09 Jul What’s Blocking Your Purpose? | Sirena Moon | Timeless Tarot Reading
Are you ready to align with your true purpose?
Sirena Moon is here with an intuitive reading to help you clear the blockages on your path and move toward your destiny.
Simply click the video below to listen to your message now.
P.S. Do you have a hunch about your true purpose? Leave a comment below and let Sirena know!
Hello, beautiful Cosmic Updates family. This week I am talking about your purpose and what might be potentially blocking your purpose. So watch this video. It’s a timeless video if you would like a sign from spirit about what might be blocking your purpose and how to get back on track to your unique purpose. So what I want you to do is to pick one of the three objects that you feel most drawn to, and you’re going to get a special message about what might be blocking your purpose. So the first item is this beautiful citrine crystal, the citrine crystal. The next is the crystal ball, crystal ball. The next is this seashell, this beautiful seashell. Which item are you feeling most drawn to when you make your choice? Look at the timestamp for a special reading about what could be blocking your purpose.
Okay, first up, we have our citrine crystal people. Okay, spirit. What could potentially be blocking the purpose of those who are drawn to the citrine crystal? And I’m feeling this car, the moon upside down as well as the King of Pentacles. Okay? So for Citian crystal people, what could potentially be blocking your purpose is while The Moon is all about tapping into your intuition as you’re being guided through the dark, as you make your way in faith through the dark and it’s upside down. So this is suggesting that for some of you, your purpose, you’re on a path to it. It just hasn’t completely come together yet. And because this card is upside down, you are not having full faith or trust in the process that when things are ready, everything will be revealed in time. For others of you, it’s that you’re not trusting your intuition. You’re too afraid to follow that path.
So with The Moon upside down, it’s really, really saying that you’ve got to trust the process. You’ve got to trust the unknown. You’ve got to trust that if you just follow the path step by step of what is calling you uniquely toward it, uniquely toward a feeling that you can’t explain, you just want to investigate this certain skill you have or investigate the certain thing that you feel lit up by. When you think about yourself doing it, maybe you have dreams about it at night. Maybe this is this little niggle in the back of your mind always telling you, I’d be pretty good at that, or maybe I should do that, or I feel called toward that. But you shut yourself down because it scares you. It doesn’t make rational sense. And with this King of Pentacles, it’s the fear of finances. It’s the fear that you won’t be able to reap the rewards. You won’t have financial security.
But that’s not true. In fact, with the King of Pentacles, it’s saying if you trust the unknown, if you follow the mystery, if you have faith going through that, the dark path that you will come, eventually the sun will come up, you will see all will be illuminated. If you follow that path, you will actually reap great rewards. So that’s what this is saying for the citrine people. If the citrine people can follow their intuitive guidance, what would be the result? The world. Okay, so the world is your oyster. So the result is a feeling of having the world in your hands of the world opening up of feeling this complete sense of feeling complete. This is such a card of universal love. It’s a last card in the tarot. So it’s a cosmic coming together, the ending of one cycle to complete a new cycle.
So completion, a feeling of completeness, a feeling of yes, I’m living my divine purpose. I’m in divine timing. I’m following a cosmic feeling inside. Where even if it’s something so simple, it’s bringing a sense of deep fulfillment to me and to others. So it’s this feeling of completeness. Completeness that can come to you if you can release the fear of not having enough money or security by following your purpose and really allowing yourself to follow your intuitive guidance. Okay, darling, and I’m just going to pull an affirmation card from Spirit, an affirmation card about this. I move confidently forward to claim new good. Wow. The Knight of Minds, which is the Knight of Swords, planning. I move confidently forward to claim new. Good. So move forward in confidence. Move forward in confidence. Okay, you can do it. Make up your mind to do it. Set your mind to it. You can do it.
