Trusting The Flow Of Abundance | Weekly Tarot Reading | 4/4 - 4/10 - Cosmic Updates

Trusting The Flow Of Abundance | Weekly Tarot Reading | 4/4 – 4/10

Hello Tarot Friends,

This week’s reading is about your relationship with abundance. 

If you’re feeling distracted by your finances right now, not to worry, you are going to find your way back to stability and ease. 

But first, you have an opportunity to change the way you look at your situation so you can access your inner wisdom. 

It can be easy to get caught up in the stress of your finances. This is true whether you have a lot or a little. 

Fortunately, you’ll be tapping back into your inner abundance, and rediscovering the big picture, which will put you back on track. 

Let’s take a look at the obstacles and blessings in your week ahead.

Card #1: Four Of Pentacles | Holding Money Too Close

Are you focusing too much on your sense of security? 

The Four of Pentacles represents a major concern over money and wealth. You can see on the card how the man holds his coins close, as if to protect them.  

The four coins in this picture cover his head, feet and chest. This shows that he is obsessively thinking, dwelling on, and worrying about his resources. 

The Four of Pentacles might be a sign you have a little more wealth than usual. However, this excess of wealth has not given you a sense of ease. Rather, it has made you more focused on your finances, to the point it’s getting in the way of other important areas of your life that could provide a real sense of stability. 

While you may have worked hard and achieved some financial security, you’re worried that it might be taken away from you at any moment. You can also see on this card how the man is not inside the city, which is his home. Rather, he is outside the walls, symbolizing his discomfort and disconnection from family and well-being as a result of placing too much attention on his wealth. 

If you already have a good deal of money, this is a sign it might be time to loosen your grip on your funds, just a tad. This doesn’t mean spending your hard-earned dollars on frivolous things, but recognizing stability does not necessarily need to be tied to how much money you have in the bank (or under your pillow).

You might ask yourself to what degree your sense of worth is dependent on how much money you make, or how much you have.  

If money is a struggle for you right now, worrying about your livelihood day in and day out won’t likely be the answer you are looking for. 

There may be real concerns related to cash flow to keep in mind, but there are also stories we tell ourselves that prolong our anxiety. 

Spinning and spinning in your head about what you think you need, or daydreaming about the negative things that might happen, will only make the road ahead more challenging. 

It may be time to practice telling yourself a more affirming story. 

Now is the time to clarify what needs to be addressed right at this moment, and which worries can be put aside for the time being.

The Four of Pentacles wants you to return to your “home” inside the symbolic city on the card. It’s time to loosen your grip on your financial worries, and find other ways of feeling secure, such as putting your faith in your family, your friends, and your spiritual practices.

Return to your breath. Look around you. There’s a beautiful world here to support you. 

Your next card is pointing you back to the abundance you already have, and the success you can manifest if you’re willing to believe you can achieve it.

Card #2: Nine Of Pentacles | Your Abundance Is Waiting

Can you acknowledge the success you’ve had in life, and still keep your eyes on the prize? 

The Nine of Pentacles signals a time of success, ease, and self-sufficiency. The woman in the garden has fought the good fight and won. She now enjoys the leisure of her hard earned work, and can enjoy the fruits of her labor. 

Considering your first card, this is a sign you need to return to your sense of abundance. Regardless of where your finances are at currently, putting attention on where you are going, and on what’s possible, will help you remember how capable you truly are. 

You don’t need to be wealthy to feel wealthy. 

You might be overwhelmed, or totally caught up in the ebb and flow of your career and finances. But finding reasons to be grateful for what you’ve already achieved will help you immensely, simply by helping you to relax and have faith. 

If you’ve grown used to struggling for every little thing throughout your life, then, even when you’ve achieved something important, or created security in your career, that struggle might linger on. 

If you let it, the belief that you have to struggle and fight for everything will shade your experiences, regardless of your current circumstances. 

To let go of this self-defeating belief about struggle, you’ll have to slow down and notice what is actually working in your life. 

No matter how small, giving attention to the positive things will help set you free from negative thinking, and open new doorways you may not have noticed before.

