03 Jan Beware… Your Star Is Rising | Galena The Mystic | Timeless Tarot Reading
Your vibration is rising, and you’re ready to receive divine inspiration like never before.
But be warned… you’re attracting all kinds of energies with your light!
Galena is here to help you discern who has your back… Just click the video to receive your message!
P.S. What ideas and plans are you protecting? Let Galena know with a comment below!
Hello, hello beautiful souls here at Cosmic Updates. It’s your intuitive Tarot reader Galena The Mystic, and I’m here with a weekly collective message. I also just want to say happy new year. It’s January 1st, 2025 at the time of me filming this. And I just hope that 2025 is beautiful for you that it brings a lot of joy, love, blessings and abundance into your life.
But let’s get into our message today. I did a timeless Pick a card over on my personal channel. It’s just called Galena The Mystic, but it’s a longer version of this topic. Is it True Lulu or DeLulu (Delusional)? So is this fantasy or reality? Like this, the situation that’s on your mind, on your heart, the situation that you’re thinking about. So this is a collective message for everyone, but if you resonate with any of these stones, you might want to pick, you might want to check out the timeless Pick a card version over there. But let’s go ahead and see what we need to hear as a collective regarding is this truth or is this fantasy?
And I’m using the Dream Keepers Tarot today because I thought it was perfect for this theme. Let’s see. And one more. Okay. Okay. Okay. So the first card we have is the Destroyer. Okay.
Heavy hitting energy. That’s number 23. Then we have Lady of the Stars, Priestess of Sirius. We have Aquarius, Collaborate.
Okay. We have Black Cat Fortune Meets Opportunity. And we have Min Takin Longing for Home Belonging the Original Lightworkers. So really interesting that we have the Lady of the Stars and we have Lightworkers here. So some of you are really coming into alignment with purpose. You are.
It does seem like there’s some kind of rude awakening happening with certain opportunities that have not worked out or that are not meant to work out. Okay. So I know that might not be what you want to hear, but I’m here to keep it real with you. It does seem like this is a mixed bag. Could be because there’s a lot of people in this collective, which is why checking out the Pick a card readings is really good. But with this, it looks like you’re really being shown who you can work with, who’s meant to work with you. And you’re also not giving into promises from people who are like, hey, I have the best opportunity for you.
You should do this my way when your gut is really saying otherwise. With this Lady of the Stars and Black Cat Fortune Meets Opportunity, there’s clearly something here. Like you’re onto something when it comes to a certain talent you have.
And because of that, you could be attracting all kinds of people at this time, people who are really, maybe they are opportunists, is the way that this is kind of coming through. And so with the destroyer, we even see these eyes in this owl. I kind of want to show you guys how this Black Cat card mirrors that as well.
We have these eyes kind of piercing through the darkness, right? You’re about to see opportunists for who they really are. This could even be in romantic relationships you’ve had in the past where, or people you’re trying to move away from where people just really want to almost ride your coattails in a sense, or use what you have. So with this Aquarius Collaborate card, you’re being more discerning and detached when it comes to the people who are helping you to make progress and the people who are holding you back, okay?
With this men talking, belonging for home, belonging, there’s something about being really selective about who’s in your crew. Also, you might be just moving really far beyond your comfort zone where some level of success you’re working towards or dreaming of is just really making you inaccessible to people who once were really comfortable being involved with you. Maybe some people assumed that because they were with you from day one, they could kind of treat you however, and that your success would be their success. And maybe you wanted that, but you kind of have learned or are learning that that can’t be the case with everyone. And this can make you feel a little homesick. You might be grieving for connections you thought would be part of your life forever.
And that could be really disappointing. But with the destroyer, you can only create a new life by destroying your old one, and it can be kind of a tough pill to swallow for you and for others at times, okay? Some people may not even be self-aware enough to recognize why you’ve had to create distance, and people could be trying to guilt trip you as well. So I’m sorry if this is a little disappointing to go through. I know it can be painful and tough, but with Aquarius Collaborate, you are destroying old connections. You’re destroying old connections to make room for the people who really deserve to be in your life, people who are intelligent, people who make you think about things a little bit differently, and people who inspire you and give you hope as well. Okay, let’s get into the Dream Keepers Tarot to see what else we need to know about this. But yeah, some people are a little belittle in the sense that they think that your success will automatically benefit them. And you might be a little “delulu,” especially if you’re giving your power away, thinking that you need certain people in order to be successful.
If people are making you that promise, I’d be very hesitant and a bit skeptical, especially because you’re very perceptive and observant at this time. You’re noticing people’s comments a little more, noticing the way people support you or don’t support you. And it’s not just about the words they’re saying.
People could say that they love you, they love your mission, you’re so talented, you’re going to be a star in this or that way. But you’re kind of seeing through the smoke and mirrors. Doesn’t this look like a bunch of smoke?
