06 Mar Sirena Moon | Full Moon In Virgo Tarot Reading for March 7th 2023 🌕♍🌿
Has something been weighing on your mind lately that’s been keeping you up at night?
Sirena Moon says that the upcoming Full Moon in Virgo could bring a situation that needs completion to the forefront, but you need to let go of your thoughts around it before you find the answer.
She’s here today to help you navigate the powerful energies of the Full Moon, so you can step into release the past and step into a brighter future. Enjoy!
P.S. Do you have a big decision to make right now? Have you been overthinking things? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!

Hello beautiful, wonderful people with Cosmic Updates and beyond. My name is Serena Moon, and it’s such an enormous honor and pleasure to be back with you today. And today I’m going to do something kind of different. I’m going to do a Tarot reading that’s going to give you a message based on today’s Full Moon in Virgo.
Okay, so whatever message this Full Moon in Virgo might be, some area of your life that you can improve or work on, or some theme that’s going to happen for you based on the energy that’s happening today in the full moon in the sign of earthy Virgo, all right.
And even though this is a group reading, for the group consciousness, whoever is watching at this very moment – could even be after the full moon – even though it’s a group reading, Spirit has a way of sending individual messages to whoever is meant to hear them. So trust if something clicks for you, trust that you’re meant to hear it. Okay? If it doesn’t, then no worries.
All right, so Spirit, what would you say to those who are watching? What would be the theme? Something that we could all learn or focus on from today’s beautiful Full Moon in Virgo? What would you have to know for our highest, highest good?
Okay, interesting, wow. Okay, so in this spread, to begin this card, this first card represents you now… the Perspective view right now.
And right now you’re going through so much anxiety.
This is the Nine of Swords… and the Swords, the Queen of Swords is all about our mental process… lots of thoughts, thinking. The Nine of Swords, she’s sitting up in her bed, she has loads of anxiety.
I don’t know about you, but when I have loads of anxiety, I always wake up in the middle of the night filled with thoughts. I can’t get back to sleep. And this card is saying that it’s, like, as if you’re pushing all these worried thoughts that you’ve been having into the back of your mind all day. You don’t really have time to think about it maybe, or you just can’t even sort through it. And so it’s coming out. In the middle of the night, it’s waking you up. You have anxiety, it’s just a feeling of really trapped in your own perspective and your own thinking.
And oftentimes, the Nine of Swords really represents that you feel really trapped. But in reality, you are not trapped, you’re actually not trapped at all. And there is a solution. It’s just that because you can’t find the solution and your own thought process is… you’re way too worried.
Or you’re analyzing it so much. It’s like you have tunnel vision. So you cannot see the answer because your vision is like so it’s just so focused in on the problem. And it’s very narrow right now. So you feel you feel really trapped in some situation, and a lot of anxiety. And I feel it in my chest. I feel like a tightness.
So, yeah, it’s very challenging to be going through what you’re going through right now. There’s some issue that’s really weighing heavily on your mind.
And the full moon right now, it’s like bringing it to a head because full moons can feel quite emotional. So it’s bringing this issue literally to your head, to your thinking, you’re thinking about a lot.
And then this card in the placement… this card is all about, like, where your focus is. So you’re feeling really worried, and the issue you’re dealing with, what you’re focused on, some major, major issue…
Judgment is the card that comes right before the end of the Tarot deck, which is the World card. So it’s all about wrapping things things up and getting close to finishing a cycle where you’re feeling like, you know what, What works about this? What doesn’t? Do I want to close this cycle, or don’t want to continue it?
And this could be some kind of phase you’ve been in. It could be like a relationship you’ve been in, a dynamic you’ve been in. It could be a project you’ve been working on, could be any kind of cycle that you’ve been in, and you’re just feeling like you’re really weighing heavy on your mind.
You’re really weighing heavy on your heart. You’re trying to decide, you know, if you’re going to continue on with this phase, or if you’re gonna wrap it up.
And again, the full moon times are always about culmination. They’re always about closures of energy. And this Full Moon in Virgo, it’s related to the New Moon in Virgo that happened at the end of August 2022.
