23 Nov It’s Time To Open Your Heart | Venus Trine Chiron Horoscope
Dear Friends,
How is your heart feeling these days?
Sometimes it can seem like everything is fine…
Until something comes along and triggers emotional pain that you didn’t even know was there.
Chiron is usually the culprit in these situations.
Chiron is a powerful asteroid that rules over our deepest vulnerabilities and our ability to heal them.
When Chiron is at odds with the other planets, you could find yourself in an embarrassing situation that makes you feel so exposed you want to crawl under a rock and hide for a week.
But when Chiron is in harmony with the other planets, it brings a special opportunity to heal your body, mind and soul on the deepest of levels.
And that’s exactly the kind of opportunity you’re going to have on the 25th of November.
On this day, Chiron will align with Venus, bringing sweet, romantic feelings and the possibility to heal your heart through inspiration and emotional bravery.
This will be an ideal time to reconcile with someone important, improve your self-image, or release any heartache that’s been weighing on you.
This astrological influence highly positive energy from the New Moon in Sagittarius will still be rippling through the collective, making for a wonderful, uplifting weekend.
There’s a lot to look forward to over the coming days, so let’s jump in and explore what’s to come.
Speak From The Heart
Right now, we are in the midst of several positive Astrological influences.
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus are currently all in the sign of Sagittarius.
This is creating a free-spirited, adventurous, and uplifting vibe in the collective.
In your own life, following your heart and instincts will lead to good results.
So if you have an intuition about something, don’t fight it!
Instead, move toward whatever makes you feel more free and happy, because during this time doing so will attract good things.
Over the following days, Venus and Mercury will be mingling close together in Sagittarius.
This makes for pleasant conversations and harmony between people.
If you are gathering for the holidays, you can expect an easier time than usual.
A tense but minor beam of energy from Pluto could spark territorial issues or a power struggle of some kind.
But chances are that any tension will be overshadowed by the powerful positive energy and abundance in the air right now.
If you feel challenged over the weekend, use humor, remember not to take things too seriously, and trust your inner guidance to lead you in the right direction.
Due to the Mercury-Venus conjunction, you’ll likely be able to smooth over any awkwardness with tact, kindness, and diplomacy.
And on a romantic level, you will be more able to express your true, tender feelings for someone and have them do the same toward you.
Now is a perfect time to speak from the heart and express your softer feelings.
Since Chiron is supporting both Venus and Mercury, words that are expressed now can lead to greater feelings of love, warmth, and connection…
And could even heal your heart from past wounds you may be carrying.
Clearing The Air
Has an unresolved romantic situation been getting you down and keeping you from wanting to open your heart more fully?
Having an open heart makes it possible to feel love, joy, and bliss…
But it also requires us to feel our pain, grief, and hurt…
And sometimes it can all be too much.
On November 25th when Venus and Chiron align, it’s possible that you could find a gentle way to deal with past hurts and open your heart more deeply.
This influence usually requires a bit of effort in order to fully activate it, so you might have to take action to experience its full effect.
This could mean having a heart-to-heart with someone you trust, writing down your feelings in a journal, or going on an adventure that gives you a new perspective on things and inspires self-reflection.
Venus and Chiron will both be in Fire Signs, (Sagittarius and Aries respectively.) This suggests that healing will come to you through taking a risk, expanding beyond your comfort zone, and being emotionally brave.
Travel or trying new things this week into the weekend could bring a breath of fresh air that reminds you how capable and free you really are.
And this could be just the experience you need to realize that the old hurts you’ve been living with no longer define you.
Now is a time to stretch beyond your previous boundaries and discover what you’re truly capable of.
You’re greater than you think you are, and now is a perfect time to define yourself by new standards, instead of holding onto your self-image from the past.
Youthful Enthusiasm
Do you remember what it felt like when you were a child, before you learned to be afraid of certain things?
How much freedom and joy you felt…
Your sense of excitement and adventure in trying new things.
