24 Jun A Love Worth Waiting For | Weekend Tarot Love Reading | 6/24 – 6/26
Hello Tarot Family,
This is Jonathan with your Weekend Love Reading.
It’s going to be a luscious weekend for you. You will likely feel alive and attractive all weekend long.
Which makes you the perfect magnet for love and romance.
You could have a chance meeting with someone special, or your current relationship might feel like it’s doused in grace and ease.
Either way, the vibes are fantastic.
That being said, work and willingness to build resolve will be required. I think you’ll find your dedication well worth it.
Let’s take a look at what’s showing up for you this weekend.
Card #1: The Sun | A Love That Lights Up The Sky

Do you have someone in mind who makes you smile from ear to ear?
The Sun card represents happiness, vitality, and pure and unfettered confidence. In a love reading, all things warm, vibrant and filled with joy can be expected in regards to romance.
The Sun is a card of jubilation and energizing celebration.
It is totally within the realm of possibility that you’ve either met an amazing person, or that you will meet someone very soon.
This is the kind of connection that makes you want to leap for joy and energizes you towards all positive things in your life.
If you’ve been in a slump, or felt like life has been gray and dull recently, get ready because your zest for life is about to be supercharged.
You might find yourself singing songs out loud, making positive changes in your life, and feeling like the world is your oyster.
If you’re single right now, The Sun card is a sign it’s a great time to go out and socialize.
Shine your beautiful self out into the world. You might be surprised at what comes back for you.
You will likely be glowing and beaming in a way that other people clearly notice and even comment on. So this is the perfect time to let the world see your beautiful self.
If you’re in a relationship right now, you could be entering a particularly harmonious and joyful period with your partner. You two could find yourselves laughing and beaming and loving one another up in all the good ways you know how.
Ultimately, when it comes to love, The Sun card is a great sign for long term romance.
The Sun of our solar system shines on the planet consistently. Its eternal nourishment feeds our planet unconditionally.
So the possibility of a love that endures through time is very much on the table.
Talk about some great news to start off your weekend! That being said, your next card is an indication you may need some patience and willingness to put in the work for your happiness to flourish.
Card #2: Seven Of Pentacles | Patience And Commitment

The Seven of Pentacles symbolizes growth, perseverance, and patience.
In the context of a love reading it’s a reminder that all good things take time.
All things considered, the Seven of Pentacles is somewhat of a neutral card to get in a love reading.
As you can see in the card image, the farmer looks tired of waiting and maybe even overwhelmed by the amount of work still to come before he can harvest his crops.
On the one hand, the Seven of Pentacles does hint at a really great “harvest,” or successful and fulfilling relationship.
However, it should be said from the start there is work to be done, and that things won’t click into place right away.
On the other hand, the Seven of Pentacles has an underlying question that asks, “is all this work really worth it?”
It seems silly for the farmer to walk away from his crops when they are not that far off from being ready. That being said, maybe he doesn’t want to be a farmer in the long run, or maybe there are other crops he’d rather be tending to.
So it’s important to determine if this is where you want to be, or if there is somewhere else you’d rather put your energy.
If you’re single, you may be pining for someone who either hasn’t noticed you yet, or who simply isn’t available. If this is the case, then the question above is particularly pertinent to you.
Maybe this person is worth it, but maybe they’ll never be able to give you what you want. It’s important to really think about and feel the truth of your situation.
Another possibility could be that you have just met someone who is already on board and down to ride. In which case, the Seven of Pentacles could be a sign you have realized there is a lot of work you both will need to do to make the relationship truly flourish.
If you’re in a relationship, the Seven of Pentacles is asking whether you and your partner are ready for the long haul or not. Is this the person you want to build a life and grow old together with?
It’s also possible you two have a larger project you’ve invested in and it’s taking longer than you expected.
Either way, the question of commitment is on the table for you right now.
All together, it’s important to remember there is a healthy and fertile harvest potentially in the future. Which means things could get really good if you’re willing to stick through the less exciting parts.
And if your next card is any indication, there is a strong possibility that staying the course could be the right choice in the long run.
Card #3: The Hierophant | Keeping To Tradition

