Are They Toxic For You? | Weekly Tarot Reading | 12/4 – 12/10

Have you ever felt trapped in a relationship before?

Jonathan Lionheart says that this week, toxic patterns could appear between you and someone else, but you’ll have the power to break free of the cycle.

He’s here to help you find your inspiration, so you can rise above the challenges ahead, here in his Weekly Tarot Reading. Enjoy!


Click Here For A Live Reading With Jonathan


P.S. Is there an unhealthy relationship pattern showing up in your life right now? What would it take to break free? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!



Hi, this is Jonathan Lionheart with your Weekly Tarot Reading. Excited to get into it with you today.

If you’ve been experiencing a toxic relationship situation, or you’ve been feeling manipulated in some way, this reading is definitely for you. It looks like there are good things coming in. But obviously it’s one step at a time.

So you can schedule a private reading with me down below. And we always love hearing from you whichever way you choose. So let’s hop in and see what’s going on.

Wherever you are right now, give yourself a moment to take a few breaths. Allow yourself just a few seconds to relax with what is nothing to do, nowhere to go, just for a few moments.

All right, let’s take a look at what we have for today.

We call out to the Grandmothers and the Grandfathers of the North, South, East, in the West. Please be with us today. Lend us your wisdom and bring forward the right messages. Call out to Mother, Father, God, Creator, the denizens of life, the deep ones, the rooted ones, be with us today. Bring forward the right energy in the right information.

All right, let’s take a look. Your first card will be the Situation. Second card is the obstacle. And third card is the Outcome.

So the first thing I noticed right off the bat is it seems pretty clear that there’s a challenging situation that’s posing quite a bit of instability and maybe toxicity in your life right now.

Luckily, from what I see, there’s definitely the potential for breakthrough or some kind of beneficial resolution.

So let’s take a closer look at what’s going on. Your first card is the Devil card. And the Devil card represents oppression, obsession, and powerlessness. In particular, it can be an indication of fixating on material pleasure, like money, sex, and power. It can also be a sign of addiction to substances or being trapped in an unhealthy dynamic with someone. You could feel stuck in an unfulfilling relationship or situation. And even if you’re aware, you’re heading in a direction that will only cause more suffering, you might feel powerless to the momentum of your choices. Someone or something could have its hooks in you, and it’s really hard to get away.

Luckily, the Devil represents a kind of illusionary sense of powerlessness. The truth is, there’s choice here. You might have more power in the situation than you might think. But for now, you might ask yourself: “Who or what has me trapped?”

Alright, let’s take a look at your second card, the Obstacle, which is the Two of Cups. The Two of Cups represents unity, mutual respect, and attraction.

However, in the Obstacle position, the Two of Cups is a sign that a powerful and balanced bond may have become broken. The mutual respect you once had could feel toxic and maybe even repelling at this point.

This could be showing up as a business relationship, a friendship, or a romantic situation. Regardless of what it is for you, something is really out of whack.

Considering your previous card, the Devil, you might be feeling manipulated, trapped, and like there’s nothing you can do to get out of this situation. Toxic relationships, situations like this can feel really overwhelming. And if you need help, you definitely should reach out for some.

The outcome card is the Page of Wands, and this bodes really well. The Page of Wands represents fearlessness and adventure.

So on the one hand, the Page of Wands can represent a ladies man who is afraid of commitment. So it’s important to be wary of youthful heartbreakers who might be looking for a love affair.

On the other hand, the Page can represent a new burst of creativity and excitement. Something in you is waiting to break out into inspiration and move your life along. This is a card of courage and creative action. So take advantage of this new energy to make some big changes.

This could be a time to try new things, and you’re going to feel confident enough to step forward on your own.

I really get the sense that there’s a readiness for new dynamics, for new things to come into your life.

Alright, let’s take a look at your Advice card. Alright, so the Fool card is a fantastic Advice card. So when the Fool card comes up in this kind of position, it’s a great sign to put your attention and get excited about what’s new and fresh in your life. The one thing to be careful with is to make sure that your house is in order so you don’t get caught unprepared.

This is a card about learning to be comfortable with the unknown. There could be some serious old, old patterns that you’ve gotten used to. And now it’s time to step into something new.

The Fool card is a reminder that anything is possible. The sky is the limit. You don’t have to stick around with things that aren’t good for you. You can make a change. The possibilities are really endless.

So let’s do a quick review of what we’ve seen today.

