26 Nov Listen To Your Feelings | Weekly Tarot Reading | 11/27 – 12/03
Has something in your relationships been confusing you lately?
Jonathan Lionheart says that listening to your feelings this week can lead you to the clarity you need.
He’s here to help you get in touch with powerful emotions that may be hidden, so you can transform your life for the better, here in his Weekly Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Jonathan
P.S. Is there a certain relationship you’re struggling to navigate right now? What is your intuition telling you about it? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!

Listen To Your Feelings | Weekly Tarot Reading | 11/27 – 12/03
Hey there! This is Jonathan Lionheart with your Weekly Tarot Reading.
I see a very clarifying and motivated week ahead, and I’m excited for you to take a look.
So you can schedule a private reading with me down below. And otherwise, let’s hop right in and see what’s going on.
I want to invite you to take a few breaths, a couple of slow breaths. You might even sigh as you exhale. And just let yourself think for a moment. You might bring your awareness to your heart center and think of something that brings joy to you.
All right, let’s see what we have.
Call out to Mother, Father, God, the denizens of light, the deep ones, the rooted ones. Call out to the grandmothers and the grandfathers of the north, the south, the east, and the west. Be with us now and help there be a clear message and all the support that’s needed in this moment.
All right, let’s take a look. The first card will be the Situation. Your second card will be the Obstacle. And the third card is the Outcome.
Let’s see. So my first impression is that this is going to be a week of refinement, and clarification. If something’s been confusing on a relational level, it could start to get clearer this week.
So your first card is the Chariot. And the Chariot is about ambition, determination, and willpower. It’s time to get a move on with something that’s important in your life. The Chariot follows the Lovers card in the major arcana, and the Lovers is about choices, after some choices have been made. Now it’s time to listen to that calling, and use willpower and determination to move forward.
You are going to have the strength and the know-how to overcome any obstacles that have been in your way. Of course, it’s going to take your commitment and willingness to keep on keeping on.
So this is not a time to get sidetracked by emotions or distractions. Rather, you’re going to want to point yourself towards what you want and go for it. You might ask yourself, “How can I organize my life and my goals, so I’m headed in the right direction?”
If you’ve been waiting for the right moment to get motivated and get going to start a project or to start a new thing, this is a great week to get going.
So your second card, the Obstacle, is the Two of Cups, which represents unity, partnership, and connection.
However, in the Obstacle position, it’s quite possible that something’s out of balance, that communication with someone close to you could be way off at the moment. A connection that may have felt generous and exciting may begin to feel repelling and out of whack. You might also be curious about a new connection…if it’s a good thing for you, or if it’s a bad thing, if it’s the right person or not.
Considering your first card, which is all about making progress and moving forward, that connection that’s out of whack, or this new person, could be creating a lot of distraction.
As always, good dialogue and open communication can solve a lot of this, but you might not be in a situation where you can do that.
So your next card, the Outcome, is the High Priestess. And the High Priestess represents intuition, secret knowledge, and your inner voice.
So sometimes the Priestess is interpreted as being about hidden secrets coming out. But I actually see this as a very positive Outcome card. This is a call to return to your intuition and listen to the guidance coming from your unconscious. That means really listen to your feelings and pay attention to your dreams and the images that might arise around you.
There’s also a timing element to the situation at hand, that what needs to be revealed will be, but only when you’re ready. So learning to trust life and learning to trust the timing of when something is revealed is important.
The High Priestess is also a call to face the unknown parts of yourself. So getting curious about what you don’t know and what might be arising in you that wants your attention is important.
If you can’t tell, I absolutely adore this card. It’s filled with powerful symbolism. But let’s take a look at just a few of the symbols in the card that are important for your reading this week.
The first of which is the scroll which reads Torah. The Torah, in this instance, is a symbol for Divine Law. The way things happen and why they happen is only revealed to those who are willing to get quiet and listen. So give yourself time to think and feel and explore what’s rising up in your awareness.
The other important symbol in this card is the two pillars, the white pillar and the black pillar. With the Two of Cups, there could be a little bit of an either-or situation that you’re in. “Should I do this? Should I go that way? I’m not sure.” Well, the Priestess is a reminder that it’s not an either-or all the time.
And the pomegranates behind her are symbolic of the heart. So the answer is going to come from deep within, from inside your heart.
So there’s a lot here, but let’s take a look at the Advice card for the week.
