A Creative Awakening | Weekly Tarot Reading | 6/13 – 6/19

Hello Tarot Friends, 

Welcome to your Weekly Tarot Reading… one that happens to be bursting with renewal and motivation. 

There is a lot of energy about to flood you in the week ahead, which will likely get you moving in totally new ways. 

You might find yourself having brilliant new insights filled with creative fervor throughout the week. And, don’t be surprised if these insights are accompanied by powerful emotions. 

All around, it’s going to be a good one, so let’s take a look at some of the ways you can take full advantage of the auspicious energy heading your way.

Card #1: Ace Of Wands | Joining The Dance

Are you ready for a breakthrough? Have you been waiting for a sign to dive into a new creative project? 

The Ace of Wands is pure creative energy, filled with an enthusiasm that moves you to take action. 

When this potent card arrives in a reading, it’s a sign to jump in full force. If you’ve been researching or planning something, it’s time to get out from behind your desk and give it some real world attention!

As depicted on the card, a hand reaches out from the clouds, offering you a single wand. This represents a sudden spark or brilliant idea that can appear from out of nowhere.

So don’t be surprised if you have an “Aha!” moment this week, or something clicks that you otherwise wouldn’t have expected.

If you’ve been hesitating, or weighing the pros and cons around a choice or new adventure, the Ace of Wands is inviting you to get into the thick of it and find out from direct experience, rather than relying on your imagination. 

We can spend days, months or even lifetimes debating whether or not an action is worthwhile. So, the wisdom of this card is that “truth comes from contact”. 

In other words, this isn’t a time to try and figure things out in your mind. Instead, you will get faster and more accurate feedback by joining the dance and seeing if you like to move in a new way. 

So give it everything you’ve got! If it works, it works. And, if you find out it’s not quite right… Well, now you know it’s not for you, and you can put your attention somewhere else. 

Either way, it’s a winning bet, because certainty always helps move you forward.

An amazing amount of time can be saved by stepping in and seeing, rather than endlessly debating with yourself. So get in there, make your move, and find out!  

Your next card is a sign that by following your spark of inspiration you could ignite a full blown bonfire… or, you might even meet someone who helps light that fire for you.

Card #2: Page Of Wands | Manifesting Your Vision

The Page of Wands represents fearlessness, excitement about ideas, and good news. The Page of Wands might also represent someone creative and charismatic who is entering your life. 

At the same time, the Page of Wands can be a sign that you are holding back from implementing your beautiful, bright new ideas.

You could be withholding your unique vision from the world because you’re unsure of how it will be received.

Or, it’s possible you’ve been bouncing from one idea to the next without seeing if any of them will blossom and become something real. 

The Page of Wands is ultimately great news, because when he arrives, he is inviting you to stand up for your perspective, get fully behind it, and fearlessly move forward with your vision. 

It’s time to drop any internal discouragement or uncertainty. 

Instead of waiting for the outside world to affirm or approve of your direction, listen to your instincts and go for it, regardless of what others think. 

If you keep shifting from one idea to the next, waiting for someone else to validate your direction, you might find yourself missing out on the perfect plan that could really take root. 

As you can see in the card image, the flamboyantly dressed Page seems somewhat out of place in the middle of the arid desert. 

This symbolizes the fact that he is ahead of his time. The Page of Wands cannot expect the people around him or his environment to understand the vision he is bringing to life. 

You might also notice that even within the dry surroundings, the Page’s wand has green leaves, symbolizing his ability to bring forth creativity from seemingly nothing. 

Just like the Page, don’t expect your surroundings to affirm what you know deep inside. 

Instead, trust your instincts and reach courageously down into the deep, creative energy you have within. It is on tap and simply awaiting your call.

You were built for this kind of creative magic. So hone in on what feels most alive to you, and get to work bringing it forward!

Sometimes, The Page of Wands can be a sign of meeting someone who will inspire you, mesmerize you, and maybe bring forth an emotional awakening in your life. 

Whether it’s through meeting someone or not, your next card makes one thing for sure: you are headed for a powerful emotional breakthrough. 

Card #3: Ace Of Cups | A Juicy Renewal

The Ace of Cups represents emotional awakening, new beginnings and fulfillment. 

Particularly if you’ve been experiencing an emotional dry spell, or even a wasteland, the Ace of Cups is a sign you are on your way to an epic renewal. 

What has felt bland, cold or barren could start to come alive in a big way this week. 

You might begin to feel your heart open like a lotus flower, reminding you of all the ways that life is so beautiful. 