Positive self-talk is a tool you can use to re-learn how you see life. 

If you feel sour about finances, then it’s time to start talking to yourself about why money is a positive part of life as well. Even if all you can afford is the food you eat, money is helping you access the beautiful gift of a warm meal and a full belly. 

If you have more than enough resources right now, this card is a sign you should be letting yourself enjoy it a bit more.

There can be a sense of obligation, anxiety, and uncertainty when you have more money than you know what to do with. The Nine of Pentacles wants you to simplify by creating ample time to experience and enjoy life’s pleasures. 

Your next card shows us you are headed into a greater sense of sovereignty, and a healthy relationship with power.

Card #3: King Of Wands | Taking A Measured Risk

Are you willing to trust your wisdom and creative leadership? 

The King of Wands represents bold leadership, optimism, and innovation. He has mastered his creative fire and can see the big picture, enabling him to take control of his destiny. 

You are being asked to find your focus and settle your nerves, so you can redirect your energy towards your long-term goals. 

When money is on the mind, it can be easy to get stuck seeing only the narrow view. The King of Wands is encouraging you to broaden your perspective so you can see where you are going in the long run. 

The King of Wands has the courage of a great lion, and wants you to remember how capable and brave you truly are. Getting lost in the small things can block you from seeing just how far you’ve come. Lift up your head, give a mighty roar, and forge ahead!

This is not a time to meekly hide in the corner. Rather, you have what it takes to steer the ship of your life carefully into new and exciting territory. So let yourself be adventurous, and trust the wisdom you’ve gained through the trials and tribulations of life to keep you on track. 

At times, it is true that with little risk comes little reward. Without a willingness to step out from your comfort zone, it’s unlikely you’ll find the kind of rewards you truly desire. 

The King of Wands is a sign you have tempered your impulsiveness, and can take appropriate risks that could prove worthy of your time and effort. Be open to saying “yes” to intelligent risks in the coming week.

True Wealth Comes From Within

Yes, we require money in order to live, and it allows us to do certain things that can bring happiness and security. 

However, often we are hoping financial abundance will provide us with happiness or safety. The truth is, many wealthy people continue to search for a sense of safety, belonging and happiness, even though they’ve achieved financial success. 

The Four of Pentacles is here to remind you to redirect your attention away from your finances, enough to enjoy some of the other areas of life. Sometimes, too much attention on the areas that stress us out only really only makes them worse. 

The Nine of Pentacles is a sign to find the inner abundance that is already available to you moment by moment. Give yourself enough room to enjoy what you currently have, and to bask in the achievements you’ve already gained. 

Give your attention to what you are becoming, and to the exciting possibilities before you. This will help remind you of the bravery and power represented by the King of Wands. He wants you to return to the powerful and discerning wisdom you have developed throughout your life. 

You can put down the uncertainty this week, and remember just how capable you truly are. Return again and again to the abundance within you, and to the mastery you have already developed.  You will surely find your way through the storm.

I have faith in you.   

With love,

And in service, 

 Jonathan Lionheart

P.S. What are the fears you replay in your head that you know aren’t true? When was the last time you patted yourself on the back for everything you’ve accomplished in this life? Leave me a comment here on our  blog, and let me know!   

P.P.S. If you are struggling to see the road ahead, or are curious where your career is headed, you can schedule a private reading with me here.

Jonathan Lionheart

As a doctoral student in Somatic Studies, Jonathan Lionheart has always been fascinated with things beyond this world. His thirst for knowledge led Jonathan to the Tarot, which he quickly absorbed as his go-to method for getting direct insights from the Universe.

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    Corrina Todd
    Posted at 09:59h, 09 April Reply

    What I fear and it keep replaying over and over in my head, that i know not to be true is since being molested by my step dad and raped by my real dad i fear men. That all they want to do is hurt me in some form or fashion and that true love isnt out there.
    I’ve never patted myself on the back even though I’m the only one in my family to graduate high school. Then college. Never got encouraging words. Put downs .

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    Louise Petra clarence
    Posted at 21:11h, 08 April Reply

    I’m amazed that ur reading .u are so on point I’m thankful for d insight into my life and where it leading .u were very accurate. Thank u .

