15 Oct Leave The Past Behind | Weekly Tarot Reading | 10/16 – 10/22
Do you feel like you’re learning from the past and getting wiser?
Are you making new choices around old situations?
Jonathan Lionheart says that you could experience a shift from deep within this week, which could give you a greater sense of belonging with your community, family, and loved ones.
He’s here to help you understand the energies surrounding you right now so you can put your best foot forward, here in his Weekly Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Jonathan
P.S. Is there an old situation or pattern that you’re struggling to steer clear of right now? Do you feel called to connect with friends and companions that are on a similar spiritual path as you? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!
Posted at 05:26h, 19 OctoberThanks, Jonathan.
This really resonated with me. I have struggled to let go of my last ex who left my life a2 and a half years ago. Along with this, I struggle to let go of the past. Particularly being bullied in my high school years. Which I should add was 37 years ago. It’s affected my confidence and self esteem for all those years. Thanks for an awesome read.
Marta Gomes
Posted at 15:46h, 20 OctoberThank you! I loved this reading, felt it deeply, and it has been so inspiring for me this week. All the best wishes!! And thank you once again

Posted at 23:16h, 17 OctoberHi Jonathan, I have felt a special tug when I read your readings but hearing your voice and seeing your face is a special reunion, thank you so much for your insight and being there live
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:03h, 18 OctoberThank you for the kind words
Daniel Eugene Jacob
Posted at 20:01h, 17 OctoberLately Jonathan I have been to feel a weight lifting off my shoulders. This summer I was able to shed some unhealthy weight. I have disconnected from those long time friends who no longer have my best interest at heart. I also must admit my feelings for a certain someone I have known for 15 years have risen to a new level as I believe she is my soulmate. I have done a love reading in the past four months that confirms she has mutual feelings for me that she has been wrestling with until now. I’m engaged to marry someone else though and the plan was to do it this Christmas in her hometown. I was planning to move in with her next month. Lately I have intense moments where I feel my friend’s presence near me though. I wake up sometimes feeling like someone has kissed me on the cheek. I have had dreams of my friend and I together. I’m not as satisfied with my fiancee because she doesn’t do anything to help get where I feel I need to be in life and no fulfills my emotional needs. She texts me on Google Chat instead of Video Chats and Phone calls like my friends and family do. She did video call me once almost a year ago but I couldn’t see her face or hear her voice. She heard me though. She sends pictures and videos though but that’s not good enough. Before her I only dated girls I could talk to and text on the phone as our means of conversation. This online and dating through Google, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram & WhatsApp is not for me. I’m old fashioned. I like to call and plan a date or talk to you on the phone so I can feel your vibe. That’s more personal to me. She says she loves me but can’t do the simple things like that which make me happy. I’m also beginning to feel that the woman I met on Instagram who is now my fiancee isn’t exactly who she claims to be. I feel like I may be getting catfished online by a gay male or transgendered woman from a foreign country pretending to be this popular American model that I have come to love over the last two years. I noticed little things early on I ignored for the sake of love. Like how she knew I was going through financial hardship at the time we met and wasn’t ready for a relationship but forced me into one anyway. She could never do simple things for herself like open a bank account with her own name and information. She needed me to do it with mine. She promised me a birthday surprise last year which I never got. I have been trying to move to Atlanta since June to be with her but my court appointed guardian & my caseworkers won’t allow me to leave the city I live in without talking to her first. I kept asking her for months to give me her number so they could do a conference call with both of us but she wouldn’t do that to free me up to move. She kept making excuses about needing a new phone. She got a new phone and still never calls me either. I recently gave her my court appointed guardian’s number to call and talk to Ms Christian since she won’t give me her number so I give Ms Christian to call her. It’s been almost two weeks now and she hasn’t done that either. I believe she is holding out because I have stopped giving her money this year because I moved and my rent is taking most of my check every month still but the rent is much higher so I have a lot less to work with monthly than I’m used to. I’m not