29 Oct Take A Step Back | Weekly Tarot Reading | 10/30 – 11/5
Is there a situation in your life that isn’t moving in the direction you want?
Jonathan Lionheart says that you might need to take a step back this week, otherwise it could create conflicts in your life.
He’s here to help you see stay a step ahead of the curve, so you can avoid problems before they start, here in his Weekly Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Jonathan
P.S. Have you been coming up against a wall in a certain situation right now? Do you feel the need to disengage and come up with a new plan of action? Leave a comment below and let Jonathan know!

Hey there! This is Jonathan Lionheart with your Weekly Tarot Reading.
And we have a special one for you this week. There are definitely some things that are shifting and changing in the collective. And we’ve been feeling it for a while. So I’m excited for you to take a look!
You can schedule a private reading with me down below. And I’ve just been loving hearing from everybody getting the comments. And I’m glad that you’re so engaged. It’s really been wonderful. So let’s take a look at your week ahead.
So, let’s see what we have in store for the weekend. I’ve had a feeling that some things are getting reorganized and realigned on a collective level. So I’m curious to see what shows up.
Come on, wherever you are, and take a few breaths, feel into your body.
To Mother, Father, God, and the denizens of light, and call out to the deep ones, the rooted ones the earth plane, call out to the grandmothers and grandfathers of the north, the south, east, and the west. Be here with us now. Bring forward a clear message and support for those who are here.
Our first card is the situation. Second card will be the obstacle. And the third card is the outcome.
Let’s see what we have. So right off the bat, I see a lot of energy. And I’m curious where this is going.
Your first card this week is the Knight of Swords. And the Knight of Swords represents focus, perfectionism and impatience. You can see in the image, the knight is going downhill very fast. Hyper-focused. There’s a lot of intensity here. And while he might have a good sense of where he’s going, he tends to have blinders on, which means that he doesn’t see everything that’s happening.
You could be in a situation where you’ve gotten really obsessed about something – something’s piqued your interest. And now you’re all the way in.
It’s also possible that there’s just a lot of change happening in your life at the moment. Things are moving very fast. And as a result, you could be making some rash decisions or just moving at a pace that’s not fully comfortable to you.
When there’s this kind of speed and recklessness involved, it’s often an indication that there could be some fear, or something that you’re trying to get away from.
So it’s important to give yourself enough time to see if your impulses and where you’re headed are based on something that is true. Or if you’re just trying to escape something uncomfortable.
All this energy is really great. But you’re going to want to make sure that you’re moving from a solid place and not getting in over your head.
It’s also totally possible that you’re dealing with somebody that is a little erratic, and they’ve got blinders on. They don’t see all of what’s happening. Stubborn individuals and people that have a lot of trouble with anger.
Let’s take a look at your next card, which is the Ace of Wands. So the Ace of Wands represents inspiration, passion, and new energy. However, in the obstacle position, it could be a sign that there’s something you’re trying to manifest or get in. You’re just having a hard time with it.
Maybe you’re trying to make a move in your career, or you’re trying to make a big change in your life, but you just can’t seem to make it happen.
On the one hand, it could be that you’re experiencing too much energy. You’ve got lots of energy, but you can’t seem to ground it into your life.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, it’s possible you know what you want, but for some reason, you just don’t have the energy to get it. You can’t seem to get motivated.
If you’re experiencing the former – where you have too much energy – it’s particularly important, especially considering your first card, not to make too many brash decisions.
You could be unsure of how to get to where you want. You have a big idea of what it is that you want to create, but you can’t figure out the next steps or make some momentum happen for you.
The Ace of Wands has a lot of energy, so you might be feeling frustrated with all this energy pent up, or even if this energy is blocked in some way, it can feel really frustrating.
Let’s take a look at your outcome card, which is the Five of Wands. You can see in the card image that there are five different individuals from different kingdoms that are sparring with one another. As you might imagine, this is a card that is really about tension, competition, and conflict.
So you could be heading into a phase where there are a number of different things that are competing for your time, your energy, and your attention. You could end up in an argument this week, a fierce debate, or a productive discussion, depending on how the energies are around you. You could be in a situation where everyone is striving for their own interests, and really not listening to what’s being said.
Luckily, even with all this competitive energy, the Five of Wands can end up as being a really beneficial thing. This can be a productive kind of conflict, one that actually opens your eyes and makes you look at things in a different way.
If we consider your first card, the Knight of Swords, that tunnel vision is going to end up as trouble. So being forced to look at things from a different perspective can be really helpful.
So instead of getting hyper defensive, or really argumentative, see if you can keep your mind open and your eyes open. Because there might be something for you here that ends up saving you a lot of time.
All right, let’s pull an advice card. Yeah, perfect. This is really interesting. So the Three of Wands, with the Ace of Wands, and the Five of Wands right off the bat. My sense is, it’s time to take a little bit of a step back, especially with the intense forward motion of the Knight of Swords.
