal world, it could leave you feeling wiser, more peaceful, and profoundly stable. 

Part of the wisdom of the King of Cups is understanding that over controlling the situations in your life will only create more trouble. 

Instead, a compassionate heart, and a clear mind has the wisdom and patience to meet the world as it is, rather than trying to bend events to your will. 

The King of Cups can also indicate someone either in your life, or soon to be, who carries the traits of a truly compassionate and responsible person. 

This person has likely mastered themselves to a large degree, and can give both support and advice from a mature place. 

Considering your next card, you’ll likely need all of your wisdom and perhaps the support of others to navigate some trickery that might try to disrupt your peaceful stability.

Card #3: Seven Of Swords | Don’t Get Hooked

The Seven of Swords is an indication of deceit, manipulation, and cunning. When you see this card in a reading, you’ll want to keep your eyes peeled for thieves, liars, and underhanded activity of all sorts. 

A wily looking man sneaks away from a camp carrying stolen swords in the card image. He is wearing soft toed shoes to keep quiet, and the time of day is dawn or dusk, representing his wish to not be found out. 

It’s important you stay vigilant this week, as someone who might be out to get you could try to make a move. This could look like a coworker attempting to sabotage your work in front of the boss, or an ex who is still holding a grudge creating a ruckus in your life. 

Either way, your previous two cards are a reminder for you to take the high road, rather than getting pulled down to someone’s sketchy level. 

The Seven of Swords could also be a sign of the same unconscious elements described in the previous section, coming back to challenge you. 

In which case, the trickster, or saboteur is yourself or someone else who doesn’t realize what they are doing. 

Often the Seven of Swords is a sign of fear of the truth, or avoidance of direct communication. 

Instead of confronting the challenge head on, the thief in the card image has decided to get things his way, but without having to do the work to get it or facing the real issue on the table. 

Your best bet with this situation is to bring forward the tools of the King of Cups. His solid, compassionate, and clear attitude can cut directly through deceit and get to the truth. 

And, his warm and caring heart can uncover the fear that is ultimately the cause of the saboteur. 

You might consider this activity a “threshold guardian,” the final challenge or boss you must overcome prior to the completion your first card, the World, is indicating. 

So don’t be dismayed or distracted from your positive momentum. Stay the course, and you’ll find your way through.

Take The High Road

Choosing to stick with your values, and not get sucked down into the muck-throwing levels of others can be challenging. Especially if you’re used to playing other people’s dirty games. 

But it’s well worth it. And if your first card, the World, is any indication, you are well on your way to a new level. You could find yourself going over some of the events that have led you to this special point in your life. 

You might also start getting excited for what’s coming next in your life. But in the meantime, your second card, the King of Cups, is a sign you’ll be deeply connected with your wisdom, and a sense of peace. 

If you’re not feeling this kind of ease as the week starts, it could be a good time to reach out to a friend who has built some self mastery in their life. It’s also possible you could meet someone like this out of the blue. 

Either way, you’ll want some solid support available if you need it, because your final card, the Seven of Swords, is an indication of ill will. 

It may be conscious, or unconscious, but someone could try to put a stick in your wheel to slow your momentum. 

It’s totally possible it’s part of you that is creating some self-sabotage, or someone you know, but remember to bring compassion and clarity to whatever situation arises. 

All together, you are doing great! 

So keep love in your heart, and clarity in your mind. 

With love,

And in service,  

Jonathan Lionheart

P.S. What are you completing in the coming weeks? Are you aware of the growth you have gone through? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!  

P.P.S. If you’d like some insight into what might be coming around the corner, or some support with stabilizing in your life you can schedule a private reading or Embodied Alchemy session with me here

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

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    Jessica Weber
    Posted at 14:00h, 12 March Reply

    I have been through more in the last 5 years then most in a whole life time. I just recently found iut that my twin flame was murdered. It was a brutal death and I am so lost. There was a love triangle going on with us and one other. I hope nothing more evil is coming this way. How do I know who ro trust. Help

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    Posted at 13:30h, 08 March Reply

    Thank u,I have been having conflicts with my man lately,he’s taking advantage of my love for him

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    Rita Sa
    Posted at 04:44h, 08 March Reply

    Thank you so much Jonathan you are spot on I am so sad I can’t be happy anymore. I’m so desperate with all this sadness in my life this is going on for a very long time sense 1994.Is like 1 minute am okay and the next am not is like a very black cloud is blocked my happiness . I don’t know for how long I can live like this i don’t want to live anymore . My mind is full of negative fillings is hurt so much . My big wish is to fund same one to help me my problem is my mind .please Dear Jonathan if you can help me with this very black darkness my Gods please let me know .I’m so desperate. Thank you

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    Debra Baker
    Posted at 01:14h, 08 March Reply

    Your readings always make me think clearer, to correct my forward momentum! Thank you 🙏
    Walk in Light 🌞

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    Elizabeth Stroud
    Posted at 20:34h, 07 March Reply

    Thank you, Jonathan. You are spot on about everything. I was scammed and I walked away. I am an artist and writer and have had a set of vicissitudes that have upset me, but I seem to be coming thru. I still have a deceitful person who won’t leave me alone. But, I am strong.

