A Spiritual Breakthrough | Full Moon In Pisces Horoscope

Dear Friends,

Have you felt stuck in a certain area of your life for a while?

Well, get ready to breathe a deep sigh of relief.

The upcoming Full Moon in Pisces is set to be a magical time when you can finally break through your karma and put a difficult period of your life behind you.

It will be a spiritually charged and inspiring Full Moon, bringing you greater freedom, purpose, and the power to step away from negative, limiting circumstances.

Have the last couple of years been particularly rough for you?

If so, you’re not alone.

We entered a difficult period astrologically back in mid 2020.

Collectively, it manifested as two years of restrictions, lock-downs, isolation and sickness.

But on a personal level, there may have been new challenges you faced that made your life even harder.

Thankfully, things have reached a critical mass, and with the arrival of the Full Moon in Pisces, this chapter is finally coming to a close.

There are a lot of reasons to celebrate this Full Moon.

So get cozy, and let’s explore the blessings on your horizon.

A New Direction

Have you ever had a quiet moment and noticed the wise whisper of your intuition?

On September 10th, the Full Moon in Pisces will put you directly in touch with your higher knowledge, and you may feel divinely guided toward a new direction.

Your dreams may be heightened and your sense of connection to the Universe could feel richer, more meaningful and vibrant.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac and has a reputation for being the most spiritual of all the signs.

This is because it embodies the wisdom of the previous eleven Zodiac signs.

Pisces is all about transcendence, so with the Full Moon in Pisces, you could find yourself completing a major phase of your life.

Thanks to a positive aspect to Uranus, planet of truth, change, and liberation, whatever comes to an end for you this Full Moon will feel like a breath of fresh air.

Suddenly your life could start to feel more open, free, and spacious.

And the burden of whatever you’ve been dealing with over the last two years could suddenly vanish, allowing you to move freely in the direction of your dreams.

This shift could occur through an insight that appears out of nowhere, or by some kind of event that changes your life for the better.

If you’ve been dealing with depression, lack of energy, or a feeling of disillusionment with the world, this Full Moon could breathe new life into the deepest parts of your soul.

You might suddenly see yourself through brand new eyes, without the pain of the past.

As you do, you could start to tap into the true beauty of the world around you and the blessings in your life.

Don’t be surprised if your eyes tear up with gratitude.

This Full Moon could truly be that beautiful.

But while your life could seriously change for the better over the next week or so, when it comes to romance and finances, there may be some issues that still need to be worked out.

Look Before You Leap

During the Full Moon, Venus and Jupiter will be at odds, but since these two planets have a positive influence on each other, you may experience their energy as “too much of a good thing.”

Be mindful that you don’t overextend yourself based on a feeling of happiness and ease in the moment.

This applies to both your love life and finances.

You might feel tempted to splurge and buy yourself something you know is out of your budget, thinking that you’ll figure it out how to pay for it later.

Or you could express affection to someone, simply because you feel good…

But the risk here is that your feelings could change, or you might not be taking the harder parts of your connection into consideration.

You might make promises to other people that you feel fully capable of following through on, only to find out later that you don’t have as much time or energy as you thought you did.

You’ll likely feel on top of the world.

Especially if you’ve recently come out of a difficult circumstance, or are finally enjoying the healing your soul has needed.

Just keep in mind that with every high there also comes a low, and it may be best to wait for your excitement to settle before making big declarations of love and commitment, or buying something shiny and new.

The spiritual purpose of Venus and Jupiter’s influence during the Full Moon is to not bite off more than you can chew.

You have a perfect opportunity to set more realistic limits for yourself during this influence.

Ultimately, this Full Moon can help you discover how to pursue personal growth, expansion, and joy within the right boundaries that don’t leave you depleted or stressed out.

Karmic Endings

You’ll likely have many reasons to smile over the coming days.

You could enter a brand new phase of your life and release emotional or situational baggage that has been with you for some time.

One way or another, this Full Moon marks a time of karmic endings, and all signs indicate that it will be a very positive experience.

This Full Moon is a time to shed your skin and connect with the Universe on a deeper level.

Listen to your intuition, and trust in the visions you have for your future.

Sometimes we have to endure difficult situations in life, and when we’re in the middle of hard times, it can feel like things will never change.

But nothing lasts forever… even the bad times.

So welcome this fresh wave of energy with open arms and step boldly in the direction of your dreams.

Happy Full Moon!

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. Is there a certain karma in your life that you’re ready to be done with? What do you feel most grateful for right now? Let me know in the comments below! I look forward to hearing from you.

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Rebecca Hohorst
    Posted at 00:49h, 11 September Reply

    Dear Luna,

    I’ve had a lot of things happen to me. I’ve been wondering when my Karma was going to end. Thank God it is. My blue crystal ball has been showing me things just by staring into it. I’m still confused about my ancestral background and who or whom I am supposed to become.

  • Rita Piedade Sa
    Posted at 18:41h, 09 September Reply

    Thank you so much Dear Luna yes know I feel better more happy thank you God I just hope it will be for ever and ever Dear Luna for me is look like Magic but the same time am fear if the sadness came back again my God bless me for ever with this beautiful feeling of happiness .Dear Luna in my experience our mind is the powerful if we have positive energy we are happy is how our mind works thank you again Dear Luna all the best

  • Georgina
    Posted at 22:18h, 08 September Reply

    Thnx a lot I dnt even live my life without ure reading

  • Evelyn malanda
    Posted at 08:50h, 08 September Reply

    Hi Luna , this reading is awesome , I was waiting for this news for ages , I had suffered more than you can imagine in the name of clearing past lives karmic relationships , debts and so on the things I had no idea about it and it my life mission to finish it in this life time , now it will come to an end this news make delighted because this fantastic news I had ever received in a long time thanks Luna you are the best my dear friend .

