30 Jul A Passionate Heart | Sirena Moon | New Moon in Leo Tarot Reading | 8/4
Are you ready to let your heart lead the way?
Sirena Moon is here with an energy read for the New Moon in Leo, and she says a spark of passion could stir some big changes in your life.
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P.S. What are you feeling passionate about? Leave a comment below to let Sirena know!
Hello, Cosmic Updates family, Sirena Moon here. And this week I am talking about the beautiful New Moon that is happening in the sign of Leo on August 4 and what this might mean for you. And I’m also going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit about this Leo New Moon time. So on August 4, we have a New Moon in the sign of Leo. And Leo energy is all about passion and the heart and confidence and taking center stage. So this Leo New Moon might give you a boost of confidence that you need to perhaps say something to someone or to put yourself out there in a bigger way, to let yourself shine in a bigger way, or to honor your heart and your heart’s desires and your passions in a bigger way.
So it’s a beautiful New Moon and as always, all New Moons are a great time to make a fresh start or a fresh new intention for something that you would like to see change in your life. Okay. With that being said, now I’m going to do group tarot reading with any messages from spirit about this New Moon time. Spirit, what messages would you have for us about this New Moon in Leo time? What messages would you have for all of us for our highest good?
Okay, so the King of Wands. So there could be this feeling inside that you really want things to move forward. There’s this feeling of passion, of energy. This is a very Leo like card. So wanting to really step into your confidence, wanting to make big sweeping changes in some way and really shift the energy and to get outside, to get connected with other people and to really, really share your gifts in the world in a big way. There’s this feeling of passion or some desire that you have that you really feel passionate about. You want to just go for this thing, this incredibly important thing in your heart and the focus. So the five of wands in reverse. So you’re just done with the struggle. You’re done with the stress. Some of you are dealing with a lot of chaotic people around you or in an environment you’re in that causes you a lot of anxiety that’s maybe, like, got a lot going on.
And there’s this feeling of wanting to cut through everything with your staff and not deal with all the energy that seems to block you every time you try and move forward with this, but rather just to cut the noise and to embrace that focus that’s really in your heart for what you really want. Okay. So there’s this need to really ignore the people around you that are kind of making you feel chaotic and really pay attention to your own heart and your own focus, your own power of focus. Okay. And then what to let go of? This is the Ace of Pentacles. So it’s time to let go of a feeling that possibly being worried for some of you about the practicality of this passion in your heart, some of you might not see any evidence of this yet. You know, if this is a relationship you’re wanting, it might be feeling like, oh, it’s just, I can’t seem to get this to stick. I can’t seem to get this to be secure or if it’s a change in your career you’re wanting. Maybe it’s a fear that this isn’t a secure path, but it’s really important to let go of those worries about the security of this too.
So just put that aside for a minute and then what to embrace? Wow. The Queen of Pentacles. So wow. So letting go of the Ace of Pentacles, which is the first card in the pentacles, and embracing the fullness of the pentacles. So it’s really interesting. So embrace where this can go. So don’t look at the fact that right now, this is just a seed that you’re planting. This is just a tiny dream in your heart where you really see no evidence of it, of this passion in your heart. And embrace that it is going to be abundant. The Queen of Pentacles is like the most abundant card in the tarot. Things are blossoming and blooming all around the queen of pentacles, she’s relaxing in her tarot because so much is just already blossoming around her. Based on those initial seeds that she planted, everything is in bloom now.
Okay, so this dream in your heart, this dream for some kind of secure romance, secure love or new job, new way to fulfill some kind of calling in your heart or passion that you have. Okay, right now, yes, it is just in the beginning phases, but don’t let that scare you that it’s not as far along as you think it is. Keep embracing that this will be a success. The more energy you put into it, and time, it’s all about timing. When things bloom and just. I’m feeling like I’m seeing a garden where a garden, certain things. Your life is like a garden, and certain things bloom at certain times. Not everything is in season all at once. So it’s this feeling of if this thing that you’ve been trying to put your energy into, if other people, other circumstances are getting in the way of it all the time kind of bringing you down or making you feel scattered. Okay? It’s important to remember that different things bloom at different times, okay?
So allow this thing to bloom at its right time. And don’t freak out if it hasn’t bloomed yet. Okay? It’s all underneath the ground. Okay? And it’s all going to sprout when you’re ready, when the timing is ready, okay? And you’re ready. And you are ready. So just. Just be in alignment with where this is going. Okay? It’s going to be a success for you. The Queen of Pentacles is all about success, okay? And nourishing yourself and nourishing your heart and your dreams. Okay? And then a surprise twist in this or surprise element. Oh, wow. The Wheel of Fortune. Wheel of Fortune is all about surprise, luck, that which we least expect and feeling like, whoa, catch a lucky break. And it’s also about the ending of a chapter or cycle and the beginning of a more fortuitous cycle or chapter. Either way, it’s a card of luck. So something here for those of you who are watching, and something here about this fiery Leo moon, and this is big King of Wands fire sign.