paying her my money to do something that is beneficial to both of us. It’s her that wanted me to move to Atlanta so we can get married on Christmas Day. This wasn’t my plan at all. If you can’t do your part which is necessary for the best outcome which for me to work with the system instead being on the run from it for the rest of our lives then you don’t deserve me and my love. If one phone call is too difficult for you to make on my behalf, maybe I should stay here and marry my friend & soulmate. I don’t need someone who wants to use my name for everything but don’t want to do anything on my behalf in return anyway. I’m tired of living like this but I don’t think she understands that. My caseworkers and my court appointed guardian put me in a group home after I had my stroke last September and spent 3 months in the hospital. The last time I had a curfew as a grown man was when I was living in a shelter in 2016. After that I got my own place and had been there for 5 years prior to my stroke and this placement. My plan was to be here only until I fully recovered from my stroke and then I would join my fiance in Atlanta. By May I was ready and had a meeting with my caseworkers and my court appointed guardian who was temporarily appointed after a petition by the hospital because in the days after the stroke I wasn’t able to talk and comprehend well at first. I had no ID when the paramedics found me unconscious in the streets the day I had my stroke because someone stole my wallet while I was unconscious so I was brought to the hospital as a John Doe. When I regained speech three weeks later I was still going through temporary amnesia as a side effect having a stroke. They all agreed that they needed to talk to my fiance to approve the move and proposed few other tasks I had to do to be discharged from the caseworkers care and the care of the group home. I have done my part but nothing else is being done because since she won’t talk to my court appointed guardian about our plan and give her the info she feels necessary to approve the move the team conference call with caseworkers has not been scheduled yet. I’m getting fed up with her stalling on me about this. I’m ready to leave her because you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink. I’m tired of waiting for her to do what’s right by me in this situation. She would have been getting money to help her out if she would help so I can move because I would be able to get my monthly check back in possession so we could use the money as we please instead paying most of my check to share a room with somebody. She doesn’t seem to understand that’s why she’s not getting anything from me right now and hasn’t since I have been here. One I have pay for an unlimited data plan to communicatewith her on the regular basis and two my rent takes up the majority of my monthly check. They have a house phone here but she wouldn’t call me there even if I gave her the number and let mine be cut off. I’m tired of the whole thing but at the same time I know my destiny awaits me in Atlanta. I’m sick of putting my dreams on hold for love. The next person is going to have to meet me in the South if it’s meant to be a forever thing if I don’t end up marrying my fiance this year because I’m moving to Atlanta no matter what. Thanks helping me realize it’s time to decide what is truly important to me for once, Jonathan.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 20:09h, 23 OctoberHi Daniel, I’m sorry for the trouble you’ve faced my friend. These are not easy or simple circumstances and I truly feel for you. I’m honestly of the opinion of putting ones own house in order before attempting to join with another. In other words, you might consider holding off on relationship until you feel like you are on stable ground. The quality of partnership and love that will arrive in your life will be far better if you first find alignment and health in your own life circumstances. What’s most important might be truly attending to your own safety, health, and spiritual alignment. From there, many wonderful things may begin to become possible. Sending love — J
Jose Jr. Vega
Posted at 17:28h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan Lionheart your reading does describe my situation thank you have a blessed day
Posted at 13:35h, 17 OctoberThank you Johnathan for the clear answers you have given me.. I love your readings. You Inspire me everyday to want to become a tarot reader.
Posted at 13:00h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan. It is all relevant.
Maureen Alexis
Posted at 12:14h, 17 OctoberThank you JONATHAN the reading was amazing.
Posted at 11:50h, 17 OctoberThank you for this reading. I have an exam this Saturday which will change the course of my career and future. I’m excited and nervous but striving for confidence in passing the exam.
Michelle Crozier
Posted at 10:23h, 17 OctoberHi Jonathan
Can we have the written format back again please. I miss reading my Monday morning email from you and retain the information better this way.