When your heart opens like this, it allows you to feel sensations you may have stored in your body and energy from the past. So don’t be surprised if you find yourself crying, or feeling tender and vulnerable this week. 

It won’t be a dark, hopeless type of emotional movement, but the kind that feels refreshing and freeing. 

This renewal might feel like fresh rain, and a readiness to take on life with new vitality. So don’t shy away from all of the “feels” this week. They are here to serve and enhance your life in many ways!

The shadow side of the Ace of Cups is that it can produce a sense of overwhelm and projection. 

As long as you trust this healthy emotional upheaval, and don’t try to control it, you can avoid feeling like you are in over your head. 

As for the possibility of projection: remember to own the spiritual joy and energy as your OWN relationship with life, rather than making it about someone else. 

Particularly if you meet a magnetic person, as possibly indicated by the Page of Wands, don’t give this emotion away. Even if they are the catalyst for the joy you feel, it’s ultimately not about them. 

The more you root your beautiful experiences in yourself, without giving them away or trying to control them, the more you will cultivate a beautiful relationship directly with the incredible mystery of life.

Lighting Your Own Fire

This is a very rich and potent reading, with renewal and vitality oozing from its every pore. So don’t hold back, and use every inch of this juicy energy for your benefit this week!

Allow the creative spark indicated by the Ace of Wands to light you on fire. This is no time to waffle on the edge of action. 

Instead, trust that you will get a sense of what direction to head by jumping in and giving it a try. 

And, listen to the wisdom of the Page of Wands. Don’t worry about what others think! 

Even if your ideas or visions are strange to some, staying true to yourself is what will bring you the success you seek. 

Finally, let yourself experience all the “feels” this week. 

If you’re crying, remember you are clearing out and making room for more joy to come in. 

Otherwise, you could be experiencing the kind of emotional high where everywhere you look feels like a rainbow. 

Don’t forget to enjoy yourself and have fun! 

With love,

And in service, 

Jonathan Lionheart 

P.S. Do you have ideas you’ve been afraid to pursue? What’s something in your life you could use a breakthrough with? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!  

P.P.S. If you are feeling like you can never take advantage of the creative sparks in your life, or you’re just curious about which path to take, you can schedule private reading with me here.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

    Posted at 16:54h, 23 June Reply

    Wow! Think my focus has changed gear! I’ve been told I’d make a good numerologist! Not something I’ve ever considered. And it looks like there’s a new man on the horizon! 🙏🙏

  • Lilian
    Posted at 10:41h, 16 June Reply

    Hi Johnathan,
    Your message and words made me reflect so deeply this week. I’ve been working on letting go of what no longer serves me and have been battling w/detachment. I have to admit as I’ve been purging and letting go of triggers + negative experiences. I’ve been crying for the past 2 days 😭 questioning humanity and the goodness of people. Then, continue taking time for my own self love and find a deep inner calmness. My mantra is now surrender, release, let go with ease and grace 🙏🏼 ♥️

  • Emily
    Posted at 22:17h, 14 June Reply

    Looking to progress in life n help my family. Have the love of my life well in health. N feel his love.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:24h, 15 June Reply

      Thank you for sharing Emily 🙂

  • Alina
    Posted at 21:22h, 14 June Reply

    Hi Jonathan, thank you for your reading.
    But..who is Jonathan Lion with a big heart?
    I really love your readings and they are complex and accurate if i can say like that.
    Hope in one day i will be able to read my own tarot spread everyday . I try to read intuitively…
    Any way..thank you so much 🥰.
    Hope i figure out soon who i am for real in this life and what are my gifts.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:25h, 15 June Reply

      Hi Alina 🙂 I think it takes a lifetime to truly know oneself, so be patient 🙂 I love that you are reading your cards intuitively, that’s the best way to get to know them and develop your intuition in my opinion. Thanks for saying hi 🙂

  • Evelyn Czaja
    Posted at 21:21h, 14 June Reply

    Since our music studio closed due to the pandemic last year I’ve been confused as to how to get some.e semblance of it back. Teaching online is not my favorite. Today I sent a message to. a realtor on a networking site I joined who wants to help keep small businesses going. I asked her if this is doable for us. Waiting to hear. I was so happy to do this.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:26h, 15 June Reply

      Sending blessings on your process to find the next step Evelyn 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us.

  • Gilma Gil
    Posted at 21:20h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for all your readings .They are all spot on for me . I’ve been putting of a decision va on selling my house . At least I believe is time for that decision . I would love a private reading . Thanks

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:27h, 15 June Reply

      Hey Gilma 🙂 thanks for reaching out. May you find the right decision with ease. You can schedule a private reading with me through the link at the bottom of the article on the blog. Sending love.