So interesting. So we’ve got the Devil card for your advice this week. So the Devil card is all about the material world. And it’s a reminder to stay grounded and to focus on what’s here.
The Devil can also indicate that there is a contract that goes beyond lifetimes with you and someone. So this is something to be aware of.
It’s also really important not to sign any actual contracts right now and to be wary of over-promising.
I also tend to see the Devil card as a reminder to bring light to what’s dark. What I mean by this is to not hide away or avoid the parts of yourself that you’re a little bit ashamed of. So the places that you usually bottle away or hide from need attention and care as well.
Often the places that feel like they’re negative or dark have simply lost connection with your greater self and with the Divine, so bringing them back into the fold is important.
But you want to find a way to express some of your primal energies in a healthy way.
This could look like dancing wildly to your heart’s content, or having a lavish meal or a cheat day with your diet. And I’ll let you come up with what it might look like in the bedroom. But you want to find a way to express some of your primal energies in a healthy way.
So in the week ahead, you can definitely expect yourself to be getting some motivation, getting things going. You’re going to have the courage and the energy to face obstacles that you haven’t been able to face so far.
However, there could be some confusion and uncertainty around a relationship. This could be a work relationship or a love relationship that started recently. And ultimately, the way that you’re going to find your way through is to go inward to explore some of your own intuition.
Life is offering information at a deep level. So you’re going to want to give yourself time to feel it and to explore it. This is really exciting because it has the feel of a revelation coming your way and not from the outside but from within.
And don’t forget to bring some loving nourishment to the parts of yourself that don’t get to be seen very often.
So your mantra for the week is: “When I listen to my intuition and relate to my shadow, my motivation can soar. When I listen to my intuition and relate to my shadow, my motivation can soar.”
So good to spend time with you. I always love hearing from you and I look forward to next week. Take care.
Angela Margaret Fitzpatrick
Posted at 12:43h, 02 DecemberAlways spot on as if you are talking directly to me. Very inspirational.
Angela Margaret Fitzpatrick
Posted at 12:43h, 02 DecemberAlways feel like you are talking directly to me. Very inspirational. Keep the good work going.
Angela Margaret Fitzpatrick
Posted at 12:42h, 02 DecemberAlways spot on with your readings. Very inspirational.
Jo Anne Robertson
Posted at 07:41h, 01 DecemberHi Jonathan
What is being said about this week, couldn’t be more true!
First, I spoke up to my significant other how things were and what actions needed to take place,! I feel heard and seeing results.
The second part of the reading resonates with feeling with in a relationship matter and truly following my internal feelings! Feeling positive and moving into a stable situation.,
Again, uncanny on how you present this readings that resonate with me!
Posted at 00:19h, 01 DecemberI’m sill holding onto the same love for 2 years and who we talked about in a personal reading a year ago. I can’t let go, the more I try the harder it is. I feel like we still communicate for a reason and I hope I’m not wasting all this time for nothing but I can’t move on no matter how hard I try. The feeling I have with him is like no other. If only he felt the same. He’s a damn good man and isn’t appreciated like he should be.
Regina Walters
Posted at 14:41h, 30 NovemberThank you for the insight! I appreciate it. Do you charge for your readings? If so how much are they?
Posted at 08:39h, 30 NovemberA very interesting reading for me, and one that resonates a lot, thank you 🙏🏻
MaryAnn Stevenson
Posted at 07:35h, 30 NovemberI read everyone’s little comments. First time I am responding to your tarot reading. These last two years have been most testing and confused times. I will listen quietly. Still need a push to which way to go. Work wise or relationship. Both suck. I see everyone is stressed. So much pressure & anger. You hit it on the head Jonathan. I will listen to my instincts & gut. Wish you Happy Holidays!
Ms Keran Van Epen
Posted at 14:28h, 30 NovemberThis reading has been awakening for me. Hidden emotions for so long. I’m just not sure how to face them without hurting a family member. She has an emotional hold over me, although I love her unconditionally, I need to open my inner strength and move on to reach my purpose in life.
Melisa Hood
Posted at 20:26h, 29 NovemberThank you for this Jonathan! I appreciate it. It is spot on with what my spirit guides have been telling me: listen to my heart, not my logic, not those around me, my heart. Be safe, stay well and have an amazing holiday season.
Gilda Silva
Posted at 14:23h, 29 NovemberHey Jonathan, thank you for your very insightful reading.