This is a great sign to maybe slow your roll a little bit, think about what’s in front of you, and just move at a slower pace for a little bit.
This is a great moment to make some reassessments and some adjustments on your trajectory. Sometimes when a door is not opening, it’s assigned to reevaluate, to take a pause.
So your first card, the Knight of Swords is a strong indication that you could be hyper-focused on something and moving at a really fast rate. Meanwhile, your second card, the obstacle, is there might not be the right motivation, or there’s stuck or blocked energy. You can’t seem to manifest the thing that you’re wanting. And your final card, the Five of Wands is a sign there could be a little bit of conflict as a result of all this forward moving energy. You could rub elbows with some people.
It’s a great time to see if you can reevaluate and take a look at what’s going on. So now isn’t exactly the time to force your issue and to try to make things happen when they’re not happening.
Instead, be willing to be in the conversation with those around you, and see if there’s something that can help you reorganize yourself and think about things in a different way.
Ultimately, what you’re wanting is great, and you’ve got great ideas. It’s just that you might have to take a step back and go from step A to step B to step C, instead of going from step A to step Z.
So your mantra for this week is: “I can stand my ground and still take in constructive criticism. I can stand my ground and still take in constructive criticism.”
It’s so nice getting to spend time with you. I’m looking forward to our next meeting. And in the meantime, I’d love it if you wrote a reply and said hi. Let me know what’s going on in your world.
And until next time, this is Jonathan. Take care.
Whitney Marie Renee Medearis
Posted at 08:16h, 04 NovemberHi, my name is Whitney Medearis and that helped me in so many ways. Thanks.
Whitney medearis
Posted at 00:29h, 04 NovemberHey Jonathan,
I sense this reading was so on point for me this week. I am trying to accomplish a career move and even with all my increased energy . Why I’m I behind in trying to attain it?
So enjoy each week readings . Again, so accurate amazing .. I just want to move into a new life journey . Thank you
Eduardo Shimabukuro
Posted at 11:59h, 03 NovemberI work in finance, so I’ve always had a mind who sees only but numbers.
however, I enjoy to read your weekly reading and this week, specifically, it feels like you have written just for me.
Thank you Jonathan!
Posted at 08:23h, 03 NovemberSpot-on! I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Candice M
Posted at 06:26h, 02 NovemberThank you Jonathan, I reread your reading today, and when I first watch your video this past weekend, I was scared of what this was meaning in my marriage, I have been trying to save it. But Monday, my husband told me that he wanted to rush into a divorce and wanted to sign some documents and get the house ready for sale. I must say, this was spot on for me, I am telling him today that I need to take a step back and get some advice before I move forward with anything.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:43h, 02 NovemberCandice, with the timeframe you mentioned I can see how this can be a lot and feel quick. Taking a step back and processing while also seeking outside advice sounds like the best decision. Wishing you well in this transition <3
Posted at 14:09h, 01 NovemberHi Jonathan thank you for the reading that’s true happening inmy life.am alittle bit anxious right now inmy love life conexxion of twin flames thank you for your words love you.

Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:41h, 02 NovemberThank you and best of luck, Elvira
irma Hampton
Posted at 16:26h, 31 OctoberEnjoyed your reading! I will work on slowing things down this week and mastering the mantra. I have no idea where the conflict is coming from, but glad to be awade of the possibility.
Thank you!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:41h, 02 November<3
Lovetta St. John
Posted at 16:17h, 31 OctoberHello Johnathan
Your reading is spot on and I love how you elaborate on the cards messages. Yes, I have been dealing with a lot but exhausted from not sleeping well. Last weeks message was so accurate about hypocrites/sneaky peeps I speak too and deal with which is why I have trust issues today. I have too many jealous people in my family always trying to compete against me and if they can’t they use their children unreal. Unfortunately. I am dealing with a sad situation pertaining to my son who is not well because of a discovery of colon cancer. I am a prayer warrior so I know he will come out of this like a trooper. Thanks again for your input. Have a blessed day.
Posted at 20:54h, 31 OctoberHi, thanks for the cards.