The Hierophant represents tradition, convention, and can also be a sign of spiritual love.
Particularly in a love reading, The Hierophant tends to indicate a safer, more traditional kind of relationship.
The Hierophant is concerned with what’s tried and true. Whether it’s religious traditions, values passed on by your parents, or cultural norms, The Hierophant is about keeping to the well worn path.
This doesn’t mean things have to be boring. In fact deeply rooted values could be exactly what nourishes you to the core. So in regards to your love reading, The Hierophant points to a traditional marriage or courtship.
That being said, sometimes The Hierophant shows up when you are being stifled by tradition, so you’ll have a feel into how this card connects for you.
If you’re single, it’s possible you are looking for a connection that feels safe, grounded, and is moving towards marriage and family.
On the other side of the coin, it’s possible you feel stuck in the tradition your parents have passed down to you. Maybe you’re listening too closely to what mom and dad want rather than what your heart truly desires.
The Hierophant can also be an indication of sacred union within. So if you’re single and waiting for the right partner, it’s a great time to focus on loving and kind internal dialogue.
What parts of your soul could use some attention and nourishment right now?
If you’re in a relationship, you’re either headed for marriage or soon to commit at a much deeper level.
If this is the right path for you and your partner, you’re in luck. If it’s not what you truly want, this is a good time to pay attention to where you have compromised what you are truly yearning for.
Considering all of your cards together, it’s quite possible you are headed for a revolution in your love life….
One that starts with a potent bang, but then requires effort and commitment to follow through.
Ultimately, marriage or a deeper sacred union could be coming down the line. So be sure you are where you want to be. Once you know you are headed in the right direction, go for it.
Follow Your Heart
Your love reading this week is chock-full of good news. Whether you are single or in a relationship, everything is moving in a positive direction.
Your first card, The Sun, is a sign you could feel totally vibrant and alive in the coming days. You are shining bright, so get out there and let yourself be seen.
The Sun is also a great indication for relationships and meeting someone. You could be beaming with joy at the encounters you have.
Of course a good thing requires, and deserves, your hard work. Your second card, the Seven of Pentacles is a sign you’re going to need some patience to keep things alive once they get going.
Making sure you are where you want to be is crucial here. If you’re single, there could be a bit of a waiting game, but down the line it will be worth it.
Your final card, The Hierophant, is letting you know your relationship is heading to a deeper level, or it’s possible you’re needing to step outside the lines a bit and be free.
If love is what’s coming into your life with a partner, then expect it to be a traditional, simple, kind of relationship…
One that warms your heart and brightens your smile.
So don’t be afraid to let yourself shine this weekend.
With love,
And in service,
Jonathan Lionheart
P.S. What are you needing patience with in your love life? Are you ready for a lasting relationship that can go all the way? You can leave me a comment here on our blog, and let me know!
P.P.S. If you’d like advice on your love life, or a clearer sense of what’s coming up next you can schedule a private reading with me here.
Posted at 12:32h, 25 JuneHello all my good friend in C. Updates , I’m always waiting for for your sending guidline advices that help a lots to me. I hope he will comes soon so thst my feelings of spinning Will be ended, and hope your prediction will be true . Thank you so much and God Blesd you all ,
Boahen Emelia
Posted at 08:50h, 25 JuneIt’s a good thing I met you and your team,I mean it worth it I came across you people and yeah I can’t wait to hear the good news.
Rosie Thibbs
Posted at 07:20h, 25 JuneThank you, My hubby and I are on vacation now. Things are good. Love is in the air. ❤️.
William J Lonkert
Posted at 03:29h, 25 JuneBeen waiting for years show me
Posted at 23:42h, 24 JuneHvala puno Nemam ljubavi I nemam nikog ni da se dopisujemBilo je proslo godine I mislila Sam kada smo SE vidjeli da je to sve Kako smo zeljeli da imamo iskrenu vezu I ljubavi.Medutim on SE poceo da mijenja I ja Sam se vratila kuci sa godisnjeh razocarana.Blokirala Sam ga ,jer poceo je da laze I da mu smeta fol sto Sam ja starija kao da je ovo njemu tesko sto mora da mi kaze,da je Ali jenostavno zao mu je mi smo daleko I ovo je kao jedna avantura,jer on zeli da radi djece I’ma mladu zenu.Idiot neznam koga je izgubio,a ja vise neznam Kako da mu oprostim,jednom Sam se pomirila jer zato Sam ga zeljela da sretnemo I vidim,bolje bi bilo da nisam ga srela neznam Kako SE promijenio.
Kenneth J Wilson
Posted at 21:04h, 24 JuneU had to read my mind somewhat, I have someone that i meet online she lives the next county over i was took by her the first time we talked and it was only a pix I seen I’ve still not meet her personaly.. but I know she is gonna be the one I let get away ..I went in for kidney surgeries and figured if everyone is like my last gf or her immediate family no one would want me..well I was wrong she still calls and checks on me ,,and she is with someone else..witch I’m ok with good people need good people and I’m sure he is..but he better not mess up..lol..I’m waiting knowing she will someday be with me..
Karin Miranda Hoogvliet
Posted at 00:39h, 25 JuneThank you very much, I really needed this!!!
Brenda Lynn Legault
Posted at 20:49h, 24 JuneIn a long distance relationship for year now. This man is in the military.. s I am struggling to know how sincere he is with me… he insists to telling me he loves me forever and will come home to me. He is on deployment right now but will soon come home. He does want a future with me but I am uncertain as I have heard he’s coming for several months now..