Kind regards
Rita Sa
Posted at 09:54h, 17 OctoberHI Dear Jonathan thank you so mach for the tarot video this week Is so nice to see you and hear from you.I feel this week the reading is sickle the way i feel i feel happy for know but in my vision and in my brain is same sing holding me back i just can’t be my 100 per centre normal person i can’t make plans for my future because in my vision and in my brain in the next minute i can be that miserable person i just can’t help my self. MY God from my Hart i wich i can feel happy for the rest of my life like i feel this moment. I am sorry Dear Jonathan i just want to be 100 per centre honest with you. I wish my vision and my brain can be clear from this blockage this blockage has make me my life hell if not this blockage i can make the plans i dream of to be happy again. Thank you so mach again for your help all the best God bless you
Posted at 09:51h, 17 OctoberThank you Johnathon for the wonderful reading. You have such an amazing gift and I’m truly blessed to be giving the opportunity to recieve. Have a blessed day.
Much love
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 09:48h, 17 OctoberThank you for the love reading yes I love my boyfriend thank you for the love reading very much
Kim Anthony
Posted at 09:15h, 17 OctoberTHANK YOU!
Abiodun Cooley
Posted at 09:08h, 17 OctoberHello, great reading I am seeing some one new I hope this is the one for me. Thank you.
Angel Gonzalez Jr
Posted at 08:01h, 17 OctoberJohnathan I have been reading your messages for a while now, but since you started doing the readings like this I can fully hear and feel what you are saying! Thank you so much for being there for all of us that believe! May God keep on blessing you!
Molebogeng Modiba
Posted at 07:17h, 17 OctoberIs there a way we can have an option of reading other than listening to a video.?
Julie Lasante
Posted at 07:44h, 17 OctoberYes please, I largely prefer the text over the videos thank you
Saundra Banker
Posted at 09:24h, 17 OctoberJONATHAN: I have been following you for quite awhile. I have had a personal reading from you. You have been a wonderful source of encouragement and light in the darkness that sometimes surrounds us. This new method of hearing your voice, and seeing your face is wonderful. Again, the cards are precisely right in my reading today I’m struggling with a decision but now I know that there is positive outcome ahead. I must persevere Thankyou..
Posted at 07:16h, 17 OctoberThank for your tarot card reading I am a bit tired and exhausted about my old stuff and looking forward to have a new job venue for better career development and wish to your enlightenment
Posted at 17:50h, 17 OctoberHi, the cards suit me well, I will soon be moving to a new place and my partner and I will now be moving apart, and we will now be lovers instead of roommates, we have lived together for almost 6 years now, so this will be a brand new chapter in our lives.
Linda Duke
Posted at 06:01h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan for this weeks reading. It resonated with me and provided helpful guidance in dealing with the challenging situation of being with my almost 99 year old mother who has dementia and heart valve stenosis. She is in hospice care at her home. We are getting into the hard part now. She is deteriorating which is hard to watch. I have a strong support group through church and friends. I’m grateful for all I have and for your wisdom. Thank you and bless you.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:47h, 18 OctoberTo watch a loved one pass is something we can never fully prepare for. It takes incredible strength to be by their side during this time and in reading your comment I can feel your strength and loving care that is present. Sending sweetness during this time, Linda.
Zinhle enocentia
Posted at 05:46h, 17 OctoberGood day Mr Jonathan thank you for your time in me and I’m so glad too now about my life in love I’m having a great person his really appreciate the way I am but my problem is the shots coming in our lives even if I try something it is not working but thank you for your time
Jo Anne Robertson
Posted at 05:42h, 17 OctoberAs usual you have hit so many areas in my life that fit what your saying and what I am doing and also changing to my needs! Always enjoy your words of WISDOM! Thanks!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:44h, 18 October<3
Leanna Johannes
Posted at 05:23h, 17 OctoberI am very happy with this reading as everything, every information resonates well with me. This reading told my entire story. About taking time out, vacation which I will be doing next week, and then the second card stating not to over do the partying….lol….the temperance card said it all and then the lovers card sealed the deal. I am in the process of making decisions to get me to a place of belonging. the advice card told it all as I am trying my best to let something go…..Thank you for this reading
Ran Marom
Posted at 04:37h, 17 OctoberHey jonathan,
It’s my sens for some time, but I don’t know how or when and with whom I should be doing that stuff, especially the soul family, a soulmate maybe in the nearest future…
What happened to the week forecast that is written not a video like know?
