10 Nov Which Way To Go? | Weekend Love Tarot Reading | 11/11 – 11/13
Have things shifted in your love life lately?
Do you feel clearer about what you want in a relationship?
Karma says what’s meant for you is on it’s way, but it’s important to live your life and not get stuck waiting for it.
She’s here to shine a light on your path ahead, so you can move forward with confidence, here in her Weekend Tarot Reading. Enjoy!
Click Here For A Live Reading With Karma
(Promo Code: COSMIC provides 10% off a reading when purchasing on Etsy.)
P.S. Are you sensing you have a difficult decision to make in the future? Are you feeling torn between two options in your romantic life? Leave a comment below and let Karma know!

Hi, everyone! Welcome back to your Weekend Cosmic Love Reading.
I’m Karma, and we’re going to take a look at the energy that is surrounding your current love connection.
If you’re new here, welcome. I so appreciate you for joining in and tuning in. And if you are returning, thank you so much for your continued support.
Let’s go ahead and jump right into it with my blessing and prayer. We’ll be shuffling the deck and then we’ll take a look and see what messages Spirit has for you this week.
Mother, Father, God, the Mind, Holy Spirit of the most high, thank you for allowing me to be a clear channel of receiving messages for the collective in regard to their current situation, life, journey, and soul path. I ask that these messages provide clarity, guidance, healing, and understanding, as well as a higher knowledge and perception into what karmic cycles, soul lessons, and generational curses they may currently be going through, need to become aware of, learn from, heal from, and release it. And all that you are and all that you do, and all that I am and all that I do. I live by your word and your word only. In Yeshua, his name, I pray, Amen.
There’s an energy that I’m feeling that’s very… What’s the word for this? It’s just very in place, very ordered. Very like, “Everything has to be in a specific order.” And so maybe that’s what you’re doing, kind of clearing up.
That does go into last week’s reading a little bit. So that makes sense where you guys are coming into a place of balance. Getting everything in order and aligned within your life, not just your love life. Right? Because as we get other things together and aligned, so together everything else comes.
So let’s take a look. All right, for Recent Past, you have the Ten of Pentacles.
So there’s been some type of either family event or investment influence, an influential investment that came towards you. I say influential because I feel like it really has changed your perception, whatever this commitment-contract-investment was. I mean, if it was in love, you may have gotten a next level commitment within the last week.
We’re still in the decision making process.
Okay, so Two of Wands. You had the Two of Pentacles last week for Current Energy. Now you’re at the Two of Wands, so where you were struggling with trying to find balance, now you’re at a crossroads trying to make a decision.
And then you’re the King of Swords. Wow. So last week, you had the Ten of Swords, I believe. Two of Pentacles and the Ace of Swords.
This is what I’m talking about, where everything was coming into order.
Something shifted between last week and this week, and the energy is changing because you have Temperance on the bottom.
Something’s coming into divine balance, healing. Alchemy is taking place with those with that Ten of Swords energy. The darkness, the betrayals that you’ve been through, the needing to heal past karma and close out these past cycles.
Okay, so now what we’re seeing enter into your love life is a shift. It’s as if balance is coming in and it’s taking place.
In the Recent Past, you have the Ten of Pentacles. You’re looking for a long term commitment, something that is fulfilling, that you can grow from and evolve with and learn from and invest into.
But you’re looking for reciprocation as well. And I feel like in the past, you’ve run into a lot of connections or relationships where there wasn’t reciprocation. There was something that was missing in the investment. Right? You may have been invested in it as a whole, and your partner may have been invested in certain parts, but not the whole.
You know what it is that you want. You know what it is that you’re looking for. Now, it’s a matter of where is it located? I know what I want, but where is it at?
Now, before we go any further, because we are looking at a love reading and we are looking at outside energy, I think it’s also important for me to state, as Spirit is showing me that everything that you want or need is inside of you first.
So if you know what you want, this decision making can be very simple for you. It can simply be a decision and a choice to allow what is meant to come to you to come to you. It doesn’t mean just sitting around and waiting. You will have to get out and live life and have new experiences. But what is meant for you will find its way to you while you are out having these life experiences.
I feel that’s kind of the decision that you’re at right now: “Which direction do I go?” I did feel a little bit of energy last week. They’ve made it seem like a group of you were placing your life on hold, so to speak, waiting for something to happen, perhaps in regards to another person.
Tell me about this Two of Wands – waiting – it’s again, wow, these are the same cards that you had last week.