So you could have had, you know, some projects you’ve been working on, or just something that you’ve been focused on. It really could be anything that you’ve been focused on for the last, you know, six months.
And now, at this time, is Virgo Full Moon. You’re sort of going, “Okay, I think I’m ready to move on here. I’m ready to have some closure in this chapter, in this phase. But what about it? What parts about it can I carry forward? Do I want to carry anything forward about it?”
It’s like a really big decision making time. There’s some really big decisions that you’re focusing on right now. And it’s just causing you a lot of stress and anxiety. It’s coming up really big for you right now on it, this full moon and this, like, week surrounding the full moon, the energy surrounding it.
And then this card is in the position of what is challenging for you right now. And this is the King of Swords. So the King of Swords, this is the fullness of the energy of the swords, which is all about thinking critical thought, you know, our mind, the processes of using logic to make decisions.
And the King of Swords could also represent a person in your life, it could also represent someone that, with a lot of masculine energy, could be a male or female, but someone with a lot of the the divine masculine energy is the King of Swords, that thinks very logically, that’s like a very critical person. It’s really in their head a lot, or it could be an Air sign.
So the King of Swords, it could be that there’s literally a person in your life who’s hypercritical. And it’s very challenging, it’s making the situation very challenging. But this energy can also represent your own thinking process and the fullness of your thinking process. Again, it’s the king, the King of Swords, so it can represent you really, really trying to figure this situation out by using your logic and using your mind.
But right now, for this situation, it’s not, it’s actually not going to work. And, you know, usually our logic, if you write the pros and cons of something, can really help us to make a really solid decision about something.
But Spirit is saying, in this case, your logic is actually taking you further and further into your mind and then to your very narrow way of tunnel vision, of thinking where you’re not accessing an inspired solution to what is causing you some trouble and this big decision that you have to make, okay.
So don’t try not to try, and there is no logical way to figure this out. You have to… It’s amazing. So this card, what this is a position of, like, advice or, like, what does work in the situation so we have two kings, as the king sort of, what?, doesn’t work, so try not to use your thinking to figure your way out of this.
And this is the King of Wands, so this is a, you know, the same type of energy. It’s the fullness of an energy, you know, the suit, but it’s the fullness of the Wands energy, and the Wands is all about movement, creativity, passion, joy, fun and laughter, and adventure, and really being, you know, in your body and, like, exercising and moving and forward motion.
And again, this could be a person, this could be an actual, you know, an actual masculine energy person in your life that is very active, is very fiery. It could be a fire sign. And, you know, maybe listen to this person instead of the real critical person. Like, listen to the person that inspires you to tap into your heart and tap into your joy okay?
Or it can be, again, your own energy and spirit saying, to figure this situation out, pitcher in move from the overthinking about it… and in literally move your body, like, get out of bed, go exercise, take a walk out into the air out into nature, because you’re gonna find the answers when you’re out of your mind.
You’re just, you know, sometimes I hate running, but some people say I love walking, I love vigorous walking, so… But some people, they say, you know, running for me, vigorous walking, or dancing especially. It just takes you out of your head, like, literally clears your head, and so that’s it.
That’s what Spirit is saying with this energy. Don’t sit there and focus on the problem and try and solve it yourself. Find a way to, like, get into your body and get into your joy. And somehow the answer is gonna, like, you’ll have an aha moment about the situation and they’ll be like, oh, oh, okay, that feels good.
It’s… for some reason, I’m feeling confusion for some of you. Like, literally just need to, like, exercise as much as you can. because you’ll sleep better and less. You won’t be, like, waking up with anxiety.
Your body will be tired. You’ll sleep better, and Spirit’s gonna give you the answer. You’ll wake up feeling it, knowing it. You’ll have that sense of, I feel really peaceful about that decision.
Okay, so there’s just, it sounds so simple, but there’s so much about literally just moving your body, however you can. And if it’s really cold outside, just turn on some music and try and dance, you know, in your house or anything. Just get into your body.
And another thing about the Wands, energy, it really is all about figuring out what brings you joy. And I like to say, well, it lights you up. So anything that when, you know, think about it, when you do it, it just, like, makes you feel really good and makes you feel joyous and happy and really just centered in your heart. And in your body gets you wanting to just move forward in life, you know, get out of bed and, you know, do something with your day.
