17 Nov Is This What You Really Want? | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 11/18 – 11/20
Are you ready for a deeper commitment in your love life?
Have strong emotions been stirred up lately?
Karma says hidden feelings and emotional truths are coming to light this weekend, so be prepared for revelations.
She’s here to help you navigate the energies this weekend, so you can stay true to your heart, here in her Weekend Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Karma
(Promo Code: COSMIC provides 10% off a reading when purchasing on Etsy.)
P.S. Are you in the process of opening your heart again? Have you learned something that will keep you from making the same mistake again? Leave a comment below and let Karma know!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to Cosmic Updates and welcome to your Cosmic Weekend Love Reading.
I’m Karma, and today we’re going to be taking a look at what energy is surrounding your love life, what’s coming in, what messages does the Holy Spirit have for you in regard to your love life.
We’re gonna go ahead and jump right into it with my blessing and my prayer. While I’m doing that, I’ll be shuffling, and then we’ll see what messages the Holy Spirit has for you. I hope you guys are doing well. Let’s take a look.
Mother, Father, God, Divine Spirit, and the Most High, thank you for allowing me to be a clear channel and receiving messages for the collective in regard to their current love life, life situation and soul journey. I ask that these messages provide clarity, guidance, healing, and understanding, as well as a higher knowledge and perception into what karmic cycles, soul lessons, and generational curses they may currently be dealing with, about to deal with, need to become aware of, learn from, heal from, and release outward. And all that you are and all that you do, and all that I am and all that I do. I live by your word and your word. In Yeshua, his name, I pray, Amen.
The energy feels very rushed, very anxious, anticipating something…something’s coming. You know that it’s here, or it’s already arrived, or some of you are waiting for an arrival. Like, so I’m seeing the airport and planes, but there’s just a lot of excitement and rushed energy.
Alright, so let’s take a look. Well, yeah, we have the Page of Wands coming out as the first card in the Recent Past. Wow, we have the Lovers coming in as the Current Energy. And we have the Hermit. So Gemini, Virgo energy pretty strong here.
So let’s take a look on the bottom of the deck, you have the Page of Cups. Oh, I’m not too thrilled with the Pages on the table for you. Right? Because Pages are typically a little bit more emotionally immature. They haven’t really gone through the life lessons needed to grow and gain that wisdom. They do come through as very childlike, very playful, very non-committal energy. Okay, sometimes you may find the Page of somebody who you know who they call a player, just not serious about the investment.
And on the bottom of the Page of Cups, the Six of Pentacles, the Five of Cups, but then you have the Emperor so somebody heals something here.
Oh boy, and they realize what they lost. You have somebody coming forward with a message, somebody very…that you’re not expecting. It is very spontaneous with this Page of Wands. You already have an image of who this person is or what they represent to you.
I do feel like this is somebody that you have deep emotions for, that you have a connection with with the Lovers card here.
The Page of Wands concerns me, like I said before. I feel like you have a perception of this person as not being mature enough to handle the type of connection that you’re looking for.
I’m going to ask you, again, let’s go back to last week. There was a decision that you needed to make, and Spirit was saying to be very patient with this decision.
I see growth on my table. I see a Page of Cups and an Emperor. That’s massive transformation. With the Hermit here, this lets me know that somebody has gone through something. Not only life changing, but mind changing, soul changing, spirit changing, okay. I feel that this person is going to come towards you in a very light hearted manner. That’s why they’re coming through as the Page, like fun and light hearted. They’re not trying to put too much emphasis on how serious they are about you. I feel it comes from fear. I feel it’s a way of protection.
But I do want to clarify, Spirit. Please show me this Page of Wands, Holy Spirit. Yeah, Four of Wands.
I’m telling you, they’re coming in playful. They don’t want you to know how serious they are.
But this person is coming in with serious intentions. It might be a little bit more than this person can handle, like they’re biting off more than they can chew. But I’ve never said this before when I see the Page, but this person it’s almost like this person has a… They have a plan. They have a method to their madness on how they’re coming towards you. They’re seeking some type of alignment, and they’re wanting some type of celebration with you.
They’re wanting to take things to the next level. You could be moving in with each other. They could be moving in with you, vice versa. But there’s a coming together.
