24 Dec A Logical Choice | Weekly Tarot Reading | 12/25 – 12/31
Are you dealing with a confusing situation right now?
Jonathan Lionheart says that this week it’s important to keep calm and levelheaded in the face of any challenges that come your way.
He’s here to help you tap into your logic and wisdom, so you can make the right decision for your life, here in his Weekly Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Jonathan
P.S. Is there a situation you’re having trouble seeing clearly right now? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!

I’m Jonathan Lionheart, with your Weekly Tarot Reading.
I wanted to talk for a moment about something that I’ve been noticing in the collective. It’s a piece that we all appear to be working on, in one form or another. And that has to do with “mom stuff.” And I’m not necessarily talking about the biological mother. But on an esoteric level.
Often the mother has to do with our sense of belonging, and resting, in life. And so the question that is coming up, and that is showing up as something that we are currently working on, has to do with…
Do I feel supported in life? Do I feel like life is showing up and responding to my needs? Or: Do I have a deep pattern of not feeling rested in, or supported by life.
So I’m curious how this is showing up for you. And, as always, I love hearing from you. You can grab a private reading with me down below. I’m excited for you to check out your reading for this week.
All right, take care. Wherever you happen to be right now, give yourself a moment to take a few breaths. Each breath, allow yourself to settle just a little bit more. You might let your awareness come into your heart space. And think of a couple of things that make you smile, that reminds you how beautiful life is.
All right, let’s see what we have for our week ahead and call out to Mother, Father, God, the denizens of light, the deep ones, the rooted ones, and call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the North, the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the South, the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the East, and the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the West. Be with us now. Bring forward a clear message in the energy that will support us through the week ahead.
Your first card will be the Situation. Your second card will be the Obstacle. And your third card is the Outcome.
So, the first impression coming from these cards is that there could be a little bit of struggle this week, but it’s going to end with great motivation and really fabulous momentum.
Your first card is the Queen of Swords, and this card represents principles, honesty, and intellect.
The Queen of Swords is sometimes interpreted as “the widow,” the sister rather than the wife to the King of Swords. In this sense, she is often associated with grief and older women, who may be wise, but can also be very critical.
You could be dealing with someone in your life who is very exacting, or experiencing a sorrowful situation that is hard to understand. For some of you this might show up like a parent, a boss, or a friend who is being very critical of you. For others you might be experiencing a period of sadness or emptiness. This could look like feeling emotionally disconnected or simply cold and unfeeling.
Luckily, the Queen of Swords is also well known for her wisdom. As a result of what you may be experiencing now, you will likely grow in important and profound ways.
Your next card, your Obstacle card, is the Nine of Pentacles. The Nine of Pentacles represents independence, leisure, and security.
In the Obstacle position, the Nine of Pentacles can sometimes be a sign of too much leisure and an avoidance of work. This can look like a kind of entitlement that gets in the way of the real work that needs to be done.
On the positive side, though, the Nine of Pentacles could be a sign of what it is that you’re striving for, such as reaching a level of independence and ease in your life.
For some of you, your obstacle this week could show up as resting too much on your laurels or daydreaming about the future without making it happen with your actions. For others, you could meet someone who has the life you’re wanting to create for yourself.
Either way, use the inspiration of what you’re wanting to guide your actions. If you’re being too harsh or exacting towards yourself, you might pull back a little – give yourself some slack, but be willing to do the work that needs to be done.
Your final card for the week, your Outcome card, is the Three of Wands. The Three of Wands represents momentum, confidence, and foresight.
This is a sign you are creating a stable foundation for yourself. Any challenges that arise this week will be navigated and brought back into a good direction.
For those of you who might be feeling disengaged or out of sync with what you’re wanting, you will feel like you’ve reconnected with your motivation and you’re ready to proceed further. Some of you could feel like there’s a breakthrough with a challenging situation. And for some of you, a complicated relationship could begin to smooth out.
All together, while you still might need to wait for a bit to see how the chips fall, you’re going to see some healthy forward movement.
One of the big themes that’s arising in this particular reading has to do with being self critical. There’s something that you’re probably really wanting and that you deserve, but you’re not quite there yet.
And while you’re going to continue to need to push forward, bringing some kindness to yourself is definitely a help.
Alright, let’s take a look at our Advice card for the week. All right, so the King of Swords, which represents discipline, authority, and integrity.
The King is asking you to take the intelligence and clarity of the Queen of Swords to its highest octave. What this means is to think about your situation and your plans from a logical position. Use your intellect to look at what’s possible.
What’s the next step you need to take? You might consider having a brainstorming session or writing your ideas and plans down.
