A Purposeful Path | Jonathan Lionheart | August 2024 Monthly Forecast Reading

Have you been searching for a more fulfilling life path?

Jonathan Lionheart is here with your Monthly Tarot Forecast, and he says this month may bring a deeper sense of purpose.

Just pick the object that resonates with you to hear his message for August.


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P.S. Are you ready to find more fulfillment? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!


Hey there friends. Welcome to your monthly forecast reading. This is a pivotal month in terms of gaining new levels of fulfillment. Whether that’s fulfillment in your relationships or love, life or career and purpose, or even in your own self knowledge and wisdom, there seems to be a pretty powerful transformation process that’s happening in the month ahead. I’m excited for you to check out the reading. Can grab a private reading with me down below and get more information on what I’m up to there as well. Take good care wherever you happen to be right now. Give yourself a moment to take a few deep breaths. Let your awareness drop down into the sensations of your body, maybe noticing how the earth supports you and then placing your attention in your heart space. 

You might bring some attention to something in your life that makes you smile, makes you joyful. And then if there’s an issue up in your life or a question you’d like to ask, bringing into awareness, and then let it go. Alright, call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, the south, the east and the west. Please be with us now. Call out to mother, father, God, the deep ones, the rooted ones. Please help bring forward a clear message and the energy that’s most needed for today. Okay, so you’ll use your own intuition, your own sense to choose one of these cards up above, which will then lead you to your reading for the month of August. Give yourself a moment to feel into each of the different cards. Just notice if one of them is calling out to you. 

And then once you’ve made your decision, you can skip to that reading if you like. We will begin with our first card here, covered by the triangle. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that chose this first card. Those of you that will choose this first cardinal. All right. First card is the situation card. Overall situation. What you’re learning in the month of August 2 card will be the obstacle, which is the reciprocal force pushing up against that learning process that you’re going through. And the third card will be the outcome card, giving us sort of a general sense of how things are going to resolve, how they’re going to come to conclusion, and maybe a bit of information about what’s to come next after that. 

So excuse me while I turn my stuff on to do not disturb. All right, so let’s take a look at your situation card for the month of August. Situation card is our lovely Page of Cups. This character can be a bit of a surprise, a bit of like a trickster, very playful, very interesting. This, as an overall theme for the month of August could mean that you might have some big surprises coming your way. There should. There could be some twists and some turns. Mostly for the positive. I would think we can pull maybe an extra card to get a bit more sense of that. But the Page of Cups is very playful. You can see he’s got a fish in his cup. He’s got sort of a silly, coy smile. He’s even standing on some of his clothing there. 

So he’s got a little bit of silliness to him. So this could be a month where there’s a lot of play, lot of engagement with creative activities. Feeling a bit silly and light hearted in certain ways. It’s probably a sign, too, that something unexpected is going to show up in your life. Whether this is a person, whether this is just a situation of some kind. If it is a person, this might be a youthful individual, somebody that brings the laughter in your life out, brings the silliness in you out. Let’s take a look at what our obstacle card is because it will probably give us a little bit more insight into our first card as well. So the obstacle card is the strength card. And this can sometimes mean that things feel a little bit unfair. 

They might feel like there’s something that’s in just. That’s happening. Also, when the strength card is in an obstacle like position, it can have to do with clutching too tightly to the way things are. And that is definitely going to be challenged by our lovely Page of Cups, who likes to shake things up, wants to remind you to be playful and to go with the flow, to not take things so seriously. Whereas this strength card can kind of have a disciplined orientation to it, a kind of stoicness when it’s in an obstacle position. So this is a reminder this month to loosen your grip on things a little bit. 

If there’s a plan in your mind, a way that you think that things need to go or ought to go, then soften it up a bit, because it’s probably going to get challenged this month, you might feel like some of the plans that you’ve laid are getting thrown off. There’s one other thing that comes to mind with this. The Page of Cups can also sometimes be a representation of drinkers, people that like to have alcohol and maybe use it in a not so fun way. And so the strength card is also a taming of the line, a taming of the part of us that wants to go completely wild, completely insane on things. 

So just an added piece of remembering to be gentle with yourself and to not overdo it if you find yourself maybe getting into too many party situations or feeling like you’re tempting the parts of yourself that at other times have given you trouble, this is just a reminder. A to be compassionate and b to temper yourself. Don’t go overboard. Remember to have fun, but don’t get too crazy in the situations at hand. Let’s take a look at your resolution card. So this is great. I absolutely love the stuff card. It is a sign of your deeper and higher spiritual wisdom, intuition, elements of altruism. It’s a card of really coming into balance with the wisdom parts of yourself and those beginning to inform the way that you experience life. You’ve seen the patterns, you’ve seen the way that things move. 

