26 Dec Are You Seeing Clearly? | Galena The Mystic | Timeless Tarot Reading
An unexpected habit could be blocking the flow of love in your life…
Galena says you may be underestimating the impact of this small shift in your relationships.
You won’t want to miss this hidden pattern… Just click the video to find clarity!
P.S. What negativity are you extracting from your life? Let Galena know with a comment below!
Hello. Hello, beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. It’s Galena the Mystic, your intuitive tarot reader. And I know my setup is a little different. I’m gonna try to orient it towards you guys as best as possible. But I am traveling with family for the holidays, so I am doing what I can. And I just hope you’re all having a beautiful holiday week, whatever it is you’re celebrating. Not celebrating. I just hope you’re taking care of yourselves, spending time with loved ones. I hope you’re all in good health. And if you hear music or cooking or talking in the background or what have you, that’s what’s going on over here. Okay, so we have the venom. Okay. And I just heard extracted right away. We have the tear. Oh, okay, let’s see what else is going on for our collective.
And we have the animal, the desert on top of the deck, and the medallion. So I am getting a strong sense of expectation here. And honestly, this feels intuitively to me. You know, guys, if you know me, you know, I don’t just take the card interpretations. I’m a very intuitive reader. And what I am intuitively picking up on is this feeling of expectation, especially with this hand open here. And some of you are being denied this week, okay. And I know that might not be what you want to hear, especially the week of Christmas here in the United States. We want to feel fulfilled. We want to feel like we have everything we want. Right? But I am getting a sense almost of, like, denial, maybe in the form of rejection, but that’s not exactly what I’m picking up on.
It’s more so, like, this need might not get met right now, and it could be for reasons that have nothing to do with you. So this is an opportunity for you to get closer to yourself, to really get closer to your human nature and to feel all of your feelings. With a medallion, you know, you can’t always be a winner, so to say you can’t always be number one or be on top. And I know that there’s tons of tarot readers and tarot readings online that are going to tell you that you can always have everything you want. And I’m not here to tell you that you can’t have what you want. But sometimes as winners, we go through seasons where we’re faced with deprival in order to train ourselves. This definitely seems metaphorical.
You know how some runners will train in the mountains or, like, go to the Himalayas to really push themselves physically? I don’t know if the Himalayas is Exactly right. But you guys get what I. I mean, I’m not an athlete like that, but, you know, so then that way, when they come back down from the mountains and they’re training in normal altitude, it’s like, oh, this feels easy. Some of you feel like you’re being challenged or pushed in that way. This could definitely be testing relationships in your life. How strong can this relationship be when you are kind of put through the ringer?
There could be grieving, there could be news that comes to you not to scare anybody, but it could be news that really tests you, test your loved ones, pushes you to see how resourceful you can be, how much grit you really have, and how you deal with your own negativity when you’re really tested. This isn’t about you losing. It’s about you being challenged so that you can win again and again, and so that whatever blessings are being created here will be more sustainable. I really want to know what this is for some of you. Please feel free to comment down below. Whether it’s on YouTube, whether it’s on the Cosmic Updates blog. Let me know what this is about with the animal. There’s something also about your primal survival skills. Some of you might feel like you’re in survival mode at this time.
Sorry, this setup is not ideal, guys. And it’s mirrored for me, so it’s all wonky. But, yeah, there’s something about survival mode and you just being unsure if you can get through this, I’m here to tell you absolutely can. This is just a challenge, and it’s so that something can be purged, whether it’s inner negativity, inner darkness, whether it’s external negativity that needs to come up through conflict with another person, or whether it’s literally something in your body that needs to be extracted. So for those of you going through health challenges, if that applies to you in this reading, I’m just sending you a big energy hug. If you or a loved one is going through a physical health scare, I’m just praying over you, speaking health, peace, and protection over you. And I hope you know that this doesn’t have to be forever.
And even our physical body, like we are animals, it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. It doesn’t mean you failed in your life because your physical body is, you know, failing you. Our bodies are temporary, and maybe that’s really uncomfortable to think about for some of you, but that is where we find spiritual peace. And I see some of you going through that process of making peace with how far your body has taken you and making peace with your body’s new limitations and understanding. You know, that this is what we have to work with. And that doesn’t even mean that your body’s failing you. It just means that your body’s doing all that it can and that it is limited in some ways, you know, and that doesn’t mean that solutions can’t be made possible with the medallion. For some reason, I’m getting props.
