Are You Giving Too Much? | Weekend Love Reading | 6/17 – 6/19

Hi Friends,

Have you ever been so swept away by love, or the desire for love, that you lost touch with yourself in the process?

It can be all too easy. 

Especially if good love has been hard to come by in the past. 

Having someone to hold you close, whose love will heal all your tears, can feel like the salvation your soul needs.

And yet you somehow find yourself let down, abandoned, or heartbroken time and time again.

But it doesn’t have to stay this way.

Your reading this weekend reveals a surprising way out, along with a strong message of empowerment and encouragement.

So take your time reading it, and let the words nourish your heart like gentle rain…

Card #1: The Magician | Mastery Of Love

Whether you are currently in a relationship, single, or somewhere in between, The Magician is a powerful sign of good fortune.

As you can see in the card image, the figure possesses all four symbols of the Tarot: Cups, Wands, Swords, and Coins. He has mastered the four elements and is able to manifest whatever his heart desires.

In your love reading, The Magician is a reminder that you are in control of what happens next.

This card has appeared to encourage you to step into your true power and master your love life.

If you haven’t been in touch with your inner power, it can be tempting to wait on someone else to make a move, define the boundaries of your relationship, or to accept or reject you.

It’s a painful place to be because your heart is on the line, and you’ve put yourself at the mercy of someone else’s decision.

But The Magician is here to place the power back in your hands, where it belongs.

If you’re already in a happy relationship, The Magician foretells of a creative, electrifying time with your partner. You may be working harmoniously to create the life of your dreams together.

However, if things have been less than wonderful in your love life, The Magician is a sign that you have the power to change it.

And by the look of your next card, it starts with turning your attention inward and being more careful about where you invest your energy.

Card #2: Six Of Coins | A Wise Investment

Are you a generous, selfless person in love?

The Six of Coins reversed as your second card suggests you have a tendency to give too much to your romantic partners, and that it’s been draining you.

Maybe you’ve been pouring energy into a partner or complicated romantic situation hoping that your investment will pay off.

But instead you’re experiencing your emotional or physical resources being drained.

Is there someone you’re invested in who is not giving back to you equally?

If so, the Six of Coins reversed is inviting you to shift your attention inward and focus on self-sufficiency.

Even in a good relationship, it’s necessary to take some time to yourself and attend to your needs in ways that only you can.

And ultimately, it’s best for romantic partners to join forces from a place of mutual independence, like two magicians, each contributing to the relationship from their own place of power.

The Six of Coins reversed is a sign to take a step back from connection and evaluate your resources and limitations.

Perhaps you’ve over-committed your time and energy, or the give and take in your relationship has been unbalanced.

It’s possible you’ve been pouring out your love and attention onto someone who doesn’t appreciate it, and you’re desperate to get something… anything back.

The Six of Coins reversed is encouraging you to shift your love and generosity onto yourself.

This may mean cutting your losses and letting go of the need to balance the scales with someone who refuses to be fair.

Use the coming days to focus more on self-care and being charitable to yourself. 

You might buy yourself a gift, or take time to do something for yourself that you’ve been putting off.

It could also mean pulling back from a lopsided relationship and redirecting the energy you’ve been giving them into something more satisfying.

As you take time to nourish yourself, you may notice negative habits or tendencies that you’re ready to release.

And as you do, you will come into alignment with becoming The Magician in your love life.

Card #3: Judgement | Release The Baggage

Are you receptive to the messages the Universe and your own inner knowing are sending you?

Does a fear of judgment or rejection keep you locked in an unhealthy pattern of over-giving in your relationships?

Your final card this weekend is Judgement reversed. 

It brings a strong message that it’s time to accept and forgive yourself, so you can move forward in freedom and power.

Sometimes, in the face of a strong romantic attachment, it can feel like the sacrifices your higher knowing asks of you are too great.

You might believe that if you let go of what’s unhealthy in your connection, you’ll be abandoned or never get anything better. 

