People Need You This Week | Full Moon in Aquarius

Dear Astro Community, 

Are you ready to be of service and help someone?

July has been a time for deep emotions, heightened intuition, and gaining a better understanding of yourself and others. 

Right now, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde; which means they are turning your energies inward toward yourself and giving you opportunities to change unwanted thought patterns and behaviors. 

Earlier this month, you may have experienced some strong emotions due to the new moon in Cancer. This happened to help you better understand any habits that are no longer serving you.

Moving forward, you have a choice about how you will express and manage your new insights.

But if you didn’t have any insights during the July 9th new moon, don’t worry. The Universe will be back to assist your spiritual growth by the end of the year. 

Looking ahead, on July 23rd, the full moon in Aquarius will be joining Saturn; a planet that can bring patience, endurance, and discipline to your emotions and habits. 

On the other hand, Saturn can also contribute to feelings of limitation, pessimism, and scarcity.

So, you’ll need to stay on the lookout for negativity and be mindful of your thoughts as you navigate the energies of this full moon!

Let’s take a deeper look and see what else the coming days have in store for you.

You Have Something To Offer

What are you good at that you could teach someone else to do?

Maybe you have discovered an inventive way to make money from home, or you might be a talented cook. 

Perhaps you have been working on your health. If so, you may be asked to help a family member or friend who wants to eat better and exercise more. 

Whatever your skill is, this full moon will be a perfect time to start sharing it with the world. The coming days will bring a beautiful opportunity to support the people in your life and community with your expertise. And if you follow this calling, the Universe will reward you in a big way.

You see, the full moon in Aquarius is an opportunity to give back and to be of service, no matter how big or small the gesture.   

Since Venus will have just entered Virgo at the time of the full moon, your willingness to help will not be motivated by material or financial gain. 

Instead, you’ll be able to step into your power and mastery by nurturing someone through your well-informed guidance.

Since the position of the Moon and Sun are in opposite signs during a full moon, there is always a focus on relationships. The Moon will be in humble Aquarius who loves to work and help humanity, while the Sun is in Leo and likes to be the center of attention.

You may feel as though you have more to learn before you can take the lead in helping someone, but this full moon in Aquarius is asking you not to wait to be of service. 

Feel free to lean into your power and knowledge at this time. Just remember that modesty is in alignment with the energy of this full moon.

Stepping Into Mastery

Around the time of the new moon in Cancer on May 9th, you may have discovered a new truth in your love life, work life, spirituality, or health.

This experience might have found you looking for a new teacher or expert to assist you with attracting a healthier partner, learning more about a particular subject, living better, or earning more income through cutting-edge methods.

You also may be awakening to psychic, healing, and intuitive abilities which could have you searching for an expert and teacher online.

The full moon in Aquarius is furthering your search by igniting the discipline needed for more enlightenment in your quest for self-awareness. 

Full moons are all about illumination.  

Is there a specific area of your life that you have wanted to improve, but have been avoiding? The full moon on July 23rd will bring light to this part of your life. 

While there is a lot of growth and positivity to look forward to, there will be a couple pitfalls to watch out for, so read on to learn how you can make the most of the full moon’s shadow energies.

Steer Clear of Detachment And Indifference

It’s important right now to not detach from your emotions or become aloof. Both Saturn and Aquarius can be emotionally distant, and their influence on the full moon will affect your mood over the coming days. 

Since the moon represents your emotions, you may feel negative, pessimistic, or indifferent about changing areas of your life that need improving. 

Here are some ways you can avoid feeling detached:

  • Make plans with friends so you can stay social instead of being alone
  • Sign up for a class (either online or in person) to learn a new skill
  • Attend an outdoor concert or play
  • Volunteer within your community: help at a soup kitchen, drive meals to people in need, or help someone in your life who is elderly 

You might find that being of service now will fill your heart with an abundance of positive energy that will fuel your personal evolution. So don’t be afraid to get out there and put your expertise to good use!

More Opportunities for Personal Growth

The week after the full moon, you can expect to become more confident in your communication with friends and children.

