A Fortunate Meeting | Weekly Tarot Reading | 2/27 – 3/5

Hello Tarot Family, 

This is Jonathan with your Weekly Tarot Reading. 

With war crackling in such an overt manner on our planet right now, it’s all the more important to connect with your inner depths and the integrity of your purpose.

And that is exactly the opportunity showing up in your life in the days to come.

Your purpose and your destiny are calling out to you. You might feel motivated to act on something you’ve known about for a while, or your next steps could show up as brand new and totally unexpected. 

Regardless of how inspiration strikes you this week, make no mistake there is electricity in the air and new possibilities brimming all around you. 

Let’s dive in and see what the week ahead has in store for you.

Card #1: King Of Pentacles | A Powerful Influence

If you saw last week’s reading, you know the King of Pentacles represents abundance, stability, and business savvy. 

It’s no coincidence when a card is drawn two weeks in a row. And in the case of the King of Pentacles, it’s a sign both money and prosperity are likely on your mind and playing an important role in your life right now. 

You may have met someone, or could very soon, who can help you take your business or your financial success to a new level. This could be a business coach, a boss, or a potential mentor who has taken a liking to you. 

They’ve already mastered something which you could benefit from learning. So if a proposal arrives this week, it might be the perfect time to seize the opportunity.  

The King of Pentacles type of person can have an air of prestige, ambition, and superiority. So while they can make those around them feel safe, they also tend to have a lashing and critical tongue. 

They expect the best, and won’t settle for anything less. 

The King of Pentacles could also represent the person you are wanting to grow into. 

In which case, creating more wealth is particularly important to you at this time. 

It’s also possible you are in the process of stepping into a new position of power, in which you will have to provide support and resources for those around you. 

If you look at the card image you can see armor peeking out from beneath the king’s luxurious robe. The armor represents the many battles the King of Pentacles has fought in the past. He did not inherit his wealth, but had to work hard to create what he has now. 

You may have already put a good deal of effort into what you have created in your life so far. The experience you’ve gained is setting you up for greater success, perhaps in the near future. 

All of this sets the perfect stage for your next card, which is indicating that something exciting wants to be born either into your life or through you.

Card #2: The Empress | Inspiration Is Born

The Empress is all about life, fertility, beauty, and could be a sign of an actual birth, or giving birth symbolically to ideas or new projects. 

There is no other card as filled with abundance and fertility as the Empress. She is often considered pregnant, and represents the luscious period between Spring and Summer when all of life is in bloom. 

You might notice she is not overly pregnant and about to give birth, but rather just beginning to show. 

This stage in pregnancy could be a sign you have a very powerful idea, but perhaps one that has not fully manifested into life yet. 

If you don’t have a potent idea or plan you’re wanting to implement, The Empress may be a sign you’ll receive an inspired idea very soon. 

When an idea like this strikes, it’s not necessarily your own. What this means is, like a mother, you are carrying something that is beyond your personal control or personal desires. 

This kind of inspired idea can create a large impact on your community, your own life, and on the planet, because it is beyond your personal influence. 

However, just like pregnancy, it is a large responsibility to bring a powerful idea to life. Taking on the “birthing” and “raising” of an inspiration requires willingness to change and transform along with it. 

Considering your first card, the King of Pentacles, your idea could bring about a great deal of wealth, or it may require a lot of resources just to get things rolling. 

The King of Pentacles in this context could highlight the importance of consulting with a mentor or someone who is already savvy in the area you are considering entering. 

Regardless of what kind of inspiration arrives you this week, ultimately you’ll be entering a period filled with potentially new and unknown things. 

Luckily, your next card is all about the inner courage you’ll be building as you make your way toward this powerful phase in your life.

Card #3: Strength | Accessing Your Inner Power

The Strength card symbolizes bravery, inner power, and fortitude from compassion rather than separation. When you see the Strength card in a reading it’s often an indication that patience and integrity will serve you best at this time. 

In the card image you might notice the woman is strangely out of proportion with the rest of the environment. She is larger than life, affording her a kind of graceful power. 

The lion totally submits to her as she opens his mouth, showing the gentle power she possesses. 

The Lion represents your more primal aspects, which tend to be ruled by fear, anger, and base desires. The woman’s control over the lion symbolizes your ability to guide your desires, and the uncertain parts of yourself towards peace and equanimity. 

