Love Is In The Details | Mercury Enters Virgo Horoscope

Hi Friends,

Have you been feeling more productive and clear-headed lately?

Mercury has just started a three week journey through Virgo, making it a perfect time to focus on your priorities and get things done.

Mercury is ruled by Virgo, so it’s quite comfortable in this earthy, logical sign.

From August 3rd until the 24th you can expect to be more focused on flow and efficiency.

If there are areas of your life that need improvement, Mercury in Virgo will inspire you to cut away the dead weight, get organized, and revive any parts of your life that have been neglected.

You could also figure out how to resolve communication issues with a loved one, or heal inner habits of self-criticism, procrastination, and perfectionism.

However, it will be important to avoid overworking or getting lost in the details of a problem you’re trying to solve.

No matter what, you’re going to be able to get a lot done this month.

So get ready to dust off your do-to list and sharpen up your pencils, because it’s time to explore the influence of Mercury in Virgo.

Both Feet On The Ground

Do you ever get caught up in ideas about what “could be” or lose yourself reminiscing about the past?

While it can feel good to time travel in your mind, Mercury in Virgo is a reminder that there is plenty to be done in the here-and-now.

The next three weeks are not a time for impulsive plans, day-dreaming, or big ideas.

Instead, your focus will be on improving the things you already have.

With Mercury in Virgo, anything that wastes your time or drains your energy will begin to stick out and grab your attention.

Maybe the feng shui of your home is off, and you need to move some furniture to make things more functional.

Or you might need to organize a cluttered closet that saps your energy every time you look at it.

But it could also be that your mental habits need to be shifted.

If you tend to overthink things, view life from a negative perspective, or give up too easily, Mercury in Virgo can help you analyze these habits objectively and figure out how to heal your thinking.

One of the easiest ways to do this is to write a list of the things you want to improve in your life.

With a little bit of self-reflection, Mercury in Virgo can help you find the most simple, logical solution to any issues at hand.

If you’re usually easily distracted or tend to put things on until the last minute, Mercury in Virgo can make it easier for you to establish new habits or routines that help you become more productive.

However, it’s also important to take time for rest, recovery and healing over the next three weeks.

When Mercury in Virgo’s energy goes unchecked, it can result in burn-out or neuroticism.

So do what you can and then take it easy.

Because you may also have to make time for important conversations this month…

Talking Makes Things Better

When it comes to relationships, any conversations you have while Mercury is in Virgo can really improve your connection.

If you’ve been dealing with a different romantic, family, or work dynamic lately, Mercury in Virgo will make you want to get everything on the table and create a positive solution.

You won’t feel like avoiding tough situations right now.

Instead, you’ll want to talk about what NEEDS to be talked about so that things can keep growing and improving.

The next three weeks are a time to be realistic and analyze exactly where the issues are in your relationships, so they can be fixed, one way or another.

Mercury in Virgo is a master of constructive criticism. 

But this energy can also come across as harsh and judgmental if we’re not careful.

It’s important to be mindful of other people’s feelings during this time and not be so free with your criticism that it makes others feel hurt or inferior.

The influence of Mercury in Virgo tends to make us more mindful than usual. So it shouldn’t be hard to express constructive feedback in a gentle and loving way.

No one likes to feel wrong, so be sure to stay humble if you find yourself in a position where you’re correcting someone.

And if you happen to receive someone else’s unflattering take on you, try to stay humble and receptive to hearing any truth in their words.

Virgo is the most humble of all the signs, and as a result, it can also learn the most. 

So while Mercury is in Virgo, you will prosper by keeping your ego out of the driver’s seat and focusing on improving yourself.

On a sweet note, one of the best ways to express your affection for someone during this influence is to pay attention to the little things and be of service.

Writing thoughtful love notes or noticing the details that are important to someone else could really endear you to them.

Maybe they like their coffee a certain way, or they need something replaced or repaired that you can do for them to make their life easier.

Whatever the case may be, making yourself available to the needs of others right now could make life feel a whole lot better.

Everything Is Looking Up

Mercury in Virgo asks the question, “Is there a more simple or efficient way to do this?”

These next three weeks will be all about streamlining your efforts, taking care of details that make life easier, and doing maintenance on your life and relationships by addressing what’s needed.

It will also be easier to release negative habits and thoughts that could be making you feel stuck and unproductive.

So enjoy the uplifting energy of the coming weeks…

And remember not to work too hard!

With Joy,

Luna Dragonwell

P.S. Is there something in your life that you’re feeling eager to improve? Are you feeling ready to have a difficult conversation with someone? Let me know in the comments below!