  • Valarie F Pinkston
    Posted at 21:09h, 14 June Reply

    I’ve started creating with beautiful beads. It started out as sun catchers and well it’s still suncatchers but I have visions of beautiful things with them. And no one understands why I spend so much time working them. Not just because they’re very beautiful but because it makes me feel good when I do it. And I don’t care what other people think whenever I am at work at play with my beat.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:29h, 15 June Reply

      Hey Valerie 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I do many things that others wouldn’t understand, and I do them for exactly the same reason… because it makes me feel good! Keep doing you! blessings

  • Anne-Marie Goderis
    Posted at 13:33h, 14 June Reply

    I can give you any detail.
    I’m single now. I left a man who was mentally very ill.
    I want to continue my creatif path.
    Which birtday is a mach with mine?

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:31h, 14 June Reply

      Hi Anne-Marie, I’m not an astrologer. I read tarot, but you can likely gain some information concerning your birthdates and alignment’s from Nikolette. Go onto our blog and look at the bottom of her most recent article called “A Fresh New Perspective.” There is a link where you can set up an appointment with her. Good luck 🙂

  • Jenny
    Posted at 12:36h, 14 June Reply

    Hi, U certainly hit the nail on the head, cos I have been thinking of resigning from my job for the past few years, but each time I still hang in there, cos it’s scary being unemployed. But recently I.feel this restlessness that it has to be done, and that God will certainly provide. Actually suppose to go in tomorrow to do it, thanxs for the insight

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 13:03h, 14 June Reply

      Hey Jenny, good luck with this courageous move! congratulations on taking the next step 🙂

  • Anne-Marie Goderis
    Posted at 12:34h, 14 June Reply

    I’ve followed your readings and I was so excited because you gived me the wright answers to do every time.
    I’m a wood rooster and allround artiste, but now I’m on a crossroad of two creative paths : two man who asks me to follow their path.
    One man is my son and a creative engineer born 27/08/1979.
    The other man is a musicien artist who ask me to paint his idee of a special wood. Born on 10/05/1958.
    Both good man but not communicatif because they work very hard.
    Can you help me?

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 13:04h, 14 June Reply

      Hi Anne-Marie Goderis, I would need more information to be able to give my opinion. May you find the right direction 🙂

  • ravi karia
    Posted at 08:18h, 14 June Reply

    thank you so much sir. for your guidence. really help me a lot.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:43h, 14 June Reply

      Happy to help Ravi 🙂

  • Trude
    Posted at 04:47h, 14 June Reply

    Last week i tried to get in touch with the manager of my my oldschool..
    I worked there with infants and left in 2003.
    My old dream could’n get rewarded; to become a musictheacher..
    So I studied all sort of Therapy,,latest musictherapy..stopped after 2 years ; to intensive
    In 2003 I had a dream I wanted to help youngsters to find their soul and live purpose.; use all the mediums in me ..
    Now this week there was a vacancy for 2 days..
    After 4 calls ; and no reply for information I gave up.
    Instead of the flame i fet inside I was ment and ready for this place now I had to let go..
    Today after this reading i feel i have to make a new beginning..with a new dream..new adventure in a new place..Thanks for this wonderfull message!

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:44h, 14 June Reply

      Hey Trude,
      Thank you for sharing this story. Yes, sometimes we need to let go of one dream so a new one can come it. Blessings on discovering what is next for you!

  • Kelly Rae Matthews
    Posted at 03:52h, 14 June Reply

    I’ve never taken the time to leave a comment, but today I am going the extra mile. Lol.
    First and foremost, I am proud of your pure amazingness of accuracy. You hit the target each weekly reading you send out. You’re truly something special and help us on our journey’s more than you know, probably.
    I’m sure you know,😎
    Anywho…. I like to dance and move these lazy muscles and boney limbs. I recon a fresh new ebb n flow hip hop alignment wouldn’t be such a bad idea🤔… But mostly I just want to conquer the lack of action on my own behalf and walk the talk. Step in the name of love, and slide to success!!!!
    Happy Monday! Have a great day!
    ,K Matthews

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:46h, 14 June Reply

      Thanks for saying hi Kelly 🙂 I love a good dance as well… you might dance out some of the “lack of action,” and see what happens. Great to hear from you. Blessings

  • Mary wanjiru
    Posted at 03:49h, 14 June Reply

    Thanks for the eye opening readings.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:46h, 14 June Reply