The concern that I have, again, because Spirit is showing me is…there’s an energy with this Page energy that can create friction.
Okay, now let’s talk about feelings. This is where Spirit is wanting me to go collective. Remember that feelings are not always facts. It’s why it’s so important for us to continuously work on healing ourselves and pulling out any toxic energy. So that we can really know what we’re dealing with.
You may view somebody as this Page of Wands, and that energy. And how you view them is going to interfere with this connection that they’re trying to build with you. Because you’re going to see them as non-committal, not serious, biting off more than they can chew. But they’re coming in, full of passion, open heart, and wanting to try this with you.
So you see how that can create a bubble of energy that puts in conflict or confrontation, because it gives me the Five of Wands.
So that lets me know that this is something that is going to be difficult, that there’s going to be adversity that comes into this situation, which is normal. We have to expect adversity in any situation. We knew that would come in, because that’s how we learn. And that’s how our bond deepens.
Okay, so this person is coming forward. They do know that it’s going to be difficult. I also feel like this person feels like it’s a long shot. Like, “They’re never going to take me back.” Or, “They’re never going to want to be in a relationship with me.” Or it could even be something so simple as, “There’s a difference in age.” And because they’re younger, they feel like you’re not going to take them seriously.
All right, Current Energy is the Lovers. This is something that’s been brought to you by the Divine. And I feel like two weeks ago, in the beginning of November, we did a reading where I saw something coming to you from the Divine. This is it.
You have the Knight of Cups, the Nine of Cups, and the Sun. And now you have the Lovers as the Current Energy.
There’s the divine connection. What is the divine connection? – It’s when you are a vibrational match. You are vibrating on the same frequency as each other. So you are a divine match at this time.
Now, if you continue to invest equally in the relationship, you’ll continue to always be the divine match, right?
It’s when one person continues to evolve and the other one stops that we come off track.
So you do have a divine counterpart that’s in your presence, and you have a decision to make.
The Lovers is always about choices. And for the last two weeks now, this would be the third, you have had cards in your Present Energy that requires you to make a decision.
You have two choices, two options. You’re trying to balance and weigh the scales and you’re trying to understand which connection is for me and which is the best way to go.
You have the Hermit, so I do feel like you’ll be taking your time on this. This isn’t a decision that you’re going to be making lightly.
Please be aware that this person who’s coming towards you as somebody who, like I said, has had a life changing experience, when it comes to not only themselves in life but love. Okay? This is someone who’s been isolated, who’s been on their own. They’ve been single, they’ve been looking within, and they’ve been doing the work.
Please tell me about the Hermit. Have they been doing the work? I picked up the Moon. A lot of emotional baggage has been cleared, a lot of things have risen to the surface.
For this person, you may also be feeling this energy, Pisces energy. I feel there’s a mirror. There’s like this reflection going on between you and this person. There’s a lot that’s coming to the surface that has been connected with one’s mind and soul, because I’m seeing two lights kind of come together. And it’s bringing out a lot of truth.
Okay, I see what Spirit is saying. So there’s been a lot from the mind and the heart that’s been illuminated inside of somebody, and it’s coming to truth, which is throat chakra. So they’re going to be speaking truth to you very, very soon. If you haven’t already received this conversation, there’s a wisdom and knowledge that somebody has gained over this particular connection. This is a divine connection. And it may have been on pause for quite some time. But now it’s coming forward.
Give me one more before we close out on this Hermit in the Moon, please. Wow, King of Pentacles and the Six of Cups. It’s what I’m saying…somebody is ready for next level commitment now. They have established their feelings. They’re ready to make a long term commitment and investment on a relationship with you.
All right, Collective. This looks really good. I’m excited to see what’s coming for you guys. I’ll see you guys next weekend. Sending you much love.
Mulalomasia Pretty
Posted at 10:56h, 02 JanuaryMy name is pretty .this reading is correct .the person that your are talking abt from the devine is a pastor .as i am also spiritual gifted God showed me this men several times in my dreams .but the problem is the church the church there are also ladies that want him .is a battle for him tp reach out to me . There is an older women who does not want this relagkonship to happen God has already shows me that .but i thank God by you what you are reading is the whole truth .this women always hurt me in many ways so that my heart is hurt.