This is due to Mercury, Jupiter, and Mars switching signs as we begin Leo season. 

Remember that you are constantly evolving and being given opportunities to improve.

At the time of the full moon in Aquarius on July 23rd, you may be asked to be of service to someone; or seek a teacher who can assist you with developing a new skill, talent, or interest that can help others in the future. 

By next month, you will be reviewing and working on letting go of relationships, thought patterns, and habits that no longer match your new interests or goals.

Move forward with confidence that you are being protected through the change you are feeling! 

And keep your eye out for August! Fixed stars, which are associated with Archangels, will be a big part of the astrology next month.  

Remember, the Universe always has your back!

Much Love and Gratitude, 

Heidi Campbell

P.S. How have you been wanting to give back and help others in some way? Is there something you have always wanted to learn how to do? Share your thoughts and comments below!

P.P.S. If you are needing more insight into your personal journey and path, feel free to contact me for a Natal Chart Reading or Astrology and Tarot Card Consultation

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  • Mayumi takase
    Posted at 03:05h, 22 July Reply

    Am hello im mayumi,i would like to share that what ive read into your message on me, is yes its really true ive been notice it about myself that it has something different within me in my inner self,ever since when i was young age i already know im different among other normal children same age of me, ive norice myself that i can sense or know if someone who doesnt tell true or someone whos trying to lied. When i diacovered it i wonder myself how can i do that why would i know it even without noones telling just my thought, and i often enjoy being alone with myself away those children often play while me enjoying observing while my thoughts so busy thunking lots of things, and right now i slowly understand myself searching and reading in social meida anything comes in my thought and i learn a lot and also i do feel in myself that someday i really wanted to help in humanity by sharing my thoughts nurture them base through my life experiences to open there minds to see things in life more than what they know in our daily life. That every one of us should realise that each one od ua has a purpose for being here. We have duties to fulfill. And to be honest i really dont know why i have knowung these about for some reason i can feel it that something sending in my thoughts to think all of these knowledge to seek and understand and learn it slowly even if i didn’t finish my studies, and at thesame time trying to aurvive to live with my children alone facing different hardship in life..actually its a very long journey.. I just hope i can find someone or meet someone to become my friend to teach me more and let me understand what is within myself i believe there is such person know and understand what im trying to tell about myself coz right now i cant afford to enroll for online class.. Thank you very much i hope these msg it resonates in someone who has knowledge.

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 07:53h, 22 July Reply

      Hi Mayumi. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your journey, it is a great example of the energies we’re experiencing. The right person will enter your life because you have set the intention and there are some very good teachers on YouTube and online that may resonate with you. Best of luck to you and please keep me posted on your progress! You are right, it is about serving and helping humanity right now. Take Care. – Heidi

  • Yan
    Posted at 23:28h, 21 July Reply

    Thank you, Heidi and The Cosmic Updates Team for this inspiring, uplifting message.
    Looking forward to your next posts.
    Much Love and Gratitude! Blessings <3

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 23:46h, 21 July Reply

      Hi Yan. Thank you so much! – Heidi

  • Sondra Barrett
    Posted at 22:36h, 21 July Reply

    Thanks for your insight . and make sure you check your dates – an error here when you said cancer new moon may 9, I know you meant July. But seeing that error triggers what else is incorrect – so I guess I am being of service to you. Best wishes on this new venture.

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 23:48h, 21 July Reply

      Thank you, Sondra! Glad you enjoyed the article. Much love and light to you. – Heidi

  • Lanie Cubay
    Posted at 09:55h, 21 July Reply

    Thank you so much Heidi to remind me I love to help people especially the Elderly that part of my life. God bless you 😘

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 15:38h, 21 July Reply

      Thank you so much, Lanie!