The Strength card showing up in your reading is a reminder that it’s not a time to be impulsive, or to act from a place of fear. 

You could find yourself challenged by people around you, or by your circumstances. You might feel tempted to bend your boundaries or step outside of your integrity. 

Yet the Strength card is imploring you to patiently and compassionately remain in integrity. Guide yourself and those around you with grace and kindness, but unyieldingly towards truth and the higher good. 

Considering your first two cards, the King of Pentacles and the Empress, there could be something important you are being called towards that will require inner courage. 

The Strength card is a reminder to seek out and rely on your inner resources. 

Tell yourself, I can do this! 

Trust yourself, and when you’re ready, walk with your head up and your heart full into this next exciting period.

Take The Leap

Your cards this week are powerful. They are whispering possibilities for your future. Your first card, the King of Pentacles could indicate a fortuitous meeting, or working with someone who can teach you to bring more wealth into your life. 

It’s also possible you could meet an investor, especially if we take your second card into consideration. The Empress is a card of new ideas, fertile creative processes, and bringing forth transformative ideas. 

If there is something you’ve been wanting to bring about in your life, this could be the time to take that next step. On the other hand, you could be struck by an idea or movement that is bigger than yourself. 

Luckily, your third card, Strength, is a sign you’ll have the courage you need to take on any challenge. As long as you stay in integrity, and trust your heartfelt resolution, you will find your way through.

And you might even see a beautiful new idea come to fruition. 

Trust the process, and keep going. 

You’ve got this. 

With love,

And in service, 

Jonathan Lionheart 

P.S. What’s something you’d like to create for yourself or for the world? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!  

P.P.S. If you’d like some extra insight into what’s coming up for you, or some help connecting with your deeper and higher intelligence, you can schedule a private reading, or Embodied Alchemy session with me here.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

    Posted at 17:45h, 01 March Reply

    I love your readings Jonathan! I really don’t know what I’d like to do to benefit the world but for myself I’d like to find peace because I feel in turmoil at the moment & I’m exhausted all the time! Thank you!

  • Kate
    Posted at 12:35h, 01 March Reply

    Thank you for the inspiring reading. I honestly want to quit my current job as I have reached the ceiling, there is no longer room for promotion.

  • Roberta Firth
    Posted at 21:59h, 28 February Reply

    In responding to your question about what I am passionate about improving/changing. It is the way that traditional schools are set up that is ruining an enormous segment of the population of children and if it isn’t bad enough that they have now taken to having guns and randomly killing others, whatever comes next will be even worse!

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:43h, 01 March Reply

      Thanks for the insight Roberta. Yes, I think there is much that could change in the education systems. Thanks for sharing.

  • Jacqueline R Brogna
    Posted at 21:29h, 28 February Reply

    Hi Jonathan, your readings astound me.
    So much has been so accurate to Me.
    I’ve had a rough couple of years. Divorce after 34 years if marriage. Had to keave my job of 22 years. For my health. Afraid to open up to another man. I have several gentleman pursuing me. I’m a romantic. I want it all. My soulmate. I don’t want to settle. Help.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:44h, 01 March Reply

      Hey Jacqueline, thanks for sharing. I hear you, not wanting to settle is understandable when love has been so important to you. I hope the coming year is filled with more ease and joy 🙂

  • Rita Sa
    Posted at 16:20h, 28 February Reply

    Hi Dear Jonathan thank you so mach for your reading what you say make all the sense to me .I hope my future will be mach better than my past and my present because have ben very sad and difficult. I am so happy to fund-you. Thank you again all the best.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:44h, 01 March Reply

      I’m sorry it’s been so challenging Rita. I’m glad you found me too Rita 🙂

  • Susan Swett Anton
    Posted at 11:15h, 28 February Reply

    Dear Jonathan..
    Your reading is certainly inspired…giving us all courage and faith in ourselves to march forth with purpose to improve the circumstances that prevail around each of us at this moment in time.
    Thank you.