David Daines
Posted at 00:57h, 25 NovemberThis reading was absolutely amazing. I dated a guy on three separate occasions and I immediately fell in love with him and there has been no contact from him for about 2.5 months but oddly my feelings for him have intensified and I sometimes get goose bumps and butterflies. We have loads in common n got on very well. I would spend the rest of my life with him.
Karma, you are amazingly gifted. Thanks so so so much.
Best wishes
Posted at 13:06h, 23 NovemberThank you so much karma that’s so true God bless you. I’m speechless wowww
Posted at 10:40h, 23 NovemberI have been waiting for three weeks now for something to happen and it hasn’t. I am psychically connected to two people and have not heard anything yet. I have reached out to my person only to be met with silence. The karmic connection I want to close out from and move on also has not come forward and I am still being psychically abused on a daily basis. I have called out to the Divine several times to end this connection but it hasn’t. I thought the solar eclipse was supposed to phase out the toxic karmics. WHAT THE HELL!!
Elaiine Raubenheimer
Posted at 08:18h, 21 NovemberThank you sooo much Karma, finally some good news and it rings so true. Rick I have also been identified as an Andromedan Starseed and kino9wwho my twin flame is. May God bless you richly.
Posted at 19:15h, 20 NovemberKarma your readings have been accurate the whole time what I’m going through with these two women.
Esther Vis
Posted at 16:34h, 20 November❤️👏🏻
Posted at 11:46h, 20 NovemberThank you for your guidance Karma, this resonates strongly with what is happening with my connection ♥️
Rick Topham
Posted at 07:11h, 20 NovemberHi Karma,
Very interesting reading. I am a Starseed and I know that I have a Divine Counterpart / Twin Flame somewhere, but do not know who it is. The 3D analogy of how I feel is it is like receiving an anonymous an anonymous valentines card and never finding out who it is from.
It would of course be nice if she tells me who she is, but I think that is unlikely. However, after your reading, here’s hoping! Rick x
Posted at 06:32h, 20 NovemberThank you Karma ,👍💗
Rebecca Campbell
Posted at 00:04h, 20 NovemberThank you Karma. *
Mitchell Michael York
Posted at 02:14h, 21 NovemberWow Karma
You are wonderful. You shocked me, really. I just didn’t think he and I had a chance.
Big age difference, which you mentioned. I didn’t think he knew!
He says I’m the first guy he’s been attracted to, although others and myself included sense otherwise. He is fighting it. I blow his mind….
I’m beautiful…X model…and everyone says so. Including him, and I feel he doesn’t think he’s good enough.
Thank you Karma. You are lovely.
Mary Vick
Posted at 18:48h, 19 NovemberThank you Karma. Yesterday was my birthday and the person I was hoping to wish me a happy birthday didn’t. I feel so much energy towards him and I feel he does me too. His birthday was earlier this month. I broke our relationship off over a year ago and have regretted it since. I have/am trying to resolve things as I painfully miss him. And get the feeling he misses me too but is still hurt by my actions. I do hope the cards drawn lead us back together
Rebecca Campbell
Posted at 23:59h, 19 NovemberMy dearest Mary, If your person knew it was your birthday, I know with a 97% energy’s possibilities that he said at some point on that day… “Happy Birthday Mary”. It’s just what we tend to do when we realize its someone’s birthday even though the person may not reach out to say it in person. That’s just how the human mind works. Smile my dear and except his wishes. Learn about human energies and how the individual mind works within the universe, you will see things in a different aspect. Seeing the things we don’t see with the naked eye is a sign of perception that can help us read people better and also give us the ability to connect with them on across the soul plane, once you learn how to use this energy then you will be wiser then most people, this can also be used to manifest the things you want in life. Master Manifestor and Spell Caster Rebecca Cambell of Wildwoods Witches Coven~Senior Title~Queen Of All Moons, of the Star Seed Planitary System, Universal.