  • Jane Gordon
    Posted at 06:48h, 21 July Reply

    Yesterday I went to find the guy I call homeless Leon. (I have a next-door app with currently 70 people following him & some to help out by bringing food, clothing, whatever he needs) This was before I read your above post. I found Leon at 7-Eleven. He had been living on Minni St in a structure that Javier across the street built for him & ran electricity to. Last week 2 City Of Austin bucket trucks cut the line & let the lines hang. They better not be live. Then the police came & said the City Of Austin was going to demolish his Building & relocate him. (there is no way Leon could survive a homeless camp/shelter, he wobbles too much when he walks. All his money would easily get stolen). This is all happening because of the guy that lives in the house behind him. (Leon lives on the street that’s the back end of everyone’s houses. So last week Wed Javier had one of his employees pack up his stuff, I had left boxes, and take down the building before the City Of Austin destroys everything & the 3 huge planters he had placed up front. Everything is now in Javier‘s backyard. When I found Leon he didn’t know what happened to his stuff. I could tell he had been drinking. He said he hadn’t had a shower in 4 days,. And he had been in the same clothes. (Actually it was 6 days because of the building being abolished on Wed.) This is the first time I took him to my house to take a shower, put his clothes in the wash. Got him different clothes. Took him to Whataburger, he wanted a fish sandwich. He ate half. Saved the rest for the next day . Javier text me that he will be home at 9 PM. We got there at 10 till & he was home. We went to the backyard under the shed where he put all of Leon’s stuff. Some of the stuff on the ground got wet from the rain. I found his mosquito spray which he just poured on his arms. Javier had his bed set up with the mattress on top. It is quite high. I found one flashlight that sort of works. Currently no light in the shed. Javier had mosquito netting for him to sleep under. He will this weekend start inclosing half of the shed for him to live in. And make a gate in the fence for him to get out & work. (Of course work is panhandling to Leon). (Just FYI-I during the day I have 2 elderly that I take care of M-F.) (Different subject- now if I could just find my Prince Charming).

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 15:46h, 21 July Reply

      Hi Jane. Thank you for sharing your story. There are people around us who need help and doing so out of pure kindness and genuine concern for their well-being is exactly what this full moon is about. I am preparing a post in a few weeks about potential love coming into more people’s lives when Venus enters Libra mid-August. All the best to you. – Heidi

  • Virginia Lovell
    Posted at 04:36h, 21 July Reply

    I am already helping 2 elderly Aboriginal Aunties with shopping ect and i have been volunteering at a wild life shelter and also work. Today i have offered my sister to come and live with me always been a helpful person putting others before my self

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 15:48h, 21 July Reply

      Wow, wonderful! Thank you for sharing, Virginia. It sounds like you are making a difference in many people’s lives. – Heidi

  • Evelyn Malanda
    Posted at 02:31h, 21 July Reply

    Hi Campbell , I appreciate this reading very much my biggest concern is to know my true purpose in life and my spiritual awakening . I always wanted to be a service to help people . My another concern is to find my real soulmate I had waited for him my whole life .

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 15:59h, 21 July Reply

      Hi Evelyn. One of my favorite quotes is, “Follow your bliss.” by Joseph Campbell. Finding one’s purpose is a topic that requires great insight into one’s self while listening and receiving guidance from your Higher Power. I do believe we all have a purpose and calling, but how does one go about discovering them? The fact that you are pursing this question means that the energy to finding this answer is moving in the right direction; don’t give up on answering this important question. I would suggest praying/meditating everyday for clarity on this topic and remember that doing what you love is very important. Sometimes a person’s purpose does not cover all of their financial bills, so they have a job that takes care of things we need in order to survive (food, shelter, clothing, etc..). Be open to how Spirit guides you on this topic…this is a question that can only be answered by the person asking it. Regarding love, I hope my posts in August give you some insight and hope to finding your soulmate. Thank you for sharing! – Heidi

  • Refhead
    Posted at 01:29h, 21 July Reply

    I felt the overwhelming urge last night to try and raise money for the victims of the fires in California. I am a good cook and I used to be a professional chef. I was thinking if I could raise money somehow and gather local cooks to join me maybe we could make a difference. I’m gonna take a step into our local market this Thursday and see if I can’t meet some people there and see what I can do I don’t have a car at this point (so I kind of need to really help myself a bit here too) i’m still going to follow through and try to sell some things with another seller, that said I could share their space with them – I talked with them last week about this.. if I could turn this into something that could really help the victims of the fire I’d be so grateful! I’m going to try to at least get started. thanks for the continued, inspiration!