  • Wanda Grace Fields
    Posted at 10:32h, 28 February Reply

    I felt all of what the universe is saying and it’s so crazy that everything that was in my cards are exactly my doubts and things I have been avoiding cuz I been settling for less trying to be grateful that this person “saved” me but I’m discovering that I have been thru so many abusive awful relationships that I’m realizing everything I ever told this person about my past he has turned into being exactly like my exes he don’t love me and I’m gonna take that leap today. I am gonna have the children my children are victim of sexual abuse when they were w their father when they were younger, now as adults every single one of them are struggling. Depression addiction and I’m gonna get the big house that my children can always call home. I lost my son in 2004 in a tragic awful accident he was three “Romeo” that was the most awful pain anyone could ever endure and in this world im truly alone. All I got is me it’s been 18 yrs since Romeo passed and I’m finally ok. Mentally emotionally and I see the light I am gonna save my beautiful family as well as other innocent children victims of incest sexual abuse. I love children and my family means the world to me. I been sober now 13 yrs. I’ve come along way. I’m gonna get what my family and I deserve and the help we all need. Thank u.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:48h, 01 March Reply

      Thank you for sharing with us Wanda. It sounds like you’ve been through some big challenges. Congratulations on continuing to find hope, as well as for 13 years sober. That’s a big deal. I believe in you, and believe you will continue to bring good things to yourself and your family. Sending blessings your way. — J

  • Samantha Smith
    Posted at 10:00h, 28 February Reply

    Hey, Thank you Jonathan for the reading. I’m a spiritual believer and your reading spoke deeply. I’ve always been the person that stays to there self, work multiple jobs, and doesn’t really communicate with people around me. I love music, dancing, and I’m working on some shoes that I want to promote with Nike. I’m thinking of new ideas for a business.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:49h, 01 March Reply

      Hey Samantha, thanks for reaching out 🙂 and thank you for sharing about your creations. Sending blessings 🙂

  • Simone
    Posted at 07:40h, 28 February Reply

    Thank you very much for the reading, but I would like to be financially bless, before God take my life. Right now am sick I have cancer.

  • Cindy Chandler
    Posted at 06:57h, 28 February Reply

    I have always been in tune with my spiritual side.. Sometimes I don’t pay attention.
    My life has completely changed forever and I don’t know where to go or what to do. The reading I received, tho I’m sure pretty generic, really spoke to me. Yes, I have to be strong, I have to explore new ideas, I am open to finding new people in my life.
    Three weeks ago today, on Feb 7th, I found my fiance, deceased, in his apt. It was unexpected tho I felt I was being warned of it since Christmas. I chose to ignore it becuz I didn’t want it to be! We’ve been together for 9 yrs.I don’t know how to live without him but I have to learn.
    I’d like to pursue a more in-depth reading but I have no money! I live on $450/month so I’m not exaggerating!! So, unless you do them for free, I won’t be requesting one. But I do want to thank you for being a tiny glimmer of hope that life will go on and I will emerge better.
    A friend in life, love and spirit,

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 11:36h, 28 February Reply

      Hi Cindy, I’m sorry to hear about your fiancé. That loss sounds very challenging. I’m glad to hear the reading brought a glimmer of hope. Sometimes a glimmer can turn into something even more profound. Sending you big blessings. — J

  • Iserhien
    Posted at 06:00h, 28 February Reply

    Again… this reading is singing my life with it’s words.
    Thank you Jonathan for your effort in letting us have a road map towards our Now and Future,
    Words are not enough to express my feelings of gratitude, yet it is,.. gratitude.

  • Linky Majezi
    Posted at 05:31h, 28 February Reply

    Good Day Friend J,

    This week is really giving me Hope that everything I am praying and striving for are showing on.

    I really cannot wait to receive good results from all my Wishes, especially Finding my True Roots and be a woman of integrity.
    Truly I thank God for blessing me with Houses, but now I am indeed Praying for a Warmth Home and happy Family.


  • Dlamini N Nkosingphile
    Posted at 04:26h, 28 February Reply

    Hi Jonathan

    Im so excited about this week hope is gonna be my week of change in my life. En i want to thank you… Your reading is giving me hope en its always the gaduance i need on the situation im in. Thank you looking forward to this exciting week

  • Felividad
    Posted at 04:19h, 28 February Reply

    Hi Jonathan Nice Monday, Thanks a lot for positive clear easy to digest what you mean, i hope my patiently waiting will soon like a sun shining in Eastern morning with blue Heaven. Yes I must be very careful because there is singer want to try to sing a good song but I’m a woman not so easy to hear those beautiful song I prepared the Old song That I’m used to hear , I mean my one and only , Amen , Felicidad