The King of Swords advises you to take up authority in your life, while also being willing to listen to those who are skilled and wise in the area of their expertise.
Rather than being in the murky or confusing area of the emotions, give yourself some distance to look at what needs to happen next, and how you might make some progress.
So let’s recap for your week ahead…
So the Queen of Swords is a sign that you could be dealing with some harsh criticism, either from somebody outside of yourself, or even from within the Nine of Pentacles is a great sign, because it says that there’s something that you’re wanting and that you’re going to be able to achieve it.
But you’re going to need to align what you’re doing now with what it is that you’re wanting.
Ultimately, there might be some discrepancies here, but you’re going to come out the other side of this week feeling like you’ve got great motivation.
The next steps on this journey will be best served if you take some time, step back, and make a plan of action.
This is not a time to get caught up in complicated emotions, but to look at things logically. Give yourself some distance.
Your mantra for the week is: “Stepping back and making a plan sets me up for success. Stepping back and making a plan sets me up for success.”
I think this is going to be a really great week, and it’s so nice to get to spend some time with you. Definitely reach out say, “Hey!” I look forward to next week. Bye, till then.
Posted at 19:02h, 31 DecemberHey Jonathan ,
Happy New Year !
I love this reading just the encoutememt I needed .
Looking can’t wait for the New Year s reading .
Thank you
Martha Radebe
Posted at 13:53h, 27 DecemberHey Jonathan I’m looking forward to the next reading, thank you bye for now and be blessed.
Posted at 16:01h, 26 DecemberThank you for your insight, it’s simply beautiful you taking the time to help so many people. All the very best for the New Year!!!!
Posted at 15:15h, 26 DecemberThanks so much for bringing me accurate forecasts every week.It’s highly appreciated by my heart. and May God gives you good health and Longevity.
Sandra Marie berry
Posted at 10:32h, 27 DecemberThank you , that kinda fits with me right now. Having some betrayal issues with my mother and at the same time she’s made it difficult for me to be the mother I’m trying to be
Lynn Rosskopf
Posted at 14:38h, 26 DecemberThank you Jonathan. God bless you.
Posted at 14:02h, 26 DecemberThank you Jonathan 😊 great reading 👍
Posted at 10:02h, 26 DecemberHi Jonathan, thank you for your time for this reading and the advice on how to deal with these challenges,
God bless you!!!
Lisa Barton
Posted at 00:41h, 26 DecemberI enjoy your readings. Merry Christmas Jonathan
I just wish I knew what I wanted and needed in my life. All I’ve ever done is take care of everyone else. Lost myself. And finding love has been really hard even later in life. I try to be honest, they want to play games.
I want love again. My best friend and partner!
Stella Skiles
Posted at 23:43h, 25 DecemberDear Jonathan,
Thank you for my reading. I do need to make more detailed notes on my Priorities and “next-steps” to move forward. I am focused on my motivation for my long term goals.
Merry Christmas.
John Patrick Nugent
Posted at 22:14h, 25 Decemberwe only achieve what we aim for
Posted at 21:44h, 25 DecemberI’ve been getting a lot of messages to take a step back and to not get caught up in my emotions lately, and your reading is no different. The universe definitely wants me to stay grounded as much as possible and to focus a bit more on what my goals are. Thank you for your insight 🙏🏻
Sergio Miranda
Posted at 21:23h, 25 DecemberThank you Jonathan for your reading it was truly spot on how I feel and what I’m going through or experiencing in my life right now . Again thank you and Merry Christmas
Posted at 20:57h, 25 DecemberYour reading and advice for year’s end is timely as I have been lacking motivation. All the Best!
Maria Martinez
Posted at 20:03h, 25 DecemberThank you and I look forward to next week
Kelley Mayew
Posted at 18:47h, 25 DecemberThank you for your reading. Merry Christmas. Definitely needed that.
Jacqueline Crooks
Posted at 18:13h, 25 DecemberHi Jonathan. Merry Christmas 🎄🎁. Thank you for the reading. I will try to stay cool 😎, calm and collected. But just like Antonia, I’m depressed, sad 😢 and lonely. I feel like I’m just going in circles and not getting anywhere in my life. My heart 💔 broken. I don’t know if I’ll ever find love again. And my brain keeps thinking 💭 about a guy in Florida that I’ve known in the past. Why? I can’t even understand why. But thank you for the reading. Love Jackie
Posted at 16:46h, 25 DecemberMerry Christmas, I thoroughly enjoy your readings this one is so spot on with a mother situation I am dealing with. Take care.