But this simply isn’t true.

If you’re on the fence about a relationship, take this weekend to reflect on it honestly, and find out how much is fair for you to compromise.

If you’re fully committed to a relationship, Judgement reversed is asking you to determine whether you’ve been judging your partner too harshly. 

Is it possible that you’ve been wanting them to do something they’re incapable of?

If you’re single, you might be feeling paralyzed by past mistakes and beating yourself up for your own learning experiences.

Judgement reversed says it’s time to let go of the past, let go of what isn’t working, and commit yourself fully to creating a better romantic future.

It’s possible your own inner critic has been abusing you. So be mindful of your thoughts and remember the power of The Magician. 

It’s up to you how you choose to feel and what to believe.

And no matter where you are in your life, your future is still full of possibility.

You’re The Captain Of Your Ship 

Your reading this weekend is all about taking control of your love life, striking a balance between giving and receiving, and forgiving yourself for past failures.

Even the best relationships come with challenges, and we all experience mishaps as we learn to navigate them.

You are being asked to remember that you are the master of your own life, and that when you align with the will of the Universe, your power to create is unlimited.

Your steps to finding this alignment are represented by the Six of Coins reversed and Judgement reversed.

The Six of Coins wants you to balance your interactions with your partner or love interest, and not over-give or allow them to take advantage of you.

Judgement is asking you to be more gentle with yourself and your lover. 

Everyone makes mistakes, but the ability to forgive can bring powerful healing and bliss into your relationships – past, present, and future.

I’m excited for this next phase of your journey, and feel excited to hear about what kind of transformations occur in your love life.

You are powerful!

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell,

P.S. Is there someone you’re having trouble forgiving? Have you been giving too much lately? Let me know in the comments below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Randolph Weedman
    Posted at 10:33h, 28 March Reply

    Yes Luna, I am guilty,
    So guilty of giving to much too someone that takes it, and me for granite. I took this person in when he no where to go and nothing to show for the 47 years he was on this earth. This person I thought would better himself if given a chance. But I was wrong and don’t know how to put then out because he has nothing to go to. His 2 sibling are married with children and lives of their own. He took care of his father for 4 years before he died with dementia. So he Does have some good quality’s. But he expects me to take care of him and does nothing in return to shoe me that he cares. I often cry myself to sleep wondering how to ask him to leave. I have never had any kind of ;over type relations with him because he won’t. I am 20 years his elder but look and act much younger than him. I was born with good genes I guess I’m 71 and he’s 51 but never realizes that I am old enough to be his father. and I don’t think about it either. I just don’t know why I am so giving and generous to almost everyone which has now caused me a great deal of debt. I have over spent to make us happy over a period of 4 years and now sits beginning to hurt me financially
    I don’t think I have it In me to put him out. I’am making him get a job to help with the expenses. Which he has been looking he says for 7 months and still no income.
    I am lost and don’t reply know how to .handke the situation. I just know I can’t handle the expensives anymore.
    You hit he hail on the head. As if you were speaking to me directly and knowing everything about me. Thanks for you inside and helping me realize that I am too generous.

  • Thais Almeida
    Posted at 00:20h, 18 February Reply

    I love to know the Truth. I had known and at first it was the most incredible thing and feeling I have ever imagined. It was suddenly, short and reciproc. From a day to other he decides to kicked me off of his life without let me know why. I am madly love with him and I can’t let him go of my mind. I swear I should can do it. I am totally lost whithout can’t even talk to him. I made mistakes too, I admitted but it wasn’t because it that he let me. Sometimes I think I am seeing signs from him. Am I crazy? What should I do?

  • Billy chase
    Posted at 23:07h, 16 December Reply

    I give in to this person after we was together then out of the blue she went back to her ex then out of no where she wanted to come back I tryed to be back to but my mind wouldn’t let it slide I only wanted her to know I forgive her but I still had things I needed to work out but she’s blocked me and there’s nothing I can tell her so I give up

  • Odette Berghmans
    Posted at 21:49h, 09 September Reply

    Can you pls send me your news letters?
    I unsubscribed myself per accident.