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    Johannes Molefe
    Posted at 18:13h, 08 April Reply

    How can you help me?

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    Marschelle Harvey
    Posted at 08:54h, 08 April Reply

    Your messages are measured, insightful, thoughtful, inspiring and beautifully delivered. Sending my heartfelt thanks and deep appreciation. Blessings to you 💖🌟

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      Roseanne Fickell
      Posted at 10:33h, 11 April Reply

      I dont know what to say but here gos
      I am seeing someone and he communicting with me and i dont know what i did

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    Sayak kundu
    Posted at 16:42h, 07 April Reply

    I have tuned into my heart and wrote down all the things I have in abundance except money.

    It was great

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    Posted at 15:16h, 07 April Reply

    Waw…. Your readings is always singing my life with your song, thank you in a million for taking your time to do this. Thank you.

    Like you know it, this pandemic crisis has affected a lot of one’s well organised people just like Me, it’s took everything away from me, the tears, the pains, it was horrible.

    But…. Surprisingly, little by little, all has started coming back to me, thanks to the strength of resistance, and in most of all,

    My thanks to the Universe for having favour on Me.

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    Posted at 15:16h, 07 April Reply

    Additional money will enable me to pay off all of my bills, attorney fees if necessary, relocate if necessary, set up trust funds for charities close to my heart and for both of my son’s and to my faith. To give me the ability to handle the 19 year old stalking situation I’ve been in, karma from a prior life. The corruption, abuse has to stop. I’m so done. What’s good is how this situation has gotten me closer to God and grateful for everything and wanting to service life with love. It’s true pain can heal and open your heart and mind, if you are open it. The opposite is also true, be more resentful, etc.

    I’ve offered coming together lying down our swords forgive, do no further harm, get a legal document drawn out by an attorney that’s binding, what has happened in the past between us stays there and has come to an end. We both are free to do and go anywhere without fear of being followed, harassed, lied about, having all support flipped/halted, tons of theft, identity theft and possibly extortion, physical abuse etc.. The stalker is not interested in stopping his stocking.. I’m trying to inform him it would end the karma and his obsession if we came together to put everything behind us to genuinely forgive each other to do this would be for the highest good . Instead, he chose to steel files from my office filling cabinet and correspondence, all my social security cards and driving license pictures from my house. He’s planning something not good at all. I’ve tried to get the authorities involved, not successful he has connection s in high positions to pertect him and I have no support. I don’t need fluff readings but predictive ones and best way to handle.

    Ive really appreciated most of your readings, some a little too general and generic, to be truthful. So I thought sharing my situation you would have a better grasp on my situation. By the way I’m retired..

    I appreciate your energy and service, thank you.

    Light and love


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    Posted at 09:01h, 07 April Reply

    Dear Jonathan this is Randy Hale born in Cartersville Georgia on July 11th 1957 1957 the day I was born that year on that day July 11th 1957 yes I have all the questions and all the prayers that I have asked my lord god Jehovah the answer and every day of my life so far in the last 10 years my answer is in my dreams are finally coming to my reality for I have my my holy confidence in me now my Lord has set me free and my free will belongs to my God my father amen for he give us the free will to us and we truly must give us him the free will back so he can work with your holy Love of goddess on your path of righteousness to him by God thy father who is our love of salvation within us amen I am that I am and I am that I am saith the Lord amen we should give him back our Free Will so that we will not have to worry about Satan destroying our Free Will of love of God and our father in us through circumstances we are blessed of free will God you are my free will of choice amen always was always will be and always you’re with me I may be lonely but I’m never alone without you lord god father Jehovah amen amen amen amen amen my salvation of love and God has been restored today for my prayers are answered and I’ll never ever forget it Lord you will be my love of life forever and ever more this life and eternity is ours since it’ll he that believeth in my son believe it’s in me that work is done amen I originally he’ll have spoken I am done I am free from Satan amen I am done amen

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:12h, 07 April Reply

      Hi Randy, thank you for sharing 🙂

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    Lorraine C.
    Posted at 08:34h, 07 April Reply