Than you!
Lea Centauri
Posted at 12:31h, 29 NovemberLionheart…..This was on point……being aware is of the answer to a question is the beauty of the answer…..thanks
Posted at 10:22h, 29 NovemberThank you so much I really look forward to your readings so very helpful 🙏
Dominique Axelle APOVO
Posted at 10:11h, 29 NovemberHi Jonathan,
Thanks you so much. Things are so clear to me when I am reading. Really I’m so confortable. I am always happy to read your concerns about me. Thanks a lot. Keep your good doing, your reward is immense.
Stay blessed.
Anja Algio
Posted at 10:00h, 29 NovemberYou asked to leave a comment about a relationship I am strugeling with. Yes, I did meet a person online, wish to now if it will resolve the issues that is holding us apart, this year still. Will he find the money what he needs to retire?? I know the money will be found to release that account he opened for me.
Thank you kindly
love your readings.
Kind regards
Anja Algio
Posted at 10:11h, 01 DecemberAnna, your situation sounds so familiar to mine and it makes me wonder even more…… Jonathan’s readings are opening my mind and my heart. And so have you…..
Kristina Buttram
Posted at 09:24h, 29 NovemberThank you so much for the readings! It always seems you are giving me a private reading- always spot on -thank you so much!
Posted at 08:39h, 29 Novemberthere is so much wisdom and clarification whenever You interpret the things that affect me
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 06:34h, 29 NovemberMr John Lockhart I love the reading you have a good day I love the reading I love it
Posted at 06:18h, 29 NovemberBring forth that which needs focus and awareness. Life is entangled in living so some manifested mindfulness and grounding are needed to navigate life’s living pool. Peace
Rita Piedade Sa
Posted at 05:45h, 29 NovemberHi Dear Jonathan thank you so much for the video and nice to see you. This moment my mind is so confused about the future abut 3 days I have been feel so confused with negative things in my mind what make me sad like this I just can’t move forward um moment I am okay in next moment I am not okay. My God I have been safer for years with this negative mind I just can’t make plans for the future I have been tried everything to leave this negative mind behind but didn’t work what can I do. Thank you again Dear Jonathan bless you
terry ulyses cosner
Posted at 04:54h, 29 November.n. i will be sure to “listen to my gut” this week yep yep .. lots to unpack there.. hmmmm…. well thankyou sir , jonathan
Maria Isabel
Posted at 04:21h, 29 NovemberGracias …Mr.Lionheart
Maria Isabel
Posted at 04:22h, 29 NovemberLot of it resonates
Jackson Katembo
Posted at 03:46h, 29 NovemberThan you Jonathan for your support, you have touched my deepest part of my current situation……be blessed for your commitment
Marlene West
Posted at 03:43h, 29 NovemberThank you, this has brought some things into clarity for me already. I am so grateful that you have taken your time to giving me and others the guidance that we are searching for. Thanks again
Oindrila Sen.
Posted at 03:38h, 29 NovemberHow could you able to express all of the hidden emotions of mine so accurately……??? They were sooooooooooo…….accurate……& really this kind of emotions that you predicted has been developed within me for some days…… I LOVE it……..❤❤❤ many many thanks for this light…….❤❤❤
Daniela Galabova
Posted at 03:11h, 29 NovemberThank you so much, great reading, and I cannot wait to implement t this week. Thank you 🙂
Posted at 02:45h, 29 NovemberHi Jonathan….let me take this opportunity to Wish You a Very Happy Thanksgiving…..!!! I am sure your heartfelt reading will resonate with my friend…and heeds your advice…!!!
Posted at 02:42h, 29 NovemberThank you so much for that reading Jonathan. I can relate to it more than I wanted to. I appreciated that reading as it was so spot on and really hit home like no other. I can’t wait till my next reading. So much to take in and really think about. I appreciate you more than you can ever imagine. Thank you so much. May God keep blessing you.