  • Mikelyn Bartrop
    Posted at 05:30h, 28 June Reply

    I have been giving too much and am struggling forgiving someone lately as well . .I’m stuck and everytime I try to break these chains of codependency and resentment I do god and feel strong the first few days I make my decision to do something different for myself in a healthy manner I end up going right back to be the codependent unhealthy unhappy miserable person, woman, mother, friend, etc … I need help tremendously but I don’t know where to begin and am terrified of ending up alone or not having anybody in my corner . What do I do ?

  • Antonia Wester
    Posted at 13:29h, 19 June Reply

    Hi Luna
    I very much appreciaze your article. I live in diffivult circumstances
    I am in a relationship, yet I am single. How come? The man I am living with ist very i’ll He might die soon. He does Not appreciate anything, ist quartelsome. Not thankful.Another man I really was in Love with dies one year ago.
    I feel unable to quit the sick one.He has only 33 KGS. But He asks for so many Things He is also an alcoholic what can I do

  • Melissa Donnison
    Posted at 01:09h, 19 June Reply

    This reading is spot on. I have been over giving my love for far too long. I’m currently in a relationship where it’s all one sided I’m the one giving my heart my soul my body to a man that can’t even be honest with me. He doesn’t reciprocate his feelings towards me and I find myself feeling confused…where do I stand ?? One minute I’m his girlfriend the next minute I’m not it’s enough to drive even the sane insane. I’m always made to feel like I’m not good enough I feel unloved unappreciated and stuck in a relationship where he gets to do whatever he wants whenever while I sit at home waiting for him to come home. I don’t go out with him and I feel like he’s embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with me. I’ don’t know what to do anymore .

  • Atengang winderline mabief
    Posted at 00:48h, 19 June Reply

    I’m single and always love those that don’t love me back like they always hurt me.
    I give too much
    Now I’m madly inlove with someone who don’t even care.
    I can’t forgive myself

    • Sigrún Eggertsdóttir
      Posted at 01:54h, 19 June Reply

      Thank you so much 💖💞 yourr reading is accurat ánd ou give me straingth to carry on

  • Aucharaz
    Posted at 20:37h, 18 June Reply

    Hi I am wanita in my pasr relationship it is true that I have invest too much and getting nothing but insult back.when I love I do it with all my heart and soul,but it didn’t work out .thanks for your reading

    • Wisdom Afenyo
      Posted at 21:47h, 18 June Reply

      Hi my name is Wisdom, I’ve invested so much in the relationship but my partner doesn’t appreciate it nor care about my emotions. Thanks for shedding light on these facts and helping me to rather look inward and start appreciating myself..

  • Michelle Bledsoe
    Posted at 20:27h, 18 June Reply

    I have been giving my energy to this guy that I truly like and he’s so back and forth with me…. I’m so confused on what to do about him

  • Leonida Gamboa
    Posted at 10:49h, 18 June Reply

    Thanks Luna. Your reading is accurate. Our relationship is lopsided. I did all the giving. It was my fault. I am now in the process of planning carefully on how to present this situation and tilt the balance. I am not ready give him up yet. If balancing will prove improbable in the coming week, I will call it quits.

  • Mary
    Posted at 08:45h, 18 June Reply

    Amazingly accurate . I have recently realised I still have some hidden resentment towards an ex husband I gave everything to but I am responsible for that. I co created it and I might have been giving to get. Sacrifice is not a good thing necessarily.