Posted at 16:48h, 19 NovemberThanks Karma,
Good Wishes to You and Lionheart✨🙏🏻✨
MAHNAZ Shahrzad
Posted at 13:00h, 19 NovemberVery Amazing – looking forward to see what happens
Posted at 12:52h, 19 NovemberKarma: It is so apparent that you are being guided by the Holy Spirit and Christ. I so appreciate your readings as they reflect so much of what is happening in my life with my love. As you shared, he is being very playful and so much more attentive, present, and putting his energy into our relationship. He hasn’t shared his feelings yet. I am letting go of a lot of my expectations to allow him the freedom to share his heart at the right moment. I know in my soul that we have a divine connection that is interwoven with our love for God. That has made all the difference in the world. When we are together, it feels like we are in a time warp, and the only thing happening is our connection. It’s almost otherworldly and at the same time so simple, peaceful, and fulfilling. Your readings help me to get past any emotional frustration and look deeper and wider to see the bigger picture and strengthen my compassion and understanding of our journey. Thank you from my heart.
Bless you,
With Love, Lin
Ann Marie Smith
Posted at 12:43h, 19 NovemberHey Karma,
You look beautiful and well rested. I hope it is a sign that mom has turned a corner.
Much love and concern,,
PS FRIDAY’S reading was spot on–let’s wait for the resolution–yikes!!!!!!!!
Genavee Hayden
Posted at 12:32h, 19 NovemberWow I hope this happens
Mo mo
Posted at 12:19h, 19 NovemberHi Karma, I am feeling very hopeful after your reading.
I amvery intruiged to know who this page is?
I thankyou for your in depth reading, I love it.
Looking forward to see what happens divinely.
Jayshree Mohan
Posted at 10:32h, 19 NovemberThank You Karma,
Today’s reading is so so so spot on for me and the situation I am in with my partner. Everything said pertained to what is actually the situation in our relationship. Our matching vibrations especially. The fact that we have both been through the same pains in life and have learnt and healed from it. Yes, I do sense he is holding back due to fear created by his past and therefore coming through as more playful, however at times I sense the serious mature personality coming through, Just this weekend he has been through a life changing experience as well which has brought us even closer…. and yes the meeting of 2 lights and becoming verbal with our past hurt… Wow so exact. Thank You Karma for that amazing reading.. Certainly found the answer I was looking for. Love You Karma !
Posted at 09:35h, 19 NovemberWow Karma thank you for your great reading. Ilove it. Its wonderful and its coming to light .
Positive outcome. God bless
Posted at 09:28h, 19 NovemberKarma, you know you always seem like your talking about my situation. I hope things can workout between us if he does come back around and if I want to take him back. I still feel the connection, but some days it feels like I want to let it go and look forward to meeting someone else, but I have such a strong connection with this man I just can’t let go. Thanks Karma, looking forward to hearing my reading with you.
Chanelle B.
Posted at 09:17h, 19 NovemberForgot to mention, I saw him just before leaving for my trip out of the country. He was the only one I bought a gift back for that I purchased at the airport!
Posted at 08:38h, 19 NovemberThis mesage rings true for me. We had the talk. A lot had been said that took yrs for him to realze. One of the quedtions I possed to him was, what is the time line are you wanting me to move in with him. He already possed the quetion of marriage. I have not gotten the questions I sent to him answered yet. I told him were either twin flames or soul flames. He called me a witch he told me I have powers and I don’t know how powerful I truly am. We both came to a realization that we both are empaths. We have known each other for 8 or 9 yrs but our relationship has been off & on. We both loved eachother and have been taken threw rough patches death of 1st wife, loss of 2nd wife walking away, death of my Mom now death of his Mom. Now this.
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 08:23h, 19 NovemberThank you, again for your reading so thank you very much and my boyfriend and moving in with me and everything is looking pretty good thank you for your reading reading Karma
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 08:22h, 19 NovemberThank you Karma for the reading I love the reading I love it very much thank you
Kathleen Ciotti Daniele
Posted at 07:41h, 19 NovemberThank you, Karma, for this reading. For the first time, my boyfriend spoke like I never heard him speak before. It was very biting and stinging to me. I just assumed that he was breaking up with me. I think it is the opposite of his wanting to come to me. I felt for eleven months that he was seeing someone else. I just think he was keeping me ‘on hold’ in case it did not work out for him. The message he wrote me was so demeaning, like he had to blame me somehow in order to break away. He’ a Sagittarius and has many ‘women’ friends. I have not been so accepting of this situation. So, I think his being mean to me is his way of getting to the truth with me. Anyway, you are a beautiful reader and I appreciate your readings.