  • paul robert clark
    Posted at 06:33h, 08 September Reply

    The sail boat on the water heading into the full moon is my kind of picture. I wish it was realistically possible. If it was I`d be on that boat It`s not, so I`ll have to be content with my
    dreams. Dreams which have become very present and almost real this year. I am so tired of the lies and crap being pushed onto the world population that it makes me want to
    fight against the evil you know whats doing the bull crap. I`d rather be on that boat.

    Thank you for your note

  • Kamille
    Posted at 06:19h, 08 September Reply

    And I just want my kids to have a better life than I did

  • Angela Webb
    Posted at 03:50h, 08 September Reply

    Thank you,,please forgive me I’ve been grieving an not doing very well my mom passed July 11th. She was my world . I apologize. I’m so ready for a financial blessing , I’m grateful that I was honored to take care of my mom.

  • fatima
    Posted at 03:00h, 08 September Reply

    Am over excited, I really enjoy your reading its enlighten me a lot.

    thank you so mucsh you are amazing.

  • Ebenezer Nyame
    Posted at 02:21h, 08 September Reply

    I feel grateful for this inspirational words. I wish to know more of this concerning my life and future

  • Jody Honeyman
    Posted at 00:55h, 08 September Reply

    I am transforming … what a journey I am on.

  • Gaby Grazyna Latala
    Posted at 00:54h, 08 September Reply

    Außer Entschuldige und Danke für Alles
    kann ich nicht meht sageh.

    Die 3 Jahren waren sehr intensiv und unsicher für mich

    lassen wir uns überraschen, was auf mich zukommt

  • Charmaine
    Posted at 00:07h, 08 September Reply

    thankyou for your words of inspiration, though everyone else seems to know my life purpose except the one person whom should, That is I.

  • Kimberlee
    Posted at 23:44h, 07 September Reply

    I feel grateful for the journey that I am on that I finally get to BE ON! It’s taken me a long time to get here but I am finally putting myself first and it feels good.

  • Kimberly
    Posted at 23:08h, 07 September Reply

    I feel most great full that I feel in tune with everything in the universe and I am becoming one with the universe once again an it makes me feel like I’m where I should be and not somewhere floating about. I prefer the spirit world . Energy just being positive for everything to thrive gow change and learn….

  • Nicole Foster
    Posted at 22:57h, 07 September Reply

    I am most grateful for everything these last 2 years have been rough and yet I’m still here I’m grateful for all

  • Linda
    Posted at 22:54h, 07 September Reply

    I am grateful for that special person in my life, who I am blessed to share my life with. I am grateful for the mistakes that have shown me lessons. I am grateful for my children n grandchildren and my parents..

  • Festus Eduful
    Posted at 21:48h, 07 September Reply

    Very insightful and powerful, thanks for this direction I’ve noted all what is about to happen and be ready for this life changing for me.

    Thanks much

  • Charlotte GuinzyDancy
    Posted at 21:46h, 07 September Reply

    I have been buried in bills for years now I really could use a little extra but nothing is better now it’s worse My to soon to be husband is in Canada I just want him home soon now my back doctor tells me I might need surgery again If you fix anything take your pick

  • Mary Louise Passmore
    Posted at 21:41h, 07 September Reply

    I really could use an answer, if I might ask? Can you tell me if I will win Publishing Clearing House soon? I have so many debts that I need to pay off. I have worked so hard for this. Mary

  • Dinia Chassion
    Posted at 21:33h, 07 September Reply

    Thanks for the spiritual guidance, I needed to hear this, I’m very grateful for my health, and my job, and thankful., and very grateful for getting up every day, Hallelujah thankyou my father, it’s all because of him. In Jesus name 🙏 Amen.

  • Hermina
    Posted at 21:26h, 07 September Reply

    I am going through a divorce. I have been married to a wizard whom I know that he is continuing to practice sorcery for this process to work in his favor. Unfortunately for him it’s not about what he wants, but what is just and fair. This marriage has been emotionally draining me, and since I have initiated the process, I feel lighter than a feather. God rules over everything in the world. Your messages Angel Adams are an inspiration to my being.

  • Ani
    Posted at 21:17h, 07 September Reply

    Tèw ì can róll ít All over my body

  • April Harris
    Posted at 21:09h, 07 September Reply

    I have a toxic relationship that needs to either come together and fix it or call it and let bygones be bygones. And I feel that things would move forward after that but one or the other has to take place.

  • Earl Puhihale Kaauwai
    Posted at 21:05h, 07 September Reply

    I am totally inspired with knowledge you have about alignment with the moon and planets and how it effectively coarse our emotions and feelings. You’re truly inspirational and always uplifting. Looking forward to more predictions from you soon.
    Sincerely a friend ,
    Earl Kaauwai
    D.O.B. 11/15/1962

  • Debra
    Posted at 20:52h, 07 September Reply

    Thank you so much I enjoy reading hour words of inspiration 🌹

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