  • Mary Cathrine Messano
    Posted at 01:29h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you for your reading. I feel asenceof excitement. But sometimes I feel like I am moving to fast. And therefore missing a lot. Not sure how to slow down. Ideas I would like to pursue. Get my eyebrows microbladed. And go back home and have my hair done. Something in my life I could have a breakthrough with. My husband’s heart would soften.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:47h, 14 June Reply

      Hey Mary, thanks for sharing 🙂 Slowing down can be such a powerful choice. Maybe take slow walks once a day… or practice following you breath. Blessings and nice to hear form you 🙂

  • Felicidad
    Posted at 01:08h, 14 June Reply

    Jonathan I’m so thankful for your reading for me but I’m afraid the relationship now the old that I have dismissed, he is calling and calling unlike before . I’ will ask to you the last or the new one is so highly close committed at once to me and I felts secure to him . Jonathan it’s right for me to hold the new on because he don’t have any others girlfriend unlike the old one having a lots of women and my feelings never grow just for having him to be honest . What can you say about the new one , is it trustworthy man ??

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:49h, 14 June Reply

      Hi Felicidad, I would need to know more about the situation to give my perspective. That being said, Listen to how your body responds to each of them… if you feel safe and open, that is a good sign. If your body closes down and feels anxious, that is a sign that person might not be right for you. Hope that helps 🙂

  • Sarmilee Das
    Posted at 00:48h, 14 June Reply

    It would be singing I love singing

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:50h, 14 June Reply

      Ah, beautiful. I love to sing as well 🙂

  • Debra Baker
    Posted at 00:36h, 14 June Reply

    Jonathan Lionheart, Thank you so much for your honest yet promising messages. Helping us to look at life with eyes and heart wide open. Walk in Light,

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:50h, 14 June Reply

      Thank you Debra, so sweet to hear from you 🙂

  • Lisa Yvette Strom cook
    Posted at 00:19h, 14 June Reply

    I really should talk to someone ..I just don’t have the extra cash rite now..iv been going though awakening and iv gone though soooo much in the past 3-5 yrs ..I mean iv had a angel she was a little girl come to my door I have pictures of spirits whispering in my ear ..I sound crazy I know but this is true I woke up today and I felt like iv lived yesterday yrs ago it’s hard to explain idk but I just don’t know if I should look in to this more or what’s happening to me I had a stranger tell me I’m a medium idk idk what to do but iv always been different then my own family idk anymore what to do ..thank you for all you do ..Wen I get extra money I’ll set appointment ok thank ..
    Love & Hugs,,,,Lisa,

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:53h, 14 June Reply

      Hey Lisa, it sounds like you are integrating a new part of yourself to me. I think it’s a good idea to find trustworthy people who can help you understand what is happening to you, but in the mean time, learning to breath in your belly and ground yourself in your body can be very helpful. You can write me here : jonathan@cosmicupdates.com if you need some support or referrals for people to look into. Blessings.

  • Athena Le
    Posted at 00:09h, 14 June Reply

    Thank you so much, my great guider!


    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:54h, 14 June Reply

      Hi Athena 🙂 Thank you, and blessings

  • Teresa
    Posted at 23:49h, 13 June Reply

    I’ve been trying to decide if I should send a letter i wrote today to my husband that I would like to reconcile with. Your reading today has made me think at least I will know one way or another. I look forward to your readings every week.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:54h, 14 June Reply

      Happy to be of help Teresa, good luck 🙂

  • Linda Vannostrand
    Posted at 23:09h, 13 June Reply

    You are a beautiful Awesome Man of Wisdom and prophecy from the heavens above may God bless you thank you for everything you send me with many blessings Linda with Love 💕

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:55h, 14 June Reply

      Hey Linda, nice to hear from you. Sending love right back at you 🙂

  • Julia George
    Posted at 23:07h, 13 June Reply

    Spot on exciting!

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:55h, 14 June Reply


  • Melanie Jackson
    Posted at 22:36h, 13 June Reply

    You just provided me confirmation for a decision I am currently making. I really needed to see this. Thank you so much for sharing. ❤️🙏🏽❤️

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:55h, 14 June Reply

      So happy to hear this Melanie, blessings 🙂

  • Michelle Warner Thomas
    Posted at 22:24h, 13 June Reply

    I look forward to your readings. They are sooo spot on for me.

    I’ve been putting off making a decision on consulting for another company. I will now at least entertain the idea tomorrow. Thank you.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 09:56h, 14 June Reply

      Hi Michelle, glad to hear the readings have brought some help to you. Sending love

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