So this could be the example Spirit’s bringing me because I just finished my yoga teacher training. Which, by the way, guys, thank you so much for supporting me through my process of getting my yoga teacher training done. And doing all of our contact hours in the span of two weeks was absolutely insane, but it was so worth it. I’m feeling more inspired than ever to bring love and light and healing to the world and being enlisted as a peace ambassador. Just. It really is truly a humble honor and I could not have done it without your support, especially these past few months. I feel like there’s just been an outpouring of support. And just know that I’m more determined than ever to keep healing all around the world in several different capacities and just being of service to the best of my ability.
So thank you so much for doing that. And just know that no matter what darkness you’re facing, your support makes a positive difference. Your presence makes a positive difference. And we’re all working with what we got. So, my loves, with that being said, let’s get into some of your tarot cards to see what’s going on. Okay, so, yes. Just so you know, if you’re wondering about my schedule or anything like that, you’re gonna want to check out my website, galenathemystic.com that is where I post announcements. If you sign up to join the Lucky Star Club, you’ll get Divine downloads and updates straight to your email. You can also use the coupon code NewBeginnings for 20% off all readings until January 1st until the new year. So make sure you make use of that. It will not be forever.
And, yeah, I’m getting a strong message that nothing is permanent. Nothing is permanent. And it’s okay to be comfortable with that. We have the chariot reversed, the ten of wands reversed. So, yeah, and this definitely gives that energy of extraction or letting things go. We have the hierophant. Oh, okay. I like that. I really like to see the hierophant when it comes to this particular message. And we have the Ten of cups. Oh, beautiful. Okay, top of the deck. Nine of swords reversed. So, yeah, some of you, what’s being extracted is your own negative thinking and your own anxiety. The ace of wands saying yes to something, whether it’s new solutions, a new day, just saying yes to a new day of I commit today could be different, especially when it comes to relationships with the hierophant and the ten of cups.
I mean, these two cards indicate soul unions, emotional fulfillment, commitment, family and longevity as well. When it comes to health, this is maybe shedding extra weight, if that’s something you’ve been wanting to do. Shedding just toxins in your body, you could be really underweight, but maybe you eat a lot of junk food and you need to shed all of that extra sugar and toxins from your body. So some of you definitely seem like you’re going to be going through a detox and slowing down a whole lot. Some of you are really addicted to caffeine and you’ve been bouncing up the walls or actually spiking and then crashing. That’s going to be something that you’re letting go of to create more stability. The hierophant is stability. It’s routine, it’s structure and it’s establishing order for the sake of our health.
It’s doing what is wise, even when we want to do what we’re used to. But this is one of those times of year where you’ll really start to see the impacts of the long term decisions you’ve been making or the long term health effects. It’s like you’re starting to see that deterioration, even if it’s just on your mental health. You’re starting to see, oh, having all this caffeine all the time is not good for my mental health. And in the long term that’s really slowing me down, stopping me from reaching my goals or when I’m stress eating. I really see how that’s really slowing me down. It’s impacting my mental health. You know what I learned recently during my training, My teacher told me that on average our mood is dictated or influenced by what we ate 72 hours ago.
So you’re really noticing more so how the small decisions you make, that you’re just doing it because you’re used to it, are having a longer impact on your health, your mindset, but ultimately your relationships as well. Some of you really want to manifest a healthy marriage, align with your soulmate and have a long term partnership spirit. Saying it comes down to the small things that you’re doing for your well being. And when you are feeling deprived, when you’re feeling lonely or when you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be really hard for you to see how you are 1 maybe denying yourself but 2 closing doors and opportunities for yourself because you might not feel good.
And it’s really hard to go after life with the ace of wands and follow your inspiration and feel spicy and feel vibrant and feel exuberant when these small habits are weighing you down. This could also be financial where it’s like this, the impulse buying or the over consumption because I’m anxious, because I’m emotional, because I’m lonely that leads to more suffering for yourself later down the line and that leads to a lack of self trust and it really is impacting your self esteem overall. You know we, when we break our promises to ourselves or when we can’t meet our own commitments, it really erodes our self trust. So how can we trust another?
This is about your commitment to yourself, being patient through the hard times or through the times when it seems like not much is available to you and making a commitment to doing what you can. Now especially when it comes to physical and mental and emotional well being, it’s really annoying to hear but like sunlight, a walk and drinking enough water, those things are bare minimum. You know I’m not going to tell you that’s going to cure grief or cure PTSD or cure depression. But without those things you don’t stand a chance. You deserve it. So give yourself that love and you will find a big shift this week because I’m actually seeing a lot in the cards for love here with the hierophant and the 10 of cups coming out right next to each other.