Posted at 02:22h, 29 NovemberThank you Jonathan 🙏
madhuri mishra
Posted at 02:16h, 29 Novemberim greatful u r my guide mentor for today tomorrow n forever
Daniel Miller
Posted at 02:13h, 29 NovemberReally that reading couldn’t be more spot on. I have readings done from all kinds of readers I’m only impressed by a few I’ve only made a comment on one and that you two others ain’t quite got the comment yet I’m not easily impressed with this stuff that some are real I think you got it
love and light
Bettyjean Gandy
Posted at 03:38h, 29 NovemberThank you on time
Posted at 01:57h, 29 NovemberOkay I will be a good idea to get the chance of getting a new one
Posted at 08:04h, 29 NovemberDear Johnathan i know that you don’t know me but it‘s sim’s like you live my life !Thank you a lot!Edita
Posted at 01:55h, 29 NovemberOkay thanks again for your help
Posted at 01:52h, 29 NovemberThank God
Posted at 01:50h, 29 NovemberI’m hoping to hear about the possibility of joining your organization
Kenneth Ishmael
Posted at 01:23h, 29 NovemberThanks Jonathan
For A pleasant road
Love Joy Love
Posted at 00:01h, 29 NovemberHi Jonathan
Thank you for your great reading.
God bless
Valarie Matinjussi
Posted at 23:34h, 28 NovemberJonathan~
Your heart shines through the readings I have been lucky to receive.
I appreciate your passion and your knowledge that you share.
Terri Strange
Posted at 23:05h, 28 NovemberThanks for my reading. I’m looking forward to a new beginning in my life. Theres hope for me to be happy after all
Domșa Silvia Simona
Posted at 23:01h, 28 NovemberMultumesc Jonathan, mai citit bine pentru săptămâna aceasta, acum depinde de mine dacă reusesc sa mi ascult inima. Multe binecuvantari si abia aștept sa ne auzim săptămână viitoare
Posted at 22:49h, 28 Novembermuchas gracias jonathan, me resuena mucho tu lectura, vamos a ver como siguen las cosas, saludos
Diana Bernardová
Posted at 22:44h, 28 NovemberKrásné ráno přeji Jonathan. Děkuji za tvá slova. Jsem si plně vědoma co se děje. A i přes své emoce jdu vpřed. Věřím, že je to dobré pro mě i mé blízké. Jdu cestou mnoha změn, které jsou potřeba. Posílám sílu v dobro. Opatruj se.
Peggy pratt
Posted at 22:33h, 28 NovemberThank your you and yes am struggling with a very pressing situation either p my husband or pay my fines and classes or I could lose my fredom.and am also working about my dad he will be 96 yrs young dec 4th and is having some difficulty with his memory.i need to try 1000s of miles to see him and I don’t have away.but thank you for time every week and giving me a reading that actually correct God Bless you stay well.sincerly
Paul Beatty
Posted at 22:33h, 28 NovemberI was with a girl she went to work in Cambodia working we kept on texting each other that was ok and then she said she needed money for her rent and could I help her out I sent her money a couple of times and she kept asking for more so I told her know I can’t give her any money so I just stopped talking to her that was about two months ago and last week she got in touch with me again she asked me what I was going to give her for Christmas she said I could put it through the bank so I said what amount are you wanting she said £500 I was thinking this woman just wants money from me I told her I couldn’t afford to give her that kind of money I said I have got plenty of Love for her and I haven’t heard from her since I’m just a pensioner and I just don’t want to go through that again.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 10:03h, 30 NovemberIt sounds as though you already have a sense of what your boundaries are. Trust your instincts.
Melinda Nelson
Posted at 22:30h, 28 NovemberThank you for your nice reading.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:56h, 30 NovemberThank you, Melinda.
Posted at 22:16h, 28 NovemberI so enjoyed this past reading especially the mantra. Thank you Johnathan
Posted at 20:14h, 29 NovemberI have a question about tarot cards. Is it bad luck to buy our own tarot cards? My mom told this to me as a teen Not to be mean, she’s not always correct. Who better to ask than a person that works with them 😁
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:54h, 30 NovemberI have heard it’s best practice that, for at least your first deck, someone else buys it. Although, my sense is telling me that if a deck speaks to you strongly, you should let it in. Hope this helps.
Posted at 19:42h, 30 NovemberYes! Thank you
Posted at 20:12h, 30 NovemberLol been using only Oracle cards ’til “knew” how to proceed with tarot
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:56h, 30 NovemberThank you, Lovetta.