You could feel trapped in a situation that feels toxic, and unfair manipulation can be a big part of this situation, and watch out for addictive tendencies too.

Your second card, the Two of Cups, is really letting us know that this is some kind of relationship dynamic that might have, at one point, felt fair and balanced. And even generally isn’t showing up that way anymore.

Luckily, your final card, the Page of Wands, is a real indication that you’re going to get a burst of energy. Your courageousness to start something new is on the horizon. There’s really nothing more beautiful than seeing somebody break free of a pattern that’s been holding them back. So keep your attention on what’s new, and what’s possible.

Life wants you to have a fresh start. So why not take advantage of that. While you might be in a tricky situation, there’s a real sense this week is opening a new door for you.

So your mantra for the week is: “I’m never as trapped as I might think. If I trust the unknown, new energy will flow. I’m never as trapped as I might think. And if I trust the unknown, new energy will flow.”

It’s so great to spend time with you this week. Always a pleasure. I’m looking forward to our next connection. Don’t forget to say hi, let me know how you’re doing.

All right. Take care until next week.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

  • gowebdevhero
    Posted at 22:02h, 15 December Reply

    Thank you!

  • Lucina Vieira
    Posted at 08:27h, 08 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan so much for your advise and for my reading for this week.🙏

  • Leonida Gamboa
    Posted at 23:07h, 07 December Reply

    Your reading -everything you said resonates with my current situation. I feel trapped ,. imprisoned in my own cell of my own creation You are right. I feel manipulated and I am feeling rotten inside, I want to cry. I promised him something and I want to fulfill that promise before I can completely free myself from this pit of my own making. I am determined to do it and I already have a plan. I have my own dream that I want fulfilled,. achieved and that I am determined to pursue. I vaccilated in the past, as I felt that I still love him. But lately for the past week, I am completely out of it. I cannot feel him that same feeling anymore. I used to cry because of my love for him. Now I cry because I cannot feel him in my heart anymore. That feeling and thought of being manipulaed, of being betrayed really killed eveything that I have inside for him.

  • Karen Meeks
    Posted at 22:43h, 07 December Reply

    Thanks for your reading. I finally left not one but 2 toxic relationships with Scorpio men. I’m on my own now which at times feel lonely but then there was nothing positive going onI will be ok

  • Sandra
    Posted at 10:13h, 07 December Reply

    Beautiful and insightful reading! Thank you so much always resonates with my current situation. Love, Light & Blessings always!!! 💖

  • Monique
    Posted at 23:15h, 06 December Reply

    Hey Jonathan,
    This is so Postive just what I needed to know . So on point!
    I’m working on everything it’s just the timing .
    This relationship is toxic I want out .
    So grateful to you I cannot wait til next weeks reading.
    Thank you

    • Lindiwe
      Posted at 11:35h, 07 December Reply

      Hi Jonathan can I have a private reading

  • Suzanne
    Posted at 11:25h, 06 December Reply

    Thank you for your insight. I pray for a peaceful resolution.

  • Marita Roth
    Posted at 14:02h, 05 December Reply

    Thank you so much for this reading! I just broke up with a person who I regarded as a good friend. She did not keep the promise which was very vital for me. I am moving on in my life <3!

  • Darázs Mária
    Posted at 13:29h, 05 December Reply

    Szia Jonathan! Nagyon érdekesnek láttam amit írtál. Kíváncsi vagyok a jelenlegi állapotom szerint mit látsz. Kérlek küld el nekem. Köszönöm

  • Niecy
    Posted at 13:19h, 05 December Reply

    Hi there!

  • Deborah ♡
    Posted at 12:46h, 05 December Reply

    Your accuracy is amazing thank you

  • Samantha Lewis
    Posted at 10:16h, 05 December Reply

    Jonathan, where have you been all my life? This reading has me upside down and triggered with emotions I am finding difficultly explaining. Fear of the unknown has me anxious to face it with my guns blazing and that standing ovation. My inner child is bursting at the seem because although I’m quiet at first I feel my cocoon transforming to reveal my inner beauty for all to see! Bring it…jk jk I’m pretty fragile atm and crying just let’s me water the soil beneath me to grow. Toxicity in my relationship with my man needs a a recipe for healing, understanding, humility and courage. I’m looking forward to new awakenings like a breath of fresh air. Welalin (thank you) -Samantha (10.30.82)

  • Sally Roche
    Posted at 09:38h, 05 December Reply

    This particular reading has been spot on. I thank you and always look forward to the weekly readings you provide.