It’s the Seven of Pentacles and the Two of Pentacles. Now, you had the Two of Pentacles, in place of the Two of Wands, and the Seven of Pentacles clarified.
So some of you may have more than one opportunity and option in love. We saw that last week as well.
For others of you, this is about letting go and which direction to move in. You’re in a period of waiting. You’ve planted the seeds for something a very long time ago, and you’ve been investing in yourself. And you’ve been watching things grow not only within you, but outside of you. Because as you’ve healed yourself, you have aligned yourself to higher vibrations and frequencies, which means next level opportunities. Things are shifting and changing in your outer world. You may see that you’re rising up, maybe in work, or in life in general. And so you’ve been very patient. And I feel as though at times your patience runs out, because what you had wanted to heal and align first was your love life.
And isn’t God funny how He teaches us lessons? It typically ends up being the last thing that gets aligned, right? Everything else has to come into place first. And that’s a beautiful thing. Sometimes we’re unable to see that when it’s taking place. But it’s a beautiful thing, because you’ve got to get yourself together.
First you’ve got to align certain things within yourself, learn deeper things about yourself, become more aligned with who you are in your purpose. And now you’re just waiting.
I do feel like a lot of you know that you’re going to have a very difficult decision to make in the near future. And you feel that anticipation and you understand that that’s part of the process of growth.
All right, in the Near Future, you have this King of Swords.
Yeah, somebody is coming back around. You have the Four of Cups, Ten of Wands, and the King of Wands.
Male or female doesn’t matter with King energy. But you have two Kings here, somebody who is willing to come forward and speak the truth and tell you the truth, maybe about what took place in the past. And they are going to be not as emotional as you want. This is more about facts, right? A lot of facts, a lot of logic, a lot of truth is going to be expressed.
Tell me about this King of Swords coming towards the collective. What can they expect? Well, well, yeah, it is a lot of truths and facts.
You have the Seven of Wands, a little combative, not the type of person that is going to fight for this connection.
But at the same time they’re going to fight for this connection. I have a feeling that, for some of you, this person may come forward as very hostile. They’re not meaning to. They’re really not. It’s nerves, is what I’m feeling, because I feel like this all of a sudden inside. So, it’s like this person has nerves because there’s a lot that they need to explain and a lot that they need to defend maybe and the certain actions that they took in the past.
And some of you, I can already feel are like, “I don’t want to know. I don’t. I don’t want to hear it anymore. I just want to know about the new.”
There’s a new person coming. You have two Kings here. But again, there’s an energy of someone coming forward who wants to fight for this connection. I feel that they’ve put a lot of thought into this connection, and now they’re wanting to make a move towards you.
I also feel that there’s an energy from you that may be very resistant to this person coming forward and communicating with you. They are aware of that. Somebody’s getting their words together here.
Tell me more. What can we expect from this King of Swords? And the Seven of Wands, please?
Oh, yeah. Wow. See, this person struggles with their emotions. This person doesn’t know how to properly express their emotions to you. So sometimes they come off as very rigid.
Some of you are really going to have a decision to make between two people, you’re going to have two people fighting for you, two people who want to be in a relationship with you. And you’re going to have a very difficult choice to make.
For others of you, this is someone who is trying very hard to fight their feelings, and I don’t think they can fight their feelings anymore. They’re going to come in and they’re going to express some truth to you. And there will be, as a matter of fact, now that the King of Cups is here, there will be some type of emotional – Spirit is showing me – outburst. But the energy that’s coming with this, that emotional outburst, isn’t frantic. It’s more like an outpouring of emotions that you didn’t know this person had. Because they may have been very reserved and kept something very to themselves in the past. They’re trying to release that they’re finding ways to release so that they can shift something in this connection with you.
Alright, Collective. I’ll see you guys next weekend. Bye.
Posted at 09:35h, 04 MarchIts like you disappeared. Are they blocking you.
David Daines
Posted at 15:54h, 17 NovemberHello Karma 😆
Your readings are amazing to the point that I can resonate with you fully. It’s as though you know me personally..
Best wishes
David 🌈😊😲🌞
Marci Smith
Posted at 10:24h, 17 NovemberWow! I feel every time you do the reading you are speaking directly to me and my situation. You have such amazing gift and so intuned to spirit. You work with the light and can feel that. I need to get a personal reading from you for sure! I can only hope things will turn out. Much love….