This is the energy of the upcoming Venus – Chiron influence.
It’s time to open your heart, release your fears, and find the strength to love again…
It’s time to find your freedom, independence, and awaken your adventurous spirit.
Remember, you don’t have to suffer in the same ways you did before.
You are wiser now, and the past is far behind you.
With Joy,
Luna Dragonwell
P.S. Is there someone you need to clear the air with? Has something been weighing heavily on your heart that you’re ready to let go of? Let me know in the comments below!
Posted at 16:18h, 28 NovemberYour words of inspiration was right on the spot. I have been struggling with old need to be resolved emotional 😭 issues from the past that have been coming up for me and I feel stuck to releasing and letting them and it go for good! Also, an ex who really did me wrong and we no longer talk to one another but, the pain is still there needing to be resolved. I would like to be rid of this pain and persons energy and reclaim mine once and for all. But I feel stuck due to fear and trying find something deeper before I do.
Thanks for your positive inspiration
Posted at 12:31h, 26 NovemberHi Luna.
Wow how poignant. There is a person who changed from being extremely to very shutdown a few weeks ago. They cut off ways of me making contact and this is hanging very heavily on my heart. No reasons, no answers just this question hanging in mid air. I wld live nothing more than to have a conversation with the said person. But there is no way of doing so eithout invading rheir privacy and turning up at their home. Tough times 😞
success Austine-omene
Posted at 15:04h, 24 Novemberthese are all lies
Posted at 16:29h, 24 NovemberBruh
success Austine-omene
Posted at 16:30h, 24 Novemberwhat is that
jade johnsons
Posted at 15:00h, 24 Novemberoh my god james nelson it’s not true how can you died and you are still talking to people
success Austine-omene
Posted at 14:57h, 24 Novemberhas someone ever broken your heart
luna dragonwell.
James J Nelson
Posted at 12:45h, 24 NovemberI was born April ninth 1980. I was never named. I’ve always been drawn to Mars, Jupiter ( the hurricane specifically, I feel it has a consciousness ), and the constellation Orion. Orion is also my favorite song. I died in December 2017 when the Universe gave me a vision in the future where I was married with a daughter. My whole life I’ve always said that I don’t want kids. Now there is nothing more I want. That year I fell in love, a love I didn’t know existed. I used to write to my future daughter about her mother. I miss doing that more than anything. I can’t feel her anymore.
jade johnsons
Posted at 15:02h, 24 Novemberthat’s not true you didn’t died
Slime slime slime
Posted at 10:10h, 24 NovemberI do have someone in mind Luna Dragonwell
jade johnsons
Posted at 15:02h, 24 Novemberand who is it.
Tanya Usher
Posted at 08:26h, 24 NovemberYes there os someone i need to clear the air with & that person is my son we haven’t spoken to each other for 11 years
Posted at 06:22h, 24 NovemberThe person knows who they are
success Austine-omene
Posted at 15:04h, 24 Novemberwhat do you mean by that
Raynea Rosche
Posted at 04:32h, 24 NovemberYes there is someone that i need to speak to because he broke up with me in a text and has never even acknowledged me after that. I wasnt given an explanation for why not even a it me not you speech and because of that ive been robbed of months spent trying to get him to talk to me just to get my mind to stop with the pondering of the whole situation.
Mario Colindres
Posted at 03:51h, 24 NovemberYup cozy is the way
Posted at 02:40h, 24 NovemberHi Luna. Thank you for your great reading.