And now we have our beautiful crystal ball viewers, those of you who chose the crystal ball, our crystal ball people. Okay, spirit. What is something that is blocking those who resonated with the crystal ball from being on path to their purpose? What is a message they might need to hear The Devil in reverse? So The Devil is all about looking at your addictions, your patterns, that fear. It’s absolute fear that’s keeping you in a place of feeling stuck that you’ll never get out of. And it is in reverse, which is a good sign. But so it’s really, really letting go of any last lingering feelings of deep fear or feelings of attachments. I think with it being reversed, you’ve done a very good job. A lot of you might’ve been working on this for a lifetime. It’s letting go of addictions or addictive toxic vices, things that we kind of trip up over and keep us stuck in a pattern where we don’t set ourselves free because we stay stuck in these patterns that we know are unhealthy for us.
We all go through this to some degree or another in our lives and in reverse. You’ve done a lot of really good work on it. You’re almost to the finish line, but it’s important to look at what kind of keeps you tripped up. So this could be something like you get on path to your purpose, but you fall off again because you just keep drinking too much, or you just keep putting things on the credit card and getting in deep debt, which keeps you feeling stuck and you kind of are in a repetitive pattern, or you’re dealing with a person that you’re in a toxic relationship with. They drag you down. They keep you from really shining and being the best of yourself. So it’s something like that potentially that could be keeping you kind of held back from being the best of you. All right, and one more message about that.
So the Six of Pentacles, it’s about receiving support, receiving financial help, and receiving and giving. So it’s the flow of good. It’s the flow of what you give. You get back in equal balance with these scales right here. So it’s keeping you kind of stifled small and stuck from that flow of infinite good, especially prosperity that could be available to you. So this could be for some of you codependence with someone, and just a real fear of allowing yourself to be supported in the way that you really need to be supported in order to go for your purpose and your dream. And feeling like maybe you have to always help others or always be the one to give, and you have just feeling burnt out. And it could especially be because of a partnership that’s draining your batteries. You’re just giving so much energy to it for some of you, and for others of you, it could just be this issue that’s taking a lot of your life force because you’re dealing with being kind of stuck in a repetitive pattern.
So that could be blocking some of you guys from receiving that beautiful financial support that is really available to you, and emotional support as well. And spirit. If our crystal ball people can get over this blockage, what is a possible outcome for them? Wow, the Queen of Cups. So this is emotional fulfillment. This is feeling really peaceful, very relaxed, and that you’re in your heart energy and that you’re healed. It’s a lot of healing. And this could be a sign that you’re even a healer yourself or you’re really good with nourishing others. I mean, part of your purpose could be being a healer or a mother even, or somebody that nourishes and nurtures and works with feminine energy or beauty or bringing things to life, bringing things to fullness. But a lot of this really does mean for most of you, if you can get rid of this block, then you’ll align with your purpose and you’ll know you’re aligned with it because you’ll feel relaxed, you will feel balanced, you will feel calm, you will feel emotionally secure, fulfilled and peaceful, very peaceful and in your happiness.
And now I’m going to take an affirmation. What’s an affirmation card for our beautiful crystal ball viewers? Yes, I am able. Yes I can. The Chariot. Okay, so yes, you can do it. Willpower and change. Those are the keywords here. Okay, so this is the chariot card. And your motto is, yes, I am able. Yes, I can. You can do it. You can break free of the situation. You can do it. Use your willpower to make this positive change. You can do it. Yes you can.
Okay. And now we have our beautiful sea shell people, our beautiful sea shell of viewers. Okay, spirit. And for those who resonated with the seashell, what is a message about what could potentially be blocking them from living their purpose? The chariot in reverse. The chariot in reverse, and the tower. Okay, so it’s this feeling of with The Chariot in reverse.
The Chariot is all about willpower, passion, forward movement, going for it with confidence and gusto, and it isn’t reversed. And with the tower, I am feeling like for many of you, you might’ve in the past gone for something you were passionate about, gone for something that you felt like was your purpose, your calling, and perhaps you were rejected, or perhaps it did not work out. You could have put a lot of money into trying to start a business. You could have gone for something, you could have worked for something for years, and nothing ever happened with it, or it fell apart, or there was just things did not go as planned. It left you feeling deflated. It left you feeling like, well, I don’t want to go through that again. So it’s kind of this feeling of feeling like you just don’t really have that gusto or passion to put into what you kind of know in your heart is your calming.