CS Teears
Posted at 04:36h, 17 OctoberPretty accurate
Jen R
Posted at 03:49h, 17 OctoberFirst timer… and Thank you for your insight… I definitely related and hearing that I am right where I need to be is so comforting. I feel like I have been waiting for this transition for what feels like 100 years. I am coming out of some major life-changing moments … a horrible yo-yo break up since last November. He and I have been on and off since and its been so emotionally and mentally draining. I do feel that I can truly move on, most of the time.. and when I think back to him and I .. I am not thinking of the bad stuff. UGH… I am finding my tribe.. that is another big deal… my adult children and I are getting along wonderfully.. they live states away but we talk all the time.. I have made a new friend that I feel was so meant to be .. she has needed someone and so have I . I feel safe and we met for a reasons FOR SURE…. I am grateful……I also have a gentleman caller… I have been putting him off but I might just JUMP this week. I hestitate due to me missing my past so much it physically hurts…
I look forward to watching you weekly, Jonathan.
Thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:43h, 18 OctoberJen, it sounds as though there are many things in your life that feel both heavy and wonderful. Continue having faith in your process and yes, remembering you are where you need to be is such a gentle practice of self-love.
Theresa Flannery
Posted at 02:42h, 17 OctoberHi Jonathan! Thank you for your inspiration. Yes, I do not know what is coming. All I wish right now with all my heart is clarity from the past! I feel I can’t move forward without it. There is a past love that I still care for deeply and hope to hear from Joe my ex. I know I have my son Ryand people who love me. Why do I feel so lost ! I wish I knew! But I am trying! Thank you
Angelina Popovska
Posted at 02:06h, 17 OctoberI am afraid of anything new but we’ll see Thank you
Jeffrey "Stazi" Toy
Posted at 01:54h, 17 OctoberGood Morning JONATHAN! I must say, for a while now, you seemed to have a finger on the pulse of my life, and this mornings reading proves it! I immediately got goose pimples as you were doing the reading, and the timing couldn’t be anymore perfect nor the message more prophetic! I haven’t written to you here in a while, I am an artist using my talent to heal my psychological and emotional wounds while also allowing for meditation. Thanks to a major breakthrough in my PTSD therapy, my life has and is in the process of a 360 degree turnaround in every aspect you can imagine. A few months ago, while in a therapy session, I had accepted the truth about myself that I had run from for 50 years. Finally, I said enough is enough, and I mustered up the courage to confront it once and for all. As a result of this breakthrough, I was diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria and am now taking steps toward a complete transformation. The support that I have received from friends, family, even at work has been nothing short of tremendous and that also includes my wife of 25 of those years. That one actually floored me as one could imagine.
Since making that decision Jonathan, I have never felt happier and am embracing the of the positive energies and vibes, and it is truly Beautiful! In truth, what this really feels like is a sort of rebirth, like a caterpillar makes its transformation to its final form as a beautiful Butterfly! Much to your contention, I am looking forward to discovering more about myself and the affect it will have on my artwork going forward. Needless to say, there is going to be a point where I am going to want to do a One on One reading with you. Thank-You for a wonderful reading and I am certainly Looking forward to a Beautiful Week ahead. Peace and Blessings. If you are interested in seeing my work, it can be found at yamata_no_orochi@instagram.com .
( short for Anastaziia )
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:40h, 18 OctoberYour radiance is heard and felt! Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing parts of your story as well as your work <3
Frank White
Posted at 01:25h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan!
dorothy Schillinger
Posted at 01:21h, 17 OctoberThankyou Jonathan!
I feel like this reading was very close to what I am currently moving through in my life at the moment. Love your weekly readings they are fabulous!