Guys, you’re kind of seeing through where people think that gassing you up or flattering you is enough to keep them on your team. Okay? So let’s see. We have the Page of Wands reversed. The Five of Pentacles, yeah. The Queen of Swords. The top of the deck is the Ten of Swords and the bottom of the deck is the Queen of Wands. So when you’re in Queen of Wands energy, you’re very, very attractive, you are shining.
So regardless of gender, the Queen of Wands is someone who just takes up space, can shine, can be in the spotlight, also is creating what they want to see in their world. They aren’t waiting on others to validate them. They’re not waiting on others to give them permission.
They know that they have all the resources and the vision, as well as the vitality to make it happen. And that makes you extremely attractive. So you know, you’re going to be attractive to people who can take you to the next level, but you’re also going to be attractive to people who will try to feed off your light, you know? Unfortunately, there are energy vampires. It’s not something you have to be afraid of because they can’t stop you. They can only slow you down. But with this Queen of Swords, you are going to have to have discernment and cut some of these people out, setting boundaries with people and seeing their reactions is really going to be so informative to you.
And it’s going to pierce through any delusion you’re under about how much they actually care about you. And with this Five of Pentacles, too, you know, in the original Rider Waite Five of Pentacles, someone is laying in the snow on the ground begging and another person’s running away from them because they’re like, I’m sorry, I don’t have anything to give you, right? So with this Five of Pentacles, there could be people who try to guilt you into giving them a piece of what you’re creating when they haven’t really done anything to contribute to where you are now. And you might feel incredibly guilty about that. You might feel like, wow, I really wish I could take this person with me, but some people you have to leave behind, especially with the page of Wanderverse, someone who’s not creative capabilities or someone who doesn’t believe in their ability to create something for themselves, you know?
We’re all inherently creative, but the page of Wanderverse is often someone who doesn’t believe themselves to be creative, so they would rather steal someone else’s ideas or stay close to other people who they see as talented and just hope that some of that abundance rubs off on them. So this is definitely a message of, you know, your dreams, the things you’re envisioning are definitely rooted in reality, very highly possible for you, but the only delusion you’re under is who can really accompany you to that finish line, how helpful they actually are, and with a ton of swords, you’re going to have to end some of these connections because with the three of ones, you’re traveling far. You’re going far. You’re going a far distance away from what you’ve known, what these people have known and expected of you, and it might be time to make some difficult decisions about who you’re going to be sharing these visions with. Okay? So those are the messages I have for you. Let’s end with some affirmations, souls, journey, lessons, cards. We have grief. I understand that losing something is an opportunity to appreciate it.
So yeah, some of you are grieving what you once thought you would have saying goodbye to things you didn’t think you’d have to say goodbye to. Worry. I’m learning that worry doesn’t change an outcome. Your success is inevitable. And you’re going to be releasing your anxieties about if it’s possible for you, if these people are right, especially if people are saying that you can’t be successful without them, I’d be really, really skeptical about that. Some people benefit from you just being in your head, having anxiety, and not actually working towards the things you’re thinking of. We have self-esteem. I possess gifts of the soul that benefit me and others. Yeah. This is that light worker energy, the queen of wands energy.
Knowing I have a mission, it’s worth pursuing, and it’s worth protecting too, even if that means leaving some people behind. Top of the deck, change. I understand that nothing can grow or evolve without movement. So yeah, that’s that three of wands energy, two you moving far beyond what has been expected of you, and understanding that not everything can stay the same forever.
Not all of your relationships can stay the same. Bottom of the deck, balance. I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment. So this could be a painful transition, but it makes the things you’re dreaming of much more tangible, much more possible, and it brings a sense of peace as well. So my loves, I’m going to leave your message here. I hope this resonates. If you need further insights, feel free to find my channel at Galena the Mystic. Visit my website, galenathemystic.com. If you’d like to join the Lucky Star Club, I have a growing collective of Lucky Stars, and we’re all sending each other a lot of support, and I’m sending divine download straight to your inbox. So sign up for that.
It’s completely free. Visit galenathemystic.com if you’d like to purchase a tarot reading. I have the Ultimate Soulmate reading, a deep dive reading, a lightning reading. I also have the Ultimate Soulmate spell if you’d like to try a simple and fun magic ritual to awaken your inner passions and come into divine union with everything that’s meant for you. And yeah, you know where to find me. I love you guys. Like this video, subscribe if you see me in your future, and I’ll see you in the next one. Okay, bye.
