Don’t Let It Worry You | Full Moon In Gemini Horoscope

Hi Friends,

Have you ever said or done something in the heat of the moment that you regretted later?

Impatience, fear, and emotional pain can push people to extremes…

And once the damage is done, it can sometimes change your relationships forever.

However, the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini is bringing an opportunity to balance the karmic scales.

On December 7th-8th, the Full Moon could trigger a deep conversation with a loved one or self-reflection on your own mental habits.

Repressed feelings could quickly come to the surface…

Giving you an opportunity to speak your truth, listen deeply to others, and heal from the past so you can let go of worry and regrets.

It’s important to stay mindful though…

This Full Moon could also cause strong, hidden feelings to erupt, which could stir up drama or create new emotional pain in the process.

But if this happens to you, don’t worry.

Sometimes a bit of disruption is the only way you can see the truth of a situation or get in touch with your feelings about an important issue.

One way or another, the Full Moon in Gemini is bound to bring you a breakthrough…

And maybe even a well-deserved apology.

So let’s take a look at what’s on the horizon and find out how you can best navigate this influence.

Learning From The Past

Has a certain situation been making you feel worried or keeping you up at night?

The Full Moon in Gemini will be taking place in the second decan of Gemini, which corresponds to the Nine of Swords in Tarot.

In this placement, the Full Moon could help you uncover the source of your anxieties and inspire you to express repressed feelings that have been affecting your peace of mind.

Have you been feeling unlovable, abandoned, or afraid of being alone forever?

The Full Moon in the Nine of Swords suggests that you will be able to heal from negative beliefs or fears around love so you can open your heart to deep, fulfilling connections.

The Nine of Swords is ruled by Mars, and it just so happens that the Full Moon will be perfectly joined with Mars in the sky.

This means that your motivations and desires will be in the spotlight.

Since Mars is retrograde in Gemini right now, this Full Moon will be about revisiting your past actions and learning from them.

The link between your thoughts and actions will be clearer during the Full Moon.

You’ll be able to see how taking action from a place of worry, anger, or fear only magnifies what you don’t want, and with the help of Chiron in Aries, you’ll be able to find a new way forward.

Mars Retrograde and the Full Moon could also mean that a person in your life will be forced to deal with the karma of their past actions.

If someone was hot and cold, cruel, aggressive, or betrayed you in the past, their behavior will be exposed by the Full Moon, and the power dynamics could be reversed.

You might receive an apology from someone who mistreated you, who is now experiencing the deep sting of remorse and regret.

Just keep in mind that if someone does apologize to you, you are not obligated to trust them or open your heart back up.

It’s important to take care of yourself first and listen to your instincts.

All in all, with the right attitude, the Full Moon in Gemini can be a powerful time of healing and making new, more positive habits around words and actions.

Doing Things Differently

The Full Moon in Gemini will be supported by both Uranus and Chiron.

This means you’ll be able to let go of old emotional perspectives and hurt feelings that keep you stuck in negative, stressful thinking.

Chances are, you’ll be a lot more introspective during the Full Moon and able to see your mental habits more clearly.

If you’ve been suffering from depression or anxiety, this Full Moon could help you gain insight into the cause and find some relief.

With Chiron in Aries supporting the Full Moon, a bit of emotional bravery and good timing could help you in your healing process.

Chiron is currently in the Three of Wands, which means healing can be found by taking risks, developing confidence, and following your instincts.

If you’re faced with a decision to make during the next few days, listen to your gut.

Don’t be afraid to do things differently and take care of yourself in new, positive ways.

It always feels a little scary to try something new, even if you know it will be good for you.

But putting yourself out there in new ways will help you build the confidence you need to heal and create the life you really want.

Clearing Your Mind

The Full Moon in Gemini will bring a powerful opportunity to overcome regrets, learn from your mistakes, express repressed anger or fear, and shift your thinking patterns in a positive direction.

Perhaps you’ve felt anxious about your future, lonely in love, or have been suffering from depression or excessive worrying.

The Full Moon in the Nine of Swords suggests that you will be able to see your situation clearly and take positive steps to regain your peace of mind.

Those who need to make amends for their past words or actions will be exposed in some way, and may seek you out for forgiveness.

The energies with this Full Moon may feel a bit harsh, so remember to be gentle with yourself and those around you.