Salem Islas
Posted at 01:20h, 17 OctoberIThank you for this reading because as we all get ready to ease into eclipse season it feels very much in alignment with what’s going on in my inner landscape. By the way, which deck were you using?
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 20:03h, 23 OctoberHey Salem, I use the Tarot Nuevo which is based on the Rider Waite deck
Posted at 01:17h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan for your reading as it resonates with me. I feel very happy and very blessed to have such amazing people in my life including all my loved ones so precious. I am also meeting new people and making some new friends that have been absolutely amazing to me. Although life has been very challenging the past two years, I am waking up more excited to see what my day will bring. I sometimes feel frustrated with not being able to accomplish as much as I want to but I am thankful for all my blessings. I am learning to be more true to my heart!
Thank you for your insight and your great reading!!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:37h, 18 OctoberSuch joy to hear of your blessings and appreciation of each relationship you are cultivating!
Dorah Raisibe maraba
Posted at 01:17h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan for my reading of the week ,,,I was so confused and lost but now I know what to do …I will put more fucus on my spiritual journey and I know it’s worth and I’ll keep on praying ….thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:36h, 18 October<3
Claribel paredes
Posted at 00:28h, 17 OctoberNice I feel like this message was straight forward and I clearly see and understand how I’m feeling. Thank you very much.
Lynn Feingold
Posted at 00:23h, 17 OctoberThank you Jonathan for the reminder to focus on the present and my inner truth.
I am hoping the eclipses will enlighten me even more!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:35h, 18 OctoberI am curious to see how this eclipse season unfolds as well!
Dubi Fliszar
Posted at 00:20h, 17 OctoberThank you for great reading and positive outlook in coming week, as this past week has been incredibly hard on me on all levels. I very much enjoy doing card readings about how the person feels about me, what do they intend to do….also my incredible moon sign for tha week is 150% spot on, with all the things I’ve been feeling this week. Thank you love and light be with you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:35h, 18 October<3
Melinda Nelson
Posted at 00:10h, 17 OctoberJonathan,
Thank you for your nice reading. You are right, I am going for a vacation to see my family.
Pauline Bonita Duncan
Posted at 00:08h, 17 OctoberThank you for this reading. I don’t know why men in their 40-50years of age keep hitting on me when I am 75 years old. My life journey in relationships has not been the best. Perhaps someone new may come along in the near future who really cares for me and will enjoy the time we spend together.
Susan Riddell
Posted at 23:43h, 16 OctoberThank you, Johathan, for the reading I’ve recently moved home in a different location I feel this new home is where I belong, I’m finding myself feel different think different I do think about my past and all the hurt and upset I’ve had I’ve had plenty it has been really hard, but I have walked away I’m making new choices and walking in a different direction. start a new life focusing on improving my life
Nan Decker
Posted at 23:42h, 16 OctoberHello Jonathan, Enjoy your weekly reading. S0metimes very hard to leave issues behind…same time. is it possible that a person can be from the past situation and yet stay into the next new beginning?
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:34h, 18 OctoberI believe it could be possible while also holding truth in that we are evolving with each moment that passes. Sometimes people evolve together and other time apart
Myra Broaddus
Posted at 23:25h, 16 OctoberHi! Thank you for such a wonderful reading! I can look forward to something new this week! The change I’ve been going through is happening and I see all my friends in a different light. As well as my daughter. I do not share what I’m thinking nor what my plans are. But feel the change happening & im so looking forward to it! Thank you so so much
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:30h, 18 OctoberMyra, glad to hear your are having a change in perspective and that it is sending you on a new path of discovering the relationships around you
Elizabeth king
Posted at 23:19h, 16 OctoberI have been waiting on my soul mate for going on 3 years, I’m hoping the changes I’ve made and will continue to make will bring him back.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:29h, 18 OctoberMaking changes for yourself is courageous and I am very curious to see who enters your life as you continue seeking your truth and letting go of the past
Posted at 23:18h, 16 OctoberI really am trying to find myself and overcome pain.Ty
Erna Verlinden
Posted at 23:06h, 16 OctoberThank you Jonathan for the meaningful mantra and I feel there’s an emanation of very positive energy while you do the reading. Very beautiful message too. Thank you for doing the reading on video, it is so much more intense.