Luna Dragonfire
Luna Dragonwell

Luna Dragonfire has been fascinated with the stars since she was a child. She is a lifelong student of astrology and loves sharing about the significance of the planets in our daily lives.

  • susan
    Posted at 17:22h, 04 August Reply

    i still feel sad and feel i have let my family down….i should have helped and seen what was happening in front of me…i should of helped my family member so much more in tears now just thinking of this ..i know i acknowledge not doing so much more…i send my love up to heaven where he deserves so much more …..but i also know i should stop these feelings and accept what happened !!

  • Nazreen abdulhamid abdallah
    Posted at 11:08h, 04 August Reply

    I am impressed by your prediction,i dont understans were am i standing in this relation the guy is very harsh and abusive i dont think he loves me.’i sm trying to move on but still he is in my mind.
    He doesnt show any positivety

  • Evelyn malanda
    Posted at 05:14h, 04 August Reply

    Hi Luna , this reading is awesome , I just want to shake of my weight and my fat belly that so and concrete on my studying . For love I know that my one and only true twin flame or soulmate is out there waiting for me is just the matter of time. I have no doubt for sure he will come very soon Luna .

  • Daryl
    Posted at 03:13h, 04 August Reply

    I need to talk to someone I really care about. The boundaries and self respect and respect for each other. She seems to only care about having fun with whoever and wherever she can. She was living with me and decided we needed space so she moved across the street. I’m really lost on how to deal with it. We didn’t speak for almost 2 months. Finally we talked she says she really cares about me a lot and wants us to be apart of each other’s lives and she doesn’t want to hurt me and she likes my family and loves my mother very much. But her actions prove different sometimes. I’m recovering from a really bad car accident and trying to get back to work. She’s a lot younger than me and I’m trying to keep that in mind. I need some Guidance with this it really affects all aspects of my life she’s always on my mind even when I try not to think about it…

  • Faith Mwakonya
    Posted at 02:29h, 04 August Reply

    I need to talk with my partner a lot of stuff,why he is doing what he is doing ,I’m so ready for that because it’s been long we are not communicating things thoroughly,Hope everything will be fine,thank you Luna for the cosmic updates,I really like your blogs they inspire me very much

  • Patrick Walsh
    Posted at 23:44h, 03 August Reply

    My wife, my twin flame, left me in April. The day before Easter. The two days before she left she made up lies, love bombed me, made what are now broken promises, sabotaged things behind my back and broke my 3d heart. Outside of about a week or so since then she’s gone no contact. She abandoned me, left alone to move out everything in our house due to financial hardships leading to us being evicted. Most of the hardship came when she abandoned me the first time months prior in October, to return home In February. The other part was on me. In December I couldn’t deal with the grief and heartache anymore and resorted to escapism through substance abuse. She was not privy to what turned into a daily addiction until a couple weeks after her return in February. I got transparent with her and shared my downfall. I still couldn’t stop. I didn’t stop until the end of May when I walked out of our home for the last time and received help from a friend who blessed me with a couch to crash on for a few days while I kicked my affliction. I went back and for from pain and suffering to angry feelings towards my wife for a while. Especially when she filed to dissolve our marriage with the court. Which to this day I still haven’t been served with. Over the last month I’ve released a lot, My soul has expanded and my vibrations are of more 5d rather than 3d. I reach out to my wife daily. I ask how she’s doing, I let her know I’m here, I apologized for my 3d baggage and thank her for connecting with me in this lifetime. I share with her that no matter what choices she makes or wherever her journey takes her in this life I will always be here with unconditional love waiting to connect with her again. Yes, it sounds foolish to many and goes against a lot of people’s advice, however, they are not familiar with the twin flame journey. Our souls will be one again, one day. And not done so by self will. Source, God, The Universe, conspires as I write and has so for thousands of lifetimes to bring us to this pivotal area of what we label as time. This end of the Pisces Eon to our next stage of evolution and activation of our Higher Self. The age of Aquarius. With Mercury in Virgo, with unconditional love, with humility I hope to connect with my twin flame, my wife again. Hard conversations wil have to be had. Linear programming, mirroring and projections will come up along with past life and this life’s traumas. Wounds will be cauterized. Programs released and expansion will happen in ways we were contracted. Loops will be broken and dark energies will be transmuted. For my twin flame and I this is the lifetime our Divine Feminine and our Divine Masculine equal to the sum of 1 soul , ascend to 5d and live in the bliss and awesomeness of unconditional Love. Lauren Elizabeth, my extraordinary wife. I love you owlways & 4ever. Stay strong, stay healing, stay expanding. It’s all going to be worth it. You are worth it.

