It’s Okay To Say No | Weekend Love Reading | 7/1 – 7/3

Hi Friends,

Do you believe you can have what you really want in a relationship?

Today’s love reading says that no matter how easy or difficult your love life has been lately, it’s about to get better…

And it will start by declaring what you want and don’t want in a relationship.

With your words, your thoughts, and especially… your actions.

This weekend could bring a lot of movement around romantic matters, so it’s important for you to find your inner resolve on where you stand.

Your cards today reveal a certain mystical secret of the Universe that you can learn and apply to your own life.

And once you do, the path to greater love and bliss will open up swiftly… 

So relax, grab your favorite cup of tea, and let yourself take in this powerful message.

Card #1: King Of Wands | Express Your Desire

With the King of Wands as your first card, now is not the time to be wishy-washy or stuck in indecision.

Rather, you’re being asked to get in touch with your sense of authority, be courageous, and recognize that you have the power to influence your love life in the direction you want it to go.

If you have feelings for someone new or are in a complicated relationship, the King of Wands is a green light to express your desires and sway the situation in your favor.

If you’re in a secure relationship, this card brings an opportunity to step into even greater alignment by focusing on your shared goals or going on an adventure together.

If you’re single and haven’t met anyone, this card could suggest crossing paths with a creative, mature individual who is charismatic and determined.

However, the King of Wands is more likely to represent qualities that can help get your heart out of a rut – like passion, leadership, and decisive action.

No matter your situation, the King of Wands is a sign that you are in control of what happens next. 

So take some time to focus on your wants, desires, and passions. 

Because, when you honor your instincts and prioritize your own self-empowerment, the rest of the world, lovers included, will take note and follow your lead.

If you’ve been in a dynamic with someone where you feel like you’re at their mercy, or you have too little power in a relationship, the King of Wands is a clear sign to step back and focus on yourself.

As much as you might love someone, if they don’t respect your boundaries and respect you in the way you deserve, putting up with it won’t serve either of you.

You can shift this energy by honoring your own boundaries and embodying the authority you have over your own life.

As you do… you might notice there are some things you need to say “no more” to.

Card #2: Four Of Cups | Have You Had Enough?

Is there a situation or pattern in your love life that you’ve simply had enough of?

The Four of Cups as your second card indicates that you might be at your limit with a certain dynamic.

In relation to your first card, the King of Wands, it’s possible that the Four of Cups is pointing out something you need to say “no” to, so you can step more fully into your romantic potential.

Maybe you’ve fallen out of love with a partner, and their efforts just don’t satisfy you anymore.

Or perhaps you’ve accepted less than what you truly desire because you don’t believe it’s possible to be fulfilled in the way your soul craves.

One way or another, you might need to reject what’s being offered to you in order to gain what you really want in the future.

And this can be hard… 

Because if you’re lonely, having someone, even if they’re not ideal, can seem better than no one at all.

But this could be a BIG mistake.

If you lean into the energy of the King of Wands, focusing on your sovereignty and power to manifest the relationship you really want, it will be easy to figure out what to accept and what to reject.

You might have to change your vibration, and change what kind of treatment you accept from others in order to find lasting happiness.

But you are worthy. 

And you have all the tools you need to shift gears.

Card #3: Two Of Coins | Shifting Your Priorities

Is there a romantic situation that’s causing you to stumble off track?

Your final card this weekend is the Two of Coins reversed, which suggests your energy might need to be rebalanced.

Maybe a recent argument has thrown you out of alignment, or the give and take in your relationship is out of whack. 

Or perhaps your love life has been receiving too much or too little attention.

Any of these scenarios can bring up difficult questions and feel confusing, so it’s okay to let the dust settle before making any decisive moves.

But don’t get too comfortable.

You still need to embody the King of Wands’ courageous, determined energy… it’s just important to recognize the right moment to act.

With the Two of Coins reversed, there is a danger of doing nothing and allowing your future to be determined passively.

Procrastination or even neutrality is not the right move at the moment.

You’re being asked to assert your desires, advocate for your wants, and express your preferences.

You might even need to figure out what you truly want before you can shift your priorities and achieve success in love. 

So use this weekend to stand your ground and restructure your life in a way that supports the King of Wands’ empowered energy that’s showing up for you now.

You’re In Control

Sometimes it’s the seemingly smallest decisions that create the biggest outcome in your future.

This weekend’s reading is a reminder not to underestimate yourself or the power of your choices.