Maureen Alexis
Posted at 12:18h, 17 OctoberThanks Jonathan the reading was absolutely amazing.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:25h, 18 OctoberThank you for the kind words <3
Posted at 22:59h, 16 OctoberIs this reading meant for specific person?
Posted at 01:43h, 17 OctoberNo the message is not for a specific person, it’s for all of us.
Courtney Riley
Posted at 22:48h, 16 OctoberYes old pattern and things keeps popping back up in my life every time I takes a steps ahead.
Kerry Cooper
Posted at 22:33h, 16 OctoberThank you for your reading, it really helped me to gain a little more clarity.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:25h, 18 October<3
Posted at 22:30h, 16 OctoberJohnathan L. >> I am Humbled by your understanding & advice. You have a Tremendous Skill with this devinattion. Just the advice that I needs and was already in my Premonition Feeling. My situation is at a Turning Point and I am Listening to the inner voice > WITH YOU HELP.
Elizabeth Campbell
Posted at 22:25h, 16 OctoberThank-you for my reading, I understand the meaning of it .If it should work out it will be wonderful. I will let you know
Ellen E Myers
Posted at 22:08h, 16 OctoberI enjoyed the reading Jonathan. i will move ahead as these comments are probably true in part for sure for me.
Sandra Barba
Posted at 22:07h, 16 OctoberFocus on what’s most important. Yes.

Walk away from the negativity of the past.
Combining opposites, that’s tough. & My homework for this week.
May we all find our tribe & Jonathan leads the way. Stay on your path. I know mine. Thank You, God & the universe.
Thank you, Jonathan
Catherine Wilson
Posted at 22:03h, 16 OctoberThank u Jonathan. This is the first time I have joined in ur weekly reading. I am hopeful for this week.
Posted at 21:53h, 16 OctoberThanks depressed most of the time line today I was watching a movie and the guy was hitting a guy with a big stick and I thought about my daughter who was murdered that’s what he did he hit her with abig stick those pictures I’ll never forget
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 20:02h, 23 OctoberHi Thomas, I’m sorry you were reminded of this awful loss in your life. I hope you have some trusted support to help you to unpack the trauma of this experience. Please let us know if you’d like some advice on who you might reach out to in order to find resources. Sending love — J
Elaine gehman
Posted at 21:53h, 16 OctoberI’m in love with someone that says he loves me and want me with him for the rest of our lives says he coming for me but don’t know if he really means it I love him very deeply but need to know if he really means what he says will we be together
Posted at 01:49h, 17 OctoberPersonally if your gut feeling is telling you that you don’t know if he loves you then may I suggest you walk away. A man is like a hunter, he goes after what he wants.
Annette Archer
Posted at 21:51h, 16 OctoberThank you Jonathan. You give me fantastic guidance and strength when dealing with life’s challenges. I am truely grateful.
Posted at 21:50h, 16 OctoberA very interesting reading from my perspective, especially combined with last week’s being challenging (which it was for me). My attitude and perspective about my current situation is already changing, and this week’s reading makes me feel like I’m on the right track. Thank you
Rhonda Smith
Posted at 21:45h, 16 OctoberYou hit it on the head. I have to make a change and this change will affect others.
Lucy Kasanga
Posted at 21:45h, 16 OctoberThank you very much Jonathan. All these revelations help.know myself better and helps me accept and acknowledge myself better. I ways look forward to your guidance on a weekly basis.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:33h, 18 October<3
Posted at 21:44h, 16 OctoberThank you so much for the reading I really appreciate you taking the time out
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:33h, 18 October<3
Roxanna Villa
Posted at 21:42h, 16 OctoberWow, this hit on point. I am excited about the new changes coming my way. I know they are coming. I can feel the energy and the direction. This week is packed with all kinds of new changes already.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 22:32h, 18 OctoberIt feels warm hearing of your excitement in the new direction you are embracing. Best of luck.