    Thank you Cosmic Updates for allowing me this space to share some of our journey here in this 3d lifetime. Love & Light is held.

  • Nancy L Miller
    Posted at 22:47h, 03 August Reply

    I am hoping to reconnect with an old friend this weekend a friend hopes to give him my number so we can start and talk again.

  • Leslie Carter
    Posted at 22:35h, 03 August Reply

    Thank you so much. I could talk about any and everything rite now. I feel like I can conquer the world.,,

  • Ana Aviles Illanes
    Posted at 22:14h, 03 August Reply

    I have had many problems during this month about money, job and finally, love relationship. Currently, I don’t have no money, I have many difficulties in my job that they haven’t called me for many replacements and for last, my boyfriend broke up with me and I try to communicate with him but it’s impossible because he hasn’t replied my messages that I have sent him by facebook messenger and I also try to talk with him by phone but nether he wants to open to have a conversation with me. However, he has blocked me from whatsapp and instagram but he hasn’t blocked me from facebook but he doesn’t have me like friend on facebook. It would seem that he doesn’t want anything with me but he doesn’t want to leave me. Really I need to figure out what is happening with him, why does he behave like that with me? Is there something that bothered him so much about me and that’s why he behaves about that way? How can I fix this situation and make him to get back with me? Does he still have feelings about me? Do I have hope that we can get back together like we have used to be before? I need to solve this problem because I don’t deny that I’m still in love with him and I don’t want to loose him but sometimes I think that if I keep acting like that, running back him, then it will drain my energy and I can’t focus in accomplishing my goals that I have them in mind. It is very hard because for me it’s very complicated to catch his attention and be able to fix this situation. It may be for his cancer ascendant, because people under the cancer sign are very sensitive and they close themselves in their feelings and how I’m a taurus ascendant, sometimes I loose my paciencie and I get rude with him and I realized that I’m doing the things every time worst! I don’t know what i can do, if I keep having paciencie with him or simply take a time for me to keep going working out on my goals to make them real. I need a sign to figure out about how I can solve this situation because it’s making me to loose my nerves!

  • Gladys Atienza
    Posted at 22:11h, 03 August Reply

    I’m really impressed with the accuracy of your readings.

  • Kristy hains
    Posted at 21:57h, 03 August Reply

    My marrage is on the rocks.. due to infidelity. As one of us was incarserated for over 18 months. Lies have been told to suger coat truths. And avoid hurting the other. When things are good they are brilliant so inlove cldnt ask for a thing. Pure bliss. But when something triggers thaughts. Everything can turn so fast and really not be good. We are both still very much inlove with each other. Just finding it hard to accept and don’t know how to move on. And all this has been going on since January. We don’t want to give up what we have but can’t continue to hurt one another

  • Valawnda Ray
    Posted at 21:35h, 03 August Reply

    Hello HRU? Well I’ve been feeling stuck for a while now… I’m still going through the emotional pain because I was really in love with him.. so now that I look back I’m trying to figure out how did he really feel about me? So now I’m stuck in this rut trying to figure out what happened? So i hope we can have a conversation about what really happened between us so yes I’m ready to have this conversation with him so I can get a better understanding about what really happened in our relationship

    • Margaret Ann Ryan
      Posted at 23:50h, 03 August Reply

      Difficult conversation??? We haven’t spoken yet!!! Waiting on the first one-to-one conversation to see if tge attraction I feel spiritually is the real deal…. 4 months after he just appeared out of nowhere right in front of me I am intrigued to see if there was a reason I fell hard for him

  • Juawana Thomas
    Posted at 21:17h, 03 August Reply

    I feel like I’m stuck in a relationship that we both know is not going to work but he doesn’t want to leave and I’m trying to get my life together to better myself for my children and grand children. But something is holding me back from being successful

    • Kathryn Genevieve Curtis Armstrong
      Posted at 22:44h, 03 August Reply

      This has been very spooky as 2 yrs ago
      I had met a man and we talked for probably a little more than a year I felt as though I had truly knew him and we were making planes to meet and be together. The thing is he had been getting me to send him money and my daughter found out and changed my number I have dreamed something like this would happen but never dreamed it could !!! You are the real thing 😘 thank you. She wanted to have him arrested.

  • Vicki
    Posted at 21:05h, 03 August Reply

    About 30-40% pf this might apply to me. I’m so exhausted from emotional stuff right now, it’s hard to see/know what direction I’m supposed to head in or how to go about it. I keep trying, but with no luck. “Frustration” feels like my middle name and I’m just stuck and have been since 5/21/22. It’s a looong story!

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