You might be in a place where you’re starting to feel like you’re tapped into the intelligence of life and that you can actually go with the flow of that. So some of the progression that we can see here is that something, someone, some situation might be coming into your life to tickle up your plans, to sort of make you have to change directions a little bit and reminding you to take it easy, to rest a little bit, to have some fun, which is pushing up against maybe some controlling tendencies, some of your disciplines and this type of thing. And the actual result that’s going to come from that is a deeper sense of peace, a deeper sense of unity with life, a deeper sense of being able to trust yourself, trust the flow of life, trust spirit. 

So you’re coming into a pretty lovely experience in the month of August. Let’s see what the advice card is for your month ahead. The advice is to enjoy yourself, to allow yourself to feel radiant, to maybe do some wonderful physical activities, maybe start a new exercise program to recognize the inherent abundance that is in your life already. So pointing your mind and your thoughts towards the positive and getting out there and enjoying yourself, being sensual, experiencing the smells and the sounds. This is an advice card that’s basically saying enjoy because there’s a lot to be enjoyed. Soften up the control. You can trust the movement of life. You can trust spirit in these, in the direction that it’s taking you. And you can trust your intuition too. 

This could be a month where you’re coming out the other side feeling more connected and more aligned to your guides, to your higher intelligence than maybe you’ve experienced in a long time. So for those of you that chose the first card, thank you so much for tuning in with me. It’s a pleasure to connect with you. All right, so now we will move on to our second option here, underneath our square or cube. So I’m just going to tune in with those of you that will choose the second option. Okay. First card is the situation card. Second card will be the obstacle. And the third card is our outcome card. Excuse me while I take a sip of water. So let’s take a look at our situation for the month of August. Situation card for the month of August is our Three of Pentacles. 

And the Three of Pentacles is about working together towards a greater or common goal. You can see that we’ve got somebody that’s a builder of some kind. We’ve got an individual that’s got the plans in their hand, somebody that maybe is a nobleman or an architect of some kind, and then somebody that is the spiritual element of this. And this means you’re going to be likely working together with others, trying to build something, create something. This will be a great month. If you are in collaboration, working with a team to try to create something together, it’s going to be a powerful month of creation and cooperation. On the other hand, if you’re not working in that type of situation, this can also be about in relationships. Are you and your partner building in the same direction? Are you? 

Do you have the same future in mind? And if so, this is going to be a powerful month of creating together, beginning to find even more common ground and capacity. This is also a great month to be reaching out to people that know more than you know. Sorry about that. We had a mic failure. So reaching out to people that know more than you know about a given subject, whether that’s reaching out to people regarding your career, regarding your relationship, your spiritual life, being willing to take the advice from others that maybe know more about something than you do. For those of you that are more sort of on a solo path, this really is a nudge. 

To be willing to take advice from others, to create a network, to really realize that when you have other people supporting you in your plan, you’re that much stronger. So let’s take a look at our obstacle position. It’ll give us a bit more information about the month ahead. And we have our lovely empress. And we love the empress. She is the. She just oozes abundance. She is the creative movement of life, the universe. She is sensuality and enjoyment and certain kind of deep, nourishing love. However, when she’s in the obstacle position, she can be an indication that things are a little bit unstructured or not very well planned. 

Like, life moves in sort of a chaotic natural flow, which is perfect, but when you’re moving towards trying to create something, trying to make something happen, you need a bit of the structure, a plan that sets you in the right direction. So particularly if you’re more of a creative type or if life is just a bit chaotic right now, sometimes your energy bursts or your creative pursuits take you this direction and then that direction. You’re following the ebb and flow of life, and that is a beautiful thing. But it’s being a bit challenged that this month where something’s actually wanting to be created, something’s wanting to be built upon in a bit of a structured way. 

So the challenge for this month is planning and organization and creating room to be able to take one step after another step and see your progress moving you forward. Now, the true art form of that is you don’t want to squash the creative inspiration, but you also don’t want it to take you in a zillion different directions, such that none of the actual projects get done. Let’s take a look at the outcome card for the month of August. We have our lovely judgment card, another major Arcana card. This could be a pretty powerful turning point month. For those of you that chose this second card. The judgment card asks us to reflect on some of the decisions in our life, some of the experiences that we’ve had. It’s a time of mining the processes that we’ve been through looking for the gold. 