Naomi R Dominguez
Posted at 00:00h, 15 NovemberThank you Karma. You have no idea how much of what you said touched my soul. I am very spiritual and God is who guides me and whom I talk to and always answers me in “funny ways”. I not sure about the “two kings” but the closure that you talked about would be so healing and yes it took me a long time to learn that I had to love me first and know me before I could ask for love. I loved everything you said. It was very enlightening..
Scott Christopher DeLisa
Posted at 21:41h, 13 NovemberThanks for this wonderful reading from you . Have a pleasant week.
Aneetrai Rowland
Posted at 15:28h, 13 NovemberGratitude, Resonates greatly
Posted at 13:56h, 13 NovemberThanks Karma!
Divine wishes to you!
Posted at 09:15h, 13 NovemberThank you for your guidance Karma ♥️
Posted at 07:45h, 13 NovemberThank you very much !
Posted at 01:21h, 13 NovemberI am very,appreciative & hopeful, having read your insightful reading for the first time. Till next week….
Charles Off
Posted at 23:12h, 12 NovemberAnother spot on session. It feel likes it’s a continuation of my private reading. My connection finally came around again. It’s been great, so I hope she actually does have an outpouring of emotion so I can finally know how she really feels. Thank you Karma. You truly are gifted.
Leah Grace Penaranda
Posted at 22:26h, 12 Novemberthat reading was perfect, resonating 100 percent with me, Thank you so much just hope and pray that there will never be any more sleepless nights and that vague feeling I constantly feel even if I’m busy at work. I wanted 100 percent peace of mind at this point so I can move forward and continue my life’s mission of healing( that I should always be on the lookout for the welfare of my patients ). looking forward to your next reading. Godbless….
Colt Solari
Posted at 19:59h, 12 NovemberHey
So Like many others, this reading resonated in many ways. I was crazy about a wo.an I was sure was ‘ the one,’ But she suddenly cut off all communication. There were professional boundary concerns. I was/am deeply freaked out by her dropping me. I have since committed to several self improvement programs on a deep level and working hard to become my ideal self. I don’t know if I’ll ever hear from her again. Meanwhile I’m open to someone else but live in a remote area . Thanks for sharing your gift.
Posted at 18:31h, 12 NovemberHi Karma,I have shivers going down my spine after hearing your reading wow!you are spot on describing my situation and how everything the last 2years has developed in my personal life,it is rolling out just as you have said in this reading!thank you you have given me so much hope🙏
Clare Buckley
Posted at 17:19h, 12 NovemberVery Positive i look forward to next weeks reading ♥️
Shenice Scipio
Posted at 17:05h, 12 NovemberThank You
Kevin B Palmer
Posted at 16:43h, 12 NovemberYour readings are very good they seem to lay down pretty much the general forecasts of what are going on have been and are entering thanks love to watch your videos on the readings thank you from Colds Lake Alberta Canada…
Christina Doracin
Posted at 16:13h, 12 NovemberThank you Karma
Posted at 15:34h, 12 NovemberA very interesting reading, thank you. I’ve had someone else tell me that there will be a choice between two people as well, so we’ll see what happens.
Posted at 14:17h, 12 NovemberHi Karma, I hope you never get tired of me telling you it seems like you’re speaking only to me. The last couple weeks not everything has hit home, but this one struck several cords with me, as did last weeks reading.
I am head over heals in love with one woman who has been the light of my life since the second we met. She’s got baggage now, much like I did then. The chemistry between us was apparent the moment we met. I know she has feelings for me and she knows I’m in love with her.
Your weekly readings are amazing. So much so, I listen to them over and over.
I sincerely hope the woman I’m in love with will come forward soon and admit she has the same feelings for me as I do her. She’s a truly amazing woman.
Posted at 13:22h, 12 NovemberVery poignant reading for me. I am willing to be patient live my life and wait.
Lea Centauri
Posted at 12:18h, 12 NovemberKarma….thank you for this read…..it puts things in perspective for me…..we are always listening to source as we journey….
Irene Marion
Posted at 11:29h, 12 NovemberKarma,
You gift is truly amazing! Each week I feel as those your readings speak truer and truer to me.
Posted at 09:22h, 12 NovemberPlease pray for me and send my angels to me Karma. Need all the help I can get and although I feel in touch with them, you have a connection that is very powerful. Thank you for your wisdom and please please help me.
Posted at 09:09h, 12 NovemberThat resonates in a way. I have an ex boyfriend from over 10 years ago reaching out again and again, but I am very resistant about this. For me, this is over and I don’t even answer his texts because I am afraid, an answer, no matter what it would be, would get his hopes up of rekindling contact (normally I would think it impolite not to answer).