Kate Stamps
Posted at 14:29h, 08 FebruaryThis is SO relevant to my current situation, I may have to leave behind someone I thought would be with me forever.. they’re not comfortable with my turning things around and spreading my wings, they’ve helped me out but they’re definitely in the energy of I owe them something (more than the moeny I had to borrow) sadly a foul weather friend who seemed to prefer it when I was struggling and wants to dim my light instead of raising themselves to my level. It’s tough but it’s better I see this now and move on than stay beholden and get in even deeper. They can then have their pity party on their own and blame everyone/thing else rather than look at themselves closely. They may be a fundamentally good person but riddled with limiting beliefs they impose on me and I’ll be the baddie. I’ve said my piece and left them to it. They may surprise me but I somehow doubt it and I’m coming to terms with that
Posted at 22:59h, 06 JanuaryHaving to let go of a 24 year marriage where the spouse is just a jealous taker, financially abusive, controlling, manipulative, guilt tripping isolator, back stabber, using marriage covenant as a tool to hold me back. All you’ve disclosed is relevant. Hoping for uplifting new love, fresh opportunities, and healing from emotional wounds. Feeling like lotus ready to bloom! I shared everything fully but can no longer do that as it’s just not reciprocal. Empty promises.
Linda Fines
Posted at 02:54h, 06 JanuaryGalen,
your reading was right to the point and encouraging for my weary desperate spins each day to ensure no one would be hurt nor leave anyone out, but eventually their true colours and stab in back proved my instincts or gut feelings were actuate.
Your reading gave me deep concept to my future and direction to go ahead and not worry about bloodsuckers on sideline.
Thanks so much, You made my day brighter and calmer.
Dorothy Perpera
Posted at 03:21h, 04 JanuaryThank you so much!
.God blessed you!
Dorothy xxx
Posted at 01:58h, 04 JanuaryAs always Galena, you are spot on. I do have to watch my back at work. Sad to say. But you have confirmed a few more things for me. Thanks, heaps lovely. You’re simply the BEST.
Joseph Sakayombo
Posted at 00:28h, 04 JanuaryWhat you have written is true about my life ,nothing more or less.
Posted at 23:56h, 03 Januarythis is prwtty dead on as far as my current situation thank ypu for the insight
Sherry Shinken
Posted at 21:18h, 03 JanuaryGalena, I must admit that I am generally a skeptic regarding such things as your readings. In the past, they were viewed by me as pure entertainment.
However,, this said, you may have swayed my opinion. It was as if you reached into my head and soul and understood what my current experiences are…. INCREDIBLE!
Sherry Shinken
Posted at 21:16h, 03 JanuaryGalena, I must admit that i generally a skeptic regarding such things as your readings. In the past, they were viewed by me as pure entertainment.
However,, this said, you may have swayed my opinion. It was if you reached into my head and soul and understood what my current experiences are…. INCREDIBLE!
michael rennick
Posted at 21:09h, 03 JanuaryThis reading seems to resonate with me. Even the negative points you make already seem to carry less precedence to me. I believe, I’ve already been making transitions away from people that appear self-serving or view them in a different way than I used to-seeing things for what they are instead of how others would want me to see. Thanks, Galena.
Posted at 19:29h, 03 JanuaryThis is exactly where I am
I feel the people wanting to share my creativity light and energy but this is all about them. What I can give them. Dating is impossible.
I am finally realising everything I am have become more discerning and will only allow the right person into my life however what I have realised is there are very very few that can meet me and elevate my life in a reciprocal manner. It’s not easy evolving. Even friends want me to tell them stories share adventures and are simply feeding on my energy but I too need to receive I simply haven’t found someone on my level (not from an egoic place). I haven’t found my tribe. Even those who pretend to understand to see me is just a smokescreen. I need a sign from the universe of hope 🙏❤️. Thank you 🙏
Virginia Espinosa-Simbol
Posted at 19:11h, 03 JanuaryDear Madam Galena, I would like to your advise, I’am planning to work in. Boston as Caregiver in a home assisted elder homes this year, I’am already 64+years old, separated with my husband here I. The Philippines. Would like your honest advise if my decision would benefit and find a true happiness and peace of mind. I would bring with me my younger son to work also with me he is single.
Thank you so much. God blessed you always.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 16:38h, 03 JanuaryThanks Galena,
Have a pleasant weekend.
Rbin Hart
Posted at 15:47h, 03 JanuaryOh my everything you said was dead on! I am feeling everything that you said everything I have those people in my life that I’m finding out were never really there for me from the jump and now I’ve got to learn how to let them go and some of them are very very close to me. One is my child. And it is super hard but it’s something I have to do because there’s a certain amount of evil going around and the negative energy that these people are bringing to my area is horrible! I couldn’t believe how dead on you were with these cards! I was so amazed!! I’m just in awe! No kidding I cannot believe how those cards came out and how they were about me. I so appreciate you! You have no idea I was feeling really really bad about some of the feelings I was having about certain people. the guilt is a killer. Thank you so much for being real and so sightful
Posted at 12:41h, 03 JanuaryWow is time to stand up for yourself and cut the negatives out! Galena I was reviewing myself all about this earlier in the week and pulled up your reading bingo! You confirmed my feelings! Thank you beautiful soul! Jackie a light worker đź•Š