The cards suited me very well today. In a few days I’m moving to a new flat, I’m moving out from my roommate. The situation is difficult, but mostly because my partner has an anger problem. Trying to stand it as best I can, but it’s not easy because of his anger. I hope eventually that we break this relationship, we have been together for almost 6 years, and this relationship has not been good for me.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:37h, 02 NovemberAnn-Kristin, it sounds as though you already know what you want and what needs to happen. Believe in yourself and have faith. When I am going through these moments, I also turn to my therapist as an unbiased soundboard alongside my own practices. Wishing you the best of luck and protection during this time.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:40h, 02 NovemberLovetta, thank you for sharing. Sending you strength and comfort during this difficult time <3
Kerin Freeman
Posted at 15:37h, 31 OctoberHi Jonathon, thank you so much for your insightful readings. This week has meant a lot to me. There’s a lot going on in my life so I shall, as you say, take a step back and relax and evaluate more. Keep up the great work.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:35h, 02 NovemberThank you for the warm words, Kerin. Hope all you are experiencing go mes as well as it can in this moment <3
Susan Dedden
Posted at 14:21h, 31 OctoberYes exactly. Thank you
Mariangie Rosaly
Posted at 12:52h, 31 OctoberHi Jonathan, as usual, your words and energy are very comforting. Out of an assault during the lockdown, I had to shut down all my social media. No FB, or Insta, etc. With this message I wanted to let you know that you have been very assertive within time and your guidance have helped face and manage delicate life changing decision making. Much blessings and health to you, so you can keep on helping transmit your love and peace to others.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 12:06h, 07 NovemberHi Mariangie, thank you for your kind words. I’m so glad to have been of some help in this tender time of change for you. Blessings to you as well, and please feel free to reach out any time. With love, Jonathan
Posted at 11:42h, 31 OctoberHi Johnathon, thank you so much for your reading!
Posted at 12:28h, 31 OctoberSo right ö it
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:31h, 02 NovemberThank you, Lenora
zachi osoble
Posted at 09:15h, 31 OctoberThank you jonathan.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:31h, 02 November<3
zachi osoble
Posted at 09:11h, 31 OctoberThank you richard.
Posted at 09:10h, 31 OctoberThere is A LOT GOING ON > for sure. There are numerous people and entities involved in my development. I had no idea a year ago that I would end up in this place and actually have the opportunity to raise my vibrations up and Octave. What does this all really mean??….. How did you get guided to me with you Clarity of Situation? The Cosmos moves in mysterious ways.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:30h, 02 NovemberMark, it absolutely does move in mysterious ways. Happy to hear you are in a place of growth and discovery <3
Gina Bischel
Posted at 08:55h, 31 OctoberJonathan you were spot on, Thanks for the advice, I needed the answers you have for me today. I have a lot of changes going on in my life and I am pulled to move to live in a different place and travel at the same time. It has been a lot to take in and gage. I am also wanting to change my job, but I don’t know yet what I need to be doing? so much going on at once.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:29h, 02 NovemberMoving, traveling, and seeking a new place of employment can all potentially be tense while figuring out the details. Taking space to step back feels to me the best message to hear. I wish you well in these transitions.
Debbie Stephens
Posted at 08:55h, 31 OctoberThank you! Your reading was truly relevant for me, plus it connected perfectly with Karma’s weekend love reading. So much so, I got chills and had to listen a second time to it. Life and love have been sending me challenges and punches lately…. and the choices I’ve been given & the decisions I have before me are not easy nor ones I want to make. Your reading gave me the insight I needed.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:26h, 02 NovemberIt’s a powerful feeling when we as a collective can come together and help guide our communities. Best of luck, Debbie.
Posted at 08:47h, 31 Octoberthank you Jonathan i do have a lot on my plate right now your advise is very good keep up the good work
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:25h, 02 NovemberThanks Dotlyn, it’s a pleasure
Emma Msusa
Posted at 07:43h, 31 OctoberThank you Jonathan lionheart.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:25h, 02 NovemberThank you, Emma
Erna Verlinden
Posted at 07:43h, 31 OctoberHi Jonathan,
Posted at 07:37h, 31 OctoberTHANK YOU
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:25h, 02 November<3
Julian Rivera
Posted at 07:19h, 31 OctoberYou’re right about my readings all that what you are talking about is about my coworkers why is everyone so afraid of me why are they so quick to judge me no one I’ve gone to card readers readers no one can actually tell me the truth hopefully you can
Kathleen Ciotti Daniele
Posted at 06:53h, 31 OctoberThank you, Jonathan, for this particular reading. The guy in my life broke our date last weekend and this weekend. Lame excuses. I was just about ready to return his email showing my anger when I saw the Title of your reading. I am so glad you ‘stepped in’ and advised me to ‘step back’ ! With each passing week, my insight is getting more and more clear. But I will evaluate and reassess so that I don’t become a ‘raging bull! (Have a bit of an Italian passion) ! I really appreciate the way you communicate and your soft-spoken voice. It has a way of reaching the mind and spirit. Thanks so much, Kathleen
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:24h, 02 NovemberSorry to hear of your difficulty, Kathleen. I’m glad to be of service to you and your experience. See you next week.
Veronica Bryant
Posted at 06:04h, 31 OctoberJonathan correct I am trying to manifest something great. How do you recommend that I channel my energy? Thx…I enjoyed the reading.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:23h, 02 NovemberVeronica, that is a deeply personal question. I am available for live, recorded sessions via the link above in the written portion. In the meantime, I hope you find the energy you want/need.