Rita Sa
Posted at 16:00h, 25 DecemberHI Dear Jonathan thank you so much so good to hear from you nice to see you This week. the tarot reading is very mach to do with my situation i am not happy i feel sad and have ben try very hard to resolve this but is so complicated thank you Dear Jonathan i hope my situation will clear son. God bless you
Martha Radebe
Posted at 15:52h, 25 DecemberHello Merry Christmas I just want to say thank you for your reading God bless you and I’m looking forward to hear the next chapter where should I prepare myself thanks for everything.
Posted at 15:47h, 25 DecemberThank you for helping me thriugh rough times axhe pains please continue dith me ha]py ctismasmy grattdtute to sll of you
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 16:17h, 26 DecemberThank you for the reading Merry Christmas to your family and all Happy New Year’s thank you for the reading
Donna Holland
Posted at 15:22h, 25 DecemberHeliya Jonathan I’d like to wish you and all yours a very happy holidays.I can relate to everything you said so thankyou .you’ve helped me so much with your reading.I appreciated it so much.Looking forward to your reading next week Takecare and Godbless
Opoku Richard AtuahThankene
Posted at 21:03h, 25 DecemberThank you for your good teachings. Happy Christmas.
Bhagyashree k
Posted at 00:37h, 26 DecemberThank you Jonathan.
It is exactly what I feel right now .
Courtney C Phillips
Posted at 15:18h, 25 DecemberThank you Jonathan. Your readings always calm me. You always seem so sincere and honest. I always feel better after watching your videos, you always come from a caring logical state. Thank you♥️
debra stewart
Posted at 15:00h, 25 December🙏🕊🌹MERRY CHRISTMAS THANKYOU
Donna Holland
Posted at 14:48h, 25 DecemberHiya Jonatha .Thankyou for the reading.very much enjoyed it.Id like to say I can relate to all of what you’ve said.Huge thankyou again I’m very much looking forward to to join you here at your next reading Takecare enjoy your festive time God bless
Klaus Schlotz
Posted at 14:30h, 25 DecemberAlways a joy to listen to your insights Jonathan.
Wishing you a Happy New Year
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 13:37h, 25 DecemberThanks for this reading, on 12/25/2022. Christmas Day.
Theresa Flannery
Posted at 13:05h, 25 DecemberHi Jonathan! I heard from my ex Joe in a text this beautiful Christmas Day! It is a start and I hope it truly is! I only wish to communicate and talk! Please keep Joe and Theresa in your thoughts and I hope the goodness keeps flowing! Thank you for your support Jonathan!!! Happy holidays!!!😊🎄❤️🤗
Helen Dimaki
Posted at 11:01h, 25 DecemberThank greatly for this reading. I am though thoughtful about my relationships this time and it does represent for me my unwillingness to move on a relationship not sure if it is the correct choice for me. This has a result on my motivation, too.. Thank you for your time for this reading and the advice on how to deal with this week challenges.
Thomas Langford
Posted at 10:27h, 25 DecemberI’m still pondering on all of this but I know it’s good advice
Posted at 10:20h, 25 DecemberI really appreciate the insights for the week
Posted at 10:19h, 25 DecemberThanks for your insight. Really encouraging
Didit Olmeo
Posted at 10:14h, 25 DecemberThank you for the reading somehow I’m a bit confused right now on, which path the I need to take or how many times would I endure the pain to be happy.
Posted at 10:13h, 25 DecemberMerry Christmas…Jonathan….Thank You for taking time out….for this reading…my friend…should be extremely excited with this reading..Thank You & God Bless You as Always…!!!
Janice M Goodfriend
Posted at 10:05h, 25 DecemberThank you so much
Posted at 10:04h, 25 DecemberHello it’s resonate I guess
Bradley Milbeck
Posted at 10:01h, 25 DecemberThank you!
Kenene Kave.
Posted at 09:58h, 25 DecemberThank you for this week’s insight. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…. God bless you.
Antonia Balandran
Posted at 09:54h, 25 DecemberThank you for your reading. It was on point. And yes I’m very disconnected and going through a lot of pain and judgement. Like I’m not everyones clown anymore. So no on wants to be around me so I’m very alone and feeling a lot of emptiness and just feel like if I take a step forward I get knocked backwards 10 more. I can’t seem to get out this loop I’ve been in and just not feel anymore pain. But I’m also scared because it’s all I’ve known for so long. Again thank you for your insight.
Posted at 10:13h, 25 DecemberPraying for you and hopes to an end to the pain you’re feeling. I am there too, fighting the same battle.
Posted at 09:49h, 25 DecemberThank you Jonathan for the guidance.
Posted at 09:42h, 25 DecemberHi Jonathan
Thank you so much for your great reading. Looking forward for your next reading. Happy holidays.
God bless.