That does bring you a lot of fulfillment. It’s this fear of having that passion again. For many of you, it’s this fear of putting in effort again, because it’s like, well, is the rug just going to be ripped out from underneath my feet again? And it could just be a feeling of you don’t want to deal with chaos. You want things to be easy and in flow. You don’t want to deal with the chaos that perhaps going with your calling kind of makes you feel like it creates. For some of you, it could be that you’ve got things secure, things are going well with your job, but you’re deeply not fulfilled or something’s missing. But if you make moves toward that, it could create some shakeups. You might have to leave your job or take some financial risks. So it’s this feeling of not being able to charge forward with passion because it just feels a little bit like, oh, you’re just, maybe for some of you deflated from past experiences.
And of course, whenever we follow our purpose or our passion or our calling, we have to face fears. We have to take risks, and we have to go into the unknown. And it helps to have some passion, some ability to put in the hours, the focus, the feeling of waking up with a sense of, oh my gosh, I’m excited to do this. So you don’t want to be shut down. So spirit, if our seashell people can reawaken their sense of possibility that the past will not keep repeating itself, and that maybe if they give it a go again or they try something new, maybe they can take the lessons learned. Like many entrepreneurs, I’m just saying if you relate to this side of things, like perhaps you tried to start something and it failed, but many of them, they have a million, not a million, but they have several failures before something really launches because you learn from each one.
It’s the same with really anything that you’re passionate about. You really only learn from all your failures, all your rejections. So you kind of have to keep going. So if our seashell people can release the heartache, heal from the heartache, and give it a go again, what could be the result for them? Oh my goodness. Celebration the six of one. So this is about celebrating success. So yes, I’m telling you. So you guys, if you can try and heal that part of yourself, give it another go, give it some gusto and not be afraid of a little bit of chaos, sometimes not be afraid to shake the boat, you will experience success. You will experience joyous success. Okay? You really will. And what is a affirmation tarot card for our seashell viewers? Oh wow. The 10 of Prosperity, the 10 of Pentacles. I am living a fully inspired life. Oh, I love it. And the keywords, prosperity and legacy. Ooh, this is about your legacy. This is about your legacy. Those of you who identify with the seashell. Yes, I’m living a fully inspired life. Yes, follow what inspires you. It’s not too late. I know you’ve had a rejection and heartache. You can do it. You’ll be celebrating. You can do it. Okay, darling. So I hope that that helped get some clarity into your purpose. And this is a group general reading, but if you would like to dive deeper into your unique purpose, what might be blocking it steps to take? You can get a personal one-on-one reading with me. Just click the link below this video. And as always, I am sending you so much love and so many blessings. Bye.
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 14:09h, 24 JulyThanks sirena,
Have a nice wensday
Norelyn Novabos
Posted at 11:42h, 24 JulyWhen my future husband and where’s he from?
What is my 2024?
When I’m getting married?
Soniai Kay Rist
Posted at 07:31h, 24 JulyThis morning I received a message to discuss my idea.. it’s coming true .it took 3 times.
Time 10:05
Posted at 13:23h, 16 JulyGood evening…I chose the crystal ball,and everything it’s true from the beginning until the end,luckily it found me in the process of self improvement and change
Posted at 06:17h, 11 JulyI would love a reading I picked seashell
Sirena Moon
Posted at 15:20h, 11 JulyYay, Margaret!! Click the link below the video for a personal reading with me! xoSirena
Eyerus Demelash
Posted at 04:26h, 11 JulyYes That is True I Lost My Boy Friend Forever
Eyerus Demelash
Posted at 03:32h, 11 JulyI M Lose Ex Him
Mesquita gracinda
Posted at 19:15h, 10 JulyBonjour comment allez vous tous. J’ai. Bien. Regarder vôtre vidéo il vôtre lettre. Més. Question. C’est. Comment. Jes. Peu. Més. Librairies dès. Ça merci beaucoup pour votre message à bientôt j’espère
Posted at 19:03h, 10 JulyChrystal number 2 is spot on !!!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 15:20h, 11 JulyWonderful, Brittany!!