What did I learn from this particular situation? What happened to me over this last year? What brought me to the place that I’m at right now? Now, doing so creates more space in your psyche, creates more space in your spirit. It’s like actually taking the nutrients of experience and beginning to integrate them into you. The judgment card is also a card of feeling your calling, feeling your purpose in life. There is a higher order that is knocking on your door and saying, this way. And when you do some of that mining, when you do a bit of that listening more deeply, that whisper can get louder. You can start to feel the resonance of your purpose. 

And particularly with this particular grouping here, you probably already have powerful inspiration, some passions inside of you, and being able to get some advice from outside perspectives. Talking to people that maybe have walked the path that you are aspiring to walk and getting some advice will begin to open the door to feeling more aligned with your purpose. I get the sense this is going to be a very powerful month. For those of you that chose this second option. Let’s take a look at our advice card. The openness and willingness to new ideas and new insights. This is a month to keep your mind open, particularly for those of you that sort of know your direction. Listen to your own counsel. 

It’s a time to have an open mind, to be willing to listen to the other professional or to the spiritual guide and keep an open mind. There are new insights that are coming in that can start to shift the way that you experience what’s calling you in your life. So for those of you that chose to the second card, this is your reading for the month of August. Thank you so much for tuning in with me, as always. All right, and our final card, the third choice here. This will be the reading for those of you that chose the card underneath the double helix. So I’m going to tune in with those of you that will choose this particular card. Alright? First card is the situation cardinal. 

Second card will be your obstacle and third card will be the outcome for the month of August. So let’s jump right on in. I love the Six of Cups. When we’re doing a love reading, the Six of Cups is a sign of a soulmate connection because it’s such a deep place of security, innocence, sharing, a sense of connectedness at a. Almost like a family level. A level of deep intimacy and knowing one another. So overall, this can be a card of creating sanctuary for yourself. This is going to be a month of feeling safer, feeling more connected, intimate with life. There can be a bit of reminiscing sometimes. The Six of Cups. We have experiences of connecting with people from our past, friends from our past, or reminiscing on different parts of our childhood. 

But I tend to see it as having a very positive outlook. It’s this place of sanctuary. It’s a place of closeness. This could be a month where you meet somebody that is a soulmate and a soulmate that is a friend that’s going to be a friend regardless if you spend lots of time with them or not. It’s like two people recognizing one another and being like, I’ve known you forever. This can be a friendship. This can be a love, a romantic type of situation. This can also be a sign of a deeper intimacy with your own inner child. One way or another, it’s bound to bring about a certain kind of healing. Now we’re going to get a chance to look at our obstacle card and sometimes childhood situations or even soul mates can bring some challenges up for us. 

And wow, who would have thought? So the Three of Swords is showing up as our obstacle. Which means that whatever the situation is, it’s going to be challenging some old heartbreak in you. It’s. It. This could mean that you’re reminiscing on an old love, and it’s bringing up some of the protection and the guarding around your heart. It could mean that you’re meeting somebody new, a new love, and that’s challenging you to open your heart. And that can’t fully happen until you’ve digested and processed some of this heartbreak. So what? The other possibility is also that you’re just tuning in with some of your own injuries from when you were younger, and they’re coming to the surface and wanting to be processed. 

Now, when the Three of Swords is showing up in an obstacle position, it means that we’ve got some resistance to feeling whatever this is. It was too painful when it happened, or it’s lingered, but you don’t quite know how to be with it. And that’s where either bringing in somebody that knows how to hold healthy space for you so that you can begin to unlock this, or just really allowing the protection to be there, but still feeling the feelings that are showing up. So creating a secure place, creating a place of feeling safe and beginning to work through some of this stuff, journaling is a great way to do this. What are the feelings that show up when they do show up? What are the thoughts that show up when they do show up? 

How are the ways that you distract yourself from feeling this stuff? Because the fact that these are showing up is not a coincidence. It means that something is ready to begin to transmute or let go or move on. And in some cases, it may mean that you are on your way to a new friendship or a new romance. And this guarding wants to be let go of so you can really meet this person in a deep and true way. Let’s take a look at your obstacle card for the month of August or not. Your obstacle card. Your outcome card. Boy, what a healthy outcome card. This is such a great sign that the wheel of Fortune is showing up after these two cards. 