Posted at 07:33h, 19 NovemberWow Karma this is exactly how you have said gong on for weeks and a decision has to be made.
Thank you for your insight as always on spot.
Helen Waites
Posted at 07:01h, 19 NovemberVery intriguing, I am looking forward to things unfolding. Thank you
gillian choo
Posted at 06:28h, 19 NovemberThank you Karma that was totally for me. He is coming back tonight. Love and light to you Gillian
Posted at 07:42h, 19 NovemberI absolutely 💯 resonate with that whole reading! It has clarified some thoughts I have, and I’m feeling more at ease after that. Thank.you so very much 🙏🏻 💛 😊💫
Chanelle B.
Posted at 06:16h, 19 NovemberKarma, thank you for illumination. I do have 7 of cups energy in my life right now so I had to decipher who this reading was about. Because of all your clarification cards I know exactly who this Page of Wands is. And with the Divine speaking to me last weekend through song lyrics “ secret lovers, that’s what we are”, I already know the choice I might make with Lovers pulled. Although he’s playful & infact a Gemini, as I am a Virgo. This is a long shot for him because he’s married & knows I couldn’t/wouldn’t date him. But the reflection you saw is us. We’re drawn to each other because we always lock eyes and hold gaze into each others…. As the Emperor, he is a father, but also the boss/owner/founder of his business.
Andrew Clinton
Posted at 04:50h, 19 NovemberBeautiful as always Karma.In a long drawn out situation and every reading you do makes sense.
Thank you
Posted at 03:57h, 19 NovemberKarma you are our gift from the Divine thank you for honoring His will. Ialmost gave up on her., now I understand everything. It still hurts though. Everything that came out from your reading is spot on. The age difference, the non-committal part, us being on the pause for some time. She’s Virgo by the way. The accuracy would have freaked me out a year or two ago but now I understand clearly. I’m hurting a lot and I feel like she’s hurting too, and I send her strength and support as well as Love and Light as she goes through all this. Your reading brought me hope. Thank you so much ❤️ 🌈 💍
John C. Verducci 111
Posted at 03:32h, 19 NovemberTonight this is my second Amazing Reading from Karma and she did not know how such a cosmic shift happened so fast , well she does not know that contrary to my last 55 weeks of paperwork for my examine in which closed out. Hence I am free and resume being myself again! I achieve Goals 1, 3 , 5, which is losing 10lbs , losing 20lbs, losing 45lbs. After completing this goal I am at my college weight. Next , I created the entire incident with my friend on a website I spoke to her on Tuesday for 90 minutes. On Wednesday had a firm contact with and made an in person date for December 10,2022 . Also, Achieving goals 2,4. ,I am almost in the zone now and I am waiting for the right opportunities to cross my path! Love is my top priority for the year 2022 and I Successful thanks in great part From Karma’s great insights which allows me to know how to act accordingly from her timely advice which was key to me making a date in Columbia and buying my Airline ticket! I am a person of action!
Posted at 03:05h, 19 NovemberYou are always spot on or close to the real situation. Always excited to hear your readings. Thank you so much
Sarah Louise Nicholls
Posted at 02:40h, 19 NovemberThank you Karma – I so hope he finds the courage to come and see me and speak up for our connection – I know that we are meant to be together and that he does love me even if he’s never been able to say it before – I just feel it deep down❤️
Posted at 02:16h, 19 NovemberI realy have the feeling its about me and him,i hope so that it will Come and we realy get togrther…
Steph D.
Posted at 02:07h, 19 NovemberSpot on! Thank you 🙂
Dawn Hughes
Posted at 01:50h, 19 NovemberAnother reading that seems relevant to me and my situation. Thank you Karma 😊
Posted at 01:46h, 19 NovemberAnd yes it really is what I want
Posted at 01:45h, 19 NovemberOhh my goodness you are so spot on Karma,I am so reassured by your reading,I look forward so much to your readings every week
Heather Gibson
Posted at 01:42h, 19 NovemberThank you so much what an amazing reading!! I feel him coming towards me as well I still cant figure out the choice as he is always my choice. Blessings!!