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    Anna Fulton
    Posted at 13:07h, 07 March Reply

    Thank you Jonathan. I have left a relationship behind and feel free for the first time in manny years. I am doing what I want when I want. I am ready for anything coming knowing I will get through and still be happy and growing into who I am suppose to be.

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    Cynthia Greer
    Posted at 12:40h, 07 March Reply

    Nothing is coming

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    Karlene Ledgister
    Posted at 11:06h, 07 March Reply

    You are so wright everything you have said is true it’s just that I am so alone in everything I do and it makes me so scared thank you thank you 👍🙏🦋

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    Joshua David Johnson-peraza
    Posted at 09:32h, 07 March Reply

    man dead on i am the king!! iv been disscribing how i feel numb when before I would let my emotions run wild..the 7 of swords i hope that not my murderer!! a end to or the absolute or the coming to be. i seen my killer.. and for a while it made me really sick and nauseous…now i just get anxiety attacks…i just want to get out of here…

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      Carol odell
      Posted at 22:53h, 07 March Reply

      Thank u,iam having problems with the man I been with 10 years.we don’t live together or married.he ask me to marry him with a fake diamond! A fake promise! But yet he got his ex a real diamond when they was together.i have wasted 10 years and a dam fool.anybody else would had been gone.im confused and do love him.but I’m unhappy

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    Posted at 08:32h, 07 March Reply

    Thank you so much this really resonated with me. I can feel a sense of completion from old habits and old ways of thinking. Trying to avoid self sabotage not sure If im afraid of truly succeeding. But I’ve felt this change since new moon and it’s great to feel a sense of clarity again. Thank you for the insight im truly grateful.

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    Lori susan schwartz
    Posted at 08:05h, 07 March Reply

    I have felt this transit coming for a long time thank you for reminding me too take the high road in a situation..

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    Posted at 07:58h, 07 March Reply

    You really are one of the most accurate tarot readers I’ve come across! Impressive! My new favourite ❤️

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    Kamil yahuzah
    Posted at 04:35h, 07 March Reply

    Well Well great reading so far and I appreciate your efforts.
    Kamil yahuzah

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    Phyllis Strader
    Posted at 04:15h, 07 March Reply

    Thank you Jonathan, a relationship that I’m in if definitely coming to completion, it has been bittersweet from the beginning, but I somehow felt it was a stepping stone for us both. Their is also the question of my ex husband that I have been divorced from for 11 years for being a manipulate and cunning man who is very devious and a narcissist to the truest definition, always floundering back to hurt and take what he can from me sheathed it be material or emotional. But thanks to your wisdom and insight I am becoming a more balanced person. I am ready to face the challenges be may bring about. Thank you, phyllis

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    Posted at 03:25h, 07 March Reply

    Dziekuje za “obecnosc w moim zyciu “, z ktora to ostatnio nie moge sobie poradzic. To mile, ze ktos ” gdzies tam istnieje” i probuje ci “pomoc”.
    Jesli ktos probuje zahamowac moja porywczosc i uspokoic moje niepewnosci – dziekuje za “zdrowe oszacowanie sytuacji “.
    Nie jest problemem, ze ktos od dluzszego czasu probuje ” mieszac cie z blotem obojetnie czy jestes winny czy nie. Powiedzialabym cos innego ” tonacy lapie sie brzytwy “.
    Akurat ten aspekt nie jest najwazniejszym aspektem w moim zyciu.
    Natarczywie nasuwaja mi sie ostatnio pytania :
    czy warto ?
    o co ja wlasciwie walcze ?
    czy wystarczy mi mojego zycie aby zobaczyc final tych zmian ?

    Jedno wiem napewno, nie chce wrocic tam, gdzie bylam !!!

    Z wiara na lepsze jutro i w nadziei, ze prawda zwyciezy

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    grazyna gaby
    Posted at 03:24h, 07 March Reply

    Dziekuje za “obecnosc w moim zyciu “, z ktora to ostatnio nie moge sobie poradzic. To mile, ze ktos ” gdzies tam istnieje” i probuje ci “pomoc”.
    Jesli ktos probuje zahamowac moja porywczosc i uspokoic moje niepewnosci – dziekuje za “zdrowe oszacowanie sytuacji “.
    Nie jest problemem, ze ktos od dluzszego czasu probuje ” mieszac cie z blotem obojetnie czy jestes winny czy nie. Powiedzialabym cos innego ” tonacy lapie sie brzytwy “.
    Akurat ten aspekt nie jest najwazniejszym aspektem w moim zyciu.
    Natarczywie nasuwaja mi sie ostatnio pytania :
    czy warto ?
    o co ja wlasciwie walcze ?
    czy wystarczy mi mojego zycie aby zobaczyc final tych zmian ?