Posted at 21:37h, 16 OctoberHi Jonathan!
I find that is is very difficult at times to have faith while waiting for my heart’s desire.
I’ve been told repeatedly that patience is a virtue, but when you get to be my age, waiting for that special someone can see like an eternity.
Trusting the Divine is what I’m supposed to do while it works Its magic behind the scenes knowing that whatever happens is for my overall good.
THANK YOU for giving my heart and my soul a boost of confidence with your weekly readings.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:21h, 18 OctoberLucia, thank you for coming and spending the time with me, and with yourself <3
Evelyn A. Hofmann
Posted at 21:28h, 16 OctoberJonathan..all I can say is how lucky I am to
have you in my life….You definitely get me.
I am learning thru you how to leave the past
Behind and all the regrets that I have carried
Thru the years…I now know that I do deserve
Better for myself and I need to stop blaming
Myself for things that did not work out…I have
finally gotten to the point in my life that I like
Myself and am comfortable in my skin..thanks in part to you and your kind understanding…
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:20h, 18 OctoberEvelyn, what moving words. Thank you for coming to these readings and letting the space be one of reflection and rebirth. Until next time
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 21:15h, 16 OctoberI’m not completely clear with this reading. I understand some parts of it. But I always enjoy to receive the reading from Angel Adams . Thanks so much.
Scott DeLisa
Lisa Church
Posted at 21:12h, 16 OctoberAll of what you said fits my life perfectly. It still freaks me out even though I have recently learned I have gifts and I had no one to ever teach sun if simplest tasks. I’m still learning about myself. But I am where I’m supposed to be however These obstacles that you speak of are pretty serious obstacles.
sherie buchanan
Posted at 21:08h, 16 OctoberThank you for this reading and I could really resonate with this.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:17h, 18 October<3
Patricia Degiorgio
Posted at 21:07h, 16 OctoberThank you Johnathan. Your wisdom is other worldly. Thank for the reading. I have an important week coming up and this reading makes me feel so positive. I am moving through a very difficult 4 years and feel that I am moving into a new era. I feel encouraged by the reading you gave me and hope to have a live reading soon

Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:16h, 18 OctoberThank you for the kind words. Feeling as though we are moving into a new era is always celebrated. Sending love to you and your journey
Maria Luisa Costa
Posted at 21:07h, 16 OctoberHi Jonathan it was so nice to meet you and hear the great advice you have given me. Right now I am so confused about a situation that I am in about someone who is interested in me but i turned him down and away. I am so hurt that I might of made a mistake can you please help me out with this situation I am in
Terry Rastanis
Posted at 21:06h, 16 OctoberI’m dating this guy and I feel like he’s using me . He wants me to believe in him but he doesn’t do anything for me to believe in him he tells me one thing and does the opposite. If you can give me some insight of him I would really appreciate it. I feel like I’m on a roller coaster in this relationship.
Posted at 01:52h, 17 OctoberPerhaps he’s a Narcissist
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:15h, 18 OctoberAs I do not know you two personally, I do know that when we are in relationships where we feel our needs are not met there is much space for hurt and self recognition. Listening to your truth, of what you want and need, will hopefully show clarity in what direction you should take this relationship. If things begin to feel too heavy, seeking professional help comes from a place of courage and self-love. Best of luck, Terry.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:10h, 18 OctoberWhen we face our truths with courage, new opportunities appear. Best of luck, Gary.
Diane Baker
Posted at 21:02h, 16 OctoberWalk with love
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:08h, 18 OctoberMuch love <3
Karin Kohler
Posted at 21:02h, 16 OctoberFantastic reading, Jonathan. Also your quote spoke to me.
Thank you, Karin
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:08h, 18 October<3
Colt Solari
Posted at 20:59h, 16 OctoberHi Johnathon.