Posted at 01:37h, 19 NovemberI forgot to Mention that she’s a Virgo lol.
Posted at 01:20h, 19 NovemberSpot on I’ve been inlove with her for a couple of years now and we went to Vegas to drop a friend at the airport. Went to a dive bar didn’t turn out well at all that was a couple of weeks ago. We really haven’t spoke since. Today she came by really quick to pick up her shoes. I found out she has Covid then later she asked for medicine. She’s half my age but since day 1 we both agreed that god brought us into each other’s lives for a reason.. There is something between us that’s so strong everyone can see it and call’s us out on it. She’s always denied it. But it’s so strong that you couldn’t cut through it with a chainsaw. And she is definitely considered a player for sure.. I don’t know what to do at this point after Vegas she definitely bell eyed up to the bar and rolled the dice on me.I’ve been trying to way out what choices I have wait or remove myself from the equation because I will not allow that to happen again I would never do to her what she did to me. Thank you for your readings the last couple of weeks 🤙. Please keep us in your prayers 🙏😎✅
Cyrilla Dunn
Posted at 00:43h, 19 NovemberI’ve been following your readings bc they resonate to my situation ,so detailed , and very thorough. I always look forward to listen to your readings bc they give me clarity and hope at a time when I’m anxious, heavy hearted , confused, just a mess lol .. thank you Karma you’re the best !! ❤️
Leticia Parnell
Posted at 00:36h, 19 NovemberOmggg 😲 wow amazing I felt every single word you said……I LOVE it 😀 ❤️ you’re truly awesome Blessing Blessing to you karma 🙏 🙌 ❤️ 💖 much appreciated 🙏 ❤️
Carole Gallo
Posted at 00:16h, 19 NovemberWow . Exactly what I thought. We met on Facebook. He’s on oilrig job. Yes he’s been texting me bout what you read at very end.
The adversity is he has no access to money. Even though I have mentioned he’s tapped me out. I am selling my vehicle that needs work done. We were suppose to use this towards him come home Christmas.
Now he needs another card apple 200.00 to get his work done. He insists I try to get money for card. Were its beside me. Any input in any of this financial matter would really help. I need to tell him by tomorrow bout get money for card I dont have. I’m out if options and patience with him continously asking for money I don’t have. I’ve told him nicely then kinda boldly. Thank you
Karin Kohler
Posted at 00:40h, 19 NovemberI met a man on an oilrig once and all he wanted was money.
Please be super careful, it could be a scam.
Posted at 01:42h, 19 NovemberPlease be careful as there are very cruel people out there who will take advantage of you and take your kindness and use it un scrupulously
Nat fernat
Posted at 03:51h, 19 NovemberSorry but heis just using you for money. I’ve heard about scams like this on the news before.
Nesem Lacson
Posted at 00:10h, 19 NovemberAgain Thank you for the awsome reading.
Nettie Nestor
Posted at 00:07h, 19 NovemberBless you
John Andrews
Posted at 23:41h, 18 NovemberYour awesome karma always expect the unexpected lots of love ❤️😘
Posted at 23:36h, 18 NovemberLoka samantha shino bhavanthu….🙏
Roxanne Frempong
Posted at 23:35h, 18 NovemberKarma,
I look forward to every Friday. You have been on point ever since I started getting your readings. The Nov 18th reading hit it on the nail. The age gap and all. I’m hopeful the divine would guide me in the right direction as I’m in love with this man. However, we have been on pause since 2/4/2022 and I’ve been anticipating his return; hoping he will come back for me. Please keep me in your prayers!
Posted at 00:37h, 19 NovemberGod bless u child
Melinda Nelson
Posted at 23:28h, 18 NovemberThank you very much for a good reading. I think you are right about it. God bless you .
Posted at 23:23h, 18 NovemberThank You Karma .. Iam sure it is ai who you are refering to in your reading. Yes this is. what I want and need. . There has always been something magnetic.At first aI wasnt sure why aI felt this beautiful connection. i could not pull away. Please pray for us and our journey.Its goning to be long and hard together we can do it..m
Jose Jr. Vega
Posted at 23:14h, 18 NovemberThank you for your amazing reading
Josaki Simon Peter
Posted at 23:04h, 18 NovemberThis is absolutely me. May God bless and keep you always.