And so be aware of how your mindset might be preventing you from see this where it is available to you. Okay, let’s go ahead and end with some oracles. I hope this message is making sense and resonating with you guys. I’m also getting a lot about embracing sensuality, sexual pleasure with someone and you feeling confident in your body and just kind of going with it and accepting your perceived flaws. Okay, we have Law of Attraction. Yeah, I love the creative adventure that is my I celebrate myself as a creator. So yeah, this is a lot of sacral chakra healing happening here as well as, you know, becoming more attractive instead of worrying so much, am I going to attract them? How can I attract them? Be attractive, like make yourself feel attractive. Don’t worry about what they find attractive.
Don’t try to mold yourself to present as one way to attract someone. It’s not about am I attractive or I’m not attractive enough. It’s about changing your vibration from the inside and doing what you can to feel good about yourself. And then we have the unknown. I bow to the infinite intelligence of the cosmos and my next steps are revealed. So yeah, some of you also have just a lot of anxiety about change. We have love based reality. I am soul nurtured when I surround myself with friends and family who support a love based reality. Absolutely. This is about living through love instead of living through fear or self doubt or control. Not to be all like kumbaya, peace on earth and things, but I really feel like some of you are getting this sense this week of oh, the truth is love.
And actually all of my self criticism and all of my fears of the future and thinking, oh, what if they never love me back? Or what if I’m not good enough for them? Like it’s gonna end up feeling like a waste of energy and you’re gonna see a big shift because of that and you’re gonna realize, oh, I am actually more loved than I thought, even if it’s from my angels, from my guides, and I’m in a spirit, in a period of solitude. I’m realizing that might because I see the world through love. And maybe not everyone’s ready for that. But regardless, there are people out there who are ready to enter this timeline with you. Then we have inner wakefulness. Yeah. So you’re waking up. I’m completely awake and tuned in to my truth, clarity and inner wisdom.
Yep, that’s literally what I was saying. Bottom of the deck, ageless beauty. With grace, dignity and strength, I grow into the unique texture of my soul. So yeah, when are you gonna stop picking at your flaws? Your perceived flaws? When are you going to realize that all those things that make us imperfect actually make us so much more attractive? And when you look at other people, when you have crushes on people, or when you are in relationships with people, you don’t see their wrinkles or their stretch marks as a deal breaker or a reason to be dissatisfied with them.
But how come when it’s about you think that way, that, oh, they won’t stay with me because I’m this age or that age, or because I have grays in my hair, or because I have crow’s feet, or because my teeth are crooked or because I have freckles or because I have stretch marks. Whatever it is, you realize those things, that’s the animal side of you that I think spirit’s wanting you to embrace. The body’s temporary. The soul is eternal. And that’s what makes you the most attractive. Okay, my love, so those are all the messages I have for you. I love you so much. A merry Christmas if you celebrate. Happy winter solstice to all my witchy people out there. And yeah, I just love you so much. Oh, happy Hanukkah. Happy. I don’t know, guys. I can’t say all the holidays, Kwanzaa.
I know it’s happening, but whatever it is, I just love you. You’re all welcome here. If you would like to find more content from me, find my personal channel. It’s called Galena the Mystic and go to my website, galenathemystic.com if you want to purchase a reading. I have an Ultimate Soulmate Reading where I can channel all the details about the next soulmate you’re going to align with. You can choose to ask about a specific person, but you can also just do it and see what kind of soulmates come through. It is my belief we have multiple soulmates and that we can align with them based on different timelines we decide to align with.
I also have the Ultimate Soulmate Spell, which is a tutorial video that you can download instantly so you can do a really simple, fun ritual that activates your inner passion and your inner calling so that you can align with the destined people, places, and opportunities for you. So, yes, I hope I explained all of that well, like this video. If you liked it, subscribe if you see me in your future, and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.