It may be tempting to tell yourself you can make a better choice later, and that you’d rather just enjoy what you have for as long as it lasts… even though it’s not really what you want.

But this kind of approach would keep you stuck in the same situation indefinitely.

Now is the time to claim your desires, get comfortable in your power, and relax in the knowing that what is yours will come to you.

You are worthy of true love.

So don’t accept anything less.

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell,

P.S. Is there a relationship in your life that needs balancing? Are you feeling called to step more into your power? Let me know in the comments below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • Justine Patterson
    Posted at 12:41h, 03 July Reply

    This really hits home. Every card every word in this seems to be what is going on in my life right now. My love life is confusing and not true to what I really want so I have to remember my desires and focus on myself by rebalancing my energy.

  • Jewels starlight
    Posted at 00:38h, 03 July Reply

    As usual, spot on!!! Thank you for the reading Luna! I’m currently separated for almost a year now. So I feel I am ready to date again. I work with this cute guy who’s higher up in the field. We recently hung out twice but it was more sexual than getting to know each other. He has previously asked 2 of my co-workers out in the past. This is where I say no to the next time and express my boundaries. I know my worth and I deserve more in love.

  • Therese Lynn Bronkie
    Posted at 18:42h, 02 July Reply

    Im getting divorced, we are packing to sell our house and I need to be done. Just having a hard time leaving fl and knowing how to move to NC. The plan is buying a tiny house. Moving in to a friends house temporarily then to NC

  • Karen Meeks
    Posted at 18:07h, 02 July Reply

    Thanks for this reading, spot on! I’ve had 2 men in my life for 3 years now. One is my ex husband of 17 years. He is 5 years older than me and refuses to let go of this severed relationship. We both live in the same neighborhood. I’ve tried with kindness to tell him I’ve moved on in life but he refuses to accept this.
    Man number two is my age. We are all Scorpio”s. I feel he is my soulmate in many ways. He is a cousin to my ex. They both hate each other. I’m very attracted to this man but feel held back by the ex. I need my power back. Man number 2 has never been married and seems afraid of committing to this relationship? I give 100% and feel he gives back 50% at times. He recently lost both parents and stated he didn’t want a relationship yet we spend weekends together at his house. Non sexual as medical reasons prevent this. Still trying to know how to manifest my truest desires as I’ve tried to find a balance here? Your readings help.

  • Michael
    Posted at 09:05h, 02 July Reply

    Thank you for your reading I enjoyed it and I released my feelings to the cosmos. I am to private of a person to bear them on a public oost

  • Sharon Amaya
    Posted at 08:24h, 02 July Reply

    I am a Sagittarius and remarried to a Gemini. My soul yearns for him when he’s not around be it travel, work, etc. So I feel this connection has a strong foundation. We, however, frequently have fall backs. We have power struggles (he always wins). An intuitive reader even claimed him to be narcissistic, and come to think about it, I see the many times he’s dismissed my complaints. He’s a firecracker- he makes me nervous whenever he explodes in frustration and anger in an argument. Whenever I want to bring up a discontent, I feel I am walking on eggshells. I love him. I LOVE HIM. And I feel his feelings are reciprocal. But he just can’t let go and be vulnerable, he always has to “win”. He’s my other half, my birthday is 12/03 he is 06/03… see? But I just can’t seem to get him to meet me “here”… I always have to meet him “there”. Please help my broken heart.

  • April Harris
    Posted at 06:11h, 02 July Reply

    Thank you for your reading, and it’s some things I don’t approve of in my relationship, it used to wonderful now it’s turning for an outcome I don’t want to see happen cause I just don’t believe in it. So I’m wondering what to do cause I love this man but the way things have been I just don’t see it happening without me walking out afterwards.

  • Hopeless wife
    Posted at 05:55h, 02 July Reply

    Husband left been married 8.5 years he left in may. I have 2 kids the kids dad and step mom have hurt my married and friendship between my husband and the kids. He said his missed his shot to bound with them cause i thought it was better to just keep peace for kids sake. Discovering the kids dad and step mom are narcissist and i didn’t see it idk what to do i want my husband back home i love him with every ounce i have. Kids r almost grown i feel hopeless

  • Michelle Campbell
    Posted at 04:49h, 02 July Reply

    I have been talking to this guy he is 17 years younger than me he has a 9-year-old daughter he is a widow and I think I have feelings for him and he says he has feelings for me I just don’t know where it’s going he is supposedly stuck in Germany and doesn’t know when he’s going to be able to come back to the States he has to though because his daughter is here

  • Daryl
    Posted at 03:58h, 02 July Reply

    I could use your help the cards are right on the money. And she seems to always turn it around on me. I get lost for words when I try to talk to her about it.