  • Peggy Morante
    Posted at 09:36h, 05 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan! Lot of blessing for you!!

  • Peggy Morante
    Posted at 09:36h, 05 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan!!! Lot of blessings!

  • gillian
    Posted at 08:23h, 05 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan You were so spot on today really frighteningly so. Know what i should do but lack the courage for a clean break but taking a slower route to get this man out of my life God bless you

  • Yvonne W Hill
    Posted at 07:44h, 05 December Reply

    Thank you, Jonathan

  • Kristin Hille
    Posted at 06:41h, 05 December Reply

    Thank you for the reading, it’s giving me hope to handle the situation. I am greatful for your wisdom.

  • Rita Piedade Sa
    Posted at 05:02h, 05 December Reply

    Hi Dear Jonathan thank you so much for the video Reading so nice to see you and hear from you. My God this week reading is exactly how I feel .This situation I live is very sad for myself and I don’t know how I am going to get out of this sad situation I have been trying so hard to get out of this safer situation but all-ways is with me thank you with all my blessings

  • Caterina Scuderi
    Posted at 03:27h, 05 December Reply

    Thankyou for today’s reading
    Has given me an insight on an old relationship i have been in….
    Looking forward on the next reading….
    Take care God bless.♐️💜

  • Maria Edith Pineda Rincon
    Posted at 03:02h, 05 December Reply

    thanks a lot Jonathan, you go straight to the point, it is so heavy, you know the situation. I hope this week (like you say) is going to be a breakthrough, Thanks again,, have a nice day <3

  • Maraya Wellington-james
    Posted at 02:38h, 05 December Reply

    Hello thankyou for the great in sites ! ! Really gave me time to reflect on things .

  • Correct
    Posted at 01:30h, 05 December Reply

    Hi there Jonathan, Thank you so much for this. It is so on point, especially about the ladies man and afraid to commit and the hooks, manipulation. But from this reading I’m going into this week prepared for the unexpected. This is so spot on correct, Thank you.

  • Kenneth Ukpong
    Posted at 00:24h, 05 December Reply

    Thanks Jonathan for this insightful reading. Its always a pleasure to watch or reading from you.

  • Juvita Ximenes
    Posted at 23:52h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan, This reading is really affecting my relationship right now. I am at the stage of relationship where I have been manipulated or I have a real toxic relationship right now.
    I am trying really to get out from this relationship but its never successfully for me. I love the guy and I can do whatever to make him happy. but I am not sure if he has the same feeling with me and I don’t know where this relationship is heading to. I really want to get out from this situation. Hope to hear more from you.

  • Lucy Adwoa Anning
    Posted at 23:01h, 04 December Reply

    I’ve always looked forward to connecting and reconnecting with you. Your messages resonates so well and I am super grateful to you for sharing your gifts and energy with me. Until our next connection, im sending you so much love, light and positive vibes. ✨️

  • Christine N
    Posted at 22:57h, 04 December Reply

    Hello Johnathan, Thank you for the reading. It really took me aback regarding how you hit spot on with what I am currently experiencing! Your reading was insightful and exactly what I needed to hear, especially touching on how I should view it and learn from it. I feel so much better along with the stress relief. Have a blessed day.

  • dotlyn
    Posted at 22:52h, 04 December Reply

    thank you for this reading jonathan i am gonna rise above the fall i am down but not out you are on target

  • Tonya Thompson
    Posted at 22:48h, 04 December Reply

    Woooow that was some crazy stuff you just laid out there …. I mean I a lost for words right now. I. Not ok this is the tuffest thing besides giving birth I’ve had to death with but I will. I will be happy again soon. Thanks so much

    • Dorothy Section
      Posted at 23:13h, 04 December Reply

      Hi Johnathan well this really kind of surprised me but then again it didn’t. Truth be told I really love this man but I refuse to go back to what it use to be if and I mean if I don’t see a change in him I’m moving foward I’ve grown so much to the point that I can’t and want let him manipulate me and to be honest it’s sad to me because this is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with but hey if it doesn’t work I’m gonna still win and this is not all about me winning I stated that because I’m aware of the This AND THAT COULD HAPPEN but then again Johnathan I’m a positive person so I try to cross my T’s and dot my I’s I deserve to be happy even without him or anyone for that matter I WANT GO BACK ON THIS DARK ROAD AGAIN!!! I look forward to your next reading thanks Mr. Leonhart

  • ingrid seals
    Posted at 21:02h, 04 December Reply

    Dear Jonathan, I always look forward to your advise. You are so believable. I so admire you for your kindness, wisdom, intuition and knowledge.
    Your reading tells me what I have felt for quite a while. I rather be free than honker down with someone whose values are so different from mine.
    Rest assure, I am on my way, and just like the fool, I am ready for adventure, travel, painting, riding horses….who knows.
    My late husband said when he left: Ingrid, the world is your oyster.