    • Swapna
      Posted at 07:12h, 28 February Reply

      I am not received this reading as email as before. 😕 I read it from website.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:51h, 01 March Reply

      Blessings 🙂

  • Colette O'Reilly
    Posted at 02:56h, 28 February Reply

    I have been blessed with healing powers and I practice Reiki. I am retired from my full-time employment which was working with children with disabilities and my ability to bring sunshine into there lives was a gift and an honour. I am seeking ways to implement my training and my gift to attract people to my who will benefit from this. Thank you for the accurate reading it is what I needed to hear as I am struggling to attract like minded people into my life. I will keep true to myself and believe in myself.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:52h, 01 March Reply

      Hi Collette, it sounds like you’ve done some truly wonderful work in the world. May this next phase be truly blessed and filled with good people and wonderful success.

  • Mary Cathrine Messano
    Posted at 01:45h, 28 February Reply

    As I lost my job. I am trying to think of something I would like to do. And get paid for it at the same time. Been exercising every day for the last 12 years. I’ve also been doing Avon the last 11 years. That never really took off as I also had a full time job going on at the same time. So not sure what’s next. But will be keeping both eyes on the lookout!

  • Viviane Banoun
    Posted at 01:29h, 28 February Reply

    I am the empress and I will have an idea that is not my own and I will have to implement it.
    I want this king of pentacles, because he will help with this idea, for me it comes from above. And he is the one that the Universe sent and I am waiting for to be the love of my life.
    Welcome for the adventures that are awaiting me, with that king by my side.
    I am and will be always true to myself, I am specially very honest and want honesty from the others.
    In these last 4 years, I was prepared for this moment. I am ready. I am strong and will stay strong. I hope I will have the asistance from everybody.
    This idea that is given to me is the goal I want to achieve.
    I hope that this reading will really happen this week, because I want to go ahead.

    Thank you Jonathan, thank you for the good news.

  • Matías Cattaneo
    Posted at 00:36h, 28 February Reply

    I’m Matías, from Argentina. I’ m also a Tarot reader and strangely a Lawyer too! What I want to share with the world is a Direct Democracy project (Power to the people, or as Abe Lincoln said… Power to the people and for the people). Also I have the hope of living by the Inca’s Ayni way! No money, just a big wide World favors chain… in other words, living in a cooperative way!
    Best wishes, Matias

    • Roman Pruneda Garcia
      Posted at 10:46h, 01 March Reply

      Absolutely Beautiful I loved the vibe im getting off of youuu.. Hellll yeaaaah for the people, by the people, and too the people lol the Gettysburg Address 😉😜✊🏼 set all the people free 🙏🏼 living in a cooperative way!!!! WELL SAID I LUV YOUR HEART ✊🏼✊🏼💯💯

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:54h, 01 March Reply

      Beautiful, these are wonderful things Matias. Blessings to you 🙂

  • Terry Alison Sexton
    Posted at 00:18h, 28 February Reply

    Today’s reading that came to my inbox was different than the reading I just saw here. The third card is titled Strength, however, the content was for the Star reversed, not Strength, which appeared to be copied and pasted from the weekend love reading because it gave the same wording. I checked here, and it looked to match up correctly, but I was quite surprised and disappointed to see the same message as the weekend love reading.

  • Rebecca Allen
    Posted at 23:49h, 27 February Reply

    There is a lot going on right now and I don’t know where to start. I am having health issues and there is a matter of a disk in my neck that if it isn’t treated soon can cause me to be paralyzed and who knows what else because it will cause severe spinal damage. My husband is having several health issues and they can’t seem to find anything to help him with his pain. So far mine has been fixable but it’s all slow going. The abundance we used to want, is now becoming a need, and I how we can get some before it becomes worse. We have to get a ramp built to the house for my husband to be able to use his motorized scooter as he has trouble walking but we also need a vehicle that will hold the scooter, the one we have now is not big enough. We also have bills to pay and medical bills are starting to pill up, I just don’t know what we are going to do. I have done about everything the psychics, numerologists, mediums, seers, clairvoyants, etc. have told me to do for the powers that be to help me and I still have nothing to show. They say everything points to me supposed to have abundance and happiness and no longer in want but it must be going to the wrong address or something because it surely is not in this house.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:57h, 01 March Reply

      Hey Rebecca, sounds like a very challenging time right now for you and your husband. I’m sorry for the struggles and challenges and will pray that the right creative solutions become available to you.

