An Emotional Breakthrough | Full Moon In Cancer Horoscope

Hi Friends,

Have your emotions been more intense lately?

Right now, the Moon is growing bigger and brighter with each passing day and your feelings might be getting stronger too.

Desires around intimacy, safety and belonging may be on your mind more than usual…

That’s because on January 6th, the Full Moon in Cancer will illuminate your inner world, helping you get in touch with emotional needs you may not have realized you had.

But you won’t want to keep your insights to yourself…

Chances are you’ll be in the mood to talk.

Conversations will flow effortlessly this Full Moon, helping you express your feelings and harmonize with the needs and feelings of those close to you.

Several planets will be supporting the Full Moon in Cancer, creating a positive, productive influence that will help you sort out confusion and see things from a fresh perspective.

You might even have a much needed breakthrough!

There’s a lot of clarity to be gained over the coming days, so let’s take a look at the opportunities the Full Moon is bringing into your life.

You’re Getting Clearer

Have you been feeling misunderstood lately?

On December 29th, Mercury went retrograde in Earth sign Capricorn, causing an uptick in miscommunication, last minute plan changes, and technological mishaps.

While Mercury Retrograde can be disorienting, it brings a valuable opportunity to seize missed opportunities and solve problems before they snowball out of control.

During the Full Moon on January 6th, Mercury will be perfectly aligned with the Sun and Moon, helping to bring information to light that has been hidden or delayed.

It’s possible that a lie or false belief will be revealed.

Or you may discover that an honest miscommunication has been distorting your understanding of a situation.

The combined energy of Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon will give you a chance to resolve misunderstandings and change your mind before the option to shift gears disappears.

Your needs and priorities will become crystal clear and you can expect to have more emotional clarity.

Just remember to listen to your instincts…

They will be sharper than usual during this Full Moon.

To aid in bringing hidden information to light, Neptune will be sending a supportive beam of energy to both the Sun and the Moon.

This will help you see through any fantasies or illusions you’ve been under the spell of.

You might not realize that you’ve been missing a vital piece of information until the Full Moon in Cancer sheds light on it.

And any new revelations you have will likely happen through a conversation with someone…

Let’s Talk About It

Don’t be surprised if you start feeling more talkative over the next few days.

The upcoming Full Moon falls in the second Decan of Cancer, which corresponds to the Three of Cups in Tarot and is ruled by Mercury, planet of communication.

This means you’ll probably be in the mood to express your feelings and discuss important issues that are personal and a bit vulnerable.

With the Cancer Full Moon in the Decan of Mercury, you might find yourself having an intimate conversation with someone close to you.

You may learn their secrets or find out the real reason why things have been the way they are.

You might also be more in touch with your own emotions, which could help you express your needs, desires, and fears to someone you care about.

Since the Full Moon will be well supported by the other planets, it is likely that the outcome of any heart-to-heart you have will be healing, empowering, and positive.

If you’ve been struggling to make a decision or have felt confused around planning your next steps in life, pay close attention to your feelings and intuition over the next few days.

Now is not the time to put your needs on the backburner, make excuses, or close down your heart.

The Full Moon in Cancer brings the message that it’s okay to need what you need…

And if you haven’t been receiving what you require to be emotionally safe, secure, and fulfilled, the Full Moon will help you find a better way.

A Shift For The Better

If you’ve been struggling with issues around intimacy, your living environment, or your general sense of security in life, this Full Moon in Cancer could provide you with real solutions.

Asteroid Pallas will be joined with the Full Moon, helping you to make sense of your inner world and sort out your feelings logically.

If you’ve been going through a difficult feeling or experience that felt like it had no solution, you could soon discover a new path forward.

The influence of Pallas on the Full Moon will bring your heart and mind into harmony, helping you to find balance and confidence in yourself.

And a positive beam of energy from Uranus will illuminate your psyche with new inspirations that will help you see things from a better perspective.

Help may come from unexpected places…

And a sudden insight could help you find the emotional resolution you’ve needed.

So stay open to breakthroughs this Full Moon…

And remember that you are loved.

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. Is there a personal situation you’re hoping to get clarity on this Full Moon? Let me know in the comments below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Jammie Zaptin
    Posted at 03:53h, 17 January Reply

    Want to know if my boyfriend and I will be together forever and if he is being unfaithful

  • Tina Gomez
    Posted at 12:16h, 07 January Reply

    Wanted to see where is my marriage going from here feel that there is adultery happening.