  • KB
    Posted at 08:35h, 18 June Reply

    I have a Man that loves me unconditionally…he is so awesome, kind, considerate. We both lost our spouses 3 yrs. ago, and have been a couple for almost 2. I’m having a very difficult time with feelings of remorse about my deceased Husband….although he fought cancer for 2 years, and I was his caregiver, I am still sad and remorseful thinking I was NOT there for him as I should have been….he was a GREAT MAN. I really want to remember the good and happy times of our life, but the remorse and guilt keeps coming in…I am not sure how to overcome the guilt I feel.

  • Mary crouch
    Posted at 05:43h, 18 June Reply

    Wow,this has made me understand and open up my eyes to reality..I’ve been in a so called friend relationship for the past 8 years. He had an affair with my so called bestfriend for a year .My love for him is so strong that i for gave him. But till this days it hurts. Bottom line is Im really in love but he wont commit and says he won’t leave me but yer dosen’t do or sh0w any affection towards me.Im lost by his actions but yet can’t let him go.Yes I’m not happy but still here.

  • Joyce
    Posted at 02:47h, 18 June Reply

    I thought I have forgiven the father of my two children whom we separated due to his cheatings ways. Unfortunately, he passed on 2 years later. I don’t think I have healed completely

  • Evelyn Malanda
    Posted at 01:58h, 18 June Reply

    Hi Luna this reading is amazing , but Luna for long time I haven’t been in any relationship and I don’t know if am giving too much to my family but they care a little for me. Luna now I only care and love for myself only nothing matters anymore than myself thanks .

  • Angella McKenzie
    Posted at 00:50h, 18 June Reply

    I have same situation like Janice. Sometimes this guy called me the love of his life, next time he doesn’t want a relationship yet he constantly calls and text me every day. I am older than him . He said that is not an issue, yet he will not leave me alone. HELP Jonathan. I think I am too deep into him too. Thanks again for your advice.

  • Angella McKenzie
    Posted at 00:44h, 18 June Reply

    Thanks for always being so accurate in my reading. I look forward for your guidance to direct my path

  • Twanda
    Posted at 22:30h, 17 June Reply

    I’m so angry with myself for loving this Aries man And he keep breaking my heart.

    • Michelle Bledsoe
      Posted at 20:29h, 18 June Reply

      I’m in the same situation

  • Janice Kirkland
    Posted at 21:25h, 17 June Reply

    I am fed up with a guy that I keep giving and giving to him. And I don’t get anything in return. I guess it’s my fault cause he kept telling me that he doesn’t want a relationship. But he kept changing his mind off and on. One day he tells me he loves me and he wants me to tell everyone that he loves me and the next day he gets mad at me for telling people. And finally he calls it off and tells me it’s over. I have been heartbroken ever since he told me it was over. I can’t seem to get over him. I don’t know what to do with my feelings I have for him

    • Michelle Bledsoe
      Posted at 20:30h, 18 June Reply

      In in the same situation

  • Mary Louise Passmore
    Posted at 21:19h, 17 June Reply

    Luna, I am in a situation where I need guidance desperately. ONE THING IS I AM BEHIND ON ALL MY BILLS. AND DESPERATELY NEED MONEY. SO WITH A GUY WHO I have been helping for sometime now & don’t think he really cares for me can you help? I so want to be loved. And I don’t feel loved at all. Mary

  • Donna crummey
    Posted at 21:05h, 17 June Reply

    I’m not sure which way to go in my relationship with my boyfriend I continue to give him everything but he doesn’t want to do the right thing for me should I give up and start to work on my self

  • Sepi Abed
    Posted at 20:56h, 17 June Reply

    I have forgiven ❤️‍🩹

  • Julliyana
    Posted at 20:56h, 17 June Reply

    It seems something exposed true. But, it will be difficult to self love and to act gentle with the cruel hearted person

  • Suzette LaRue
    Posted at 20:36h, 17 June Reply

    I am too harsh..on myself , my partner, see past harshness with the exhub and it’s like I’m never satisfied OR I’m in a constant state of hormonal imbalance. Maybe a private reading is needed. Your thoughts ? 424-206-:3449

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