    I’ve always been fiercely independent and it rings true when you say I know what struggle is and behave as if I’m still in the struggle despite major triumphs. I has mostly to do with trust as I’m not out of the woods yet and the person I trusted the most took all the finances without communicating, causing me to start over, which is why the firm grip. I’m happy to hear better times are coming. I definitely need to bask in the gardens of happiness and let my hair down a bit. I think we’ve all had a hard couple of years! Bless you 🙏

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:14h, 07 April Reply

      Hi Lorraine, yes I think we could all use a nice basking in the gardens of happiness. I’m sorry to hear about the betrayal. It’s an interesting thing, where sometimes we have to let go first before the ease comes in. Of course also being safe. But the belief that good is coming, is part of what lets it in – in my experience. Thanks for saying hi 🙂

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    Genevra Dines
    Posted at 08:20h, 07 April Reply

    I fear i will spend too much money before i can make more. Although i can pat myself in the back for what ive achieved and can accomplish it.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:15h, 07 April Reply

      Hey Genevra, I think moderation is always a good way to go. Not too tight, not too loose… but just right lol 🙂

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    Mary Cathrine Messano
    Posted at 08:15h, 07 April Reply

    The fears I replay in my head that aren’t true are feeling like I’m not enough. Or I’m not good enough. After my husband left my home almost 6 years ago. And the break up of my family after that. I have been blaming myself ever since. I feel like I have been suppressing my frustration and anger. Towards my husband. And he doesn’t seem to want to take any responsibility to any of it. I am not trying to get a divorce. We still talk. When I bring anything of the past up. He just wants to retreat. And go into his cave so to speak. How do I get him to see. His wife and family are worth fighting for.?

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:18h, 07 April Reply

      Hey Mary, thank you for sharing. I don’t know your situation well enough, but you may not be able to convince him. Sometimes you just gotta build a beautiful kingdom, and flourish in your own heart and life, and let others – even when they are important to you – find their own meaning and way. I don’t know this is what’s right for you, but I also don’t think you’d want him to come back unless he really found he wanted to in his own heart… Sending love

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    Marilyn Marchetti
    Posted at 08:08h, 07 April Reply

    I truly look forward to reading your cosmic updates. Grateful beyond words.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:18h, 07 April Reply

      I’m happy they are meaningful to you Marilyn 🙂

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    Dharmaprakash Deokota
    Posted at 07:20h, 07 April Reply

    Today is 7th April
    Geting reading of 5th.Is it USA ISgoing back or m I.not lloooking at.proprly.something wrong.M just looking at the reading n found same of day before it corrected.With thanks.F.P.Deokota.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:19h, 07 April Reply

      Hi Dharmaprakash, the email went out a little late, but the reading is for this entire week 🙂

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    Posted at 07:02h, 07 April Reply

    Jonathan and 2 others. , I will stand to my words as I told you when I win jackpot I will not forget you please come and meet me in person, and enjoy my reward . I do understand others people and I better for to stop sending message to me because I had learned through experience. Experienced is the best teacher and thanks a lot again for good guiding my future I honestly love it and injoyed it very much .

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:20h, 07 April Reply

      Happy to hear this Fely 🙂

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    Posted at 06:26h, 07 April Reply

    Thanks a lot Jonathan , you know I done and Psy to clairvoyant before until now I still in the financially crises —Never win in a lotteri so I had told after I have win thats time Zi will give the reward because I know what will happened . Only God knows

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:21h, 07 April Reply

      Blessings Fely 🙂 may it be so

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    Rashmi Gawade
    Posted at 04:51h, 07 April Reply

    I fear being alone and failure.Last time I was patted on the back mmm…very long time ago I am a hard luck person .I achieve sumthing but destiny snatches it away.Then I am back to square one.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:21h, 07 April Reply

      I understand Rashmi, keep loving yourself and trusting that life wants you to succeed, one day that blessings will remain 🙂

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    Evangeline Morrison
    Posted at 04:25h, 07 April Reply