    Jedno wiem napewno, nie chce wrocic tam, gdzie bylam !!!

    Z wiara na lepsze jutro i w nadziei, ze prawda zwyciezy

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    Sowmya Gururaj
    Posted at 01:02h, 07 March Reply

    Thank you so much for insightful reading..shall be fully prepared now to face the upcoming events in life..thanks for your support

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      Santhar Segeran A/L M S Manikam {
      Posted at 01:13h, 07 March Reply

      My lucky numbet

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    Posted at 00:13h, 07 March Reply

    Spot on…loved all of it…thank you.

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    Charlotte Rowley
    Posted at 00:08h, 07 March Reply

    Johnathon Lionheart, I can tell already that your name is a perfect representation of who you are. Thank you for assisting me on my once in a lifetime transit period that I understand can offer me a whole new life. My live in boyfriend of 3 years and I are at a transitional point that feels harder to navigate than should be. It is a deep karmic pattern that is releasing its grip on me. Thank you for validating what I’m experiencing. And the “heads up” from the 7 of Cups is much appreciated. I need your mastery to help guide me through my transit period so I fulfill my divine mission. This is the first time I feel truly supported amidst the challenges my transit period is offering and that’s because of you. Thank you Johnathan. Thank you!

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    Peter Ruiz
    Posted at 23:21h, 06 March Reply

    Thanks for the update. I am trying to find a nice home for me to retire. In. 2019 I lost my wife of 47 years and it’s still not easy, as to love am not really ready yet.

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    Annie Ruth Lang
    Posted at 22:57h, 06 March Reply

    Thank you for you insightful message for this coming week. There is much truth in your statements. I have felt a sense of peace and increased understanding. And the need to help and reassure people of the good in life even when attacked by some.

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    Posted at 22:44h, 06 March Reply

    Well Jonathan! Your reading is spot on! Yesterday I had a 20 min zoom call w my mentor & for the first time there were no nerves on either side. He’s such a kind soul & the King of Cups in my world. I’m So happy to be continuing into my second year learning his teachings & feel that he values me to be on board in his community. I feel really happy! Regarding the trickery that cld enter my life this week, this cld be a man I had a fling with who was really only interested in extorting money from me. I’m older & wiser now & considering the new world I’m happy to be part of, I don’t want to allow this trickster back into my life. I’m on guard! Thank you so much for this amazing reading!

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    Fredrick Grant
    Posted at 22:44h, 06 March Reply

    You are dead on there is a group of of people trying to frame me of something and I’m sure it’s co workers lots of my belongings has been stolen or tampered with my resident someone been entering it when I’m not there all the time

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    Rosemary Gloria Treilcock
    Posted at 22:42h, 06 March Reply

    Hi there Jonathon, thankyou for that bit of enlightenment and what I may encounter in the coming days. I feel abit anxious as to what will happen next, but I guess I will have to soldier on.

    Thanks again

    Rosemary Trebilcock

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    Uzma khan
    Posted at 22:38h, 06 March Reply

    Nic tort riding

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    Posted at 22:26h, 06 March Reply

    Thank you Jonathan for the insight for this week. Ill be looking out for the events that’s about to take place.

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    Theresa Wheeler
    Posted at 22:26h, 06 March Reply

    Hi i agree with everything you wrote actually i think that its more like self sabotage. i used to think it was someone else but i have learned that i can manifest anything which means bad things too i had a suoer great period then just past years super shitty period i have been absorbing everthingvi can get my hands on to understand why i am where im at now how dit things go so well and then watch as everyone and everything i loved turn on me or got destroyed or died i finally am convinced that my anger and exstreme sadness of lack of seeing anything good in humans as a whole just kept me in this horrible cycle of sadness but a year ago since longing for more i started painting and doing more creative things to make my little world a vision of hqppiness and now people are noticing my talents i also noticed that i have,Alot of my work with hearts in it💞

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      Uzma khan
      Posted at 22:39h, 06 March Reply

      Vv un vhf ung bnb j.g v

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      Susan Palmieri
      Posted at 23:07h, 06 March Reply

      Thank you so much for this timely message. I definitely brought a relationship to completion today. Something I have been trying to do for several months. Grateful but also sad. Reassuring to read it’s in the cards.

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        Christina Robinson
        Posted at 03:36h, 07 March Reply

        Thank you Jonathan you are spot on

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    Sake uzunkaranfil
    Posted at 22:00h, 06 March Reply

    Love mehr

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