Posted at 05:59h, 31 OctoberHi Jonathan! Once again bang on, Thank you! I know it’s for the collective but some weeks it feels just one on one
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:22h, 02 NovemberGlad to hear it resonated so closely, Michele <3
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 05:18h, 31 OctoberThank you Jonathan for the reading I love the reading and I want someone waiting like my relationship
Barbara Vissing
Posted at 05:10h, 31 OctoberHello.
It’s always good to hear what you have to say.
I enjoy listening to you every week. Hope all is well with you!
It’s amazing how spot on you are.
Have a great week ahead.
Barbara Vissing
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:21h, 02 November<3
Posted at 04:57h, 31 OctoberThank for your hint to me something important to me is evolving and
Marnie brown
Posted at 04:54h, 31 OctoberThis is exactly what I needed to hear. I have been in an unusual relationship. I keep pushing my wants and needs without being sympathetic to what his needs are.
I do need to take a step back and try to focus on other things.
It’s just so frustrating because this has been going on far too long. I don’t even know how he really feels. I can only assume he must have feelings for me or he wouldn’t be holding on to whatever it is we have.
I keep thinking perhaps I should just let go. But I know in my heart we have a special connection that could be a twin flame or at least a very deep soul mate. Idk
Posted at 04:13h, 31 OctoberI have very hard situation after domestic is hard not know what happening and where to go
Posted at 04:02h, 31 OctoberYour so right iv been having alot of conflict in work with colleagues and feel very angry and obsessed about it it’s been taking over all my thoughts and I was thinking about leaving because of fear I really don’t know what to do
Posted at 03:39h, 31 OctoberYou were right on the money. I’m trying to get an apartment with two others that are a couple and they want me to pay 1/2 the rent and 1/2 of the bills. I told them I will pay 1/3 of bills and 1/3 of rent. Besides they get the master bedroom and the garage. I will get the carport. I can stay where I’m at and live even better. Also I want to wholesale real estate, but work my other jobs and don’t have time to fully engage yet or the money to take off work and do real estate. They are stubborn, but we will see what happens.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:20h, 02 NovemberWindy, it sounds like you know what you want. If it were me, I would not compromise my needs and wants, especially in my home. It could cause for later turmoil that a home does not need. Best of luck.
Sharon Davies
Posted at 03:37h, 31 OctoberHi , thank you sound just about right in my life.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:19h, 02 November<3
Serero Elliott Matlanyane
Posted at 03:16h, 31 OctoberI enjoy reading your post, and i resonated as at some levels I feel that I am in a struggle. The challenges or conflicts I deal with make me feel desperate for action/solution, so considering my steps or taking a step back is advise that I believe I need before I create for myself even bigger problems.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:19h, 02 NovemberSerero, your words are wise. I’m my experience, when I find myself with desperation, taking things slow absolutely has given me back some of the power from the situation. Best of luck .
Jennifer Langford
Posted at 02:57h, 31 OctoberThank you..I definitely resonate with this week’s reading spot on
Abiodun Cooley
Posted at 02:52h, 31 OctoberHi thank you for your read thing are very slow from me now . Thanks
Posted at 03:29h, 31 OctoberThank you for my reading it sounds absolutely right what you told me.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:16h, 02 November<3
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:17h, 02 NovemberHope the slowness feels comfortable. Best of luck Abiodun.
Posted at 02:50h, 31 OctoberHi Yes this makes sense to me….
I have many options to decide upon.
I will remember your wise words.
Look forward to next week
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:16h, 02 NovemberThank you, Lynne. Looking forward to seeing you again.
Christina lannigan
Posted at 02:40h, 31 OctoberHi Jonathan. Thank you for the reading. I can resonate with some of it. I’m struggling with a relationship. How is this going to pan out for me and him? Thank you. Enjoy you readings..
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:15h, 02 NovemberHi Christina. If you are interested in a private reading, we could get into more details of your answer. There is a link above to do so. Wishing you the best of luck while you travers these times.
joanne ormond
Posted at 02:19h, 31 OctoberI look forward so much to your readings. Always so accurate and help me so much to see things as they truly are. Thanks so much Jonathan, you’re the best! much love Joanne
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:14h, 02 NovemberThank you so much, Joanne! See you soon.
G. Sofie Jønsson
Posted at 02:00h, 31 OctoberI can see that it helps putting words on the place where I’m standing, as I see how you enterprite this I know where I should take action,
Yes I think there’s a lot happening in theese times and I know that I will stand grounded, even when people in my near circle can’t see
it the way I do.
Thank you for the reading…have a nice day.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:13h, 02 NovemberThank you, G <3
Paula Burke
Posted at 01:34h, 31 OctoberYour reading hit home and I thank you for your insight. Changes are coming in my life and I am taking it slow while I finish my work and plans all fall into place.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:13h, 02 NovemberThank you. Hope the changes come as gently as they can and that your hopes do fall into place.