Once it’s all said and done, you will emerge stronger, wiser, and more peaceful than ever.

Wishing you a wonderful Full Moon in Gemini.

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. Have you been feeling worried about your future lately? Is there someone you’re hoping to receive an apology from this Full Moon? Let me know in the comments below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • will butler
    Posted at 11:30h, 08 December Reply

    yes i know now that the life i’m living at this moment is NOT how i want it
    but i am worried i will not make it
    i am autistic and it doesn’t make it any easier
    can i be certain i will pull through?

  • Martha Radebe
    Posted at 12:20h, 07 December Reply

    Hello thank you very much I’m happy and I’m looking forward to my ex-husband to apologize for what he did to me, but I’ve moved on with someone who is special to me just tell me if he is serious about me because I’m afraid of being hurt again God bless you with all your gifts for helping us how to pursue our goals in love department be blessed

  • Priya
    Posted at 22:56h, 06 December Reply

    Mere relationship partner ko mujse maafi magni chahye

  • Ann Marie Smith
    Posted at 22:32h, 06 December Reply

    Whoa,, I thought I had an issue to “complain” about until I read some of the other posts! Yikes, I’m just, once again, being taken advantage of by a love interest, :0(
    Hope the Gemini Moon brings the communication I so honestly need. Hope good karma comes forward.

  • Michael Radmore
    Posted at 19:49h, 06 December Reply

    Hi Luna, i was wondering if my wife is going to apologize

  • C.W.
    Posted at 19:21h, 06 December Reply

    Hey Luna, I’ve more recently gone on my spiritual journey, discovered a lot about myself, the people around me and my life so this read true for me. I believe I had a dark night of the soul and I’m now ascending. This really resonated with me. That said one thing that has still struck a nerve is a situation with my ex (who I believe may be my tf). Although I’ve decided to move on after much hurt, disappointment, processing, and self work… the situation I am in now is much more positive 🙂. What still eats at me is knowing at some point my ex will come back after realizing what she has really done, and I’ve moved on. We both made mistakes, but her ego, coldness and inaction among other things has been disheartening. She’s never given me a genuine apology or attempted to make amends for how she treated me but I know we both know I’m deserving of one. I would like to think we could reach calmer waters before I relocate, if not I will be fine, but I believed we had a genuine friendship/love so it’s hurtful regardless. Thanks for sharing your work/blessing to the world so people like me who need something (along with our own beliefs) to believe in and share our experiences can come together. Stay blessed

  • Ramona
    Posted at 18:00h, 06 December Reply

    Hi Luna
    Wow…Thank you for your great reading. Looking forward for a positive outcome . Stay happy and blessed.

  • Patience U
    Posted at 17:55h, 06 December Reply

    The whole year has been nothing but a roller-coaster of a ride, he can decide not to speak to me for a month without cause and when he does call he behave like nothing happened and won’t speak about it. He recently texted he wants to visit and i ignored his text we haven’t spoken since then, i really feel i deserve an apology from him even if we no longer in a relationship

  • Elisabeth Doebelin
    Posted at 17:55h, 06 December Reply

    Thank you so much 🙏 my situation, precisely

  • Kate
    Posted at 17:33h, 06 December Reply

    Hi Luna,
    This really hits home for me.
    I have been feeling my ex is some how trying to connect with me.
    There was a lot of pain and hurtful things said in our breakup. The abandonment and betrayal….
    He is a ♊️ I hope that he does reach out it has been 3 years now.. it would be nice to have the true apology from him.

  • Moyra A Miller
    Posted at 16:48h, 06 December Reply

    Thank You for this. Clarity and peace would be really good right now. My children have been poisoned by their father and it’s breaking my heart to see that they are buying the lies they’ve been told by him
    They probably all owe me an apology right now. I’ll be pleasantly surprised if that happens .. but I remain hopeful. My current husband has caused me a lot of pain as well with his inability to tell the truth. The passive aggressive behaviour that is all he knows, has left me feeling frustrated and powerless. Right now I’d love to just walk away from it all.

  • Stephanie Vincent
    Posted at 14:53h, 06 December Reply

    I wouldn’t know who would want to apologize, the betrayals have been done by many and IDK if I would trust the motive or accept it. My heart bleed for them, all of them, and To apologize now would seem like a selfish need and not to truly soothe my pain.