  • Jessica
    Posted at 02:08h, 02 July Reply

    Thank you for the time and energy you put in this reading Luna 😊.

    I am currently living a weird and empty love period. I have two important guys in my head now, Thomas (born June 1987), an important friend who has become recently a friend with benefits 😅, but it was not a good idea, as he’s rejecting me since then. And one of his roommate, Adrien, with who I can feel something really special, like we are more or less the same person, like soul mate i can imagine. But I do not know him well and even everyone is currently single, they are both rejecting me and not treating me like I deserve. And I don’t get it, it is so frustrating not knowing what they feel in their heart rn, or why they behave like this…
    Can you help…?

  • Margaret Byaliwe
    Posted at 01:37h, 02 July Reply

    Thank you for my reading everything that its written there its all true my life its complicated im so broken down right now my estranged husband his coursing me nothing but heartache 💔 my life its a hot mess because of this man

  • Karin Miranda Hoogvliet
    Posted at 01:33h, 02 July Reply

    Amazing, good advice, I know what to do now. Thanxxx

  • Margaret Byaliwe
    Posted at 01:33h, 02 July Reply

    Thank u so much for my reading really appreciate it haven’t heard or seen my estranged husband for 3 weeks now he communications at all we dnt stay together anymore because of a situation that we were in before so we decided that he can go stay with his friend since he moved there he has changed his just acting bad towards me dnt know what to do but I’m in a process of accepting this and make peace with my heart

  • Felividad
    Posted at 23:35h, 01 July Reply

    Thank you very much to your reading guidance in my future , it’s really hard coz they need financial support to help him kinky situation and I don’t have that or I’m afraid they will not come after I have send my help to him and I have a lots responsibilities at home. One thing is future situation we never know what will happened in this cruel world , thank you very much need your assistant .

  • Racine28
    Posted at 22:15h, 01 July Reply

    This was written verbatim for me. It’s crazy to me how spot on these have been week after week.

  • Johnetta
    Posted at 21:19h, 01 July Reply

    Thank for you for the parts of relationship ttone mani am going to GET REALLY SOON

    • Felividad
      Posted at 23:38h, 01 July Reply

      Thank you very much to your reading guidance in my future , it’s really hard coz they need financial support to help him kinky situation and I don’t have that or I’m afraid they will not come after I have send my help to him and I have a lots responsibilities at home. One thing is future situation we never know what will happened in this cruel world , thank you very much need your assistant .

    • Margaret Byaliwe
      Posted at 01:32h, 02 July Reply

      Thank u so much for my reading really appreciate it haven’t heard or seen my estranged husband for 3 weeks now he communications at all we dnt stay together anymore because of a situation that we were in before so we decided that he can go stay with his friend since he moved there he has changed his just acting bad towards me dnt know what to do but I’m in a process of accepting this and make peace with my heart

    Posted at 21:02h, 01 July Reply

    Hi Luna, your reading is spot on & gives great advice! I had decided to take no action which would have kept me stuck in the same scenario after already wasting time with feelings for a man that aren’t reciprocated. So thank you for this amazing reading! We are on the same page!

  • Tomekia
    Posted at 21:02h, 01 July Reply

    Really I don’t won’t be love anymore or be happy anymore I am tied an been thru enough hurt suffer pain with the last man as his sad sorry man the father of my 2 yer old ain’t no father but weak sad insecure down don’t have anything but I was der help him wen we was together unfortunately thing turn out sour as a dog but hey I got over all the pain suffer hurt I got lit better let it get to me anymore because I realized I was not the one who did wrong why am I worry let God an karma’s take care of him an he get back suffer like more than me he already suffer some da I no so far I just be it really not looking for love or a new partner for wat go thru the same thing it not easy so I by pass am bless good pray move on love me an take care of my kids live for them an me only I still got love for him alit not much because he the father of my son but enough Is enough he got alot to be sorry for an wat he did for no reason he still immature has grown up yet for a relationship

  • Aleca
    Posted at 20:45h, 01 July Reply

    Unfortunately my relationship is not a great relationship. 27 years invested into marriage and he cheated and is still lying about cheating. Then calls me all kinds of names when I call him out on it. So these predictions have not been very accurate and I’m so confused on now my future

  • Dale Morgan
    Posted at 20:44h, 01 July Reply

    Well said, well done, real talk

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