Posted at 01:32h, 31 October“Always Have A Dream” …..Thank You Jonathan always a pleasure to read your great interpretation of the Cards…!!!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:12h, 02 November<3
Christy Marie Paynne
Posted at 01:22h, 31 OctoberThank you so much,you are so right on about things it’s scary.I truly could use your quideence at this point in my life. So thank you again I look forward to what’s in store.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:12h, 02 November<3
Andy C
Posted at 01:12h, 31 OctoberThank you Jonathan for your insight.I do resonate with parts of your reading and have taken it all onboard.
Much appreciated
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:11h, 02 NovemberThank you, Andy.
Sandra Barba
Posted at 00:30h, 31 OctoberThank you, Jonathan. The energy is high & so are all responsibilities right now. 1 thing at a time. Calmly stepping forward & observing. I’m stating the facts & using reason. You confirm the situations & have wise advice. We all seem to love & appreciate you here.
Blessings & Light
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:11h, 02 NovemberThank you. I truly do love and appreciate you all as well. Coming and witnessing everyone’s response is a joy. Till next time.
Posted at 00:29h, 31 OctoberYou always seem to be spot on~ its almost bizarre to have you in my head & thoughts on things especially when we ha e never met!!!
Definitely I am listening and paying attention ~
Thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:10h, 02 November<3
nancy decker
Posted at 00:26h, 31 OctoberThank you Jonathan, Yes, I get it… need to step back and take a really good look . I have always been a little careful and not fully trusting of others . I do feel stuck… but this maybe a time for it. Not sure.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:10h, 02 NovemberTaking that step back and letting the feeling of being stuck become less tense May reveal answers you couldn’t see in the resistance. Best of luck, Nancy.
Charnita staley
Posted at 00:22h, 31 OctoberHi Jonathan,
Thank you for the reading,
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:09h, 02 NovemberThank you, Charnita.
Di Mat
Posted at 00:12h, 31 OctoberYou are amazing and I always look forward to your next video.
Each time you resonate with what is going on in my life!! Than me you sincerely for what you do for myself & others!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:08h, 02 NovemberThank you for the kinds words, Di
Bronwyn D Sami
Posted at 00:11h, 31 OctoberThanks so much Johnathan I really needed to hear that.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:08h, 02 NovemberWelcome, Bronwyn.
Posted at 23:56h, 30 OctoberThank you exactly what’s going on,
Kim C
Posted at 23:49h, 30 OctoberThank you, it all resonates. Want to become an author, have been wanting to for years but I keep stepping back. I get motivated, then I lose motivation. I want to become a reiki master, I went to the first class, then I lost motivation to continue. I lose motivation with every project and it is very aggravating.
Trying to step fully into my personal power and I keep stepping back out of it. Thank you for your readings, they resonate each time
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:07h, 02 NovemberKim, I’m curious what could come if you step back from stepping back. By that I mean to step back and look at why you back out or what could be stoping you from going out there and being you in full authenticity. Getting stuck on the act itself restricts us from figuring out what it is that causes the reaction.
Huzematu christabel
Posted at 23:24h, 30 OctoberThanks, always on point. Exact prediction s on happenings in my life.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:05h, 02 November<3
Jodi B
Posted at 23:23h, 30 OctoberThanks for the reading! I have some things to think about.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:05h, 02 NovemberHope sitting with your thoughts bring the answers you need
Huzematu christabel Abdul Karim
Posted at 23:22h, 30 OctoberThanks for yr input, yr finding s are accurate and on point.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:04h, 02 November<3
Colt Solari
Posted at 23:20h, 30 OctoberHey Jonathon,
You are spot on in that I am actively working on a major transformation. I am older in life and just retired. I am now working on physical. Emotional, spiritual, love, pretty much everything I didn’t focus on enough while I did career. I have a pretty tall list. I’m not sure how to step back…I feel so behind. Lots to accomplish in my ‘new’ life….
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 12:03h, 07 NovemberHey Colt, one thing that might be helpful in this beautiful new experience you’re having is that you can only be precisely where you are, and that’s precisely where you need to be. There is no need to rush, rushing comes from the fear in us, not from where we truly are. So take your time. We can only move at the pace that we can move at, and often the parts of ourselves that most need our attention need us to move at a slower pace, at least to start. Ultimately, you can’t be behind, you can be right where you are and attend to what’s there with total commitment and intimacy with yourself. One step at a time my friend.
Jesse Taylor
Posted at 23:15h, 30 OctoberWow you are rite on the money I have been going through something and it was conflict my truck hit shot up
Chantia Steed
Posted at 22:32h, 30 OctoberThis is very true for me I’m dealing with a situation and I want to get out asap
But what I want is just not happening when I need it to but I know soon all will be ok and I will receive what I’m manifesting
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 15:00h, 02 NovemberHope you find clarity soon Chantia
Posted at 22:18h, 30 OctoberThanks alot Jonathan . I really needed to hear this ! Take a step back ! & I will do just that .
