20 Dec Your 2023 Depends On This… | New Moon In Capricorn Horoscope
Dear Friends,
Have you started to think about your New Year’s resolutions yet?
With just a few days left in 2022, you might be wondering and imagining what 2023 will bring…
But instead of waiting until New Year’s to voice your desires and intentions for the year ahead, you might want to get started a bit earlier.
That’s because on December 23rd, the New Moon in Capricorn will bring a perfect opportunity to lay the foundation for success and prosperity in 2023.
Self-mastery, achievement and discipline are the keywords of this New Moon.
However, with Mars currently retrograde and Mercury slowing down to begin its retrograde on December 29th, you may want to focus on planning your future rather than taking immediate action.
The New Moon in Capricorn will be challenged by Jupiter in Aries, which will push you to adjust your goals in a way that makes room for new experiences and personal growth.
So give yourself time over the coming days to reflect on what you’re committed to and what kind of legacy you want to start (or continue) building next year.
The New Moon in Capricorn is unlocking a powerful potential for success that you can harness over the coming days.
And your future is in your hands, so let’s take a look at exactly what you can expect during the last New Moon of 2022.
Planning Your Next Big Move
During the New Moon in Capricorn, you may be overflowing with enthusiasm and feel eager to get started on a new venture that excites you.
But chances are it’s not quite time to spring into action yet.
You might feel like a racehorse waiting for the gates to open… restless, energized, and full of confidence.
The Universe, however, is asking you to be patient.
The upcoming New Moon in Capricorn is a time to take things slow, plan ahead, and chart out the course you want to take in the new year.
Jupiter will re-enter Aries on the same day as the New Moon, awakening your raw inspiration and passion for exploration.
However, your task is to use this passion to envision and create a real-life structure that will allow you to accomplish your ambitions.
Financial planning, a well thought out schedule or timeline, and maintenance of your valuable tools and resources are some of the things that can set you up for success in the new year.
Do you feel a need to change directions or adjust your career path?
The New Moon in Capricorn is urging you to reflect on your roles and responsibilities, release what’s no longer serving your growth, and get clear on which passions you’re dedicated to developing over the long term.
You are being urged to do the responsible thing right now…
But it doesn’t need to crush your spirit.
Jupiter squaring the New Moon asks you to be responsible in ways that free you to follow your inspiration and explore fresh opportunities in the coming months.
If you take time to think ahead and plan for your future now, then early next year everything will be in place for you to move ahead more quickly with fewer detours or bumps in the road.
And this is a wonderful thing, because you may also run into tests over the coming months that push you to grow and challenge your confidence.
Are You Healing?
There’s a lot of cosmic commotion happening this New Moon.
Not only will Jupiter finally re-enter Aries, and the Sun and Moon enter the first degree of Capricorn together…
Chiron, the planetoid of wounds and healing, is set to go retrograde.
Chiron has been in Aries for what seems like an eternity… and will continue to move through the sign of the Ram until mid 2026.
This means that during the next few years, you will continue to be cosmically guided in healing any wounds around risk-taking, following your instincts, self-confidence, and believing in yourself.
Since the New Moon in Capricorn takes place on the day Chiron turns retrograde, whatever new ventures you initiate now could help you heal from past traumas related to asserting yourself.
Maybe you jumped into a project or relationship head first in the past, got burned, and since then you’ve been afraid of taking a risk and possibly failing.
Well, the New Moon in Capricorn is here to tell you that you can’t afford to hold back anymore.
Capricorn’s wisdom and long term vision brings a reminder that you can learn from your mistakes and plan calculated risks that will help you break through fear and scarcity, into greater abundance.
The plans you have for your 2023 may challenge the old version of yourself… and that’s a good thing.
It’s time to heal from the wounds that have damaged your self-image, and release whatever doesn’t resonate with who you are becoming.
Your Future Is In Your Hands
The New Moon in Capricorn will be a powerful time to seriously consider what you want to dedicate your energy to in 2023.
The coming days bring a wonderful time for reflection and planning practical steps to achieve your dreams.
Remember that you don’t need to be defined by what happened in the past.
You’re wiser now, and with some thoughtfulness and planning, your goals will certainly be within reach.
So as we enter the final days of the year…
Take a moment to evaluate where you are in your life, what you want to leave behind in 2022, and what you want to bring with you into the new year and beyond.
Wishing you a happy solstice and holiday season.
With Joy,
Luna Dragonwell
P.S. What are your resolutions for 2023? Share them in the comments below! I look forward to reading them!
Tarot Cards Of The New Moon In Capricorn