  • Angella McKenzie
    Posted at 23:01h, 27 February Reply

    I have never seen a reading so accurate in all my life. Everything Jonathan said was definitely what I am experiencing. Thank you so so much for opening up my eyes to realize my fears and doubts

  • Ev Arjuna Chottera
    Posted at 22:36h, 27 February Reply

    Hi Jonathan thanks so much for the post something that was on my mind was soul rebirth reincarnation birthdays apart from the day people saw you physically birthed out of your biological parent’s womb and was about to tap into those since I consider my real birthday different from my physical one thanks for letting me get that off my chest

    • Roman Pruneda Garcia
      Posted at 10:38h, 01 March Reply

      Wowwww i love spiritual people like yourself that has an open mind to different the more beta-material. Beyond the meta-physical idk what you call it. I myself am a firm, firm believer in re-incarnation me myself am named after my moms dad (Roman) and her brother (Raymond) who both were 2 of the very most closest and important figures in her early life which caused her so much pain. They were both born or left this earth in the same month of July which is both the same month that she and i were born as well. She used to look at me and just cry cause i looked like her brother so much. In fact over here in her childhood home and neighborhood where she grew up is where we live now but growing up everybody on the block all the neighbors that grew up here alongside them allllllll would and still do to this day call me Money which looks like $$$$$ but in spanish is just a nick name for Raymond but i mean it always sparked my imagination heyyy u never know but i know i wasn’t him i didnt have any of his memories, thoughts or feelings I ALWAYS KNEW that’s I just resembled him is all with the same bloodline and genes. I always knew that I was my very own, own person destined to hopefully do great things with my own dreams and goals. Very interesting stuff though i luv it 😉

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:58h, 01 March Reply

      Sure thing Ev

  • Khombo Nancy Hlongwane
    Posted at 22:20h, 27 February Reply

    I would like to trade although reluctant as I have been scammed befire

  • Jacqueline R Brogna
    Posted at 21:51h, 27 February Reply

    I’m being pursued by several gentleman. I’m divorced after a 34 year marriage I’ve spent the past 2 years focusing on me. Now I want to settle down again. I’m trying to find my heart. I’m a romantic.

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 16:59h, 01 March Reply

      Hey Jacqueline, I hope the right one shows up for you 🙂 <3

  • Jerry Matt
    Posted at 21:49h, 27 February Reply

    Not exactly sure how I wound up here at this time today but, there is definitely a strong resonance of value and relevance to my present life situation and circumstances.
    As one who has travelled the pathless path for many a cycle, I admit openly that was positively impacted by what I read . J.Matt MA, BMT

  • Luis Miguel campos lasso
    Posted at 21:37h, 27 February Reply

    Beautiful psychic. I feel truthfulness on your readings. As of now I’m looking to open my own business, all the paper work it’s there just need seven thousand for a van and tools.

  • Catron Anderson
    Posted at 21:23h, 27 February Reply

    You truly have a gift. Thank you for your amazing readings. It is refreshing to see someone offering encouragement and guidance only for the good of mankind. Your writing style is easy to understand and very interesting. I just wanted to say thank you! Your kindness has awakened my spirit.

  • Surakchhya Dhakal
    Posted at 20:53h, 27 February Reply

    I have been struggling to go through this breakup phase. It’s been more than 2 yrs
    And last night the news of him getting engaged with the other girl really devastated me broke me into pieces. I tried moving on with few ppl but things are not the way u want. I don’t get that vibe from any other guy. Neither am I able to focus on my career. Now I am scared if I can ever fall in love again . I am scared if I ever can achieve a better future with better career and a better partner..,.,,

    • Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 17:02h, 01 March Reply

      Surakchhya, you will find your way. Sometimes these things take longer than we would expect or desire. But you will find your way. sending blessings

  • Zainab
    Posted at 20:47h, 27 February Reply

    My husband want a divorce from me . But I don’t want . But still he is helping me in business to achieve something .
    Personal life like he want me but like he have pressure his hand are tied up he can’t take a decision want he want in his life n sacrifices for his parents .

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