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:59h, 02 November<3
Frankie Ball
Posted at 22:15h, 30 OctoberThank you for the input Jonathan. I am glad that you do readings they are always on point. Thank uou
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:58h, 02 NovemberThank you, Frankie
Patricia Turney
Posted at 22:09h, 30 OctoberHmmm I’m trying to decide which situation is out of control as I have about 4 different ones. They are probably all out of control. But I decided to step back and watch a little bit. Can only step back a little as still have to stay engaged for my benefit. Its just a very busy time. Wish me luck
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 14:58h, 02 NovemberBest of luck, Patricia
Joyce Crump
Posted at 21:52h, 30 OctoberI found your message spot on. I not only have my own home and job occupying my time, but I also look after my 93 year old mom, her house, and needs. Sometimes life is overwhelming. I will be taking your advice and take a step back to access what is going on and what steps to take next. Thank you. Sometimes I just feel like I need permission to slow down and not try to do everything at once.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:32h, 02 NovemberGiving ourselves the space to slow down is such an act of self-love and care. Best of luck, Joyce
Cynthia L Wagner
Posted at 21:51h, 30 OctoberDear Jonathan, thank you for letting me know what to expect and how to handle it, this next week. I look forward to hearing from you every week. Please keep up the good work. Love you, Cindy
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:30h, 02 NovemberThank you. See you next week, Cindy.
Meghan McCoy
Posted at 21:51h, 30 OctoberSpot on…just what I needed to hear. However, I do wish I had heard this sooner. Could have saved myself some heartache. Either way I needed this. Thank you. You are appreciated.
Elias Kekana
Posted at 01:58h, 31 OctoberHave been struggling a lot in the past and now things are taking a turn for the best but are moving real fast.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:29h, 02 NovemberThis feels as though you were meant to hear this message. Slowing down in happiness can be oh so sweet.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:30h, 02 NovemberGood luck on your healing, Meghan
Posted at 21:50h, 30 OctoberI am really worried of a arguement errupting just like you said. Thanx.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:59h, 07 NovemberHey Debbie, It’s never 100% what’s in my readings. But you might look at what the basis of your fear is in regard to an argument coming up. Sometimes the readings create an access point to something we have been afraid to look at. Be kind to yourself, and remember to find support if something feels like it’s too much to handle on your own. Sending love. –J
Jessica Diane O'Grosky
Posted at 21:47h, 30 OctoberThank you for my reading,
Shirley A Montez
Posted at 21:47h, 30 OctoberThank you!! Yes this is exactly how I’m feeling this week!
Helen Buick
Posted at 21:45h, 30 OctoberThank you Jonathan, I always enjoy listening to you.
Have a great week.
Cristina Monteiro
Posted at 02:55h, 31 OctoberOlá
Também me identifico com esta situação estou tentando assistir a vida acontecer sem interferir muito…
Mudanças importantes e necessárias estão surgindo e é bom ter bom senso para saber como redirecionar. Obrigada pela leitura fez muito sentido. Grata
Meva Jones
Posted at 21:41h, 30 OctoberI so look forward to hearing from you , each week . As usual what you’re saying makes so much sense in my situation. I wish I could talk to you one on one for hours
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:26h, 02 NovemberThank you for the kind words, Meva
Perla Moran
Posted at 21:39h, 30 OctoberThank you for the reading Jonathan. I will take a step back. Wth family, concerns and conflicts.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:25h, 02 November<3
Jose Jr. Vega
Posted at 21:35h, 30 OctoberThank you Jonathan for your reading it does describe my situation perfectly I think I’m going to take your advice and slow things down a little thank you and God bless you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:15h, 02 November<3
Melisa Hood
Posted at 21:34h, 30 OctoberThank you Jonathan! Hope all is well with you.
This reading is spot on…..there is a block in what I want to come forth into my life.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:14h, 02 NovemberI hope you find how to unblock yourself from achieving your goals
Angella McKenzie
Posted at 21:20h, 30 OctoberOmg! Jonathan thank you, thank you for your personal reading. Wow! So so accurate. I have never seen such accuracy in all my life. I am trying to get a house on impulse because of situation beyond my control and I am really putting a lot of energy into it. A special friend is showing no interest and I think he is jealous and not happy about it. Jonathan, you are not only calm and accurate, but my reading is beyond expectations. Blessings
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:13h, 02 NovemberGlad to hear Angelina. Thank you for coming and witnessing
Karen Meeks
Posted at 21:18h, 30 OctoberThanks for your reading Jonathan. Always helps me to have an inside scoop to know what to expect. I’m a Scorpio woman living with a Scorpio guy whom I’ve had my ups and downs with for four years now.
Hurricane Ian devastated SW Florida and affected us all in one way or another. Seems it’s turned our relationship upside down. Trying not to over react but it’s hard. Thanks
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:11h, 02 NovemberKaren, your kindness in the situation is felt. I hope with time, clarity will come as to why this relationship has changed since hurricane Ian.