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 16:02h, 21 July Reply

      AMAZING! This is a great example of the energies of this full moon in Aquarius. I wish you the best of luck with this idea. Please keep me posted! – Heidi

  • Isabel Mulvihill
    Posted at 23:49h, 20 July Reply

    Domestic Abuse is on my radar. Through my writing I realized I write a lot about the topic of childhood and Domestic abuse from my experiences . This has come to light in the past two weeks after reading about a woman who lost her life at the hands of her abuser. I had been avoiding the subject for many years and reasons and , like shame , push back from family and denial from family. I am in a better emotional and healed place from working hard at healing . I am ready for this next phase of my life.

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 16:09h, 21 July Reply

      Hi Isabel. Thank you for sharing your insights; they are a great example of how we can go through something very difficult and from our experience, help others. Your ability to transform yourself through the healing so you can help others will no doubt bless many people. Thank you, again for commenting. – Heidi

  • tina dugay
    Posted at 22:04h, 20 July Reply

    Since I have been getting daily reading I was amazed by how spot on they have been!
    Except for love which I am not looking for nor have any need for but that’s just me in all other areas they have been like having my own wise councilor.

    I am in an out of the money so I a thrilled to have expert advice for free!

    Keep doing what your doing love you guys! Namaste Hare Krsna!

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 22:15h, 20 July Reply

      Hi Tina! Thank you very much. Please stay tuned, next week’s post will be about the astrology for the month of August. I hope you find it very helpful. Namaste – Heidi

  • Jimmy Edward Morgan
    Posted at 21:41h, 20 July Reply

    I want to help ppl heal and find out who they are

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 21:53h, 20 July Reply

      Hi Jimmy. It sounds like this full moon will be illuminating a part of your chart that has to do with deeper thoughts and psychology. There is truth in your comment regarding finding out who people are and knowing how to best help them due to your insights. I hope you have a wonderful full moon experience this Friday. – Heidi

  • Rowe Rowe
    Posted at 21:11h, 20 July Reply

    So I’ve always wanted to be a counselor or therapist, when I was younger and then I caught some bad habits and ended up feeling like they would never take a look at me cuz I was a pothead. But now I think that I’m older I should’ve said F’it and tried anyways. But now how I feel is I could do better starting a school for kids passions and on the side be a motivational speaker. I can bring anybody up that’s down and I give hope to the ones that have lost it during turbulent seas! I’m from the gutter and I’ve been practically to the top, well my top! And everything in between. I’ve been abused left in the cold and mocked by those I used to call family. I’m still here and my faith in GOD and the UNIVERSE IS UNDYING. The Angels are always with me and Faith is on my side. But ya long story short I’d be great at helping others see there worth and help them move past there pasts.

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 22:00h, 20 July Reply

      Hi Rowe Rowe. I greatly appreciate your response to this post. I have found that when a certain calling or path is intended for us, the theme will return several times in our lives. Like you, I just want to help people and this full moon may give you some good insights regarding how you can do that. We are all in this together! Don’t give up your authentic path to help others; & I have no doubt the angels are with you. I’ll be writing more about ArchAngels for August’s very unique and powerful Full Moon post. – Heidi

  • Lucia Parkes
    Posted at 21:07h, 20 July Reply

    Hi Heidi,
    I think I am going to look into trading a language learning endeavor.
    I speak fluent Spanish and I am wondering is there’s someone in Germany who can teach me their language.
    A trade off may be very beneficial to a person who can’t really afford a personal tutor.
    Wish me luck!

    • Heidi Campbell
      Posted at 22:02h, 20 July Reply

      Hi Lucia! Thank you for your wonderful comment. I think what you’ve shared is a perfect example of the energies that can be experienced as we approach Friday’s full moon in Aquarius. By setting the intention now, you will undoubtedly find someone to connect with as we enter Leo season and the astrology for August. Best of luck to you! Please keep me posted on your progress, please. – Heidi

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