And then finally, this is the Outcome card, we have the beautiful Three of Wands. This is such a gorgeous, gorgeous message for all of us. Because the Three of Wands in so many ways is, like, totally opposite of the Nine of Swords, and the Nine of Swords is feeling really trapped in a situation that you cannot logically figure your way out of.
And that anxiety is making you feel like you have tunnel vision and you’re just feeling like you’re imprisoned. And you are imprisoned by your own thinking.
But you’re not really imprisoned, you just feel that you are. And the Three of Wands is opposite of that the Three of Wands is feeling, like, wow, there’s a new VISTA before me. That person, look at… they’re, like, standing on a cliff, and they can see far and wide.
So it’s having big, wide vision and knowing that you are going knowing that a new a new chapter is literally on the horizon, something new is coming. A new adventure is beginning and you’re beginning now to see those pieces, okay, you’re beginning to get the information.
So with this Full Moon time, some path will be clearer. It’s something will become clearer to you. And I think you’re going to start, you’re going to have relief in the situation so that you don’t feel like it’s so black and white, so that you don’t feel like it’s a double-edged sword, so that you feel like, okay, okay, I can breathe.
Now, I don’t know exactly the answer. I don’t know exactly what’s coming. But I sense that it’s going to be okay. And I feel, actually, excited about it. So that’s what the Three of Wands energy, that’s what I’m feeling for you, if you’re watching this for all of us, whoever is meant to be watching this.
So it’s like some kind of clouds kind of part here. And there’s a sense of, okay, I can start to see my way forward now. And it feels like relief and it feels exciting.
For some of you, there could be, like, some kind of trip on the horizon, some kind of adventure, or just changed. So some kind of change, like I said, a full moon timeout is wrapped something up, some phase that we’ve been in, something kind of comes to conclusion and such as life when one door closes, another one opens.
So it’s this energy of kind of wrapping up some kind of phaser situation. And then by the end, maybe in a couple of days, you’re gonna start to feel like okay, I have some answers now. And I’m getting very excited about this new adventure, this new path that’s coming for me.
Okay, so that is a very beautiful and positive message for all of us at this beautiful, Full Moon in Virgo. And I am just wishing you guys all a very, very blessed week, a very blessed time. This month is really, gosh, it’s gonna, it’s probably going to be moving very fast and so many planets are changing signs this month. So this month is all about change. So in this Full Moon, I think, really kind of kicks it off. It’s kind of like okay, what do we need to wrap up so that we can fly forward.
So, yeah, I hope that this helps you find a little bit of clarity with wherever you are going through. And until we meet again, I am sending you so much love and wishing you the biggest, brightest Full Moon blessings. Okay, darling. All right.
sherry reynolds
Posted at 04:43h, 11 MarchHello Sirena…love your beautiful energy and reading, it was just as you say trying to hard to figure things out and today made plans for a girls nite out and felt the freedom in such a small gesture, I already know its exactly what was needed. THANK YOU !!!
Posted at 01:49h, 09 MarchWooow felt that! Chills! Very spot on my lige atm. Hoping for that exitement…thank u! ⭐️💕🌷
Posted at 01:13h, 09 MarchThank you for your beautiful reading. It is so my situation at the moment. I’m so grateful for your message and it was perfect timing. 😊❤️
Posted at 18:03h, 08 MarchHi Sirena,
Thanks for this insightful reading! Really need it at this point in time.
Love & Light
Posted at 11:46h, 08 MarchHi Sirena! Thank you for your high energy given along with your wonderful readings! Your calm spirit makes what you read believable, and I DO believe that better things are on the horizon after this mental storm! Thanks a lot and I look forward to your next reading! 🤗
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:19h, 08 MarchThank you so much Hope!! Love to you! <3
Posted at 10:54h, 08 MarchThanks for reading – miss Karma and hope all is well. Do you read the card when there Reversed? The first 3cards were reversed.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:18h, 08 MarchHi Laura! I don’t usually read reversed cards when I do small (3-6) card readings. I believe every card holds both meanings within it, and the placement of the card, along with the messages I “hear” that Spirit gives me with each card, speaks to its deeper meaning. I do believe it is important to learn the tarot with reversals. I might read with reversals next time, as you are the second person to ask. Thank you and love to you! <3
Danielle Amiott
Posted at 08:49h, 08 MarchThanks so much, this def resonates with me and I think it’s in regards to my family…you are wonderful thanks so very much!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 12:12h, 08 MarchThank you Danielle! Love to you! <3
Jens Bårman
Posted at 06:01h, 08 MarchThank you, just what I wanted to hear! 🙂
Have a great day my friend.. 🙂
Melinda Nelson
Posted at 03:14h, 08 MarchThank you very much.