Posted at 21:18h, 30 OctoberThank you very much, resonates with my current situation in my personal life.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:08h, 02 November<3
Posted at 21:18h, 30 OctoberI feel the reading was perfect for my situation. Just as he said I had step back and look deeply at me. He is good.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:07h, 02 November<3
Posted at 21:13h, 30 OctoberThanks Jonathan, this again resonates with my current situation. I’ve been getting a lot of signs to take a step back, reassess, and also to look at things from another perspective. I’ve started doing that it it does seem to help. Thanks again
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:07h, 02 NovemberBecoming aware of when we need to take a step back and reassess can be liberating from any old patterns of attachment to suffering. Glad to hear you are in good spirits despite what sounds like potentially challenging situations.
Ronald Linus uwem
Posted at 21:10h, 30 OctoberHi this is Ronald …
Thanks alot for your time ,your reading is always with very plain ,just that I have to keep my eye on details 5o be able to pin point this things coming ,thanks
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 00:03h, 02 NovemberThank you, Ronald
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 21:08h, 30 OctoberThanks for this week reading (Sunday) right now and for a very long. I’m lost in my marriage. I never know if my marriage will fall apart or to be fixed?? I know my wife had or maybe still is cheating on me. We both don’t see each other much. She had also betrayed me many times in the past. But still not sure if she is still doing the betrayal behind my back.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 11:57h, 07 NovemberHey Scott, I’m sorry to hear about the mistrust that has developed in your relationship. Betrayal is one of the most challenging experiences we can face in relationship, and it can undermine trust and the feeling of safety at a core level. The best I can recommend is to find someone who can help mediate the situation for you and your wife. It’s likely quite detrimental to both of you and your wife’s health and happiness to continue forward without finding clarity around both the past and where things are at currently. You might consider marriage counseling where you can honestly express your worries and hurt around the situation. Sending you blessings my friend.
Soni Weiss
Posted at 21:04h, 30 OctoberI always enjoy your readings and you have been pretty much in the ball park for me over the last year.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:59h, 01 November<3
Kathryn Altamore
Posted at 21:04h, 30 OctoberThis reading speaks to me. It reminds me it is ok to let situations and people reveal themselves without my involvement or effort. The energy, I do have, is better invested in tending to my own needs and wants. Being in the thick of things can be overrated especially when there is a potential for putting yourself, voluntarily, in the line of fire. I am going to take this week and write long to do list and work diligently to check each task off one by one big and small.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 23:58h, 01 NovemberI couldn’t have said it better. Knowing when to give the energy and where to put it is a valuable skill to have.
Lisa Blanton
Posted at 21:03h, 30 OctoberThis really spoke to me, Jonathan. I actually 2 situations that have been weighing on me this week – one concerning a family member in crisis & the other concerning my predicament with my beloved. The advice to step back feels right on both counts. I need to care for myself & get some perspective right now – to help the energy calm down & give me some clarity. Thank you very much for your insight & kindness.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:31h, 01 NovemberGlad this reading brought to you the call for taking a step back. Both situations sound potentially tense and with space, I hope clarity in each comes.
Opoku Richard Atuahene
Posted at 18:15h, 01 NovemberThanks, for your good teachings. I really, appreciate it. Bless
kim Holbrook
Posted at 21:00h, 30 OctoberI enjoyed your reading today. I’m not sure how it will affect me yet but I will definitely take a step back.. I look forward to your reading every week.
Klaus Schlotz
Posted at 20:59h, 30 OctoberLove your readings Jonathan and I very much like that you always finish with a mantra))
As it’s a reading for the collective I am always listening for the nuggets which speak to me personally. And sometimes there is a lot and sometimes less.
I am in a great situation in my life where work, health and relationships with friends and colleagues work very well.
What I am patiently waiting for without any desperation is to meet my soulmate.
Thank you so much for your connection to the spirits.
Joyce Burmester
Posted at 22:08h, 30 OctoberYes, energy is flowing big time. I love it but will take your advice and slow down.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:29h, 01 November<3
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:30h, 01 NovemberThank you, Klaus. I hope the mantra serves you well in the coming journey <3
Diane Vitale
Posted at 20:59h, 30 OctoberLove Johnathans readings.. He’s really soothing to listen to and easy to understand.
Thank you Johnathan!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:28h, 01 NovemberThank you, Diane
Angela Ott
Posted at 20:59h, 30 OctoberSo Right on Target!!!
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:28h, 01 November<3
Caroline Christie
Posted at 20:59h, 30 OctoberOmg. I had already taken a step back. So after listening to your reading, I couldn’t believe how accurate you were.
I am going to take your advice and see where it leads.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:28h, 01 NovemberAlways a surreal moment when things line up so accurately. See you again soon.