I hope the person not being able to fight their emotions any longer and about to speak the truth is the man i am actually interested in. I have been praying to finally get the full truth and facts from him. I really need this in order to make an informed decision and move on if neccessary. Hope my prayers are heard.
Thanks, Karma!
Ruby Tauro
Posted at 08:38h, 12 NovemberNamaste 🙏 – It’s very rare that I resonate with collective tarot Readings or Messages, but this one did. Ty Karma.
Kathleen Ciotti Daniele
Posted at 08:33h, 12 NovemberOh, my Gosh, everything you are saying is exactly what is coming into my life. There was something I was holding on to about when he disappeared for seven months. Now he made a slip and told me that he has more women than he originally told me. I was so shocked. He also was to wear a mask at Chess Club because I would be seeing him. Well, he didn’t keep his word and I became angry on two fronts: The wearing of the Mask. (I’m an older person). He always used to say that he would never put me in danger. Then he tells me about two more women in different states. I feel like I am coming to the end of the line. I am normally a very patient person. He doesn’t get that smearing it in my face that he has other women is so disrespectful and not allowing us to have ‘intimacy’ which is between two people, NOT EIGHT!! Thank you so much, Karma.
Posted at 07:27h, 12 NovemberMy daddy just passed on Wednesday night after a stroke in April. The last couple of months he was in pain and suffering. The wake is Monday, my birthday. My last birthday with my sweet daddy. Lot of strategic planning. The guy I really like, was going to take me out for my birthday but I had to cancel. I’m hoping he is the one but part of it seems off
Posted at 06:41h, 12 NovemberWow, I don’t know about a collective reading tonite. From beginning to the end it felt like you were reading for me alone. Só spot on, it is uncanny! Thank you . ☀️🙏
Michelle H. Balayan
Posted at 05:35h, 12 NovemberYes, and yes!! Karma thank you.
Sarah Louise Nicholls
Posted at 04:11h, 12 NovemberThank you Karma, again this resonates with me. I know he finds it difficult to express himself but hope that he finds the strength to do so. In the meantime I’m just going to get on with my life and see what happens – I’m staying positive and hopeful❤️
Posted at 04:08h, 12 NovemberThank you Karma ☺️
Frank Henry Mowry
Posted at 02:59h, 12 NovemberThis was a first, interesting and questionable. The idea is different and very enlightening, I applaud you and congratulate you for your efforts. Thank you for taking this time and presenting us with you insights. I look forward to learning much more from you and your readings. with respts… Be Safe … FYI…, born in the Year of the Water Dragon under the sign of Virgo and apparently an actual exception to all the Rules…
Andrew Clinton
Posted at 02:10h, 12 NovemberKarma.Every week I’m like ‘WOW’.Its like you bring everything in my life together to one place….all my feelings,thoughts ,past events etc..This is in turn makes me see things clearer and make sense of the thousand thoughts and emotions that have been running around my head for the last three years.You have a beautiful gift.I aspire to read like you one day.
Much love
Melissa Daniels
Posted at 01:28h, 12 NovemberI just wanna say thank you for time and helping make sense of things. Your reading puts things in prospective for me I can’t wait to hear from you next time .
Dorothy Section
Posted at 01:21h, 12 NovemberOk so yes Mrs Karma I can say that majority of everything you said resonates with me. I just hope and pray that everything will work out. Not saying I’m having doubts I’m just trying to prepare myself with him coming back. I want him to come back I mean this is the guy I wanna spend the rest of my life with. And the fact that he wants to fight for this connection means a lot to me and the fact that we need to continue living our lives instead of waiting is a must and I do understand and I will. Thank you so much for the clarity. God Bless 🙌
Chantelle Hines witter
Posted at 01:21h, 12 NovemberThank you, karma i felf very connected to this reading , right now i feel slightly confused as my heart belongs to someone very close to me, but its very complicated at the same time, i have also chosen to take a step back, and focus on my future plans and let what will be, and hope for the best ❤
Teresa Toomer
Posted at 01:11h, 12 NovemberThis is very accurate Karma!
I wish I could have a one on one with you to help me see through this
Satrina J.
Posted at 00:58h, 12 NovemberI live for this reading, it’s always on point almost like she’s reading my life.
Posted at 00:54h, 12 November✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
P.S. I love the top you’re wearing!