Larrie Green
Posted at 22:53h, 07 MarchThank you so much, I have already started to exercise and I do feel better. This read resonated with me. God bless you!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:51h, 07 MarchThank you Larrie!! Blessings and love to you! <3
Lynn Boggs
Posted at 21:15h, 07 MarchGood evening Sirena thanks so much for your reading. It really hit home with my life situation now and I’m trying very hard to work through a lot of stuff. But walk’s absolutely help me work the stuff in my head.
My birthday is tomorrow I will be 55 and I’m trying to get the negative, toxic people out and more positivity in. Wish me luck!
I do miss Karma she a very beautiful soul.
You are as well.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:51h, 07 MarchHappy Birthday Lynn!!!! Love and Blessings to you!!! <3
Posted at 18:23h, 07 MarchHi Sirena, Interesting to see you with cosmic updates who I have been following for a long time. Very good reading for me. Looking forward to getting out of my mess. Many blessings to you
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:52h, 07 MarchThank you Gillian!! <3
Posted at 18:15h, 07 MarchMy name is Jan and I just wanted to say thank you
I know that reading was meant for me 100% and it’s entirely
Thank you God bless you!!🙏
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:52h, 07 MarchThat is beautiful Janice!! <3
Perla Granado
Posted at 16:09h, 07 MarchThanks I understand what I have to do god bless you for ur help
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:58h, 07 MarchBlessings to you Perla!! <3
Posted at 16:06h, 07 Marchthank you for shariing sirena you are so correct on target thank you
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:13h, 08 MarchMy pleasure! Love to you! <3
Kimberly Ussery
Posted at 15:35h, 07 MarchHonestly I wish I could say that this gave me clarity;however I can see this applying in several different ways in my life, and relationship as I ended up with more questions than answers.. I feel so conflicted and have for a while… but I’m going to take the advice and try to get out of my head! Thank you for sharing!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:14h, 08 MarchSo much love to you Kimberly! May you find clarity soon <3
Posted at 14:09h, 07 MarchThis was very enlightening. I’ve been this way for 2 days now. Now I’m relieved that something positive is coming. Thank uou
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:14h, 08 MarchLove to you Mary! <3
Delia Calderon
Posted at 12:50h, 07 MarchThis resonates, Thank you for sharing,
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:13h, 08 MarchThank you Delia! <3
Lea Centauri
Posted at 12:46h, 07 MarchHi…this was potent….thank you….great energy,,,,,
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:13h, 08 MarchThank you Lea!! <3
Frederica Skormin
Posted at 12:45h, 07 MarchThank you!