  • Brenda D Anderson
    Posted at 20:15h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you thank you Mr Jonathan for the reading God bless thank you good

  • Maria Carolina
    Posted at 19:49h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks, accurate as always jon, ! All the best

  • Jess
    Posted at 18:01h, 04 December Reply

    All of what you said really resonates with me and my current situation. I’m feeling like old patterns of mine in relation to the current relationship that I’m in are starting to change slowly but surely. It’s been a roller coaster, but the outcome and advice cards this week gives me hope, thank you 🙏🏻

  • Lea Centauri
    Posted at 16:56h, 04 December Reply

    lionheart….Thank you……always on point…..big hug…

  • Ellen Myers
    Posted at 15:12h, 04 December Reply

    P.S This could also connect to a business relationship that I just ended after three years. It was not toxic but it was not what I wanted. So I have no choice here but to start fresh and more and trust the unknown ahead.

  • Ellen Myers
    Posted at 15:10h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan.
    I’m in no relationship really except for some lingering residue from one that was unusual , deep, soul related and twin flame related, but stagnant, highly manipulated but I had consciously silently agreed to that to see where it went, so if I got highly snared in that, it has a lot to do with my own hopes and beliefs and visions. However, But he is a magician, and alchemist to a life long degree, so it was more seductive than I realized or could have known. Clearing my deck and surviving a remarkably entangled energetic world with him, is now in year three. Looking and moving into the unknown for fresh potential and new experiences is where I have been directing myself with great purpose. So hearing that advice was good. I am in Israel this week and next on a tour and we are visiting many sacred sites of six different religions here. Some new energies will clearly be felt here.

  • Diana Vida
    Posted at 14:40h, 04 December Reply

    It sounds about right. All we can do is wait and see. Thank you.

  • Scott Christopher DeLisa
    Posted at 14:14h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks for the Sunday’s reading on 12/04/2022

  • Leanne Lodata
    Posted at 13:55h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you for this reading! It gives me hope that I will break out of the slump I have been in and be able to move forward with renewed energy and enthusiasm…
    Best Regards,

  • Erna Verlinden
    Posted at 13:31h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan, thank you!

  • Theresa Flannery
    Posted at 13:21h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan, thank you for the hope! This has been a draining week and I found out some pretty hard facts about my ex husband Joe! Reasons why he left the marriage so suddenly. I am coping but sad for him as I still love him. I don’t know what the future will bring but my mind is not clear and it seems I can’t give up on him yet. I will find my way and my heart will have peace I know! Pray for Theresa and Joe and communication to bring that peace. Thank you Theresa❤️🌸

  • nelson dino ciccarelli
    Posted at 13:11h, 04 December Reply

    thank you to give us courage and not being left alone in are corner to give us alots of confidence in us i leason to your reading of your cards every months to comes thank you keep up the good work specialy with the universe thank you

  • Christine
    Posted at 12:52h, 04 December Reply

    Youthfull heartbreakers! Yes i can relate to that. But i made a decission to turn it around.

  • Aundrea Johnson
    Posted at 12:48h, 04 December Reply

    I love everything about Lionharrt… He’s so accurate especially with my relationship. I mean down to the bone … I’m still scared though. This relationship has really taken control of me. I do feel trap and manipulated.. I have to break free.

  • Calista Lovan
    Posted at 12:45h, 04 December Reply

    I have recently gotten my heart broke and I’m so confused. I love this man and feel he is my soulmate but he is pulling away but yet he is still having some connections with me and I have mixed signals. I don’t know what to do if I should wait or move on

  • Felividad
    Posted at 12:45h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan, I’m so thankful you show up again and I never thought you have other name Angel Adam. Can I ask you is my present relationship is just a toxic person but not scammer or have been toxic because I really told him please don’t take any things that will cause problems to his health situation and he told me nothing at all or he is hiding ? God bless you always

  • Lindsey Van kralingen
    Posted at 12:43h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you once again Jonathan .. .. my life is always one big adventure after another the number 555 follows me around a lot and I’m in constant change.
    I look forward to your readings every week and you are always spot on .. thank you once again

    • Suzanne
      Posted at 11:24h, 06 December Reply

      Thank you for your insight. I pray for a peaceful resolution.