Thanks a lot.
Posted at 23:03h, 18 NovemberThis feels very accurate for me. Thank you for taking time to look further into the meaning❤️
Roy Ayers
Posted at 22:56h, 18 NovemberWow, you mention reflection or was it mirrored. We’re the same month. Eight days apart. Sometimes I don’t know if you’re speaking of me or her. But that’s just the tip of a Ice berg for us. Same with horoscope. We’re twins. Yikes it’s spooky. Can’t wait for next week. Thank you. Be safe.
Frederica Skormin
Posted at 22:54h, 18 NovemberAwesome reading!
Much love and gratitude 🙏
Posted at 22:54h, 18 NovemberGeeze I just got chills and I’m feeling sensational. This wonderful Read certainly hit the bulls eye for me. I’m six yrs older & felt my ex was way immature, confused, and took me for granted. THANK U because this is exactly how I’ve felt and have been feeling with this man which made me leave him so unexpectedly.
Krista McNeese
Posted at 22:46h, 18 NovemberYou nailed it again ❤️❤️❤️. Thank you Karma.
Bonnie Lou Donahue
Posted at 22:41h, 18 NovemberYour readings are so powerful. Thank you! Funny, I’m Gemini/Virgo and this was right on for me.
Sandra Naranjo
Posted at 22:34h, 18 NovemberWhat I understood made me happy
Leslie Dunlap
Posted at 23:00h, 18 NovemberI dont know how this pertains to me, I am married. I also am a faithful, loyal wife.
Jody Lynn Crouse
Posted at 22:32h, 18 NovemberYour readings lately make me feel that they are directed at me. And makes me very hopeful. Love listening to them. Thank you for your gift. ❤️🙏🏻
Posted at 22:31h, 18 NovemberWow, is this ever bang on for what’s going on with me at the moment. The connection is definitely coming through. And there are a lot of mirrors. I may be the immature one, but I think it’s him too funny. I am absolutely scared to death to join this man because it means a move and I really don’t want to. I’m looking forward to seeing how this week goes to thank you. Blessings.
Barbara Mobley
Posted at 22:31h, 18 NovemberThank you and God bless you for the reading ❤️.
Beverley Kathleen Gooch
Posted at 22:30h, 18 NovemberThank you for the beautiful reading. It has given me a lot of clarity on my relationship with my boyfriend! I have regained much hope and love for him. Bless you Karma….look forward to the next reading.
Posted at 22:19h, 18 NovemberYou sure have me curious in regards to the choices.
. The one I would love to pursue the next step with in my love life, has been single for awhile and although I feel the bond and the connection and attraction is not only presented in our interactions and time togethor, and We both know what is there.
I believe the feelings of fear, uncertainty and personal growth due to past issues in theyer relationships has held them back as they have expressed it emotionally in deep conversations but hold in exactly what the details and reasons are for this behaviour, but I feel it and I know they are healing, god bless them.
As for the other option, it’s obvious they want something more, this is my most recent connection in which I had to move forward due the maturity but also a lot more to do with current spiritual growth, as I was ascending far faster then they have been and currently are. This created a very low vibrational, uncomfortable and un easy feeling in me as well as , like I wasn’t even being understood in regards to my growth, my professional life and equally cared for and understood as I was being. A lot of manipulation, betrayal, it really effected me on a personal level being a cancer I am and one to care for and love family so much while having a high expectation of personal life not be expressed of myself to others, in which was not respected at all as they would tell anyone anything.,
I still have a hard time seeing the progress and understanding in them, but it’s obvious they want this so bad but, I shouldn’t have to be in that spot , and wait and wait while holding in my emotions as they boil, that’s not healthy or fair for the sake of their happiness over mine.
Although both have presented themselves with a lack of maturity but in different areas. As the one I would like to see and move forward with (and I feel out of fear) just didn’t communicate much, at all, and would tell me she does want this and does want the same future vision as me and does want to move in togethor as we were suppose to and still may, get a place togethor. But I have held myself back far more then before in the sense of expressing myself , my wants and my future and to them in regards to my feelings.