  • nsc
    Posted at 14:48h, 06 December Reply

    Yes my guy owes me an apology. He hasn’t spoken to me in over 2 months and I don’t see him apologizing to me either.

  • Faith Mwakonya
    Posted at 13:27h, 06 December Reply

    Hie Luna,I’m very scared of my future yes ,because I don’t know what my partner will do, He hurt me so much emotionally and mentally, yes I love him so much but I’m always worried 😢, stressed and tired because of what he did to me.We have twins together although we don’t stay together, I’m looking forward for his apology ,Thank you so much for the wonderful reading 😍😍😍😍

  • Evelyn malanda
    Posted at 12:55h, 06 December Reply

    Hi Luna am very grateful to you , this reading is awesome , my heart is in pain because l two weeks ago someone threatening to expose my nude but I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time but to receive those threats .

    • William Clark
      Posted at 13:58h, 06 December Reply

      Hi Luna I am very grateful to you. this reading is super awesome.

    • Stephanie Vincent
      Posted at 15:02h, 06 December Reply

      Hello dear, it may not be my place, forgive me if I have overstepped. Yet hear me out… As long as you are not harming someone in the nude, let out there! Take your power back. Look at how many celebrities made their fortunes in the same situations. Tell “thank you for the free exposure as your new online account could use the new followers, and the free promotional help is good for business”. It is 2022 and you will never be younger than today, Embrace online exposure. Take the power away from them. Post your own nudes on any one of the million sites online. The victim becomes the victor

  • Heather Henry
    Posted at 12:21h, 06 December Reply


    I’m still waiting and wondering where I go from here. It has been along painful 4 years. The first 2 were the worst. I’m still waiting for something and I don’t know if I will ever get the truth of why he did. this . My life has been uncertain and it’s going no where.
    I wish he would come forward and talk to me. I’ve been waiting for something to happen .an explanation .something, not silence .


  • Jacque woodhams
    Posted at 11:53h, 06 December Reply

    Trust in me is gone and my ex never said I’m sorry. It’s been a hard 4 yrs. So ventured on.line for a one day stand and then he goes poof. Afraid of lies and hurt and my own vulnerability at a crossroad and stuck a yr or so couch sleeping. Back surgery a yr ago limits my mobility. I keep trying to be positive but with holidays find it harder to do so ty just needed to vent. I am 74 and a triple virgo

  • Nonduduzo Mtshali
    Posted at 11:31h, 06 December Reply

    Thanks .I hope time heals everything

    • Milanka
      Posted at 11:49h, 06 December Reply

      Postoji osoba dosta,jer su me lagale,mislim I dalje je tako iako Sam I’m oprostila I pomirili se.Daljina nas dijelim velika,Ali osjecam da se tu nesta krije ne pokazuje prosla veza da sam sretno .Hvala puno .Isto smo znam Djevice razlika u 3,Dana I
      5 god.

  • Rita Maskill
    Posted at 11:30h, 06 December Reply

    Hi luna yes my ex husband and me were married for 40 yrs I loved him no matter how he treated me for first 30 yrs it was a love like heaven on earth but last 10 yrs were terrible he turned into a selfish disgusting mentally and physically abusive man it got worse in last 7 yrs I lost 2 of my grandchildren and lost my pet horses a women stole them had 5 shot with local hunt and fed to dogs because my husband didn’t show me love I turned to my horses for that love they were my babies but the woman who had some shot sold the other at the sales for meat in her daughters name even though I had all the real passports I took her to court it took 5 yrs and cist me £12,000 to get justice I tried to change my husband as well I trued to get the man I married back but I tried so hard even though he treated me awful and disrespected me I knew deep down he wasn’t supposed to be bad but because I have rheumatoid arthritis raynauds phenomenon and osteoporosis asthma and high cholesterol plus other issues he wanted me to drink to have sex because it was painful for me it affected my hands so I sometimes wasn’t able to enjoy making love like I used too but instead of understanding and loving me he started talking and looking for other women I thought after nearly 40 yrs he loved me enough to stay with me regardless of sex but no he said if he couldn’t get it from me he would go somewhere se and get it that made me feel worthless a burden disgusting and ashamed I started drinking doing it to please him but I couldn’t do it anymore he drove me to the point I hated myself and I knew i had to choose in staying and being unhappy and hating myself or too leave find a life of my own and even though I still loved him beyond anything else I couldn’t live with him anymore it was him or me so I left 2 yrs ago now I’m happier than I have ever been in such a long time I have my home I have my kids n grandkids even though in last few yrs I lost my horses my money my 2 grandchdren and nearly lost my son IT would be nice if he apologised even though it wouldn’t change anything I’m happy now I hopefully have a new man called nick who is a blessing sent to my life and now I just want to look to the future and be happy love and be loved every day for rest of my life but for now IM FREE and I love being ME