Posted at 05:42h, 25 JulyHi thank you for your help. My calling is spiritual.
Trisha Watkins
Posted at 18:09h, 10 JulyThank you so much I have been working hard on those two things yeah I’m almost there
Sirena Moon
Posted at 15:19h, 11 JulyYes!!!! Love to you, Trisha!!
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 17:56h, 10 JulyThanks sirena,
Have a nice week.
Sirena Moon
Posted at 15:19h, 11 JulyThank you Scott!!! You too!!
Edward Nkrumah Boakye
Posted at 17:31h, 10 JulyI choose the sea shall
Edward Nkrumah Boakye
Posted at 17:30h, 10 JulySea shall
Alisa emmons
Posted at 13:44h, 10 JulyExcellent reading. Really appreciated!
Sirena Moon
Posted at 15:19h, 11 JulyThank you Alisa!!! Love to you!!
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 11:36h, 10 JulyThanks Serena,
Have a nice wensday
Marthijn Jansen
Posted at 11:12h, 10 JulyAs long i keep macho there can nothing go wrong and everybody enjoys min extremly huge karmic bonus this year so see me as santa! You only need to teach people using and watching this….for me its now very clearly after some off this videos thank you
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:34h, 10 JulyBeautiful, Marthijn!!! Yes, Santa!! Love to you!!!!Xo Sirena
Sheryl Madrazo Antigua
Posted at 08:09h, 10 JulyHopefully Serena
Terence nealon
Posted at 08:01h, 10 JulyI believe that my plan for my life is to try and develop a whole knew culturel way of having a life worth living on this whole island of Ireland I believe that if could only terror there as on knew community of people instead of our pokitical leaders who don’t seem to bal bale to get there act togeather so by people accross this whole island we could develop a whole kne culturel way of having this life worth kivingv
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:33h, 10 JulyYes, that sounds amazing, Terence!! Ireland is so very special!!!
Abigail Brown Barry
Posted at 07:53h, 10 JulyI want to tell me what to do to remove the blockages that is before me , I need solutions to my destiny
Iris Dildick
Posted at 07:46h, 10 JulyIk koos voor de kristal bol. Wie kan mij helpen want ik blokkeerd in alles ook liefs iris
Iris Dildick
Posted at 07:24h, 10 JulyHallo hier met iris ik had verkeerd gedrukt en ik zit te kort in geld ik heb daar iemand geblokkeerd ook maar dar was mij bedoeling ook niet hoe kan ik dat ongedaan maken ook dat was voor mij pad ik wil echt door gaan ook liefs iris
Mamoun Mohamed mukhtar abugesisa
Posted at 06:42h, 10 JulyWhat blocks me from purpose good question here is the answer , it is lack of money .of I have that I will never be blocked and what is blocking me from money it is my location and age war is blocking me from establish ment to settle and look money and age is blocking to move forward and .one thing more it is that spiritual relation with God can help a lot towards good life
Elaine White
Posted at 06:41h, 10 JulyI picked the sea shell but I could relate with all three products! Very interesting
Nomvuyo kubheka
Posted at 01:43h, 11 JulyHellow ELAINE wish i can send you my pic right know lol, im wearing seashells in my neck same in my dreadlocks dont know why but i like it, and yes the is more that i like but im sked what will happen where will i get the money to do all this. I thank you ❤🙏
Mominy sanan
Posted at 06:22h, 10 JulyC’est merveilleux
Sau Luu
Posted at 08:47h, 10 JulyThank you
Jannah Amor
Posted at 06:16h, 10 JulyI always stick around to the end! The whole reading was lovely. You all are really great at what you do. I’m happy to have found cosmic updates.💚
Sirena Moon
Posted at 11:32h, 10 JulyAww, thank you so much, Jannah!!! Love to you!!! <3