In the end, like you said. I’m not rushing or forcing anything, and I’m not trying to prove anything anymore, after all, it’s not me who need to, I have done my part and they know that.
both know exactly where I stand with what I want and both know the effortless and meaningful love i unconditionally give. Open minded, down to earth and caring person I am and I present myself as and bring forward with with commitment, now it’s up for me to see if I’ll be equally loved and cared for and of what I want is what they want and if it’s brought forward in the actions now as the words have been spoken.
Only time will tell, until then, I’ll be here doing me, being the best, most generous loving person I always have been. <3 all my love to you too Karma <3
Renee Simmons
Posted at 22:16h, 18 NovemberHi Karma —
It’s been a year and a little over two months since I’ve heard from my ex but my thoughts of him never stopped. There are some days when it’s not so intense but never a day without him crossing my mind.
Our relationship ended very abruptly after an intense argument with no closure and him moving on with someone else very quickly. This was painful for me but I decided if that’s what he wanted, I had no choice but to let him go.
Even after letting go I always felt like he was going to return at some point with an explanation of some kind. I’ve grown and learned so much about myself and this connection during this separation and the synchronicities have been constant!
Perhaps my moment of truth is on its way…let’s see what happens?!
Thank you so much! Blessings!🙏🏼
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 22:13h, 18 NovemberThanks for the wonderful reading on Friday 11/18/2022. I do hope for the best for what happens.
Debbie Stephens
Posted at 22:13h, 18 NovemberThank you! Your readings the past three weeks & this week have resonated with me and are spot on.
Sharon Searson
Posted at 22:09h, 18 NovemberEverything you have been channeling these last weeks is right on target for what is happening in my life. I am so grateful for your insight and sharing of your gifts with us. Thank you Karma. Have a wonderful week 🙏
Tamara Lord
Posted at 22:06h, 18 NovemberThank you for the insight and to think i thought Karma was a bad thing lol just kidding your wonderful
Maude Arianne
Posted at 22:01h, 18 NovemberThank you Karma! A lot to reflect upon…!
Helen Gray
Posted at 21:57h, 18 NovemberThis definitely resonates with me and makes me very happy because I’ve been hoping & wanting to have a serious relationship with the man I’m talking with for awhile! I hope he does tell me he wants to go to the next level this weekend!
Brenda Rudd
Posted at 21:57h, 18 NovemberLiked the reading hit upon a lot of truth
Posted at 21:56h, 18 Novemberthank you Karma
christy morgan
Posted at 21:55h, 18 NovemberThank you Karma, this is true facts about this reading. I reconcile in this message and I pray it’s comes true and we stay together in the future and I hope that we will get married soon. Love and Light 🙏❤💯
Glen mgrath
Posted at 21:50h, 18 NovemberThat you so much from Glen I hope. It’s all true as have lost seeing my baby girl for a while ❤️
Shirley Todd
Posted at 21:49h, 18 NovemberThis really resonated with me. He’s younger than me. You were right about everything you spoke about. I am really nervous. I will keep you posted..
Belinda Ochoa
Posted at 21:47h, 18 NovemberThank you for your help
Posted at 21:47h, 18 NovemberOmg, thank you so much Karma, I’m speechless after that reading, it’s like you were speaking to me and describing my situation and the person in my life exactly. Your readings are amazing, and help enormously, so much appreciated.
Leah smith
Posted at 21:38h, 18 NovemberThis was on point. It resonates with me
Nadia Malik
Posted at 21:30h, 18 NovemberThankyou Karma 💕💕💕
Posted at 20:41h, 18 NovemberThank you so much. Your readings continue to bring me clarity, and I really appreciate it
Posted at 18:32h, 18 NovemberThank you so much Karma!
Gail Herbert
Posted at 21:41h, 18 NovemberThank you so much Karma. This really really resonated with me!
Cheryl Lynn
Posted at 12:32h, 18 NovemberThese last 3 readings really resonated and gave me peace. My ex texted me after having blocked me and dumped me for no reason 11 months ago!! After 11 months he text a lengthy apology and to tell me he loved me but is moving away. I loved him perfectly and I still do. I can’t really say how I feel. Either about the message or him. However Karma you were dead on and this happened yesterday. Thank you 🙏 for your gift.