The Sun and Moon are in the first Decan of Capricorn, which corresponds to the Two of Coins. This card is ruled by Jupiter and represents entrepreneurship, starting new business ventures, and flowing with change.

Jupiter is in the first Decan of Aries which corresponds to the Two of Wands. This card is ruled by Mars and represents initiative, willpower, and quick decisions.

Chiron is in the second Decan of Aries, which corresponds to the Three of Wands. This card is ruled by the Sun and represents travel, energy, and how following your instincts results in good timing.
Diana Zavala
Posted at 10:54h, 22 DecemberI want to manifest and act more positively in all the arenas in my life. I want to glow from it and spread it easier.
Dee thomas
Posted at 06:05h, 22 DecemberI pray for blessings on top of blessings for me an my kids 2022 has been a craziest year I pray for me to move forward an stay focused in the new year an a better paying job .
Eric Daniel Kiss
Posted at 00:36h, 22 DecemberIn response to the reading I would like to say I concur with the reading in a sense that what is taking place in my life at the present time number one of reflection number two of planning and gathering resources and offering my starting a new business I’ll fall in line with the reading as well as at the same time doing some reflection for healing and for completion of what I’ve been working on this year bravo excellent reading spot on.
Mrs. Luna Dragon well
Garnett Frain
Posted at 16:06h, 21 DecemberHi I read your everything you write to and everything every thing everyone tells me to do and I am not getting anywhere they say I will be rich beyond what I could and nothing. I would like to know who my soulmate I s because I can’t pay Because I have mortgage paying for a new roof CC trying to save up money to siding the house
will butler
Posted at 13:54h, 21 Decemberyes i am in great pain and i want to move on and prosper with love & purpose
should i plan now or wait until next year-as a Scorpio i want to surprise and bring about my friends together
i want to be healed and mature
Teresa Cook
Posted at 13:53h, 21 DecemberHello Luna, my new years resolutions are to continue my educational journey in the field of Bachelor of Science in Psychology. To open a channel for people with disabilities and to work through issues that have controlled their ability live a good life without having a fear of the unknown. I have been plagued with poor relationships and poor health and on December 31st New Years Eve, at the stroke of midnight I’ll burn a red and white candle to allow the universe to bring me prosperity and love into my life.
Evelyn malanda
Posted at 11:58h, 21 DecemberThank you Luna, you are always hit the nail, my heart is in pain I can’t explain how I feel it is hurt to be honest , but now after reading your post I understand because of Chiron and lately people keep threatening me i don’t understand at all . My wish 8m 2023 travel around the world I pray to mother universe to grant me that and I she will grant me one day.
Markus Anthony browan
Posted at 11:21h, 21 DecemberYour nothing short of spot on excellence again I thank you for your precious time LUNA and YES your name being so close to lunar doesn’t surprise me 😯 keep up your great work 😄 LATER!!!
Colette Browne
Posted at 10:41h, 21 DecemberTake care of myself, stop giving my money away and save stop worrying about every one’s problems fine a new job with more pay find love.
Posted at 10:40h, 21 DecemberI find your readings so very amazing and I’m absolutely fascinated by them .I look forward to seeing and reading them on a regular basis.you give out somuch of information about planetary activity and guidance about dos and don’ts.Thats a huge guidance . Thank you somuch.
Posted at 10:16h, 21 DecemberHi Luna
Thank you for your great reading. Looking forward for positive outcome and have wonderful days to come. Happy Holidays. God bless
Joshua Nkwinika
Posted at 09:55h, 21 DecemberThank you for your work