Dee Plante
Posted at 00:54h, 12 NovemberOmg this is so s.cary. accurate. Everything resonates like its directly to me.
Theresa Flannery
Posted at 00:48h, 12 NovemberKarma, I feel my ex husband Joe is coming back to explain why he hurt me. I need that clarity and I hope it is soon. I do still care for him . Please pray for us that I might understand this whole mess. Thank you for your reading! I am a bit scared but welcome the chance❤️Theresa
Posted at 00:48h, 12 NovemberI love these readings. You are so accurate. It’s like you’re reading my heart and my mind. I’m fascinated, and also relieved that there’s someone who completely understands what I’m going through. Sidenote, you are really pretty.
Lisa Blanton
Posted at 23:58h, 11 NovemberI always watch your reading twice, to be clear about how it impacts me. I nodded “yes” when you said I had been very patient & invested a lot in myself, but also anxious for my love life to align before other areas. I really got that strongly. Also that the man I have waited for is trying to come to terms with his emotions & wanting to come forward but maybe is nervous or sensing my resistance. I AM actually considering which path to take soon, and that one may lead away from him. Which makes me sad. I am endeavoring to live my life, while hoping in my heart that we will find our way into a new, meaningful love relationship. But also feeling strongly that he needs to finally take a step toward me & show me what is in his heart. That I have waited long enough. This is a very intuitive message for me. Thank you, Karma.
Kim C
Posted at 23:56h, 11 NovemberThank you Karma! Spot on, every detail. Mine is only the one man, but he is autistic/has Aspergers… Communication is very difficult for him. We love each other but the connection has had a lot of up and downs, suspicions and everything. This falls in line with everything down to the inner work we both have been doing. I’m keeping my faith in Spirit, the Goddess Yeshua and all the other master’s, teacher, guides ancestors and angels to guide the information coming in and the connection I have with him.
Thank you also for your loving guidance
Posted at 23:50h, 11 NovemberThank you, Karma, I understand. What you are saying rings true for me.
Marta Hristova
Posted at 23:48h, 11 NovemberThank you so much Karma!!! You are amazing!!!Your readings always resonate with what’s going on in my life. Always spot on!. I truly appreciate what you do and look forward to hearing from you every week! Many blessings to you!
Nesem Lacson
Posted at 23:40h, 11 NovemberI love your readings
Thank you so much
Posted at 23:22h, 11 NovemberYou Hit it Dead On!! You’re Amazing
Posted at 23:21h, 11 NovemberKarma, I cannot believe how spot on you are with reference to myself and my troubled loved one!!! Your reading has me still in awe!!! Many God Almighty bless your soul!!!!
Posted at 23:15h, 11 NovemberThe cards saying I’d have a love life soon are puzzling, as I just suffered a relationship disappointment.
Carolina Delgado
Posted at 23:14h, 11 NovemberHello.
It’s my first time here. I love your readings. Thank you.
And yes I have an extremely difficult decision to make. Neither decision is good. The lesser of two evils. Neither of those decisions is what I want. But those are the only 2 options that I have and this is all related to my love life. Which has not been good in the past.
I finally connect with someone that feels right but the timing is not right.
I think i know what I need to do bit that’s not what I want to do. I wish there was another way.
Thank you for listening.
Kandyce Mueller
Posted at 23:04h, 11 NovemberDefinitely nailed it! Don’t know who the second person is but it is very intriguing.
Karla Blythe
Posted at 22:59h, 11 NovemberHi Karma wow this reading and the reading before this we’re so spot on right now I’m having such a difficult time dealing with that the issues that were brought up because they are in my life right now you’re so amazing I just wanted to thank you this reading really did help me out a lot God bless you karma you’re an amazing person God bless you
Brenda D Anderson
Posted at 22:50h, 11 NovemberThank you thank you for the reading Karma yes you have a good day I think I thank you 😘for reading I love it
Posted at 22:49h, 11 NovemberKarma: Thank you from my heart for another deep and soulful reading. My love contacted me this past week after 2 months apart. We had a beautiful time and I shared my need for reciprocity for us to grow as a couple. He understood everything I shared. I have asked the Holy Spirit for guidance, and they said to give it a little more time. Your reading was an affirmation of what I experienced from God. Thank you, as it is a sense of solace to my heart and soul. I love this man with all my heart.
You are like an angel bringing, wisdom, love, light, and warmth to the souls and hearts of people everyone.