So positive and optimistic vibes as well..i love it. Looking forward for your next reading . God bless
Timothy Todd
Posted at 01:05h, 24 NovemberHi I really like your work is filled with optimism and knowledge wisdom and assertiveness I really think that I look forward to reading your blog so gratefully yours thinking about opening my heart little bit more
Timothy Todd
Rini Indriawati
Posted at 02:29h, 24 NovemberMasa kecil saya tidak bahagia, banyak yang di batasi misalnya dalam hal berbicarapun sangat” di batasi hingga sangat berpengaruh ke kehidupanku sampai saat ini, saya sudah memaafkan tetapi saya tidak bisa lupa.
success Austine-omene
Posted at 15:03h, 24 Novemberwhat does that even mean
Faith Mwakonya
Posted at 00:49h, 24 NovemberI need to clear the air with my partner, lot of unresolved issues,confusion and heartache.He really hurt me so much,hope everything will be fine because I really love him,Thank you Luna for the reading so uplifting ❤
Posted at 00:44h, 24 NovemberI’ve never felt so hurt before in my life I thought I found someone but I was wrong the day of my bone marrow biopsy my ex left to get drunk knowing I was sick ended up In rehab broke out of the facility blocked me and broke up with me through a mailed letter move to Dallas and her and her mom stole money from me then after I was finally cleared for cancer my mom past Jan. Of this yr since then I turned to God and keep trying to be the best that I can but I’m just human and it’s sucks someone can leave you at your lowest lie ,steal and get away with it I jus hope one day she realizes I was a good man and it’s hard To find true genuine guys it just would be nice to see a sign that everything I’ve done for her didn’t go unnoticed and she regrets it😔
maria queenterito
Posted at 23:39h, 23 NovemberYes he has hurt me so much and continues to just because he always felt he had me secured like nothing he did could ever affect how i felt about him let alone leave…….. today he showed up and broke down and asked for forgiveness ……. and it’s not that i can’t i honestly can forgive completely i just don’t want to so fast and so easy ….am i wrong here?
Posted at 23:26h, 23 NovemberSomething has been weighing down my heart will my wife and save our marriage
Susan Patricia Noble
Posted at 23:10h, 23 NovemberI need to let go of my ex husband and my girlfriend of 53 years. Who have started a relationship together.
Lisa B
Posted at 23:08h, 23 NovemberThis is a beautiful message, Luna. Thank you. I do feel ready to open up to the person who has been in my heart for a long time but we have not been able to connect for various reasons. It feels like time to tell him how I truly feel, & trust what comes will be for love. I did a quick Tarot reading about us & pulled Death, Strength, & Lovers! My heart is gentle tonight & I am grateful for what is unfolding… wherever it may lead. Bless you. 🦋
Sasha Mccalla
Posted at 22:23h, 23 NovemberThere is something/ someone weighing dwn my heart and I need to know will we reconcile ever get back together or get the chance to even speak about how we feel or what happened between us
Ann Marie
Posted at 22:17h, 23 NovemberA long relationship is hard especially when you can’t see each other.
Dagmar Pavlišová RODNE JMENO Nechvilova
Posted at 21:59h, 23 NovemberZdravím,
drahá Luna Dragonwel děkuji z celeho srdce za Vaši pomoc.
A přeji i Vam aby se Vám splnily všechny Vaše sny.
Jsem Dagmar (Dáša) Pavlišová RODNE JMENO Nechvilova NAROZ. 22. 03. 1955 v Pardubicích HODINA “14, 30” minut
Můj manžel Jmeno Zdeněk Pavliš NAROZ. 04.12. 1953 v HOD. “19,03”min.
Masarykova ulice 223
Czech Republic
Prosí o vnesení nového větru do našeho vztahu. Jestli to má ještě smysl.
Za odpověď moc a moc děkuji a jse m se srdečním pozdravem
Mirranna Nadine Mccrum
Posted at 21:58h, 23 NovemberI have not seen or spoke to my brother since we fell out over something trivial. I miss him terribly!
Can you tell me if my brother and I will be able to sort thing out in the near future?
I have lost family photos when I moved house. The letting agent needed me to clear my belongings out, I couldn’t do this at the time as I had Covid. They cleared the house. Will my family photos ever be returned to me?
Posted at 21:48h, 23 NovemberThanks a lot I really appreciate