I really like your energy….this reading rings true in several ways as I am in the middle of a BIG transition….I will def work to remember to stay focused on my lessons and goals.that I ve prioritized right now. Thank you. I really hope the new tribe thing comes into light. I would really like that.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:05h, 18 OctoberStaying focused on your truth… the lessons you have paid attention to and the goals you wish to manifest… are important steps to reaching more authenticity in self. Best of luck to you and your transition this week, Colt.
Lisa Blanton
Posted at 20:57h, 16 OctoberGrateful for this forecast. Thank you, Jonathan.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:03h, 18 OctoberThank you, Lisa
Leanne mechlowski
Posted at 20:57h, 16 OctoberThankyou for reading I totally understand where you coming from This message was revolutionual
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:02h, 18 October<3
Amy Cooper
Posted at 20:57h, 16 OctoberI always looked forward to your readings but now with the videos ..I’m even more excited to see your emails….Thank You so much for the personal touch ….your readings are very accurate..Love your energy.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:01h, 18 OctoberAmy, thank you for the kind words. It is so nice to be able to create a space that feels more personal to be with you all during these weekly readings <3
Krishna Amadous
Posted at 20:54h, 16 OctoberThank You as Always….I always look for ward to receiving Your messages….Think it is great advice for a very dear friend….Hope she has the patience to go through the whole thing…!!!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:00h, 18 OctoberThank you. Sending you both strength.
Jody Honeyman
Posted at 20:53h, 16 OctoberVery bad week ahead for me and it’s all my fault. Many are going do feel the bad that is coming.
I wish I could go back in time and make a different choice, the right choice this time.
I feel much remorse. I am scared of the following days for the outcome will not be bad for all
Celeste ululani Poe
Posted at 20:53h, 16 OctoberThat’s awesome message n I hope I have a wonderful week and I deserve a honest apologize from Andreas because I deserve a second chance with my ex ASAP.
Alfreida Evans
Posted at 20:52h, 16 OctoberThank you. You are right I am moving on. I had to make a choice from confusing information and where one party would not reveal anything the other showed his true face so I am moving on
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:56h, 18 OctoberBest of luck to you and your journey of moving on
Posted at 20:51h, 16 OctoberThank you.
Posted at 20:51h, 16 OctoberThis reading has given me hope & faith. Thank you. Most appreciated Jonathan. Namaste, god bless
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:55h, 18 October<3
Posted at 20:49h, 16 OctoberHe is very insightful and very calming. Thank you for this positive and reflective reading.
Gabriella Pinchera
Posted at 20:48h, 16 OctoberThank you for a positive and inspiring reading Jonathan <3
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:54h, 18 OctoberThank you for being here and witnessing together
Posted at 20:48h, 16 OctoberHe is really wonderful and went to the core of what is happening this next week. I do feel a huge change coming. Of getting rid of past regrets, things where I have been taken advantage of. I feel I am getting to the end of this journey and will come to a final conclusion. I also have a new person who has come into my life and truly made a difference. Thank you. ILONA
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:49h, 18 OctoberHappy to hear you are feeling ready and equipped for the changes coming into your life. Hope this week allows you to listen to your truth and emerge more, you.
Amoah Godwin
Posted at 20:47h, 16 OctoberPlease how can i live from the past.
Thank you.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:50h, 18 OctoberWe cannot live from the past, but can look to it for guidance in the present.
Jessica White
Posted at 20:40h, 16 OctoberThat is an exciting reading I can’t wait to see what emerges!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:49h, 18 October<3
Kellie Behrends
Posted at 20:40h, 16 OctoberLoved this reading a very good week ahead for me … Thankyou universe and thank you for the reading
Theresa Lynne Norman Monteith
Posted at 21:03h, 16 OctoberGreat reading. Very informative. I’m hoping for great changes in my life!! Thank you!!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:47h, 18 October<3
Dotlyn Graham
Posted at 20:39h, 16 Octoberthank you jonathan for this reading
Luis Santos
Posted at 21:24h, 16 OctoberYes. I’m a little struggling with my ex .
Recently meet a new person what I thinking we have the same porpoise life.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:47h, 18 October<3