Something here is saying, follow your passion, follow your heart. Put yourself out there confidently with whatever you’re going through at this time. And something lucky can potentially come of this and by surprise to something you maybe weren’t expecting at a time you’re not expecting it. So allow this shift to occur. This could even just be your own mindset, some beautiful idea that comes to you, but it creates this whole new path. Okay? That is very fortunate. Okay? So it’s a card of luck. So something lucky could come of this. Okay? And then the final card, the outcome – celebration. Yeah. The Three of Cups. So celebration, connectivity with other people, coming together with other people. There’s something. This is like, really good teamwork somehow, or like meeting the right people or feeling like you’re celebrating something and a gathering here with other people. These are great cards.
So something to celebrate here this week. Okay? And if you get a chance to connect with other people, see other people, it’s very positive. That could have some kind of message involved for you in terms of this. This passion that’s in your heart. And this could be for love or something that you want to create in the world, some kind of change you want to see happen. Okay? Something lucky could come in it, and it could come through the people in your life that you love, these people that uplift you.
So there’s this need to really be mindful of the people in your life that are creating a lot of chaos, bring you down, and to really step away from them, step away from that energy. Just try and. Just try and diffuse that situation by removing yourself from it and step toward the people that really see you and uplift your spirit. Okay? Put energy into these people. Okay. Because that’s gonna help cultivate this thing that is trying to express through you, especially at this New Moon time. Okay? That’s gonna be a big success. Going to be very fruitful and in time, but you have to allow yourself to really align with it. Okay. With this passionately New Moon, it’s a good time to allow yourself to get in touch with this thing that you do feel passionate about, this. This. This desire in your heart. Okay.
And then I’m just gonna do a tarot affirmation card for all of us about this. Leo, New Moon. I’m feeling this one. What is this? The Knight of Swords. So I move confidently forward to claim new good. So, yeah, forward movement. Confidence. The Leo, all about confidence. I love it. So, Leo, New Moon, and the King of Wands. Moving confidently forward. I move confidently forward to claim new good. Change the new and confidence. You could do it. Move confidently forward. And this is just a general reading for the group, but if you want to dive deeper into the situation you’re dealing with, this dream, this desire in your heart or anything that’s on your mind, you can get an individual reading with me. Just click the link below. Okay, darlings. And until we meet again, I am sending you all of my love and so many blessings. Bye.
Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
Posted at 05:32h, 01 AugustThank you Serena
Patrick G
Posted at 17:29h, 31 JulyI don’t believe this impromptu reading Sirena just gave me. It came out of the blue, penetrating, insightful, and truly extraordinary, hitting the bull’s eye.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 19:37h, 31 JulyThank you Patrick!! Love to you!!
Tiffany Robinson
Posted at 17:22h, 31 JulyTy. I can feel the energy and the advice or message I’m getting from this makes sense. Ty again
Posted at 15:51h, 31 JulyIf you are considering a reading from Sirena, please, just get one! I was a bit disappointed that the reading wasn’t a one-on-one type at first, but what I got back for my Deep Dive was literally a miracle….. although I think I got the Powerball of readings with the cards that came up. Sirena was so excited about what the cards were showing me for my fate. And her guidance is just phenomenal. She was so able to tap into my energy from just my few sentences I can’t imagine the power of a one-on-one-session. She gave amazing insight on how to proceed with my life going forward. I am so grateful for the Universe putting Sirena in my path and I think you will be too if you get a reading from her!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 19:38h, 31 JulyAwww, Jerry, thank you so very much!!! What wonderful words to read, thank you, Jerry!!! Love and blessings to you!! <3 Sirena
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 13:53h, 31 JulyThanks sirena,
Have a nice day ( wensday).
Constance Connell
Posted at 12:54h, 31 JulyThank you so much for this reading! It was what I needed to know at this exact time in my life. I will put my fears aside and move now the with more confidence into the relationship that has just started with a wonderful man, that I have waited all my long life for. Peace and Love be with us all. Constance
Sirena Moon
Posted at 19:39h, 31 JulyLove to you Constance!!! <3
Posted at 08:04h, 31 Julytell me about love
Robert collins
Posted at 09:46h, 31 JulyI now this person or new to me.school day other
Eyerus Demelash
Posted at 07:56h, 31 JulyI Hope So You Talkin About come True