  • Ekundayo Johnson
    Posted at 12:38h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks Jonathan for the reading. Sounds about right cuz i believe I’m in a toxic relationship at the moment and it feels like I’m trapped. I feel like i can’t get out of it every time i try but i believe the universe will answer my cries and take me faraway from where i am. Thanks for the reading really.Much appreciated

  • Martha Radebe
    Posted at 12:09h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you for your reading about what I have been going through I appreciates all of this God bless you

  • Sharon Davies
    Posted at 12:00h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you ! Definitely sums me up !

  • Dana
    Posted at 11:57h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks Jonathan 🙂

  • Sondra
    Posted at 11:49h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you, Jonathan.
    Your reading was spot on for I have been going through some things with my abusive ex husband whom thinks he can have custody of my son after being gone for 4 years. I’m happy to hear that there will be a great ending to all of this and I will finally be able to live a happy life.

    Thank you again!

  • Milanka
    Posted at 11:35h, 04 December Reply

    Hvala ti puno na citanju,istina je za ljubav tako SE ponasa,Sreca daleko je od mene Ali nisam zadovoljna.Mislim da to nije iskreno I neznam sta zelim I zato Sam ja u razmisljanju,jer njemu je vazan posao I novac.Puno te pozdravljam volim tvoje citanje.🥰☕🍰🍷

  • Julia
    Posted at 11:33h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you! You are helping navigate through the ups and downs of my twin flame Journey!

  • Brona
    Posted at 11:31h, 04 December Reply

    I love an explanation of reading ,,the reading is calming ,make me feel good.

    Thank you

    • Martha Radebe
      Posted at 11:56h, 04 December Reply

      Thank you for your reading about what I have been going through I appreciates all of this God bless you

    • Martha Radebe
      Posted at 12:05h, 04 December Reply

      Hello I just wanted to thank but will you please help to see what is taking so long about my divorce I’m looking forward to you Sir and about my new person in me life where will this new love will take us pls

  • Mario
    Posted at 11:31h, 04 December Reply

    Thank for advice and looking for something unknown

  • Thomas P. Walsh
    Posted at 11:20h, 04 December Reply

    I have followed you for months and have found your advice to be beneficial always. Today you have reviewed a situation I have been pondering for some time as well: An ex who wants to be friends–inly? This is not clear. I am enduring frequent talks and pool games with her to find out the truth behind her obscurity. Thanks!

  • Caroline Dawley
    Posted at 11:11h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you so much Johnathan. Yes I am struggling with a relationship I have been in for quite a while. I thought we were forever Soulmates. But now my intuition told me I am in a 3 person relationship and I must remove my energy and xall back my spirit.
    Thank you for the inspiration telling me I can move forward and get excited about something new. And I kn I w I can do this. So I am focusing on my life ourpose, and that is exciting. I have much to offer and can exit this relationship. Bless you Johnathan. Peace and Love. Caroline

  • Joyce
    Posted at 11:10h, 04 December Reply


  • Abiodun Cooley
    Posted at 11:09h, 04 December Reply

    Hi, thank you I really love hearing for you your reading give me positive thoughts God bless you🙏

  • Agnieszka
    Posted at 11:07h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan ♥️

  • Chanelle B.
    Posted at 11:01h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan, your reading is spot on this week. I know exactly who this reading pertains too. The cards resonate with my situation and something that got rolling last week. I suspect this week it will be addressed once again & I am looking forward to standing my ground & remaining firm on my decision— 7 of wands energy. Thanks for the heads up.

  • Aliyu Abubakar
    Posted at 10:58h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks a lot, Jonathan. I remain very grateful for your advices and inspirations.

  • Rebecca Riggs
    Posted at 10:48h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan for the reading this week. It’s so fascinating and interesting that Karma’s reading had The Devil as the last card in her spread with The 2 of Cups as the clarifying card for this weekends Love Tarot. Then in your weekly spread has The Devil as the first card and The 2 of Cups as the second card. It’s like a continuation of an interesting story unfolding right before your eyes. The two readings and readers are working together to keep the story going. Where one left off, the other picks up, just like reading a book or in this case the book of universal life. It’s truly an enjoyable to experience to watch. Two different tarot readers connected to higher wisdom bringing the universal story right to your front door. Epic, inspiring and incredibly insightful! Much gratitude and Love! So excited to see where this story goes….