Janice Williams
Posted at 22:15h, 28 NovemberThank you for this reading. It hits home on several levels and gives much to think about. Sometimes I wish something or someone would just say ” This. Is what you should do. This is the answer.”,. I know of course that won’t happen and this reading reminds me where the answers do come from. So, thanks. ❤️
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:52h, 30 NovemberWhat a beautiful reflection. We do know where the answers come from. Hope your week has been as well as it can be, Janice <3
Posted at 22:10h, 28 NovemberI’m torn and broken. I met a great guy and it was over before it began. I know we are meant to be but I don’t wanna be pushy or needy
I have self esteem issues that I use to not have. But in January 2020 I suffered kidney failure and I am now severely scarred from operations to place ports to save my life.
At that time I was in a really good relationship until I was unable to get out of bed or even function some days. When my sex drive went so did my boyfriend. He left me while I was receiving one of my treatments. I came home to an empty house and a note.
So now my trust is busted. I feel that noone will ever want me because I’m scarred and damaged
But when I met this guy I mentioned above it was great and then I wake up all alone lost broken and hopeless
Can you point me in a direction I can’t keep spinning and spinning
I’m damaged but my heart is pure. I just want a chance with the guy I met that was so great
Posted at 01:49h, 29 NovemberWhat is your responsibility
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:44h, 30 NovemberSeeing yourself as damaged may be creating a block in receiving the love you desire. I often find when I am not in a place of fully accepting myself that I can put up walls and not let love in. If you feel this relates, my advice would be to begin rituals of self love. Write yourself encouraging notes or practice saying kind things to yourself in the mirror. Sending sweetness, PJ.
Josaki Simon Peter
Posted at 22:09h, 28 NovemberYeah, I understand now.
Thank you joe
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:41h, 30 NovemberThank you, Josaki
Diane Shoemaker
Posted at 22:00h, 28 NovemberI love to read what you write it all makes sense to me when I read it I can hardly wait to see what you write again thank you so much I appreciate everything you say
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:40h, 30 NovemberDiane, I appreciate the kind, warm words. Thank you for coming and witnessing.
Char marie loper
Posted at 21:58h, 28 NovemberI am very lost in life right now , I have a man I live with whom I feel its most likely to be over between us but we have a kid together and then there’s someone im unsure or afraid to let into my life because I’m so unsure of what I am doing.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:39h, 30 NovemberChar, it sounds as though taking some quiet space, when it can be found, and listening to your heart could provide insight on your next moves to happiness. Sending sweetness.
Mary Serna
Posted at 21:54h, 28 NovemberWow your amazing
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:37h, 30 NovemberThank you, Mary.
Jackie Fenwick
Posted at 21:50h, 28 NovemberThis was a good insightful and helpful reading and instructions I will look within myself and listen to my heart and dreams I need revealing and a communitve clarity in a confusing relationship.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:37h, 30 NovemberListening to your heart may bring some of the most beautiful answers. Sending warmth, Jackie.
Bhagyashree c Kavrekar
Posted at 21:49h, 28 NovemberThank you sooo much Jonathan
Your reading is very accurate every time .I’m greatful for your guidance.
Posted at 01:51h, 29 NovemberYou
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:32h, 30 November<3
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:34h, 30 NovemberGrateful for your presence and correspondence, Bhagyashree <3
Mareia Gasvoda
Posted at 21:49h, 28 NovemberThank you. Your reading came at a needed time and hit very close to home. Hugs.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:32h, 30 NovemberHappy to hear this came to you when you most needed it, Mareia.
Posted at 21:49h, 28 NovemberHi Jonathan this is Veronica I’m speechless and dumbfounded with everything u said. Thank u
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:28h, 30 NovemberVeronica, I hope the message brought you insight for what this week had in store <3
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 21:46h, 28 NovemberThanks very much. 11/28/2022
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:24h, 30 NovemberThank you, Scott
Taswanda Browning
Posted at 21:44h, 28 NovemberI love to hear from you and I appreciate you so much, because every time you be right on the money with my reading. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me next time when we meet again thank you so much!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:27h, 30 NovemberTaswanda, thank you for the kind words. I’m excited to see too what this week has brought to you. Until next time.
Erna Verlinden
Posted at 16:18h, 28 NovemberThe reading is of great help. Thank you Jonathan!
Vilborg Ölversdóttir
Posted at 22:03h, 28 NovemberThank you
I’m very pleased
Thank you so much Jonathan
Posted at 01:52h, 29 NovemberEzenwamarine dragon power supply
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:22h, 30 November<3
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:23h, 30 NovemberThank you, Vilborg
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 09:24h, 30 NovemberThank you, Erna. Hope all is well as it can be this week.