    Hello Jonathan, I hope this message finds you well Hugs

    I fear being alone and no one will help me. I fear needing to depend on others. I fear being let down. This all plays out from growing up with no stabilityy ,, safty… or proper care. I look back once in a while , I have come from darkness and I followed my light. I still fear I am not safe as yet. I retire in two more years. For now I will surely be kind to my self. Thank you so much for this reminder … You are a true Earth Angel my friend.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:23h, 07 April Reply

      Hey Evangeline, nice to hear from you. Bringing your awareness to the fears, particularly where you feel them in your body with loving care, may help them release. Sending a big hug 🙂

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    Posted at 04:19h, 07 April Reply

    Hi Johnathan. I love your tarot readings they speak to me about where I am every time you send them to me. This week you talk of money. I am currently out of work and money is tight. But I don’t give up hoping for a new job. I have abundance in my kids and my girlfriend. Life on that side is all good and I could not ask for more. But we all need to work to provide. This is my fight at present. Thank you for your great readings. Robert from South africa

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:24h, 07 April Reply

      Hey Robert, nice to hear from you 🙂 I’m happy to hear you have abundance in those around you. What a gift! Yes, work is important. I hope the right job finds its way to you. Remember to care for yourself in all this, and trust the next right step will show up. Sending blessings 🙂

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    Joy Wilson
    Posted at 03:40h, 07 April Reply

    I am very happy with the accomplishments I have made in my life, the only thing missing is a loving relationship, retired, build a home from the ground on my own property, my problem is I cannot deal with an irresponsible man. PERIOD!!

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:25h, 07 April Reply

      Lol, that’s understandable 🙂 It sounds like you are very accomplished, and responsible yourself. I wonder what would be particularly attractive to the kind of man you seek… What kind of heart does a responsible king fall in love with?

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    Viviane Paolini
    Posted at 03:17h, 07 April Reply

    You are right, Absolutely right. I have money problems that took all my attention. I should’n.
    I will keep my mind at what I can achieve and have already achieved all these years. I am waiting for the king of wands to take my leap of faith. I feel he will help with love and understanding, my will to go on my path of abundance and what I have to do in this life.

    Thank you Jonathan. You open a door.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:26h, 07 April Reply

      Sure thing Viviane, nice to hear from you 🙂

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    Earline Bell
    Posted at 02:22h, 07 April Reply

    I struggle with trust in love & financial security is an subject for me bcz my ex kicked me out 3-4 during our relationship, mistreated me, cheated several times & there was abuse & I was out of work. Divine made me a promise that if I leave he’ll open doors & wishes were granted. 🙏🏽 Now of course the sorry ex wants me back but not after so much pain – so is it bad that I hold on so tight to my pentacles after nearly being homeless bcz of him? 😞 I’m a good person to all but I do feel like the guy on the 4 of pentacles some days (chair, outfit & all) 🤣

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:28h, 07 April Reply

      Hey Earline, thanks for sharing. No, you’re not a bad person for holding onto your pentacles, not one bit. And you don’t have to give them away. Rather, coming into a place of trusting yourself and your surroundings… slowly, gently, will help you feel safe again, and let the waters of abundance flow even stronger. Sending love

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    Leticia Esquivel
    Posted at 01:58h, 07 April Reply

    I struggle with things that have happened in the past and moving forward for myself to be happy. I feel I will never be completely happy.

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:30h, 07 April Reply

      Thanks for sharing Leticia. I sometimes guide people into their past mistakes and injuries. They bring with them a guardian angel, or other power figure, so they can look again at what once happened from a new perspective. Loving your past self unconditionally, may bring about some change. Sending love

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    Karyl Pope (Ms)
    Posted at 01:56h, 07 April Reply

    Thank you for sharing your messages 🥰🥰

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:30h, 07 April Reply

      Sure thing Karyl

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    Joseph Emmanuel Dewar
    Posted at 01:41h, 07 April Reply

    Yes I want help but I don’t have a credit card and without I paid i will not get any help

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      Jonathan Lionheart
      Posted at 14:31h, 07 April Reply

      Hey Joseph, thanks for sharing. There is always a way 🙂

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