Don't Force It | Deco | Weekly Tarot Reading | 1/7 - 1/13 - Cosmic Updates

Don’t Force It | Deco | Weekly Tarot Reading | 1/7 – 1/13

Does it ever feel like you have to fight too hard or what you want?

Deco says this week could bring moments of frustration and fatigue, which could make you more aware of what’s no longer working.

She’s here to help you tune into your true feelings about a certain situation, so you can get the validation you need and take back control.

P.S. Is there an ongoing conflict you’ve been dealing with? Have you felt like a certain situation is beyond your control? Leave a comment and let Deco know!


Hello, my friends at Cosmic Updates. It is Deco Back again, this time for a Weekly Tarot Reading for the week of January 7th through the 13th, which means we’re in the first full week of this New Year, which is super exciting. I do want to thank the people that have been signing up for personal readings with me. It’s been super fun to just interact with you guys in a different way, and I’m looking forward to some potential changes in how we’re doing these readings moving forward, trying to do more interaction with you guys online, but also through these videos, and I’m so excited to see what happens with that.

So for now, let’s focus on this week. Keep looking ahead to the future and see what sort of obstacles might we run into this week. What sort of mindsets might we need to claim this week so that we can keep the positivity and think about how to move forward the best way that we can, right? Okay, so let’s pull some cards, see what we need to know for this week. 

Okay, so right away, you definitely have the fight in you to go towards the things that you want. However, there are some emotional, mental things that are holding you back. Here’s that fight I was telling you about, we’ve got the Five of Wands. So there’s this opportunity to kind of fight against nature, it may even be your nature, to get the things that you really want for yourself, and that’s where we overcome this Queen of Swords in reverse, and this Eight of Cups in reverse. The Queen of Swords in reverse is like someone who’s just second guessing themselves, right? Probably because they’ve got something underlying emotionally that they’re struggling to let go of, which is where that Eight of Cups in reverse comes in. It’s like there’s something that you’re holding onto, something that doesn’t make sense to hold onto anymore that you need to release in order to move forward really authentically and really fully, instead of feeling like it’s getting in your way.

The Five of Wands would suggest you’re not going to let that get in your way. Again, you’re going against your nature to do these amazing things for yourself, to make these choices for yourself and to keep moving forward regardless of what’s going on. 

Now, let’s see what else we need to know. I feel like there’s definitely some things that we need to leave in the past, but how do we do that? What do we need to do to really release these past, maybe emotional, hurts or emotional wounds that we have that are holding us back and maybe mentally kind of messing with us? What do we need to do to overcome those things? 

Okay, you’re the leader, okay? You are in charge of this. You have the capability of saying, you know what? I can tell that I’m not showing up the way that I should. I can tell that I’m not showing up in the best version of myself. I can tell that I’m not doing my due diligence to be the true leader of my life, and instead, I’m allowing these negative emotions, these negative past connections, keep me from fully embracing this chapter. But The Emperor is saying, you have the control. You have the mastery of your own life, and you know what you need to do to move forward. 

The thing that might be holding you back though is this Hermit in reverse, and The Hermit in reverse is like isolation, but not a good form of isolation. People hear The Hermit and they think, oh, you need to just be all by yourself. It’s like not necessarily. The Hermit upright means that you’re turning inward and you’re trying to focus on enlightenment through a self, a self-imposed journey, a really self-guided journey where you’re able to learn new things about yourself, about your environment, about your surroundings, and talking to people that you know you can trust along the way. But, when it’s in reverse, it’s like you’re trying to just take everything on by yourself. Maybe you don’t want to bother the people around you with the things that you’re struggling with, or maybe you’re struggling to really process the hurts of your past, those things that are getting in your way, those emotions that have been holding you back. 

But, the Nine of Wands is saying, we need to set some boundaries for ourselves. Yes, there’s some times where you might need to take some time for yourself to really think about your emotions, process your emotions, and see what’s making you feel so funky. But, you might also need to just take a hard look at the people around you and remember that there are people there that have your best interest at heart, who love you, and there’s other ones who might feel like they have a handle in your life somehow, or to control you somehow, and that’s not okay. 

I remember talking to someone and they described boundaries as, or a lack of boundaries as just allowing someone to come into your house and rearrange everything, throw away food that they didn’t like, buy new food, get new furniture, and just take over. Would you ever allow someone to do that? Probably not. So don’t allow people to do that in other areas of your life. Think about those areas that you feel like people are overstepping and imposing their will on you and start saying, no. There’s The Emperor again, right? You’re in charge. You know what you want for yourself, so step up. You’ve got to fight against that nature to hold onto those negative emotional from the past so you can move forward. 

I believe in you. Good luck.

Deco Lo
Deco Lo

Deco is an intuitive tarot reader whose mission is to give guidance to those who need it. She has a passion for making connections with those she reads for and loves to teach others about tarot. Deco loves learning and is always looking to deepen her understanding of the tarot and its spiritual connections.

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    Katherine Ericksen Andersen
    Posted at 08:51h, 22 January Reply

    Yes I fully understand what was read and my emotions is in a uproar my sister in law is in hospital that’s the one that has lost her husband to death and my nephew 3yrs ago.The man I feel in love with wish he could come here to be with me .I was very hurt and Disappointed this Friday he was only 4 hrs away in mo I was so excited I started reading his reply and girls comments. One stopped me on a dime .This young women tells him thank you for the wonderful evening .Just tore my heart up he’s never took me nowhere at all yep

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    Clarah Muteya
    Posted at 13:15h, 08 January Reply

    Thanks for the reading it’s great

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    Posted at 12:23h, 08 January Reply

    These battles have been ongoing for me. There seems to be no end in site to the disruptions. I have tried being assertive, to reflecting. Nothing seems to help break the negative energy. Time has caused me to start losing faith.

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    Raven Key Moore
    Posted at 22:41h, 07 January Reply

    Really good read. Thank you

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    Katherine Morgan
    Posted at 08:27h, 07 January Reply

    I hope to one day be as good at interpreting tarot readings as you are! You’re amazing! Thank you.

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      Posted at 04:29h, 08 January Reply

      Thanks for the enlightment you gave me,

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    Posted at 06:54h, 07 January Reply

    Trying but it’s easier said than done!

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    Diane Thielman
    Posted at 06:33h, 07 January Reply

    Thank you, Deco
    💯 spot on

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      Posted at 04:27h, 08 January Reply

      Thank you for the advice ! You really are helpful for the enlightment you gave to me…

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