    • Stephanie Vincent
      Posted at 14:48h, 06 December Reply

      Rita!!! My dear my heart broke for your struggle! We may not know each other but I needed to tell you that I am so INCREDIBLY PROUD OF YOU. You have survived what most cannot fathom, it seems, and I had to reach out. He did not deserve your love, and he may not apologize, I hope he feels shame and the memories plague his mind. I apologize for the years you were unable to not love him, and surrender to the pain he put you through. I am so happy you have found your soul freedom.

  • Katriona
    Posted at 11:02h, 06 December Reply

    The whole of what you wrote very much resonated with me….
    I’ve been trying very hard to let go of all my past traumas and turn the negative speak into positive ways of thinking…because I no longer want to continue life going through so much pain and fear and lack…..
    I want to turn things round and finally Bloom even if it is in the second half of life…
    And the first thought that came to mind when you spoke of someone possibly apologising for their past actions….was… They better form an orderly queue… 😆
    However the worst pain was from my sons father as he was the most abusive and has never recognised the hurt caused or the suffering that both his son and myself have endured as a result of him always saying I was to blame all these years… And it’s been a long,long time…
    It would really help me to let go of everything if karma finally made him grow a conscience….
    But I was trying to let the past go regardless of what he does…..
    I have so much I want to become….
    Thankyou… I will make the best of this full moon….especially in light of what you have said…

  • Rae
    Posted at 10:34h, 06 December Reply


    There are a few people I feel recently that I should get an apology from. A worker who I supervise and she never was rude to me but, out the blue came to me very disrespectful and I lashed out back at her in front of my other subordinates and felt bad and ashamed that I allowed her to get me to that point, The worker was using profanity towards me which, was very disappointing and offensive to me.

    Also. I feel I deserve an apology from both of my exes for how I was treated and mainly my ex who I work with who spread lies and mistruths about me to many people.

  • Jacob Boadu
    Posted at 10:27h, 06 December Reply

    I have been suffering from a past mistreatment or a betrayal with a team member, and it is causing me a lot anytime I remember. This incident occured almost a year now. Apart from losing a lot of my personal belongings, I have also been feeling hurt, sad, depressed, lonely, cheated and angered.
    Infact this trauma in accumulation to my previous wands is causing me a lot now . Sometimes I feel all sort of unworthily thought but I want to surrender and overcome them.
    Thank you.

  • Debbie Stephens
    Posted at 10:18h, 06 December Reply

    Wow! This connected with me deeply. It was timely and described perfectly what I’ve been feeling lately. Thank you!

  • Felividad
    Posted at 10:13h, 06 December Reply

    Thank you very very much for your guidance advices, we never fight this time but I know he needs help from me because of situation but I’m really empty Jonathan. What I’m afraid he will get sick of not having enough for himself after post operation. He have sick and waiting for my help to get out and travel to my country, is this true Jonathan? God bless you always, Fcmb

    Posted at 10:07h, 06 December Reply


  • Angela Andrews
    Posted at 09:58h, 06 December Reply

    Im just hurting right now..

    • Cherijuana Rhodes
      Posted at 13:17h, 06 December Reply

      Yes from ex, I have been told once already that I would receive a apology in the month of December from my ex, so I’m waiting patiently.

  • cristina weeks
    Posted at 09:54h, 06 December Reply

    Yes… My ex owes me an apology for sure

    • Nonduduzo Mtshali
      Posted at 11:30h, 06 December Reply

      Thanks .I guess time heals everything

  • Anh
    Posted at 05:57h, 06 December Reply

    Thanks. Resonate to me.

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