Stephanie Weaver
Posted at 20:56h, 30 OctoberGreetings Jonathan!
Thanks for the post!
Have a great week.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:27h, 01 November<3
Raven Coronas
Posted at 20:55h, 30 OctoberI like your readings and your soothing delivery.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:27h, 01 NovemberRaven, thank you
Theresa Flannery
Posted at 20:55h, 30 OctoberThank you Jonathan. I believe I am in for a confrontation and a truth revealed. I feel my ex husband Joe is coming back to talk. I have been waiting for this truth. Please keep me in your thoughts as I process what I do need to know? Thanks Theresa
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:26h, 01 NovemberI will keep you in my thoughts, Theresa. Best of luck
Doris Angel
Posted at 20:55h, 30 OctoberThanks for your advice
It’s really helping me through this stage of my life.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:26h, 01 NovemberThank you, Doris
Princewill Njubebo Goka
Posted at 20:52h, 30 OctoberI want musical inspirations that’s all. Thanks dear guardian Angel

Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:25h, 01 November<3
Bernadette Espinosa
Posted at 20:52h, 30 OctoberHi Jonathan,
Love your readings. Your easy nature makes it great on a collective level to take in your communication! You are a joy. Thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:25h, 01 November<3
Lynne Hughes
Posted at 20:51h, 30 OctoberHi Jonathan. What a lovely suprise seeing you in my inbox. The reading was spot on cos I do have so much going on at the moment and trying to get all sorted before Christmas it just wasn’t happening as hard as I tried. I’ve been given a chance of love again after suffering a brokenheart. I really am pleased with what you told me and the fact that I need to take a step back. It’s exactly what I have to do..
So a big thankyou and now I know I’m doing the right thing. I really do look forward to your next reading. Bye for now. Love Lynne.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:25h, 01 NovemberLynne, thank you for the kind words. It’s warm to hear you have found love again <3
Nadia Malik
Posted at 20:50h, 30 OctoberHi I m always waiting for your readings anxiously as they make me both excited and Nervous
I Love them 

Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:24h, 01 NovemberNadia, thank you for the kind words. Until next time
William Sneddon leishman
Posted at 20:50h, 30 OctoberThanks mate I really needed that by the by happy Halloween ghooooooooooosts to you lol
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:23h, 01 NovemberThank you, William <3
Posted at 20:48h, 30 OctoberI try to listen but there is a lot of stuff going on my name is Teresa it’s a pleasure to hear u I really y dohave a lot going on
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:23h, 01 NovemberThank you, Teresa. I hope all that you are going through comes to more clarity soon
Rosa Galloway
Posted at 20:48h, 30 OctoberHi there I’m Rosa and I thank you
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:22h, 01 NovemberThank you, Rosa
Patricia Ogden
Posted at 20:47h, 30 OctoberI am highly emotional towards a man who I spent 9 months getting to know and without notice he ghosted me and I don’t inow why. We had an intense emotional connection and he went out tye same way he came in without notice. Ive been able to keep him off my thoughts until this past week and my emotions are crazy and intense and I don’t understand why….
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:20h, 01 NovemberI’m my experience, when I have been ghosted it’s felt hard without the closure, but was often necessary to the person who initiated no-communication. Often, it has helped me to look at it as a “them” thing and working to make the place that feels empty from the sudden loss to instead a space to heal— so that when someone else comes along they have a nice room in my heart.
Odunlami nosiru adeleye
Posted at 20:47h, 30 OctoberHi
Katie Parker
Posted at 20:45h, 30 OctoberThank you, Jonathon. Your readings are always so great. Being so high-strung all the time, it seems like your readings have a way of helping me plant my feet back on the ground. You’re so calm!!! And your readings again, are always eye-opening. Have a great week.
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:16h, 01 NovemberThank you for the kind words, Katie. I am but a messenger. The power resides within you to be grounded and it’s amazing knowing we can share that space together. Take care.
Angela Diane Baker
Posted at 20:44h, 30 OctoberThank you for the read and hi
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:14h, 01 NovemberThank you for witnessing
Maureen Duboff
Posted at 20:38h, 30 OctoberI’m at a standstill in my life: taking care of my Mom : 99” years old::myself & Im scared….
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:13h, 01 NovemberTaking care of loved ones as they are aging and in transition may feel like a scary time. Have faith in yourself and if you feel you cannot have faith in yourself, seeking a professional is the path I would follow.
Posted at 02:20h, 30 OctoberI found your post and feed last week but I look at so many astrology sites, I didn’t remember where I saw you. I searched for awhile… and now I found you. You are the BEST! So intuitive to my life and my situations right now. And yes! Last week there were ppl in my life not telling me the truth about some things! Sneaky sneaky! Your readings help me to keep things grounded and real. Thank you Jonathan! Much love
Jonathan Lionheart
Posted at 16:09h, 01 NovemberThank you, Kristen <3