  • Terra revell
    Posted at 10:43h, 04 December Reply

    Wow… all I can say is dead on! So right…. Can’t wait to see how this plays out.

  • Joann Ford
    Posted at 10:28h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you God bless you 🙏💕 joann

  • Karen Reicher
    Posted at 10:21h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you Jonathan for my reading. It’s opening up my eyes, mind, heart, & soul for opportunities to the unknown….which is a little scary but could be better than the ghosting relationship (after 7 yrs) than what I’m going through now. Tired of being unappreciated by him. Something must be troubling deeply within him (enough that he feels I betrayed him) which I did NOT…so he runs away… without communication with me it is unfair & tormenting…that’s really not like my 70 yr old Gemini man. What gives!!? I deserve better after all my precious time & energy with him. Thx much for your insight.

    • Wilson
      Posted at 10:41h, 04 December Reply

      I feel am trapped in a toxic relationship which I must break out

  • Debbie Shappell
    Posted at 10:19h, 04 December Reply

    Well I can say this to u Johnathon I’m in a relationship but not toxic we have been with each other for 12 months I can honestlysay I’ve never been so happy I’ve never love someone like this before
    Thank u for the reading

  • Toni St John
    Posted at 10:19h, 04 December Reply

    HI Jonathan.
    Thanks for the insight. I really enjoy hearing from you.
    Light & love,

  • Precious
    Posted at 10:14h, 04 December Reply

    Thanks!! I really need to hear that..

  • Elisabeth Doebelin
    Posted at 10:14h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you so much💜
    It is exactly what I’m going through now
    A pleasure to watch you again

  • Karin
    Posted at 10:11h, 04 December Reply

    Yes. 🤦🏼‍♀️ + 😃 Thank you!

  • Amrita Mandal
    Posted at 10:08h, 04 December Reply

    Thankyou. This is exactly what I needed to read or know today. Now I’m feeling more free, Thankyou so much ❤️

  • Brandon Mackey
    Posted at 10:01h, 04 December Reply

    Amazing as always, really helps me thru the darkness so Thank You

  • Joelli pinero
    Posted at 09:51h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you so much I really love my reading but I have a question about my husband we been married for 23year it was beautiful but something want wrong someone or something came between us don’t know who or want I know that things for me is going through the right path but I want it with my husband what do you see

  • Margaret
    Posted at 09:50h, 04 December Reply

    Hello Jonathan, thank you for such a insightful reading. WOW. Lots to think about.
    Your calming voice it’s a pleasure to listen to.
    Many thanks for all the wisdom you share with us.🙏
    Margaret xx

  • Ramona
    Posted at 09:47h, 04 December Reply

    Hi Jonathan
    Thank you for your great reading. Looking forward for a positive outcome . See you on your next reading. Stay safe. God bless.

  • Nokuthula Maduna
    Posted at 09:45h, 04 December Reply

    I am very happy cos today I just broke up with my boyfriend that has never told me that he has a wife

    Posted at 09:43h, 04 December Reply

    TRUST/LOVE/GRATITUDE > to the “LionHeart” !!

    • Nomathemba Mpofu
      Posted at 10:16h, 04 December Reply

      Thank you so much for the reading it always helped to start my days with positivity!

  • Faith canty
    Posted at 09:43h, 04 December Reply

    Thank you for helping me on the positive note

    • Elisabeth maria
      Posted at 10:12h, 04 December Reply

      Hi Jonathan thank you for the reading its the first time for me to have lisning to you.
      But you naild it my relation with my spouw its toxic to me hè manipulat me its all for him .
      I want to get out of it but tryed it so many time,s
      He always have something to pull me back its cancer what hedont have or is on booze
      He never leave,s me alone
      Second its i dont have the financial money to divorce him an where do i have to go
      My family life,s in holland me Spain
      Have my son to think about to cant afford a house f9r myself with the little pensioen i have
      Nobody to turn to friends a dont have that s what he dont want like now i right this to you he wants to know who i right to have no FREEDOM i am burn out stressed out
      But gone try it this time hold my food stof an ask for divorce see where the ships end

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