Because the wheel of Fortune is about a turning of the karma, a change in some of the fundamental patterns of your life. It means that something beneath the surface is finally shifting. And that means that there’s fresh energy coming in, fresh outlook, fresh circumstances. This is also considered like a big blessing card, a card that says, like, you’re about to get some really lovely things coming into your life. So this is extremely positive, but it really paints the picture of whatever it is. That’s coming up. That’s coming up. In regards to previous loves, previous relationships, or even some childhood pieces, if you allow yourself to really process it, which means sitting with it, which means talking about it in a. 

In a good way with somebody that’s trustworthy, whether that’s friends or family or professionals, so that you can actually process it and let it go. Whatever this big chunk of heartache or karma is. As it starts to dissipate this month, you are heading into a whole new cycle. You’re heading into big blessings, big abundance, greater possibilities in your life. This is a great reading. For those of you that chose the third card, let’s look at your advice for the month of August. So this is great. This is a sign that things are moving forward. Momentum is heading in a good way. It’s saying prepare yourself because life is going to start moving in a powerful new way. You’re going to feel new energy coming into your life. 

You can see he’s got one of the staff behind him, he’s got the other two, but they’re all solidly planted now. He hasn’t embarked on one of these ships that’s in the background yet. He’s looking out over the horizon for what’s possible. The story is that he’s sent out the ships with a message or with some of his wares, and now he’s waiting for them to come back. This means that this transition, whether it’s new love or new opportunities in career or whatever it may be, is already in motion. And right now it’s time to prepare yourself. It’s time to sort of make the soil fertile by processing some of the emotional stuff by getting yourself ready. 

Because whether it’s at the end of the month or as you’re heading into the next month, things are going to start moving in a pretty powerful and beautiful way. All right, for those of you that chose the third one, thank you so much for tuning in with me. For those of you that listened all the way through everyone else, thank you so much for tuning in. As always, if it’s an honor to connect with you, I’m giving away. I do this once a month on my channel. I give away a 30 minute reading. I draw one person out of the hat. If you want to sign up for that, you can find information in the link that you see below. So thanks so much, everybody. Take good care. Bye.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

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    Eric van Kleef
    Posted at 18:54h, 25 August Reply

    Thank you for this reading. It was helpfull for me to trust the future

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    Brian Nicholas Buono
    Posted at 17:43h, 25 August Reply

    It’s very interesting and I know what I am doing and I Trust in God’s willing and let it so be it!

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    Esmie M.
    Posted at 14:33h, 25 August Reply

    Thank you! I picked 3 out also feel something great will come from this situation i am in, iam optimistic!

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    Christine Gibson
    Posted at 07:29h, 25 August Reply

    Enjoyed your reading sign me up for a free reading next time ❤️

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      Nancy Yount
      Posted at 08:31h, 25 August Reply

      Please sign me up for free reading.

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    Christina Nelson
    Posted at 01:17h, 30 July Reply

    Please enter me for your complimentary reading… thank you for your insight as always.

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    Diana Guynn
    Posted at 00:16h, 30 July Reply

    Love your readings! Please enter me into your free reading. Thanks

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    Gina Jasmund
    Posted at 22:15h, 29 July Reply

    I enjoyed your reading as usual. Please enter me and you’re free 30 minute reading.

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    Gina Jasmund
    Posted at 22:13h, 29 July Reply

    I would like to enter in your 30 minute free reading.

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    mark stephen cook
    Posted at 09:06h, 29 July Reply

    AS USUAL SPOT ON >> I instantly when for the First Card. I am ready for the Star Outcome and the accompanying Advise.

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    Annette Greta Gonzales
    Posted at 05:07h, 29 July Reply

    Thank you for a great reading, card 3 really resignated with me. Please put me in for a free reading. Many blessings to you.

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    Kate Stamps
    Posted at 04:46h, 29 July Reply

    Card 3 chose me, literally could not have been more poinient !!! As always sage advice, I will be following, thank you for your amazing insights ❤️ I’d love a free reading please, had SO much going on last couple years and worked so hard on myself, it’s all falling into place slowly.. I’ve had to put huge faith in the universe, trust my intuition and go through a lot to get here

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    Posted at 04:35h, 29 July Reply

    Thank you for this reading it really resonated with me. Sign me up for 30 min. free reading. Have a lovely day🙂

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    Posted at 03:11h, 29 July Reply

    great reading right where i am an gd outcome is wot i needed . Thank u an put me in for 30 minute reading

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    Marie Fraser
    Posted at 02:07h, 29 July Reply

    Thank you . I picked number 3. . Great reading
    Please put me in for free reading
    Enjoy your day x

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      Yetunde Alaafin
      Posted at 04:55h, 29 July Reply

      Thanks so much Jonathan, I really appreciate your reading and the 3rd card resonate with me, please put me in for 30 minutes reading.