Such an excellent reading! ❤️
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:59h, 07 MarchThank you lovely!! <3
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:12h, 08 MarchThank you Frederica!! <3
Cathy Ann Hill
Posted at 12:34h, 07 MarchLove your reading. Thankyou 💖 Making big decisions. Working through toxicity. Staying positive and moving forward through exercise, garden walks and my business. Thankful and grateful 🙏🏼😍
William Clark
Posted at 12:55h, 07 MarchYES REALLY LOVE YOUR READING.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:59h, 07 MarchThank you William! <3
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:59h, 07 MarchThank you Cathy!! <3
Posted at 12:29h, 07 MarchGood morning. I liked this reading and your bringing forth of the meanings. It really goes well with with the full Moon in Virgo and today’s movement of Saturn in Pisces. Time to let go of things that do not help us and get ready for a new beginning for everyone in one ay or another. The King of Wands and your mentioning movement and exercise was very spot on for me, as I really have not been much for the last four months. Time to get moving my body again.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:53h, 07 MarchYes, you’re so right regarding Saturn moving into Pisces!! Love to you Elizabeth!! <3
Posted at 12:13h, 07 MarchIncredible I absolutely resonate with this! I pray the Spirits continue to guide me & lead me into prosperity, abundance and good grain. Thank U!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:15h, 08 MarchLove and blessings to you Niecy!! <3
Glen Michael Davis
Posted at 11:44h, 07 MarchHi Serena my name is Glen and I have been on this site for quite awhile now. I just wanted to say I loved your reading you just did and I think you are so beautiful. Thank you for your time and hope to have another reading from you. Have a wonderful week
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:15h, 08 MarchThank you so much Glen! Love to you!! <3
Sheryl Gossitt
Posted at 11:33h, 07 MarchI know that this was meant for me. You even chose the stack that I thought you would. WOW
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:54h, 07 MarchWow Sheryl, that is amazing!! <3
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 11:26h, 07 MarchThanks for a really awesome reading. I’m struggling and working on my feelings and emotions. Have a nice Tuesday.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:12h, 08 MarchLove to you, Scott! <3
Tina Gomez
Posted at 11:25h, 07 MarchYou exactly read me I was skeptical on this moon reading but now I am a true believer thank you.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 00:12h, 08 MarchThank you Tina!! <3
Mariah Blaylock
Posted at 11:11h, 07 MarchThat’s me the last few days to every fact and every detail. I will guess that’s why my vibration is so strong and high right now cause my intuition is extremely important to tap into clearly through this transit, and youre right… Trying to find the best LIFE CHANGING answer I need right now seems hopelessly time impossible and high risk taking no matter what step I decide to take to stick with. Very odd energy and being a highly sensitive empath and person within my own being, SUCKS right now. But I’m always optimistic through all so strength and faith is all a girl has to do sometimes to move along.
Posted at 11:00h, 07 MarchWow, thank you
Your reading was spot on. I’m grateful for the last card. Tells me I’ll have the solution. And the card that says move, excercise is spot on. Very good
Posted at 10:54h, 07 MarchThank you for this reading and everything you said is what’s going on with me right now
Deborah Clements
Posted at 10:45h, 07 MarchI lost my reading….. Omg !!!! How do I get it back. I was in process of ordering when something went wrong. And all of it disappeared. I’m just freaking out
Deborah Clements
Posted at 10:48h, 07 MarchOh so sorry.y reading was amazing. I thank you so much but how do I get my order now when my reading vanished. Please help me Sirens
Jonathan M. Sojka
Posted at 15:20h, 07 MarchWell I tell you I have been in a really serious situation and over thinking Is an understatement it says I passed only because I went Into the unknown I’m going through a massive transformation right now and I had some past mistakes that some powerful individuals thought that in order for me to be able to hang out in there establishment I should have to get jumped by some people and it ended up not ever getting finished so I’ve been having a hard time getting over it they banned me from the property and I have alot of people who now dislike me and think I’m a scared dude that won’t fight it turned out to be way more than what it should have and I guess I just gotta let it go I suppose.
Luna Dragonwell
Posted at 15:31h, 07 MarchHi Deborah, you can contact us at help@cosmicupdates.com if you need assistance.
Dee Abney
Posted at 10:32h, 07 MarchThank you so much for this clarity that I do desperately needed. I literally felt at ropes end glad to know thru you that it is the end. Have a very blessed day
Theresa Flannery
Posted at 10:23h, 07 MarchHi! On this full moon I am praying for the return of my ex Joe. We have had a really hard road and I seem clarity and possibly reconciliation. Please pray for us and that this journey was meant to bring us closer! ❤️🌸Theresa Thank you so much for this reading Sirena❤️it gives me so much hope!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:57h, 07 MarchSO much love to you Theresa!! <3
Dally Mardochee
Posted at 10:18h, 07 MarchThank you very much for giving me other hope 🙏🏾
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:58h, 07 MarchMy pleasure and thank you Dally!! Love to you!! <3
Melinda Carman
Posted at 10:17h, 07 MarchThank you so much for your beautiful message as for I am going through so much it has prepared me and has helped me to relax 😊❤️🙏
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:54h, 07 MarchSo much love to you darling <3
Cinzia Citrigno
Posted at 10:16h, 07 MarchThanks Sirena for your reading. It resonates with me, as I’ve been through a lot of thinking…so hopefully in this full moon in Virgo I’ll have clearer ideas and I’ll be able to take a decision..To continue or not to continue! Anyhow, it was a pleasure and I’ll see you next weekend for another reading.