  • will butler
    Posted at 06:33h, 07 January Reply

    this can’t come soon enough
    my emotions have been running wild and i’m anxious
    please PLEASE tell me God and his Angels are watching over me
    i KNOW i have friends BUT my focus is clouded by petty matters at home

  • Lena
    Posted at 18:43h, 04 January Reply

    Hi! Thank you for the reading. I can identify very much, is almost like a mirror of my situations right now and I hope I can get clearer answers soon. All the best!

  • Gian
    Posted at 16:18h, 04 January Reply

    Thank you Luna…awesome reading…right on time!
    Will keep in mind your message and guidance
    Warmest regards and all the best in 2023!

  • Evelyn malanda
    Posted at 15:50h, 04 January Reply

    Thank you Luna , this reading is awesome . Am looking forward to know the truth about someone who can go extra mile to help me, but he can’t say anything , but rarely he say he love me I should that one day every thing will be okay , he told am loved more than I should know.. sometimes he is cold towards me so am confused I need clarification.

  • Calista Lovan
    Posted at 15:26h, 04 January Reply

    I have many questions and concerns about my ex and I still want to be with him but he’s gone silent.

  • Lin
    Posted at 12:40h, 04 January Reply

    Luna: Thank you for such an inspiring and clear reading. It is soothing to my soul. My love and I are apart right now and I am working on myself not to react out of hurt, or confusion, I am affirming that we will reconnect and move to a stronger more mature level of handling these sub-conscious beliefs that are masquerading as the truth and creating confusion and hurt when we just want to love each other. My warmest appreciation and care. Bless you.
    With Love, Lin.

  • Felividad
    Posted at 12:38h, 04 January Reply

    Thank you very much for your reading, is this relationship really honestly what he is always telling to me , he even sweared several times with parents souls and also to our Lord and his life but it’s always having obstacles so he can’t travel as I’m expected. He always telling me he loves me more than himself and I hope it’s true. Happy happy new year and sending my Blessings to you the best of all

  • Miguelina Krier
    Posted at 12:23h, 04 January Reply

    Looking forward to clarification on my steps forward. Feel stuck on decisions I need to make, relationship with my ex.

  • Martha Radebe
    Posted at 12:22h, 04 January Reply

    Thanks about the reading I just hope that things could be back to they were before the end of November 2022 because right now he is giving me cold shoulder maybe is because of work load as a doctor being tired but I just pray to God that everything works out between us pls if you could predict for me what will happen between both of us about our relationship whether is going somewhere or it just stuck because of lack of communication because we love each other very much I’m trying by all means this relationship not to fall apart help me with your gifts to stay positive through this I’m looking forward to you be blessed.

  • Cherijuana Rhodes
    Posted at 11:42h, 04 January Reply

    I’m also struggling financially and need a good job. I have had interviews and have heard nothing yet…bills are piling up

  • Cherijuana Rhodes
    Posted at 11:40h, 04 January Reply

    I want to know if me and my ex will be able to talk and work things out, to get back together. I’m very confused but u still have so much love for them.

  • Jamie
    Posted at 11:38h, 04 January Reply

    I have been struggling with finding a resolution to a long standing situation with my husband. We have been going back and forth for over a year now. Looking to light being shed on truths and solutions.
    Thanks Luna

  • Luc.pottier
    Posted at 11:29h, 04 January Reply

    Kijk er enorm naar uit , duidelijke energie is meer dan welkom

  • Melissa miller
    Posted at 11:08h, 04 January Reply

    Please and thank you for your readings you give us. You are always right on target. Love and light.

    Posted at 10:42h, 04 January Reply

    Are the men on IG trying to talk to me all lying about their names and their professions?

  • Ramona
    Posted at 10:31h, 04 January Reply

    Wow.. thank you Luna for your great reading. Looking forward for positive outcome. See you on your next reading. Stay safe . Happy holidays . God bless.

  • Francis Ryan Azantia
    Posted at 10:04h, 04 January Reply

    Thanks a million

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 10:03h, 04 January Reply

    Thanks for this morning reading. 1/04/2023. Happy new year!

  • Cindie Clardy
    Posted at 09:54h, 04 January Reply

    Would like to know where my relationship is heading at this point. He left Monday l have not spoke to him.

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