Yvonne Sorensen
Posted at 04:38h, 28 DecemberHI Galena I’m glad the yoga training went well I’ve never been able to do the lotus position so I’ve never bothered with yoga. Your reading has been correct again I was by myself Christmas Day it worried me prior but I really enjoyed it. It was 1 of the nicest Christmases I’ve had for a lot of years no dramas buying presents for people that really don’t care for you I cooked myself a beautiful baked dinner and relaxed and read all day. I’ve hardly spoken to anyone for the past week and your right learning self love and accepting yourself for all your warts and if other people can’t accept them and love you for them you don’t need them in your life. It’s been a hard lesson to learn so Thanks again. Happy summer solstice from Australia
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 01:49h, 31 DecemberHi beautiful soul, I can’t do a full lotus position either! Most people’s bones won’t even allow for it. Yoga is about controlling the mind, not the body, so if it calls to you, I do hope you give it another try! I was drawn to yogic philosophy long before I became interested in the postures, which I guess is a bit uncommon for people… But my teacher always reminds us to focus not on the shapes we’re making, but the experience we’re creating for ourselves in exploring each pose! I hope that makes sense… & I’m glad you gifted yourself such a peaceful, beautiful Christmas! You are truly blessed! Lots of love to you! <3
Julie Swanson
Posted at 22:44h, 27 DecemberLovely post, especially concerning flaws of the body and face (which I rarely see on other people) versus said flaws (which I see on myself all too acutely). I pray some of the others who commented find help and peace. And bless you for your sincerity and helpfulness, so beautiful.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 01:35h, 31 DecemberYou are beautiful, Julie! I’m grateful my message could help you align with self-love and acceptance! Thank you! 🙂
Mrs. Beverly Cowling
Posted at 19:14h, 27 Decemberwhat is going on is I have a husband who is not giving me the physical intimacy I crave.
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 01:37h, 31 DecemberI see you, Mrs. Beverly! I’m sending you a big hug and praying you find alignment with your desires… I appreciate you sharing the season you’re in and hope you are able to awaken what truly nourishes your body and spirit <3
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 17:57h, 27 DecemberHello Galena,
I’m not for sure if my wife wants me back. But I could be wrong! Have a nice weekend. Thanks Galena.
Leroy Mosley
Posted at 15:25h, 27 DecemberYou didn’t see that coming home. How am ootrust you?
Posted at 08:21h, 27 DecemberOh my God I have been crying for 2 days because my platform and everything i have worked for was taken down and i have to start up again in a different way and it’s kind of sad very sad for me at the moment i don’t even know how to get this pain off my chest
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 01:42h, 31 DecemberHello Clinton! I’m so sorry to hear that… I empathize fully with these moments, I have had to start over in my journey in some very scary ways. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and faith to rebuild, especially with something you’ve put so much effort into. But I hope this revamp leads to an even better platform for you! Please remember that your experience isn’t lost. May what you destroy and create become greater each time!!! xoxo
Michael Gentile
Posted at 07:53h, 27 DecemberI have colorectal cancer and need to since 2005 have been putting off going for surgery cuz I’ve been terrified my life is things have been very shaky I just had a questionable relationship Fall apart I was really stressed out and like it to my breaking point like about to like literally some really really bad what’s going to happen but my other half from that decided to vacate but I don’t know and I’m struggling with my apartment February 28th I didn’t want to renew my lease and I got a little kitten and I’m not sure what to do and I’m still struggling to trying to get my disability back so yeah overwhelmed and so please pray for me and God bless you and God bless us all light up the darkness and protect the Innocence at all cost
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 01:45h, 31 DecemberHi Michael, I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I know health issues can be anxiety-inducing, but I do hope you’re able to face your fears and get the care you need! Things may feel chaotic in this moment but please know you are not alone. May all things sort themselves with ease, may your needs be met! I am praying for your protection, healing, and peace. Love to you and your kitty!
Posted at 06:19h, 27 DecemberEveryone is at their stage of consciousness ….but this advice comes from a position of ego. I prefer energy readings and not searching for more things for the ego to be unhappy about. What’s with those nails…. shorter is good but nothing would be better…. own your reality and that is authentic living.
Yvonne Sorensen
Posted at 04:51h, 28 DecemberHi Elle seriously something wrong about your perception I don’t know about you but I have feckless I wear make up I’m 61 and I still wear short skirts because I have a good set of legs and I feel more comfortable with them that’s my reality and being my authentic self. If Galena is her authentic self with beautifully manicured nails which is what she always has is there any difference? Btw if you listen to her readings which you obviously don’t you would realise they are not about making your ego unhappy about things obviously your consciousness needs to open a bit wider. I wish you all the best you have a lot to learn Galena has helped me through a lot and I’ll always be grateful 🙏
Yvonne Sorensen
Posted at 04:58h, 28 DecemberHi Elle my apologies it was supposed to say freckles not feckless
Galena The Mystic
Posted at 01:51h, 31 DecemberHi Yvonne, thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful response. Unfortunately, not everyone can be receptive to what I offer but I am so grateful you understand my intentions! Namaste, my love! You are truly wonderful! 🙂