As far as the new staff joining Cosmic Updates, I also miss Karma, she’s a lovely soul beside being very skilled at tarot reading, but as a teacher I believe in collaboration and team work, and I think there can be place for everybody, each one with his/her own uniqueness! I know the difficult moment she’s going through unfortunately and I’m sure she’ll be back one day, but I also hope to keep seeing everyone else now part of this Cosmo family!
A bear hug
Beverly Saufley
Posted at 10:10h, 07 MarchI have been anxious about a relationship with a man who is married and I am married also. But we both have no romance in either one’s marriages! I have fallen in love with him and he said that if we weren’t married things would be different. He still is keeping communication open between us. I don’t know what I can do. I still want him in my life.
Tanya Pinto
Posted at 10:09h, 07 MarchI forgot to say, I knew that there would be big changes coming with his full mouth and my birthday actually falls today, 7 March
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:57h, 07 MarchHAPPY BIRTHDAY TANYA!!! Wow, what a powerful day to have a birthday!! A Full Moon and Saturn moving into Pisces!! You will have a powerful and blessed year!!! <3
Posted at 10:08h, 07 MarchI woke up and opened the email to your reading this morning (which I don’t usually do) and I really needed this. I have been suffering from the fear and anxiety of a sudden and unexpected breakup for a few days now (don’t actually have closure just yet, expecting that today) and I feel as if my life is crashing from beneath me. But when I heard your reading, I now understand better how to approach the coming day and realize that is is just another opportunity for me to do something new for myself and is a part of my personal journey, that it’s not another failure or loss and it wasn’t anything that I did. It’s the universe opening up a new chapter for me. No matter how hard and how hurt I feel, in the end I think it is also what’s best for me. Thank you so much! ❤️🙏🏻
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:55h, 07 MarchOh Nicki, I’m sending you all of my love. Yes, you are so right. Be gentle on yourself. You are loved <3
Tanya Pinto
Posted at 10:08h, 07 MarchThank you for this beautiful message today!
It resonated to my core.
And I’m looking forward to the clarity that it should bring!
Have a beautiful day
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:56h, 07 MarchThank you Tanya!! <3
Posted at 10:05h, 07 MarchThankyou
Posted at 10:02h, 07 MarchI am a Virgo, up late at night, consumed with worry. Hitting a brick wall on my path back to working….hoping for a true opening for a worthwhile opportunity and not having to settle too too much.
Charlotte Amoah
Posted at 09:59h, 07 MarchThank you 😊
LYNNETTE Grandison
Posted at 09:59h, 07 MarchI’m wondering since my ex came back are we going marry someday ? Does he really love me
Deborah L Albright
Posted at 09:58h, 07 MarchThank you so much beautiful I need to seriously make a decision & clear my head & make room sort of spring cleaning my life so new things can enter in my walk through life it6a new day!
Posted at 09:53h, 07 MarchThankyou ever so much appreciate it very much u are an angel thankyou fir the reading
Really hit home
So nice to have some one so lovely and carring to listen to that explains in detail as such thsnkyou
I would love to be able to contact you personally as u feel u have the answers I been looking for for so long yours yiur friend Charles
Sirena Moon
Posted at 23:56h, 07 MarchThank you so much Charles! <3
Garnett Frain
Posted at 09:46h, 07 MarchI read everything I can it no one will tell me who my soulmate is I think they are making things up to drag me along. Can you find out for me would appreciate thank you
Posted at 09:45h, 07 MarchLEO ♌️ 🦁 23RD JULY 1965
Claudia Long
Posted at 09:44h, 07 MarchHi I had a love spell done on someone who I am in love with and I am wanting to know if he will find me soon