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    Alicia Ann Barbour
    Posted at 20:52h, 28 July Reply

    You are so accurate it amazes me. I listen to all three, they felt like they all clicked in. Thank you

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    Jeanne Brereton
    Posted at 18:01h, 28 July Reply

    I would like to get a free 30 minute reading

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      Ashley Jeffries
      Posted at 23:44h, 28 July Reply

      Oh please I could use a free reading. Things are rough. I do not see the link?
      You guys are all doing a great thing here for people, I always look forward to emails from you and the other readers!

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    Janis Milford
    Posted at 17:59h, 28 July Reply

    I chose card three, hopefully it means the problems in my lovelife are moving away.

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      Amelia M Hernandez
      Posted at 12:23h, 28 August Reply

      Agreeing to that one, problems MOVE AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Trish W
    Posted at 17:14h, 28 July Reply

    Thank you Johnathon, always love your readings. I. Chose number 3, wow this reading resonated completely with me. I would appreciate a reading from you. I need to find my purpose in this life and believe you can show me the way. Please place me in your free reading, would mean the world to me. 🤗

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    Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 13:03h, 28 July Reply

    Thanks Jonathan,

    Enjoy your day ( Sunday ).


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    Julie Swanson
    Posted at 12:29h, 28 July Reply

    Marvelous, as always, and so hopeful. Love your readings—you—

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    Bernadin. Custodio
    Posted at 11:40h, 28 July Reply

    # for this. Interesting,,Lovely. &. Helpful reading now..,**””. I. THANK. YOU very much..more. Power. &. GOD. BLESS…&. also. ,,**””. #. ¥€$,, I. Strongly. CLAIM it. &. I am. Ready to. RECEIVE. it ….

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    Bernadin. Custodio
    Posted at 11:37h, 28 July Reply

    # for this very. Interesting,,Intriguing,,Helpful &. lovely reading now…**”. I. THANK. YOU so much..More. Power. ,,&. GOD. BLESS….&. also. #. ¥€$,, I. Strongly CLAIM it. &. I am. Ready to. RECEIVE it…

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    Heather Henry
    Posted at 11:23h, 28 July Reply

    I chose the 3rd, and I was hoping for a reconnection with my husband . I have been hoping for a long , long time for this to happen .
    I don’t want to keep living my life this way missing him . I wish he would communicate with me
    and show me that he feels the same way .


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    Laurie Howard
    Posted at 10:46h, 28 July Reply

    Thank you Jonathan for the amazing reading today !. I chose card three and am over the moon about the positivity I felt with your intuitive reading of it’s meaning. I’ve been in such a good place as of late and the reading you gave was affirmation of this. Thank you so very much!🙏❤️

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    Karen dorrian
    Posted at 10:13h, 28 July Reply

    I chose card 3. Just wow. It resonated so deeply. Please enter me for a free reading. Thank you

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    Posted at 07:48h, 28 July Reply

    Thank you for your weekly forecast it really helps a lot to see what is going on in my life

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    Elizabeth Sheleski
    Posted at 07:35h, 28 July Reply

    Wow thank u ❤️❤️❤️

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    Mary K SALA
    Posted at 07:34h, 28 July Reply

    This was an amazing reading. I must say that you are my favorite of all the readers on here. Your calming voice and tender perspective just makes me feel hopeful and less anxious. I look forward to this every month. Thank you

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    Aruña Chong Quiroga
    Posted at 07:23h, 28 July Reply

    Thank you Jonathan. Please kindly place me in your free reading draw.

    Many blessings,

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    Lynn Shingler
    Posted at 07:09h, 28 July Reply

    I chose option 3 and it really does resonate with me, please would you put me in your free reading draw, thank you for doing these readings Jonathan I really do appreciate you love and blessings. Lynn ❤️🙏❤️

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    Posted at 06:40h, 28 July Reply

    Ty very nice made me feel better

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    Michelle Fairbairn
    Posted at 06:24h, 28 July Reply

    Thank you I chose card 3. I loved the reading and it is whereabouts I am. Great to know my life will finally move forward.

    Kindly place me in your free reading draw

    with blessings from the divine

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      Posted at 20:44h, 28 July Reply

      I enjoyed your reading I chose card 3 please put me on your free reading.God bless you!

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