Bless you, infinitely,
Kerry Mahoney
Posted at 22:47h, 11 NovemberThank you very much Karma for your insights & the way in which you express each situation.🙏🏼😊
Posted at 22:44h, 11 NovemberReally find your readings useful whether applying to my own life or not. Something always does apply.
Kate Heissenbuttel
Posted at 22:44h, 11 NovemberWow! I’m speechless, Karma! I’ve watched your love reading to the collective week after week and your readings always resonates with me. So much so the past 2 weeks I had to leave a comment! it’s as though you’re describing my exact love situation. You give me hope & inspire me to keep the faith & trust in God has a plan for me, Bless you!
Posted at 22:38h, 11 NovemberThank you so much. You are on the nail so to speak. I unable to pay on line at this time.Been waiting , waiting waiting.. love you . Best wishes Valerie xxxxxxxxx
Krista McNeese
Posted at 22:34h, 11 NovemberYup, you nailed it again. This reading is spot on with what I am going through. Thank you Karma..❤️❤️
David Daines
Posted at 22:31h, 11 NovemberHi karma
Your readings are absolutely spot on and when you nention ‘some of you will…….’ I know instantly that you are referring to a guy I fell in love with straightaway and U immediately thought I had known him all my life. Yes, I feel there has been no contact for a short while due to other difficulties in his life. I knew he was telling the truth when he said he loved me in the second date
Thanks again for your highly gifted talent. You have certainly made me feel better.
Best wishes
Posted at 22:31h, 11 NovemberAll of this is on point for all that is happening in my world right now.x karma 🙏🏾❤️🩹🌸💦
Posted at 22:23h, 11 NovemberThank you again for your insights….so accurate. You’re right, I am not looking forward to making this decision
Maude Arianne
Posted at 22:22h, 11 NovemberThank you Karma for this beautiful reading again, you are always on point! I love all the light flickers going around throughout the video, thank you angels for these beautiful signs on 11/11 ❤️
Thank you Karma for all that you do and all that you are 🥰 I am very grateful!
Sandra Whitford
Posted at 22:20h, 11 NovemberYou are amazing. You really hit it on the nail for me these last two weeks. I will find out here soon about the one that has been holding everything in. I hope you are right about him expressing his feelings… finally. But you are right… there is another guy to consider. Praying I make the right decision.🙏
Posted at 22:16h, 11 November…..there is only choice for me. I chose a long time ago. Waiting……waiting….
Sonia Sanchez
Posted at 22:15h, 11 NovemberThis reading was quite astonishing as it resonates with my present situation with my long distance ex whom I describe as an avoidant. We broke up over a year ago. We remained in contact for a bit then had a 5 month time of no contact. We reconnected this past Feb and I thought we were close to reuniting. Those thoughts were in vain as I recently asked him not to call me anymore. Miss him terribly as we were best friends. I believe he is my Soulmate. God will decide.
Posted at 22:14h, 11 NovemberYou did it again you hit the nail on the head. I dont understsnd I only had kne way to communicate with him . No response. Karma if a man loves you he cant just ignore you. In case you were not sure he is a tarot.He was my Tarotand we devolped a Live connection or so I thought.Maybe next week will be clearer for both of us .
Posted at 22:11h, 11 NovemberI dont know? How can a card reading be for a group and not an individual?
Melissa Graham
Posted at 22:04h, 11 NovemberVery enlightening thank you as always
Maureen Duboff
Posted at 21:59h, 11 NovemberYou were sooo right : I’m like in a crosswalk:I don’t know what to do?
Frankie Ball
Posted at 21:57h, 11 NovemberThank you for the reading the guy I was talking to for 6 years his name is Eric Alan Coleman. The night he came by house was in July and when he came in he was saying something about his uncle I had been drinking I can’t remember what I said. So he stormed out my house I went after him he said don’t come near me but I did and he called the police on me I feel so sad. I’ve been messaging him he’s been ignoring me. Finally he reached out to me this month asking for help and I said I will help you but no response. I haven’t talk to him in 3 months. He keeps ignoring my messages. I don’t know what to do. Please help me. Sincerely Frankie Ball
Linda Williams
Posted at 21:54h, 11 NovemberI Really appreciate this thank you
Lois Michelle Smallwood
Posted at 21:44h, 11 NovemberI look forward every week to hearing you speak because you are spot on every time you talk it gives me hope for the love I’m truly waiting on in tonight‘s reading was awesome I just want to thank you you help me get through the weekend I look forward to hearing you